Tatar folk ornament. Tatar national ornament and types of embroidery

Elena Motorina

I present to your attention didactic games to familiarize children with the Tatar ornament average preschool age. Games selected in accordance with the new requirements for the corner "Tugan irem Tatarstan» .

Didactic game"Find a Pair" (domino)

Target games:

Learn children find identical pictures and connect them into chains. Fix the names of elements Tatar ornament.

Develop attention, observation, logical thinking. Cultivate an interest in art Tatar people .

Rules games:

Dominoes are exciting board game, which uses plates. This plate is divided into two parts, the domino set includes 28 plates.

The game is designed for 2-4 players. The plates are mixed. Each player takes 6 cards. Other cards in "reserve" in the middle. Each player takes turns, clockwise, lays out 1 card so that one of the card pictures is the same as one of the outer pictures on the playing field. If the player does not have a suitable card, then he goes to "reserve" and takes cards until he finds the one he needs. If there are no more cards in "reserve" the player misses his turn. If no player can move, the game is over.

Didactic game“Make a pattern on a napkin”

Target games:

Learn children compose Tatar national pattern or ornament on a napkin.

Develop the ability to compose beautiful compositions. Enrich the dictionary children, names. Develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination.

Cultivate an interest in history Tatar people and their traditions

Rules games:

The game uses "napkins" white, yellow and red colors, elements Tatar ornament - tulips, bells, leaves.

Option 1. Each player takes one "napkin" and selecting elements Tatar ornament puts a pattern on it.

Option 2. The player is given "napkin" with a pattern already laid out on it. He needs to put the same pattern on his "napkin".

Didactic game"Find and name"

Target games:

Learn children find and name elements Tatar ornament: tulip, bell, leaf, make pairs of them. Enrich your vocabulary children, names Tatar national ornament.

Develop attention and memory.

Cultivate an interest in art Tatar people.

Rules games:

The game uses large, divided into two parts, and small cards. Each player takes 1-2 large cards. The small cards are shuffled.

Option 1 The presenter shows one small card at a time, calling Tatar element which is depicted on it. Players must find this item on their big card, name it again and put it on the second empty part of the large card.

Option 2 The presenter shows one small card at a time, without naming Tatar element which is depicted on it. Players must find this item on their large card, name it, and place it on the second empty part of the card.

Option 3 Players are asked to find all the elements of a tulip (bell, leaf) on small cards, name this element and put them on the second empty part of the large card.

The Tatar people have an ancient and colorful culture. His life, sorrows and joys, wars and alliances, way of life, beliefs could not help but be reflected in his creativity. Since the people are ancient, the history and culture go back centuries. In its way of life and worldview, the nation differed from the tribes that settled nearby and was isolated. Therefore, for example, the Tatar ornament used to decorate clothes, household items, and houses is original and original.

Types of ornaments and types of motifs

The way of life of the people significantly influenced the patterns with which various products were decorated. Predominantly Tatar national ornament has a pronounced influence of ancient agriculture. But if you carefully study the works of the masters, you will notice that the influence of the cattle breeding culture of the nomadic ancestors of the people is also evident.

Tatar patterns and ornaments have three types of motifs: geometric, floral-vegetal and zoomorphic. Characteristic feature is their contour completion.

and its use

Patterns have been used by masters from time immemorial in many areas applied arts: architecture, embroidery, painting, wood carving. Tatar ornament with floral and plant motifs is the most common. Masters create how simple shapes, and complex bouquets. The colors used for the designs are bright, rich and go well together. The motifs are stylized and have many interpretations. An important role is played by the order in which the elements of the pattern are located and how they are combined with each other.

There are three directions in floral and plant motifs that are used for creativity: steppe, meadow and garden. Depending on the area in which the master or craftswoman lived, certain Tatar patterns and ornaments predominated. Motifs depicting stylized poppies, tulips, forget-me-nots, and carnations are more typical for the steppe direction. Meadow motifs are replete with wild rose, bluebell, and chamomile flowers; the directions were typical for urban settlements. Mostly dahlias, chrysanthemums, roses, and asters were depicted. The most common are two flowers that are used in the Tatar ornament. Tulip and carnation serve as the main motifs.

Geometric and zoomorphic motifs

Zoomorphic drawings are practically not used. This is explained by the requirements of religion, so the Tatar ornament very rarely contains images of animals. However, masters who do decide to use zoomorphic motifs in their products stylize them so much that it is not always possible to understand which animal is depicted.

