Card index (senior group) on the topic: card index of role-playing games in the senior group

By participating in games with everyday stories, children master the system of relationships in the family, learn to perform their household duties, and master self-care skills.

Let's go for a walk

Target: teach children, when going for a walk, to dress for the weather, to choose comfortable clothes and the necessary accessories; develop vocabulary (names of clothing items); bring up careful attitude To environment, to form skills of aesthetic contemplation.

Before the walk, the teacher informs the children that new friends have come to their group. The children are invited to get acquainted with the dolls. After this, the teacher offers to take the dolls with them for a walk, but to do this they need to help them choose the right clothes for the weather.

Children are divided into groups, each of which must dress one doll. First, they need to choose and name the items of clothing correctly (the set should include clothing for all seasons). It is advisable for children to explain their choice.

After all the clothes are collected, you need to discuss the order of dressing the dolls and proceed to its implementation. Particular attention should be paid to buttoning clothing and tying shoelaces or ribbons.

When all groups have completed the task, the children dress themselves and go for a walk with their dolls. Returning back, they must undress the dolls while commenting on their actions.

Daughters and mothers

Target: encourage children to reproduce family relationships and interpret them creatively; introduce a wide range of household responsibilities; disclose moral meaning actions of adults; cultivate a sense of mutual understanding and care for others.

Both boys and girls are invited to participate in the game. They usually fill the roles of parents or grandparents and other adult relatives. The role of children is given to dolls.

First, everyone must recreate the home environment together: arrange the furniture, put things away. Children also need to agree on who will perform what roles. The teacher can only observe this process and help resolve conflict situations. It is best not to let the game take its course, but to invite children to “live” specific situations:

  • “Getting the children ready for kindergarten”;
  • "Day off";
  • "Big Cleaning"
  • “Repairing a stool”;
  • “At the dinner table”, etc.

The course of the game should involve not only communication between children, but also contain elements of labor. Before the game, you can read a family story to the children. everyday theme, and then discuss it and offer to demonstrate the correct model of behavior in the described situation through the game.

Visiting Moidodyr

Target: to develop hygiene skills in children, to expand their knowledge about how to use hygiene items; teach daily hygiene procedures; cultivate cleanliness and a desire to take care of one’s health.

At the beginning of the game, the teacher informs the children that a package from Moidodyr was brought to their group. If necessary, you can talk about who he is, show a cartoon, or read a book of the same name and look at its illustrations.

You can invite the children to act out the story of getting ready for kindergarten in the morning or dressing up in the evening before going to bed.

We welcome guests

Target: teach children to prepare for receiving guests, do cleaning, and set the table correctly; develop collaboration skills; instill the need to constantly maintain cleanliness.

The teacher warns the children that children from another group will come to visit them today. Therefore, you need to be well prepared to receive them.

There are two options for playing the game:

  • children are divided into groups, and each performs a separate task (clean up, set the table, think about what to do with the guests);
  • children act collectively, and all tasks are completed one by one.

After preparation, the children receive guests.

This type of game also includes the following: “I have a little brother”, “Little pets”, “Gathering the harvest”».

Role-playing games on production topics

Card index with plot role playing games V senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard with goals includes scenarios on production topics. This group of games is aimed at introducing children to professions, features labor activity, the main production processes.

Morning in kindergarten

Target: introduce children to the responsibilities of kindergarten employees; ; cultivate respect for work and a desire to provide all possible assistance.

For this game it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation. Children are invited to observe the actions of the staff for several days during the morning reception of pupils, breakfast or any other events intended for later reproduction.

The game begins with a conversation about what professions people work in their kindergarten. The responsibilities of each of them can be briefly discussed. After this, roles should be distributed. Visitors to the kindergarten will be toys and dolls.

To begin with, children are given specific tasks: simulate a meeting with the children’s teacher, prepare breakfast and feed everyone, conduct morning exercises etc. The presenter monitors the relationships between the children, teaches them to communicate politely with each other, introduces them to the established wording of greetings and voicing commands.


Target: introduce the features professional activity store workers; develop dialogical speech; develop skills to coordinate their actions with other peers; cultivate neatness, sociability, politeness.

At the preparatory stage, it is recommended to take a tour of the store and observe the unloading of goods, their placement on shelves, sale and purchase. You can invite the children to talk about how they and their parents make purchases in the store. If someone's parents work in a store, you need to ask about their professional responsibilities.

  • select and buy the desired product;
  • get advice from a manager;
  • pack your purchases correctly;
  • return defective goods.

The game can be played several times, inviting children to visit different product departments.


Target: arouse interest in the professions of a doctor and nurse; expand children's knowledge about the responsibilities of medical staff; develop interviewing skills; cultivate empathy, the desire to care for others, and provide assistance.

The game may be preceded by a visit to a medical office and listening to stories on a relevant topic. Children will talk about their experience of going to the doctor.

All participants in the game are assigned to roles and discuss their responsibilities: doctor (conduct an examination, listen to complaints and prescribe treatment), nurse (provide first aid, carry out procedures), patients (depict symptoms of the disease). We must not forget about the use of special clothing.

You can play out the following stories:

  • being examined by a doctor;
  • sore throat;
  • cut my finger;
  • we go for vaccination, etc.

