Ivan Urgant: interview for HELLO! Wasn't she your guest? — How do your children react to your jokes?

ELLE When you're in last time fought? Because of what/who?

I.U. Long enough. It was abroad, I was walking down the street and suddenly I saw some woman looking towards the Russian embassy with a very unkind look.

ELLE Have you defended the honor of your Motherland?

I.U. Why did you defend it? I jumped for the honor of the Motherland and brought the presumptuous Swedish old woman to task.

ELLE What's the biggest shame in your life?

I.U. The answer to this question is the same as the answer to the previous one. It was a shame when she told all this in the press. It was necessary to finish her off.

ELLE Describe yourself in three words.

I.U. (pause).

ELLE You can use verbs.

I.U. Right now I’m just thinking about how to avoid verbs. Cheerful caramel snowfall.

Describe yourself in three words? Cheerful caramel snowfall

ELLE Thank you, this will be the headline: “Ivan Urgant - cheerful caramel snowfall.” Do aliens exist?

I.U. Your next issue is entirely dedicated to Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, so ask him this question.

ELLE Blondes or brunettes?

I.U. Brunettes. Or dyed brunettes.

ELLE Dyed blonde? Or blondes dyed brunettes?

I.U. Difficult. Sometimes it's so difficult to get to the source. There won't be enough peroxide.

ELLE What was the last thing you laughed at?

I.U. Well, I guess... I don't know. Over some book.

ELLE I'll just cry now.

I.U. If you cry, I will start laughing at you.

ELLE What will you be doing in 30 years?

I.U. Any activity that will allow me to participate in the ELLE magazine survey again.

ELLE Agreed. I'll put this meeting on my calendar. Where will you go to spend the night if your wife kicks you out of the house?

I.U. (to the assistant) Are we really giving an interview to ELLE magazine?

ELLE Show documents?

I.U. No, don't. I saw your documents. So! Where will I go to spend the night? I would never marry a woman who could drive a big guy out of the house. A big drunk guy.

ELLE What did you want to become as a child?

I.U. Chemist. But he didn't. There weren't enough chemicals.

For my last dinner I would order something intramuscular. You know, a piece wouldn’t go down your throat with the feeling that tomorrow is all

ELLE What was your nickname as a child?

I.U. Turandot.

ELLE Have you dated several girls at the same time?

I.U. Do you mean have I had romantic relationship with several girls at once? No.

ELLE Are you answering this way because you are afraid that your wife will kick you out of the house?

I.U. No, that’s how I got the nickname Turandot.

ELLE How can you be seduced?

I.U. Everything here is quite traditional. Take off your clothes, stand in the middle of Manezhnaya Square and shout: “Turandot, come out.”

ELLE Milla Jovovich, whom you starred in the film "Freaks", said that you are "the wittiest comedian of your generation", "one of those incredibly wonderful people, the appearance of which is similar sunlight" How would you rate Milla's acting abilities?

IVAN URGANT So you think that there is nothing to add to Milla’s phrase? Although, of course, it is difficult to find more precise definition. This probably hits the mark. As for Milla, I can say that she has wonderful qualities, among which is an incredible ability to work and the ability to listen to partners on the court. And she is perhaps the most cinematic person I have seen in my life. Milla is a wonderful comrade and friend. And also a person who devotes herself completely to her work and does not remember that she is a representative of a wonderful galaxy of Hollywood film artists. It feels like she literally came from the Theater in the South-West. Such a simple and cheerful girl.

ELLE Milla said her favorite Russian word"snacks" What did you do while filming there?

I.U. We were just filming a few scenes during a wedding, and the table was laden with snacks. But not ordinary, but cinematic - this is when, with the help of chemistry, the effect of bright, shiny and appetizing food is achieved. So if you're trying to fool me unexpected confession that the actress Jovovich starred drunk in the movie “Freaks”, then no, nothing like that happened!

To seduce me, you need to undress, stand in the middle of Manezhnaya Square and shout: “Turandot, come out!”

ELLE I hope our next questions don’t scare you...

I.U. What kind of questions? If I'm not mistaken, you're from ELLE magazine? Who are you writing for?

ELLE For cheerful and ironic people.

I.U. What about the new items in the field of evening dresses and demi-season coats?

ELLE We approach both life and fashion with humor. So. What would you order for your last dinner?

I.U. (long pause) Anything intramuscular. You know, a piece would not go down your throat with the feeling that tomorrow is everything.

ELLE In what situations do you lie?

I.U. When the hands are tied, the poker is raised, and the code bank card I still don’t want to say it.

ELLE What are you most afraid of?

I.U. Nuclear explosion.

ELLE Will it bring the end of the world?

I.U. No. ELLE magazine will disappear from sale. This will cause great unrest. And there will be a massacre. Remember, like when you missed one episode.

ELLE Which movie did you fall asleep during/left the theater?

I.U. These are different things. The fact is that when I fall asleep, I rarely leave the gym.

ELLE What was the last thing you cried about?

I.U. As usual, on the “Wait for me” program.

I lie when my hands are tied, the poker is in the air, but I still don’t want to say the bank card code

ELLE When will the world end?

ELLE What a relief: it means our scheduled interview will take place after all.

I.U. And I’m just hoping to give an interview to ELLE magazine at the age of 62, and then burn it all with fire. As said CEO Club "Diaghilev"

Text: Olga Islamkina. Photo: Artur Tagirov.

"Evening Urgant". Favorites

Program " Evening Urgant“, our answer to the American evening live show, first aired on April 16, 2012, on the presenter’s birthday, and since then has consistently been among the top rated programs on domestic TV.

He appeared in the editorial office in a completely different way from the television image of a merry fellow and joker, who at any time of the day, in any situation and in any company is capable of instantly lifting the mood of everyone present with a couple of ironic jokes. And this is understandable: our shooting took place before the snow. winter morning, gloomy and not particularly cheerful. The country's favorite, the most sought-after presenter of entertainment television programs, holidays and corporate events, a radiant and sparkling screen hero, open and touching Vanya Urgant emerged from the car rather stern, matching the weather, a two-meter tall thunderer.

There is neither the notorious stardom in him, nor a deliberate desire to “light up”, charm and make you laugh. He is polite, correct and very attentive to the words - those uttered by his interlocutors, and even more so - to those that he carefully chooses each time he answers. Jokes aside - in fact, Ivan Urgant in life is able to speak directly, simply, seriously. Almost without being embarrassed - maybe just a little - by my own sincerity, in conversation constantly thinking, checking and listening to myself. Maybe this attention, this inner hearing is the key to real wit, so desirable for everyone and such a rare gift of a sharp word?


