Ilya Tavli: about family and Motherland, about friends and music, about blogging and money. Parent meeting "homeland begins with family" Development of extracurricular activities

Little homeland

Baykina Nina
Like a mole on the body,
Like a thawed patch in the snow...
Little homeland
You are a trace from a felt boot.

Little homeland -
You will outline everything with a twig,
Looked out modestly
From a bouquet of buttercups.

All bare feet
Completed in minutes.
You were my space,
Little homeland.

Apparently, this is how it works
What do I need from you?
I'm tailored for you
I am with you for a long time.

You are in my tired
The heart is coming back...
That's why it's small
What do you fit into it?

Homeland is the first babble of a child...

Vasily Rosov

Homeland is the first babble of a child,
Homeland is the smell of earth at the doorstep,
Homeland is a neighbor - a girl,
Sweet, kind, touchable.
Homeland is the heat of a bread oven,
The sound of a good cup of wine,
These are women's tender speeches,
This is the name from childhood - OURS.
These are seas of cool waves,
Rivers of majestic streams,
These huts are full of joy,
Pines, spruces, curly thujas.

Homeland is the first weakness and strength,
The first moment of torment,
This is my grandfather's simple grave,
Dark icon face.
This is a wreath of songs in the open air,
Brush, chisel, feather, mace,
Everything that we endure and love in a dispute,
A head of wild affairs and curls.
The homeland is the support of the powerful right hand,
Spiritual core, foundations, spring,
Church of the Russian Faith prosphora,
So that in hard times your heart does not wilt.


Vasilisa Svetlaya

What is the name of your native land?
We can call it Motherland.
But sometimes they call her Fatherland
And everyone should, should know this!

The Fatherland is the land of our fathers and grandfathers,
They are protectors and helpers of the Earth!
They did not give it to the enemies!
And they defended with their lives as best they could!!!


Vasilisa Svetlaya

Mother's homeland of beloved eyes.
And there is dew on the flower in the morning.
Motherland-sky blue scarf.
Les, who once met you.

Motherland home is the father's house, and family.
Those who greet you with a smile.
Photos are what our childhood memories hold.
Grandfather's medal is on the shelf.

Homeland - a spikelet has ripened in the field.
Homeland is someone’s native voice.
Father's hands, grandfather's garden, and grass
-where the bare foot stepped.

Bell ringing, Dawn and sunset.
In August there is a bright, large shower of stars.
Bread from the oven is a divine gift.
And in Indian summer, the trees are on fire.

Sparks of snowflakes and the first ice.
Your school and your favorite skating rink.
Homeland is not just land.
Homeland - your memory and mine!


Elena Nikolaevna Egorova

Like hope, faith, love.
The homeland is crowned with military glory,
The homeland is a peaceful, beloved home.

Homeland - the vastness of the ocean,
There is an expensive corner on earth.
Motherland - maternal tenderness
And my father's strict lesson.

Homeland - the first school bell,
The song of the stream and the flight of doves.
Rodina - bell blast
And kokoshniks of Russian churches.

Homeland is a holy, eternal word,
Like hope, faith, love.
Motherland - carefree dawns of youth,
Lace of birches and oaks.

Homeland - chains of great ridges
And the avenues of big cities.
Homeland - lovely faces of loved ones,
In a foreign land - greetings from fellow countrymen.

Homeland is a holy, eternal word,
Like hope, faith, love.
Homeland is the sun on a summer evening,
The dazzling shine of the snow.

Homeland - Niv golden ripeness
And a ruddy spring dawn.
Homeland - maturity full of strength,
The good old man's faithful advice.

Homeland is a dome of heavenly blue,
The smooth surface of the lakes and the excitement of the forests.
Motherland - dear Russia,
The salt of the earth and the foundation of the foundations.

Homeland is an endless field of love,
Homeland - the blood of fallen heroes.
Homeland is a holy, eternal word,
Like hope, faith, love.
What is Motherland?

Zhanna Zudrags

What is Motherland?
It's you and me.
The city where we live now
This is mom and dad
Cartoons, movies.
This is a ray of sunshine
Jumped out the window.
What is Motherland?
Sky clouds.
The wind is blowing,
Light River.
Merry birds singing,
Spicy herbs blooming,
Lush meadows.
What is Motherland?
Vegetable garden and garden.
Black currant,
Pink sunset...
This is a gentle word
Take care in your heart!
We start with her
First steps.

my motherland


Oh, Motherland! She's been in me since birth
In the soul and in the heart, in life and in dreams,
She is alone, in her touch
Love and affection that lives through the centuries.
Oh, Motherland! Beloved Fatherland!
All thoughts and deeds are always with you,
I can't imagine life without you,
I want you to always be by my side.
Oh, Motherland! Great, holy!
Your image is the embodiment of kindness,
In the whole world you are the only one,
Full of special, wondrous beauty.
Your soul is filled with mystery,
Nobody can solve it,
Enemies have been waiting for centuries for her answer,
They cannot conquer, they cannot conquer.
Oh, Motherland! I bow my head
Before your greatness, beauty,
You protect peace and friendship in the world,
You lead the people to happiness with you!

The region where I live

Irina Sedova Meshcherskaya

Let's reveal the secret of the century,
What is the basis of all life:
There is nothing more important for a person
Connections with your homeland.

This connection feeds him
With mother's milk
Penetrates into the subconscious
With every breath of air.

There is no greater connection than this:
Being is a particle in her.
Man, alas, cannot
To live in the world without roots.

These roots are our ancestors,
What I call Motherland.
There is no one brighter and more beautiful than you -
The region in which I live!

And spreads every hour
People are talking about you:
There are no more beautiful forests of yours -
The region in which I live!

I will see distant countries
Not in a dream, but in reality.
Only you are not closer to me -
The region in which I live!

And with boundless love
I call my homeland muse.
You and I are inseparable -
The region in which I live!


Larisa Sokolova

Blessed is the straight road,
so that your train doesn't get off it.
Homeland is where you are understood,
Homeland is where you feel good.

Where your work is respected on a grand scale,
instead of rotting you in a stuffy hole
pathetic people driven by fear
in the most exciting game in the world.

Where beauty is appreciated
one who is capable of such a feat...
Stepmother, mother, will never replace,
Only with my darling it’s easy everywhere.

If the sun goes out in your destiny,
in spite of the impenetrable darkness,
the milky memory of him remains
in the mirror of an eternal, running river.

Lyubov Samoilenko

This is when yours
Everything you see and hear:
Arable land, words, stubble.
The air you breathe.

This is when loving
Plant a tree in the ground.
This is when you
You consider it part of the Country"


Love Heart

Homeland... What does this mean?
Maybe a chamomile meadow?
Maybe my only friend
Or in a notebook?

Homeland... What does this mean?
Maybe grandma's blanket?
Maybe a grandfather's portrait,
What is she carefully hiding?

Homeland... What does this mean?
Maybe starlings in the yard?
Maybe the fog at dawn
Or strawberries in the country?

Homeland... What does this mean?
Mom's cozy robe?
Dad's piercing gaze
And good luck?

Homeland... What does this mean?


Lyudmila Asheko

Motherland! Your hugs are tight,
Wide open spaces, nice people.
It seems that all nations are brothers,
The colorful round dance is immense.
But you always call your own,
Even if they seem to have an enemy's face,
Everything is mine - both hatred and name,
Future, past, language...
Yes, language. And at least seven spans smart,
Polyglot, linguist, etc.
In your native language thoughts come to you
And the words of prayers, and the results of deeds.
Motherland! You hug tightly
So, sometimes the bones crunch!
You are a dot on the world map,
Where a child is nursed from the cradle.
I'll lie in the ground - I know it won't hurt
Neither your beauty, nor your strength... You
Everything that God created, centuries and people -
Troubles, happiness, faith and dreams.

Homeland of white birches...

Lyudmila Firsova-Sapronova

Don't dare express your feelings
To my dear homeland,
I'm getting more and more shy
Before the grandeur of the fields.

Homeland is rowan trees
And bullfinches in the snow.
My forever beloved land
Always cherish in my heart.

Birds under the dome of the temple,
Spring curly lilacs...
Homeland is where you are, mom!
Where the day smells of mystery, -

In the summer, sometimes during haymaking -
Meadow berry,
Honey - over a wild rose,
An apple is a golden garden.

Autumn is harvest time.
Blue fog to the ground.
The oven smells like loaf of bread.
And in the sky there are cranes,

Sad curling and melting,
Touching your soul to tears,
As if leaving for a century,
Homeland of white birches.

Homeland is like a share,
My homeland is my memory,
You are a life-giving field,
I am your blade of grass.

So what is the Motherland?

Mikhail Guskov

So what is the Motherland?
I'll say this about it:
The beauty and the ugly
With whom I bark and make friends.
Village and capital,
And here and there - housing...
And the people... all decent,
And if you scratch it, it’s a crook.

So what is the Motherland? -
Beauty of contrasts,
Like a currant berry,
And black and red.
Calm and quarrelsome -
Ovals from corners,
Where is white and black
And together - all colors.

So what is the Motherland? -
A suspension of particles and vortices,
Between the stars that have passed
And it was embodied - here!
Chosen by the soul
Country, destiny and mother -
And a man is born
To call it Motherland...

So what is the Motherland?
Not “in general”, but mine,
Not “in general” and not “seemingly”,
And everything - from “a” to “z”?
Russia is sinful -
Holy side
Like a mother - boundless in love,
One for everyone!

The main word is Motherland!

Nina Tsurikova

It seems to be known from birth
This warm word is Motherland.
Like a path, that word is bright
A cherished dream in our childhood.

With this word, true to the oath,
Immortal regiments perished...
This memory, far and near,
Towering with obelisks.

Everything that has happened in life is included,
From birth to death - Motherland!
And in the temple with a healthy candle
This word is holy, eternal.

The most important word in everyone's heart is:
The word is Motherland! Sovereign Rus'!


Olga Alieva 3

Or wildly rejoicing,
or worrying
Time writes stories
about your fate.
Having visited the homeland,
from the heart and to the waist
Don't forget, comrade,
bow to her.

Generous rich
light, feather grass,
Affectionate, warm
mother earth!
You are a thorny road,
you are a dusty road,
The wind hits the roadsides,
the grass is stirring.

Everything that is beautiful -
from the beautiful land,
How rich is the Motherland?
the richer you are too.
Let her not grow old
Don't be sorry for your mother
strength and kindness.

What is Motherland?

Svetlana Vashina

What is the Motherland, tell me -
Is this the house in which you were born?
Show me the place on the map,
Where the color of my country is red,

Like a bloody wound
From strife, wars and lies,
Where, waking up early in the morning,
I always dream about one thing:

So that your TV is turned on,
The inhabitants of the country would hear
That nowhere, from edge to edge,
There is no more war in the whole world!

So that all weapons disappear
And the drawings were forgotten,
And borders are suddenly and everywhere
Everyone has disappeared, like mirages!

