Life of glucose. Biography of glucose. Further career of the singer

In Russian show business singer Glucose takes special place. Many believe that the history of the Glucose project will definitely be included in the textbooks of domestic show business in the future.

Biography of Glucose

Natasha Ionova, who later became known under the name Glyuk'oZa, was born on June 7, 1986 in the city of Syzran Samara region. When she was seven years old, she began studying piano at a music school, although after a year she left. After some time, the Ionov family left for Moscow. In the capital, the future Glucose played her first small roles, first, however, in the magazine “Yeralash”. She studied at several schools, two last year- in the evening, and sometimes starred in small roles.

The history of Glucose began in 2002. Then Natalya met famous producer Max Fadeev, he organized the project “Gluk’oZa”, in which Natasha Ionova performed as a soloist. Fadeev became the author of all Glyuk’oZa’s songs, as well as the director of the singer’s videos.

According to the official version, Natasha did not want to go to concerts and appear in the press, so Fadeev decided to make her a virtual character. Thus, animated clips with the cartoon Glucose were released. The image of this character also contains features of Natasha herself, as well as her beloved Masyanya. Everyone saw the real Natalya Ionova in the finale of the second “Star Factory”, which was also produced by Max Fadeev.

Glukoza and Fadeev released the singer’s first album “Gluk’oZa Nostra” in May 2003. The next album, “Moscow”, appeared in 2005. Both are Glucose's albums, by the standards Russian show business, are considered quite successful.

In 2006, Natasha became the wife of businessman Alexander Chistyakov. And after some time she gave birth to her husband two children.

After taking a short creative break, Natasha returned to musical activity, and her fans again began to have the opportunity to listen to Glucose. In 2007, together with Fadeev, she founded the Glucose Production company. Then she starred in the film “Rud and Sam”, in the role of Masha. In 2007, the title of the same name was released. computer game, as well as the children's book “Gluk'oZa and the Prince of Vampires,” written by Anna Gurova.

In 2008, Natalya became the co-author and presenter of the program “Children's Pranks,” which was broadcast on the STS television channel. On this moment Glucose continues to work on television, acts in films, is engaged in musical activities and pleases his fans.

In the fall of 2011, the opportunity arises to buy the third album of the singer Glukoza, which was released under the name “Trans-FORM”. She dramatically changed her image, and now viewers can see Natasha as very feminine and exciting. After this, Natalya Ionova is talked about as one of the most fashionably dressed and stylish stars of domestic show business.

At the end of 2012, the Rossiya 1 TV channel hosted the seventh season of the popular show Dancing with the Stars. Natalya Ionova, with her partner, professional dancer Evgeniy Papunaishvili, won it.

Personal life of singer Glukoza

Glucose was at the very peak of popularity, but for complete happiness she lacked family and children, which she had long dreamed of. In June 2006, Glyukoza got married. Natalia Ionova’s wedding took place over three days: on Friday, the 20-year-old singer signed her wedding with her 33-year-old fiancé, Alexander Chistyakov, at the registry office; on Saturday, a celebration took place in Barvikha, after which the newlyweds flew to her husband’s homeland, St. Petersburg.

On the first day at the Kutuzovsky registry office, the young people were accompanied only by witnesses. At first glance, Natasha was very calm, and her fiancé was noticeably worried. However, the minute the registry office employee declared Natalya and Alexander husband and wife, the singer could not contain her emotions
and cried with happiness.

After they were given certificates, the young people went to a restaurant, where they celebrated the event in close company.

The wedding was celebrated in Barvikha, in a house that was stylized as an ancient castle. Relatives and friends of the young people and their friends were invited. Approximately two hundred people were present.

The wedding cortege, which included five Mini-Coopers, arrived in Barvikha with a slight delay. Happy Natalia, which was luxurious Wedding Dress, sewn by Valentin Yudashkin, she hurried to get out of the car.

The newlyweds walked along a turquoise path, on which they were showered with white rose petals, to a makeshift altar. The registry office employee was already waiting there. A repeated, theatrical wedding ceremony took place for all those present.

After they were declared husband and wife, Natalya tossed the wedding bouquet. He was caught by Ksenia Sobchak. In addition to her, Yulia Bordovskikh, Kristina Orbakaite and many other famous people came to Glucose’s wedding.

And Anatoly Chubais, who was the groom’s employer at that time, unfortunately, was never able to come to the wedding. Despite this, he sent the young large bouquet flowers and also a gift. After the ceremony, the rest of the guests began to present the newlyweds with their gifts.


Singer Glucose She has been married for seven years and enjoys every day she spends with her husband. During this time, Alexander Chistyakov and Natasha Ionova experienced a lot together, but kept mutual love and respect. Glucose notes how important it is for her to have a real, reliable man to lean on.

Glucose, despite the fact that her husband is thirteen years older, gets along well with him, and claims that she and her husband are actually lucky. And she talks about it at every opportunity. Natasha is very proud of his success in business, as well as the fact that Alexander is a wonderful family man. They have two daughters growing up - Vera and Lydia.

