Alexander Shulgin: personal life. The singer Valeria's ex-husband found himself at the center of a high-profile financial scandal. What Shulgin looks like Valeria's ex-husband now

Alexander Shulgin admitted that he never wanted to marry Yulia Mikhalchik

Alexander Shulgin admitted that he never wanted to marry Yulia Mikhalchik

The Second Italian Film Festival “Venice-Moscow” was held at the Moscow Khudozhestvenny cinema with great success. They promised Michele PLACIDO, but famous Italian came down with the flu, so other members of the delegation had to take the rap - Venice Film Festival director Marco MUELLER, director Saverio COSTANZO and actress Alba ROHRWACHER.

As you know, this year has been declared the year of Italy in Russia, and, accordingly, the year of Russia in Italy. That is why holding such a festival is far from accidental.

Many of our stars also came to see the latest Italian cinema. Moreover, they all often love to vacation in Italy, where they are greeted with all the southern hospitality. So, Victoria Bonya reported that just today I dined on excellent spaghetti in a cozy restaurant, and now I can taste spiritual food - the film “The Loneliness of Prime Numbers.”

Loves Italy and everything italian art in general and Katya Lel– at least for a week, but she and her husband Igor try to go every year to either Milan, or Venice, or Rome.

I fucked it up and threw it away

The appearance in the hall was a complete surprise famous producer and ex-husband of singer Valeria Alexandra Shulgina. Everyone remembers in great detail the singer’s heartbreaking confessions of how Alexander beat her. Now the passions have subsided - Valeria has long been happily married to a producer Joseph Prigogine. But Shulgin, it seems, is still alone. If it weren’t for my long-standing acquaintance with him, it would have been very difficult to recognize him: Alexander grew a beard and mustache. And he gives the impression of a very kind, peace-loving guy who wouldn’t even offend a mosquito, let alone a woman. He said that he had not moved away from creativity, and did not appear at social gatherings, because he was immersed in the composition of serious musical works large forms.

After his divorce from Valeria, his name sounded loudly again when he publicly proposed to his pupil to marry him Yule Mikhalchik. While Shulgin produced “Star Factory-3”, and between them, right in the “star house”, a fire broke out love affair at work. However, the wedding never took place.

So why didn’t you get married, Alexander? – I couldn’t help but ask.

Shulgin’s answer, frankly, shocked me:

Where did you get the idea that I’m getting married? I didn't promise anything!

But your confession came in live throughout the country, during the final of “Star Factory-3”.

Show me this recording! Yes, I offered her my hand in life, but not my heart! And this, as they say, is two big differences, - Shulgin fought back.

So trust these guys after that...


It must be said that after many scandalous interviews, which the singer Valeria generously distributed regarding her marriage with Alexander, he somehow went into the shadows and remained silent for a long time. Even then, fans of their joint work with the talented singer began to whisper in bewilderment, asking the same question: “where is Shulgin now?”

And, apparently, unable to withstand the onslaught from Valeria, dirty gossip, speculation, rinsing dirty laundry in front of everyone, as well as endless questions like: “Where is Alexander Shulgin now?”, the producer decided to show the stunned crowd of fans, that he is not hiding at all and is ready to answer for all his actions, not all of which he admitted, however.

Among other things, in addition to the terribly unpleasant revelations of his ex-wife, Alexander had to endure a number of difficult legal proceedings, which started quite far back in 2003 from the moment of their divorce from Valeria and continue to this day, either fading or flaring up with renewed vigor. True, today the role of the plaintiff is played by completely different people, since in the end, after lengthy litigation and difficult processes in civil courts, Shulgin managed to resolve all the main problems with his ex-wife.

First, after a long silence, the producer gave an interview in which he admitted that he did not always behave adequately in his marriage to the singer, but he categorically did not want to agree with the role of a domestic tyrant, who regularly tormented how his own wife, and their three children together (the version of Valeria and her real producer and husband Joseph Prigozhin). Original interviews-excuses, as well as counter-interviews-accusations, rained down on each other with renewed vigor, besides, Alexander was not happy with the last marriage contract (this document ex-spouses while still married, they made up and broke up several times) and began to sue over the division of property jointly acquired with Valeria.