And then the blooming planet
We will call it our Motherland!
I give you this dream, people,
May it come true quickly!

Stanislavskaya Galina

Homeland is a lawn of daisies,
Homeland is my plush bunny,
Motherland - beloved dog Friend,
Oh! He stole the pie from the table!

Homeland - mom and dad, family,
Motherland - Tanya and Yurik are friends,
The homeland is a fur coat, and a hat, and a slide,
Homeland is brother Egorka,

Homeland - grandparents in the village,
Homeland - Christmas tree with birch - trees,
Homeland - a house and a path in the garden,
I'm with mommy kindergarten I'm coming!

What is Motherland

Tatyana Dementieva-27

The homeland begins
With mother's smile in the morning,
From the native shore and pier,
From the edge of the earth that is dear to us.

From a sunny bunny in the palm of your hand
And a raspberry bush by the river,
Saucers of milk in the corner for the cat,
Grandmother's tender hand.

Homeland - in a familiar children's book,
In the smell of homemade pies
And in the eyes of the neighbor boy,
That I picked you a bouquet of flowers.

We are rightfully proud of our homeland,
Seeing the torch of eternal flame,
Honoring military glory
And keeping the covenants of our great-grandfathers.

The city, its streets and parks,
School and reliable friends,
Even the taste of your favorite chocolate -
This is also my homeland!

Where does the Motherland begin?

Yulia Vikhareva

Where does the Motherland begin? -
From potholes, broken roads.
And no matter how many of them were passed -
The result is the same everywhere.

It opens up again
From simple, unsightly pages,
Where is so much absurd, strange,
Gloomy, embittered faces.

Where does it begin? -
From the “mysterious Russian soul”?
With sick old people that need
In guardianship, counting pennies?

Is it from a shaky rural farm,
From wretched empty villages?
Where instead of the Master is tenacious
In honor - sloppiness and laziness.

From a nesting doll? (I'm proud that I have strength!)
From a birch grove? From the river? -
Where are the rednecks, “raping” nature,
And shits and eats kebabs...

Ah, the most glorious Motherland!
But just don’t poke it anywhere -
Here EVERYTHING is under churches and temples
With the motto: sin and pray!
All this is known and passed,
But I suffer day by day:
When did the Motherland end?
Who took it from me?

Art is always a limitation. The meaning of every picture is in its frame.
Gilbert Chesterton.

- Think about it, I agreed on an interview with Ilyoy Tavli!
- And who is this?
- Well, do you know the group VIA CHAPPA?
- Nope. What kind of group?
- Rappers. He and Micah also sang the song “Along the Waves.”
- What about Micah? Is this “bitch-love”?
- Well, yes! Have you heard “On the Waves”?
- Nope. And what's with this interview?
- Nothing. Let's go...

This dialogue took place a few days ago. My friend has little interest in music, so I didn’t expect any other answers. After all, he answered roughly the same when asked if he knew who Dave Gahan from Depeche Mode was.

Today the leader of popular rappers and author is visiting the Yellow Blog interesting blog « » Ilya Patrick Tavli.

- Hi Ilya! By the time you’re thirty-five, have you already figured out what your mission in this world is?

Hello, dear readers of the Yellow Blog. Hello Aivar. No, I didn't figure out this mission. Apparently, I still have to grow and grow. :)

- What drives you in life? Where is your “button”? :)

We just talked to the guys in the group about this topic, and I came to the conclusion that this is Interest and Self-realization. You see, I am interested in certain things, and I feel that I can not only be the best at these things, but also help others. Maybe this is the “button”? ;)

- Tell me about your family and friends. How are the relationships going?

I have few friends, only 2-3 people, the rest are good friends or acquaintances. Actually, I'm a social phobe. I know this is hard to believe because I regularly speak to audiences of thousands, but it is a fact. And very often I withdraw into myself; I may not talk to others for hours if I’m solving a problem. Sometimes acquaintances think that I don’t want to communicate with them - they take it personally, but I just think and think through something. But it doesn’t work in the family - you have to say something! :) Therefore, I try not to “think” at home or work from 6 to 10 in the morning while mine is sleeping. :)

- Saint Patrick. Where does this nickname come from? And what do your friends call you - Ilya or Patrick?

Aivar, they call it different things. I'm already used to this, and there is no split personality. Patrick is a stage name, although even my wife and parents sometimes call me that. It all started in Cuba, where my parents once worked. Well, I became a “saint” because of the suggestion for which I gave an interview. The journalist in his material considered that if “Patrick”, then definitely “Saint”. :)

- Love and women. Surely, the popular rapper and successful marketer has no problems with this. Will you split? :)

There really are no problems with women. Almost from the beginning of my career - after all, success attracts even more than Appearance or Money. But there is only one love, and I value it very much.

- How do you feel about money? Do they “smell” to you?

They definitely smell. I remember how in the mid-90s I lived from bread to water and grabbed any job. And the most “delicious” money was the one when there was enough for half a kilo of meat. And now on tour I earn up to $100 per minute (!), but I perceive this only as an abstract amount. If we talk about self-realization, the embodiment of ideas and the need to finance them, I often hear from friends: “If only I had $xxx xxx, then I could easily get promoted!” I think it's nonsense. In general, money is always the second thing. The main thing is the idea. If there is an idea, then the money will be found. A good idea is the first and, unfortunately, infrequent phenomenon.

- Motherland. What does this word mean to you? Where is your homeland?

I love Russia (and specifically Ufa), and consider it my homeland. Ufa is the place where it is most convenient for me to create. I travel a lot around Russia, now I’m sitting in a hotel in Perm, and I know that Ufa is one of the cleanest and most interesting cities with a million population. I try for the Motherland - I popularize Russian culture abroad, and within Russia - national Bashkir and Tatar music and lifestyle. After all, those who have lived at least a couple of years in Ufa or Kazan will certainly understand me - it is simply impossible not to fall in love with an original culture determined by diversity, interpenetration and mutual enrichment and, most importantly, tolerance.

- Which song from the VIA CHAPPA #1 repertoire is your favorite?

- “Along the Waves,” which we sang 7 years ago with Micah. But I love all the creativity, although much of it today seems naive and youthful to me... After all, the group’s repertoire includes more than 100 songs recorded and published during the life of the group.

- Why did you choose rap?

I'll start with what I love very much classical music, loved jazz, was fond of hard rock and heavy metal. But rap is the style that "stole me." It seems to me that this is the most accessible genre of music to understand and repeat. In addition, it is simply permeated with freedom, which completely coincides with my worldview.

- Hip-hop is a lifestyle. How much is yours? present life- hip-hop?

Sheer. :) Even in the style of clothing - my colleagues do NOT accept me if I come to the office in a suit. Loose clothes, jewelry, whiskey and cigarettes are my style. It’s not even pathos - everyone knows that it’s a way of life. Although in the evening I return home on foot (4 stops) with a voice recorder, because only the city gives me rhymes and melodies, which I immediately record. And this is also hip-hop. And at night I sit online and communicate with dozens of creative people, and we even record something almost online, and this is also hip-hop.

- Do stimulants have a place?

Whiskey, vodka, nicotine - although this is only in public and during non-working moments. Tea, cola - it's always there. But I don’t consider all this to be stimulants - I haven’t written a single song in an inadequate state yet. So, fun and relief. If we talk about drugs - absolutely NO. A thing dangerous to the brain and life.

- Tell us about the reasons and goals of the birth of your blog?

Reason 1 - calculation. I had accumulated too much information that needed to be organized and see how relevant it was in the public eye. Reason 2 - analysis. I am interested in the process of blogging, and I am learning to talk with people in the language in which my Reader is used to communicating. Reason 3 - self-realization. I know that I can “scorch topics”, and not in moderation. And I’m not afraid to share them, because there is so much in stock that it will be enough for 5 years of progressive activity.

- How much time do you devote to the blog?

From an hour to four a day. I’m new to blogging, and I don’t know how to do anything yet. :)

Ilya, of course, is being modest. His blog is only about two months old and has about four hundred RSS subscribers. And all thanks to the interesting articles that he publishes on his blog. Each material, as a rule, is accompanied by examples from Ilya’s offline activities, in which he was quite successful.

- You write a blog about marketing. What types of online business are you involved in?

Aivar, I’m of little interest at the moment - things are going very well offline. Well, online - I sell MY CDs, realtones, IVR content and souvenirs. All these are VIA CHAPPA #1 products, which have been profitable for several years now. I’ll say right away that this amounts to no more than 300-400 USD/month. After all, the main money is in concerts. Now, if it were possible to do online tours, I would do it. :)

- Does anyone close to you read the blog “Marketing That Gets Paid For”? What is their attitude?

The wife laughs, but does not swear that I am stealing time from the family. Colleagues found out the other day and they seemed to remain positive.

- How do you feel about criticism?

I really appreciate constructive criticism. Although I rarely see her. I react to various stupid statements with complete disregard.

- What do you value in people?

Sincerity, integrity, professionalism and vision.

- Do you believe?

In short - yes.

- In relationships with people, are you a vampire or a donor?

Donor 100%. :) Therefore, we often have to recover from touring and even office work.

- How do you prefer to relax?

Sleep from 22:00 to 08:00. Take your family to another city this weekend. Play bowling, eat barbecue outside the city. Pick mushrooms, walk with your family in the park, cook oriental cuisine, go to the movies - Aivar, I can’t stop at just one thing, I’m a simple person. And I'm interested in a lot of things.

- Do you have many secrets? Don't want to lose one of them? :)

Yes, I dream of enslaving the Universe. :)

- Traditional wishes to readers?

Friends! Be happy. There are no more wishes. After all, Happiness is a priceless and very, very rare thing. Thank you, Aivar! Good luck.

- Thank you, Ilya! It was nice to chat :)

“No mentor should forget that his main duty is to accustom his pupils to mental work and that this duty is more important than the transfer of the subject itself.”

Konstantin USHINSKY, famous Russian teacher.

“The calling of a teacher is a high and noble calling. Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has an internal need for what he is, must be and cannot be otherwise. This confidence is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices a person makes to his calling."

Leo TOLSTOY, great Russian writer .

Any time of year is wonderful in its own way!

And yet, autumn, perhaps more often than summer or winter, attracted the eyes of poets, artists, and musicians with its variety of colors and changes in mood in the surrounding nature. Autumn gave us both sadness and joy.

Let us remember the amazing lines of Alexander Pushkin.

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,

In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,

And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,

And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

Yes, although it was a sad time, oddly enough, it inspired our best wordsmiths; sincere poems were dedicated to its miracles by Fyodor Tyutchev, Ivan Bunin, Alexander Blok, Sergei Yesenin, Nikolai Klyuev and modern Russian poets.

Well, for the majority or, as they say, for ordinary people At the very beginning of the “dull time” there is one remarkable event.

Gilded leaves fly away from the birches, silvery cobwebs glide over the empty stubble, the air invigorates with cool freshness. Nature goes into a state of peace and tranquility. Thus begins the first day of autumn, which is celebrated in a special way in our homeland.

