Labor colony A. Labor colonies for minors according to A.S. Makarenko

A.S. Makarenko was the founder of the labor colony named after M. Gorky and worked there from 1920 to 1928. Until May 15, 1926, the colony was located near Poltava, in Triby and Kovalevka, and from mid-May it moved to Kuryazh, near Kharkov. Therefore, the pupils who lived only in Kuryazh often call themselves Kuryazhites, and the 120 colonists who came from Kovalevka liked to call themselves Gorky colonists. But the so-called “conquest of Kuryazh” led to the rapid formation of a single team. At the end of 1927, Anton Semenovich took part-time leadership of the commune named after F. Dzerzhinsky, where 60 Gorky colonists, who formed the core of the commune, were transferred.

A.S. Makarenko wrote in his “Pedagogical Poem”: “It was not so much moral convictions and anger, but this interesting and real business struggle that gave the first sprouts of a good collective tone. In the evenings we argued, and laughed, and fantasized about topics about our adventures, became related on separate occasions, and formed into a single whole, whose name is Gorky’s colony.”

Unforgettable for all the colonists was the meeting with Maxim Gorky - their friend, boss and teacher, who gave everyone a piece of his heart.

A.S. Makarenko was faced with the task of creating a strong, able-bodied team from the students, who would themselves become an educational force. A.S. Makarenko came to the conclusion that a team can only be created on the basis of socially useful productive labor, in the process of which new social relations should be formed.

Anton Semenovich began his educational work in the colony with the organization of an activist group. Step by step, involving the colonists in socially useful work, setting tasks for the collective as a whole and its individual members, gaining authority and respect by personal example, he created a collective. The colonists worked in the fields and gardens, protected the road from robbers, and the state forest from logging. Practical actions brought tangible results in the moral improvement and education of former street children.

From the first days, a library was created in the colony, staffed by Anton Semenovich. The colonists' love of reading, as well as evening collective readings, had a great educational effect. A. M. Gorky’s works “Childhood”, “In People”, “My Universities” were especially loved.

There were several detachments in the colony, each of them was headed by commanders who formed a council of commanders. Makarenko relied on him in everything educational work, In the organisation labor activity colonists. The Council of Commanders discussed and resolved issues of organizing everyday life and the educational process, cultural and educational work, managing the colony's economy, admitting new members, and others.

The colony’s successes in educational work were highly noted by the People’s Commissariat of Education of Ukraine: in honor of the fifth anniversary of the founding of the colony, A.S. Makarenko was awarded the title “Red Hero of Labor”, and the employees were awarded valuable gifts. The colony met the year 1926 with significant successes. The economy became stronger, they received from the fields good harvest of bread. By that time, the colony had a livestock farm, a garden, and workshops. More and more attention was paid to studies. A.S. Makarenko cared about students receiving solid knowledge, believing that this determines a person’s path in life. The team of educators has also become stronger. By that time, he could already solve any problems that required organization and strong discipline. This was especially important before moving to the Kuryazhskaya colony, where in the premises former monastery 400 children lived.

The harmony of individual and collective feelings can be observed in the situation that arose in the colony before the “conquest of Kuryazh”. The colonists felt the need to give everything to the collective. And it wasn't a sacrifice at all. Answering the doubts of student Mark Sheingauz, who was afraid that the good life of the Gorkyites could turn bad in Kuryazh, Anton Semenovich said: “But they are going to fight. This, Mark, is a great happiness when you can go fight for better life» .

A.M. Gorky was interested in the life of the colony, corresponded with A.S. Makarenko and the students, highly appreciating the results of their work. Already in the first year of the colony’s existence, in 1921, it was named after A.M. Gorky. The name "Gorkovets" was acquired by the colonists great importance. Makarenko said that they were supported and helped by Gorky’s faith in man. Only by drawing on the best in a person can you make him more beautiful and taller.

The pupils of the colony named after M. Gorky understood that the life of the team created by Anton Semenovich was aimed at the formation of a new person, whose traits we visibly feel in the affairs of the graduates of this team.

No matter what positions they worked in, they everywhere affirmed the spirit of optimism, humanism, camaraderie, and confidence in their own strength and in the future. Through trust and respect, combined with demand, A.S. Makarenko instilled in them a readiness for work and defense.