Often, the geometric Tatar ornament is not an independent element of the product, but performs auxiliary functions. The use of figures depends on what the image is applied to. For example, geometric motifs predominate in weaving, while floral motifs, arranged with geometric precision, predominate in embroidery.

Elements used in the ornament. Their capabilities. Techniques for conveying the master's ideas

First of all, you should pay attention to how the tulip is used in the Tatar ornament. It is presented in the form of a pointed trefoil with varying degrees of bending. Cinquefoils are less common. The wavy lines under the master’s hand become overgrown with leaves and form a “grapevine”.

On one branch there may be grapes, a meander, a dahlia, and a carnation. Tatar ornament with geometric motifs is used as simple figures(triangles, rhombuses, circles, squares) and complex (hexagonal rosettes, stepped figures, eight-pointed stars).

The floral ornament has one more distinctive feature- asymmetry of elements. Flowers that in nature never grow side by side or bloom in different months of the year coexist perfectly on one branch.

The meaning of the tulip in culture and ornament

Each nation has its own symbol, which has meaning only for it. Many craftsmen use the Tatar ornament, in which the main motif is the tulip. For this people, this is, first of all, a symbol of revival. The tulip is on

Secondly, the tulip is inextricably linked with religious views Muslim world. The flower is associated with the name of Allah. The spelling of the plant's name in Arabic consists of the same letters as the name of the god of the Muslim world. From the point of view of the Abaj numerological system (each letter has its own number), the sum of the letters in the words “tulip” and “Allah” is the same and equals 66.

The rose is also often depicted in Tatar ornaments. And again according to religious reasons: She is a symbol of the Prophet Muhammad. And although the flowers are highly stylized, a person who understands the symbols and culture of the Tatar people will definitely be able to read the Tatar ornament.

Municipal state-financed organization additional education city ​​of Ulyanovsk "Center children's creativity No. 1"



Topic: “Stylized Tatar ornament (paper panel)”

Developed by: Matkova E.P., additional education teacher


Subject:“Stylized Tatar ornament (paper panel).”

Type of lesson: combined.

Target: creating conditions conducive to awakening interest in history native land.



    introduce students to the names of elements Tatar ornament (“tulip”, “rose hip”, “wave”);

    activate children's speech in the names of Tatar national patterns.

    consolidate students' knowledge of how to complete the application;

    teach children to perform panels in the form Tatar ornament using the invoice method appliqués;

    master the techniques of adding objects (patterns) from parts according to a pattern;

    repeat the safety rules when working with scissors and glue.


    develop attention, observation, logical thinking;

    develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination;

    promote the development of artistic taste;

    develop artistic taste when selecting and arranging elements.


    to instill in children respect for each other and for people of other nationalities;

    develop an interest in history Tatar people and their traditions

Methodological equipment of the lesson: lesson notes.

Teaching methods: verbal (conversation), visual (demonstration of samples, illustrations, patterns), practical (demonstration of working methods).

Materials, tools, equipment:

Samples of panel elements, illustrations of the Tatar national ornament, illustrations of the Tatar national costume (dress, apron, vest, skullcap, cap, boots), templates of national patterns (“tulip”, “bell”, “wave”), “letter” colored paper, glue stick, scissors, tape, large photo frame with glass, illustrations “Kazan Kremlin”, “Chak-chak”, “Flag, coat of arms of Tatarstan”).

Form of organization of activity: group

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational stage(greeting, exercise “Hello, friend!)

2. Preparatory stage(introduction to the topic of the lesson).

Guys, today I received an unusual letter. I can’t make out what is written here, because it is not written in Russian.

But there is a hint - pictures (Kazan Kremlin, chak-chak, national flag of Tatarstan). Look at them carefully. If we can guess what is depicted on them, we will understand where the letter came from and what is written in it (children's answers).

I turn every word around Isenmesez, hormatle ipteshler and read (Hello, dear friends!) Well done! You guessed it!

Guys, tell me, what is the name of the country in which we live? What is the name of our city? (children's answers).

You probably know that in our hometown people live different nationalities who have their own language, culture, their own dances, songs, costumes. (Russians, Bashkirs, Chuvash, Mordovians, Tatars, Ukrainians).

Today we will talk to you about Tatar nationality, because soon we have a holiday dedicated to the Tatar people.

What do you already know about the Tatars? (children's answers)

They live in the Republic of Tatarstan, the capital is the city of Kazan. They speak Tatar, but many also speak Russian. They have special national dishes - pilaf, belyashi, chak-chak. On holiday the Tatars wear National costumes. Women - dresses, aprons, vests, kalfak. Men - shirts, wide trousers, leather shoes, skullcaps.

