Closed Show. Films "Closed screening": list, plots, reviews Everyone will die, but I will remain

Channel One annually pleases us with its new original projects for the most different topics. There are programs for a wide variety of tastes: entertaining, highly social, political and comedy. However, in 2007, a program appeared that was significantly different from all of the above. It was dedicated to one of the most popular areas contemporary art- cinema. It was called " Closed Show".

"Closed Show"

"Closed Screening" is an original program by the famous Russian presenter, actor and film director Alexander Gordon. This man has been one of the most qualified people in his field for several years now. Almost every viewer who regularly watches television broadcasts knows him. It was thanks to the “Closed Show” that Gordon was finally able to secure his status as the most extraordinary and qualified representative domestic television. The “Closed Show” with Alexander Gordon lasted for six years. During this period of time, a huge number of very different issues were released, each of which was distinguished by its originality and high-quality material. Next, we will analyze in detail what this project is, and also find out which films “Closed Screening” presented. A list of the most discussed of them will be presented to the reader below.

What is the show about?

The idea is that films are viewed and then discussed in the studio. “Closed screening” (we will look at a list of some films today) is a program in which the presenter, directors and directors take part in the discussion. film crew. They are given the opportunity to make an opening speech and talk in detail about what exactly the audience is about to see. Also present in the studio are many other qualified artists, such as screenwriters, actors, film critics and many, many others. All of them can express their unbiased opinion after finishing watching the film. Ordinary spectators also take an active part in the discussion, among whom you can meet both young students and older film fans with considerable life experience.

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Films "Closed screening": list

Below we bring to your attention an extensive list of the most notable films shown in the “Closed Screening” program. Among several dozen, we have selected for you the best and most talked about films that created a stir:

  • "Hunter";
  • "Ellipsis";
  • "Written by Sergei Dovlatov";
  • "Playing the victim";
  • "The smell of heather";
  • "Another Sky";
  • "The Guy from Mars";
  • "Bedouin".

"Hunter" (2011 film)

We decided to start our list with this unusual adventure drama by Daniel Nettheim. She was featured in one of the latest issues programs. The plot of this story centers on a lonely man named Martin. He is an experienced hunter and a loner. Martin deliberately avoids human society. The main character has long been tired of life and decides to take on a rather risky task, since he simply has nothing to lose. Having concluded a contract with a fairly influential company, he goes to the little-explored and wild forests of Tasmania. Martin's task is to find and subsequently kill the last Australian tiger, which for several years has been considered a completely exterminated species. During his journey, he comes across a small house where a young woman, Lucy, lives. She just recently lost her husband, who went into the forest and never returned. What will this meeting lead to?

"The Hunter" is a 2011 film that was quite warmly received by professional critics. In their reviews, they noted the incomparable performance of Willem Dafoe, who does not hesitate to act in low-budget auteur films of this kind. Here he performed one of his best roles in recent years. But despite all this, the film failed miserably at the American box office. In Russia, few people followed it either. It is for this reason that we increasingly get the opportunity to see such small masterpieces. Young and talented directors are simply not given money, since their creations do not pay off. We can only hope that the situation will change soon.

"Ellipsis" (2006)

This film, shot by a Russian film director, was shown in the second episode of the program and received a lot of positive feedback from the participants who were in the studio. main character film - a woman named Kira Georgievna. She lives well happy life, which is not much different from a dozen others. She has a beloved husband, nice children, and a very comfortable home. Everything went as usual until Kira’s first husband appeared on the threshold of the house. He spent twenty years in camps. This seriously affected his character and life beliefs. But the only thing remained unchanged - feelings towards the main character. As a result, they begin to meet in secret from her. current husband. But how long can they hide the truth from him?

According to viewers who prefer arthouse cinema to mass cinema, the film "Ellipsis" (Andrey Eshpai, 2006) became one of the strongest works of the year. It was also noted that the film had very strong acting performances worthy of the highest awards. And it’s quite difficult to argue with this. But all this did not help Eshpai’s film collect a decent box office in cinemas.