The outstanding teacher demanded such an attitude towards work when it becomes an organic necessity. Further destinies pupils proved great power productive labor combined with mental, moral, physical and aesthetic education. According to A.S. Makarenko, in the colony and commune half of the work was done with a smile. Spirit Have a good mood and the students constantly maintained a sense of responsibility.

The Dzerzhinsky commune - a children's educational institution - was created in the village of New Kharkov (a suburb of Kharkov) in the system of GPU institutions to combat child homelessness using voluntary deductions from the salaries of security officers of Ukraine. On December 29, 1927, the colony was opened, headed by teacher Anton Makarenko. Both street children and children from families came to the commune. The communes received a broad general education. One of the basic principles of education in the commune was the combination of education with productive work. At the beginning of its journey, it was a very small children's group, transferred from the M. Gorky colony. This team had only one house, a small semi-makeshift workshop, which could not accommodate even the first 60 students. Over the course of five years, the commune turned into a powerful educational institution, whose students not only studied, but also worked in the power tool and camera factories they built.

Hundreds of communards studied every day for 4 hours at school or at a workers' school, and worked for four hours, producing power tools and FED cameras, from the sale of which the collective of communards had the means to support themselves and expand production. The introduced cost accounting helped the communes see the fruits of their labor, they developed a sense of ownership.

The commune named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky was an excellent example of the implementation of the idea of ​​combining education with productive labor, moral, physical and aesthetic education. They had real student self-government, which gave rise to an attitude of responsible dependence. Communar education gave the country a cultured worker, capable of not only being a commander in any industry, but also capable of submitting to a comrade. Commanders, as elected single commanders with great power, were tied hand and foot in those cases when they began to contrast the narrow personal principle with the social one.

In the commune, as in the colony, there were properly organized relations between the primary collectives (detachments) and the general collective. The common collective of the commune was the link between the individual and society. At every moment of impact on the communard, there was an impact on the collective. At the same time, the impact on the collective was also an impact on the individual.

The system of organizing the collective in the commune was the same as in the colony. The highest governing body was general meeting communards. The council of production detachment commanders played a major role. The council of commanders was headed by a secretary. The Komsomol and Pioneer organizations played an important role in the life of the commune.

The commune never received money from the state; at first it lived on deductions from the earnings of security officers. Last years: commune named after. Dzerzhinsky was on self-support... This is a very important circumstance: since 1930, all expenses have been paid off: for salaries of teachers, equipment of classrooms at school, for the maintenance of students, in addition, for summer trips, visits to theaters, purchase of buses, etc. . The commune gave several million rubles net profit to the state.

Self-financing helped prepare students for life: work in production provided them with the opportunity to acquire various working qualifications. Communards worked at the enterprise 4 hours a day, studied at high school, many after school went to study at universities. Education in the commune was based on the principles developed by Makarenko in previous years, well organized production labor he considered it one of the main links in the educational system. Work at the factory also created an excellent basis for the development of educational work.

In the commune and in the colony, elements of play were included in practical affairs with youthful enthusiasm, with a feeling of joy. Education was compulsory for everyone. Duty, chores, and assignments did not exempt students from school activities.

In the commune there was the opportunity to study in various circles: amateur art, technical, subject, sports. There were clubs, a cinema, a library. In the theater, performances were staged by students. Communards often visited Kharkov theaters. Much attention was paid to the physical education of the communards.

During summer holidays They, together with teachers led by Anton Semenovich, went on tourist trips: they visited the Crimea, the Caucasus, Moscow, Donbass, and traveled along the Volga.

A.S. Makarenko considered campaigns to be a powerful factor patriotic education, social growth and physical hardening of children, increasing their cultural level. Every year, the commune summed up the results of educational work, organized production and art exhibitions. A.S. Makarenko ensured that labor indicators accompanied training and education. The team constantly grew and became richer. Problems have become more subtle and considered in more depth spiritual development pupils, formation of active civic position. Anton Semenovich himself was a model and encouraged educators to work with faith in man, with heart, with real humanism, since you can raise a real Man only when you see a personality in each student. The students proudly carried the title of communard throughout their lives.