Marriage to Glucose is not the first for Alexander Chistyakov. He was previously married to a woman; after the divorce, she lives in St. Petersburg. It must be said that when Alexander met Natasha Ionova, he was still officially married. He got divorced when things broke out between the lovers strong feelings. Chistyakov has a son from his first marriage, whom Glukoza is now raising. The boy lives in Moscow with them.

Over the course of several years of marriage, Glucose has transformed from a teenager with a funny hairstyle into a thrifty, feminine and very caring lady, who is also an excellent mother.

Her husband is now the founder and co-owner of a large oil company. According to the newspaper
Vedomosti, which cites sources in the company itself, Chistyakov is the owner of 48 percent of the shares of the Ruspetro company. This company is valued at approximately $1.2 billion.

Natalya and Alexander got married when the latter worked at UES of Russia. After that, he worked at the Federal Grid Company and was A. Rappoport’s deputy there. After some time, both left the energy sector.

Natasha has said more than once that a man is obliged to fully provide for his family and earn significantly more than his woman. The singer claims that the statements of girls who claim that they do not pay attention to how much a man earns are disingenuous.

Not long ago, Glucose's husband gave her luxury mansion in the Spanish city of Marbella. The couple are raising two common daughters and son Alexander from his first marriage.


In 2007, the singer tried herself in leading role for every woman. She became a mother, and she named her first daughter Lydia. Glucose's second daughter was born in 2011. In honor of her grandmother, she received the name Vera.

Today Natalya Ionova can from any city in the world all day long watch what the nanny does when she is not there. She says that it is very convenient, even in the car you can see your child. Moreover, the camera has sound and you can hear everything that is happening in the room.

Ten nannies look after Glucose's children. Natalya believes that children need to be taken care of comprehensively. In addition, Natalya conducts a rather strict selection of nannies. All of them are fully checked. When they are hired, they are immediately warned that they will be constantly monitored. But according to the singer, they are paid very well. Natasha believes that if people stick to their place, they change their attitude towards work.

Despite this, the staff of nannies is periodically updated. Glucose calls this prevention. They believe that when a nanny stays for a long time, she begins to feel indispensable and blackmails about salary, since she sees that the child is already attached to her.

Natasha begins to accustom her children to sports from the very beginning. early age. Eldest daughter already loves to do yoga.

Singer career Glucose


In 2002, shortly after Natasha met Max Fadeev, the song “Suga” was broadcast on several Moscow radio stations. However, no one in the capital paid much attention to her at that time. And the song was included in the “top ten” of the Kyiv “Our Radio”.

Glucose’s debut video was the song “I Hate.” After this, in the same 2003, the songs “Baby” and “Karina” were released. Glucose's song "Bride" was very popular. The singer's songs have repeatedly taken top places in various charts, and she herself has been awarded many music awards. Released in 2004 famous song Glucose " It is snowing", in 2005 - "Schweine".

The debut album included ten songs. Her next album also contained ten songs, and in addition, a video clip for the song “Schweine”. After Natasha became married woman, she left the stage for some time, but pretty soon she returned and fans were able to listen to Glucose’s songs again.

At the beginning of 2008, Glucose recorded the song “Butterflies”, and a video was subsequently shot for it. In the spring of the same year, Glyukoza’s song “Dance, Russia” hit the charts. In the summer, at a festival in Jurmala, the singer presented new song“Sicily”, which Glucose sang in a duet with Max Fadeev.

In 2009, the song “Money” was released, which, according to Glukoza, became a “fat comma” in her work.

In the spring of 2010, Glucose presented listeners with the song “That’s Such Love,” which made everyone pay attention to it. In the summer of the same year, Glucose sang “High Sign,” which the Germans wrote for her. There is a Russian version of this song called “Vzmakh”. Its text was written by Glucose’s husband, Alexander Chistyakov.

In the spring of next year, the singer presented the song “I Want a Man,” the words to which were again written by Alexander Chistyakov. In April 2011, it was possible to buy a ticket to the B2 club for solo concert Glucose. It was called "NOWBoy".

In September 2011, the single “Traces of Tears” premiered on Russian Radio. This time, the words to it were written by Glukoza herself, and the music by Artem Fadeev.

IN new album, released in the fall of 2011, included both the singer’s old songs and new ones. These are “This is Such Love”, “Shot in the Back”, “Enough of Playing” and “Freak”.

In 2012, Glucose presented the songs “Cat” and “My Vice”. To date, Glucose’s latest song is “Take My Hand.”


The singer’s first video, “Gluck’oZa nostra,” was released in 2003. At the same time, videos for the songs “Bride” and “I Hate” were shot. The following year, 2004, the clips “It’s Snowing” and “Oh, Oh” were released, in 2006 - “Wedding”, “Schweine” and “Moscow”.

