Approximate names of children's theater clubs. Case: name for a children's theater studio. What influences the choice of a theater group

Once you decide that you want to open your own kids club, Of course, you won’t immediately start buying equipment and recruiting a team. You will study the features of this business. And you will also definitely come up with a name to his brainchild. And this is not an easy task! There are already thousands of clubs with beautiful and not so beautiful names.

Using these instructions, you can come up with a great name for your children's center, that your customers will like.

  • How to choose a bright name for a children's club?
  • How to find something that is not banal and not too weird Name?
  • How to designate common name children's institution so that it is correct reflected its essence?

Let's first look at what other people call preschool institutions.

Most of the titles can be divided into categories:

Based on cartoons and fairy tales: Teddy, Pinocchio, Totosha, Babayka, Robin Hood, Kapitoshka, Baloo, Umka, Fairy Tale, Teremok, Miracles, FanFan, Chunga-Changa, Goldfish, House of Wizards, Giants, Akuna-Matata, Scientist Cat, Smeshariki, Mumimama, Limpopo, Willie Winky, Little Brownie

Great people: Pythagoras, Plato, Anderson

Children's names: Dashenka, Syoma, Zarina, Deniska, Holly, Marie, Sashenka, Marusya, Dara, Monty, Alisa

Animals: Kangaroo, Owl Owl, Hummingbird, Octopus, Baby Mammoth, Polar bear, Bee, Dolphin, Firefly, Hedgehogs, Seagull, Canary, Parrot, Ladybug, Toucan, Owl

Plants: Pine cone, Miracle tree, Grain, Sprout, Birch

Combinations of letters, exclamations and alphabet: A+B, Z, ABC for parents, Oh yes I am!, Hurray! E+Family, ABC, Az and Buki, Oh!

The science: Academy, Childhood Academy, Erudite, Electron, Academician baby, Linguist, Logos, Knowledge Workshop, Generic, Parallel, Perspective, Progress, New Age

Childhood: Smart child, Know, Why, First steps, Freckles, Talker, Empire of childhood, Secret of childhood, Little genius, Myself, Fidget, Smart kid, Know-it-all, Krosha Ru, Kids time, Ladushki

Family values: Mom's joy, Lucky one, Miracle of birth, Miracle children, All the best for children, My smart girl, Family circle, Miracle in the house, Trust, Good, Family, 7I, Friendship

Using foreign words: Okeshka, Babyclub, Players, Mamarada (translit), Atlantis, Sunnyclub, Kinder boom, Mama house, Smile, Bonus Club, New Days, Sound club, Junior, Party-Boom, Bambino, Funny Park, Kinder Party, Leader Land, Bloom , Mini Bambini, Tilly Willy, MySecret, Sprout, Felicita, Kimberly Land, Mark & ​​Maks Club, Infant, Split

Fruits, berries: Mandarin, Lemon, Vitamin, Citrus, Raspberry, Raspberry, Pomegranate, Orange

Holidays: Birthday boy, Childhood holiday, Christmas

Creation: Plasticine, Pencil, Artist, Bead, Paint

Trips: Safari, In Wonderland, Quarter, Island of Adventure, Land of Fairy Tales, Island, Big Ben, Madagascar, Little America, World of Harmony, Carpet, Athens, Jungle, Children's Town, Space, Sunny City, Talentville, Flower City, Land of Fairy Tales, Malibu

Toys: Rubik's Cube, Matryoshka, Lala, Pyramid, Cube

Modified words and slang: Begemontiki, Club-ok, Akvamarinka, Druzyaki, KudoMama, Ukhtyshka, Rhythmusiki, BambiK, MimiMotik, Totoro, Limpik, Fontanevia, Manyanya, TaRaRam, Oika!

Natural phenomena: Spark, Source, Droplets, Orbit, Sun, Rainbow, Constellation, Whirlwind, Jupiter, Galaxy, Beam, Red Dawns, Atmosphere, Sunrise, Asterisk

Phrases: Good afternoon

How can you come up with something original if there are already so many wonderful titles?