Psychologies: You work in a risky genre, where the line between wit and vulgarity is very thin. What do you think vulgarity is and how do you manage to avoid it?

It's hard to say... These criteria are somewhere inside. It seems to me that one of the manifestations of vulgarity is to talk about it too seriously. Let's say a swear word in public place and in the presence of children - this is not vulgarity, but simply rudeness and bad manners. In my opinion, vulgarity lies elsewhere - in an attempt to pass off something unreal as real. In my internal dictionary, this word is next to the word “untrue.” When people tell lies, especially when high, piercing thoughts and feelings are replaced, this, in my opinion, is vulgarity. I don’t like it when sincerity goes off scale. This can also be a manifestation of vulgarity. There are people who tear open the chest, take out the heart and hold it out to the audience - and you understand that nothing higher than this can be. And the other does everything the same, but apart from a feeling of incredible meaninglessness and insincerity, it does not cause anything.

In other words, is the measure important?

I.U.: It is important to listen to yourself, to be in harmony with yourself, or at least in agreement. But I can’t say that I trust myself in everything. I am more of a doubting, distrustful person, scolding myself.

Your road to success has not been smooth. How do you cope with difficult and unpleasant situations?

I.U.: Of course, there were moments when I needed support... (Selects words.) When the exhausted youthful soul suffered, for example, from unrequited love or... from undivided food, wages! In my opinion, the best way out is to distract yourself from this in some matter. And the worst thing is when you withdraw into yourself. The world narrows to the size of that misfortune or problem that plunges you into despondency, into the closed space of your own experiences. And the main thing here is to remind yourself that the exit is nearby. We have to try. You just have to make some effort on yourself, and everything will be completely different. Although in such a situation you often forget about it. Or you can't hear yourself.

Have you ever thought about looking for some answers in psychotherapy?

I.U.: In our difficult reality, psychotherapists are our loved ones. And sometimes even distant people. I have never seen such a degree of trust between people before. Western Europe, neither in North America. We are able to pour out our souls to a stranger even regardless of whether he wants it or not. Most often this happens - as it happened in my life - not from a desire to be heard, but to simply speak out. And it really does get easier. Unfortunately, there are not always people nearby who can give good advice. Hence the colossal number of publications with photographs of women and men who will gladly extend their hand... where it already lies crystal ball, people who need to vent to someone. Personally, I will not go to some holy healer Aksinya. Probably because I believe in God... It’s better to do it on my own. We have to try.

I.U.: Early enough. Mom raised me independent child. From the age of six I went alone - first to kindergarten, then to school. I was left to sit with my younger sisters, but I did not perceive this as an obligation. Mom devoted a lot of time to our upbringing and did not shift the entire burden of responsibility onto my fragile shoulders.


What are you most grateful for today?

I.U.: For your patience. I would have killed myself long ago, but my mother withstood this difficult test - to see a loud, angry and arrogant mustachioed boy next to her for a long time. I have much less patience. I know this for sure: my mother saved a unique document - a diary that she kept while I was little - from six months to five years. Such short diary, which fit into two notebooks. When I turned 18, my mother showed them to me. It was very touching to read this. This is the same piercing touchingness that is not touched by any vulgarity. Because mom wrote in her diary only what she felt. And then... What matters is when you are given the opportunity to make decisions. When you feel like a person on whom something depends. I felt this very early, from the age of eight or nine. True, I didn’t always want such freedom. Rather, I wanted to be a child who was simply surrounded by care and deprived of the need to decide something on his own. I saw many such children around me. But my mother did not give me such an opportunity. She insisted that I overcome some problems, awkward situations that all children usually find themselves in, myself. She helped in some ways, advised in others, but she never insisted or forced.

Today you are also a parent. What do you want most for your daughter?

I.U.: I won't be original here. So that my daughter becomes an independent person as soon as possible and so that she needs as little help from others in her life as possible. So that she has the strength not to depend on anyone. From parents too. For her to be kind person. And a smart person.

Is dependence on something generally unacceptable for you?

I.U.: We are all dependent on something to varying degrees. Maximum freedom belongs to madmen. And not everyone needs such freedom. No, I want to be dependent on someone. And for this someone to depend on me.

When did you realize what kind of family you wanted to create for yourself?

I.U.: As a child, I did not have a clear sense of family. My parents separated when they were too young, and I was barely a year old then. Since, until I was 13 years old, I had no idea how I was born, my mother and father were not connected together for me. But I had a grandfather, grandmother, another grandmother and a great-grandmother. I could go here and there while my buddies lived in their apartments with mom and dad. That's all. I even liked it - to be somehow different from everyone else. Not different at all, but slightly different. Probably, the desire to stand out became both the driving force for me in my profession and in the way my life is structured. this moment.


But quite early on you wanted to create your own family - a traditional one, “like everyone else’s”: one house, husband, wife, child...

I.U.: You know, I realized quite early that I love children. And that I want to have my own home.

How do you see it in the future?


I don't like to make long-term plans. It’s strange for me to imagine myself tied with a blanket, sitting by the fireplace... unable to move. And the grandchildren who play with my feet, separately standing nearby! I can't imagine this. But family, home are, of course, big house. Moreover, in literally big. Because I lived the first half of my life very closely. The only thing that was big about our apartment was the height of the ceilings. Yes. Family is when you have children, with a loving and devoted wife. And with some... a reasonable number of neat, clean, well-washed pets... who know exactly where their toilet is. Very important condition! This is necessarily a small number of friends who are devoted to you. AND a large number of friends and acquaintances. Who come to visit and have the opportunity to discuss the fate of Russia at a large round table, always under a lampshade, in between deliciously prepared dishes by your hands...

How accurately you describe it!

I.U.: Like a man who just yesterday hung a lampshade over a round table.

The rest - talent, health, youth, success, money - you already have. Does this make you happy?

I.U.: I'm afraid of thinking too much about what I have and don't have. Because I once lacked many things... You know, it is very important that everything in life appears on time. That is, when you need exactly this. It’s a sin for me to complain about what is in my life. But I try not to think about it often. Suddenly, all of this turns out to be untrue! I remember well how I lacked money - a very acute feeling.

What would you do if you didn't have them tomorrow?

I.U.: I will look for all possible ways to make them, at least to some extent, appear in my family again. This is a component of comfort and well-being. You need money so you don't have to think about it. Because while there was no money, I thought about it all the time. I was waiting: when will I get them? It’s not that I wanted to realize any dreams - everything was at the level of needs. And now I understand that the well-being of my family, my children, relatives depends on my earnings... There is no time for fantasies in the style of “I wish I could find myself on an island and under a palm tree”!

That is, everything you do for money, you do with pleasure?