At the end of 2008, the singer’s video “Daughter” was included in the rotation of many music TV channels. In the summer of 2010, Glucose shot a video for the single “High sign”.

In the spring of 2012, the singer presented her new clip"Cat". It was directed by Alan Badoev, who had previously shot a video for the song “Butterflies” for Glucose.

Photo of singer Glucose

It is unlikely to be found modern man, who has never heard of a singer with an unusual name - Glucose. Of course, the girl did not receive this name at birth, it is just a stage name.

Perhaps many people don’t even know that the singer Glukoza, the owner of a “computer” voice, in life goes by the modest name Natalya. Natalya Ilyinichna Chistyakova-Ionova is her real name famous girl with a Doberman.

Glucose's biography is unusual and deserves to be told in more detail. Usually, talented people talented in everything. The girl Natasha was no exception, although as a child she did not even suspect that all of Russia would recognize her. Parents (mother - Tatyana Mikhailovna and father - Ilya Efimovich) tried to develop in their daughter different talents, sending the girl to all kinds of clubs. Little Glucose had an unbearably mischievous character, so she had to always be busy with something.

While studying at school, Natalya managed to play chess, modern dances, classical ballet and various types amateur performances. It must be admitted that many of her hobbies were useful to her in the future.

It's amazing that when I started going to music school, Natasha did not study there for even a year, the music did not captivate the eccentric girl. As for ordinary school, the girl achieved much greater success there without making much effort.

Also in school years The career of the future singer and actress began to develop. As a student, Natalya played her first roles in several episodes of “Jumble” and starred in Yura Shatunov’s video. But the girl herself does not consider this experience to be something out of the ordinary, taking it for granted and something trivial.

As for the singer’s parents, their type of activity is a mystery. Some sources say that Glucose’s mother worked as a sales cashier, and her father worked as a design engineer. Other sources claim that the artist’s parents are programmers by profession.

Carier start

As a schoolgirl, Natasha Ionova starred in the project “Triumph”, which was produced by Maxim Fadeev. Soon after this, the singer recorded her first song, the single “Suga,” and posted it on one of the Internet forums. This step can be considered the starting point in her career.

Maxim Fadeev immediately liked the unusual manner of performance, thanks to which the girl received her stage name. The “Glucose” project attracted the attention of the public and overshadowed many then popular performers.

For a whole year, fans of the computer character did not know what their idol really looked like and who was hiding behind the cartoon image. Immediately after signing a contract with her producer, Natalya decided that touring and concerts for an audience of thousands was not her strong point. She wants to remain a mystery to everyone.

A year later, the artist finally decided to appear to the public. Her triumphant appearance took place on the Star Factory project, where the girl performed in a duet with one of the participants.

The young singer's debut album was released in May 2003, and a couple of years later the next one appeared. Most of the singer's songs are still hits and are played on many radio stations. The album “Glucose Nostra” includes everyone’s favorite hits:

  • "Bride".
  • “I hate it.”
  • "Baby".

All of Glucose's albums were and are a colossal success, despite the fact that Lately the singer records new songs less and less often.

In 2008, the STS channel aired the program “Children’s Pranks,” hosted by Glucose. A year later the show continued, but currently The program is not being filmed. In addition, the singer voiced the role of Gigantika in the cartoon “Monsters vs. Aliens.”

Life off stage

2006 brought many changes to the life of the restless girl. She met her future husband, Alexander Chistyakov. Glucose and Alexander Chistyakov became husband and wife in May of the same year. In 2007, Natalya Ionova and her husband became happy parents Lidochka's daughters.

Despite the fact that the singer’s personal life came to the fore, Glukoza did not forget about her fans, regularly delighting them with new hits. Four years after Lida’s birth, Glucose’s house was again illuminated with the joy of motherhood, and a second daughter, Vera, was born.

Natalya’s husband is 13 years older than her, but such an age difference does not prevent Glukoza and her husband from living in peace and harmony. They have a strong and friendly family, from which many people can follow as an example.

The future husband of Natalia Ionova lived for a long time in country house, where he brought his young wife after the wedding. Natalya, now Chistyakova, arranged her life well and turned out to be a good housewife who loves order in everything.

News for today

How does Glucose live now, and what news is there about her personal life? Undoubtedly, young girl with a computer image, I radically changed my views on life and career.

Glucose's husband and her daughters made some adjustments to the artist's lifestyle. For a long time the singer was only concerned with her family, and fans even began to worry where their favorite had disappeared and tried to find out any news about her life.

After a break in his stage career, in 2017, triumphant return singers on the stage with new stunning hits. Music channels do not stop playing clips of the new Glucose.

Glucose (Gluk’oZa) is the creative pseudonym of a charming and talented Russian singer, actress and TV presenter Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova.


Natalya Ilyinichna Ionovna is a native Muscovite, born on June 7, 1986. Other sources indicate that the girl was born in Syzran.

But the singer herself and her PR manager deny this fact. According to them, the myth of Syzran was part of the PR campaign of the then newly launched Glucose project.