I propose to use the work of artists and designers, namely methods creative search. The main one is search for associations.

7 Creative Search Methods:

  1. Check out this list of names of children's clubs and development centers. Turn on yours associative thinking and continue each of the categories with your own names. For example, for the category “Animals” I came up with the following words: Tit, Kitten, Sparrow, Stork, Giraffe, Penguin, Peacock, Whale, Fox, Dragon.
  2. Any of these names can be matched bright adjective . Well, for example: children's club "Smart Tit", school early development"Orange Kitten", children's art studio "Colored Peacock", children's center "Magnificent Sparrow", family center " White stork", family entertainment center "Cheerful Giraffe", development center "Kind Dragon".
  3. You can also add to the Russian word foreign words or take it completely foreign phrase. For example, the Art Fox art studio or the Clever Fox children's club.
  4. Think about different active titles. For example, the children's development center “Play, Baby!”
  5. Call your friends, relatives or colleagues and arrange brainstorm. This is the same method of associations, only here it is not one person who thinks, but several. They name the associations one by one. It is important that someone writes down all the ideas that are called. Often the collective mind works wonders.
  6. If you a famous person or a professional in the field of child development, you you can use your name in the name of the children's club. For example, “Lena Danilova’s website.”
  7. you also can take over the name club, which is located in another city, but consider the following:

secondly, do not take the names of very famous children's institutions. It will be difficult for you to first reach their level and then surpass it. The same applies to promoting the website of your children's club;

thirdly, try to change at least something in the original name. This is necessary to avoid a situation where Google (or another search engine) will return 2 clubs with the same name for the request “Children’s club “Vesely broom””.

What should you not call a children's club?

  1. Do not use words that may cause any negative associations. For example, an unfortunate name for a children's club is “Lepota”, because it is associated with the word “blindness”. Stores also sell children’s juice “Spelenok”, the name of which is often read as “Soplyonok”.
  2. Avoid words and phrases that are difficult to pronounce (Example: children's club "Ribambel"). Be careful with diminutive forms– they are not always appropriate. For example, names like “Chameleon” or “Brovarchenok” are a little difficult to read.
  3. Do not use unclear words, because you will have to explain them to everyone for a long time. Example: “Hyperborea”, “Atyudiki”.
  4. Beware of rude and childhood words. You will have to line up complex connection between the name of the establishment and its attitude towards children. For example, “Bartolomeo”, “Garage” or “Tachanka”.
  5. Banal and very common names are also not the best option. They attract little attention, and the search engine returns too many identical names. In addition, associations with the school clubs of our Soviet childhood have not disappeared anywhere. For example, “Rainbow”, “Sun”, “Dawn”, “Chamomile”.

In addition to the name, the children's institution also has definition. Here, too, a huge field for imagination opens up. Moreover, the definition is much deeper than the name. It displays essence and main idea children's institution. For example, a “talent club” indicates that children’s talents are valued here and, in addition to developmental activities, there are many sections and courses. Family Centers have programs designed not only for children, but also for their parents.

38 definitions for preschool institutions:

With a focus on child development:

Children's Club, Early Development Center, Developmental Center, Educational and Development Center, Institute for the Development of Child Intellect, Development School, Child Development Center, Child Development Center, Intelligence Development Center, Children's Club, Early Development Studio, School of the Future First-Grade, Early Development Groups, English children's club, Club harmonious development, Training Center, Child Psychology and Development Club, Montessori Center, Children's Educational Center

Working with families:

Family Center, Family Club, Family Development Center, Family Ecology Center, Family Success Club, Family Club, Family Psychological Club, Family Leisure Club, Family Entertainment Center, Center for Children and Parents

Variety of studios, focus on creativity:

Talent Club, Center creative development children, Children's Culture Center

Children's leisure:

Leisure club, Club children's leisure, Children's play club

Emphasis on a favorable atmosphere:

Good Home, Eco-Club, Friends Club.

