Where was singer Bilan born? Personal life of the “night hooligan”: Dima Bilan and his family secrets. Dima Bilan: biography - changes

Dima Bilan's real name is Victor Belan. The winner of the Eurovision Song Contest, the idol of millions of women, carefully hides his personal life. He is credited with dozens of love affairs, but the artist himself does not talk about them.

Novels by Dima Bilan

The charming brunette has always been popular with the opposite sex. The artist stated several times in an interview that he has not yet met a woman with whom he is ready to live his whole life.

The public believes that he was in relationships with models, show business and television stars.

Dima Bilan and Anastasia Vinokur

As soon as Bilan arrived in Moscow, he met Vladimir Vinokur’s daughter Anastasia. Dima was 22 years old, the girl was 18. The celebrities were young, but their feelings were sincere. Things were heading towards the wedding, but suddenly the couple broke up.

They say that humorist Vladimir Vinokur was against their romance. He refutes these rumors: “I did not interfere with their relationship, this is the speculation of journalists.”

Dima Bilan and Inna Andreeva

Journalists saw the singer several times social events accompanied attractive girl athletic build named Inna. She is a yoga instructor. Originally from the Krasnodar region, but has been living in Moscow for many years.

He has been friends with Bilan for more than 10 years. The musician assures that there is no love between them: “Inna Andreeva is a very close person to me, but she is not my beloved.”

Elena Kuletskaya

TV presenter and model Elena Kuletskaya is one of the few “official” lovers of Dima Bilan. They dated for many years, even before Eurovision. The musician promised that if he won, he would marry the girl, but this never happened.

Followers say that their romance was short, and after the competition the relationship turned into a smart PR move. Bilan himself confirmed this in 2011.

Bilan and Anna Moshkovich

There is almost no information about Anna Moshkovich. She is said to be an aspiring model and singer.

She often went out with Dima, but the young people did not say anything specific about their relationship.

Yana Rudkovskaya

Yana Rudkovskaya is Dima Bilan's producer. They began collaborating in 2007. Many say that the girl made an invaluable contribution to the singer’s victory at the Eurovision music competition in 2009. Dima himself admits that without Rudkovskaya he would not have been able to achieve such recognition.

There was never a romantic connection between them - only joint work and strong friendship. By the way, Dima Bilan - Godfather Sasha, son of Yana and figure skater Evgeni Plushenko.

Dima Bilan and Yulia Volkova

A member of the formerly famous Tatu group, Yulia Volkova, confirmed that she had a short relationship with Dima Bilan: “The romance began during qualifying round Eurovision, but we soon realized that we couldn’t be together.”

It is very difficult for two hot-tempered artists to build love, but they were able to maintain friendly relations after the breakup.

Victoria Dayneko

Two celebrities of Russian show business worked together on music project In Los Angeles. Victoria was then still married to Dmitry Kleiman.

Bilan and Pelageya

Dima Bilan and Pelageya are judges of the popular project “The Voice”. They speak well of each other. The singer once said that Bilan is very attractive and an interesting man: “We are constantly in touch, texting, exchanging videos. He's so funny!

Dima had to give a detailed comment to the press: “There is only sincere friendship between us. This girl deserves the best." Let us remind you that Pelageya is now married to hockey player Ivan Telegin.

Ksenia Sukhinova

Model Ksenia Sukhinova is another alleged girlfriend of Dima Bilan. They filmed the artist’s video “Girl, Don’t Cry” together. This is not their first collaboration.

In the film, the young people play the role of lovers so convincingly that fans were confident in their romance. Celebrities do not confirm this.

Dima Bilan's wife and children

There are several photos on the Internet of supposedly secret wedding ceremony Dima Bilan and Elena Kuletskaya. Most likely, it was an ordinary staging at a fashion show.

According to official information, Dima has never been married and has no children.

Although he considers Yana Rudkovskaya’s child to be his son, which he constantly says on Instagram: “I’m already a father, albeit a spiritual one.” Life

Dima Bilan today

The 36-year-old singer continues to actively tour, record new compositions and shoot videos. He considers his home luxury mansion in the near Moscow region, west of the capital.

They say he bought it for a million euros. Housing located in pine forest, not far from the highway.