Everywhere early in the morning on this day in the vastness of the vast country, the youngest people rush to school, they will sit at their desks for the first time, and almost adult boys and girls who have come to high school, as well as a large tribe of first-year students fill the auditoriums of universities, institutes, colleges , technical schools, colleges.

Russia traditionally celebrates the “Day of Knowledge”.

In ancient times, the holiday was called “ABC Book Day” or something else, but its essence remained unchanged - the young citizen went to the COUNTRY OF KNOWLEDGE, where he discovered and the world, and yourself.

Having partially left parental care, the young creature, in communication with the collective, acquired the skills of existing among people, and without this our existence is impossible.

And no matter what age a person is, no matter what business he does, no matter what high position he occupies, he cannot remain indifferent to this good tradition.

All of us, regardless of titles and ranks, come from childhood. We all came from a Russian school. Exactly! School is the source of our achievements or miscalculations, our successes or defeats, the source of our character.

Outstanding Minds different countries and peoples have left us many statements about the school. “Agreement between teacher and student, ease of learning and the opportunity for the student to think for himself,” wrote the Chinese sage Cofucius, “and constitute what is called intelligent mentoring.” The famous Russian surgeon Nikolai Pirogov once admitted: “All thinkers, I think, have come to the conclusion that education must begin from the cradle.” Our famous philologist, compiler of the Explanatory Dictionary, Vladimir Dal, argued that “the teacher himself should be what he wants the student to become...”.

We probably won’t find a person who doesn’t have his own opinion, good or bad, about school.

I remember one old conversation with my village neighbor.

One evening, at the beginning of autumn, he looked at the light. Since the “September 1” holiday had just passed, our conversation involuntarily turned to this subject. The neighbor's name was Stanislav, he, a resident of Moscow, had a son and daughter at school, in general they were doing well, although the parent found some flaws in the educational process, and now spoke about them in detail. He complained about the large burdens at school, about the fact that children used to be taught more simply, but now it’s more difficult - and stuff like that.

Don't be surprised, but I will compare education to a peasant hut. - he said. - Yes, yes - with a hut! Remember what keeps a hut or a spacious house from destruction?

“There’s a lot that’s holding her back,” I answered. - And the place where the hut is located, and how it is placed, what material it is made of - you never know!

It's like that! - the neighbor nodded. - And yet there is important condition- foundation and roof. If the foundation and roof are reliable, then the hut will last a long time; neither rain, nor snow, nor wind will overcome it. This principle can be transferred to education: the knowledge that a student receives is the roof, and the foundation is school education. If both are reliable, then the guy or girl stands firmly on their feet; the “margin of safety” they received at school will last them almost up to last days theirs. Well, if the attitude towards knowledge and the development of personality in a child is easy, as they say, so-so - a “C” grade, then the result will be the same - far from joyful, which we now see quite often.

We talked for a long time about all sorts of different things, I don’t remember all the details of the conversation. But the fact that the neighbor compared education to a foundation and a roof, for some reason, sank into my soul. I think in his exact image there was truth, that very “rational grain”.

A little later I will offer the reader a detailed conversation about the problems of modern school, its three levels - primary, secondary and higher. This is necessary to understand why and what it needs.

In the meantime, let’s briefly return to the “wonderful school years.”

What is the most vivid impression is there any information about them? It’s clear that everyone has their own, unique, individual experience.

For Konstantin Simakov, it is associated with the name of the outstanding Russian poet Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin, a wonderful singer of peasant Rus', who, after his tragic death, was “separated” from the people by the Bolshevik authorities.

When I was there, when I was finishing 10th grade high school N 64 of the city of Chelyabinsk in the Southern Urals, for the first time, was introduced into the school curriculum for studying the work of Sergei Yesenin, shared Konstantin Pavlovich. - This didn’t happen before, the poet was, as they say, under a ban, allegedly because of his “tavern lyrics.” It is known that forbidden fruit is sweet. Therefore, Yesenin’s collections were secretly passed from hand to hand. Such a book came to me, and in those years I also became interested in Yesenin’s poetry, read his poems with pleasure, and memorized them.

“I remember such a case,” the interlocutor continued. - The director of the school, Valentina Aleksandrovna Barochkina, taught Russian language and literature. At that time she was a woman of progressive views. By the way, it was she, along with other teachers, who had a hand in ensuring that Yesenin was included in the school curriculum.

And then one day, I don’t remember for what reason, Valentina Alexandrovna made a remark to me,” he admitted. - And she also added her comment: “Well, what can we take from Simakov?”, that is, she did not perceive me very well, rather, even poorly.

“Oh, Valentina Alexandrovna, don’t rush to conclusions!” - I answered her, and read these lines from famous poem Sergei Yesenin:

You can't see face to face,

Big things are seen from a distance,

When the sea surface boils,

The ship is in poor condition.

"How? - the director expressed surprise. “Do you know Yesenin’s “Letter to a Woman?”

"Yes I know!" - I confirmed not without pride.

"Well done!" - she praised.

The director immediately began to look at me differently and treat me differently than before.

Such is the magical power of the poetic word!

Valentina Aleksandrovna singled me out from other peers for my passion for the poetry of Sergei Yesenin; one might say, she put me on her level.

And it was simply amazing!

And so we had a school like a school, two tenth grades, we constantly competed. Boys and girls were selected for one class based on the principle of “eliteness,” and for our class, based on the principle of “mediocrity.” This, of course, is all conditional, but there was a struggle between us, we often beat them.

Yes, I repeat, in Chelyabinsk the school was like a school. And yet, thinking now about that time, I understand that the state showed great concern for supporting education. Such concern no longer existed later, in those years when I came to work at the compressor station in the city of Gryazovets. The situation with schools looked different than when I was studying. The state shifted some of their worries to industrial enterprises. This was done, of course, in a planned, orderly manner that existed in those years. This is how the authorities determined: you will have sponsored school No. 1 in the city of Gryazovets.

It will be - it will be!

We began to put our patronage into practice. The directors tried to fulfill any appeals and requests without putting them on the back burner. There was, of course, a certain incentive. After all, this school was attended mainly by children of gas industry workers.

If we approach patronage with the standards of today, then, without a doubt, it can be classified as charity, as I have already said before. Indeed, the company was not allocated “funds and limits” to help kindergarten, school or state farm. Everything had to be done using “internal reserves”, voluntary labor of employees and “saved” finances. Here the position of the leader was decisive. Could he perceive the needs of those who turned to him, be imbued with their concerns, and finally feel their pain?

I think it would be fair to give the floor to the person through whom direct patronage came.

School director A.V. Kolesnikov is a well-known figure in public education Vologda region. He is a teacher by the grace of God, he loved his calling and tried to justify it. For thirty-eight years - from 1973 to 2011 - Anatoly Vasilyevich headed school No. 1 in Gryazovets, the director’s experience is unique.

“I have always believed that the school, first of all, is famous for its students,” admitted Anatoly Vasilyevich. - And the director is a teacher of teachers! These are the two pillars on which I stood when I led a team of teachers.

From the first days of his directorship, Kolesnikov established good relations with gas workers. When Konstantin Simakov was appointed head of the MG hospital in 1987, these connections grew into large-scale cooperation based on official “patronage” and personal contacts.

Back in 1985, the school moved to a new building from several old ones, recalled Anatoly Vasilyevich. - The school was built for 1,170 places in the southern part of the city, where gas workers were intensively building housing, and from here all the children of health care facility workers were with us, the number of students reached 1 thousand, there was also a microdistrict of the Northern Milk company nearby, and from there the children studied with us. We truly became friends with the gas workers, and they helped us in every way they could. And above all, what we did not have - motor transport. They allocated buses for us. The guys often visited Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other cities, and made excursions to memorable and historical places in the Vologda region. And so it happened all year round. In the summer, there was a children's camp at the school. And the gas workers gave us a bus every day, and two detachments could go for a swim in the Komel River, or go on an excursion to the ethnographic museum in the village of Semyonkovo. All this enriched the children with new impressions.

That time - the end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s of the last century - was difficult in everyday life. The breakdown of the social structure, the severance of economic ties in the country, and all sorts of troubles had a negative impact on everyday life. Konstantin Pavlovich has not yet forgotten the “hot” meetings with teachers; they went on strike everywhere, including in the Gryazovets district. There is only one reason - low wages and untimely payment of money. How can you exist without them?

Who do you stand for? - striking teachers pressed deputy Simakov against the wall. - For us or against us?

Here, in front of the indignant teachers, you can’t cheat, you can’t evade, although Konstantin Pavlovich did not resort to such “means.”

Of course, for you! For whom? - he answered. - I understand you, I share your demands, as a deputy, I will seek the truth.

He did not waste words and tried to use the available opportunities to support teachers.

Let us remember that this happened not only in public education. Back then, many parents, especially in so-called low-income families, sometimes did not have enough money for the simplest products. And children grow up, work mentally in classes - how can they cope without food? When Simakov found out about this, he was seriously upset and began to think about how to help such families.

He called me - Anatoly Vasilyevich recalled - and offered to give the younger children from such families free breakfast, including milk, and the costs would be covered by the enterprise. I, of course, happily agreed.

This is how they solved this seemingly small problem, but it was of significant importance for the children.

The gas workers showed concern not only for the students, but also for the teachers, continued Kolesnikov. - They provided young teachers who came to work with us from Vologda with places in a comfortable dormitory and, if possible, allocated apartments. In addition, teachers could visit the health center at the compressor station for free, where there were all conditions for proper relaxation. For our part, in the evenings we made the gym available to hospital workers, and they willingly came here and played sports.

Anatoly Vasilyevich could talk for a long time about his cooperation with the leading enterprise of the Gryazovets district, giving interesting details.

Indeed, it is impossible to name all the facts of charity, to describe all the episodes of joint actions; all this happened month after month, over the course of more than twenty years.

“They helped us great, what can I say!” - this recognition of the former director of the educational institution best reflects the activities of the bosses.

Although it is necessary to mention two more very important points.

Since 1985, informatization has arrived at school No. 1 in Gryazovets. It was the gas workers who quickly helped teachers and children acquire computers, software. And a little later they were given the opportunity to access the “World Wide Web” - the Internet.

For the first time in Gryazovets, this school installed interactive whiteboards, computers in every classroom and on every teacher’s desk. All this served as the basis for making the school digital based on the principle of education - again, the first in the area and one of the first in the region. What did this give to children and teachers?

“A lot,” says Anatoly Vasilyevich. - Our graduates already became top-class specialists in computer technology, so they easily entered the most prestigious universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vologda, including in the areas of Gazprom. Can you imagine, one of our graduates, enrolling in cybernetics, scored 99 points out of 100! And I was very proud of these guys!

Well, on the other hand, gas workers were a kind of “ ambulance" For example, a power supply cable has broken! Where should the director contact? To them. The transformer has failed. Who will help the director? Chefs again! We needed a garage for cars, a warehouse for materials at the workshop, where the guys took labor lessons. Who will assist in their construction? Gas workers!