These definitions are very beautiful and varied, but I want to add my own fly in the ointment: When asking a search engine a question, clients most often look for simple and familiar definitions. Therefore, if you are planning using the Internet, it is better to focus on more banal words, such as “children’s club” or “children’s development center.”

I hope that this extensive article did not bore you, but inspired you. And you are already inventing the most best titles for your children's center!

P.S. If you liked this article, feel free to . There will be many articles here about the opening and operation of the kindest and most interesting business.

Today there is a huge variety of different circles, and, of course, it is difficult to stand out from all this multitude. What will help you become more noticeable in the “crowd”? First of all, it’s a smart name, because, oddly enough, for the consumer it plays vital importance. Let's figure out how to name a circle so that people pay attention to it.

Basic naming rules


Firstly, the name must be unique; using the same or similar names to competitors is unlikely to serve well. You are creating a unique product, which means its name must be unique; associations with other companies will interfere with correct positioning.

Brevity is the soul of wit

The name should be sonorous and short, it should be quickly and easily remembered. If a long name is inevitable, be sure to come up with a pleasant-sounding abbreviation, but avoid complex letter and sound combinations.

Positive emotions

The name should only generate positive emotions. But keep in mind that if the name evokes only pleasant associations for you, this does not mean that it sounds pleasant to everyone else. Be sure to check your names by at least asking friends and acquaintances.


A bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general, and a bad one is an entrepreneur who, when creating a business, does not make plans for its development. Yes, even a tiny circle can grow into a large organization - a network of schools additional education countrywide. Therefore, when thinking over the name, keep in mind that it should be universal and suit both a small, modest circle and a large organization equally well.

Reflection of the essence

Well, of course, the name should convey the essence, the name of the circle should be associated with the activities that are carried out in it. Below we will look at examples of circle names for various types of activities.

Name examples

  • Theater club: “Mime”, “Theatre-goers”, “Role”, “New Look”.
  • Circle foreign languages: "ABC", "Kid's land", "Linguo-world", "Polyglot".
  • Creative circle: "Art project", "Subtle nature", "Talantium".
  • Music club: “Violin”, “Sound of Music”, “By notes”, “Mozart”.
  • Dance group: “Rhythm”, “Body&Soul”, “At the pace”, “Bright life”.

Needless to say, quite often many deviate from the “reflection of the essence” rule and simply select for the circle beautiful name. In some cases this is justified, but it is still better not to deviate from the rules, because they were not invented in vain. For example, at first glance, the idea of ​​calling the children's creative club "Smeshariki" seems good - it's a buzzword that, roughly speaking, people will fall for. However, what happens when the cartoon goes out of fashion? Your circle will immediately lose relevance.


Guide when choosing a name for theater club on the age of its participants. It would be appropriate to name a children's group (up to 14 years old) after one of the names of fairy-tale characters (“Cipollino”, “Pierrot”, “Ole-Lukoye”). Young theatergoers and older club members may not be against Hamlet, Don Quixote or even Figaro. Do not use the names of characters in books and films whose authors are in good health without their written permission (which is sometimes very difficult to do due to various legal subtleties, material costs, or, for example, the language barrier).

Think about who will come to your performances. If you plan to perform mainly in front of, then the name of your theater group should be understandable to kids, causing them positive emotions. For example, “Merry Carlson”, “Pinocchio and Company”, “Sisters and Brothers Grimm”. However, the teenage and youth audience is quite picky. IN in this case no need to choose a name that is too pretentious. And at the same time, it can be unusual and even shocking. For example, “We are together”, “Light and performance”, “Steps behind the stage”.

Take your future repertoire as a basis. So, if you are going to stage sketches, reprises, parodies, then it is possible that you will like the following titles: “The Fool With Us”, “Regulars”, “Balaganchik”, “Domino”. If you are going to focus on serious dramatic works, then the name of the circle should be appropriate: “Sphere”, “Mirror”, “Topic”, “Situation”, etc.