And the couple really had something to share, after all, for 14 years life together they managed to purchase luxury real estate in the form of seven apartments in the center of the capital, one country cottage and a professional office-recording studio equipped with last word technology. In turn, Valeria, who after the first trial received only one Vacation home, reproached her ex-husband for not loving their children together enough, because he promised that real estate was purchased primarily for them. Undoubtedly, at this moment the singer already felt quite strong support from Prigozhin, who was at all times a rather influential person and helped her not only with money, but also with experienced lawyers.

It must be said that no matter how Shulgin was in love relationships, he still loved his children very much, especially their first-born daughter Anya. Therefore, it is not surprising that another string of trials soon followed, but this time for his right to see and communicate with his own children.

But at first, Valeria, indeed, forbade the children to see their father and even left Moscow for some period to live with her parents, temporarily suspending her hectic career. But over time, passions subsided, disputes over children also completely or partially exhausted themselves and Shulgin disappeared somewhere from everyone’s attention, while the singer, on the contrary, resumed her activities, as they say, with renewed vigor.

It’s quite difficult to say what the mysterious disappearance of a talented producer and composer is connected with; perhaps the fact that loud scandal with Valeria greatly harmed his career, which at that time was at its zenith, but among the fans again perplexed questions began to spread along the lines of “Where is Shulgin Alexander now?”

And then it shot - Shulgin, it turns out, had not been sitting idly by all this time, but was actively involved in the promotion of the currently popular project “Star Factory”, being one of its producers. Having learned this, the questions “where is Alexander Shulgin now?” among the fans, willy-nilly, they exhausted themselves, but others appeared instead of them, because the producer started spinning whirlwind romance with one of the young participants of this project - blond beauty Yulia Mikhalchik.

Many watched in bewilderment as their relationship progressed and even tried to warn Yulia about the tough temperament of her beloved producer, but the girl did not listen to anyone and even accepted his marriage proposal, which Alexander solemnly made to her in front of admiring spectators who became involuntary witnesses. a solemn event taking place.

However, time passed, and the wedding date was still not set, but Yulia managed to experience all the “charms” of Alexander’s bad character. As a result, the couple noisily broke up and later the blonde, in response to all questions from the press about the fact that she had been warned, denied in every possible way, citing the fact that she simply did not know why Shulgin divorced Valeria. Of course, everyone has the right to make a mistake and Yulia is no exception, especially since in the future it is unlikely that she will be so indiscriminate when choosing a party for a new relationship.

Meanwhile, after a noisy breakup with the “manufacturer”, the scandalous producer again pulled away from everyone’s attention, which again raised the questions “where is Shulgin now?”

It recently became known that all this time the talented producer and businessman also did not waste time. This is how the Familia group of companies appeared, the owner of which is Alexander Shulgin. Where he is now is impossible to say one hundred percent, especially since some details have recently become known financial scandal, in the center of which Alexander again appeared.

There is also positive news, because despite everything Shulgin is very talented musician and as proof of this statement can be cited his long-awaited album entitled “Triptych” in 2008. In addition, he actively promoted young performers and various projects, although this did not happen without noisy scandals and misunderstandings.

Shulgin Alexander Valerievich is a well-known producer in Russia and the world who has helped dozens of talented singers and musicians shine. He is a rather ambitious, bright and creative person, so he knows how to completely win over people.

Shulgin is a person who constantly appears in quite scandalous stories, and is also accused of unpleasant matters, but does not cease to atone for sins and support the Orthodox faith.

At the same time, Alexander Valerievich is very lonely, but does not stop building creative and love plans, which makes fans of his own talent of all ages incredibly happy.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Shulgin

It is worth noting that many people want to know what physical parameters a producer and musician have, such as height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Shulgin - you can only find out here and now.