In 1935, Makarenko left his job in the commune named after. Dzerzhinsky and, having moved to Moscow, took up literary activity on the advice of Gorky.

The fate of more than three thousand pupils of A.S. Makarenko -- the best evidence of his pedagogical success and the best monument to him. The former colonists and communards produced skilled workers and engineers, major production managers, outstanding teachers and educators, military doctors, artists, performers, lawyers and journalists. Many former pupils died heroically during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War. Honesty, dedication to work, a wonderful sense of teamwork, sensitivity and willingness to help others carried many of them throughout their lives. And in my heart is the bright image of my teacher Anton Semenovich. “You are an amazing person and just the type that Rus' needs,” - this is how A. M. Gorky wisely described Makarenko in one of his letters to him.

Makarenko A. S. Pedagogical works: In 8 volumes. T. 1 M.: Pedagogy, 1983.

Colony named after M. Gorky

The labor colony for juvenile offenders is located 8 miles from the city, along the big Kharkov road, in pine forest. It is secluded from populated areas - only two or three farms are located near it. There are currently 80 inmates in the colony. In 1921, the colony received the Trepke estate, destroyed by peasants, two miles from the main estate and is making major repairs to several buildings. The lack of funds determined the protracted nature of this repair, which generally required a very significant effort of the colony. Nevertheless, from season to season, the once cultural estate is gradually being restored and a farm on 40 acres is being organized around it. Near the main estate, the colony also has 12 acres, but the land here is sandy and is used mainly for vegetable gardens. The main work in the so-called I colony is carried out in workshops - blacksmithing, carpentry, shoemaking and basket weaving. In general, it must be said that the complete absence of fixed capital and the indifferent and sometimes even unfriendly attitude of the land authorities towards the colony make the work of the colony in the field of the economic process incredibly difficult. The colony moves forward solely due to the enormous expenditure of energy of the colonists and educators. In order to cope with the demands of a developing economy, which is not supported from the very beginning by invested capital (an absurd situation from an economic point of view), the colonists are forced to deny themselves many things, and often our community is directly suffocated from want. Thus, in the summer, the colonists could not even increase their daily ration of bread, although they had to work in the field “from sun to sun.” Only by August did a big worker help us. In winter, the colonists themselves collect firewood in the forest, often without clothes or shoes, for almost a dozen buildings. This excessive self-care, which has taken the form of an intense struggle for existence, of course, very often leads to the limits of despair, and most importantly, forces one to reduce more useful work in workshops. But this intense struggle, we must admit, has its good sides. The educational value of this teamwork huge. Perhaps it was only thanks to her that the colony was able to create a strong and friendly family and find interesting and original forms. The internal bonds in the colony are so significant that mechanical disruption is almost impossible. That is why the departure of one of the teachers or pupils is felt by everyone as a loss, very noticeably. Thanks to this, the re-education of children, main feature

which consists in the absence of healthy social experience, occurs more or less normally. By now we have already allowed ourselves the luxury of not having hired storekeepers. Almost all the property of the colony is in the hands of the pupils, as well as the keys to the storerooms and barns. Colonists make up the majority of the economic council 1 . Training sessions are conducted according to a system of complex topics developed by separate groups of educators and colonists. The colony, without a doubt, is moving forward, but this is due to the overly intense work of the educators, and the danger of their overwork is always clearly felt.

Our main need is draft animals. We only have 3 horses, one of which is 30 years old and the other has a sprained tendon. For 52 acres on two estates, with almost daily trips to the city, this is zero.

The story of one educational institution, in the family of a carpenter 1876-1883 - studied at the Ilyinsky School, then at the Nizhny Novgorod Sloboda Kunavinsky Primary School, but did not complete the course. 1879 - mother died; The bankrupt grandfather put the boy into service in a shoe store. 1884 -1887 - Moved to Kazan, wanted to go to university, but never became a student, continued self-education mainly in populist and Marxist circles. 1888-1892 - In search of work, he wandered around the Volga region, Ukraine, Southern Bessarabia, Crimea, and the Caucasus. He was arrested several times for revolutionary propaganda among workers. 1892 - The first story, “Makar Chudra,” was published in the Tiflis newspaper “Caucasus” under the pseudonym M. Gorky. 1895-1896 - The stories “Old Woman Izergil”, Song about the Falcon, “Chelkash”, “Konovalov” were written 1896 - marriage to Ekaterina Pavlovna Volzhina (they had 2 children - a daughter and a son) 1898 - A two-volume book “Essays and Stories” was published ".