"Written by Sergei Dovlatov" (2012)

Roma Liberov is one of the youngest Russian directors. He shot his film entitled “Written by Sergei Dovlatov” at only 32 years old. Few people manage to make themselves known so early. The film, created in an extremely atypical manner, tells about the life of an outstanding Soviet and American writer and journalist Sergei Dovlatov. Over the years of his life, he created many different works and also wrote articles. Through various letters, editorial columns and interviews, the director was given the opportunity to show this unusual story.

According to reviews from professional critics, the film “Written by Sergei Dovlatov” (Roman Liberov, 2012) is innovative and has extremely daring direction. It’s rare when debutants gravitate toward experimentation. Instead, many try to create something that will be understandable to a mass audience. But for Roman Liberov, fame did not matter. That is why he was able to create this outstanding documentary-animated film.

"Playing the Victim" (2006)

One of the most famous Russian directors of the 21st century. During his short career, he has already managed to fully reveal his directorial potential and create a considerable number of outstanding film works. Unlike other directors, he is not afraid to raise topical issues in his films. "Playing the Victim" is one of his most notorious director's works, filmed with a considerable amount of black humor.

The plot centers on a young man named Valentin. He recently graduated from college and is now looking for a place to earn money. He didn’t have to search long: almost immediately he managed to get a rather unusual position in the local police department. Vali's task is to portray the victim at crime scenes where the defendants are brought. However, all these investigations take place solely for show, which creates a considerable amount of the absurdity of what is happening.

Viewers overnight elevated the film “Playing the Victim” (Kirill Serebrennikov, 2006) to cult status. Numerous positive reviews continue to pour in to the director’s film to this day. Many movie lovers remember the scene in which one of the characters pronounces a well-known monologue, seasoned with choice obscenities. It was thanks to this fragment that the current generation learned about this film.

"The Smell of Heather" (2011)

Nathanael is a young man who most spends his life on the Internet. So it's not surprising that a virtual reality became much closer and more pleasant for him than the world. After some time, he manages to meet a young girl. But they communicate exclusively via the Internet. But once main character decides to take a serious step. He packs his things and hits the road. He hopes to meet his lover and try to build a real relationship. Will he be able to do this?

The film by little-known director Amet Magomedov was liked by the participants of the “Closed Screening” program. Experts expressed a lot of positive feedback and also praised the performer leading role. But there were also those who were dissatisfied with what they saw. It is possible to understand them. After all, the film “The Smell of Heather” (Amet Magomedov, 2011) is a typical representative of the comedy genre. Yes, there are a lot of interesting ideas in the film, but still expect something grandiose from of this film viewers do not recommend it.

"Another Sky" (2010)

For Dmitry Mamuliy, this film remained the only one in his career. And it’s easy to guess why, looking at the section with the film’s grosses at the domestic box office. For our viewers, the film “Another Sky” (Dmitry Mamulia, 2010) simply went unnoticed. The plot centers on a man named Ali, who travels across Central Asia along with his nine-year-old son. He is trying to do everything possible to find his wife. She left him several years ago, leaving to work. But Ali does not lose hope of finding her and returning her. Will he succeed?

Many note the overall drama of what is happening on the screen. The film is entirely built on understatement. Besides everything else, there is practically not a single positive moment in it. Viewers have repeatedly spoken out about this and complained that it is quite difficult to sit through this until the very end.

"Boy from Mars" (2010)

The film "The Guy from Mars" (Sergei Osipyan, 2010) received the most mixed reviews from critics, but at the same time found a response from ordinary viewers. Many people liked the film due to the presence of light, unobtrusive humor, as well as amazingly chosen actors.

The plot centers on a young man who is an employee of a fairly large chocolate company. For the time being, his business was going well. But one day the situation changed dramatically...

"Bedouin" (2012)

That rare case when all viewers and critics agreed that the film “Bedouin” is definitely worthy of attention. (2012 was the year the film was born) knows a lot about good cinema. His directorial talent is noted by everyone without exception, thanks to which “Bedouin” was able to find success.

The plot centers on a young single mother who faces serious trouble: her daughter falls ill with a serious illness. She needs to collect the necessary amount for the operation as soon as possible. But the heroine has no money. And then, completely desperate, she decides to go to a distant country where diseases are treated in extremely unusual ways...