3. Learning new things educational material

Today we will get acquainted with the Tatar folk ornament. Guys, what is an ornament? (children's answers). An ornament is a decoration, a pattern. They use it to decorate dishes, boxes, chests, embroider towels, napkins, tablecloths, and suits.

I brought you samples of Tatar ornaments. The Tatar people have several types of ornaments. (Tale and demonstration of samples).

"Floral-vegetal." Motifs of wavy shoots, tulip flowers, chamomile, lotus, violet. This type of ornament was used to decorate the ends of towels, curtains, aprons, and hats.

"Geometric". Geometric motifs - lines, waves, zigzags, spirals, broken lines. Used in decorating rural homes and jewelry.

"Zoomorphic" Images of pigeons, ducks, butterflies, swans, bees. Found mainly in wood carvings.

The main colors of the ornament are green, red, yellow, blue, orange.

Today we will make something like this teamwork(showing the panel).

Guys, tell me what this panel consists of? (from individual elements) What are individual elements made of - stylized patterns? (from paper). How to make such beautiful elements? (cut from paper and paste onto paper squares)

When you have done everything, we will put them into one large picture-panel, it will be presented at our holiday.

Physical education minute:

The sun lifts us up to exercise,

We raise our hands at the command “one”.

And the leaves rustle merrily above us,

We lower our hands on the command “two”.

Hands raised and shook -

These are flowers in the forest.

Arms bent, hands shaken -

This is how the wind blows away the dew.

To the side of the hand, wave it smoothly -

These are the birds flying towards us.

We'll also show you how they sit down.

Let's put our hands back.

4. Practical work


We will have two teams “Tulip” and “Wave”. The first team makes the first type of ornament (stylized tulip), the second - a stylized wave. Let's see which team did better.

Independent work.

I'm handing out the details. We open the envelopes. Let's look at the pattern and its elements.

What does this pattern consist of? (Square, tulip, oval with pointed corners) And this one? (Square, wave and circle).

You will need to cut out squares from colored paper and glue elements of a stylized ornament onto them.

But before we get started, let's remember the safety rules when working with scissors and glue.

During practical work You can play a finger game.

Finger game"Flower"

Each of you has turned your hands into a flower. The petals are closed, tightly closed.

Early in the morning it is closed (the hands are in their original position),

But closer to noon (palms move away from each other, pads thumbs pressed to the ends of the index fingers, the hands resemble an open bud)

He opens the petals, I see their beauty (the hands are connected at the wrist, and the fingers smoothly diverge into different sides, resembling an open flower).

By evening, the flower closes its corolla again (close your fingers - an unopened flower),

And now he will sleep (hands in original position)

Until the morning, like a baby bird (put your hands under your cheeks - imitation of sleep).

From which elements this pattern consists of? (flower, leaf)

What is the name of this flower? (Tulip)

What colour big flower? (red) What about the little one? (yellow)

What color are the petals? (green)

While working, I show you the technique of making the ornament step by step. Children do group work. During its implementation, I provide assistance to some children, prompting and guiding. I talk through the names of the parts with the children.

5. Control stage

Current control. Individual assistance is provided during the work process.

6. Final part

Guys, we've finished our work. Everyone listened carefully and completed the task successfully.

Did you enjoy the activity?

Guys, what people of the Volga region were we talking about today? What new have you learned? Who found it difficult to cope with work?

Now let's clean up ours workplace.


"Wave" ornament template

Tulip pattern template

Peony pattern template

It’s strange, but only now have I begun to truly perceive national patterns and ornaments. Here, for example, is a Tatar ornament. I lived my whole life in Kazan, I am a Tatar by nationality, and everything folk somehow passed me by...

It all started with an offer from a book publishing house to illustrate the Koran (gift copy), but only with Tatar ornaments. At first I thought that I could handle it quickly; I have a lot of material on oriental themes. I made sketches, showed them to the customers, they liked them, but they said that with the kind of ornaments I suggested, they could order the Koran in the United Arab Emirates.

This is where I realized the “ease” of my attitude towards work! And I went to the Lenin Library! Covered herself with books on Tatar ornaments, historical essays about the creation of folk crafts, fortunately the Tatar people have a lot of them! One leather mosaic is worth it! And gold embroidery on folk costumes, and embroidery on towels!

So, having been imbued with the real thing, something pure and correct, I felt such an emotional uplift in myself! What I want to create and create! Now I just fell in love with the theme, and I really want to show everyone the beauty of national patterns!