Select names that viewers and circle members associate with the theater, namely: - names of genres (“Drama”, “Reprise”, “Miniature”, “Interlude”); - names of structural units of works (“Phenomenon”, “Prologue”, “Exposition”); - terms related to work on the production and stage design (“Mise-en-scene”, “Props”, “Scenery”); - terms related to the structure of the stage and auditorium(“Ramp”, “Backstage”, “Gallery”, “Parterre”).

Decide whether it would be appropriate to name the drama group after famous playwrights or their plays. On the one hand, this means that you strive to meet a given level. But on the other hand, this may seem too pretentious, especially if the productions are not successful.

Don't choose too long titles and try to avoid qualitative adjectives(big, small, beautiful, wonderful, new, old, cheerful, sad, etc.). Or, according to at least, use them so that the resulting phrase has at least some relation to art. For example, “New Century”, “Small Hall”, “Sad Image”.


  • name of children's circle

Opening a children's center is a good cause, and also profitable. The range of services provided by such centers is quite large - training, medical services, entertainment and much more. But regardless of what exactly your children's center will do, it needs good name.


Based on the type of activity of your center. If this is an entertainment center with all kinds of slot machines, then the name should be conducive to active games and fun. If this is the center child development, then you don’t need anything harsh and irritating. It is better to thematically link the name to training and education. You can use Latin roots, but only well-known ones, so that no one has to go into dictionaries to decipher them. If this sports Complex, then the name needs to be active and energetic. Don’t forget about the age of the children for whom your center is designed. For the age category from 3 to 7 years you need one name, and from 7 to 18 - another. It’s unlikely that sixteen-year-olds will enjoy visiting a center called “Malyshok.”

Avoid stamps. “Sunshine”, “Cloud”, “Star”, “Chamomile” - all this is a long-passed stage, and, moreover, too boring.

Turn to children's cartoons and books for help. Favorites fairy-tale heroes can also give a name to your center. Just be careful with copyrights and don’t forget about relevance - a cartoon that is popular now will not necessarily retain its position in five years, and it will be expensive to rename the center later.

When you have sketched out several options for names, conduct a phonosemantic analysis of them, that is, identify what associations people have with these words. Depending on the effect you want to create with your name, you can choose the best one from all of them.

Video on the topic


  • Phonosemantic analysis of words

Children deserve all the best, fun and interesting things. In clubs where a child spends his leisure time, plays or learns something, there is a joyful atmosphere and bright colors. The sign greets children at the very entrance to this magical place, so the name, coupled with the picture, will leave the very first impression on children and their parents.


You can go the beaten path and name the club: Solnyshko, Druzhba, Rastishka, Antoshka, Bell, Firefly, Snow White, Cheburashka, Brook. But there are already many such names, and the idea itself contained in the word should show your imagination and originality. Keep in mind that it’s unlikely that anything offered is suitable for 10-13 year olds.

Kids love familiar things with positive meaning. They like fairy tales that end well and their characters are funny. Little children will be happy to visit a club with the name: Kolobok, Teremok, Golden Key, Zaikin's Hut. Choose several sonorous names and invite parents to vote for their favorite. Kids may be offended if they choose something that is not what they wanted, so it is better not to involve them in solving such issues for now.

Choosing a name for an arts and crafts circle is not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance. This association is not created for one year; the development of the circle is planned in the future. Changes and additions are possible work program, the emergence of new directions and age groups. All this makes the choice of event a responsible one.

The importance of additional education

Children attending the club acquire skills and abilities that help them learn in secondary school. In addition, creative activities with a passionate, caring teacher make them more organized and manageable.

Fine motor skills, which develop well in such classes, make it possible to learn to write well and create beautiful handwriting. It is also known to be beneficial for children's mental performance.

The modern name of the arts and crafts club will attract the attention of children, they will be interested in going to it. In the process of creating a work of art small man will overcome difficulties: learn patience, learn about his capabilities.

The teacher will help you perform boring stages of work, such as a monotonous operation repeated many times, mechanically. Then the head is freed up for conversation interesting topic. While the children are shading, gluing, cutting out something, the teacher is talking about a general topic.

  • Leaves.
  • Acorns.
  • Small stones.
  • Seashells.
  • Seeds of various plants.
  • Cones.