During the game, children should pay attention to expressing sympathy for patients and showing care for them.

Subjects similar role-playing games extensive. Children really like games “School”, “Construction site”, “Hairdresser”, “Beauty salon”, “Pizzeria”, “Police”, “Firemen”, “Cosmonauts” etc.

Role-playing games on social topics

Role-playing games in the senior group include plots in which various situations are played out in in public places, company of friends. By involving children in the games of this group, they can develop skills in social behavior and communication with their peers and adults.


Target: teach rules of behavior in the zoo; expand knowledge about animals, their food preferences and habits; develop vocabulary (names of animals); cultivate a love for animals.

The teacher announces to the children that they will go on an excursion to the zoo and finds out what they know about this place. Next, the presenter introduces the children to the procedure for purchasing tickets and presenting them at the entrance. After explanations, this situation is played out by the children.

The main part of the game is learning about the rules of behavior at the zoo and talking about the animals they will meet there. Children especially need to pay attention to observing safety precautions when dealing with predators.

Mashenka's birthday

Target: introduce children to the rules of receiving guests; expand knowledge of how to give and receive gifts; teach serving festive table; develop communication skills; cultivate politeness, Attentive attitude to comrades.

The plot of the game is that Mashenka is going to celebrate her birthday and invites all the guys to visit her. This game can be divided into several parts:

  • going to visit;
  • select congratulations;
  • we accept gifts;
  • we treat guests;
  • birthday entertainment.

At the end of the game, you can ask the children what they liked most about the holiday.


Target: learn the rules of behavior on the street as a pedestrian or driver; learn to recognize signs and traffic lights, respond to sound signals; develop the ability to act according to an algorithm and control your behavior; cultivate a sense of responsibility and tolerance.

The game is preceded by a big preparatory work. Over the course of several walks, the teacher introduces children to general view streets, the type of buildings and their purpose, various cars that drive along the street (including specialized cars).

Since street traffic is very complex, with big amount participants and rules, it is recommended to conduct such a game in the form of a story with illustrations. After the roles are assigned, the teacher begins to describe the “life” of the street, and the children stage it. In this way, it will be possible to combine disparate events into a single plot.

Replies can be as follows:

Seryozha approached the traffic light. The traffic light turned red. What should the boy do? That's right, wait. Cars drive past him.

Now the traffic light is green. What is Seryozha doing? (Moves) How should this be done correctly? (By pedestrian crossing).

Children not only answer the teacher’s questions, but also carry out voiced actions. It is better in this game to choose two or three main characters who must complete a specific task: get to school, drive to the hospital, etc. The rest play the role of extras.

You can also offer children such games “Let’s go to the cafe”, “We are athletes”, “Library”, “Circus”.

By taking part in role-playing games, children expand their knowledge about public relations, develop interaction skills, learn to find solutions in various situations. Thanks to this play activity an effective social environment is created for the children, promoting the development of each individual’s personality in accordance with their individual characteristics and creative inclinations.

Text: Marina Gladko, Photo: Denisova Tatyana Vladimirovna, Boldysheva Elena Sergeevna, speech therapists, GBDOU Kindergarten No. 74, St. Petersburg from the article.


Card No. 1. "Home, family"

Tasks: Encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Improve the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot. Disclose moral essence activities of adults: a responsible attitude to their responsibilities, mutual assistance and the collective nature of work.

Game actions:Game problem situations: “When mom and dad are not at home” (taking care of the younger ones, doing all possible homework), “We are preparing for the holiday” (joint activities with the family), “Welcoming guests” (rules for receiving guests, behavior at a party), “Our day off”, “Walk in the forest”, “Family lunch”, etc. Introduce elements of labor into the game: washing doll clothes, mending clothes, cleaning the room. As the game progresses, select and change toys and objects, construct a game environment using game modules, use your own homemade products, and use natural materials.

Game material:household items, dolls.

Card No. 2. "Mothers and Daughters"

Tasks: see “Home, family”

Game actions:Mom carefully feeds, dresses, undresses, puts her daughter to bed, washes, cleans the room, irons the clothes. Mom goes with her daughter to the hairdresser, combs her hair beautifully, decorates the Christmas tree at home, buys food at the store, and prepares a delicious lunch. dad comesfrom work, they sit down to dinner.

Guests arrive. Celebrating the birthday of a daughter or son.

Dad is a truck (or taxi) driver. Dad is a builder at a construction site.

My daughter caught a cold and got sick. Mom took her to the doctor, put mustard plasters on her at home, and gave her medicine.

Mom took her daughter for a walk. They ride the bus, ride on the swings in the park. Grandma came to visit for her birthday. Celebrate New Year.

Mom takes her daughter to puppet show, to the circus, to the cinema, to school.

Game material:household items, dolls

Card number 3. "A trip to the forest to pick mushrooms"

Tasks: Encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Improving the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot.

Game actions:Children help get ready for the trip. Mom checks how the children are dressed. Dad drives the car, steers, gives a signal, troubleshoots problems, makes stops, announces them. In the forest, parents check their children to see if they know the names of mushrooms and berries, which ones are poisonous and which ones are edible.