Bilan has a spacious apartment in the very center of Moscow. The musician bought it a long time ago. Apartment with an area of ​​100 sq. m. cost the artist half a million dollars. The interior is simple but sophisticated. Most Dima spends years in the apartment, but often goes to his mansion.

Biography of Dima Bilan is interesting story about how an ordinary Kabardian boy from a small town achieved unprecedented heights V Russian show business. The main breakthrough in the performer’s career was the victory at Eurovision 2008, which no Russian performer had been able to achieve until that moment.

While studying at school, D. Bilan takes part in festivals and various music competitions. In addition, in 2000, his video clip for the song “Autumn” was included in the rotation of the MTV Russia television channel. In 2001-2002 Dima Bilan became a laureate of the Festos festival. Along the way, while living in the hostel, he worked part-time in a clothing store.

Dima is now putting a lot of effort into his work: the singer disappears while filming the third season of the show “The Voice. Children,” and still manages to travel around the country with concerts. Fans even worry about his health.

Dima Bilan went to the altar with a gorgeous blonde. The singer’s chosen one was his godmother Yulia Sarkisova, with whom Bilan together baptized Yana Rudkovskaya’s son Gnome Gnomych. The attributes of the wedding were obvious and managed to appear on the Internet: on the pages of both participants in this romantic event, photos of Bilan in a tuxedo, Yulia in a white dress were published, an oath was captured on the seashore under an arch entwined with flowers. True, later the “newlyweds” had to admit that we're talking about just about the filming of the video, which took place in Sevastopol. “So we made the story,” Dima wrote in the finale and thanked his partner. By the way, in reality Bilan and Sarkisova would not have been able to get married. And it’s not even that Julia’s heart is occupied now. Just one child's godparent Orthodox canon forbidden to marry.

“I often think: family, children, warm life - so great! We often discuss this topic with friends. But so far I don’t see how I can integrate myself into family life. Because of my work, I often have to think about myself. After all, people of an artistic bent sit within themselves, looking deep into themselves. Artists are the same machine that constantly works, each of them constantly analyzes himself. The world seems to dislike us, as it seems to us. Few people can live with such a person,” the musician said in an interview with the TV program.

Personal life of Dima Bilan. All latest information as of March 13, 2018.

However, we all know that the talented and persistent singer was not satisfied with second place, and in 2008 he made another attempt to storm the European musical Olympus. This time Europe and its inhabitants submitted to Bilan. That year he performed in the final of the competition with the song “Believe” and became the first (and so far only) representative of Russia to win Eurovision.

Dima Bilan’s Instagram and Wikipedia have long been available to the famous and incredibly talented singer. Which in a short period of time received the love of millions of fans and, of course, fans. The young man has profiles in all in social networks, including Instagram.

In March 2017 Russian singer on Instagram he published an image in which he appeared in a new image - with a shaved head. Media workers suggested that Bilan’s decision to “become bald” is a kind of challenge to those who are spreading rumors about his supposedly fatal illness.

The singer's career began with an acquaintance with producer Yuri Aizenshpis. It was this famous music manager who recommended the young man to take the pseudonym Dima Bilan. In collaboration with Aizenshpis, Bilan tried his hand at the “New Wave”, where he took 4th place. In 2003, Bilan’s first album “I am a night hooligan” was released. Videos and songs from this disc soon became popular in Russia. Fans especially remember the song “Baby”. The artist's subsequent albums become equally interesting to the public.

In 2012, Bilan almost went to Eurovision again. Dima sang the song Back To Her Future in a duet with Yulia Volkova, taking 2nd place in the Russian qualifying round.

In 2007, D. Bilan became an official member of the LDPR. However, in the same 2007, Dima took part in the election campaign of the A Just Russia party. And in the 2012 presidential elections, Bilan supported.

Dima Bilan's health status. Latest information as of March 13, 2018

On September 20, 2005, Yuri Aizenshpis passed away. Dima immediately received offers of cooperation from other production companies. As a result, the singer decided to break off relations with the center of the former mentor. At that moment, Aizenshpis’s company demanded not to use the Dima Bilan brand, the right to which belonged to this organization. But in 2008, thanks to the union of Dima Bilan, it was possible to resolve it. Soon the singer himself officially changed his name.