I.U.: Yes, only the degree of pleasure is different. But so far there has never been a time when I did something for money with obvious displeasure. With the exception of working as a loader in the 11th grade. Today I refuse a lot of offers. But in what I don’t refuse, I try to participate not only as a performer, but also as a co-author. I try to ensure that viewing the finished product myself brings me joy at least a couple of times. Or by at least did not cause a feeling of rejection or bitterness in the mouth.

It is known that we often use humor as a defense against various life difficulties...

I.U.: Exactly! Moreover, I insist: humor and lightness, irony and laughter are the best protection and medicine. You can’t protect yourself from everything with irony, but... you have to try! It helps. I sympathize with those who don’t like to laugh, don’t like to be told jokes. A sense of humor is not when you joke yourself, but when you laugh. And we must try to somehow develop this in ourselves. Just sit there four times with a straight face at Zhvanetsky’s concerts. Look, by the fifth time you’ll start smiling - at least in familiar places!

I.U.: Certainly! I would say that a person in any profession, and especially a public one, needs confirmation that he is doing something right. At least it's going in the right direction. And he does what brings joy and pleasure not only to him, but also to someone else.

Is this emotional return - a feeling of gratitude and love in response to your work - enough for you?

I.U.: You know, several times in my life I have been told words that, in my opinion, I still don’t deserve. And I was very pleased with it. The speakers were people whom I respect and whose professionalism I have no doubt about. It seems to me that there is a certain advance in these words, I would like to live up to them.

This month the topic of our “Dossier” is

I.U.: Nothing changes, nothing should change! The man today and the woman today are the same as yesterday. The lack of masculine qualities cannot be attributed to, say, the incredible development of some technologies or plastic surgery. There have always been few real men, it seems to me.

What are they missing?

I.U.: The degree of sincerity, honesty - that's what's missing. Many men in our time have begun to not only look and dress like women, but also sometimes behave in an unmanly manner. You know, in order to check how brave men live in a country, it is absolutely not necessary to get involved in a third world war. A man doesn’t have to break a brick on his head or fix a faucet in the kitchen. But in the way he treats a woman, children, his family, his parents, this is where a man manifests himself. The ideal hero was created by director Vladimir Menshov in the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”, and was performed by Alexey Batalov. In our country this is an image for all times. Although, in my opinion, such people do not exist. Intelligent men who work as mechanics and keep shoes clean. They are ready to connect their fate with a woman with a child and at the same time can, if necessary, go on a binge from feelings... before that, having fried kebabs and protected young lover girls from hooligans. There is no such! But it seems to me that if each of us does at least one thing from this list, then it’s already good. (Insinuatingly.) For example, going on a binge.

You seem to be leading healthy image life...

I.U.:(With some annoyance.) I can’t comment on this, because I drink, and smoke, and swear. But it’s so subtle that everyone gets the feeling that I’m not doing it. I think it's strange... and you shouldn't do it in early age and in excessive quantities. But there are people who drink so deliciously and smoke so deliciously that you immediately want to do the same! And the masterly use of obscene expressions sometimes colors our lives in unique colors. Now place all this in the space of a covered round table under a lampshade - and you will understand what I am talking about.

So you try to live with appetite?

I.U.: I'm trying to cultivate this in myself - to enjoy life. It's not about excess. You can have fun in a one-room or communal apartment. Smoke an unfiltered cigarette in the kitchen, washed down with cheap red wine - but in such a way that you and the Moldovan workers around you will enjoy it too!

You once said: you must always try to be prepared for what fate throws at you. What else would you like her to throw in?

I.U.: Knowing that the agencies responsible for what fate throws at us regularly read Psychologies magazine, I would like to address them directly. Surprise me! I really love pleasant surprises.

Private bussiness

  • 1978 April 16 was born in Leningrad, in the family of theater and film actor Andrei Urgant and actress of the Comedy Theater Valeria Kiseleva. The parents soon separated, Ivan remained with his mother, and later Valeria Ivanovna had two more daughters in her new marriage.
  • 1994 Enters acting department St. Petersburg Academy theatrical arts; two years later he marries a student at the University of Culture, Karina, their marriage will last six months.
  • 1998 Film debut - in the film “Cruel Time” by Maxim Pezhemsky.
  • 1999 Presenter of “Petersburg Courier” on Channel Five and DJ on Superradio (St. Petersburg).
  • 2000 Released album own songs(producer Maxim Leonidov).
  • 2001-2002 The host of the TV program “Bright Morning” on MTV Russia meets journalist Tatyana Gevorkyan, their relationship will last about three years.
  • 2003 Host of the show " National artist"on the Rossiya TV channel (paired with Fekla Tolstaya).
  • 2004 Host of the TV game “Pyramid” on the Rossiya channel.
  • 2005 “Big Premiere” on Channel One, role in Alexander Strizhenov’s film “From 180 and Above.”
  • 2006 Hosts “Smak” on Channel One; begins dating Natalya Kiknadze, a former classmate.
  • 2007 Role in the film “He, She and Me” by Konstantin Khudyakov; co-host of the programs “Wall to Wall” and “Circus with the Stars” on Channel One; laureate of the national television award TEFI.
  • 2008 Co-host in the programs “ A big difference" and "ProjectorParisHilton" on Channel One; documentary“One-story America” on Channel One (co-host with Vladimir Pozner); role in Ivan Dykhovichny’s film “Europe–Asia” (premiere: February 2010). On May 15, Ivan and Natalya had a daughter, Nina.
  • 2009 Participation in the filming of the film “One-Storey France” (together with Vladimir Pozner).
  • 2010 Rehearses the role of Vasilkov in Roman Kozak’s play “Mad Money” (Pushkin Theater).

On April 16, Ivan Urgant turns 40 years old. The TV program magazine decided to congratulate its favorite TV presenter.

Photo: Channel One

- Forty years old, such an age...

— Pre-infarction? Maybe. You can't help but think about it. No need to lie to each other.

You need to take care of yourself, your body. 40 years old equals colonoscopy. So that your traces remain on the dusty paths of distant planets.

— You know that according to legend, 40 years are not celebrated?

“And I don’t know how it will all work out.” Despite the fact that there is very little time left, “I haven’t decided anything yet,” as the hero said in the film “.” A .

— Our TV is becoming more and more politicized.

- Come on! Don't go too far!

— “Evening Urgant” as a humorous program will not give way to another talk show?

- Listen, we don’t have a comedy program. We are fun analysts. That's what we're holding on to. Of course, to be honest, sometimes I even watch it myself, when the program is on the air, and I think: why, how good would something be now? political talk show, like the “Time Will Tell” program... I want to fall asleep at night in a good, normal state, I want to fall asleep in good shape. And not after these jokes, when you’re lying on the pillow like an idiot with a smile. I don’t want this, I want tone, I want cramps.