Preliminary work: Conversations about family relationships. Dolls, toy dishes, furniture, play attributes (aprons, scarves), substitute items. Reading fiction Examination of illustrations on the topic. Making attributes for the game.

Card No. 4. "Kindergarten"

Tasks: expand and consolidate children’s ideas about the content of the labor actions of kindergarten employees.

Game actions:The teacher receives children, talks with parents, conducts morning exercises, classes, organizes games... The junior teacher monitors order in the group, assists the teacher in preparing for classes, receives food... The speech therapist works with children on making sounds, developing speech... Music. the leader conducts music. activity. The doctor examines the children, listens, and makes prescriptions. The nurse weighs, measures children, gives vaccinations, injections, gives pills, checks the cleanliness of groups and kitchens. The cook prepares food and gives it to the teacher's assistants.

Game situations:“Morning reception”, “Our classes”, “On a walk”, “ Musical entertainment”, “We are athletes”, “Examination by a doctor”, “Lunch in the kindergarten”, etc.

Preliminary work:Supervising the work of a teacher and assistant teacher. Conversation with children about the work of a teacher, assistant teacher, cook, nurse and other kindergarten workers. Excursion-inspection of the music (physical education) hall, followed by a conversation about the work of muses. manager (physical supervisor). Excursion-inspection of medical. office, observation of the doctor’s work, conversations from personal experience children. Inspection of the kitchen, conversation about technical equipment that makes the work of kitchen workers easier. Game-dramatization based on N. Zabila’s poem “Yasochkin’s kindergarten” using toys. Children write stories on the topic “My best day in kindergarten.” Reading the story “Compote” by N. Artyukhova and talking about the work of those on duty. Using Petrushka, show skits on the topics “Our life in kindergarten”, “Good and bad deeds”. Selection and production of toys for the roles of muses. worker, cook, assistant teacher, nurse.

Game material:notebook for recording children, dolls, furniture, kitchen and dining utensils, cleaning kits, honey. tools, clothes for a cook, doctor, nurse, etc.

Card No. 5. "School"
Tasks: Expand children's knowledge about school. Help children master expressive means implementation of the role (intonation, facial expressions, gestures). Create your own gaming environment for your intended purpose. To contribute to the formation of the ability to creatively develop game plots. Help children learn some moral standards. Bring up fair relations. Strengthen forms of polite address. Develop friendship, the ability to live and work in a team.

Game actions: The teacher conducts the lessons, the students answer questions, tell stories, and count. The director (head teacher) is present at the lesson, makes notes in his notebook (the teacher in the role of director can call the teacher to his office and give advice), the head teacher draws up a lesson schedule. The technician monitors the cleanliness of the room and rings the bell. Learn to build a game according to a preliminary, collectively drawn up plot plan. Encourage the construction of interconnected buildings (school, street, park), while correctly distributing the responsibilities of each participant in collective activity.

Preliminary work:Conversation about school supplies using illustrated material. Riddles about school, school supplies. Reading to children the works of S. Marshak “The First of September”, Aleksin “The First Day”, V. Voronkova “Girlfriends Go to School”, E. Moshkovskaya “We Play School”. Memorizing poems by A. Alexandrova “To School”, V. Berestov “Counting Table”. Meeting with kindergarten graduates (organization of leisure activities). Making attributes for the game (briefcases, notebooks, baby books, schedules...)

Game material:briefcases, books, notebooks, pens, pencils, pointer, maps, blackboard, teacher's desk and chair, globe, teacher's magazine,

bandages for duty officers.

Card number 6. "Polyclinic"

Tasks: To arouse children's interest in the medical profession. To cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

Game actions:The patient goes to the reception desk, takes a coupon to see the doctor, and goes to the appointment. The doctor sees patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, looks at their throat, and makes a prescription. The nurse writes a prescription, the doctor signs it. The patient goes to the treatment room. The nurse gives injections, bandages wounds, applies ointment, etc. The nurse cleans the office and changes the towel.

Game situations:“At an appointment with an ENT doctor”, “At an appointment with a surgeon”, “At an appointment with an ophthalmologist”, etc.

Preliminary work:Excursion to the medical office. Observation of the doctor’s work (listens with a phonendoscope, looks at the throat, asks questions). Listening to K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit” in a recording. Excursion to the children's clinic. Reading lit. works: Y. Zabila “Yasochka caught a cold”, E. Uspensky “Played at the hospital”, V. Mayakovsky “Who should I be?” Examination of medical instruments (phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, tonometer, tweezers, etc.) Conversation with children about the work of a doctor and nurse. Looking at illustrations about a doctor, honey. sister. Modeling “Gift for sick Yasochka.” Making game attributes with children with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, medical cards, coupons, etc.)

Game material:

Card No. 7. "Hospital"


Game actions:The patient is admitted to the emergency room. The nurse registers him and takes him to the room. The doctor examines patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, looks at their throat, and makes a prescription. The nurse gives medications to patients, takes temperatures, gives injections and dressings in the treatment room, treats wounds, etc. The nurse cleans the room and changes the linen. Patients are visited by relatives and friends.

Preliminary work:see "Polyclinic"

Game material:gowns, caps, pencil and paper for prescriptions, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.

