Alexander Gordon: “I chose DOK for my family. Alexander Gordon: biography, wives and scandals Director's works of Alexander Gordon

Alexander Gordon – Russian journalist, actor, director, five-time winner of the TEFI award. The general public is known as the TV presenter of the programs “Gordon Quixote”, “Male and Female”, “ Closed Show».

Differs from colleagues by being categorical and adherent to principles when defending his own point of view. This form of communication by a journalist does not leave television viewers indifferent, dividing the public into two camps.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Garrievich Gordon was born in Obninsk, Kaluga region in February 1964. He does not comment on his nationality, but some media outlets claim that the TV presenter is Jewish on his father’s side, and Ukrainian on his mother’s side. Antonina Striga's mother worked as a nurse in the army unit, where Odessa resident Harry Gordon served at that time. Things started between the young people romantic relationship.

Immediately after the birth of the boy, the family moved to the village of Belousovo, Kaluga Region, where they lived for 3 years. From there the Gordons moved to the capital. Soon the parents divorced, and the son did not see his father, a famous writer, poet and artist in the Soviet Union, for some time. Now Alexander maintains a warm relationship with Harry Gordon.

Alexander’s mother married a second time, and her stepfather replaced Sasha’s dad. The boy's childhood was bright and eventful. Gordon grew up creative personality. He says that at the age of 5 he had his own puppet theater and even gave performances that attracted a lot of spectators. Alexander Garrievich was fond of sports. My favorite sport was hockey. However, the boy dreamed of becoming a policeman or director. Moreover, it is unclear who he wanted to become more.

After graduating from school, Gordon became a student at the Shchukin Theater School, where he enthusiastically studied acting. Since he needed to earn a living somewhere, the guy got a job in children's club, where he taught schoolchildren the basics of theater skills. cognize theatrical process From the inside, he went to the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, where he got a job as a stage assembler.

In his youth, Alexander managed to avoid military service. I really didn’t want to waste precious time on the construction of Baikonur. Gordon’s height (178 cm), weight and health allowed him to serve, so the future TV presenter faked a mental disorder. To do this, in his youth he had to spend a couple of weeks in a psychiatric hospital.

In 1987, Gordon successfully graduated from the Shchukin School.

A television

In the same year, the aspiring actor began work. He was accepted into the theater-studio of Ruben Simonov. But here Gordon stayed only for 2 years. And then he and his family went to live in America.

In the United States, the young man managed to quickly adapt and find a place in the sun. At first, Alexander worked as an electrician, an air conditioning specialist, and mastered making pizza. Later I found a comfortable place for myself - television. Here, on one of the Russian-language channels, he became a TV presenter, and very soon became an authoritative one.

In the first half of the 90s, Alexander Garrievich worked on several channels at once. On one - as a director of some programs, on the other - as a correspondent. Soon he manages to found his own television company, where he worked for several years.

In 1994, Gordon began collaborating with the Russian TV channel TV-6, on which he produced and hosted his own project “New York, New York,” where he talks in detail and informatively about life in the States.

Combining work in the USA and Russia is not easy for Alexander, because he has to constantly fly between continents. And in 1997, Gordon decides to finally move to Russia, although he still has American citizenship.

In Russia, TV presenter and director Gordon created a number of programs, the first popular one being “Collection of Delusions.” This highly rated project attracted the attention of Russian viewers for a long time. Soon another project appeared - political talk show"Process".

Gordon worked as a TV presenter in two programs at once. He developed such a taste for politics that he even declared his desire to become president. For this purpose, Alexander Garrievich created a party, calling it the “Party of Public Cynicism.” But the hobby quickly passed, and the creator sold the batch for a symbolic $3.

Soon television and creative biography Alexandra Gordon began to be replenished with projects and became rich and colorful. He led many projects, the most significant and popular of which were “Gordon” and “Stress” on NTV, “Gordon Quixote” and “Citizen Gordon” on Channel One. Later, the projects “Politics” and “For and Against” were broadcast with Alexander’s participation. In the first program, the man’s co-host was a journalist, in the second, an actress.

The transcripts of the nightly program "Gordon" formed the basis of the book series "Dialogues", which began publication in 2004. Gordon's next book and TV project, The Science of the Soul, was dedicated to human psyche and contained conversations with experts in this field. This theme is also reflected in the format of film programs.