The same ambiguous information about the girl's family. In one interview, Natalya claimed that her parents were programmers by profession.

In other interviews, the girl said that her father Ilya Efremovich is a design engineer, and her mother Tatyana Mikhailovna works as a cashier. Natalia has an older sister, Sasha, who works as a pastry chef.

Glucose in childhood

Since childhood, Natasha was a very active child; she liked to communicate more with boys. At the age of seven, the girl went to a music school for piano lessons, but after a year she gave up this activity.

After that, Natasha also went to ballet and chess school for a short time. Natasha received an incomplete basic education at the capital’s school No. 307; from the 10th grade, the girl was transferred to evening school.

Natasha's first popularity came during her school years. At the age of 11, she starred in one of the episodes of the famous TV magazine “Yeralash”.

After this, the girl appeared in the film “Triumph”, released in 2002. In the same year, sixteen-year-old Natalya appeared in Yuri Shatunov’s video “Childhood”.

Music career

On the set of the film "Triumph" Ionova met famous composer.

After meeting, Natalya recorded an amateur track called “Suga.” The disc with this song ended up in Fadeev’s production center.

Maxim liked the composition, and he invited the girl to create the project “Gluck’oZa”. Soon, the capital’s radio stations began playing Natasha’s debut composition “Suga.”

Music labels became interested in glucose, and in March 2002 the girl signed a contract with the Moscow label Monolith Records.

Then Fadeev had the idea to create a 3-D character for his protégé. Natasha drew the character herself; professional designers then only corrected her drawing.

Behind debut video Glucose “I Hate” was followed by a whole animated series about the created heroine. In 2003, the videos “Bride”, “Baby” and “Glukoza Nostra” were released.

The Glucose project involved a whole group that performed songs in the pop-retropunk style.

In 2003, the Rambler resource named the three-dimensional heroine the character of the year, and a computer game was also created with members of Glucose as the main characters.

Viewers saw the real Glucose only in the summer of 2003, when Natalya performed at the final concert of the show “Star Factory 2”.

In the same year, Glukoza released her first album entitled “Glukoza Nostra”. The album was sold total circulation in 1.5 million copies and brought the singer incredible popularity.

Then in 2004, the singer released the videos “Oh, Oh” and “It’s Snowing.” In 2005, fans of the project were able to enjoy the new album “Moscow”, which included 10 compositions.

Of these, videos were shot for the songs “Schweine” and “Moscow”. After getting married, the singer briefly suspended her musical activities.

Return to the stage

The break from the stage was short-lived - already in 2007 the singer returned and, together with Fadeev, organized the Glucose Production company.

The singer’s return was marked by the release of the single “Butterflies” in 2008 and soon a video for it. Already in the spring, the girl released a new video “Dance, Russia!”

The video for the song “Daughter” became a real sensation for viewers - in it, listeners saw a new portrayal of the characters, as well as a new character - little Glu, whose prototype was Ionova’s daughter Lida.

In the same year on STS TV channel The TV show “Children's Pranks” was broadcast, hosted by Natalya.

Then in July the singer took part in the famous festival " New wave”, on which she sang a new composition “Sicily”.

At the end of 2008, a printed publication about the 3-D version of Glucose was published - Anna Gurova published a book called “Glucoza and the Prince of Vampires.”

2009 was marked by the release of a song and video called “Money”, which, as the singer stated in one of her interviews, became a “fat comma” in Natalia’s entire work.

After this, in the spring, the singer radically changed her style - feminine outfits appeared in the girl’s wardrobe, and heels replaced massive shoes. In 2009, Glucose was included in the list of the most beautiful Russian stars.

Changed and musical style stars - with the release of the song “That’s Such Love” in the spring of 2010, listeners noticed a completely new sound.

A couple of months later, another single was released called “High sign”, which was written for the performer by ghostwriters from Germany.

The Russian version of this song was called “Vzmakh”, the words for it were written by Natalia’s husband Alexander. In the fall of the same year, a video for the song “Like in Childhood” was released.

In the spring of 2011, the singer again pleased her fans - the composition “I Want a Man” was released, the author of which was again Natalya’s husband.

In the spring of 2011, Gluck'oZ's group gave a solo concert at the B2 club. In the same year, the singer recorded a video for the song “I Want a Man.”

In the fall, Ionova again delighted fans with the new single “Traces of Tears,” the video for which was released on October 6 of the same year. The video again used cartoon graphics.

On November 10, an album called “Trans-FORM” was released, which included the famous compositions “Dance, Russia!”, “Butterflies”, “Played enough”, “Freak”, “Like in childhood” and “Prophet”.

In January of the following year, the video “My Vice” was released, which turned out to be one of the most provocative works talented singer. The clip had obvious sexual overtones, which caused a storm of mixed emotions among the public and critics.


WITH early years Natalya got acquainted with the film industry. From 1997 to 2000, the girl sometimes starred in episodes of the popular television magazine “Yeralash”.