Card No. 8. "Ambulance"

Tasks: arouse children's interest in the professions of a doctor and nurse; cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

Game actions:The patient calls 03 and calls an ambulance: gives his full name, tells his age, address, complaints. The ambulance arrives. A doctor and a nurse go to a patient. The doctor examines the patient, listens carefully to his complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, and looks at his throat. The nurse measures the temperature, follows the doctor’s instructions: gives medicine, gives injections, treats and bandages the wound, etc. If the patient feels very bad, he is taken away and taken to the hospital.

Preliminary work:see "Polyclinic"

Game material:telephone, gowns, caps, pencil and paper for prescriptions, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.

Card number 9. "Pharmacy"

Tasks: arouse children's interest in the profession of pharmacist; cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

Game actions:The driver brings medicine to the pharmacy. Pharmacy workers put them on shelves. People come to the pharmacy to buy medicine. The prescription department dispenses medications according to doctor's prescriptions. Here they make potions, ointments, drops. Some visitors talk about their problems and ask which medicine is best to buy, the pharmacist advises. They sell it in the herbal department medicinal herbs, gatherings, cocktails.

Preliminary work:Looking at the set of postcards “Medicinal Plants”. Examination of medicinal plants in the kindergarten area, in the meadow, in the forest. Riddles about medicinal plants. Making game attributes with children with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, potions.)

Game material:gowns, hats, recipes, honey. instruments (tweezers, spatula, pipette, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, syringe, etc.), cotton wool, bandage, ointments, tablets, powders, medicine. herbs.

Card number 10. "Veterinary hospital"

Tasks: arouse children's interest in the profession of veterinarian; to cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards animals, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

Game actions:Sick animals are brought and brought to the veterinary hospital. The veterinarian receives patients, listens carefully to their owner’s complaints, asks questions, examines the sick animal, listens with a phonendoscope, measures the temperature, and makes a prescription. The nurse writes a prescription. The animal is taken to the treatment room. The nurse gives injections, treats and bandages wounds, applies ointment, etc. The nurse cleans the office and changes the towel. After the appointment, the owner of the sick animal goes to the veterinary pharmacy and buys the medicine prescribed by the doctor for further treatment at home.

Preliminary work:Conversation with children about the work of a veterinarian. Drawing “My Favorite Animal” Making attributes for the game with children with the involvement of parents (robes,hats, recipes, etc.)

Game material:animals, gowns, hats, pencil and paper for prescriptions, phonendoscope, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.

Card No. 11. "Zoo"

Tasks: expand children's knowledge about wild animals: cultivate kindness, responsiveness, sensitive, attentive attitude towards animals, a culture of behavior in public places.

Game actions:Builders are building a zoo. The driver brings the animals. The movers unload and put the cages with the animals in place. Zoo workers care for the animals (feed, water, clean the cages). A veterinarian examines animals (measures temperature, listens with a phonendoscope) and treats patients. The cashier sells tickets. The guide conducts a tour, talks about animals, and talks about safety measures. Visitors buy tickets, listen to the guide, and watch the animals.

Preliminary work:Reading literary works about animals. Looking at illustrations of wild animals. Listening to K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit” on audio recording. Examination with children of illustrations to the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit.” Children's stories “How we went to the zoo” A teacher's story about the work of a veterinarian at the zoo. Conversation with children about the rules of safe behavior at the zoo. Drawing "What I saw at the zoo." Collective modeling “Zoo” Making attributes for the game with children.

Game material:large construction material, wild animals (toys), dishes for feeding animals, cleaning equipment (buckets, brooms, dustpans), gowns, hats, sanitary bag (phonendoscope, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders) , box office, tickets, money.

Card number 12. "Shop"

Tasks: arouse children's interest in the sales profession, develop skills in a culture of behavior in public places, and cultivate friendly relationships.

Game actions:The driver brings the goods by car, the loaders unload them, and the sellers arrange the goods on the shelves. The director keeps order in the store, makes sure that goods are delivered to the store on time, calls the base, and orders goods. Buyers arrive. Sellers offer goods, show them, weigh them. The buyer pays for the purchase at the cash register and receives a receipt. The cashier receives the money, punches the check, gives the buyer change and a check. The cleaning lady is cleaning the room.

Game situations:“Gegetable shop”, “Clothing”, “Products”, “Fabrics”, “Souvenirs”, “Books”, “Sporting goods”, “Furniture store”, “Toy store”, “Pet store”, “Hats”, “Flower” shop, bakery and etc.

Preliminary work:Excursion to the store. Monitoring the unloading of goods in a grocery store. Conversation with children about the excursions. Reading literary works: B. Voronko “The Tale of Unusual Purchases” and others. Ethical conversation about behavior in public places.

Children meet with their mother, who works as a salesperson in a store. Children compose stories on the topic “What can we do?”: “How to buy bread in a bakery?”, “How to cross the road to get to the store?”, “Where do they sell notebooks and pencils?” etc. Making game attributes with children (candy, money, wallets, plastic cards, price tags, etc.).

Game material:scales, cash register, gowns, hats, bags, wallets, price tags, goods by department, machine for transporting goods, cleaning equipment.