Together with psychologist Olga Troitskaya, Alexander Gordon recorded the series of programs “Happily Ever After.” In 11 conversations, the TV presenter and psychologist discussed the problems of family relationships and raising children.

New ones were added to the TV presenter’s shows that had already gained popularity: “Closed Show” and “Male/Female”, where he became his co-host. The “Closed Show” became a success, bringing Gordon 3 TEFI awards over time.

Alexander Garrievich often appears on the screen both as an actor and director. His most famous directorial works were the films “The Shepherd of His Cows” and “Brothel Lights.” The material for the scripts of these films was 2 literary works Alexander's father, Harry Gordon. Thanks to the works of his son, the writer gained fame in wide circles lovers modern prose. Gordon appeared as an actor in famous paintings“Fate to choose from”, “Generation P”, “Cuckoo” and others.

In 2014, Alexander Gordon began filming the popular comedy series "". The actor appeared in all seasons and played one of the main roles, businessman Viktor Mamaev. The main roles in the series were played by, and.

In April 2016, the premiere of the 3rd season of Fizruk took place. This part was supposed to be the final for the series, and the plot was supposed to continue full-length film“Fizruk Saves Russia,” the premiere of which was planned for 2017. But after the release of the 3rd season, it was decided to extend the series, and filming of new episodes began almost immediately - the 4th season was released in April 2017.

Alexander Gordon and Dmitry Nagiyev in the series “Fizruk”

Only after its screening began production of the full-length film. Alexander Gordon played the role of Mamai both in the new season and in the film.

In September 2016, Gordon became a participant in the “Blind Audition” of the show “.” None of the judges turned to the performer. As she admitted, the mentors - except for, who was sincerely surprised to see Gordon - immediately realized who was singing behind them.

Personal life

The personal life of Alexander Gordon is a rich source for the work of yellow publications and tabloids, as he constantly provides food for conversation and rumors. His numerous novels unexpected and exciting: in family life The actor is already present with his beloved wife, 3 ex-wives and four children - 2 daughters and 2 sons.

Gordon's first wife was Maria Berdnikova. Now the woman works in America for Russian TV channel. This union turned out to be the longest - 8 years. He left behind a daughter.

Then for 7 years Gordon lived with a model and actress. It was a civil marriage. Another 6 years - with Katya Prokofieva, better known as. The couple divorced in 2006.

Alexander and Ekaterina Gordon

At the end of 2011, Alexander Garrievich secretly signed with 18-year-old student Nina Shchipilova.

Gordon announced the presence of his young wife in March next year, appearing with her at a public event. And in May of the same 2012, a scandal broke out: Gordon gave birth to illegitimate daughter Sasha. Her mother is Elena Pashkova, a journalist from Krasnodar. A short affair with her happened at the Odessa Film Festival.

At the end of 2013, it became known that Alexander Gordon and Nina Shchipilova divorced. The husband's betrayal and the 30-year age difference between the spouses became the rocks on which the union broke.

The artist did not reflect on the latest family drama. In 2014, he married a VGIK student.

She is the granddaughter of director and academician of the Russian Film Academy “Nika” Valery Akhadov. In the same year, the couple’s joint son, Sasha, was born, and in 2017, Nozanin gave birth to a second child, also a boy, whom, according to press reports, it was decided to name Fedor.

Alexander himself does not engage in self-PR in social networks, but his photos appear in "Instagram" on the page of his wife Nozanin, who, by the way, never ceases to openly confess her love for the father of her children.

Alexander Gordon now

In the summer of 2018, Alexander Gordon presented his latest directorial and acting work at the Kinotavr film festival - the comedy Uncle Sasha, which he called a caricature. The film was about a director who decided to end his film career by filming a film on the territory of his own country house.

The hero invited his friends, colleagues, and neighbors to work. As the TV presenter said in an interview, the idea of ​​​​creating such a film came to him back in the days when he was studying at theater school.

In the film script, the director combined motifs from the works of,.

In the winter of 2019, Alexander Gordon, together with his wife Nozanin Abdulvasieva, attended a private screening of the thriller “Dawn” directed by Pavel Sidorov. Others were also present at the premiere of the mystical drama.