Then crafts are created either in the form of paintings that can be hung on the walls of the room, or in the form of figurines. Scenes from Russian fairy tales may be depicted. Natural material You can paint it with gouache, and after drying, cover it with acrylic transparent varnish. It is odorless and dissolves in water.

Names suitable for the work program for preschoolers:

  • "Developing skills."
  • "Before school".
  • "Skillful hands."

Club for junior schoolchildren

The previous practice of electives produced tangible results: students who attended them performed better in their subjects. A group of 10 people is the optimal number for informal classes.

During the process, the teacher often approaches one or another student. Personal assistance from a specialist, and on time, is the key to a student’s success. If a lot of guys signed up, especially at the beginning of its work, common work will help to unite everyone in one thing.

The distribution of tasks will make everyone feel in place and the work will go more smoothly. In winter, when attendance drops, more attention can be paid to an individual approach.

Areas that primary school children enjoy studying:

  • Plasticine technology.
  • Salty dough.
  • Decorative card.

Prospective development of the circle

To prevent the circle from closing after the first year of life, you should think about it promising development. The program that children studied in the first year will remain in the second year for those who came to study for the first time. The second year is a different program, otherwise the children will be bored.

Thematic plans for each year of study may have proper names. But the name of the arts and crafts circle remains constant. each year includes repetition, consolidation of previously acquired skills, and new material.

Technologies that require constant advanced training are good to leave behind and develop. This can be the following types of work:

  • Modeling.
  • Drawing.
  • Decoration.
  • Sewing.
  • Embroidery.
  • Knitting.
  • Author's doll.

Working with paper will most likely no longer be of interest to the children. Although you can leave it for congratulations to loved ones

The third year (or a course for older children) can make not just dolls or soft toys, but glove dolls. Then we can put on a little performance. This will also attract the attention of parents.

Participation in exhibitions is quick way achieve success in your chosen field. Sometimes teachers do not want to commit themselves to this, explaining that they are busy. But children who are preparing for a competition can devote a lot of time to this. Especially when they hear praise. Don’t be afraid to apply for participation in city, regional and other competitions. This will be a good idea for future development.

The circle can receive an order for the production of promotional products, souvenirs, a model of a building, etc. This is good advertising. Take photos of the process, write notes in the local newspaper, and everyone will know the name of the arts and crafts club. When finished, have a celebration.

Then the children will fly on wings to their favorite circle, and their teacher will become a loved one.

Organizing a school theater club means creating a whole world in which children will feel like real heroes and will be able to try on various images favorite characters. Theatrical art will allow from the very early years develop comprehensively, remove liberation, put correct speech, learn to behave in public. How to create a theater group? What are the advantages of classes there for children?

Features of the classes

The theater club plan should be drawn up depending on psychological characteristics children, their ages. Classes will allow children to develop in various directions: musical, theatrical, choreographic, psychological. Also, such classes will teach the child to think creatively, develop memory, and gradually achieve the goal.

The finished performance is the final result that the guys will show to the public. To achieve the result, preparation takes place: rehearsals, familiarization with the role, “getting used to” the character, staging speech and movements, liberating games, worries about successes and failures. All these points are the main aspect.

A theater group can make a child fall in love with it; in the end, after several classes, only the most interested children will remain in the created group.

Theater club program

In order to start working with children correctly, to attract their attention and interest in visiting the circle, it is necessary to gradually introduce them to the world of theater. Therefore, to begin with, you should pay attention to the following mandatory points:

  1. At the first lesson, it is necessary to introduce the child to the very concept of theater and its types. Explain how one genre differs from another.
  2. Phased development different types creativity. It is necessary not only to play with children, but also to teach them how to use their voice; singing will help with this. Together with your students, come up with a hymn for your team, and start each lesson with it.
  3. The development of plastic surgery is aimed at liberating movements. Dancing and active games will help you achieve results.
  4. Improving artistic skills and abilities.
  5. Training in modeling the situation for a given task. For example, two guys are given the task of acting out a scene: a janitor swears at a woman for throwing a piece of paper. Explain to the children that it is necessary to get out of the current situation correctly, and so that the audience (the rest of the circle members) finds it interesting and funny. the main objective given task - improvisation.