Card number 13. “At the exhibition of folk art” - “Fair”

Tasks: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the diversity of folk art, introduce them to Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymkovo toys, Gorodets painting, be able to name the main elements of these types of crafts, cultivate a sense of beauty, a desire to continue the traditions of their people, expand the vocabulary of children: “ Khokhloma painting”, “folk art”, “folk craft”, “Dymkovo toy”, “Gzhel”, “gorodets”, “curl”, “curl”, etc.

Game actions:The teacher invites the children to go to a folk art exhibition. The bus leaves in 5 minutes. The driver is already waiting for us. Children at the ticket office buy bus tickets and then take seats on the bus. To avoid boredom on the way, children sing their favorite song. Finally everything is in place. The children are met by a guide and invited to the Khokhloma hall. Children look at objects painted with Khokhloma, remember where this craft originated, what main elements are used in Khokhloma, what color of paint is used, what objects are painted with Khokhloma, etc. In the hall of Dymkovo toys they are met by another guide. In the same way, children visit the hall of Gorodets painting and the hall of Gzhel. You can remember the poems interesting points in class when meeting with folk art. The excursion is over, the children go home by bus. Along the way they share their impressions.

Game material:a bus made of chairs, a steering wheel for the driver, a ticket office, bus tickets, a display case with Dymkovo toys, an exhibition of objects painted with Khokhloma, Gzhel, and Gorodets painting.

Card number 14. "Bread Factory"

Tasks: Familiarizing children with the work of adults working at a bakery.

Game actions:The director of the bakery organizes the work of the bakery employees. Ensures distribution of finished products.

Deals with the purchase of raw materials for making bread.

Monitors the quality of employee work. Baker bakes baked goods different varieties and different sizes; group finished products by grade and size. The controller determines the assortment, quality and quantity of bakery products, controls the correctness of their layout, and checks the readiness of the products. Drivers load finished goods into cars from the warehouse; deliver bakery products to shops and stalls, having previously determined their quantity and size.

Preliminary work:Conversation about bread. Visit to the kindergarten kitchen. Baking bread products from salt dough. Design of equipment for a bakery. Examination of illustrations on the topic. Making attributes for the game.

Card number 15. "Sewing Studio"

Tasks: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about working in a sewing studio, form the initial idea that a lot of work is spent on making each item, strengthen social behavior skills, thank for the help and care provided, develop and strengthen friendly relationships between children.

Game situations:"Hat Salon"

Game actions:choosing a style, advice, placing an order, taking measurements, laying out patterns and cutting, fitting, sewing products, finishing them, embroidery, ironing, the seamstress delivers the finished product to the warehouse, paying for the order, receiving the order.

Preliminary work:Meeting with employees sewing studio(parents), conversation. Reading works: S. Mikhalkov “The Tailor Hare”, Viktorov “I sewed a dress for my mother”, Grinberg “Olin’s apron”. Didactic game“What wool do you have?” Examination of tissue samples. Conversation “What fabric can be sewn from?” Making the album “Fabric Samples”. Looking at fashion magazines. Application "Doll in beautiful dress" Manual labor “Sew on a button.” Making attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (display case, ironing boards, sets of fabrics, buttons, threads, patterns, etc.)

Game material:various fabrics on display, sets containing threads, needles, buttons, thimbles, 2-3 sewing machines, scissors, patterns, measuring tape, cutting table, irons, ironing boards, aprons for seamstresses, a fashion magazine, dressing table, receipts .

Card number 16. "Photo studio"

Tasks: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about working in a photo studio, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite address to elders and to each other, to teach gratitude for the help and service provided.

Game actions:The cashier takes the order, receives the money, and issues a check. The client says hello, places an order, pays, takes off his outerwear, cleans up, takes a photo, and thanks for the service. The photographer takes photographs, takes photographs. In a photo studio you can take photographs, develop film, view film on a special device, take photographs (including for documents), enlarge and restore photographs, buy a photo album, photographic film.

Preliminary work:Ethical conversation about the culture of behavior in public places. Looking at an album with sample photographs. Getting to know the camera. Examination of a child's and a real camera. Consideration family photos. Making attributes for the game with children.

Game material:children's cameras, mirror, comb, film, sample photographs, photo frames, photo albums, money, checks, cash register, sample photographs.

Card No. 17. "Beauty saloon"

Tasks: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about working in the “Beauty Salon”, instill a desire to look beautiful, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite treatment of elders and each other.

Game actions:The hairdresser washes the hair, combs it, makes haircuts, dyes the hair, shaves, and refreshes with cologne. The manicurist does a manicure, coats the nails with varnish, and gives recommendations on hand care. The master of the beauty salon massages the face, wipes it with lotion, applies cream, paints the eyes, lips, etc. The cashier knocks out receipts. The cleaning lady sweeps, changes used towels and napkins. Visitors politely greet the salon employees, ask for a service, consult with the specialists, pay at the cash desk, and thank them for the services.

Preliminary work:Children visiting a hairdresser with their parents. Children's stories about what they did at the hairdresser. A teacher's story about the culture of behavior in public places. Looking at an album with hairstyle samples. Examination of booklets with samples of cosmetic products. Didactic game “Let’s comb the doll’s hair beautifully.” Didactic game “Cinderella is going to the ball.” Walk to the nearest hairdresser. Making attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (robes, capes, towels, napkins, etc.)