1. Here the Tatar ornament is based on leather mosaic ornaments, often used in the manufacture of national boots.

2. Tatar leather boots. Of course, there are more beautiful ones, but they are personally mine.

3. Continuing the theme of leather mosaic patterns are individual fragments of patterns that I reproduced on 10x10 cm tiles.

6. Tatar pattern on tiles 10x10 cm.

7. Gate. Painted on gold leaf, the work is framed in a baguette.

8. Mirror "Tatar pattern". The inspiration for painting this mirror was an embroidered tablecloth I saw from 1884, in National Museum RT. The tablecloth is of course fantastically beautiful! Embroidery!

9. Kul-Sharif Mosque framed with Tatar ornaments. 25x35 cm

National souvenirs are in great demand. I was convinced of this when my personal exhibition “Oriental motifs in painting on ceramic tiles” was held on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin museum-reserve, in the main mosque of Kul-Sharif. The interest was very great, fortunately, the curators of the exhibition constantly extended it, for which special thanks to them. After all, the flow of tourists from spring to autumn is simply huge. And I’m glad that my works “fit” into general color souvenir products and that you can offer something else besides the classic set - chak-chak and skull caps.

My new works, presented at the next personal exhibition in the Kul Sharif mosque “Iridescence of patterns”, Tatar ornament, in 2013.

Mirror "Tatar window", made based on house carvings in Tatar villages.

Mirror "Tatar tints"

Panel from tiles "Tatar Song". Overglaze painting, firing 830 C. 50 x 50 cm

Panel of tiles "Tatar pattern" 40 x 40 cm. Overglaze painting, firing 830

Set of plates with Tatar ornaments

Municipal educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 20"


Tatar folk ornament in embroidery

Work on the XV Regional Conference

“Live, Kuznetsk land!”

st. Cherednichenko, 7-1,

Zagornova Arina Andreevna,

st. Socialist, 1-3

students of class 7 "A" of municipal educational institution "Secondary School No. 20"



Augustan Irina Alekseevna,

higher technology teacher


People live in our city different nationalities: Ukrainians, Germans, Belarusians, Russians, including Tatars, whose population in the city is more than five thousand. True story The history of the Tatars in Siberia begins only from the time of the great Genghis Khan, who led this people at the beginning of the 13th century after the birth of Christ. The decorative and applied arts of the Tatars are very diverse and have their roots in the deep historical past. Therefore, it became interesting for us to find out for ourselves and introduce the younger generation of our city to one of the types of decorative and applied art of the Tatar people - embroidery.

Tatar folk ornament in embroidery represents a bright and unique page artistic creativity people. Being the main means of decorative and applied art, it reflects at the same time complex history formation and development of the people, their culture and art. The ornament of the Tatar people was formed as a result of a long process of its historical development and wide communication with neighboring and distant peoples. Difficult conditions The ethnic formation of the people determined the commonality of many types of their art with the art of neighboring peoples, as well as with the art of the peoples of the East. Each era in the life of a people left a certain imprint on its fine art, ornament, and style.

Beautiful examples of Tatar ornament have found vivid expression in various works of centuries-old creativity of the people: in fine patterns of jewelry, colorful embroidery and patterned fabrics, carved plastic tombstones, headdresses, multi-colored mosaics of leather shoes, and home decorations. Along with the artistic and ethnic aspects, the ornament reveals quite clearly the features of everyday life, economic activity and the ideology of the people, the historical environment that is in different eras introduced various layers into it. By its nature, the Tatar ornament is deeply connected with ancient agricultural culture. The beginning, which was laid long before the formation of Volga Bulgaria. However, in some of its manifestations, very ancient roots are felt, going back to the distant pastoral culture of the nomadic ancestors of the Kazan Tatars.

IN modern conditions, girls do little decorative art. U younger generation other interests arise, but we always need to remember the history of not only our people, but also those who live next to us, a history that is based on a deep relationship with nature and the way of life of the people.

Target: Making a Tatar folk ornament on a napkin.


1.Study literature on Tatar folk ornaments in embroidery.