Thus, the work of the theater group will be aimed at education and upbringing. The first aspect is responsible for teaching the child artistry, and the second for discipline, completing assigned tasks, controlling emotions, developing intelligence and memory, socialization, and communication skills.

Work with children

Class planning plays an important role in achieving your goals. Therefore, the theater group must work together various types arts You shouldn’t divide your activities like this: today we sing, tomorrow we dance, the day after tomorrow we play. Each lesson should be filled to the maximum with all types of art, so it will be more interesting for the child, and the result will be achieved in a shorter time.

The theater club program should include role-playing reading with children classical works, plays, tales, ready-made scripts. This way, the teacher will be able to immediately assess the situation, work with each child separately, and choose for each the role of the future performance according to his capabilities.

Tongue twisters have a good effect on speech development. To make it more interesting, you can put the children in a circle and give them a ball. The game is simple: whoever gets the ball in his hands says a tongue twister. The ball must be in the hands of each member of the circle for everyone to participate.

Tasks of the theater club

As we wrote earlier, the finished production is not the main task, but the result. Children's theater clubs are aimed at developing the child, their main goals are:

  • improvement creative potential an individual child;
  • improving observation, memory, speed of thinking and reaction;
  • development of independence;
  • plastic surgery, ownership of one’s own body;
  • expansion of all knowledge;
  • development of thinking, including associative type;
  • development of emancipation, the ability to behave in public;
  • replenishment vocabulary children, its expansion;
  • improvement of dialogic and monologue speech.

Among other things, theater clubs at school should be aimed at teaching children honesty, decency, and instilling respect for their own and others’ work.

What does a child receive as a result of attending a club?

Game classes, rehearsals and big physical activity completely fulfill the child’s need for communication, movement, and outburst of emotions. But this is not all that theater clubs can give to children. What else will the child receive?

  1. The ability to improvise in any, even the most difficult situation.
  2. The ability to fully control your body and feel the rhythm.
  3. Excellent speaking skills.
  4. The ability to reproduce any character and image.
  5. Ability to correctly compose a monologue and dialogue.
  6. Ability to resolve conflicts and get out of difficult situations.
  7. Teamwork skills.
  8. As a result of constant communication with children of different ages, performing on stage in front of spectators, the child will become more relaxed and will no longer be afraid of the public.

Who should attend the club?

The children's theater group is suitable for everyone, without exception. For example, School of Music the child may not like it, or he does not have the predisposition and talent for singing, playing the musical instruments. Sport section It may also be completely different from the area in which the child would like to develop. The theater club will appeal to almost everyone, regardless of age, hobbies and preferences.

For modest, repressed and inactive children, classes in a circle will liberate them, teach them to love themselves, and increase their self-esteem. Quiet children will learn to develop leadership skills.

Hyperactive children will find exactly the activity they need in a theater club. After all, they play there, run, sing, jump, roll on the floor, “walk on their heads,” “stand on their ears,” and do other useful things!

Hooligan kids here will learn discipline, friendship, the ability to work in pairs and big team, independently achieve your goals, commitment, kindness.

How to choose the right script for a school theater?

So, after two or three months of stable classes, children remain in the circle who are interested in further classes, self-development, and they are ready for real rehearsals. Also, during this period of time, the teacher will become familiar with the potential of each member of the school troupe. It's time to choose a script.

The most important thing that the leader must remember is that the play for the theater group is chosen in such a way that every child gets a role in it with words, and there are no children left who will play silent people in the crowd.

Naturally, the choice of play must be justified and correct. Small children will not be able to participate in the production of classics, for example by Dostoevsky. They need something simpler, for example, the fairy tale “Cat House”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, and others. Average guys age group will already cope well with longer and more complex fairy tales, such as “The Frog Princess”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”. It will be interesting for high school students to stage classic works.