Chronological table of Gorky 1899 - Moved to St. Petersburg. Acquaintance with L.N. Tolstoy, A. II. Chekhov. The story “Foma Gordeev” has been published. 1902 - The play “At the Bottom” was created; elected honorary academician Russian Academy Sci. 1905 - joined the Russian Social Democratic workers' party 1906 - visited the USA to raise funds for the underground struggle of the Bolsheviks. Fearing arrest in Russia, Gorky, after traveling around America, settled in Italy, on the island of Capri, where he lived until 1913 - having received an amnesty in connection with the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, the writer returned to Russia. Started working on the story “Childhood” 1917-1918 - A series of articles “Untimely Thoughts” was written. 1921-1928 - unable to live and work in Russia, he leaves for Germany, then to Italy (Sorrento). Wrote the story “The Artamonov Case”. 1928 - Return to the USSR. 1934 - Gorky conducts I All-Union Congress Soviet writers, delivers the keynote address.

In his experience, Makarenko successfully combined mental labor with physical labor, implementing one of the main provisions of Marxist pedagogy. Subsequently, the Communards, as is known, spent four hours in the junior and five hours in the senior classes in a comprehensive school, and worked for four hours in production with the latest technical equipment. But crucial in the formation of a new person Stalin era had, according to Makarenko, education; He talked and wrote a lot about this. Even in the colony named after A. M. Gorky, where A. S. Makarenko once worked, in the difficult post-revolutionary years there was a school consisting of six classes and a training group for workers' faculties. Makarenko expanded the educational ideals of his students in every possible way. It is also impossible not to mention the various sections and circles that existed in parallel with the main educational institutions. The doors of embroidery, modeling (clay crafts) and drawing clubs were opened for girls. The boys mainly attended gliding and technical circles, which existed in the same factories and workshops where the colonists worked during the day. Classes were held in evening time, so none of the circle members interfered with the work. Various sport sections(wrestling, boxing and swimming). The cavalry section was particularly prominent, where the basics of horse riding were taught.

Stages of development of the team At the first stage, there is no team yet, and the teacher at this time plays the role of a dictator, making demands on the students. In the second, an activist group of the most active students emerges, supporting the teacher’s endeavors and his demands on the students. Third - self-government bodies are formed, the team becomes capable of solving a wide variety of educational, economic, cultural and other issues, demands go to the individual student from the entire team

A. S. Makarenko attached great importance to the primary team, considering it “an instrument for touching the individual.” In fact, in it children communicate most closely with each other, constantly act together, participate in the implementation of the common goals of the entire team and are included in common system relationships characteristic of the team. The second structural unit of the team can be called a consolidated detachment. A. S. Makarenko was afraid to raise a caste of commanders. He wanted everyone to be able to both lead and obey. The combined detachment was formed for a separate case. The commander of the combined detachment became an ordinary member of the primary team. This made it possible to involve the most backward and disorganized, to bring the teenager out of a state of passivity.

The third structural unit of A. S. Makarenko’s team was the student himself. But it must be said that there was an assignment of the title: pupil, communard, communard-Dzerzhinets. That is, the title was assigned according to the degree to which each teenager belonged to the team. The fourth structural unit of the collective is the self-government bodies. Firstly, this is the general meeting. No significant decision is made without a meeting. Daily life is led by the Council of Commanders.