Filmography (actor)

  • 2007 - “Night Visitors”
  • 2011 - “Generation P”
  • 2014-2017 - “Fizruk”
  • 2018 - “Uncle Sasha”

Filmography (director)

  • 2002 - “The Shepherd of His Cows”
  • 2011 - “The Lights of the Brothel”
  • 2018 - “Uncle Sasha”


  • 1994-1997 - “New York, New York”
  • 1998-2000 – “Collection of Delusions”
  • 2001-2004 – “Gordon”
  • 2007-2013 – “Closed screening”
  • 2013 – “Pros and Cons”
  • 2014 - “Male/Female”

Russian TV presenter, director.
Born on February 20, 1964 in the village of Belousovo, Kaluga Region.
Father - poet, writer and artist Harry Gordon, originally from Odessa.
In 1987 he graduated from the acting department of the B.V. Theater School. Shchukin. After graduating from college, he worked for a year at the Ruben Simonov Theater-Studio. Also taught acting skills in a children's group.
In 1989, he emigrated to the USA with his little daughter and wife.
Since 1990 - director, editor, announcer, camera assistant at the RTN television company.
Since 1992 - senior correspondent on the WMNB channel.
In 1993, he created the company “Wostok Entertainment”.
From 1994 to April 1997 - author and presenter of the journalistic program “New York, New York”, which aired on the Russian TV channel “TV-6”.
In 1997 he returned to Russia.
Since 1997 - correspondent for Igor Voevodin’s journalistic program “Private Case”.
From March to December 1997 - author and presenter of this program. Also, in 1997, he began hosting the program “Silver Rain” on the radio station “Silver Rain”. gloomy morning”, which since 2001 has also been broadcast on television (on channel M1).
Since 2009 - artist of the School Theater modern play".

On April 20, 1998, he organized the Party of Public Cynicism (POC) and announced his intention to run for the post of President of Russia in 2000. The party consisted of more three thousand members, and A.G. Gordon was its general secretary. In 2005, the lot was sold by Gordon for $3 to an unknown person.

From 2001 to 2003, he hosted the “Gordon” program on NTV.
In 2002 he removed Feature Film"Shepherd His Cows" based on the script by his father, Harry Gordon. The film received the jury prize of the IX Russian Film Festival “Literature and Cinema”, “Best Directorial Debut”.

In March 2004, the premiere of the play “Demons” based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky on the stage of the “School of Modern Play” staged by Alexander Gordon.
Since September 2004 - host of the “Stress” program on NTV.
Since the beginning of October 2005, he has been the host of the television program “Gordon 2030”.
Since 2008 - presenter of programs on Channel One - "Closed Show" and "Gordon Quixote".

Also, since 2005 A.G. Gordon - secretary and ideologist of the Interregional Social Movement"Image of the Future" supporting social projects in regions of Russia.

Since 2007, he continued to host the “Gloomy Morning” program on the “Silver Rain” radio. Oddly enough, the program airs on Wednesday evenings.

Founds “PI” - “Party of Intellectuals”, the main idea of ​​which is all-Russian Internet voting. The party's slogan is "PI is here."

Details Created: 10/31/2017 21:38 Updated: 11/03/2017 14:59

Alexander Gordon is an incorrigible romantic, a talented TV presenter and film actor. He is known to television viewers as the host and creator of the popular television programs “Gordon Quixote” and “Citizen Gordon.” How did he achieve success and does he have a family? You will learn about this below.

Gordon has a very subtle sense of humor, which is sometimes scary. He is very straightforward and is often called a cynic. Men are afraid of him, but women, on the contrary, adore him.


According to sources, famous boy was born in the village of Belousovo (Kaluga region, Russian Federation) into families of intellectuals. Year of birth: February 20, 1964. According to the horoscope, Pisces is a kind, attentive, sensual and very romantic man. According to sources, his nationality is Russian, but he also has other roots, both on his father’s and mother’s side.

The boy's father, Harry Gordon, was a poet. On the paternal side, the whole family comes from Odessa. Mom, Antonina Striga, worked as a nurse. In the late 80s she emigrated to America, where she still lives.

Sasha's parents divorced very early, when he was still very young. Therefore, the boy grew up with his stepfather, whom he always considered dad. He met his own father only at the age of 19 and after meeting they became good friends.

With father Harry Gordon

Sasha spent only three years in his native village, then the whole family moved to Moscow for permanent residence. He spent his entire childhood in this noisy city. Sasha has always been a very active baby and with early years already showed creative talents. IN early age He was fond of sports and even created his own puppet theater.