All this support had not only a material meaning for us, but also a moral one, it strengthened us in serving our recognition,” A.V. Kolesnikov summed up our conversation. - I would like to draw your attention to one more thing. Konstantin Pavlovich responded to our various requests and was to some extent a teacher, that is, he performed his functions. If one of the workers did not take care of their children’s studies, and they had problems at school, then the station manager would certainly have a serious conversation with the father or mother of such children; such a conversation did not pass without leaving a trace. Taking all this into account, the school staff petitioned the leadership of the Ministry of Education and Science to recognize certain merits of the head of the gas workers, and we found understanding in Moscow.

“In our opinion,” the interlocutor continued, “he was awarded the commemorative badge “EXCELLENCE IN PUBLIC EDUCATION”, by the way, the badge bears the number “1”, that is, Konstantin Pavlovich was the first in Russia to be awarded this award. I’ll also say about the sign “FOR MERCY AND CHARITY”, it was also awarded to Simakov. Correct and fair. Yes, a leader does a good deed not for the sake of some kind of recognition or reward. But if this is not one act, but many of them, if such behavior becomes a kind of “lifeline” for him, then I think there should be a response from society. In our case, a well-deserved response.

Six years have already passed since Anatoly Vasilyevich left school and retired. During this time, two directors managed to work at the school where he was director.

“What is the reason, in your opinion, for the change of directors at school No. 1?” I asked him at the end of our conversation.

By 2010, a lot had changed in the country’s public education, unfortunately, not for the better. I worked for 38 years and always believed that school gives the student, first of all, knowledge. The level of preparation of a student is determined by the knowledge he has acquired over the years of study. Now this is no longer the case; the main concepts have changed. Knowledge has become less important for the teacher and the student. What's important? The determining factor now turns out to be the ability to write a paper, draw up a report, participate in various competitions, shows, quizzes, that is, window dressing. This is included in the so-called rating. Apparently, the change of directors is connected with it: they did not fit into the rating properly.

Are the relationships, so warm before, still maintained between the gas workers and the school?

Alas, they were not preserved,” Simakov explained. - Recently, the new leadership of KS-17 took school No. 2 of the city of Gryazovets as its wards. It seems that the local authorities and gas workers are counting on repeating our experience of cooperation with school No. 1. Well, if you think about it, this is not bad.

In the seventies of the twentieth century, the original and bright song “Where the Motherland Begins” was popular in the Soviet Union. In “democratic” Russia, alas, this melody is practically not performed on the radio, on solo concerts. Now there are drab songs with a set of random words, such as these: “The best day happened yesterday.”

Let me remind you of part of the text of the song “Where the Motherland Begins”, it was loved by millions of Russian people, the music was composed by composer Veniamin Basner.

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the picture in your ABC book,

From good and faithful comrades,

Living in the neighboring yard.

Or maybe it's starting

From the song that our mother sang to us,

Since in any test

No one can take it away from us.

The poems belong to the wonderful poet Mikhail Matusovsky. He was born in 1915 in the city of Lugansk. After school, Mikhail graduated from a construction college and worked at a factory. Having moved to Moscow, Matusovsky took up poetry, but the war began. From her first days, the young poet went to the front as a war correspondent. During the Great Patriotic War Several books by the talented author have been published. His poetry gained particular strength already in peacetime. The songs based on the poems of Mikhail Matusovsky - “School Waltz”, “ Birch juice», « Moscow Nights", a lot others. They were sung at home dinners, on stage and in the theater, they were heard on radio and television.

In my opinion, it is no coincidence that Mikhail Matusovsky, answering the question: “Where does the Motherland begin?”, put this image in first place: “From the picture in your primer.”

It has truth and deep social meaning!

Indeed, isn't that so?

Acquaintance with the Alphabet of the Russian language, the names of mountains, seas and rivers of the vast Fatherland, with the basics of its history, with the best works Russian classical literature- all this awakens in the child’s soul a “feeling of the earth”, love for the Motherland. The more skillfully the teacher is able to maintain such an awakening in the student, the more firmly true patriotism will remain in him, which encourages action and creation.

I dare to say that it is from school that the Motherland begins!

This relationship between education and strengthening the sovereignty of the state was well understood by the most intelligent and far-sighted politicians in Ancient Rus', V Russian Empire, in Soviet Union. I will not mention their names, since I am not conducting historical research. I will only note that during the mentioned periods of history, the country's leaders attached enormous importance to the development of education.

By the way, before the revolution, educational institutions, both middle and higher, had a broad program of studying various disciplines. I will give at least one episode on this topic. In the city Vyshny Volochek Tver region, it is called Russian Venice due to the abundance of artificial canals, in 1883 the School of Railway Conductors was opened. The son of a merchant, a boy from the city of Bezhetsk, Vyacheslav Shishkov, a future famous Russian writer, came here to study.

“The program of the Vyshnevolotsk School can be envied by the current institute,” said a local historian. - A three-year theoretical course, annual summer practice and two years of independent work will test the professional suitability of any scoundrel, and the diploma - if issued - will correspond. The daily routine at the school is dense and merciless. Only arithmetic, geometry and physics were reminiscent of the lessons from district schools that future conductors had studied. And everyone had to learn topography, situational drawing, descriptive mechanics, calligraphy, and drawing in the construction and engineering arts anew. Add to this carpentry, joinery, blacksmithing, which was taught in the afternoon - from 14.30 to 18 o'clock, and the load will seem unbearable not only to our high school students, whose peers were our conductors, but also to the current gentlemen students.” (MATYUNIN R.I. Conductor Vyacheslav Shishkov. Newspaper “Ancient Volok”, N 13-14, 1999)

For good studies, the state paid future conductors a stipend - 10 rubles a month, a lot at that time. After graduating from an educational institution in Vyshny Volochyok, Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Shishkov mastered several specialties, which later, already in Siberia, gave him the opportunity to become a unique specialist - a survey engineer. V.Ya. Shishkov carried out various studies in Siberia, the most famous is the project he compiled for laying the Chuisky tract.

The conductor school is one of many examples of a high level of education in pre-revolutionary Russia. Another example is from a higher school - the Imperial Technical School (now the N. Bauman Institute). It was a forge of the best scientific and production personnel for the national economy of the then Russia.

Moreover, in addition to domestic practice, Russian teachers and scientists also used the positive experience of Western teachers.

Even before the start World War I During the war, the government of the Russian Empire approved plans to eliminate illiteracy in the country and transition to universal secondary education, free of course, of course. And if it had not been for the outbreak of war, the two revolutions that followed it and the fire of civil strife, then Russia, without a doubt, would have been the most educated country in the world at the beginning of the twentieth century. It became possible to partially solve this problem later, in the Soviet Union, and they successfully coped with it. When in 1961, the Soviet Union sent Yuri Gagarin into space for the first time in the world, Europe and the United States began to think: how did the Russians make a breakthrough into the Universe? Meticulous experts and well-fed congressmen got to the bottom of the truth: the level of education in the Soviet Union, in particular, the teaching of physics in schools and universities, is higher than in Europe and America. This, according to foreigners, became the basis

technological advance by our country of the “civilized West”.

The fact is well-known, and it once again confirms: there is a direct connection between the level of education at school and the achievements or failures in the development of the country.

This pattern was recognized in the Soviet Union, so they tried to preserve and multiply the best that pre-revolutionary pedagogy and educational practice had. In particular, the authorities opened access to schools and universities to the so-called “royal personnel” - teachers, professors. They brought students not only knowledge, but also concepts about the high internal culture of man.

Here it is appropriate to recall the outstanding Russian sociologist of the twentieth century, Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin, professor at St. Petersburg University. When, not accepting the Bolshevik revolution, he went abroad, and soon headed the department at Harvard University in the USA, the professor was amazed at how different the students at Harvard were from the students in St. Petersburg. Their first difference is their limitations! Apart from the narrow specialization that the American student was learning, he was not interested in anything else. What for? In St. Petersburg, students were interested in everything that was happening around, everything that science was about; while mastering their specialty, they received knowledge for the development of their personality.

Preparing a high-class specialist and at the same time nurturing him as a diversified personality is the main, traditional direction of Russian pedagogy. And, I repeat, it was continued under the conditions of the Soviet Union, of course, to the best of our ability and capabilities. But in the early 90s of the last century there was a sharp redistribution of social life. And everything that was connected with the achievements of pedagogy in the Soviet Union was subjected to revision, called “totalitarian”, roughly speaking, trampled into the dirt. Textbooks began to be rewritten and school and university curricula changed. Secondary schools and some universities have turned into institutions where they do not provide knowledge, where they do not educate, but “provide services.”

Purely in a liberal spirit!

Today we see the fruits of “this spirit” everywhere with bitterness and bewilderment. Professor of the Volgograd State Polytechnic University Valentina Serebryannaya made the following “discovery”: “The level of knowledge in history and geography of students is not just low,” she noted. - It's catastrophic. Guys and girls born and raised in Volgograd, where the greatest historical battle took place and where there are war monuments on every street, often find it difficult to answer the question on whose side the Soviet Union fought in World War II. I am already silent about the fact that for them, for example, the words “ Nuremberg trial“They don’t talk about anything at all.”

You just exclaim - yes!

This is reminiscent of the “social processes” that took place on the territory of “free Ukraine” ten to fifteen years ago. What are they for?

brought, everyone knows. A whole generation of young people grew up, whose ideal was the fascist collaborator, traitor and criminal Stepan Bandera.

Some of the representatives of this generation are so poisoned by Russophobia, so hate the Russians that even the most rabid followers of Hitler might envy them.

All this is both sad and very worrying. What are the causes of degradation?

“The reason is that today’s students, yesterday’s schoolchildren, don’t read anything at all except social networks. And they form their idea of ​​the world from what idiots like themselves write on the Internet - the opinion of a professor from Volgograd. - University teachers have to work with the “material” that the school, and even more importantly, the family, provided them. After all, the generation of parents of today’s students, to put it bluntly, does not shine with knowledge and the ability to think independently; they, too, for the most part, mindlessly repeat what they said on TV, without delving into it.”

Probably, the learned lady is right in her own way. But, I think, it is impossible to explain the situation that has now created in the public education of the country with just one reason.

I remember an incident in one of the secondary schools in Vologda. At the beginning of the school year, the kids in the 6th grade actually refused... to study. The class teacher didn't know what to do. The children seemed to have rested, full of strength and energy after summer holidays, should be eager to gain knowledge. And here is the complete indifference of the children to their studies. They don’t do their homework, come unprepared for lessons, and don’t listen to teachers during the lessons themselves.

They don't NEED ANYTHING anymore!