Game material:mirror, set of combs, razor, scissors, hair clipper, hair dryer, hairspray, cologne, nail polish, children's cosmetics, album with hairstyle samples, hair dye, robes, capes, towels, cash register, receipts, money, mop, bucket.

Card No. 18. "Salon"- "Barbershop for Animals"

Tasks: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the work of a hairdresser, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite treatment of elders and each other, teach gratitude for the help and service provided

Roles: hairdressers - ladies' master, men's hairdresser, cashier, cleaner, clients.

Game actions:The cashier knocks out checks. The cleaning lady sweeps and changes used towels. Visitors take off their outerwear, politely greet the hairdresser, ask for a haircut, consult with the hairdresser, pay at the cash desk, and thank them for their services. The hairdresser washes hair, dries it, combs it, makes haircuts, dyes hair, shaves, refreshes with cologne, gives recommendations on hair care. Can be combined with the game "Home, Family"

Barber shop for animals- they cut the dogs' hair and comb their hair. They prepare animals for performances in the circus, do their hair, and tie bows.

Preliminary work:see "Beauty salon"

Game material:see "Beauty salon"

Card No. 19. "Library"

Tasks: display knowledge about the surrounding life in the game, show social significance libraries; expand ideas about library workers, establish rules of behavior in a public place; introduce the rules for using the book; awaken interest and love for books, cultivate a caring attitude towards them.

Game actions:Registration of reader forms. Librarian accepting applications. Working with a card index. Issuance of books. Reading room.

Preliminary work:Excursion to the library followed by conversation. Reading the work of S. Zhupanin “I am a librarian”, opening a “Book Workshop” for book repair. Exhibition of drawings based on the works read.

Game material:forms, books, card index.

Card number 20. "Construction"

Tasks: form concrete ideas about construction and its stages; consolidate knowledge about working professions; cultivate respect for the work of builders; develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game.

Game actions:Selection of construction site. Selection of building material and method of delivery to the construction site. Construction. Building design. Delivery of the object.

Preliminary work. Reading the fairy tale “Teremok”, the works “Who built this house?” S. Baruzdina, “There will be a city here” by A. Markushi, “How the metro was built” by F. Lev. Examination of paintings, illustrations about construction and conversations on the content. Conversation about safety at a construction site. Drawing on the theme “Building a house.” Making attributes for games.

Game material:construction plans, various building materials, uniforms, hard hats, tools, construction equipment, material samples, design magazines, substitute items.

Card number 21. "Circus"

Tasks: consolidate children’s ideas about cultural institutions, rules of behavior in public places; consolidate knowledge about the circus and its workers.

Game actions:Buying tickets, coming to the circus. Purchasing attributes. Preparing artists for the performance, drawing up a program. Circus show with intermission. Taking photographs.

Preliminary work:Looking at illustrations about the circus. Conversation on children's personal impressions of visiting the circus. Reading the works “Girl on a Ball” by V. Dragunsky, “Circus” by S. Marshak, “My Friends Cats” by Y. Kuklachev. Production of game attributes (tickets, programs, posters, garlands, flags, etc.)

Game material:posters, tickets, programs, costume elements, attributes (spouts, caps, whistles, soap bubbles, “ears”), garlands, flags, attributes for circus performers (ropes, hoops, balls, clubs), cosmetic sets, overalls for ticket takers, buffet workers, etc.

Card number 22. "Migratory birds.

The appearance of chicks in the nest"

Tasks: Developing in children the ability to take on the role of birds.

Strengthen children's ability to dramatize fairy tales and stories they like.

Game actions:Birds are happy about the appearance of chicks and treat their offspring with care. They protect them from troubles, feed them, teach them to fly.

Preliminary work:Familiarity with the distinctive features of migratory birds through pictures, illustrations, reading poems and stories about birds.Examination of illustrations on the topic. Making attributes for the game.Substitute items, toys.

Card No. 23. Theater. "Bird Bazaar"

Tasks: Reproduction of elements of matinees and entertainment in games; developing the ability to act in accordance with the role taken. Strengthen children's ability to dramatize fairy tales and stories they like.

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Game actions:Visitors came to the theater. They go to the wardrobe. To undress, purchase tickets at the box office. They take their seats according to the purchased tickets. The actors perform a performance based on the stories they like.

Preliminary work:Reading. V. Bianchi “Sinichkin calendar”

B. Brecht “Winter conversation through the window”

E. Nosov “Like a crow got lost on the roof”

Invite children to make attributes for the games (posters, tickets, elements for costumes)

Card number 24. "Drivers"

Tasks: To acquaint children with the work of transport, the work of transport workers: driver, operator, dispatcher, car mechanic, etc.
Provide knowledge about what drivers transport a large number of passengers, deliver various goods to the cities and villages of our big country.
In order for the vehicles to go on the road and deliver cargo on time, they are repaired, cleaned, lubricated, and refueled.
Expand children's understanding of the work of transport workers and their social significance.
To foster interest and respect for the work of transport workers, to encourage a desire to work as conscientiously and responsibly as adults, and to take care of the safety of equipment.
Promote the emergence of plot-role and creative games: « Traffic", "Drivers", "Traffic light", "Gas station" and others.