2. Get acquainted with embroidered items in the city museum.

3. Embroider napkins with Tatar ornaments.

Ornament is a peculiar handwriting of the people

Embroidery is one of the oldest and most popular types of women's visual arts. According to Professor N. Vorobyov, this type of art was associated with the seclusion of women who rarely left the house and used their leisure time for needlework. Young and old women of all social strata of the city and village knew how to embroider. Craftswomen for a long time winter evenings created elegant and cheerful patterns using a variety of motifs and floral combinations. Unlike the Russians, Ukrainians, Mari and other peoples, the Tatars did not use embroidery in clothing, but decorated household items: towels, napkins, tablecloths, bedspreads and window curtains, namazlyks (prayer rugs) (Appendix 1). Footwear was also embroidered - boots (ichigs), shoes (Appendix 2), as well as headdresses - kalfaks, kalfachkas, erpeks (head covers), skull caps. In the funds of the city museum there are two women's headdresses - kalfaks. One is embroidered with pearls on blue velvet (AKM o.f. No. 15868, VT No. 446). It was handed over to Biktimirova Nazifa. Kalfak was embroidered by her mother at the beginning of the 20th century. The second kalfak is embroidered with pearls on brown velvet (AKM o.f. No. 3187, VT No. 1090). It belonged to Zulfiya Garifyanova, born in 1897, repressed from Bashkiria in 1931. It was passed on by her granddaughter Zemfira Pozdneeva (Appendix 3). Corduroy and velvet were used to make men's and women's hats. Colored and white beads, as well as fake pearls, were used to decorate headdresses. Embroidery with beads and fake pearls was carried out both along the contour and in filling the patterns. The most richly embroidered kalfaks and skull caps were decorated with twisted metal spirals, gold fringe, tassels, and sparkles. The patterns used in tambour and gold embroidery are distinguished by a wide variety of motifs and an abundance of their variations. The patterns are clear and contoured. Tambour patterns in Tatar embroidery had a significant influence on the ornamentation of the Bashkirs, Chuvash, Udmurts and Uzbeks. Women's dresses sometimes had frills embroidered on them. Most of These things are related to interior design. The furnishings and decoration of the Tatar house had a number of features. It was not customary to divide the house into rooms, or to load it with unnecessary furniture, so skillfully embroidered curtains and canopies appeared. The house became especially colorful during wedding celebrations- everything was decorated with embroidered and woven items of the newlywed. This custom, demonstrating the hard work and skill of the bride, is still alive in some rural areas. The traditions of folk embroidery are also preserved in the villages in connection with the Sabantuy holiday - young daughters-in-law give their products to the winners of sports competitions.
Embroidery was usually done on bright, saturated material - green, yellow, purple, burgundy. They embroidered with twisted silk, gilded or silver cord, beads, and pearls. Great importance was given to the ornament, which consisted of geometric and plant motifs. In composition blooming garden, created by craftswomen, one could recognize red poppies and yellow-eyed daisies, tulips and pansies. Kazan towels embroidered with silver and gold thread on white silk were especially beautiful.
Patterned weaving was also widespread, also associated with everyday life and having the character of a home craft. The ornament reveals similarities with Central Asian and Azerbaijani carpets, while the color structure (the predominance of red and its various shades) has no analogues.
Embroidery ornament of the 19th-20th centuries. basically consists of plant, geometric and zoomorphic motifs. All these types of ornaments originate in the culture of the distant ancestors of the Tatars. A feature of the ancient ornament is the curvilinear interpretation of patterns and motifs, “based on the technique of appliqué, vestibule, and mosaic.” Big specific gravity in Tatar embroidery, floral patterns apparently need to be explained by the antiquity and popularity of the tambour. The influence of the technical principle on the nature of the ornament is confirmed by counted and line embroidery, in which, on the contrary, geometric ornament dominates, and patterns of plant, zoomorphic origin are highly geometricized. We saw such a pattern on towels stored in the museum (Appendix 4). Historical cultural and economic relationships with the peoples of the East, Asia Minor and Asia Minor played a role in the improvement and consolidation of floral and plant motifs as traditional for Tatar folk embroidery. In Tatar art XIX-XX centuries floral ornament is least associated with ancient symbolism divine forces of nature, but is determined by purely artistic tasks of reflection, glorification of the wealth, harmony and beauty of the eternally living flora. Observing nature and being inspired by it, the craftswoman still quite rarely reproduced real shapes. Although, if you compare embroidery with other types of Tatar folk arts, it stands out for its most realistic interpretation of floral and plant motifs. No matter how different the floral patterns in the embroidery of other Volga peoples are, up to late XIX century, among them there are almost no reproductions of specific plant species, whereas in the Tatar one this can sometimes be determined “with botanical accuracy.” And yet, plant patterns in Tatar embroidery, as a rule, collective images. Moreover, on one branch, on one stem, the artist’s fantasy unites completely various flowers, fruits and leaves (we encounter similar things in bouquet arrangements). But the most conventional, generalized reproduction of plant images, the use of forms that real nature has never known, does not interfere with the impression of the vitality of the embroidered pictures of flowering gardens, the colorful motley grass of the steppes, forests, and fields.