These are not all the films discussed in the program. The “Closed Show” list was huge, and each item on it is definitely worthy of your attention. Enjoy watching.

The program “Closed Show” with host Alexander Gromov was broadcast on Channel One from 2007 to 2013. All the films shown in it are designed for a deep and wide viewer, as the author of the television talk show himself stated.

Presented to movie lovers closed screening films, list which is located below.


The black comedy by Kirill Serebrennikov (2006) opens the top ten films of closed screenings. A young man, Valya, having graduated from university, gets a job in the police in order to earn money, where he portrays crime victims during investigative experiments. An investigative team consisting of a charismatic captain, warrant officer Lyuda, armed with a video camera, and a dull-witted sergeant daily takes the defendants to crime scenes, where they are supposed to reconstruct the picture of the tragedy...

year 2012

(2012) - a private screening film awarded the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival. Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar" ends, curtain, stormy ovation. The lights go out, the actors leave the stage and... return to the cells of the high-security Roman prison "Rebibia". The camera captured director Fabio Cavalli's grand experiment in staging a play with prisoners, many of whom are serving life sentences. Universal language Shakespeare helps new actors understand their roles, re-experience friendship and betrayal, power, deception and violence - first in the play, and then in their lives. And although the stage of this play is a prison, in the film itself it amazingly disappears...

year 2012

« Rita's last tale"(2012) - a closed screening film directed by Renata Litvinova. The heroines are three women: Renata Litvinova, Olga Kuzina, Tatyana Drubich. Litvinova’s character, the Angel of Death (in the earthly world of people is named Tatyana Neubivko), in the story works in a morgue. A woman a little over thirty, Margarita Gautier (Spanish Olga Kuzina), falls ill and is admitted to the hospital for treatment. Her friend Nadya works as a doctor in this hospital, and, having learned her friend’s diagnosis, cannot decide to tell her the sad news, she begins to hide and “drink strong drinks.” The dying Rita is taken care of by nurse Tanya Neubivko, who works in the “morgue department”; she is essentially the angel of death and takes high position in the afterlife. Tanya Neubivko moves between two worlds - the living and the dead - using portals, ancient buildings. Three women begin to prepare for a great event - Rita’s transition to another world. Rita announces her will, leaving everything she owns to her loved one Nikolai Serebryakov (Spanish: Nikolai Khomeriki). He is looking for an answer to the question of whether there is life after death, and is trying to dissuade death from taking his beloved.


(2011) - drama from a closed screening by Lars von Trier with Kirsten Dunst and Charlotte Gainsbourg. The film was awarded the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival for "Best female role", performed by Kirsten Dunst. The events of the film unfold in the days leading up to the disaster. The first part is dedicated to Justine’s wedding, which quickly cools down to the celebration, which causes misunderstanding among relatives and guests. The heroine of the second part is Claire, Justine's sister. At first, Claire takes care of the clinically depressed Justine and at the same time fears reports of the approach of the mysterious planet Melancholia. Gradually, as the planet approaches, Justine and Claire change roles. Now panicked Claire needs some care. In desperation, she, her sister and son prepare to accept the inevitable.


(2007) - a film of a closed screening directed by Jos Stelling. At a Russian film festival, screenwriter Bob meets a man called Dushka in the film, and by the way, not seriously, invites him to visit him in Amsterdam. When one day Darling comes to Bob, he stubbornly cannot remember what kind of person he is and where he is from, and tries in every possible way to kick him out of his apartment. Darling unceremoniously tries to get back and feels at home in the apartment, not embarrassed by the girl whom Bob is courting.

year 2009

(2009) - film of a closed screening by Michael Haneke. The picture has a subtitle - “ German history about children". The film was twice awarded the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. The film describes the events of 1913 taking place in Germany. In a completely prosperous German village, outwardly everything is quiet and decent. But one day, in this “bear corner”, ominous, mysterious events begin to occur, such as violence perpetrated by unknown persons on a mentally retarded boy. Suspicion falls on the children of a local pastor with strict morals, who from infancy wear white armbands “as a symbol of purity and innocence, and as a result, lies, evil, and a craving for violence sprout in their souls as a sign of protest.” A young village teacher is trying to figure it all out, but almost every villager has their own dark secrets, and no one wants them to come out. Almost every character has two sides - one external, familiar and “decent”, and the other internal, burdened with some secret or unseemly action.