Shulgin was born in 1964, so he recently turned fifty-two years old. According to the Zodiac sign, Alexander received character traits characteristic of Virgo, including self-doubt, hot temper, hard work, a tendency to creativity and depression.

The eastern horoscope gives a man the sign of a creative, imaginative, ambitious, kind, bright and friendly Dragon.

Alexander Shulgin: the photo in his youth and now is practically no different, except in photographs recent years it is clear that the man has neglected himself quite a lot, and he should take up sports. The height is one meter and seventy-five centimeters, and the weight has reached seventy-three kilograms.

Biography of Alexander Shulgin

The biography of Alexander Shulgin is the most ordinary, since he was born in the distant outback of Irkutsk. The boy was creative and musical, so he learned to play the guitar self-taught from older guys.

His father, Valery Shulgin, left his family quite early, so nothing is known about him except his passport data; his mother worked at a state enterprise and raised Sasha.

Already at the age of twelve, the boy performed as part of the school VIA, he sang popular school and pop songs. Later, the guys wrote their own compositions and even played them at the prom. They had to on our own collect amplifiers, and once they even stole a megaphone from a city park, and almost went to jail.

Already in the sixth or seventh grade, the young man studied well, represented the school at the city Olympiad in mathematics, and also wrote musical compositions. The guy received an excellent education, since he graduated from three higher education institutions at once. educational institutions in Irkutsk - IGLU, NI NRSTU, as well as the Baikal State University of Economics and Law. It is worth clarifying that already in 2011 Shulgin received his education at the Faculty of Theology of PSTGU.

In parallel with his studies at the institute, Sasha performed in composition of VIA in the house of culture, and then went to the capital of our Motherland with the Carnival group, later moving to Music band"Cruise". The young man toured Russia and the world, and when “Cruise” broke up, he remained in Germany.

The guy could not stay in a foreign land for long; he returned to Russia, became a producer and opened several companies. Currently, Shulgin heads the Familia group of companies; he participated in the television projects “Star Factory” and “Become a Star!”

He became the producer of Valeria and the group “Other Rules”, Tatyana Ovsienko and Yulia Mikhalchik, Elena Sheremet and Nikita Malinin. Shulgin wrote music for films and the Spas TV channel, he restored objects of Orthodox music and was actively involved in charity work.

Personal life of Alexander Shulgin

Alexander Shulgin’s personal life is mostly connected with his beloved wife and his most striking project, Alla Perfilova. She filled his life with new colors and made his soul sing.

It is worth noting that he constantly inflicted bodily harm on Valeria and the kids, but asked for forgiveness. At the same time, Alexander himself flatly denied problems in the family; it can be clarified that Shulgin’s personal life was always hidden behind a veil of secrecy.

After his marriage to Valeria broke up, Shulgin lived separately for a long time and did not have affairs. However, a young and incredibly talented starlet, Yulia Mikhalchik, was caught in his net. The girl refused to believe in Shulgin’s bad temper and called Valeria a liar.

The bronze medalist of the Star Factory competition did not endure her relationship with Alexander for long and ran away from him, without explanation. By the way, she thought it was funny that her chosen one had a full namesake - an American chemist.

Alexander Shulgin personal life 2016, where the producer is now and with whom he lives is a request that often arises on the Internet. We hasten to clarify that the man does not have a beloved woman today; he is completely immersed in work. Now he decided for himself that creativity is more valuable love relationship and gossip arising on this basis.

Family of Alexander Shulgin

Alexander Shulgin's family was not very happy, since the parents constantly fought and did not find a place in their life for their own son. It was because of these problems in the family that the guy constantly got into minor troubles, was noticed in thefts and was registered in the children's room of the police.

At the same time, the guy loved his mother very much and was incredibly attached to her. IN early childhood he composed poems and dedicated them to his nearest and dearest person.

His father left the family when Sasha was still in school, so the family became incomplete and life became much more difficult. Mom tried to do everything to support the guy’s desire for creativity, she was even able to buy her son a guitar to play in VIA, although she had to save for a long time for it.