IN early years he dreamed of being an investigator, and when he grew up, he had to work as a conductor and a pizza delivery man. After graduating from high school, I submitted documents to Theater school them. Shchukina. He was accepted without problems and successfully graduated in 1987.


According to media reports, after studying he began working for some time in Theater-Studio of Ruben Simonov, and 2 years later he packed his bags and, together with his wife and little daughter, emigrated to the USA to find work and better life. Eight for long years he stayed abroad, changed several jobs (he was a director, announcer, correspondent) and received American citizenship. But in 1997, he decided to return to his homeland.

In young age

Here in Russia, from 1997 to the present day, he took part in large quantities TV shows on various topics (from political to entertainment), but not all of them, of course, became popular. The most successful projects: "A Collection of Delusions", "The Trial", "Gordon in Ambush", "Male/Female" and others.

"Gordon in Ambush"


According to sources, his first acting work in cinema began in 1988 in the short film “Red Elephants”, where he got a small role as John Lennon. Other jobs followed, where he had mainly cameo roles: “Night Visitors” (2007), “Generation “P”” (2011), “Casting for a Villain” (2011), “Cuckoo” (2013), “Heirs” (2015).

In 2012 he played his first main role teachers in English in the movie "After School". And after that, two more famous roles: a writer in the movie "The Smart Guy" and a businessman in the movie "Fizruk".

Still from the movie "Smart Guy"

Took part in filming twice documentaries and in the dubbing of cartoons - "Cucaracha 3D" (2011) and "Crazy Help"(2009). His director's robots - "The Shepherd of His Cows"(2002) and "Board Lights" (2011). By the way, the scripts for these films were written by his own father.

"Gym teacher"

Interesting Facts

According to some data it is known that his height is approximately 172 centimeters, and his weight is about 72-74 kilograms. Alexander has a page on facebook and twitter. He doesn't have his own on Instagram yet. official page. Although some publications claim that he once had it.

As the best TV presenter, for several years in a row he was awarded the TEFI Prize in various categories. In addition to his main job, Alexander is actively involved in social activities(for example, in 1998 he organized the Party of Public Cynicism and wanted to run for President of Russia). Exposed several times legal proceedings for causing moral damage to some opponents during a sharp statement against them on air.

In 2016, he decided to test his strength as a singer and sang on the stage of the “Voice” project.

Personal life: his wives and children

According to sources, today Alexander is married and has children. But his personal life is very varied and always discussed in the press. And all because the TV presenter is a very loving man and there were a lot of women in his life, including wives.

According to the media, he was officially married four times, had a civil marriage and love relationship on the side. He also has children from different wives, but let’s find out about this in order...

His first wife was his age - Maria Verdnikova. He lived with her for eight whole years and emigrated to the USA, where they both looked for a better life in the 90s. In this marriage, Gordon had a daughter, Anna. After the divorce, he left ex-wife

and his daughter in America, and he himself went home. Already here in Russia he meets actress Nana Kiknadze, who becomes his common-law wife

for seven long years. This relationship was very difficult, but beautiful and with strong feelings.

With Nana Kiknadze He met his second wife Katya at a sushi bar. The girl came there with her boyfriend, and he sat at the table alone. She recognized him immediately, because for her he was her favorite TV presenter and the person she admired. Katya presented him with a notebook with her poems and left him her phone number. He studied her poems for a long time and then called. That's how they started love story

, which turned into six years of married life. Ekaterina Gordon

She was 17 years younger than him, and they got married literally after a month of dating. He helped her make a career and loved her madly. But after some time, misunderstandings and domestic quarrels began to arise between them. Katya proposed a divorce and Gordon fulfilled his ex-wife’s wish in 2006.

After Catherine, the TV presenter remained alone for a long time and only in 2011 did he have a passion again. She again became a student, but this time - Nina Shchipilova. No one knew about this romance and marriage. Sasha hid this relationship for a long time, but still, at the beginning of 2012, he appeared in public with her.

With Nina Shchipilova

The press had just begun to discuss the loving couple when it leaked to the media new information that Gordon is born illegitimate daughter - Alexandra. It turns out that while he was married, the TV presenter began an affair with journalist Elena Pashkova, whom he met at a film festival in Odessa. The betrayal undermined Sasha’s relationship with his official wife. They divorced in 2013.