Ivan joins modern music, studying the tastes of their daughters. Photo: Personal archive

— I know that your project with Vladimir Pozner about Scandinavia is currently being filmed.

- Yes, he still continues to act. Of course, this is a project by Vladimir Pozner... Vladimir Pozner - main character, let's call him Moomintroll, and I'm such a little Snusmumrik.

— Snusmumrik was also the main character.

- I'm cleaning it up. Then I'm Little My, my favorite Tove Jansson character.

— While your daughters are growing up, you are apparently a great connoisseur of modern children’s literature?

— Pigs came into my life. I understand that my relatives in Israel will now forget my name, but this is how it is. Youngest daughter I am fascinated by stories about Peppa Pig. Because there is Daddy Pig and Mummy Pig, of course, Peppa and her little brother George, my favorite. George is the only sane person in this whole company, he has a normal name and every chance of growing into something decent. In general, we are now actively following these adventures.

If you want to immerse yourself in childhood, turn on the filmstrips!

- So you know all the books by heart?

— There is little literature there. It is enough to learn how they look externally, because they bright characters, and know them by name. Harry Potter has now burst into the peaceful, serene, pre-war childhood of the eldest of my two youngest daughters. It took off like a rocket from the president's address to the Federal Assembly. Just as bright, unexpected and colorful. She reads quickly and devolves these books. And I have to remember. To my shame, I have not read Harry Potter. I started reading, but I was no longer at the age I thought I was. Although I have seen all the films and I really like them.

— Many parents like to take cartoons that they liked as children, show them to their children, and say: look, which cartoons were correct.

- No. Just look where I lived and look where you live. And appreciate it. At least get your act together. I once sat and watched filmstrips on a stretched sheet... By the way, my daughter also watched filmstrips. Believe me, if you want to immerse yourself in your own childhood, turn on the filmstrips. It's something magical. When a photograph or drawing appears on the wall in a dark room with something written underneath it, it is very interesting. In my opinion, they are almost still being produced. Only the viewing devices have become more interesting.

- Everyone is discussing it now. Do we really need to make sequels?

— If there is an opportunity, of course, it is necessary. What would it be like without Prostokvashino? How long can we wait? Look how interesting it is. Everything became clear there right away. There youngest daughter appeared. Her middle name does not match her father's name. The mother doesn't give a damn. Uncle Fyodor does not grow up, but his daughter appears. That is, the older child has slowed down in development. I want to see even more! I want my father’s army friends, for example. We grew up on this cartoon, we want more from it. I want to know whether the cat Matroskin is castrated or not, that worries me. Because I spent my entire childhood with castrated cats, and I have a good language with them. With wild ones - no. And I want to know.

— How do your children react to your jokes?

“I would say they are reacting with interest.” By the way, to be honest, I’m not sure that there are for different ages different jokes. It’s as if you rule out that a 15-year-old young man might not laugh when he reads “The Master and Margarita.” It seems to me that it is quite possible. Just like a person who is 60 can also laugh at the same jokes.

“Children understand that they have a famous dad.” How do they live with it?

“I cauterize it all at once with a hot iron, I say: don’t you dare!” All my children are not registered under my last name. Well, as they say, life helped the eldest, but I have one younger one - Martirosyan, the other - Tsekalo.

— What kind of music do your children listen to? And do you like this music?

— We often disagree and argue. They listen, of course, to a lot more music than I do. Although there was a period in my life when I listened much more. But the children are in full swing now... There is a lot of good music, we listen to it together.

— Is it possible to listen together?

- Yes, it works. We sit down and listen to Rachmaninov for six hours. Then I get up, untie them, and they go wherever they want.

-Are you a strict dad?

- Well, how can I tell you... I good dad, but I'm nervous. It happens that I can say something so harsh and, of course, I blame myself very much for it later. I want my children to be the same as in the story by Viktor Golyavkin - “My Good Dad.” Everyone should read this wonderful story.

— Do you manage to leave your problems at work and not take them home?

- So what should I carry? I brought one camera, I brought the second one. Where should I salt them? The children took them apart; the youngest daughter is standing at the Mitinsky radio market, selling lenses. Well, what else can you take away from Channel One? Channel One was famous for the fact that it always made amazing things on cardboard using twine and thread.

— Ivan, happy birthday to you! From all readers of “TV Program”!

Talking to Ivan is very easy. Or, on the contrary, it is very difficult. He lives in the rhythm of a joke and jokes even when it seems not necessary. On his birthday, the showman shared with Woman's Day his thoughts on the art of joking.

Ivan Urgant

Take one

When I was preparing for the interview...

This is very nice! Many people don’t do this... And I’m one of them. After all, I’ve been doing interviews all the time for the last two years.

Well, you have small interviews...

But no one knows whether this is a plus or a minus. After all, I only have 10–12 minutes! And as soon as I calm down, as soon as the guest calms down, the interview is already over. So the advantage of the interview that you are taking is that we agreed to spend two days on it, and we will spend them.

Yes, I just took sandwiches for two days...

The first time, as you can see, there was no serious conversation. But I did not lose heart and went for the second round.

Take two

When I was preparing for the interview, I asked my daughter what she would like to ask Ivan Urgant. She thought for a second and asked: “Who is this?”

Ivan, if you had to explain to a child who you are, what would you say?

Well, it depends on what I need from my child... If I need little from your child, namely that you allow her to watch TV after 11 pm, then for other children I am a good midnight wizard. I'm kind, well, don't take that away from me. On the air - most often late, around midnight... And since your daughter, and I myself still don’t understand how TV works, it represents a kind of magic for me. That's why I am a wizard.

Do you consider yourself an adult?

Depends on the light and on the angle at which the mirror hangs... And on the amount of clothes I’m wearing.

Have you grown up yet?

This is also all different... The fact is that among my close friends there are a lot of those who are older than me. In general, almost all the time I was always the junior in the company. Even at ProjectorParisHilton he was younger than everyone else. And suddenly it turned out that in the “Evening Urgant” program I was no longer the youngest... Yes, I actually didn’t think about it.

I meant something a little different. Has the inner feeling of adulthood already appeared?

No, no... Look, I play video games with the same gusto as if I were 12 years old. But people come to me Lately They are increasingly being addressed by their first and patronymic names. At first I thought they were mocking me, but then I realized: no, they were not mocking me.

Does this please you?

No. It’s more important to me that people call me “you” than call me by my first name and patronymic. Moreover, my colleague Sasha Tsekalo and I always said “you” to each other when we were on stage. And there is a certain element of play in this.

Will you also say “you” to the plumber who comes to your home?