Game actions:Cars carry dolls and building materials. The driver drives the car carefully so as not to run into people. The cars are filled with gasoline, driven to the construction site, unloaded with construction material, and filled with sand. The driver drives through a green traffic light and stops at a red light.

Taxi driver - takes people to work, to the theater, to the cinema.

Truck driver- pours gasoline into the car, washes it, and puts it in the garage.

Bus driver- drives the car carefully, carefully, conductor sells tickets. The bus takes people wherever they need to go: to visit, to work, home.

Stands at the crossroads policeman – regulates movement.

Pedestrians walking along the sidewalk. The road turns green.

There is a special zebra crossing for pedestrians. We follow the rules traffic.

Driver fire truck - brings firefighters in case of fire, helps to extend the ladder and deploy the fire hose.

Ambulance driver- helps load patients into the car, gives stretchers, drives carefully.

Game situations:« A fun trip by bus", "Let's clear the city streets from snow" (snowplows)

Game material:Road signs, caps with stencils “taxi”, “milk”, “bread”, “cargo”, “construction”, “ambulance”, “fire”, steering wheels of different diameters - 5-10 pcs., silhouettes of different cars for dressing around the neck, police batons, gas station from boxes, substitute toys.

Card number 25. "Space flights"

(“Rocket Travel”, “Training to Become an Astronaut”, “Medical Examination of Astronauts”)

Tasks: .Acquaintance with the pioneers who conquered the Universe.

To consolidate children's knowledge of the topic "Space".

To foster feelings of patriotism and pride for the country that was the first to pave the way into space.

Enrich children's vocabulary with new concepts.

Game actions:Training of astronauts, flights into space to study stars and other planets.

Doctors “check the health” of astronauts before the flight.

They built a space rocket astronauts flew to the moon to study lunar soil. There are depressions and mountains on the Moon. Landing on the Moon, we walk in zero gravity, photograph lunar landscapes, stars, the sun. We move on the moon on a lunar rover.

We flew to other planets: Mars, Saturn. We study soil samples from other planets.

In space we use space food and spacesuits for protection. Communicating with aliens . We exchange souvenirs. We go into outer space.

We keep in touch with the ground, use video communications, computers, cameras.

We meet the astronauts on the ground after their flights. Doctors check your health after the flight and measure your blood pressure. Other cosmonauts are being trained on simulators.

Game material:Polyethylene spacesuits, a map of the Earth, the Moon, the starry sky, a lunar rover, an antenna, a walkie-talkie, a control panel, headphones, a tablet, a notepad, a camera, postcards of the planets, the starry sky.

Card number 26. "War Games"

Tasks: Develop the theme of paramilitary games, teach children to carry out tasks accurately, be attentive, careful, instill respect for military professions, a desire to serve in the army, expand children's vocabulary - “reconnaissance”, “scouts”, “sentry”, “security”, “ soldiers."

Game actions:

Border guards - bold, courageous, dexterous. Border guard training, classes, recreation. Dog training. A border guard at his post guards the borders of our Motherland.

I noticed footprints on the control strip in the sand. The border violator was detained, his documents were checked, and he was taken to headquarters.

Russian army - Soldiers in training -the soldiers are brave, dexterous, fearless. Soldiers training, studies, military exercises at the training ground. Awards for outstanding service members. The soldier follows the commander's order and salutes.

Pilots - train on the ground, doctors check your health before the flight.

Pilots fly airplanes, helicopters, and perform various aerobatic maneuvers in the sky.

They maintain contact with the ground; on the ground, the flight controller controls the flight, speaks to the pilot on the radio, and allows landing.

On a warship- training of sailors on land, doctors check the health of sailors before going to sea. Sailors are on deck, looking through binoculars, turning the helm. Protected maritime boundaries our Motherland. Sailors communicate with the ground via radio. The boat commander gives commands and studies the map.

Game material: Soldier caps (2-3 pcs.), tanker helmet (2-3 pcs.), paratrooper beret (2 pcs.), binoculars (2-3 pcs.), silhouettes of weapons (machine guns, pistols), map, walkie-talkie, tablet for the commander .

Card No. 27. "Mail"

Tasks: Expand children's understanding of how to send and receive correspondence, develop respect for the work of postal workers, the ability to listen carefully to the client, treat each other politely, expand children's vocabulary: “parcel”, “parcel”, “magazines”, “postman” Develop imagination, thinking, speech; the ability to jointly develop the game, negotiate and discuss the actions of all players.

Game actions:People write letters to each other, send telegrams, postcards, and congratulate each other on the holiday. People carry letters and postcards to the post office and throw them into the big Mailbox.

Delivers telegrams and letters postman. He has a large bag with letters and newspapers. Letters and newspapers are delivered to addresses, the address is written on the envelope: street name, house number, apartment and last name. The postman drops letters into the mailbox of every house or apartment.

Envelopes are bought at the post office, at a kiosk. At the post office you can send a parcel to another city.Postal workerweighs the parcel, stamps it, sends it to the railway station.