Of course, the question arose: where did the state of apathy come from in children? Isn't it the result of endless reforms in public education? It is quite possible to answer in the affirmative. What do the teachers themselves think? “The process of forming anti-traditional values ​​has been launched,” Vladimir Martyshkin, director of the Ivanovo secondary school in the Borisoglebsky district of the Yaroslavl region, expressed his opinion. - I made an analysis of the generally accepted education system, and I found that it does not have much that is necessary. Children do not know the history of their native land. They don't know the history of their own family. They are far from moral and spiritual traditions. They don't know the history of our Fatherland! They don't know Russian! They are removed from art and culture.” (V. Martyshkin. “School for children or children for school”, St. Petersburg, October 3, 2016)

Well, what about the teacher himself? According to Vladimir Martyshkin, he is forced to pay more attention not to the student, but to the computer; comprehensive and ubiquitous reporting has turned the teacher into a robot: “Schools today work not for the student, but for the official,” the director concluded.

The famous economist and scientist from Moscow V.Yu. spoke even more harshly about the “reforms” of education. Katasonov, teacher at the Institute of International Relations. “Yes, a market economy needs a person, just a different one - fool. Because, The market economy is precisely built on the exploitation of suckers. That is, people, they are controlled either through deception or through force. When the resource of deception runs out, then, roughly speaking, another tool simply comes into force: there were strong arguments, and here there are arguments of force. All. The entire market economy is built on these two things.” (V. Katasonov. “The education system today deliberately breeds fools”, St. Petersburg, website “RUSSIAN PEOPLE’S LINE”, September 27, 2016.)

Regarding only “two things” on which the whole market economy, you can argue with Valentin Yuryevich, whom I deeply respect. I think there are more components to such an economy. But I fully share the anxiety and bitterness of the famous scientist.

Among the reasons that caused the decline in the level of education in Russia, there is one that almost no one talks about. This is almost one hundred percent feminization of educational institutions. I remember my difficult, half-starved post-war childhood. In most families, the breadwinners died on the battlefields. But it’s surprising that we kids didn’t feel like orphans, left to the mercy of fate. For the men in the area, even if crippled by the war, there were no “other people’s children.” If someone made a mischief, any man from the village could stop him and reprimand him, and the desire to create disgrace immediately disappeared.

The rural school, where the director was a former front-line soldier, also stood out. When he was teaching a physics lesson, you could hear a fly flying in the classroom. The math teacher was a man, the geography teacher was a man, the physical education and military training teacher was a man, the teacher foreign language- man. The role of a male teacher is very important in education. The point is not only that he could quickly calm down the most desperate fighters, fidgets and disobedient people, although this is also important. The point is that he gave solid knowledge to rural girls and boys, taught them to truly love their Motherland, to take responsibility for it and for everything around them.

In other words, the man at school acted equally as a teacher and an educator.

“Education and upbringing are far from the same thing,” said the remarkable Soviet writer Chingiz Aitmatov, who created the famous story about a teacher. - Without excluding, of course, the family, it depends on the teacher what moral principles a person will adhere to in the future, what he will read, whether he will be able to master Dostoevsky and Tolstoy or whether he will limit himself to reading detective novels in his early youth.

Remember what a teacher was like in our school years, what a respected figure he was, especially in the countryside and especially in the East. He was a teacher for everyone - both for children and for adults.

Is that what he is now, a school teacher? I don't dare say so. But there is no point in hiding anxiety.

Teaching is the great strength of the country. The spiritual potential of teaching determines a lot in our lives. The origins of knowledge, culture, and patriotism are laid in the minds of children through the direct and everyday care of the teacher. But he is now faced with such a force that it is not so easy to overcome.” (Chingiz Aitmatov. Echo of the world., M. “Pravda”, 1985)

Chingiz Aitmatov, speaking about his anxiety, meant by the words “such power” the psychology of the consumer. Then it was just gaining strength, and now it has almost become the meaning of human existence. It is not without success that it is implanted in the children's souls of schoolchildren. Westernizing democrats created the conditions for male teachers to leave the school, who, probably, to some extent could hinder the education of the “spirit of consumerism.” There are very few male teachers left in the country. A school without men is an orphan, it is disastrous for the state. No, I don’t want to blame the wonderful workers in the field of education for anything; they are trying for the benefit of the students. And yet, a school deprived of male attention looks rather flawed.

The situation also looks detrimental when, in a country replete with oligarchs, everything more people those who cannot read and write, that is, illiterate. The state does not keep records of them and probably will not keep records. Only sometimes in the prosperous official statistics will a negative “come out” here and there. So, according to Federal service During the execution of punishments in colonies, about two thousand adult convicts did not have primary education, and more than nine thousand did not complete nine grades. Most often, children from disadvantaged families drop out of school; neither their parents nor the state pays enough attention to them. But the state, as if for show, shows great concern for those who cannot become full-fledged citizens due to natural deficiencies. Thus, at the Yakhroma correctional school near Moscow, there are 70 staff for 90 children. It’s difficult for an ordinary teacher to get a job in a school like this; they hire people there “through connections.”

Such children have everything, but, alas, no future.

Every year we have more and more educational institutions like this, but they don’t talk about them publicly, they are shy.

Why be surprised if the beacon of civilization - America, and liberals in Russia pray to it - numbers thousands of illiterate people, my interlocutor expressed the opinion. - It’s the same in the vaunted Turkey, where rich tourists from Russia are served by teenagers who cannot read and write. The Soviet government, no matter how we treated it, overcame general illiteracy. This is saying something! How does it happen with us sometimes? The authorities, perhaps without even realizing it, are themselves provoking the curtailment of public education, especially in rural areas. Everyone starts oohing and aahing - why is our village dying out!

At one time, under the influence of unfriendly forces in the West, certain figures in the Soviet Union implemented the Russophobic “unpromising village” program, its author was Professor T. Zaslavskaya. I will say a few words about the origins of her idea. In those years, the American billionaire D. Soros allocated funds for the project “Soviet system: to open society“, its implementation took place through the so-called “Club of Rome”. “On September 22, 1987, the board was fully formed,” D. Soros later said. - It included Yuri Afanasyev, historian, Grigory Baklanov, editor-in-chief of the Znamya magazine, Daniil Granin and Valentin Rasputin, writers, Tengiz Bauchidze, Georgian philologist, Boris Raushenbakh, space research specialist and religious philosopher, Tatyana Zaslavskaya, sociologist. Myasnikov and I became co-chairs, both with the right of veto, and Aksyonov and Nina Buis as our deputies.” ( Internet, site “Open sector: on the concept of lack of prospects”).

At the same time, T. Zaslavskaya was appointed director-organizer of the Center for the Study of Public Opinion in the Soviet Union (VTsIOM) and elected president of the Soviet Sociological Association (SSA). Seven years later, she began research at the Interdisciplinary Academic Center social sciences, which was organized by the English professor T. Shanin with the help of the American billionaire J. Soros, as well as with the support of the famous scientist A. Aganbegyan in the Soviet Union.

In April 1983, T. Zaslavskaya presented to scientists her report “On Improving Industrial Relations and the Problems of Economic Sociology,” where she substantiated, along with others, the idea of ​​“unpromising villages.” This was the so-called “Novosibirsk Manifesto”. And even earlier, in 1974, according to her project, the government of the RSFSR adopted a resolution where it was planned to resettle 170 thousand families and classify 70 percent as “unpromising” settlements in the central, northern and southern regions of Russia, that is, in the future, to eliminate them.

The famous Russian writer Vasily Ivanovich Belov called the fight against “unpromising villages” a “crime against the peasantry.”

You can't say it more precisely!

“In the Vologda region,” wrote Vasily Belov, “many thousands of villages ceased to exist due to lack of prospects. And throughout the North-West of the RSFSR - tens of thousands. Let’s think about it: out of 140 thousand non-chernozem villages in that region, only 29 thousand were supposed to be left.” (Online newspaper “CENTURY”, A. Chikin “sentence to the Russian plowman”, 12/12/2008).

How did they start implementing the “Zaslavskaya project”? With the liquidation of primary and eight-year schools. It was a kind of “control”

button,” by clicking on it, one could disconnect any village from life, send it into oblivion.

This continues now,” noted Konstantin Pavlovich. - There is the village of Vragovo in the Mezhdurechensky district, ten kilometers from the regional center of Shuiskoye. There was a normal elementary school in the village, a brick building, we brought gas in there, changed the lighting, built a road - everything is there! We wanted to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the school. On the eve of the anniversary, officials from the regional department convinced the district leadership and the village council that the school should be closed. Causes? The school, they say, is small and expensive to maintain and heat. And they convinced! 48 children began to be transported daily from Vragovo to Shuiskoye and back. The government claims that it has allocated billions of rubles for the purchase of buses for rural schools, they say, close the schools, we will give you transport. And they give.

Here’s another fact,” the interlocutor continued. - In the Gryazovets state farm named after Kalinin they want to open a small school; it was once closed here. The economy is booming and young people are arriving. Where should they send first-graders? So much for the direct relationship between the growth of production and the existence of the school. In our country, people often forget about this; they think that the school is in itself, and production is in itself; no, everything is interconnected.

Let me remind you of the simple and at the same time full of deep meaning poem by Nikolai Rubtsov “Native Village”.

Although the passerby curses

The roads of my coasts,

I love the village of Nikola,

Where did you graduate from primary school?

It happens that an ardent boy

We come after the guest

He's in too much of a hurry to get on the road

I'll leave here too!

Among the surprised girls

Brave, barely out of diapers:

So why wander around the province?

It's time to go to the capital.

When will he grow up in the capital,

Looks at life abroad

Then he will appreciate Nikola,

Where did you graduate from primary school...

Probably millions of people remember until their last days such a school, only their own, as the famous Russian poet wrote about. Especially if it is lost somewhere in the distant outback. It includes the village of Kamenka, more than a hundred kilometers away from the city of Gryazovets. It arose immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War - the Monzenskaya was laid in the taiga railway. A logging station was also built here, from where raw materials were delivered to Vokhtoga. The breakdown of production relations during perestroika hit the Monzensky plant hard, and through it, Kamenka. And, of course, about the school in this village. In late autumn and winter, children were simply freezing in their classrooms.

We were not stopped by the fact that Kamenka is on the very outskirts of the region, in Tmutarakan,” the interlocutor recalled. - We delivered the equipment there. We installed three electric boilers and everything that goes with them. The entire heating system operates automatically. In spring and autumn, our specialists flew there by helicopter, inspected the equipment, and if necessary, changed something. The system has been operating without problems for several years now. The school in Kamenka is the only place where it is always warm.

Everything the gas workers did was charity.

Kamenka is not the only case of support for rural schools in two neighboring districts - Gryazovets and Mezhdurechensky. Once in the accounting department of KS-17 they calculated: in a year alone they spent three million rubles on charity. Therefore, we can talk about supporting public education in general.

Two auxiliary schools in Gryazovets - for the visually impaired and the hearing impaired. According to the interlocutor, they received a wide variety of support. The gym at the school for the visually impaired fell into such disrepair that no one undertook to repair it. The gas workers finally got around to it, changed the floors, painted the walls. In addition, ordinary wooden windows were replaced in all classes with double-glazed windows; as you know, they are not cheap. Well, it was difficult to get to the school for the hearing impaired because of the broken road. A team of repairmen leveled ditches and holes and laid asphalt. One of these institutions had a good brass band, and they helped him too.