Makarenko covered in detail such issues as the meaning of fairy tales for young children, guidance in children's reading, children's visits to the theater, cinema, etc. Great place in the children's lives he gave aesthetic education. A. S. Makarenko is an innovative teacher who enriched Soviet pedagogy with valuable pedagogical ideas, methods and techniques (system of perspective lines, the principle of parallel action, style and tone of the teacher, etc.). He gave a new interpretation to a number of pedagogical issues and developed in detail the problems put forward earlier, but not sufficiently developed before him by Soviet pedagogy (team education, family education, etc.). Makarenko was a teacher who successfully applied dialectical-materialist principles in the theory and practice of education. The guiding principle of all of it pedagogical activity there was devotion to the socialist Motherland and Communist Party. Anton Semyonovich Makarenko died suddenly at the station. Golitsyno Belarusian-Baltic railway in a suburban train carriage. He died of severe heart disease at the age of 51. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

And described by him in a number of works. After Makarenko’s dismissal from the Colony in 1928 at the insistence of N.K. Krupskaya, no further high interest was noted in the subsequent activities of the colony.


Makarenko’s activities and innovations in the Colony evoked a variety of responses - from positive (for example, in the brochure of M. I. Levitina (pseud. Maro), the experience of the Gorky Colony is called the best of a number visited by the author), to a number of denunciations and accusations, briefly reflected in the famous sentence from the “Pedagogical Poem” - “Makarenko’s system is not a Soviet system...”. Prominent Makarenko expert prof. G. Hillig (Germany) collected whole line evidence that the continuation of Makarenko’s activities in these conditions until 1928 was very noticeably facilitated by the head of the NKVD of Ukraine in those years, Vsevolod Appolinarievich Balitsky (1892 or 1893 - 1937)

However, after sharply critical accusations of Makarenko’s approaches from N.K. Krupskaya from the rostrum of the next Komsomol congress in May 1928, pedagogical officials put Makarenko before a choice: to abandon a number of her principles in educational work or to leave the colony. He chooses the latter and completely transfers to the Commune named after him, previously created (in 1927) in the NKVD system. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, where before that he worked part-time.

The new administration of the colony named after. Gorky made efforts to ensure that Makarenko’s approaches were no longer used there. A number of Makarenko’s closest associates either went with him to the Commune (for example, V.N. Tersky) or returned to their previous activities (for example, N.E. Fere took up agricultural science: first he went on a scientific expedition, later he defended his Ph.D. thesis on agricultural engineering, worked as a teacher, was appointed head of the department of operation of the machine and tractor park of the Moscow State Agricultural Engineering University named after V.P. Goryachkin.

Colony named after Gorky from that time on as a model for education in scientific literature is not mentioned, and after some time (including in connection with the general reduction in the number of street children), it was completely redirected to work with juvenile delinquents, acquired a high fence with barbed wire, changed its name, etc.

Pupils and teachers of the colony

Among the most famous educators and students of the Colony:

Summer uniform of the colonists

From April to September inclusive, the mandatory uniform for colonists of all ages, regardless of the weather outside, included a blue T-shirt-blouse and loose briefs with a belt and two front pockets. Girls, instead of panties, wore wide, ankle-length skirts made of the same fabric.

Another common point of the goalkeeper equipment and the summer uniform of the Makarenkovsky colonists was the presence of a gray flat cap as an everyday headdress. Girls wore scarves in light colors. IN special occasions Instead of a cap, they wore a dark velvet skullcap.

Sometimes gray or black woolen leggings were added to this uniform. But more often they got by with simple socks of the same colors. Or even put shoes on bare feet.

Instead of the usual sandals for pioneer camps of that time, the colonists wore medium-height leather boots with rather thick soles. After all, unlike the pioneer camp, the main task of the colony was to educate physical labor, and not at all a relaxed rest for the wards.

This was a rather harsh, but very effective method of hardening, brought to perfection by A. S. Makarenko: “if you’re freezing, that means move faster, work harder!”, and you had to work a lot. Therefore, even younger teachers did not hesitate to wear goalkeeper shorts all summer instead of their usual trousers, although they were not obliged to do so.


"…With early spring the colonists did not wear pants - panties were more hygienic, prettier and cheaper.”
A. S. Makarenko.

“When I arrived at the Gorky colony, Anton Semyonovich said that I needed to inspect the colony. And there were such underground passages - interesting. So he called Semyon, a guy came in wearing crimson shorts and a blue shirt - they all wore shorts..."
Kalabalina G.K.