Any change in the appearance of a public figure, and especially a favorite, causes excitement. Recently Dima Bilan became bald. With his new look, the singer seriously frightened fans, who decided that illness forced them to shave their idol’s head. And when Dima decided to spend his vacation in Africa, many thought that he would be treated on the dark continent.

In 2006, Channel One chose Bilan to represent Russia at the Eurovision 2006 contest held in Athens. Dima Bilan took second place with the song “Never Let You Go”.

However, later the media leaked information about the singer’s new romance. Russian model Elena Kuletskaya became Dima Bilan’s “beloved”. The couple maintained their engaged status for many years, but skeptics did not believe in the sincerity of their relationship.

During the same period, he participated in various music competitions and festivals. In 1999, the artist visited Moscow for the first time as a contestant at the Chunga-Changa festival.

Dmitry Bilan adores his godson Sashenka Plushenko, who is the son of Yana Rudkovskaya and the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. It is the blond angel with blue eyes that fans most often mistake for Bilan’s natural child, because Instagram and social networks are full of photographs and videos of Alexander.
And also for over-aged daughter journalists often receive his sister Anya, who often appears next to him and even sings a duet.

It is known that this romance did not end in anything, and the couple broke up. Who owns the heart eligible groom, unknown. Fans often attribute the man to relationships with prominent representatives of show business, and some also suggest that the singer has returned to ex-girlfriend, but does not report this publicly.

The girl occasionally appears in her brother’s video clips, sings a duet with him and even recorded a song. However, brother and sister do not see each other very often. This is due to Dmitry’s busy touring schedule and the fact that his sister lives abroad.

Sister - Anna Belan - the most beloved and youngest. She for a long time lives in America, and dreams of becoming an opera singer. The baby was constantly raised by Dima, because the parents constantly worked and returned home late. Now my brother considers Anechka his daughter. He films her in his videos, sings a duet and even sometimes goes to tours. Currently, brother and sister see each other infrequently because they live in different countries.

The personal life of Dima Bilan has haunted his fans for many years. They want to know all her details, especially if he has a girlfriend.

But the singer carefully hides any details about his relationship from the eyes of strangers. Because of this Bilan is credited numerous novels with colleagues on stage, models and wards of the “Voice” competition. But despite these numerous rumors, Dmitry is in no hurry to comment on his personal life or refute the information.

Perhaps this is a PR move to increase his popularity, or perhaps he believes that if details about his life become known, he will become less interesting to his fans. While the singer remains silent, there is information in the press about his most high-profile novels.

Almost a wife

When Dmitry was about 20 years old, he set out to conquer Moscow. Dima became a student at the Gnesensky School, and then a student at GITIS. At the same time, he met Anastasia Vinokur, daughter famous comedian. At the time they met, she was 18 years old.

Perhaps for them it was first love. Few doubted the sincerity of their feelings and it was getting closer to the wedding. But this event was not destined to happen. The couple separated. The reason for this decision is still unknown. There is an opinion that Anastasia’s father was against marriage with the singer, but he denies this in every possible way.

Dima Bilan had another serious relationship that could have ended in marriage with model Elena Kuletskaya.

The relationship between this couple lasted quite a long time, and after Bilan’s performance at the Eurovision Song Contest, journalists noticed a ring on the model’s finger.

Immediately information appeared in the press that Bilan would soon tie the knot. But time passed, and there was no news about the wedding. It turned out that the young people decided to separate.

There were several reasons for this. Firstly, for Bilan and Elena, their careers were at first place, and they each achieved success in their own field. Secondly, their relationship was easy and devoid of responsibility, which did not strengthen it.

Over time, romantic relationships developed into friendships. Now Elena is happily married to another man, but remembers her relationship with the singer with warmth.

A few more novels

After breaking up with Elena Kuletskaya, there were several contenders for the heart of Dima Bilan. The relationship with them did not last long and did not end with a wedding. Immediately after breaking up with Kuletskaya, the singer had an affair with another model.

The girl's name was Yullianna. They met on the set of a video. The singer's friends still remember this passionate romance between Dmitry and Yullianna. But soon the passion subsided and the couple separated.