Then in 2000, Natalya played the role of Tina in the film “Triumph”, after which there was a long break in acting career Glucose.

Natalia reappeared in films only 7 years later, starring in the adventure comedy “Rud and Sam.” IN next year The film “Antalya” was released with Glucose in the role of Svetlana.

In 2013, Glucose played Tina in the film “Princess War”. Natalya also does voice acting.

In 2009, Natalya tried her hand at voice acting for the first time - in the film “Monsters vs. Aliens” she voiced the main character Gigantika.

TV projects

Glucose was a participant in the TV show “Stars on Ice.” After that, she took part in the television project “Dancing with the Stars.” There, paired with Evgeniy Papunaishvili, she took first place.

Glucose was a guest in the program “ Evening Urgant“, where she sang her hit “Butterflies” together with rapper Smokey Mo. The star could be seen in the TV project of the STS channel “ Good jokes».

Personal life

Natalya met her future husband, businessman and co-owner of the oil company Ruspetro, Alexander Chistyakov, by chance.

With husband Alexander

The young people flew on the same plane to Chechnya, and upon their return, Alexander asked the girl for her phone number.

Years of activity

2003 - present time

A country


Professions Genres Nicknames Teams Cooperation

Natasha studied at Moscow school No. 308, and in 2001 she switched to full-time school at Moscow evening school No. 17, where she completed grades 10 and 11.

“I’m not going to go on tour, appear on the covers of glossy magazines - what the hell? All these interviews and broadcasts are tinsel! I live on the Internet!”- announced Gluck'oZa

And I drew myself. Professional designers and artists only edited the image. "I hate it" - debut video Glucose, followed by a whole animated series.

Gluk'oZa is not just a performer; a group that performs in the pop-punk style is named after her. It was only in June 2003 that listeners were able to see Glucose. The singer’s appearance to the general public took place during the final concert “Star Factory”, produced by Maxim Fadeev.

Glucose's songs took first place in the national charts, and the singer herself was awarded numerous music awards. The animated Gluk'oZa became the character of the year for the Rambler Internet portal in 2003. Based on the idea of ​​the project, a computer game was created, the characters of which are members of the group.

In July 2011, a remix of the song “I Want a Man,” made by DFM DJs especially for the summer season, was included in the rotation of dance radio stations.

Natalya is currently recording her third album in Spain, which will be released in Russia in November 2011.

On September 8, 2011, Gluck’oZa became a mother for the second time. The long-awaited baby was born in the Spanish city of Marbella. A girl weighing 3.03 kg and 49 cm tall was born in a clinic in Spain. The baby was named Vera in honor of the grandmother of Gluk’oZa’s husband (Alexander Chistyakov). While caring for the baby, Gluck’oZa will not leave the stage.

On September 10, 2011, the premiere of the song “Traces of Tears” took place, the lyrics of which were written by Gluk’oZa herself. The author of the music is Artem Fadeev. For the first time the track could be heard on the air of the largest Russian radio station “ Russian radio" “Traces of Tears” immediately won the hearts of fans of Glyuk’oZa’s work for the sincerity and soulfulness of the text. The song is addressed to a great friend who you can always rely on in difficult times. “For me, this has always been my favorite city,” says Gluk’oZa, “to which I really love to return and with which I can always share my feelings.”

On October 6, 2011, Gluk’oZa released the video “Traces of Tears,” which tells how the story began cartoon girl Glue with a Doberman.

On October 18, it was announced that the new album would be called "Trans-FORM". Natasha herself spoke about the name through her page on social network"In contact with ".

In October 2011, Blu-ray and DVD with concert program called "NOWBOY". The uniqueness of the concert is that for the first time in history Russian music viewers will be able to see regular show, and the performance is in 3D format. Gluk'oZa has long established itself as a pioneer and lover of innovation in music. In addition to old favorite hits, fans can expect a pleasant surprise- premiere of compositions included in the new album “Trans-FORM”.

On November 10, 2011, Gluk’oZa’s third studio album “Trans-FORM” was released, which was highly anticipated by fans of Russian pop music. The album was included as completely new and not for anyone famous songs performers who are already loved by many “Waving”, “That’s Such Love”, “Traces of Tears”, “Dance, Russia”, “Butterflies”, “I Want a Man” and “Daughter”. The disc also includes the compositions “Enough of Playing”, “My Vice”, “Freak”, “Shot in the Back”, “Like in Childhood” and four English-language tracks - Sugar, High Sign, Schweine and Forget you not. Glu came up with the name Trans-FORM together with fans. They offered options online. It turned out interesting and capacious. “I already said that there will be no more old Glucose,” he comments. new image Natalya, - I am changing - transforming. The music is changing too. On this album there are songs known to everyone, there is also something that I consider a new direction in my musical career- danceable and more daring sound. Quite a lot of electronics. There is pop-punk "Shot in the Back", there is R'n"B "That's Such Love", electronic dance "Freak" and "Enough of Playing". The music was written by several composers: Max Fadeev, Artem Fadeev, Gunther Graf. The arrangements are also very different It turned out interesting, in my opinion. And I overheard the motto for the album from Beyonce - Who run. the world? Girls! Or in my interpretation: “The girls rule!”)). Glucose admitted that the new album will reveal a “new” Glu to her listeners: “Apparently, Glucose’s karma is like this. I started with a cartoon and I can’t live without my friend. That girl was an expression of me and my character back then. We completely coincided with the cartoon rabble throughout our 10 years of marriage. And we call the updated robot Cyber ​​Glu. And this is not a robot housewife, but a girl today- daring, sexy and electrifying, strong forms, iron nerves, connection with the “web” and an open look... All this is quite to my liking and coincides with my feelings and how I want to see myself. It seems to me that every young woman wants to feel this way. Cyber ​​Glue will become a symbol of my new album Trans-FORM and will soon appear with me in videos. But there won't be any more animated clips. Let's live and destroy for real."