year 2009

Animated film closed screening (2009) is a joint work of Russia, Japan and Canada. The cartoon takes place in 1942. A detachment of pioneer heroes enters into battle with the fascist occupiers and the ghosts of the knights of the Livonian Order, summoned from the afterlife Nazi magicians from the notorious Ahnenerbe organization. Of course, the main characters are not ordinary pioneers. They were trained in the Sixth Division of the Military Intelligence Directorate. This department deals with parapsychology and the occult. And now they are ready to defend their homeland on a front invisible to mere mortals.

year 2009

(2009) - a closed screening film, which is a joint work of Germany, Russia and Great Britain. The film was twice nominated for an Oscar. The film is based on biographical novel Jay Parini about last year the life of the great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Having lived long life, tired of alienation and hostility in his relationship with his wife Sofya Andreevna, on the night of October 28, 1910, at five o’clock in the morning, with 39 rubles in his pocket, Leo Tolstoy secretly left home. Having caught a cold on the way, he fell ill with pneumonia and found his last refuge at the Astapovo station.


(2011) - film from a closed screening by Francis Ford Coppola. Worried creative crisis writer Hall Baltimore, specializing in action-packed novels about witches, comes to the small town of Swan Valley. Local Sheriff Bobby LaGrange draws his attention to murder mystery young girl, something that happened recently in the city, and proposes to write a joint work based on this incident. At night, a ghost appears in Baltimore in a dream and talks about the mass murder of children that occurred in these places many years ago. Inspired by this dream, the writer decides to begin his own investigation into the events taking place in the town... The film contains references to the work of Edgar Allan Poe and many quotes from his works.


(2010) - film of a closed screening by Anna Fenchenko. The plot of the film tells about a programmer who is quite happy with self-isolation from big world. He works at home, has no family, and relations with relatives living on the floor above are very strained. He is no longer young and it is convenient for him to live in own world which he created for himself. But one day, by a strange coincidence, he loses what little he had. Having lost his apartment, job and passport, but managing to maintain his freedom, he plunges into a new world. Having escaped from his problems, he ends up missing and has nowhere to return. Will he be able to find himself in the new world and overcome all the trials that fate has in store for him?

Among the many existing films, not all are intended for mass viewing. There are also films that are intended only for a specific, closed screening. Such films are special, the directors put their own meaning into them, showed certain events in a rather unique way, so that not every viewer can bear it, and not everyone is allowed to watch it. And here is a list of the best such films.

Missing (2010)

The main character of the film was a programmer. He led a fairly secluded life, interacting with practically no one. His relatives lived on the floor above, but the man had not been with them for a long time common language. Nevertheless, the programmer was quite comfortable living like this. But what happens when one day the main character loses everything? He will be left homeless, without documents, he will be forced to leave his comfort zone. But what will he do?

Between (2011)

The main character was a writer who Lately was experiencing a severe creative crisis. In order to somehow overcome this, he comes to a quiet provincial town, Where local residents frightened by a series of murders taking place there. Recently, the writer has been tormented by terrible visions. The girl, covered in blood, still wants to tell him something. The main character is sure that if he can solve this riddle, it will be an ideal plot for his new book.

Last Sunday (2009)
The Last Station

Few people know how the legendary writers lived their last days. The plot will focus on a description of this particular period in the life of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. Tired of misunderstandings and constant conflicts with his wife, early in the morning the writer, without saying a word to anyone, leaves his home and leaves in an unknown direction. He had only 39 rubles in his pocket. Where exactly the writer was going is not known for certain, but fate did not give him a chance to reach his destination. On the way, Lev Nikolaevich caught a bad cold. This turned into severe pneumonia, which the writer could no longer overcome.