Then they talked about the star’s romance with another model. But there are very few details about him. This time, the singer’s sister spoke to reporters. She asked not to interfere in the couple’s personal life, since the girl does not like excessive attention to herself. This relationship also ended in nothing.

There was a period in Dmitry's life when he lost his head from love. He was ready to devote his entire life to his beloved and sacrifice a lot for her. It is known that the girl was an artist and her name was Lyalya.

Dmitry was in love. He tried to spend every minute with his beloved and even missed rehearsals. But Lyalya did not appreciate his sacrifices. One fine day she just packed her things and left without saying goodbye.. Afterwards, they met with Dmitry at one of the resorts, relaxed together, but did not resume their relationship.

Romantic relationships with colleagues

Devoting all his time to work, it is not surprising that the singer had several affairs with his stage colleagues. Known about them romantic relationships with Yulia Volkova, former member group "Tatu".

Interesting notes:

Yulia herself spoke about a short-term romance that began during the Eurovision qualifying round. But two creative people it was hard to find mutual language. Moreover, both artists had strong and independent characters. As a result, the couple broke up after several months of dating.

Information has repeatedly appeared about Dima Bilan’s affair with singer Pelageya. Perhaps the relationship arose during the “Voice” competition, where both artists were judges. Pelageya spoke very well of the singer in all interviews and more than once said that he was a very interesting man. What happened between them remains a mystery to fans.

Dima and Ksenia?

After the release of Dmitry Bilan’s video “Girl Don’t Cry,” only the lazy didn’t talk about possible romance singer and model Ksenia Sukhinova. The girl starred in several of the singer’s videos, but the last one was the most frank.

Dmitry and Ksenia have a long-term relationship. They met more than 7 years ago. Then she also took part in the filming of one of the singer’s videos. And then there was also a wave of gossip about a possible romance. There were no comments on this matter.

And this year, filming Ksenia’s video gave rise to a new wave of rumors. Some fans consider them an ideal couple and are waiting for a logical conclusion, while others think that the girl is not suitable for the singer. The couple remains stubbornly silent regarding their relationship. And it seems that rumors do not cause them the slightest concern.

Photos of the artist with girls

The story of Dima Bilan is the story of a meteoric rise, or, in fact, the same American dream. It’s enough to look at least once at the artist’s place of birth, and then at the list of his current awards and achievements. But first things first. It is unlikely that back in 1981 in the village of Moskovsky, lost somewhere in the depths Stavropol Territory the boy Vitya was born, someone suspected a miracle. Perhaps the midwives were surprised: “Here’s a screamer born! And I guessed the timing right - exactly at midnight!” Nevertheless, this was probably a sign. Because then the boy Vitya sang for as long as he could remember. He sang, even though he was not at all from musical family(father is a mechanic, mother is a vegetable grower). He sang, even though it was a no brainer what Moscow was like. They weren’t eager to go to the capital. The family moved, but in a simple way. First to Naberezhnye Chelny, then to the city of Maisky, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. And the son kept dreaming about Moscow. I dreamed, sang and learned to play the accordion. And so he waited for his finest hour: in 1999, the boy was nevertheless sent to Moscow to participate in the Chunga-Changa festival, dedicated to children's creativity. And then a miracle happened: Vitya left for the capital with an accordion, and returned with a diploma, given to him personally by Joseph Kobzon himself.

Since then, the smile of fortune has illuminated Vitya’s fate more than once. At the same time, however, every time Luck took the young artist by the hand with the hand of an influential person. Next after Kobzon was Yuri Aizenshpis.

The meeting with the famous producer took place in student years. At that time (2000), Vitya Belan had already independently entered the State University School of Music named after the Gnessins, majoring in Classical vocals. Later, the singer himself told more than once in his television interviews how he literally attacked famous producer requests for your audition. Finally, he agreed. And here - up! - Vitya Belan is no more, and in 2003 a video of the new artist Dima Bilan appears on TV screens “ Night hooligan" Probably, this moment, in fact, can be considered a step young singer into the rapid social elevator, which today brought him to full public recognition.