Children of Alexander Shulgin

The children of Alexander Shulgin were born in marriage with Valeria; they were not long-awaited and desired by their father. Anya and Artem were born one after another, but the youngest son was born when his parents already wanted to separate.

It is worth noting that Alexander Shulgin’s older children are not friends and do not communicate with their own father, and in childhood they were simply terrified of him. Valeria clarified that this was due to the fact that Shulgin constantly beat and abused his own children, even at a very tender age.

He never paid child support to his own children, and Anna said several times that she did not consider Alexander to be her own father. At the same time, Alexander said that he did not beat the children, but their own mother simply turned them against him.

One way or another, Shulgin’s three children grew up in the new happy family their mother, and their father was replaced by their stepfather Joseph Prigogine, whom they consider their dearest and most beloved.

Son of Alexander Shulgin - Artemy Shulgin

The son of Alexander Shulgin, Artemy Shulgin, was born after his older sister in 1994, when his father and mother Valeria were legally married. During his childhood, the boy was constantly in Saratov with his grandmother; from the age of ten he lived and studied in a Swiss boarding school.

Last year, the guy graduated from the prestigious Webster University of Geneva and became an IT specialist. Recently received a second degree in music, enrolling at Berklee College in London.

Already in January of this year, the young man returned to hometown and began working at a record company. Artemy is not married, however, he has been building for several years own relationships with figure skater Adelina Sotnikova, but has no intention of getting married yet.

Son of Alexander Shulgin - Arseny Shulgin

The son of Alexander Shulgin, Arseny Shulgin, was born in 1998 in a marriage with the same Valeria. Arseny was born when his parents were already divorced, so Alexander for a long time did not even suspect that he had a son.

Arseny is the favorite of the whole family; from the age of four he already began learning to play the piano in music school at Gnesinka. At thirteen young talent entered the Chopin State College, located in the capital.

The boy performed at his mother’s concert in the Kremlin Palace; from the age of twelve he regularly became a laureate of various world competitions. Currently he is touring not only in the cities of Russia, but also in the countries of Europe and America.

Arseniy is interested in music, movies, website promotion on the Internet, and also sings with his mother. The guy is quite loving, among him personal victories there are Anna Sheridan and Stesha Malikova, Yulia Volkova and Sasha Spielberg.

Daughter of Alexander Shulgin - Anna Shulgina

The daughter of Alexander Shulgin, Anna Shulgina, was born in 1993; her mother was the singer Valeria. Anna studied well at school with in-depth study of several subjects, she participated in amateur theater performances.

The girl entered the famous Pike, constantly taking part in a number of theatrical productions. As an actress, she appeared in her own mother’s videos and already sang a duet with her, and also constantly starred in TV series and films.

Anna hosts television programs on the Rossiya-1 and Muz-TV channels, she meets with SLeM and sings a duet with him.

Ex-wife of Alexander Shulgin - Alla Yuryevna Perfilova (Valeria)

The ex-wife of Alexander Shulgin, Alla Yuryevna Perfilova (Valeria), appeared in the singer’s life completely by accident. This happened when in 1992 Shulgin accompanied a foreign delegation to a bar for diplomats, where a talented unknown girl sang.

Shulgin became interested and left his phone number for the beauty, and she called back and began collaborating with Alexander, recording in his studio. Valeria had a hard time getting along with her producer, so her first album was born in agony, but then everything went like clockwork.

Soon Valeria and Alexander realized that they loved each other, and the woman left her first husband Leonid Yaroshevsky for her chosen one.

In 1993, the young people got married and several children were born. Family life turned out to be terrible, since Shulgin in everyday life turned out to be a despot and a tyrant who constantly raised his hand against his wife and children, locked her in a dog enclosure in the cold and took all the fees she earned.

The marriage broke up with a huge scandal in 2002, when Valeria and her children moved to Father's house, and soon after the separation she married Joseph Prigogine.