First Squad (2009)

Only a select few know that during the Second World War, not only ordinary people. Employees of the legendary German organization called Ahnenerbe managed to summon the best warriors from the other world who were considered invincible. However, the enemies also had their own trump card - the first detachment, a group of specially trained fighters. But who will win this fight?

White Ribbon (2009)
Das weie Band

The plot of the film takes place in a quiet Protestant village on the outskirts of Germany at the very beginning of the last century. Perhaps the main entertainment here is church choir, which contains the entire village elite. A quiet and measured life will be disrupted by the accident. But how will this affect the fate of talented children singing in the choir?

Darling (2007)

It all starts at one film festival in a quiet small town. Famous critic movies Bob meets a strange man named Dushka. For fun, Bob invites him to visit. What a surprise the critic was when, many years later, that same Dushka showed up at his house. Bob didn't even immediately remember who was in front of him. Of course, the main character was not delighted with such an unexpected arrival, because now he was just completely arranging his life. Bob didn't know then how much an uninvited guest could change everything.

Melancholia (2011)

Very soon there will be a catastrophe on Earth. Earth will collide with another planet called Melancholia. After this, with a high probability, all life on the planet will be destroyed. This event greatly darkens the life of a young girl named Justine, who has only recently arranged her personal life. In this matter, she is supported as best she can by her sister Claire. But very soon she will fall into depression.

Rita's Last Tale (2012)

The three main characters of the film refused completely different women. One of them works in the morgue. In addition, she is the angel of death who helps souls find their way in the other world. The second is Margarita. Very soon she will be gone, and the third is Nadya, who has forgotten what love is. Now she does not perceive not only those around her, but also herself.

Caesar Must Die (2012)
Cesare deve morire

Theatre, stage, production of the play “Julius Caesar”. The actors coped with their task flawlessly. A curtain. And these same actors return to familiar reality - to their cells, because they are prisoners of a high-security prison. Many of them will stay here until the end of their days. They took part in a unique experiment, without even realizing how much it would change each of them.

Playing the Victim (2006)

A young guy named Valya, having completed his studies at the university, gets a job with the police. There he plays the role of a corpse, and every time he has to go to the crime scene. The absurdity of all the crimes committed and the ongoing investigations sometimes outrages Valentin. The outcome of all these events is already predetermined. The criminal will go to prison. And no one will figure out whether he is really guilty. But how will this work affect later life Main character?


Closed screening films are not those stories that are prohibited from being shown at all. They won’t be shown on television anyway, but sometimes you can get to the premiere before the official release. The top 10 closed screening films will be loved by those who are used to discussing the episodes they watched, expressing their opinions, and getting a new perspective from what was shown on the screens. The acting, the construction of the plot, the formation of the author's concepts and the idea of ​​the ending - this is what should be obtained from today's cinema.

10. Portraying victim

The rating opens with an unusual film that was included in the list of closed screenings. Naturally, if he is here, then the plot is somewhat unusual and unusual. For the sake of a good salary, a young guy finds himself in a difficult situation - he, as a police officer, is forced to work not only for bonuses. While solving crimes, he arbitrarily mutilates the bodies of the victims he finds. During a search during investigative experiments, he has to report information to the captain, a charismatic man who is accompanied by a journalist with a camera. Ensign Lyudmila follows on their heels.

The defendants are driven by a narrow-minded sergeant who is trying to shift the blame onto the found defendants. The film shows that all police work comes down to a simple box that needs to be ticked, and then receive a reward, bonus, salary increase or a new promotion with shoulder straps. Against this background, the author calls for the birth of absurdity in the audience, introduces guilt for negligence, and wants to awaken a sense of conscience in people, because the police are not always an indicator of state activity. How will you react to a crime of which your relatives have become victims?

9. Euphoria

It happens that some couples meet at the most inopportune moments. They somehow lived wonderfully before, went to work, ate, drank. And then, at one strange moment, when a drunken wedding is in full swing, people’s gazes intersect - a convulsive meeting, silent glances, frozen hearts, a constant search for the person in whom they disappeared in a second. They no longer know how to live without each other. It is impossible to sleep, live, walk, everything takes on a completely different meaning. And it’s not clear whether this is affection or love at first sight literally this word.