Then, however, in the life of Dima Bilan there were many more trials, good and not so good, but always difficult. The death of his beloved producer Yuri Aizenshpis, which turned into a serious struggle for Dima for himself. The widow of the deceased, Elena Lvovna Kovrigina, wanted to privatize a successful and profitable pop project in the person of Dima. As a result, almost mystical story“Dima had to seriously fight in the courts for his, albeit stage, name. However, the hardworking darling of fate got away unscathed here too. And in order to prevent further claims on himself, he has since become “documentary” Dima Bilan, replacing given name in the passport for the stage, and in exactly this form - not Dmitry, but Dima.

With a new name and a new producer - Yana Rudkovskaya - in 2005 the singer begins new life, in which it is completely unclear how he manages to work like a real “Lefty” of Russian showbiz: he releases albums, shoots videos, and participates in various competitions. Including two times in Eurovision, once (2006) finishing in second place, and the second time (2008) in first place. Dancing on " Star ice", participates in reality shows, hosts TV programs. And all this - collecting all kinds of prizes, awards and titles. And so to this day, to which he is officially recognized as the best singer and the most handsome man Russia, and the Western press gave him an honorable 12th place in terms of income among Russian stars. And of course Dima has something to spend his honestly earned fees on. Today he is engaged in his education younger sister, is finishing the house for his parents and... already in 2013 he is going to show it to the public new album. New singer. By name - attention - Vitya Belan! Like this long road to yourself. Well, sometimes the right to be yourself needs to be earned - the story of Dima Bilan is also about this. But the fact is that she is certainly worthy of respect.


  • At birth, Viktor Nikolaevich Belan, but in 2008 he adopted the pseudonym as his real name, and that’s exactly it: not Dmitry, but Dima.
  • Victor Belan was born exactly at 00.00
  • The artist did not choose the name Dima by chance. That was the name of his beloved grandfather, and the singer has repeatedly stated since childhood that he would also like to be called Dima.
  • Dima Bilan - member of the LDPR
  • In Dima Bilan’s homeland in the Moskovsky village of Ust-Dzheguta, a music school is named after him

2006 - Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria

2007 - Honored Artist of Chechnya

2007 - Honored Artist of Ingushetia

2008 - National artist Kabardino-Balkaria

Dima Bilan holds the record for the number of RMA awards - 10:

2005 - " Best Performer", "Best Artist"

2006 - " Best Song"("Never Let You Go"), "Best Artist"

2007 - “Best Song”, “Best Song” (“The Impossible is Possible”), “Best Artist”

2008 - " Best video», « Best Singer", "Pop Project"

MTV Europe Music Awards:

2005 — “Best Russian Act”

2006 — “Best Russian Act”

2007 — “Best Russian Act”

2008 - “Best Russian Act”, entered the Top5 in the “European Favorite” nomination

2009 - “Best Russian Act”, got into the Top5 nomination “Best European Artist”

2010 - “Best Russian Act”, got into the Top5 nomination “Best European Artist”

2012 — “Best Russian Act”

2012 - “Best European Act”, included in the Top5 nomination “Best International Artist”

Muz-TV Awards

2007 - “Song of the Year”, “Album of the Year”, “Best Performer”.

2008 - “Best ringtone”, “Best performer”.

2009 - “Best Video”, “Best Song”.

2010 - “Best Performer”.

2011 - “Best Performer”.

2012 - “Best Performer”.

"Golden Gramophone Award":

2005 - for the song “On the Shore of the Sky”

2006 — “This is how this world works”

2007 — “The impossible is possible”

2008 — “Everything is in your hands”

2011 — “I Just Love You”

Bilan has repeatedly become a laureate of the Sound Track award in various categories:

For 2003 - “Top Sexy” (The sexiest artist).

For 2004 - “Singer of the Year”

For 2007 - “Soloist of the Year” and “Album of the Year” (for the album “Time is the River”).

For 2008 - “Soloist of the Year”

For 2009 - “Singer of the Year” and “Album of the Year” (for the album Believe)

Dima Bilan was recognized as Man of the Year by Glamor magazine in 2006 and 2009.