By the way, Alexander claims that he never beat his wife, and upon entering into marriage he was marriage contract in favor of the wife. In total, the producer went through fifty trials before the marriage was dissolved.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Shulgin

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexander Shulgin are available in the official format, so all the data is reliable and can be used when writing reports and adding to fan sites.

It is worth clarifying that the Wikipedia article dedicated to Shulgin does not contain information about his childhood, youth, or parents. Children and personal life are mentioned in passing, but quite a lot of data is available about Alexander’s creativity and activities in different periods his life.

Approximately 127,000 people have subscribed to Shulgin’s Instagram profile, each of whom can view videos and photographic materials that relate to personal, creative and social activities his incredibly talented idol. Article found on

Alexander Shulgin is a figure in show business who is as talented as he is controversial. And Yulia was in love, and, despite the fact that all the newspapers wrote about Shulgin at that time, she did not know how he broke up with his first wife, or so she said. Alexander Shulgin spoke about his work, about the “Star Factory”, about Valeria and what is happening with Russian pop music in a special interview.

Alexander saw his first wife, singer Valeria, in one of the capital’s clubs, where she performed in the evenings. Shulgina immediately struck her beautiful voice and huge eyes. After the speech, he approached Valeria, introduced himself and gave him his phone number, offering cooperation. After all, you have to be born a star, already have something inside, and after that you have to work, work, work, work.

Pugacheva only became really popular at the age of 30, and before that she slept somewhere on tour, both as backup singers and on cots, hard life passed. And everyone went through such a hard life: “Time Machine”, “Sunday”, “Dynamic”. But now - no, now they come and say: “Make me a star.”

Alexander Shulgin: personal life

Valeria did not keep herself waiting long and called the very next day - it would be stupid if no one famous singer I didn't jump at this opportunity. That is, there was a final separation between managers and producers of music itself? At the same time, the producer does not necessarily have to know the music or have anything to do with it at all. This must be some kind of businessman, trader, broker or someone else. That is, everything that was previously called management everywhere in the world, and in our country the directorship of groups and performers, at some point in Russia began to be called producing.

Photo: Alexander Shulgin

And in the theater there is a director who deals with all economic and commercial issues, including bills, payments, ticket prices, some kind of advertising or something else. And the director absolutely does not see any financial papers, he is absorbed in creativity. They're not going anywhere yet, as long as the recordings are going on. And besides, I was distracted from this work by an offer to participate in television project(“Star Factory-3” - note by Days.Ru).

And after that, something had to be finished for about two months, and then I again returned to what I had suspended for the duration of this project. And what was heard on the radio from “FM”, although the listeners liked the songs, is not quite the best they have. This is only what was accepted for rotation.

Alexander Shulgin - Latest News 2015

And these are just songs about love: so soft and bright. Will you take these albums to some major? 1994-5-6-7 - I had a lot of work there, both guitar youth projects and all others. The whole man came out, yes. For a long time we had a time of such incomprehensible unisex boys, slender.

And so he made his solo album, but, having almost finished writing it, I realized that all this was vanity of vanities, and went to the monastery. Yes, this is not so important now.. When there is no such task, then music is generally written differently. Do you think that for the emergence of a singer of such caliber as Valeria, some special relationship between the artist and the author is required?

Because there is an artist, and there is a performer who can go on stage and play some role, while remaining a completely different person inside. And there are Artists who, even on stage, convey to the listener what they really are. I want to know what is inside such an artist.


And before that there was work going on. I'm not talking about what's happening on the stage now. Unfortunately, I cannot call what is happening on the stage now music. Therefore, I do not want children to do what is happening on the stage now - under no circumstances.

I would not pose the question in such a way that it was not possible to continue there, because I did my job. For this there are a number of people who can successfully tour. All these companies know, and here, in general, there are no problems at all. And I don't want to deal with any money. Channel support is provided - what can’t be done here? And the unresolved issues regarding the “Factory” will somehow be resolved. I quite clearly compare this situation with the year 83-84. I read all the samizdat of that time, I was not lazy, I found it, read everything that was available.