Well, naturally! Like anyone else to a stranger. No matter how old this person is.

Another man

Ivan Urgant

I watched your play “Mad Money”. You have a serious role there, you, what surprised and delighted me, was the actor Ivan Urgant, and not the showman who suddenly appeared on stage... Why did the play cease to exist so quickly?

It seemed to me that it was time to leave him... This is a wonderful period of life when I was invited to the Pushkin Theater. I am always offered to play a huge number of enterprises in theaters, without any special complaints about quality, the main thing is that the name is on the poster. But I really wanted to come to the theater, then to the repertory one, with a good play, a good director. And I received such an offer from Roman Kozak and enjoyed playing with Vera Alentova, Viktor Verzhbitsky... Kolya Fomenko, with whom we became friends, also played there.

Ivan, aren’t you upset that only a negligible number of spectators have seen you as a serious and good dramatic actor?

Well, listen, I haven’t given up on either theater or cinema. Roles may emerge. I'm just too busy with television right now.

Don't you miss the stage and applause?

Well, I have a scene here in the program too...

That's not it.

But here, too, there is a viewer who comes to enjoy... You see, in latest performances I began to feel a certain routine. And I was afraid of this feeling. Then, you need to perform the play often in order to be constantly in good shape as an actor, but because of my work, I often couldn’t play in the theater.

Routine? In the theatre? But here, in “Evening Urgant”, is there really no routine?

Every day the same thing!

It’s the same thing here in the dressing room, but on the set everything is different every day: the guests are different, the music is different, the events are different! I love my job because it gives me the opportunity to meet people I want to meet. For example, with the actors of the series “The Thaw”...

By the way, did you really watch all 12 episodes?

Yes. With great pleasure. And I just watched them yesterday, and today I have the opportunity to talk with all the actors in my program. They probably looked at me as a strange person, because for me they were still the heroes of the film that made an impression on me... Thanks to the program, I met so many people.

Getting to know each other does not mean making friends...

Of course, you can’t make friends in half an hour without spilling water. But I recognize many of the guests from a completely different side. Here is Roma Bilyk, the leader of the group “Zveri”, he is not at all the same as we are used to seeing him on stage. Quite unexpectedly, Yuri Antonov opened up on the program and suddenly began telling funny stories.

Do you generally get along with people easily?

I try to make people who come to my program feel cozy and comfortable here. The best test is if guests want to come again.

Ivan, what is friendship?

...Well, when two people are friends... I probably can’t answer differently.

Okay, what is being friends?

Friendship is when you are confident in a person, when you are sure that a person, to his own detriment, without any benefit for himself, can help you. He can take part in your life, and you in his.

Are you a sociable person?

Certainly! I am the soul and other organs of the company... I love feasts and gatherings much more than nightclubs, restaurants and discos. I love communication. This is what I always miss.

Ivan, you are constantly on set, constantly talking to someone, getting to know someone... Is this really not enough for you?

Well, there are different kinds of communication! I can’t always tell in the studio what I tell at the table.

Minister with humor

Ivan Urgant

Let's return to your character in the play for a moment. He is very afraid of seeming funny to anyone. You are apparently the complete opposite of him in this?

If you are not afraid to be funny, the sea is up to your knees. Self-irony is a defense. Try to offend a person who laughs at himself with you. Will not work. And I really appreciate this quality in people.

Do you have to defend yourself this way?

From whom? From what?

From everything that happens in life. We need to be easier about ourselves and about what is happening around us, no matter how scary it may be. And no matter how hard it is. I believe that in our country a huge number of people lack a sense of humor. Especially the legislative and executive branches.

Why do they need it?

What do you mean why? If they had it, their life would be easier. And that means ours too.

Are you interested in politics at all?

Insofar as. Politicians came to our program several times: Anatoly Chubais, Sergei Lavrov.

How difficult is it to communicate with them?

Listen, I really liked it. We had a great conversation with Sergei Lavrov. It is pleasant to communicate with him because he is a person with humor.

And again, when describing someone, you say “a person with humor”... Is this really the most important quality for which you value people?

No, no, I just think that when a person has a sense of humor, this already indicates intelligence. It's more interesting with such people. Well, here's a simple example. When we asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs if he had a moment when, after signing another important document for our state, he went out into the street, undid the knot in his tie, got into an open car and drove along the highway and the warm Swiss wind played with his hair... And he laughed in response so cheerfully that I realized that he liked it.

Strict boss

Ivan Urgant

We know you as a cheerful joker and laugher. How do you talk to your boss?

With poorly concealed servility, but I do not deny myself the pleasure of making some joke.

Why can Konstantin Ernst make a claim against you by calling you on the carpet?

It happens... Well, for example, an artist comes and sings a too sad composition, and it happens that it’s impossible to get the guest to talk. Sometimes jokes are not funny.

And often after the broadcast you come up with a joke much more better than that one what was on air?

In 98 percent of cases.

Ladder thinking?

I didn't even know that definition. This always happens. And I say to myself: how can that be! Why not? And then I console myself, saying, well, at least I came up with a good joke later.

Is the humor in the program all yours or the staff of the authors?

Of course, there is a staff of authors. I would have cracked one long ago. No, we sit and come up with something. Most of all I like to sit with our guys and laugh at something, and it doesn’t matter whether it later goes into the program or not. You know, I really enjoy coming to work. We have such a good team here.

Nevertheless, for these people you are the boss, presenter, producer. Do you have your own office?

I can hardly imagine you sitting at a large desk.

I do not go there often. Mostly it is empty. We occasionally hold meetings there.

Do your subordinates take you seriously?

Well, seriously to some extent. We have an easy relationship. I don’t force people to come into my office with a bow and light candles at my feet. I want people to feel responsible, this is the main thing.

Do you have a lot of responsibility yourself?

Average. I'm still just learning to be responsible.

“Average” is not a definition. I don't understand what this means.

Well, I may be late, but fortunately I can’t help but come.

For example, does boss Ivan Urgant drive the car himself?

Ivan, we started our conversation with the theater, and we’ll end with it. Your very first role was that of Guard No. 12 in Macbeth. If you were suddenly offered to play him again now, what would you do with him?

I won't lie to you. How pleased I am that the same bomb that we planted when we wrote my biography for the site...

Didn't this happen?

No, of course, I played a guard, but he didn’t have a number. We came up with the number just like that. How would I play him? Yes, I didn’t play him then... I recently read a book by Eduard Kochergin, the main artist of the BDT, and realized how much I, a pig, did not have due respect for that task. I just went on stage, did something there and looked from afar at Alisa Brunovna Freindlich, who, fortunately, did not notice me, and therefore no negative influence my playing had no effect on her performance.