What happened to two adults who just made eye contact? What unknown spells and forces turned their lives upside down? Then the picture unfolds - two lovers do not belong to themselves, family or friends. Someone took them away from their usual routines, and instilled in them the fear of living their lives without a soul mate. Does such love exist in real life, or the author of the film is simply trying to convey to the young men that you can’t get enough of love, and everything needs to be done in moderation...

8. All they will die and I will remain

Another picture from the list of closed film screenings. This is a sensational drama, but such episodes occur in life much more often than we would like. The main character is a teenage girl who is always unlucky at school, in her family, with friends and boyfriends. Girlfriends try to look mature, imitate them in everything - in habits, habits and behavior. At the upcoming disco there will be the most handsome guys, but the evening ends tragically - the girls become women, and not of their own free will, and not without consequences. The director reliably described the picture, showing the reality of the episodes that happened in the lives of teenagers.

Youthful maximalism, parents’ fear for their children’s growing up, for the impossibility of protecting and warning them, and children’s fatigue from suffering for their “first” love... All these fears turn out to be reality - grief happens in every home when a child becomes an adult and self-confident. How to curb children's zeal to become adults? How to subjugate a child, or raise him correctly so that there is respect for the older generation? No way... You need to experience this, but is it psychologically possible? clean life after dirty events for which no one will be held accountable?

7. Virginity

In this world, everything is bought and sold, and even in court you can openly say that for giving false testimony you know what you will get - a BMW of the latest model. This happened in this picture of a closed screening. There was no limit to discussions - glossy magazines show the younger generation beautiful life, and the reality from the words and experience of parents is the ugly truth. Newspapers write - buy, buy, but the stars from the covers look into your eyes and say - be like us. The most popular topic is who the star sleeps with, who else sleeps with her, and why did she cheat on her third husband with her seventh lover?

They constantly say that with beautiful legs and with your figure you can sell yourself and your beauty. And so girls think, what is the meaning of virginity? Why save it until marriage, if during this time you can earn a lot of money on beauty and perseverance? How much can you sell this virginity for? This is more valuable, and a good offer will come only once - after all, she is the only one they have. Many of younger generation ready to do anything to sell their pristine nature for a good reward. But is it only virginity and beauty that girls are willing to sell, and who needs all this?

6. Nobody, except us

The film tells about the war that lasted six years on the territory of Tajikistan, and where Russian military units took part. The plot tells not only about military operations, but also about love - the main character has been looking for the girl Natalia all his life. He finds her a few days before his next business trip, but doesn’t want to leave or leave her even for a second. The boss allowed him not to go, he could stay and not leave his love. But the viewer clearly will not like the action of the man who chose war instead of the girl. Why did he do this, and how did his upbringing influence such a desperate step?

The theme of morality and a sense of duty are two ideologies that arise in the plot of the film. You can’t renounce when you love, but you can’t abandon your homeland without giving honor either. A loved one must accept and understand the choice of his beloved, because the homeland will not forgive if someone betrays her. These are the relationships that arise inside the head of a military man, who has been told since childhood that duty to his homeland is the highest thing a citizen can give. And love and family bonds won't go anywhere. What would you do if you found yours? loved one, with whom you would never part with? Would you be able to let go into the unknown, not knowing whether you will return from the war or not?

5. Once upon a time there was one woman

The film from Andrei Smirny is about a simple peasant woman who had four men. The picture touches on issues of morality and existence. The pseudo-historical sketch shows a comparison of several times in life - the 1900s and the time of the Antonov uprising. By 1920, the film begins to see a denouement that takes the form not of a convicted person, but of a misunderstood person. The main character is a simple woman who lived in the village. Everyone in the village knew her, as in any village in Russia, residents recognize each other by sight.

What is special about the closed screening film, and why is everyone talking about it so much? Initially, hostility is born towards an illiterate woman who only knows how to please a man. Previously, in the village, you had to do everything to please your peasant, who was the breadwinner, breadwinner and king in the house. Today's generation looks differently at the behavior of women of the last century. How can you have a wedding between a rich groom and a poor peasant woman, and then “walk to the left” of such a wonderful gentleman husband? The whole story shows real reasons this, but the end of the film occurs during the Antonov uprising.