I cited a conversation with a veteran of public education, the director of school No. 1, Anatoly Kolesnikov. Other heads of educational institutions could talk about the same thing about cooperation with gas workers. This cannot be explained only by the current economic situation.

Yes, we did this in any situation,” the interlocutor emphasized. - I think the situation in Russia will never be better. I still remember how cleaners in schools bought rags and soap for themselves, because the directors did not have money for this. Now, of course, this is not the case, but there are other problems. In addition to school No. 1, we helped school No. 2, school No. 3, and a secondary school in the regional center of Shuiskoye. I'll add another detail. All the schools we were friends with were entitled to two buses per month. We took high school students to open days at universities, theaters in Vologda, and holy places in the Yaroslavl region.

For almost 15 years, Simakov collaborated with the board of trustees of the Vologda Regional Children's Fund, headed by Militina Kukushkina. The Foundation, on the initiative of Lyubov Semagina, established 15 scholarships named after Valery Semagin, the former head of Rosgazstroy in Vologda.

We identified three low-income families - the Totem family, the Gryazovets family, and the Vokhtog family,” explained Konstantin Pavlovich. “The children from these families entered universities, we paid them a scholarship, we started with 1,500 rubles a month, and subsequently increased it. When they finished their studies, we recruited new guys. Our fellows who received higher education, work in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Finland, reviews about them are the most favorable.

Personally, I feel deeply grateful for everything that Konstantin Simakov and leaders like him did for public education. May God grant them health and happiness. This is a truly Russian desire to create conditions for children so that they do not need anything and can develop fully and multifacetedly.

I remember from my post-war childhood, when I studied at the Bulatnikovsky elementary school, we had an after-school program. We had breakfast and lunch at school. After lessons, having rested a little, we did our homework here in the classrooms, and returned to our parents’ shelter as “free birds.” Oh, those were golden times! And so, so that we could eat well during the after-school period, the chairman of the collective farm, on whose territory the school was located, provided free vegetables, milk, and meat. Nowadays it’s hard to imagine, now a child has to pay for every sneeze at school, and he asks his parents for money. What a market! The children are taught to live according to the famous saying of the “great reformer” E. Gaidar, who loved to repeat that free cheese exists only in a mousetrap.

Nobody argues about the importance of the material and technical well-being of public education; it must be at its best. But I think that the education of the individual is even more important, and it is almost impossible for anyone to influence it from the outside, that is, from outside the school. Let us pay attention to only one side of this problem.

The Russian people were baptized and accepted the Orthodox faith ten years ago more than centuries back. And all this for a long time educational institutions countries studied subjects related to the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian state. Only in the 20th century was the tradition interrupted due to the fact that the ideology of communism was forcibly established, starting in 1917.

Now, for thirty years, there is no such ideology. It was abolished. Moreover, they abolished not only it, but ideology in general as such, which is an example of complete absurdity. The state cannot exist normally without ideology. Although the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that the country does not “ official ideology“, in fact, it exists - it is the ideology of money, the ideology of worship of the “golden calf”, the ideology of the omnipotence of the oligarchy.

What should it be, a normal ideology?

Let us turn for an answer to an outstanding public and religious thinker our time.

“The Russian view of the world for centuries was based on a fundamental idea that involves understanding life as a religious duty, as a universal joint service to the Gospel ideals of goodness, truth, love, mercy, sacrifice and compassion,” Metropolitan John expressed his opinion. - According to this worldview, the goal of the aspirations of an individual in his personal life, the main task of marital and family life, the meaning of public service and state existence of Russia is the feasible embodiment of high spiritual principles, the permanent custodian of which is the Russian Orthodox Church from century to century.

Fully aware that the current general religious savagery does not allow one to count on immediate success and significantly limits the possibilities of beneficial church influence, one must still clearly understand that Russia has no religious, moral or ideological worldview alternative(highlighted - G.S.). Any attempts to move in a different direction are fraught with unbridled satanization of Russian reality, boundless moral and ethical degradation and complete paralysis of the spiritual potential of the people. There are tons of examples of this around.” (Metropolitan John. “RUSSIAN KNOT”, St. Petersburg, publishing house “Tsarskoe Delo”,

What prevents the tradition, interrupted at the beginning of the 20th century, from being restored to public education? learning programs on Russian history Orthodox Church and Russian statehood? Where there! In a "secular society" called Russian Federation There was such a fuss and uproar about this that even a group of “outstanding scientists” turned to the country’s leadership with a request to “prevent a return to the cave age.” The top officials assured: don’t worry, obscurantism will not be tolerated.

If the centuries-old tradition of the Russian people is officially called obscurantism, then what is “not obscurantism”? It seems that this is Darwin’s “bright theory”: man descended from a monkey, they say, God has nothing to do with it. And so our children are being hammered into the heads of Mister Darwin’s mossy heresy. If God did not create man, if there is no God, then, as Dostoevsky once said, “everything is possible.” You can attack your classmate in a pack and beat them up, you can not listen to your parents and teachers, you can steal a cell phone from a friend, you can leave the classroom and light a cigarette on the porch of the school, you can go not to an Orthodox church, but to some sect, fortunately There's plenty around.

And here the “satanization” of Russian reality appears in its entirety, as the spiritual shepherd Metropolitan John warned about. Not long ago, a group of Satanists was “declassified” in the Moscow region; they lured schoolchildren to join them and taught them how to commit suicide. That very life, which, by the grace of God, is His highest gift, incomparable to anything. But they didn’t tell the children about this at school, they don’t know about it, they know one thing - man descended from a monkey, and in this case “everything is possible.” As a result of the sect's activities in the Moscow region, 15 teenagers committed suicide. At one time, a similar organization operated in Vologda, preaching that death is a blessing for teenagers. Experiencing this for themselves, several girls and boys died, they jumped down from the roofs of multi-story buildings.

This is the terrible price to pay for forgetting our father’s Orthodox tradition and replacing it with the “universal values” of Satanists.

Among such “innovations” is the desire of some figures to in every way belittle the role of Russian classical literature and the Russian language in school education. What are they not doing here! They shorten the hours allotted for literature lessons, eradicate composition in all its forms, the Russian language is taught using some incomprehensible textbooks. The result of these alterations was that high school students come to Moscow University who cannot name the main works of Nikolai Gogol, and who have never heard of Ivan Turgenev. The most basic literacy of applicants is falling catastrophically.

And against this background of obvious degradation, a certain important lady holding the post of President of the Russian Academy of Education declares the following to the whole country: “For example, I am absolutely convinced that from the school curriculum “War and Peace” by L. Tolstoy, as well as some novels by F. Dostoevsky needs to be removed. These are deep philosophical works with serious discussions on different topics. A child cannot understand their full depth.” (L. Verbitskaya. Interview with AGN “Moscow”, October 1, 2016-11-17)

Look, it turns out that!

If you follow the logic of the learned lady, then the low level of knowledge of graduates is to blame... the great Russian writers L. Tolstoy and F. Dostoevsky, and not the education system with its shortcomings.

For some reason, the lady modestly kept silent about the fact that “The Gulag Archipelago” by A. Solzhenitsyn is included in school curricula, and she has no complaints about this work; obviously, she believes that the child will understand the “depth of the Gulag novel” by Solzhenitsyn. Although, of course, it is difficult to compare the artist of words Leo Tolstoy, recognized throughout the world, with the “singer of the Gulag.”

This is how some concepts are replaced by others.

A lot can be discussed on this topic. I'll note one more important point. Professor Vsevolod Troitsky, a well-known philologist in Russia, has been proving for several years at all levels the destructiveness of reforms in education that have been carried out in Russia for more than twenty years. "Enemies national education, noted the respected scientist, they now intend to consolidate the “successes of destruction.” Therefore, the next actions of the “fifth column” are aimed at reducing the level of domestic education, at its final replacement with pedagogical education at the colonial level. Experts know that for the successful mastery of philological disciplines, “traditional” forms of education cannot be replaced by any others. Knowing this, the “reformers” cut hours in pursuit of their destructive purposes for the sake of the so-called successful “economy”. This “successfully” reduces the level of knowledge of future specialists. The ominous success of such transformations is widespread in Lately. All this has already brought the university system in its humanitarian part to the stage of inevitable self-destruction.” (Professor Vsevolod Troitsky. Website “RUSSIAN WRITER”, 01.11. 2014.)

I think most sensible people in the country share the assessments of the “reforms” in education given by the famous scientist. Unfortunately, his arguments and those of many others who worry about the future of the country do not reach the “thick-skinned” government officials. They have become in the habit of ignoring the opinions of both specialists and ordinary citizens, fulfilling the principle: “I see nothing, hear nothing.” When will they change their attitude towards proposals coming from below? Hard to say. Still, I would like them to have a different attitude towards people in general and towards reforms in public education in particular.

Honest guardians of the good of public education, of course, cannot be complacent about the state of affairs in it.

At the Institute of World Literature. M. Gorky Russian Academy At the end of 2016, the XXVIth All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Philology and School” was held. Its topics: “The life of the word and the spiritual development of the nation”, “Russian literature as an understanding of the existence of the people of the individual.” The leading speaker was the scientist I have already mentioned. Doctor of Philology, chief researcher at the Institute of World Literature Vsevolod Yakovlevich Troitsky painted a comprehensive picture of the state of affairs in public education. He also outlined what was destroyed in Russian traditional pedagogy during the “reforms”. These losses are quite significant. What especially hurt me was what the professor said about the situation he was in. native language: “Nowadays, language teaching has been replaced by a formal and mechanical, often meaningless introduction to the basics of spelling and punctuation. As part of the program, schoolchildren are deprived of the opportunity to learn the richness of the content and meaning of Russian speech.” (Professor Vsevolod Troitsky. “LIFE OF THE WORD AND THE FATE OF THE PEOPLE” (report at the XXVIth All-Russian Conference). Website “RUSSIAN PEOPLE LINE”, St. Petersburg, November 15, 2016)

We are waiting, as if for “manna from heaven,” that a highly cultured generation will grow up in our country. Where will it come from?

Westernized liberals who hold power in the Russian Federation threw their “best forces” into public education in order to undermine it from within. And yet, no matter how sinister their ambitions may be, the reformers, I think, will not be able to destroy the Russian language, Russian literature. History itself testifies to this. Something similar has happened more than once - they tried with all their might to “remake” Russians either into Germans, then into French, or into Dutch, and instilled overseas manners and habits.

But Ivan the Fool still remained Ivan the Fool. The foreign fad subsided a little, and he revived his family, which never left his soul.

When talking about school, one cannot ignore the teacher, a key figure in the education and upbringing of children. At all times, it was given special importance, understanding that the mentor works with the head and heart of the child. There are many different statements about the importance of the teaching profession. I will give some of them. A well-known politician in his time, Prime Minister of England W. Churchill once remarked: “School teachers have power that prime ministers can only dream of...”.