Wasn't she your guest?

This is one of my wishes - to invite her and Oleg Basilashvili here. You know, once his daughter Ksenia Basilashvili wrote that the city of St. Petersburg cannot heat the apartment where Oleg Valerianovich lives... And since he is not only great actor, but also a very modest person, he cannot come and, hitting the table with his fist, say: “I am Basilashvili, what are you allowing yourself here?!” And at such moments it becomes embarrassing.

What would you like? Our president has rusty water coming out of his tap...

Yes! And therefore, our goal is to help Oleg Basilashvili and the president.

Are you a modest person yourself? Can you come and hit the table with your fist and declare: “I am Ivan Urgant”?

No. I haven't done that yet and I hope I never will.

What is the difference evening Ivan URGANT from morning or afternoon? Nothing in particular! He walks through life with a light, swift gait and is always in good shape. He has a great sense of humor and a sly smile.

Photo: Nikolay Zverkov

Professional with capital letters, an exemplary family man, person with impeccable reputation. And also a very good conversationalist!

INAnya, well, our magazine has its first anniversary.

Yes, ten years.

And you have been with us all these years.

Yes, Vadik, you understand... Listen, I’m trying to remember how it was when it all just started. You came later... I remember something so glossy, so crispy, so pleasant. And you see, somehow everything is little by little: one thing, another, a third - now you’ve already headed OK!.

And I’m already doing my second interview with you.

Already the second interview. The years fly by.

The last time we met was when you were just launching your Evening Urgant program, and four and a half years had already passed. That was the first time you had your own office.

Yes, look, the program is still airing!

It goes on air, and it’s already on such strong rails.

But that’s not the question; there are a lot of rails in the country. The question is - where do they lead? Sometimes we start to wonder: where are we going anyway? Where is the station? And of course, in our business, in television, it is important who the switchman is. In this situation, I’m not a switchman, I’m not even a driver.

And who are you?

Well, I guess I'm such a conductor...

Not a conductor, but a conductor?

Well, what about the guide? I have never had much confidence in guides; they raise some questions in me. A man who makes your bed is somehow confusing, I would say so. And the woman conductor, she is good. We are people who have traveled through this country a lot. And in general, perhaps, in our country Railway remains the most important type transport, despite the fact that flying drones have already been invented.

So, why do you feel like a guide?

Just to make it more comfortable, you know? The conductor... she will carry the seagulls, open the canned food, tell you which grandmother is best to buy a pie from. But, if necessary, she can even pull the stop valve. If necessary, he will throw coal into the firebox.

Tell me, do you want to become a train manager? You have to grow somewhere.

Well, what conductor doesn’t want this... You see, any conductor can marry the head of the train. To be honest, I don’t want to become the head of the entire train (depending on what you mean by train, of course). I don't really like big, loud positions.

Is it true?


Well, you've never held a big position.

I know one thing: this is a big responsibility, which I wasn’t exactly looking for.

I'm the kind of person I want to be able to be irresponsible to some extent. And the more people depend on me... And so on our program a decent number of people already depend on me, and the more they depend on me, the more stressed I am all the time. I feel responsible, I can’t just do it, you know?

At the same time, you want to be irresponsible. When can you afford this very irresponsibility?

Listen, I may come at the wrong time, I may be late - well, these are tiny little things. In general, I am a rather irresponsible person, but I think about responsibility all the time. In general, thoughts that you are good are not very calming, right?

Do you often think about how good you are?

Happens. It all depends on how close I get to the mirror. “My good one,” I say, looking at myself in the mirror.

Do you most often like yourself in the mirror?

If we talk about appearance - yes. It's rare to find someone as handsome as me. But when it comes to creative things, I am, of course, a Samoyed. Samoyed, reflective neurasthenic. I worry, suffer and doubt.

Recently, director Alexander Molochnikov invited you to star in his debut film “Moscow”.

Until I enter the frame, it doesn’t mean anything. But if everything works out, you and I will both be filming there.

Yes, I'm already preparing for my acting debut. By the way, what advice can you give me as a professional?

It’s great that you came to me specifically for acting advice, because you are a journalist whose insinuating voice penetrated the ears of ninety-eight percent talented actors in this country. Of course, you did a few right things and made no mistakes: firstly, you did not ask your brother for advice, secondly, you did not ask everyone else, and thirdly, you ask me for advice. So, Vadik, remember: nothing is irreparable, you can always seize all copies with the help of a court and burn them if you don’t like it. If anything happens, we will apply administrative resources and close the picture.

Before closing a painting, it must at least be removed. Still, what advice can you give me?

No acting advice. You should probably listen to what the director tells you. At least that's what I always try to do. I can't boast of such a wide, big acting career for some reasons. One of which: I wasn’t particularly looking for this career. But nevertheless, I expect that there will be some person who will open this closed, stuck together bud in me, and it will bloom. I believe that in cinema it is important to very accurately fit a person into a role. It is very important to accurately fit into the character, into the film, into the canvas within which he is located.

Have you had any hits like this?

I think people who watch movies and see me on the screen still remember who I am and where I am.

Or maybe there is no need to change anything?

Perhaps there is no need. I don’t have any terrible actor’s complex, because, honestly, I’m very skeptical about this profession. You must love this profession, love it sacredly and devote your life, your whole self, to it, regardless of successes or failures, regardless of whether it is in demand or not.

Wait, well, you're still professional actor! Graduated from the Theater Academy in St. Petersburg.

I love something else terribly. I like it when people laugh in the hall, I like it when the people I talk to laugh, I like to create a joyful, positive atmosphere so that people around me smile more.

But there are situations when, to put it mildly, there is no time for jokes.

There are, of course. I have often noticed that a favorite profession is a way out of serious condition. If you love this business, then you forget everything, no matter how sad you are. And there have been such situations in my life, and this is not an attempt to prove or disprove the phrase that the stage heals. When you are doing something related to creativity, you cannot stand and think that everything is bad, you cannot think: “Well, how can this be, they took the car and took it to the impound lot, and now I have to tell you something.” You forget about it the second you go on stage or film set.

It’s much scarier when it’s not just that you don’t want to joke, but when you don’t want to laugh.


What needs to happen to make it not funny at all? I have no answer. You know, for example, once at a wake a person sitting next to him asked: “Vanya, seriously, why are you so sad?!” In general, Vadik, we are surrounded by absurdity. Here is the first biggest absurdity: your voice is twenty times quieter than mine.


And you put the recorder in my mouth, not in your own. This is absurd, you know? How can this be explained? I can almost feel it on my palate.