An attempt to reproduce the experience in the 1980s

Taking into account the worldwide fame of the educational experience of the Colony. Gorky and the Commune. F. E. Dzerzhinsky under the leadership of A. S. Makarenko, many employees, including heads of the penitentiary service, could not help but become interested in the experience of applying Makarenko’s educational pedagogy. Among them was the head of the Kuryazh colony in the 80s of the twentieth century, who decided to reproduce Makarenko’s experience in the institution under his jurisdiction.

This ill-prepared and not very thoughtful (unlike Makarenko himself) experience in public was described in detail by the teacher-educator of this institution, Yuri Ivanovich Chapala, in his book “Essay on a Non-Free Topic,” where it is noted that as a result of the “book” implementation of the system, Makarenko grew up as the level of recidivism among convicts, and the situation in the colony itself worsened. And this result, unfortunately, is not unique. Makarenko’s system itself often turns out to be more complex (and, most importantly, more demanding of the performer) than it looks after the first reading of the “Pedagogical Poem”...

The well-known social educator and writer V. A. Eremin notes in this regard that often such a result is associated with attempts to partial, fragmentary implementation of only the “most convenient and suitable” components of the Makarenko system and, as an example, tells what violations, and often humiliation of prisoners, leads to the use (separate from the system) of the principle of collective responsibility among prisoners.

At the same time, the positive experience of using the Makarenko system specifically in the FSIN system by one of Makarenko’s students, A. G. Yavlinsky (1915-1981), is also known. However, it is also known that defending among colleagues the right to continue this experience over time was increasingly difficult and costly for the health of Alexei Grigorievich, with all due respect to him, including as a veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

Books and articles

  • Ostromentskaya N. Toward life. 
  • Ostromentskaya N. Colony named after.  Gorky. // People's teacher, 1928, No. 1-2. pp. 42-77. The Tale of Reshid and Mishka. Grozny, 1979, 134 p. First
  • piece of art about the Colony named after Gorky (1st edition in 1930).
  • Makarenko A. S. Pedagogical poem (1st full edition edited by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences S. S. Nevskaya) // M.: ITRK, 2003.
  • Fere N. E. Agricultural labor in the colony named after Maxim Gorky // Memoirs of Makarenko (Collection of materials) / Comp. N. A. Lyapin, H. A. Morozova. - L., 1960. 346 p. - pp. 213-235

Hillig, G., Oksa N. N.

  • To the history of the emergence of the colony. 

M. Gorky // Culture of the peoples of the Black Sea region. - 2003. - N 38. - P. 87-93

  1. see also Pogrebinsky, Matvey Samoilovich - founder and leader of the Bolshevo labor commune Notes
  2. See more details. Ionin I. V. School-colony Krasnye Zori: From the experience of a children's labor school-colony. - L, 1933. Levitina M. I. (Maro)

. Working with homeless people: Practice

new job
in USSR. - Kharkov, 1924
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    Work in progress. Strategies for working with behavior. Intensive Behavioral Therapy Curriculum for Autism

    Applied behavior analysis, or ABA therapy, has been successfully used to improve the lives of people with autism. Careful and systematic application of behavioral principles can effectively develop significant species Behaviors - cognition, language, social interaction, adaptive skills and practical skills. In addition, using these principles, behavior analysts successfully reduce problem behaviors that are either dangerous or interfere with the person's ability to fully participate in family and community life.
    The manual we offer you was developed and written by the leaders of the international company Autism Partnership, one of the oldest scientific and experimental groups that has introduced ABA to modify the behavior of children and adolescents with autism and create curricula for their development.
    The first part of the book is devoted to the construction of intensive behavioral therapy, offering programs to overcome unacceptable behavior: tantrums, self-stimulation, sleep problems, eating disorders, hygiene problems, as well as describing principles and examples of teaching play and social skills.
    The second part describes the Distinct Teaching Method (DTT) and 57 curricula with examples ranging from cooperation and nonverbal imitation to teaching hygiene skills, self-help skills and basic academic skills.

    We recommend it for specialists involved in teaching children with ASD, supervisors, ABA therapists, parents and students of defectology, psychology and pedagogy faculties.
    All programs are adapted for training in Russian.