The script for the theater group must correspond to the event. For example, to participate in a talent competition, you need to choose positive and humorous ones, because people like to laugh. But such productions are not suitable, for example, for Victory Day; a calmer and more soulful performance is needed here.

The distribution of roles should also be carefully considered. Of course, you need to start from the wishes of the child himself, but also take into account the following point: give the children roles that are enormously different from theirs. own character(a tomboy should try to embody the image of a calm and reasonable character, and a modest child should try to play the role of the main hero or villain).

Common mistakes of a circle leader

Very often, a production ends up with incorrectly selected musical accompaniment, or it occurs too often during the performance. It is worth remembering that the music should emphasize the main points, the genre should correspond to the chosen theme of the performance.

There are times when the director chose the wrong piece. In this case, children simply will not be able to perform the role well, play feelings and sensations with which they are not familiar, or generally understand the meaning of the production.

It is necessary to exclude from the scenario complex sentences, unclear words, their children simply will not be able to remember. Replace with figures of speech that are more understandable and accessible to children’s knowledge.

It happens that the material is completely unsuitable for the audience.

Often teachers in order to improve acting, and introducing a kind of humor into the performance, they distribute male roles to girls, and boys get female images. Only high school students can cope with such a task, and not all of them.

For the youngest theater group, as we have already said, it is worth choosing scenarios for children's fairy tales. But they should not be what they are used to seeing. It is necessary to make adjustments to the images of the heroes, for example, to make them more modern.

Stages of preparing a performance

The children's theater group must work at least three days a week in order to young actors did not have time to completely forget all previous rehearsals and theater lessons. This is very important for creating a complete and interesting performance.

So, what needs to be done to make the production memorable not only for the audience, but also for its participants themselves?

  1. After choosing a work, present it to the children for judgment. Everyone, without exception, should like the theme.
  2. When the script has been approved, it is necessary to conduct a collective reading. At this stage of creating a performance, the rhythm of the production is revealed and roles are assigned.
  3. After distributing the images, it is necessary to focus on reading by role. At this time, children may get a little bored, but this stage must be passed without moving, just sitting.
  4. Definition main topic, ideas. The guys must understand the purpose of the work.
  5. The first drawing up of the image of the performance on stage. At this stage, you can listen to the participants; they can offer good ideas general pattern of the course of action.
  6. Initially, the performance is worked out in parts, and then a complete picture is compiled from individual scenes.
  7. The dress rehearsal the day before the performance should be conducted as if the audience were already watching. That is, if an actor makes a mistake somewhere, let him improvise without the help of a director, because in a real situation no one will help him. Also, during the dress rehearsal there should be no stops, breaks, or negotiations. Children must practice the performance as if they were in front of an audience.

Immediately from the very first rehearsal, the circle leader must seek from each actor a believable performance and correct interaction with the other characters. If you initially allow incorrect play, then in the future it will be very difficult to correct it, since children very quickly remember both movements and manner of speaking. Show yourself how to move and communicate with your stage partners correctly.

Features of working with high school students

The drama club at school should not be like serious lessons. Teenagers attending classes are already tired of the complex curriculum, and there they are children for teachers. The leader of the circle should trust his actors more, listen to their opinions, and not work on the fact that the main leader here is the leader, and everything needs to be done as he said.

Ask the children to help select a piece to perform. Choose a few of the most interesting scenarios, and vote together for the one you will put on stage. It’s also worth involving the guys in the selection musical accompaniment. Young people know better what their peers like. Such teamwork will unite the team even more, and each participant will be proud of their contribution to the performance.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that teenagers are impulsive; do not allow quarrels between them. Try to teach children to find alternative solutions that will suit everyone.


The most striking performances are achieved when dance groups are invited to participate in them. Don’t be afraid to create such a duet; everyone will benefit from this.

Finally, I would like to advise all leaders of school theater clubs to be not only teachers, but also friends of children. Make jokes, laugh more, and don’t forget about the extracurricular time spent together. Take your children camping in the summer, among school year organize small themed parties, and then everything will work out in the team!