On November 24, 2011, after the singer’s long absence from the stage, an open presentation-concert took place, at which Gluk’oZa performed her already favorite hits, as well as completely new tracks from the new album “Trans-FORM”.

In January 2012, the singer’s video for the song “My Vice” appeared. The exclusive premiere took place on the ELLO video channel on YouTube. Having created a lot of buzz even before its premiere, “My Vice” has become one of the singer’s most provocative works in recent times. According to the plot of the video, the singer is in the center of a closed space, which is visible from all sides of the room through secret windows. A variety of freaks appear in these windows and watch the beauty... Filming of the video for the song “My Vice” from Gluk’oZa’s third album “Trans-FORM” took place in December. The plot of the video was kept in the strictest confidence. The film crew signed a non-disclosure agreement, but sources close to the singer stated that this would be one of the most provocative clips of recent times. The singer herself comments on the idea of ​​the video: “We made the video the way we saw it at that moment. Yes, we are aware that the video may be a failure in terms of TV broadcasts, but we were not afraid to take risks. What is “This is Such Love” worth, which was not “taken” due to the presence of the word “cocaine” in the text, as well as a light striptease in the video. This is silly. Nowadays they don’t show anything on TV... But then “That’s Such Love” became a hit on YouTube, which strengthened my confidence that the Internet is now one of the priority platforms. Initially, “My Vice” was not planned as super scandalous, but during the filming process creative chaos began, we deviated from the script and in the end what happened…” Despite Glyuk’oZa’s fears, “My Vice” was taken into rotation by the main music TV channels Russia and Ukraine.

In April 2012, Gluck "oZa presented a new video for the song "Ko$ka". The director of the video is Alan Badoev, who previously shot the video for the song "Butterflies".

In 2012, the singer became the winner of the show “Dancing with the Stars” on the Russia-1 and RTR-Planeta TV channels. She performed in tandem with dancer Evgeniy Papunaishvili.

Personal life



Studio albums

  • Glitch "oZa Nostra ()
  • Trans-FORM (2011)


  • Glitch"oZa ()
  • Best songs ()


  • - Suga
  • - I hate it
  • - Bride
  • - Baby
  • - Karina
  • - I wanted a groom
  • - Oh, oh
  • - It is snowing
  • - Schweine
  • - Wedding
  • - Sashok
  • - Butterflies
  • - Dance, Russia!
  • - Money
  • - That's what love is like
  • - As in childhood
  • - Wave/High sign
  • - I want a man
  • - Traces of tears
  • - My vice
  • - Cat
  • - Take my hand


  • - Gluck’oZa nostra
  • - I hate it
  • - Bride
  • - Oh oh
  • - It is snowing
  • - Moscow
  • - Schweine
  • - Wedding
  • - Butterflies
  • - Dance, Russia!
  • - Daughter
  • - Money
  • 2010 - This is such love
  • 2010 - Like in childhood
  • 2011 - Wave/High sign
  • 2011 - I want a man
  • 2011 - Traces of Tears
  • 2012 - My vice
  • 2012 - Cat


  • Glitch "oZa Nostra (2003-2005)
  • Moscow (2005-2006)
  • NowFIGHT (2010-2012)


Year Russian name original name Role
- With Yeralash Yeralash various roles

Glucose (real name Natalya Ionova) is a singer, songwriter, TV presenter, film and voice actress. Her album “Gluck" oZa Nostra” became an international hit, and her songs more than once topped the charts in Ukraine and Russia.

Childhood and youth

Natalya was born in the summer of 1986 in Moscow. Many sources indicate that the singer’s homeland is the city of Syzran. However, the singer herself and her PR manager later said that this was a myth and that the fiction about Syzran was part of the PR campaign for the Glucose project.

It was also a mystery professional activity Natalya’s parents, since in some interviews she assured that Tatyana Mikhailovna and Ilya Efimovich are programmers, in others it was said that her father’s profession was a design engineer, and her mother was a sales cashier. Alexandra's older sister is a pastry chef by profession.