Soon, a joyful event occurred in the personal life of Alexander Shulgin - Valeria gave birth to his daughter Anna. But from that moment on, outwardly seemingly ideal family life Shulgina began to collapse. The news is relevant for today, September 1, 2015 On this page you can find out all the most last news about the following celebrity (group): Alexander Shulgin.

A simple Siberian guy was able to independently break into Russian show business and made an unknown provincial singer a real star stage. Why is the name of Alexander Shulgin not heard now, and who put an end to his production career? Why did the children turn away from him and former colleagues?

Biography of Alexander Shulgin

He was born on August 25, 1964 in Irkutsk. From childhood he began to write poetry, and in adolescence Music was one of his hobbies. It all started with collecting audio recordings, but after a while he was already playing guitar as part of a school ensemble. Prom marked his debut as a lyricist for songs. Only with musical instruments there was a big problem. While the group was able to purchase guitars from the school budget, the boys built the amplifier themselves from a megaphone stolen in the park. The loss was quickly discovered and the young performers were brought to justice. Alexander was saved by the fact that at that time he was only 14 years old. The rest of the guys received 2 years probation.

After graduating from school, he entered IGLU, but then was transferred to a technical university, and then to the University of Economics and Law. Music studies interfered with his normal studies, so at the age of 19 he decided to focus on his favorite activity. At this time, the group “Carnival” was on tour in Irkutsk. The musicians became interested in the young promising poet and composer. An offer was received to go with them to Moscow. Alexander did not miss this chance.

Carier start

The capital received the Siberian genius warmly: in the first year he met the Cruise group. The group experienced the peak of its popularity and toured all over the world. But it was at this time that the ban on playing rock music came out. This could put an end to everything creative activity musicians. They remained practically without songs. Shulgin took upon himself the mission to resolve this problem and went to all authorities. The power of his persuasion was more than enough and “Cruise” received permission to use its entire repertoire.

The entire team went to Germany for four long years. There Alexander was able to study the entire cuisine of foreign show business and work with famous performers. He wrote songs for films and world-famous performers. When the group broke up, he was in no hurry to return to his homeland. However, after Soviet Union ordered to live long, the musician decided to try his hand at the capital. The wind of freedom was already blowing in Russia and it was possible to write songs without fear and offer them to vocal compatriots. Having extensive experience and understanding that big money He won’t make money with his poems, Shulgin decides to go a different route.


One evening, Alexander and his potential partners dropped into a bar on Taganka. This was the only place in the capital where it was not a shame to bring foreign colleagues. Shulgin often visited this establishment, where Igor Matvienko and Sergei Mazaev performed their songs. But on this particular day there was a petite blonde with an incredibly strong voice on stage. The guests really enjoyed her performance and praised her vocal abilities. Alexander approached the aspiring singer and left his business card, not forgetting to mention that he had worked with famous foreign musicians.

Alla Perfilova was impressed by a young man in a good suit, but she did not believe his words. Short, thin and shy guy didn't look like a show business guru. But she took the business card and called back the next day. They met to discuss the details of the upcoming work. Alexander already knew that Alla was married and her husband was also a musician. But this did not matter: he counted only on fruitful cooperation.

Business only

Two weeks after they met, they were already recording an album. These were Russian romances with a modern twist. Listeners well received their joint creation, but this album did not bring much popularity to the singer. Then Shulgin decides to record several songs on English language and try to push them abroad. “Symphony of the Taiga” was one of the highest quality products that were released in the early 90s, but people were hungry for different music.


By the time of recording the second album, Alexander confessed his love to Alla. The girl reciprocated his feelings. She liked his determination and strong character, which her husband did not possess. Not only love entered the life of Alexander Shulgin, but also new creative ideas. In order not to fail for the third time, he makes a brilliant advertising move. A huge banner with the image of the singer appears in the most convenient place in Moscow. Her name is now not Alla, but Valeria. This stage name suited her perfectly. “The singer everyone has been waiting for” was written on the banner, and people looked at the pretty, big-eyed girl with interest. Of course, no one was expecting her, but her face and name were forever etched in the memory of Muscovites.