Best Selling Russian Artist 2006

2005 - Don't be born beautiful

2006 - Club

2006 - The Adventures of Pinocchio

2007 - Star Vacation

2007 - Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors

2008 - Goldfish

2009 - Golden Key

2011 - Theater of the Absurd

2003 - I'm a night hoodigan

2004 - On the shore of the sky

2006 - Time is a River

2008 - Against the rules

2009 - Believe

2011 - Dreamer

2013 - Vitya Belan (expected in spring)

Dmitry Bilan – famous film actor and a singer who successfully presented Russian Federation for Eurovision.

This is an example of a person who knows how to set seemingly impossible goals for himself and achieve their fulfillment.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dima Bilan?

A large army of fans wants to know when their idol was born, how much he weighs and how much he has grown. Dima Bilan's height, weight, age can be clarified on this website, where only reliable information is collected.

Dmitry was born in 1981, so his age is currently 35 full years. According to his zodiac sign, the guy is a stubborn and persistent Capricorn, who is able to achieve anything with the help of incredible hard work. According to eastern horoscope, Dmitry is a bright and shocking Rooster who never tires of amaze and impress everyone.

The guy's height was above average, he was one meter eighty centimeters. But Bilan has a small shoe size for a man - only 43.

Weight famous singer is not stable and is currently 75 kilograms. However, most recently Dima Bilan lost 8 kg in 2016, the reasons for this phenomenon turned out to be prosaic. Fans, by the way, did not stop citing the main reasons for the unsuccessful love affair with Pelageya, stress at work and constant mental stress. Everything turned out to be simpler, Dima began to be bothered by gastritis, so he became interested in proper nutrition - a raw food diet.

Biography of Dima Bilan

Viktor Nikolaevich Bilan was born in December 1981. He was born in the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug. Later, the family and little Vityusha left for Kabardino-Balkaria.

The boy began to understand music early, so his parents sent him to music school. Victor mastered not the piano, but the old-fashioned accordion. The gifted boy was quickly noticed and began to be sent to various music competitions. Victor regularly took prizes in them.

Vitya went to school a year earlier with his older sister. He studied well and delighted his classmates with impromptu concerts.

After graduating from school, the guy entered the Gnesinka, where he studied vocals for three years.

The biography of Dima Bilan is simply unique. So, after graduating from college, he changed his name to the name of his grandfather, whom he loved passionately and boundlessly, and that’s how Vitya became Dima.

Dmitry actively collaborated with producer Yuri Aizenshpis, who advised him to take a pseudonym, helped him participate in the New Wave, and even released the first album of the aspiring singer in 2003.

Later, several more albums were released and became sales leaders. Dmitry began to receive awards one after another: “Golden Gramophone”, “Singer of the Year”, “Performer of the Year”, “ Best composition" And " Best Album».

The guy was able to record an English-language album and became the official ambassador of Sochi 2014.

Dima’s new hits constantly appear on high-rating and successful TV channels. They move into the TOP 10 every day.

The following horizons are opening up in Bilan’s career; he takes an active part in song competitions « New wave" and "Eurovision". I participated in the last competition twice and finally took first place.

Since 2016, the guy has been acting as a mentor for adults and children. music show"Voice". Soon Dmitry tries to make a dizzying acting career, starring in “Star Holiday”, “Theater of the Absurd”, “Hero”.

He duplicates cartoons"Trolls" and "Frozen".

Latest news 2017: Dima Bilan has cancer? He is dying?

Recently, fans of the star learned terrible news: Dima Bilan has cancer. These rumors, of course, were not confirmed. The reasons for their occurrence turned out to be the singer’s rapid weight loss in 2016 and a bald haircut, so he became bald. Calm down, this is not the result of chemotherapy!

The fact is that the guy lost weight because proper nutrition, cut his hair for a new project, and went to the hospital to have herniated discs operated on.

So ask the question: “Dima Bilan - what happened to him”? Not at all appropriate in this case.

Personal life of Dima Bilan

The personal life of Dima Bilan has always remained a secret of the singer. He does not deny that fans are not against having an affair with him. However, there are often only ridiculous rumors and speculations about the young singer’s amorous affairs.

For a long time there were persistent rumors about a stormy romance between Dmitry and Yana Rudkovskaya, who became his new mentor. The guys do not report on these relationships, but they completely deny their existence. It is worth noting that these speculations did not disappear even after Yana married Evgeni Plushenko and gave birth to a baby. Bilan for Rudkovskaya is her favorite creative brainchild, which brings huge profits.