At the age of seven, Natasha entered a music school with a piano degree, but dropped out after a year. I visited as a child creative clubs- ballet, chess, etc. From grades 1 to 9 I studied at Moscow school No. 308, grades 10 and 11 at evening school No. 17.

Gluck"oZa - "Toadstools". Yeralash 1997

At the age of eleven, Natasha auditioned to participate in the television magazine "". In 1999 she starred in the film “The Princess’s War”, in 2002 she participated in the crowd for the video “Childhood”.


In 2001, Ionova recorded the single “Suga” and published it on the Internet. Music producer, after listening to the track, I contacted the girl for further cooperation. Then she signed a contract with the Monolit company, co-owned by Fadeev. And so it began creative biography Natalia Ionova.

Gluck"oZa - "Suga"

In 2002, Maxim Fadeev organized the group “Glukoza” (the name is also written as “Gluk’oZa”), which performs in the pop-punk style: Natalya Ionova became the lead singer of the group. Their first song, “Suga,” was broadcast on Moscow radio stations, but did not receive the attention it deserved.

Later, the capital's labels began to look for a young performer to offer a contract. Monolith Records turned out to be the most agile: the company's managers found out that the Glucose project was directly related to Fadeev. In the spring of 2002, a contract was signed.

Glyuk'oza (Glucose) - "It's snowing"

The young singer didn’t want to go on tour, give interviews, or appear on magazine covers, so the producer couldn’t think of anything better than posting a 3D version of the girl on the Internet. Ionova drew herself. Artists and professional designers only adjusted the image.

Only in June 2003 did listeners see the singer Glukoza. Her appearance to the general public took place during the final concert of the “Star Factory”. And its first of three existing today studio albums– “Glitch” oZa Nostra” – sold 1.4 million copies.

At the end of 2007, Natalya and Maxim Fadeev opened the Glucose Production company. The songs of “Glukoza” (“Schweine”, “Butterflies”, “Dance, Russia!”, “Silicilya” and others) occupied high positions in the national charts, and the soloist herself became the winner of numerous music awards. Based on the idea of ​​the project, a computer game appeared, the characters of which were members of the team.

Glyuk'oza (Glucose) - "Daughter"

In 2008, the video “Daughter” was included in the rotation of TV channels. An updated animated version of Natalya appears in the video, as well as Glu, whose prototype was her daughter Lida. According to the plot of the video, blondes save the Earth from aliens.

In the same year, “Glucose” presented the song “Butterflies”, for which a video was shot a little later. At the same time, Natalya, who previously avoided publicity, became the co-author and TV presenter of the “Children's Pranks” program, which appeared on STS. In the spring of the same year, Glucose once again blew up the charts: the song “Dance, Russia!” was released, which became one of the singer’s main hits. Glucose's tours invariably attract full houses.

Gluk'oza (Glucose) - "Butterflies"

Released in the spring of 2009 cartoon“Monsters vs. Aliens”, in which the main character Gigantika was voiced by Natalya Ionova. The first dubbing experience was successful and was far from the last.

In the fall of 2009, Natalya Ionova announced a change in image. Songs performed in a humorous manner, T-shirts, jeans, massive boots are a thing of the past, as is the image of a computer girl with a Doberman: fans saw a matured, feminine, exciting singer. At the end of the year, publications noted the girl among the brightest, most beautiful and stylish stars of Russian show business.

“I am changing - I am transforming, and the old me will no longer exist. The music is changing too,” says the star.

In March 2010, the premiere of the song “That’s Such Love” took place. The provocative text and unexpected sound for the Glucose group made people pay attention to the song.

Gluk`oza (Glucose) - “This is such love”

On November 10, the album “Trans-FORM” was released, which included tracks already loved by many, and new compositions (“Played enough”, “Freak”, “Shot in the back”, “My vice” “Forget you not”, “ Schweine"). The name of the album was invented together with the fans.

In January 2012, the premiere of the video “My Vice” took place, which created a lot of noise even before its appearance, becoming one of Glucose’s most provocative works. The singer showed off her beautiful figure after giving birth. There were fears that, due to its provocative nature, the main music channels would not take it into rotation. But the fears turned out to be in vain, the clip appeared on television screens in Russia and Ukraine.

Gluk`oZa - "My Vice"

Having become popular, Ionova began to increasingly participate in television shows and television projects. First, Glucose performed in the “Stars on Ice” project, paired with the Olympic champion in figure skating. And then she not only performed, but became the winner of the “Dancing with the Stars” project together with.

The singer also appeared on Channel One’s New Year’s show in 2013, where, together with, she performed her hit “Dance, Russia!” In the same year, in the “Evening Urgant” program, Glucose sang the song “Butterflies”. She took part in the “Good Jokes” program on the STS TV channel.

Glucose, Yulia Kovalchuk, Sati Casanova and Yulia Savicheva - "Dance, Russia!"