People who call themselves psychologists explain laughter at funerals as a desire to protect themselves from what is happening. Yes, maybe, if you have the opportunity to defend yourself, you should defend yourself with any possible ways. I have several comrades who have become for me an example of inexhaustible optimism. And my mother was like that. Mom lived a very difficult life, and I couldn’t explain it to myself, and I still can’t explain it - I never saw my mother in bad mood. I myself am balancing between monstrous apathy and despondency, which I can fall into in one second, spinning millions of options and schemes in my head, and the only way to get myself out of there is to try to look at everything more or less frivolously. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. And I’m not the person who will say: “Now grief has come to your family - look at it from a different angle! No need, don't be discouraged! Everything is fine!" I'm not like that at all.

Family, as I understand it, is your rear, where you can let yourself go and relax.

My family... It’s not like I came home, put on felt boots, climbed under the stove and asked for cheesecakes to be rolled there for me. There is no such. I can tell you, in life, in my family, I am practically no different from the person who is on stage or on television. I can’t afford to do much in the family, I can’t sit there, pouting like a mouse, being offended by everyone.

But it seems to me that today you can afford everything - both in life and on the screen.

The screen is already magnified, but if I puff up like a mouse on its rump, then not every diagonal will be able to accommodate my face. And as for home... Of course, friends, comrades, family, wife, children, parents - well, for whom is this not a home front? Well, Vadik, it’s not for you to talk about the opposite. Of course it is, and this is the most important thing. What could be more important than family and children? Don't know. First, children, family, and only then come gold watches and SUVs.

Vanya, you are, of course, an absolute workaholic. Do you even have time to keep track of how your children grow up, or is everything just according to the words of your wife Natasha?

Of course, it’s embarrassing when I come home late at night and realize that, for example, I haven’t seen one of my daughters for the last two days. Because she gets up early for school - I'm still sleeping, and when she returns, I'm at work. Of course, I terribly miss this communication and want to change myself. But there are some things that I can change, and there are things that I cannot change. Of course, I follow the development of children not only from the stories of my wife. Somehow we manage to do everything. But I remember the times when there was no work, I still remember this feeling.

I imagine...

I remember it very well... It was sad, Vadik, sad.

I remember when my parents didn’t have jobs in the late 80s and early 90s, I remember how we lived. On the other hand, you think: well, were we less happy then? No. And I myself didn’t have a job before arriving in Moscow - here everything has already gone as usual. Today I have already learned to refuse, learned to say no.

You know, the most important thing is not to learn to refuse, and not to worry if you suddenly sit at home and realize that you don’t have to run anywhere. Or, sitting on vacation on some beach, after four days not think: “Oh my God, I haven’t produced anything for four days!” This is the most important thing. In general, I really love my job, I can’t help it. I hope this shows.

It’s visible, Vanya, it’s visible. Listen, you're talking about the beach. And there are so many vacationers around who are watching you. Tell me, is there some corner of the world where people don’t recognize you?

Listen, this is a matter of television and the Internet, and I am far from hiding under a burdock leaf so that no one can see me. You know, I console myself with the thought that when I go out on the coast in tight swimming trunks, everyone turns around not because they saw me on TV, but simply because I am perfectly built. Difficult or complicated?

Complicated and difficult at the same time.

Yes. Then I see my own shadow and understand that this is not completely true, that there are probably representatives of countries here somewhere that are included in the First Channel broadcasting zone.

Is it important for you to wear tight swimming trunks?

How can you already... You know, I still remember - it was my first childhood shock - when on the coast of the Gulf of Finland, where we loved to relax, men appeared with their swimming trunks rolled up to them. They mastered this skill very skillfully. To be honest, I don’t particularly follow beach fashion, the main thing for me is that it doesn’t fall off. And then, I really love the time of year when it’s sunny and at the same time fresh.

That is, it's not hot.

That is, it's not hot. This is old age, probably Vadik. I think I've already gone through all my heat. I went through all of Israel, America, deserts, fifty-degree heat and everything, everything, everything. My family and I spent the summer in Jurmala - not a single person we knew. It’s wonderful, as if on an uninhabited island.

Where did you find such a place in Jurmala without a single acquaintance?​

It was me who hid in the barn and covered myself with slate. In general, we go to the Baltic coast, and we visit the country, and in Italy - I love this old Europe. In the summer we have a tradition of going to Stockholm, we try to go for two or three days.

Together with your wife?

And with my wife, and with children, and with friends. I really love Stockholm. It would seem that this is why I should love the Swedes? And I somehow warmed to them. They are all very nice guys. I generally love people. You know, Vadim, somehow I treat them all well. As long as a person doesn’t hit me with a ski pole, I treat him well.

And how often do you get hit with a ski pole?

You know, it happens. Well, they're not out of malice. And I don’t hold a grudge against anyone.

Did you acquire armor over time, or has it always been like this?

Well, I’m quietly worried somewhere, but not enough to talk about it from the pages of glossy magazines. Therefore, I have a very positive, positive attitude towards people. It’s not that I was so withdrawn and found my refuge in the company of domestic animals.

I think people around you want to be positive.

Maybe. There was, however, a long period that made me nervous. It didn't irritate me, it just made me nervous. When I strangers they said "you". And it was incredibly easy to explain: we, the people who appear on television constantly, have become friends and acquaintances for them, there’s nothing wrong with that. And now they have already begun to say “you” - apparently, age has already come.

They say “You, Ivan Andreevich”?

Some yes. Sometimes I even want to tell them: “What are you guys talking about, it’s me, Vanka!”

Do you still feel like Vanka?

Certainly. Well, what kind of Ivan Andreevich am I? Look at me, Vadik.

And you still say, old age has come!

Judging by the fact that several generations have already grown up, and I thought that everyone around me was my age...

Tell me, do you have a close relationship with your father?

My father and I have... I would say: a trusting relationship. The closest relationship I had with my father was when I needed it most. He was then the same age as I am now, and I was fifteen or sixteen. It lasted literally two years, and it was just a fairy tale. We had an incredible interest in each other, I fed and gained from him. And now it’s November - please, Andrei Lvovich is turning sixty years old, and everyone says: “Come on, look, sixty years old, what a young dad!” And then they said, “Come on, look, thirty-eight years old, what a young dad!” So he will always be a young dad. He gave birth to me when he was a little over eleven.

Vanya, I often watch “Evening Urgant”. It’s so nice that you don’t forget about Igor and me. Once he even sang a song about us on air.

I sang the song, yes. You, Vadik, are a man of deep inner culture. You understand that I don’t want to offend you with this song, that’s the most important thing. After all, many people think that if I say something funny about them, then I definitely want to prick them, tease them, and hurt them more. But this is not at all true.

And what a wonderful story it was with Bezrukov’s marriage! People even wrote to me later that Urgant called me “Vadik-Mogila” on air, they say, Seryozha shared information about the wedding with me in a friendly manner, and I published it in the magazine.