At this time, Valeria was already a happy mother. She and Shulgin had a daughter, who was named Anna. The album was ready and advertising would ensure good sales. Having named his new creation in honor of his daughter, Shulgin shoots one of the most memorable and stylish videos of that time, “Airplane.” It will become known later why the singer has such sad eyes and strange black clothes in the form of a robe. Valeria was already pregnant for the second time, but this did not stop her husband from hitting her in the face. The bruises were covered up by experienced make-up artists. "Anna" had resounding success. The album sold out so quickly that Shulgin did not postpone recording a new one. He was not at all happy about the birth of his son. He paid all his attention only to his daughter.


In 1997, another album was released. New songs received no less attention, and Shulgin created his own recording studio. Many Russian and foreign performers. The production center only strengthened his position in show business. In 1998, Valeria gives birth to another son and writes new album. A year later, the long-awaited breakthrough occurs. "The First Internet Album" becomes the most successful project spouses. It is safe to say that Alexander Shulgin came into his own as a producer at this very moment. Almost all the songs from the album are in rotation on radio stations, and at discos people dance to Valeria’s hits. Top lines of the charts, resounding success and people's love. In 2001, the album “Eyes the Color of the Sky” thoroughly secured the singer’s title as one of the most popular performers of the beginning of the millennium. There is only glory and success ahead, but suddenly the girl disappears. For a long time nothing is known about her until one day the information bomb explodes.

To hit or not to hit?

After the breakup with Alexander Shulgin, the personal life of the star spouses became the most discussed in the country. The singer did not hide the reasons for the separation and told reporters about all the dark sides of life with the famous producer. He not only beat her, but also abused his own children. He set the dogs on three-year-old Arseny and raised his hand against Artemy. Valeria herself forgave the regular beatings for many years and hoped that one day her husband would change. But even the wedding did not bring relief.

Photos of Alexander Shulgin never left the pages yellow press, but he himself refused to comment. So the whole country became convinced that the singer had been beaten all these years and forced to sing songs she did not like. Soon she married another producer, who became the real father of her children. All three abandoned their relatives and still do not communicate. But Valeria's first husband does not believe her confession. He claims that a woman with such an iron character as Valeria would never allow herself to be bullied, much less her children.

Another blonde

Before the scandal had time to subside, the personal life of producer Alexander Shulgin again became public knowledge. This time the victim of a hot temper was the young and talented singer Yulia Mikhalchik. The fact is that Shulgin became the producer of the third “Star Factory” and at the final concert he made a strange and ambiguous statement. He offered the finalist his hand in life. Yulia herself and everyone who was in the Olimpiyskiy did not understand what meaning he put into these words. But soon they began to appear everywhere together, recorded their debut album and even went on vacation to hot countries.

There an incident occurred that put an end to the nascent relationship. Alexander roughly pushed the girl into the water. She decided not to repeat Valeria’s mistakes and broke off everything that was between them. The press spent a long time talking about this incident, which proved Shulgin’s cruelty and confirmed his words ex-wife. It was only years later that Mikhalchik said that she had embellished the events too much, and journalists added black colors. Shulgin did not beat her and treated her well, but that incident could simply be forgotten, because misunderstandings happen between two people in love. Julia still communicates well with former producer, and he never refuses to help her. The hand he extended to her 15 years ago is still ready to solve her problems.

Since then, Shulgin’s personal life has been shrouded in secrecy. Nobody knows about him marital status, and he himself refuses to give interviews. He still writes songs and produces rising stars, but has never been able to repeat his success. It is worth noting that the most famous songs It was he who wrote for Mikhalchik. And Valeria, apart from the song “Chasiki”, has not had any big hits in 15 years. Not the best best husband, not the best a kind person, but one of the most brilliant producers in Russia wrote truly folk hits. Maybe his hand will light another new star?