In addition to her musical activities, singer Glukoza is an ambassador of friendship for the charitable foundation " Best friends", formed on her own initiative.

Personal life

Natalya Ionova is married to the former top manager of FSE UES, co-owner of the oil company Ruspetro, businessman. She admits that she has changed a lot over the years of living with her husband.

Natalya met her future husband on a plane flying to Chechnya. There was no premonition that her significant other was on board the same flight. Everything happened as it is sung in famous song: “Love will unexpectedly come when you don’t expect it at all...”

As she later said, Alexander noticed the singer even earlier and advised her to invite her to the opening of the water park. After returning to Russia, as a farewell, the businessman asked for Ionova’s phone number - and that’s where everything started to take off.

Glucose and Alexander Chistyakov got married on June 7, 2006. In the spring of 2007, their daughter Lydia was born, and in the fall of 2011, Vera. The girls were born in a prestigious clinic in Spain.

Despite the significant age difference (the husband is 13 years older than Natalya), the Chistyakov family is strong and friendly. According to Natalya, this is even an advantage, because her husband even treats her like a father, and behind him she feels like a stone wall.

If earlier Glucose was desperately hiding behind the image of a girl from the computer, now she is not only frequent guest social parties, but also appears at them in very revealing outfits. Thus, in 2016, the pop star shocked guests at the presentation of the new U-Boat watch, developed with the participation of Hollywood actor and “new Russian”. In the photo with Seagal and the showman, Ionova appeared in excessive revealing dress(with a neckline and without underwear), which immediately became the subject of discussion among Revva’s followers on Instagram and overshadowed the event itself.

Steven Seagal, Alexander Revva, Gluck"oZa and Emin at the presentation of U-Boat

Even earlier, Ionova had firmly established the image of a seductress who does not hesitate to emphasize the advantages of her figure: with a height of 165 cm, her weight is only 49 kg.

2016 was a difficult year for the relationship between the couple Natalia and Alexander. It seemed that the couple’s personal life began to burst at the seams, shaken by many quarrels and omissions. But Chistyakov and Ionova still decided to celebrate their wedding anniversary together. The holiday gave the couple hope for reconciliation. Glucose's marriage, according to her, has become even stronger than at the beginning, the singer realized that dearer than Alexander she has no one. The family idyll evokes sympathy among the public and reporters, which is why Alexander and Natalya received an award from OK! magazine. in the “Couple of the Decade” category.

And by the end of the year, fans noticed some adjustments in the singer’s figure. In one selfie posted on Instagram, her bulging belly is barely visible. And although it could only have been a bad angle, fans immediately suspected the performer of being pregnant. In addition, in the summer Ionova admitted that she wanted three children. True, the singer made a reservation that she would first get her daughters back on their feet, after which she would give herself another gift for her 35th birthday.

Now the artist never ceases to amaze fans with photographs in which she appears in seductive swimsuits, so the singer’s subscribers could not help but notice the original tattoo on Natalia’s thigh. The girl had a picture of a cake stamped on her body because she considers herself a terrible sweet tooth. Glucose also has two tattoos on her hands - a heart and an asterisk. According to Natalya Ionova, she does not plan to get any more tattoos.

Glucose now

Glucose had a lot of work planned for 2017, so rumors about pregnancy were not confirmed. The singer herself stated that in previous years she did not work so closely with Maxim Fadeev, but now she will completely go to his production center. The singer expressed a desire in 2017 to create a hit that would sound “from every iron.”

Gluck "oZa - “I only smell like you”

Natalya released the tracks “I Smell Only You,” in which Artik & Asti participated, and the song “Moon-Moon.” Musical composition“Tayu” was released in two versions, the second of which turned out to be a dance remix. Despite a large number of hits, Glucose is in no hurry to add a new album to his discography.

In addition to her solo work, the artist is not afraid to participate in experiments, especially when her close friends become their authors. Together with Alexander Revva, Glukoza recorded the soundtrack “The Sun” for the comedy “Granny of Easy Virtue.” In this film, Natalya played the role of Lyuba, the beloved of the hero nicknamed Transformer, played by a resident of the Comedy Club. Hiding from his pursuers, the young man ends up in a nursing home, where he introduces himself as an elderly aunt. The film pleased its creators with an excellent release, which brought in $6 million.

"Leningrad"ft Gluk'oZa - "Zhu Zhu"

Perhaps the explosive hit, the release of which was so carefully prepared by the star of the pop scene, was the song “Zhu-Zhu”, recorded together with the group. The musicians presented the hit at the Zhara festival, which took place in mid-2018 in Baku. Natalya Ionova appeared on stage in a tight-fitting latex dress, which effectively emphasized the proportions of her figure. During the performance of the song, Glucose and, succumbing to courage, passionately hugged, which caused bewilderment among some viewers: the audience perceived the expression of the artists’ emotions ambiguously.


  • 2003 – “Glitch”oZa Nostra”
  • 2005 – “Moscow”
  • 2011 – “Trans-FORM”