The famous Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said the following: “If you only knew how much the Russian village needs a good, smart, educated teacher! In Russia, it needs to be placed in some special conditions, and this needs to be done quickly if we understand that without the broad education of the people, the state will fall apart, like a house built from poorly fired brick.”

The best minds in Russia even at that distant time, judging by Chekhov’s quoted words, were well aware of the relationship between the level of education and the strength of the state. She, this connection, is direct, blood, which is what representatives of the liberal authorities in the center and locally do not want to see today.

Speaking about “special conditions” for a teacher in a Russian village, the writer, I think, meant a situation where he would not experience financial difficulties and could devote all his strength to his favorite work. From previous statistics, from the artistic works of that era, one can still get the impression that the teacher existed in a very worthy manner. Thus, Catherine II, having instituted an education reform in the 80s of the 18th century, issued a Decree that the teacher should be paid for an apartment, firewood, and candles from the treasury. The teaching profession was surrounded in Russia with a certain honor and respect, both from the authorities and society as a whole.

This also affected his remuneration. If we convert the salary of a teacher in pre-revolutionary Russia (before 1917) into modern money, it will average out to over one hundred thousand rubles a month. Such a recalculation, of course, has errors. However, it shows that the teacher’s work was highly valued. And rightly so: this work is not only honorable, but also difficult in terms of emotional and physical stress. But even such a teacher, more or less worthy of existence, Chekhov considered insufficient, and proposed creating “special conditions.”

I have no doubt that the artist’s words would have been heard, and the conditions defined by him would probably have been created.

But the crises and revolutionary riots that affected Russia at the beginning of the last century postponed the solution to this problem indefinitely. Only decades later, in the mid-30s, they took it seriously and did something concrete.

From my post-war childhood, I remember that the teacher in the village was very important. Moreover, not only because he mastered the art of persuasion. The teacher himself recognized himself as an ascetic of enlightenment, an enthusiast, and did not limit his mentoring to the walls of the classroom. Adults came to him for advice in some difficult situation; they wanted to hear his opinion about some local events, about the situation in the country and the world; he acted as a “propagandist and agitator.” And always and in everything the teacher had to remain at the proper level, at the top.

If a teacher had any everyday difficulties, then the village world would certainly help him in whatever way he could. I'm not even talking about the fact that the collective or state farm on whose territory the school was located supported the teachers with food, provided firewood for the fall and winter, and helped plow the garden plot, if there was one. This friendly attitude towards the teacher lasted for a long time, until the early 90s of the last century, until the time when the country plunged into “perestroika”. The liquidation of the Soviet Union entailed the destruction of many good everyday traditions, including in public education. Teachers had to go through a shameful time when, in order to receive wages, I had to stop teaching my children and go on strike.

Now, for more than ten years in a row, this has not happened, thank God.

But, however, a problem of a different kind arose. Since the elite announced the main slogan for the population in the Russian Federation: “Get rich as you can!”, the question arose for the teacher about remuneration - about the size of this payment. After all, he cannot “grab” any work somewhere on the side, outside of school. And what a teacher receives for his work at school is not always enough for a decent living, given the constant rise in prices for products, goods, and services.

At one time, in public education there were indicators that measured the work of a teacher, namely: the number of hours worked, length of service, qualifications, special merits, additional loads (class management, for example). But in 2013, points about the teacher’s experience and qualifications were removed from this list, equating a specialist with 20 years of experience to someone who just started working at a school. There were other changes too in the best possible way influencing the assessment of work.

Although officials from the Ministry of Education claim that teacher pay is growing. The picture here is quite motley. According to the official version, the average teacher salary in Russia in 2015 was 33,924 rubles. If we turn to the data sent to the Internet from different corners country by ordinary residents, then we will find a large disparity in wages. In the city of Aksai, Rostov region, a teacher in a secondary school receives 6,000 rubles, and in Lyceum No. 8 in Volgograd - 46,700 rubles.

The difference in wages is almost eight times!

A similar difference exists within the regions themselves, and it is significant. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a teacher working in a gymnasium has a salary twice as much as a secondary school teacher. The economic situation of a particular region also has its influence. The highest salaries for teachers are in colleges in Moscow (74,000 rubles) and New Urengoy (70,000). Obviously, adding everything together, Rosstat issued a figure of 66,274 rubles for the first half of 2016 - the average teacher’s salary in the country.

But, as we have seen from the “resident statistics”, to put it mildly, it does not correspond to reality.

Let me note, by the way, that our officials like to operate with the “average temperature in the hospital,” especially in the social sphere.

In this regard, I will give a short excerpt from the conversation famous journalist Andrey Uglanov, editor of the Argumenty Nedeli publication, with the editor-in-chief of Literaturnaya Gazeta, writer Yuri Polyakov:

"Why do you artistic directors Some Moscow theaters have a salary of 40-50 million rubles, while a people's artist in the regions has a salary of 20 thousand? There shouldn’t be such a difference” (“WHO ARE THEY - LIVING CLASSICS?”, Newspaper “Arguments of the Week”, N 45, 11/17/2016), - said

Yuri Polyakov. The difference is 2500 (!!!) times.

Further, the author himself explained why this happens: “The secret of the “golden key” is very simple: in the 90s of the last century, for help in the overthrow Soviet power After the capture of the Kremlin by the pro-Western team of the liberal intelligentsia, including the creative ones, the entire space was given over to them: cultural, literary, scientific. They were simply appointed as bosses everywhere, given all positions, funds, budgetary and bonuses, etc. All patriots were pushed to the periphery. For what? For the stupid defense of state sovereignty.”

Although in some ways one can argue with frank confession Yu. Polyakov, but essentially he is right, I think.

Of course, public education did not escape this process - the pushing of patriots to the periphery.

At one of the “meetings with the population”, which periodically happen with the Prime Minister, some brave teacher expressed dissatisfaction with his salary at school of 15 thousand rubles; he also clarified that police officers and FSB officers receive three times more. The head of government responded instantly: they say, quit school, go into business and generally earn extra money on the side. Many modern publicists have called such a statement immoral and immoral, and they are not far from the truth.

Personally, it’s not even this, the monetary, that worries me, but the other component of the problem - the moral one. It lies in the prestige of the teacher. It used to be a common occurrence when, opening some reputable newspaper, you could read an essay about a teacher. Or you could watch an exciting movie where the main character was a teacher, for example, the film “We'll Live Until Monday.” Finally, when you came to the library, you could ask for a story or novel to read at home; their characters are school teachers or university professors.

There is no trace of anything like this now. It's a pity!

The same learned madam, whom we already mentioned in connection with her interview with the Moscow City News Agency, complained: “Nowadays there are very few truly bright teachers among teachers.” creative personalities, but these are the kind of people we need at school.”

Who can argue?

But where will these brightest personalities come from if you, learned madam, propose, almost at the state level, to exclude school programs the works of L.N. Tolstoy and F.M. Dostoevsky, declaring that “it is simply impossible not to know literature, this means depriving oneself of a colossal cultural layer.” But almost an entire generation has already been deprived of such a “layer.” Where will the personalities come from?

In the matter of raising children, everything is interconnected; there are no trifles in it. And there shouldn’t be such a strange, half-wild situation when the school is on its own, and the rest of society is on its own.

1/ “Security Council on threats to the security of Russia: catastrophic illiteracy of youth”, website “RUSSIAN PEOPLE’S LINE”, October 11, 2016.


Study of the national-regional component is one of the areas of modernization of education and improvement of civic education:

  • educating schoolchildren as citizens of Russia

a) awareness of your place in the world around you (me and my city)

b) the significance of your city, region in the history and culture of Russia (I - my city - my region - my Fatherland)

c) understanding the role of your region in world history and culture (I am my city, my region, my Fatherland, the world)

  • awareness of the place of the native land in the system of diverse areas of life in the country
  • instilling in children respect for national and universal values, the ability to understand and accept their culture

Over 18 years of work at the municipal educational institution “Gymnasium No. 30” I have developed system of teaching local history in primary school:

  • lessons
  • circle
  • extracurricular and extracurricular activities
  • cooperation with the regional museum of local lore
  • collaboration with parents

In October 2008 it took place summary of my work experience How class teacher on the topic “Interaction with family as a way to improve the quality of education” (city level)

As part of summarizing my experience, I conducted a class on the history of my native land “Young Local Historian”: Local history lounge “My family and my small homeland”.

The basis of selection required material The lessons were based on the following principles:

  1. Taking into account the characteristics of children and adults as representatives of different generations.
  1. The principle of respect for family history as an integral part of the history of the city and region.
  1. The principle of considering a person as a part of a social organism, which forms an idea of ​​the importance of the creative activity of people in the life of the region.
  1. Principle careful attitude to the historical heritage.
  1. The principle of proportionality and involvement, which implies an approach to the study of regional problems through the prism of one’s family and city.

Compliance with these principles made it possible to successfully organize the club’s classes.

To prepare and conduct a local history lounge The educational technology of collective creative education was chosen. Organization joint activities adults and children, in which everyone participates in the preparation and conduct of the circle class:

  • Questioning parents, grandparents, and other close relatives
  • conducting interviews
  • preparation of materials about your family

When schoolchildren study the history of the region through family history, then there is a practical appropriation of moral values ​​that do not remain at the level of concepts and words, but are used consciously by the child in his everyday life.

The successful work of the local history lounge was facilitated by the well-established system of work on local history; use of information and communication technologies (presentation “My Family”). During the quiz “Our Young Magadan” and the game “Collect a Map of the Magadan Region”, discs with recordings of songs about Magadan were used.


Event theme:“Local history lounge “My family and my small homeland.”

Audience: second grade students, parents, grandparents (multi-age audience from 8 to 60 years).

Time spending: Lesson duration 40 minutes

Target: Form an idea of ​​yourself as a young citizen based on the history of your family and its values ​​as an integral part of the history of your small Motherland


1. Teach to respect the history of other families as an integral part of the small Motherland

2. Develop ideas about the relationship and interpenetration of family, city, region, country. To promote the development of a young citizen’s orientation towards socially significant values.

3. To develop initial research skills in students (questioning, conducting interviews, preparing materials) through the history of the birth of their family in the city and region.

In preparation for the lesson, diagnostic and analytical work was carried out:

  • Filling out forms by students and parents (Appendix)
  • Teacher analysis of questionnaire materials

Second graders talked with their families. We found out who came to Magadan (region), for what reasons, and who was born here. Did you find out who is from Magadan in the second generation and who is in the third?

Students completed creative task, made a presentation about their grandparents (photos, story about them (Appendix).

During the lesson, he was asked problematic issue: How are family history and the history of your native land connected?

The local history course is characterized by high emotionality and elation, which awakens cognitive interest:

  • Stories from classmates and their families
  • We found out what Magadan was like in the youth of our grandparents (the “Our Young Magadan” competition)

The work took place in groups. A very important point is that the groups were of different ages. There was a transfer of practical experience from the older generation to the younger. During the game “Collect a Map”, the children found out where whose family was, the moment aroused great interest when among the photographs of families there was a photograph of my family (that is, teacher Istomina M.B.)