Together with Elena Pashkova

And only with his fourth official wife, Gordon finally found his happiness and settled down. And it’s okay that the spouse is 30 years younger than him, because they find mutual language, interests and they have a great relationship. As is known, his last love became Nozanin Abdulvasieva. She is a student at VGIK and has relatives who have achieved great heights in filmmaking.

Nozanin Abdulvasieva and Gordon

They got married in 2014, when Nozanin was already in interesting position and soon after the wedding she gave birth to her husband’s first son. They named him in honor of his father - Alexander. And three years later, the wife made her husband happy again second heir- Fedor.

After living in rented apartments for many years, 53-year-old Alexander Gordon finally got his own country house.

For famous TV presenter, director and actor, this event was significant for two reasons. Firstly, all these years he did not have his own corner and wandered around rented apartments. And secondly, a couple of months ago Alexander once again became a father - his 22-year-old wife Noza Abdulvasieva gave birth to their second child together.

In the popular Channel One show “Male/Female,” which Gordon is now co-hosting with Yulia Baranovskaya, Alexander always plays the role of a “strict policeman.” He does not coddle with the heroes, but cuts the truth in their eyes. So much so that it often offends people who come to the studio.

Those who are closely acquainted with Gordon assure that in life he is the same - harsh, meticulous and corrosive. They say that this is why his previous wives did not get along with him (the TV presenter is in his fourth marriage, not to mention his numerous previous affairs).
Even the construction of the house was slow - few could please the demanding taste of Alexander Garrievich.

“I calculated that in my adult life I have changed one hundred and one rented apartments,” Gordon once shared in an interview. - I didn’t have my own home. And then I thought: I’m already “fifty dollars” - I need to lay my head somewhere. I decided that I didn’t need an apartment - I could always rent one while I was working. And when I can’t, I want to live not in Moscow, but outside the city, in my own house. This became my dream, because after fifty it’s already difficult to wake up, because all your desires have already been exhausted: you open your eyes in the morning and don’t understand why.”

When the TV presenter divorced his young wife Nina Shchipilova in November 2013, and six months later married an equally young VGIK student Nozanin Abdulvasieva (granddaughter of the famous director, Honored Artist of Tajikistan and Russia Valery Akhadov) and found out about her pregnancy, the question of his own living space stood up very sharply.

Gordon assures that he then studied mountains of literature, talked with a dozen acquaintances who own country real estate, and made several important conclusions. In his opinion, a brick house is too expensive, a log house is somehow rustic, and a timber house is not entirely reliable.

“It is important that the house is not only durable, but also warm and quiet: I don’t want the neighbors to hear what’s going on with me,” Alexander meaningfully expressed his wishes. “I also want the two houses – the master’s and the guest’s – to be connected by a common living room.”

As a result, the search construction company dragged on for another year, but when young Noza became pregnant with her second baby, Gordon finally signed up for the grandiose project.

In January, Noza gave her husband a second son, and little Sasha- brother.
Especially for future home the TV presenter bought a plot of land on the banks of the Pestovsky reservoir, 30 kilometers from Moscow. And since then everything free time spent there, at a construction site.

It was decided to build the star mansion from a double volumetric frame in order to run all communications inside the walls, and not disfigure the landscape with protruding pipes and wires. In addition, this type of structure, according to Alexander, is stronger than brick and wood - it is not in danger of deformation.

“I grew up on the water all the time - either on Seliger or on the Volga, so I was looking for a similar place in the Moscow region,” Gordon shared. - When I found it, another question arose. It seems to me that one of the advantages of the house is its relevance to the landscape. That is, it should not be conspicuous. I wanted a small country house. I managed to achieve this: my house is practically invisible. I don’t like pretentiousness.”

Alexander Gordon, Noza and son Sasha

Indeed, the TV presenter’s two-story mansion looks quite modest against the backdrop of its neighbors’ cool cottages. But Gordon’s roof is very unusual - in appearance it resembles the deck of a ship, where you can sunbathe.

IN guest house two bedrooms and a spacious living room, and in the master (among all others necessary premises) Gordon took special care to create his Personal Area. There he installed a massive and expensive work desk, a comfortable sofa, many bookshelves and a rocking chair.

They say that Alexander and his family celebrated a housewarming party on the eve of the New Year. Although in January, when Noza gave her husband a second son, the family lived in Moscow for some time. And now, when little Fedor Having grown up a little, Gordon was busy improving the site so that in the summer his missus could calmly spend time with the children in the fresh air.