4. House wind

A woman works in a children's infectious diseases hospital, a janitor, who, it turns out, had a missing son. She learns about his death on southern border, and is completely lost in time. To fill the spiritual emptiness and give somewhere the love that overwhelms her, she steals a seven-year-old boy from the hospital and brings him to her home. Tema, an Asian boy, is doomed to die soon, since the diagnosis given to him is certain death. The disease is incompatible with life, and the woman last days he wants to be with him, but also to amuse himself after he learns about the loss. When you don’t know where your child is, your heart waits and hopes, but there is nothing to wait for.

The story is unusual, when light in the soul comes through pain, and acceptance of the truth ends in renunciation and blaming everyone around. Animal love, which the director talks about under a microscope, fades into the background - the conversation with God reaches the primitive accusation of everyone around, it all ends with an unbridled passion to prove to everyone that mother's love comes to life in the heart even towards other people's children. A private screening of the film took place several months ago, long after the premiere. But it left a residue and incomprehensible feelings towards the heroine, who waited and gave herself the right to raise a small child.

3. Without men

Here it is - the first film of the top three. Runway, night, slanting rain, and after an eternal flight, two silhouettes are reflected in a puddle. Airplane passengers leave the airport, and the question immediately arises: where are the people with whom they spent the entire Moscow night? Two women take cars and leave according to their mood in an unknown direction. They rush along boulevards, streets, highways to nowhere. The trips are accompanied by tears and sorrow in the soul.

It's like they fell out of real life, they go where their eyes look. Some are laughing, some are crying. But almost at the finish line, the director reveals the secret of the film. The suffering that a person experiences in reality belongs to female “weaknesses,” but another lives inside – his name is man. One idea, one thought, and the plot truly deserves criticism, and it is not at all clear what the author of the film wanted to convey to the audience. There are many opinions, and everyone differs. What did you understand from the script, which is so confusing that it is difficult to imagine what kind of woman suddenly becomes in her feelings a man in a skirt?

2. I I want it too

The film by the famous director takes second place in the closed screening. It opens its networks to all viewers who love adventure and passion. And a jeep rushes along the road - desert, heat and heat. In a black car sits a bandit, his friend Matvey and his old father. Along the way, a musician and an unknown girl are traveling with them. They are in search of the bell tower of happiness, which is supposedly based in St. Petersburg or Uglich. Nearby, as a landmark, is located Nuclear Power Plant, but it doesn't work.

A happy bell tower does not bring proper joy; on the contrary, it takes people to the next world, or maybe makes them disappear from the face of the earth. Not everyone, but only a select few, may find themselves on the other side of reality. But what criteria are used to select, and what are they? mystical place? At the closed screening, there were opinions that in Russia there is also a triangle - a territory with incomprehensible laws of force and energy. However, everyone sitting in the car truly believes that he will be the lucky one who will be taken to another world by the bell tower.

1. Antichrist

The winner of the closed film screening rating is the sensational drama about married couple. The plot begins in the bedroom - two young spouses make love, and at the moment when the woman experiences an orgasm, a baby falls out of the window and breaks. He crawled out of the crib and climbed onto the windowsill. The beginning alone makes you shiver, and the parents will struggle with guilt throughout the entire film. The child's father is trying to survive the misfortune, but he is trying to help his wife more - she has gone crazy. He takes her to an old house In the woods. There, the heroine plunges into a world of strange numbers, symbols and sounds. The most monstrous sights cannot be more terrible for them than the madness and pain that sits inside their hearts.

The mental anguish over the death of a two-year-old baby does not leave them. Nothing can ease a torn heart, not a single stone removed from the soul will lighten the burden. Repentance, uncertainty, lack of understanding of how to live on. A closed screening of the film - this story shows how caring the audience is, and who would be willing to give up their lives rather than indulge in torture. But the couple from the film is not looking for easy ways - their real karma for what they have done is to understand that life will continue in different colors, and whether they can exist in a world of illusions and oblivion, compassion and fear, we will understand at the end of the story.

Enjoy your viewing and good mood– food for judgment and conversation has been served!