Vadik, I’m pleased that you follow what I do, because I follow very closely what you do. In general, I try to monitor what people around me are doing - you and I find reasons in everything. You are looking for reasons for your interviews, and I am looking for reasons to cheerfully talk about something from the screen. And due to the fact that I'm on long distance, it will not be possible to hit me, at least in the first second.

Vanya, why did you come up with Grisha Urgant? What's the catch?

This is not a joke. A joke is something very short-lived. And the “Grisha Urgant” project is something that makes me happy from the inside, I like standing on stage, singing songs and discovering that these songs are interesting to someone else. I always liked mustaches, my dad once wore a mustache, my grandfather, and now this fashion is coming back.

I thought it would be strange if I suddenly went on stage with a mustache and started singing songs in all seriousness. Well, what will it be? And everyone will say: “Well, why is that?” Therefore, I decided to perform like this, becoming Grisha Urgant. And then, I have a friend Grisha, the first song was written at his dacha. We had such a creative union: I sang a song, and he owned the dacha where I sang this song.

So we decided to come up with the group “Grisha Urgant”. That's how it all turned out.

Sorry, but why do you need fake mustaches?

Invoices? Vadim, but I can’t tell you about this. I'll tell you this: there is one hormonal cream, fast-acting. But I won't tell you anything more.

You have been running the “Smak” program for many years. Do you like to cook yourself?

Very. Over the years, I began to realize that I was paying more and more time and attention to food. I love food, I love cooking, I love the kitchen, I love kitchen utensils, I love being in the kitchen, I love when people sit in the kitchen, I love when people sit and eat together. Sometimes we gather at the dacha with friends - I really like to receive guests. I love it when my wife cooks, I help her, sometimes I cook something myself, although much less often. I really like this process: sit down, pour a glass of wine, talk about something, when you don’t have to go anywhere, when you are surrounded by people you love and love. This, it seems to me, is energetically very important point. I am not a mystic, but I understand perfectly well that the degree of warmth of a conversation is disproportionately higher when you are sitting at home than when you are sitting in the same company, but an elderly woman is dancing on a pole on the table.

You talk about food so deliciously. I'm not a gourmet at all, but...

Vadim, I have a feeling that the last time you ate was in 1992.

I don't eat much, it's true. Tell me, what things do you savor most in life?

We are all the same, it seems to me. What exactly does it mean to “savour”? To savor is to prolong the pleasure. When you read something interesting book, already on the fourth page you understand that it is fantastic, you understand that there are still seven hundred such pages. And so you put off reading so that later you can find a more comfortable place and sit down with this book. It happens. I love to savor good films, I like to savor communication with pleasant people. I am absolutely not a loner by nature.

Do you like sports? For example, I can’t imagine you on the football field.

Because I’m not wearing sports shorts right now, and “Kerzhakov” isn’t written on the back? But imagine that I have all this on me now, and now I’m already on the football field. But to be honest, the last time I played football was when I was a child, I don’t like it very much, I’m closer to basketball. I love watching basketball, I love reading about basketball, and I even like to play a little.

Vanya, wherever you are, you are sure to be the center of attention. Has it always been like this?

I have always enjoyed this since school. Yes and in kindergarten I liked it. At school we liked to shout something funny to our classmates and offensive to the subject we were currently studying. I was often kicked out of class for being a clown.

Is your nature like this?

I wanted to clown around, I wanted to laugh with everyone. Because of this, I have many gaps in my education that I would now like to fill. For example, I would like to understand more about history visual arts, world history artistic culture- I’m interested in this now, but then I didn’t care. Recently, Natasha and I were in the Russian Museum, where they showed us the incredible Malevich and Filonov, and this aroused emotion in me.

Of course, I go to all lines. To her performances that are staged at school. Recently there was such a story: they were asked to learn a poem about autumn. I gave Nina the lyrics to Shevchuk’s song “What is Autumn?” This is the sky, the crying sky under our feet...” And she has a phenomenal memory, she learned this poem in one second. At night I woke up in horror, wondering why I was dragging my child into this. Everyone in the class will read “The sky was already breathing in autumn, the sun was shining less often...”, and I have it - Shevchuk. I jump up in the morning, and my daughter has already left. I tell Natasha what to do, and she: “Don’t worry, we’ve already changed everything.”

Whose character does Nina have? Yours or Natasha's?

Our daughter's character is changing very quickly. Children grow incredibly quickly - both externally and internally. Nina will only be nine in May, and she is already the same as I was when I was eleven or twelve. She got something from me, something from Natasha. Let's see, the character will still be formed a little later. But she loves to laugh, this is important. And he also loves to eat, this is also important to me.

I don’t know Natasha very well, but it seems to me that she is a very serious girl.

You say that probably because you really don’t know Natasha well. She also knows what she says about you, and not everything is true either. I can say that Natasha is the absolute embodiment famous phrase Zhvanetsky: “From the wives one must choose cheerful ones, from cheerful ones - smart ones, from smart ones - gentle ones, from tender ones - faithful ones. And patient." Well, how can you say it better? Natasha has all this.

And more cheerful man than Natasha, it is impossible to meet. I can’t even imagine another woman next to me.

Great! As I understand it, you named Nina after your grandmother.

It was very funny. I have always liked this name and combination - “Nina Urgant”. I didn’t think that I would please my grandmother by naming my daughter after her. We simply named our daughter a name that we liked, and the grandmother began to tell in all interviews that the girl was named after her and how happy and proud she was. Natasha and I looked at each other and thought: why did she decide that? And then time passed, and I thought: why, really, couldn’t name my daughter in honor of grandmother Nina? That's how it all came together. It’s just that grandma realized this a little earlier than we did.

Vanya, tell me why they say that people who often joke in public ordinary life very gloomy? Do you even have this gloominess in you?

Well, it’s not for me to judge this. Maybe I have the feeling that I’m such a cheerful, gushing clown, but in reality I’m a closed mollusk in a shell. Don't know. Of course, sometimes there is a desire to sit in silence, to take a break from the sound own voice. True, such a desire arises.

It’s just that from most people in this profession they expect the same thing that they see on the screen, on stage. And when this does not happen in the first second, the person is immediately labeled as silent.

It seems to me that you fully justify the hopes of those who expect jokes from you.

Yes, listen, I’m giving you an interview right now and I’m holding myself back - my legs are dancing under the table! The legs are dancing, the soul is torn, you understand! And I think: I would rather finish with you, hold hands and run with you along Stoleshnikov Lane, singing songs. Want?

Of course, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Let's run, Vadik, let's run quickly! Let's run!