The guy was credited whirlwind romance with a colleague on the show “The Voice. Children" Pelageya, but the girl also got married and gave birth to a child from her chosen one.

When Bilan failed to find a couple among the huge number of his acquaintances and fans, he was assigned an unconventional sexual orientation. Even his “husband” was found - Rovens Pritula, about whom nothing was known, so the rumors immediately disappeared.

Dima Bilan's family

Dima Bilan's family consists of parents and two beloved sisters.

Father - Nikolai Belan - worked as a mechanic for a long time. He graduated from a technical institute in Chelyabinsk, receiving the profession of a designer. He was a design engineer at the legendary KAMAZ plant. He loves solving mathematical problems.

Mom - Nina Dmitrievna - had nothing to do with music or cinema. She worked in greenhouses for many years and after that worked in social services.

The star idolizes his parents and often spends time with them. He really regrets that his beloved grandmother Nina, who worked in the choir all her life and saw the potential of her grandson, is not around.

The older sister, Elena, is a talented fashion designer. She is married and happily married to lawyer Zimin. She started her career washing dishes in bars.

The younger sister, Anya, lives in the USA and is learning a profession opera singer. By the way, journalists often attribute to the girl the role of either a daughter or a young lover. The girl was raised by Dmitry Bilan, since her parents were always busy.

Anna often appears in Dmitry’s video works and recently recorded a song as a duet with her older brother. Due to the saturated tour schedule Dmitry and the fact that Annushka has been living abroad for a long time, the guys see each other extremely rarely.

Children of Dima Bilan

Footage of babies allegedly given birth to our charming superstar by his devoted fans is constantly flashing on the Internet. Dima Bilan's children simply do not exist, not even in the near future.

However, Dima has a favorite boy, but he is not his own by blood and was not born from fans. The blond boy, whose photographs often appear on the Internet, is the godson famous singer Sasha. This baby is Small child Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko.

The singer dearly adores his godson and constantly posts photos and videos of him on social networks.

About Dmitry's blood children given time doesn’t think twice, preferring to play with dogs in the company of children.

Dima Bilan's wife

Dima Bilan's wife, also, exists only in his dreams; the star's heart is absolutely free.

The role of Dmitry Bilan's common-law wife was attributed to the famous model Lena Kuletskaya. This relationship lasted more than one year, and fans watched with bated breath as they awarded her wedding ring at Eurovision. Later, the couple dashed all the hopes of fans by publicly telling that they had never had any romantic or love relationships, and called everything that was happening PR.

After this, Dima Bilan was brought together with Yulianna Krylova, who appeared in a number of quite explicit works by the singer. The singer claims that there is only a strong friendship between them, but not a civil marriage.

The same words were spoken about possible love relationships with Natalya Samoletova, Yulia Sarkisova, Anna Moshkovich, Oksana Grigorieva, Yulia Volkova.

Common-law wife was called some Lyalya, whom the singer often calls the love of his life. Bilan’s sister hints that her brother has a girlfriend who is far from the world of show business and the modeling industry.

The photos of Dima Bilan before and after plastic surgery that are presented on the site are true. The singer addressed plastic surgeons repeatedly.

He underwent rhinoplasty due to problems with the nasal septum, which did not allow enough air to pass through. The guy even started having problems with vocals. And the reason was a childhood injury, when Bilan broke his nose while showing tricks to a classmate.

What he did other types plastic surgery, Dmitry Bilan denies. Yes and spectacular young man there's no need for braces, and the cute wrinkles around the eyes don't spoil it at all appearance.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan

Dima Bilan’s Instagram and Wikipedia, of course, exist, as well as profiles on social networks.

On their pages, fans of Dmitry’s work can read last news about his life. Inquire creative plans for the future and discuss past concerts.

On Wikipedia you can find out the biographical information of the singer, as well as find out information about his personal life. On Instagram, photos and videos related to the star’s projects, his hopes and aspirations are constantly changing. A lot of pictures are dedicated to the singer’s parents and sisters, and especially the youngest.