At the end of the lesson, answering the problematic question posed at the beginning of the lesson, the students gave the answer: “The history of the region is made up of the history of our families.”

The most important thing is that there is acceptance life values in a joint practical activities children and adults.

The history of the state begins with studying the history of the native land and family.

In my opinion, more attention should be paid to the period of history from the 50s of the 20th century to the present. This is the story of great-grandparents, great-grandfathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, close relatives, mothers, fathers and the child himself. The story for children then comes to life in loved ones


  1. Organizing time.


Introduction of guests.

  1. Introduction.

Today we are opening the local history lounge.

Today our meeting is dedicated to the topic “My family and our small Motherland.”

On September 1, during the family game “My Small Motherland,” I told that we would study the history of not only the region, but also our family. How are our family and our small homeland connected? We will try to answer this question at the end of the lesson.

  1. Class card. “The birth of my family in my native land.”

We begin to get acquainted with the history of our families (children's story with a slide presentation)


Mom’s mother came to work, and grandfather and grandmother Myagkov came by assignment.


Grandfather - by appointment and on a Komsomol voucher, and grandmothers - after them.


Mom's parents are for romance, and Dad's mom is for work.


One grandmother was brought by her parents, the other came to work. One grandfather is in Kolyma, and the other came to work.


My parents brought my grandmother, and my grandfather came to work after the army.


Dad’s parents were assigned, another grandmother was brought by her parents, and grandfather came after the army.


Mom's parents and grandfather were brought by their parents, and Dad's mother was brought by assignment.


Grandparents came to work.


Grandfather came to work, and grandmother followed her husband.


Parents, mother, work, and mother, father, are assigned.


My mother’s parents worked in the village of Orotukan, my father’s mother was born in the Magadan region, and my grandfather came to her.


Grandmother was born in the village of Yagodnoye.


Dad's grandmother arrived in Magadan.


Grandfather was brought by his parents, and grandmother came to him. And the other grandmother is assigned, and the grandfather follows her.


Mom's parents brought her parents. And daddy's dad came to work.


Grandparents arrived as assigned.


Grandfather came to work, and grandmother came with him.


Grandparents came to work.

We can summarize. What P brought members of your families to Magadan:

Komsomol voucher – 1 person.

By distribution – 10 people.

Romance – 2 people.

Work – 12 people.

Born – 3 people.

After the army - 2 people.

Parents brought - 9 people.

Came with my husband - 4 people.

Came with my wife - 2 people.

  1. Family quiz “Our young Magadan”.

(Team – several families: children, parents, grandparents).

Our family and friends can tell us the history of our city. What was he like? What did buildings and houses look like before?

Let's look through the photos - the pages of our young Magadan. And our grandparents and parents will help you and me. (We also invite guests to join the teams).

Look carefully at the photographs and try to guess what kind of buildings these are, the streets of our city, they have changed, unfortunately you can’t see some of them anymore.

(Each team has 4 photos. Time... minutes.)

(Displaying photos via multimedia).

We answer one by one (I show one photo at a time on the screen).

5 . Summing up the living room. "Our little R we are alone"

What is the history of the small Motherland made up of? Let's try to answer this question using the game “Collect a map of the Magadan region.”

There are puzzles in front of you, each team assembles its part, and then we connect all the parts. Let's see what happens. (Teams are working. There is a song about Magadan, a video film).

Connecting the parts of the map. Happened? What happened? (Card puzzles are family photographs of children0

What is the history of the small Motherland made up of? (From the history of our families).

How are our family and our small Motherland connected? (General history).

6. Gratitude for assistance in preparing and conducting the lesson


1. Arkhipova S.V., Vyazemsky E.E., Karpova V.V. Features of the methodology of teaching a propaedeutic course in history. Educational and methodological manual. Series: " History education in modern Russian school", - M., 2001

2. Vyazemsky E. E., Strelova O. Yu. Methods of teaching history at school. Practical guide for teachers. - Humanitarian Publishing Center "Vlados", M., 1999

3. Vyazemsky E. E., Strelova O. Yu. How to teach history at school today. Manual for teachers, - M., Education, 2000

4. The concept of regional content of education in the Magadan region. Compiled by: Tseplyaeva N. S., Baranov G. P., Shantina E. D., -Magadan, 2004

5. Magadan: Guidebook - Magadan: Book Publishing House, 1989

6. Magadan: Photo album. – Magadan: Book Publishing House, 1996.

7. Magadan - the city of the morning sun: Album. – Penta Book Publishing House, Moscow, 2004.

8. Paramonova O. M., Sukhvalova O. V., Chekunova L. P. Let’s get to know our small homeland. // Primary school, 1998, No. 5

9. Internet site: www.

Photo gallery

The homeland is not the place on earth where I was born, was born from my father and mother, or where I am “used to living”; but that spiritual place where I was born in spirit and from where I come in my life’s creativity. And if I consider Russia my homeland, then this means that I love, contemplate and think in Russian, sing and speak in Russian; that I believe in the spiritual powers of the Russian people and accept their historical destiny with my instinct and my will. His spirit is my spirit; his destiny is my destiny; his suffering is my grief; its blossoming is my joy.

This is what a true patriot thinks and feels when talking about his homeland:

“My people! I was born from your depths in flesh and spirit. The same spirit that burned in my ancestors burns within me. The instinct of national self-preservation that led you through the wilds and torments of your history lives in me and guides me." "The sigh of my people is my sigh; and the groan of my people is my groan. I am strong with his strength and I give this strength to him and for him. I am connected with him into one we. I believe in his spiritual power and in his creative ways. I myself create just like him; I pray and work with him, I contemplate and think with him; I dream of having all his virtues and worry about his weaknesses and imperfections. His national interest is mine, personal. I joyfully join in his glory, and am tormented in the days of his ruin and shame. His friends are my friends. His enemies are my enemies. My life belongs to him. His tongue is my tongue. His earthly territory is my territory, and the army loyal to him is my native army. I did not choose him, for it was he himself who gave birth to me from his bosom. But, being born by him, I chose him and accepted him into the last depths of my heart. And therefore I am faithful to him; and is faithful to him - in all situations, difficulties and dangers of life. I cannot have this feeling for two peoples at once. A person cannot have two mothers, or profess two different faiths. And if my people are great and diverse and have received streams of many bloods, then each of these bloods can and should find its baptism in his spirit; and each of them is called to connect their fate with his fate, and to think and feel in spiritual identity with him”...

We pronounce such a confession of our homeland not only before people, but above all before the face of God. The rightness of our homeland, the sacredness of its great hearths, its historical vocation - we must affirm all this in a religious manner. And if someone tells us that Christianity is incompatible with patriotism, because a Christian is a “citizen of the universe,” then we will answer him that error is on his side. For a Christian does not reject the God-given world, but accepts it in all its precious vestments and necessary laws.

A Christian loves his earthly homeland, values ​​it, preserves its dignity, cares about its greatness. He sees in her a kind of sacred treasure, a living breath of the Spirit of God. For him, the homeland is a nationally perceived gift of the Holy Spirit, historically nurtured and worked into earthly affairs. The people are not God, but the strength of their spirit is from God. The path of his historical struggle and his suffering is the path of his ascent to God; this path is dear and sacred to me. His saints and prophets are my spiritual fathers; his geniuses are my teachers; its rulers and heroes are my leaders.

So I always pray for him; I study its history insatiably and reverently; I am proud of the creations of his culture (religion, science, art, law, economy); I protect his earthly home (territory, nature, wealth, buildings): I accept his army with heart and honor, will and deed. And therefore I confess before the face of God: the homeland is sacred; one must live by it; it is worth fighting and dying for. Denying it is a temptation. Renouncing it is disastrous. Other peoples are right if they love their fatherland so much. And if all peoples feel and act this way, then they will learn to honor each other, like brothers in the face of the One Father.

The first, living unit of the homeland is the family.

A person is born not only in the depths of his homeland, but also in the bosom of his family. Family is the first homeland. The Motherland is a great, national family. Just as a honeycomb consists of sealed cells with fragrant honey, so the life of a people consists of families: each cell is separated and sealed, and yet they are all fused together into unity; Each cell has its own honey, but these honeys make up the single honey of the whole hive. Destroy the cells - and the honey will flow out, and the disintegrated foundation will be given for melting...

A family grows out of love, lives by love, gives birth to and raises beloved children. Therefore, it is the first school of love and sacrifice. Whoever kills a family extinguishes love in his country. Then all that remains is destructive hatred. What Russia needs now is the ability to love deeply and for a long time. She needs the love of long and deep breathing. Where will Russian children learn it, if not in the strong, monogamous family of their parents? Only in a family is love pure, true and organically building. Outside the family, it becomes dissolute and accustoms people to irresponsibility, treason, anarchy and social disintegration: irresponsible and dissolute parents produce homeless people.

We will not be able to liberate or revive Russia without a sense of national dignity, without faith in the good powers of our people. Where will Russian children learn this, if not in their own country? family of origin? Where will this fire start? national pride, if his father and mother do not guard him in word and deed? Who will instill in our children faith in the Russian People if the Russian family dispels and loses this faith?

What Russia needs forever is the strength of the Russian national character. Historically, this character originated in the harsh Russian nature; he was tempered in wars; acquired depth and nobility in prayers; forged in monasteries and in the army. But its repository was primarily the Russian family. And now this family must bear and fulfill its calling: it must turn its very needs, troubles and deprivations into a school of character for its children, so that a new Russian generation received that strong temper, that stoic endurance, that freedom of a fearless spirit, without which we cannot recreate order in Russia.

The family is the first school of mutual trust, solidarity and discipline. It is here that a person learns to submit and rule as a sign of love and justice. Thus, the family gives a person the first beginnings of legal consciousness.

In the family, a Russian child must learn the first basis of citizenship: the ability to respect authority and at the same time remain internally free. He must learn honor, sacrifice and justice here. Here he must clearly and truly understand what “one for all, all for one” means. For he himself will one day create a family, a new family of the next generation, and bring into it the very spirit that he unconsciously carried out from the impressions of his childhood.

The family is the birthplace of all healthy traditions. It is absurd for humanity to start over every twenty years. Experience and wisdom accumulate over thousands of years. Culture without tradition is impossible; and tradition is passed down faithfully and completely only as a sign of love and care, that is, in the family.

The family is a labor center, a labor, hereditary unity of people. Where the family is strong, there people work and get rich, there it blooms. National economy.

The family gives a person two sacred prototypes: the image of a loving, pure mother and the image of a strong and gracious father. Through them the soul learns to cleave to the mother’s homeland and ascend to God the Father. And whoever carries these two prototypes throughout his life will not be afraid of any devilish temptations.

This is the sense in which the family is the repository of the national spirit and a healthy sense of justice.