Game material:A postman's cap, a postman's bag, newspapers, letters, postcards, various forms, small parcels from boxes, a postage stamp, scales, a mailbox from a box, a pencil for notes.

Card number 28. “Steamboat” – “Fishing Vessel”

Tasks: To develop the ability to reflect in the game various stories about the life and work of people, to consolidate knowledge about the professions of adults on the ship.

Game actions:The steamboat is built from cubes, blocks, bricks, soft modules, rope, and chairs.

Passengers go on a trip along the river. Captain gives commands, looks through binoculars. Steering wheel drives the ship, turns the rudder. At stops, everyone goes ashore, walks, and goes on excursions. Sailors on the ship they remove the gangway, wash the deck, and carry out the captain’s commands. Cook prepares lunch for the team.

Fishermen preparing to go to sea. They collect nets, binoculars, and a megaphone. They go out to sea to fish. Captain The fishing boat gives commands, everyone helps each other.

Fishermen throw nets into the sea, catch fish, unload them into containers, and put them in refrigerators. The team is resting; the cook has prepared a delicious lunch. The captain looks at the direction of the ship on the map. Everyone returns to shore. The fish is loaded onto special vehicles that take it to the store.

Game material:Sailors' caps, collars, binoculars, steering wheel, caps, anchor on a rope, signal flags (red, yellow), compass, map, fishing net, megaphone.

Card No. 29. “Dining room” - “Cafe” - “Cook”

Tasks: Expand children's understanding of the work of canteen and cafe workers. Develop interest and respect for the professions of a cook and waiter. Familiarity with the rules of behavior in public places.

Game actions:The dining room has tables and chairs for visitors. Cooks prepare Tasty food in the kitchen, they cook dumplings, bake pies, cook borscht, soups, fry cutlets. The canteen feeds drivers, workers, construction workers, sailors, and schoolchildren.

There are napkins and vases of flowers on the tables. Waiters serving food to visitors , talk to them politely, give them a book with a menu to choose food according to the visitor’s wishes. Visitors pay for lunch at the cash register and are given a receipt. People come to cafes not only to eat, but also to listen to music.

We celebrate a birthday, dance, sing karaoke. The waiters are polite to visitors, bring food, sweet water. There are beautiful dishes and flowers on the tables. Musicians they play and sing beautifully. Visitors, leaving, thank you for the pleasure you have received.

Game material:White cap (2 pcs.), apron (2 pcs.), children's kitchen dishes, children's tableware, children's teaware, stove, models of food, vegetables, fruits, menus, children's trays, cocktail straws, juice boxes , yoghurts.

Card number 30. "Travel by ship, by train"

Tasks: Securing a name Vehicle; formation of positive relationships between children; development of dialogical speech; broadening the horizons of children.

Game actions: We are building a ship let's go to trip around the world. We take with us binoculars, a map, a compass, and a megaphone. We come up with a name for the ship. Passengers climb on board and go to their cabins. Captain of the ship orders the anchor to be raised. Sailors listen to the captain's commands.

The ship is sailing to Africa. We go ashore. We meet residents and get to know each other. We are walking around Africa. We meet monkeys, elephants, tigers.

We are sailing to the North. It's cold there. We see icebergs, penguins, polar bears.

We are sailing to Australia.There we will see kangaroos and giraffes. We study nature, swim in the ocean, study the seabed. We are returning home.

Building a train . We are going to travel around Russia. Passengers looking out the window, talking to each other. The conductor brings tea.

Passengers get off at the stations. They go with tour guide on excursions, to museums, go to shops, walk around the city.

We reached Moscow. We walk around Moscow, along Red Square. In the evening we watch fireworks. We return home by train. We say goodbye to the conductor.

Card number 31. "Plane Travel"
Tasks: Expand children's knowledge about air transport, the purpose of an aircraft, how to maintain an aircraft, teach them to see the beauty of earthly landscapes, cultivate respect for the profession of pilot, courage, expand children's vocabulary: “airplane”, “pilot”, “stewardess”, “flight” "

Game actions:The teacher invites the children to fly on an airplane. Children distribute among themselves the roles of Pilot, Stewardess, Radio Operator, Dispatcher, Loader. Those interested purchase tickets at the ticket office, present them to the Flight Attendant and board the plane. Loaders are loading. The dispatcher announces the departure of the aircraft. During the flight, Passengers look out of the window (images in the paintings) different kinds– seas, mountains, rivers, forests, tundra. They fly to a given city. They walk the streets and admire the sights. Upon returning, the children share their impressions.

Game material:an airplane built from building material, a steering wheel, a pilot's cap, clothes for a flight attendant, pictures depicting the sea, mountain peaks, deserts, taiga, tundra.

Card number 32. "Ministry of Emergency Situations" - rescuers

Tasks: Introduce children to the difficult and honorable profession of a rescuer, teach them to act clearly and harmoniously if necessary.

Game actions:Organize a rescue expedition to assist the victims; enrich the experience of children - at the place of “rescue work” they have to build new houses for residents, rescue animals from under the rubble, extinguish fires in buildings, provide medical assistance, feed them; even show a concert for the “victims”.

An SOS signal has been received; message on TV; a letter from a bottle caught in the sea. The children are faced with a problematic situation: there is no one else to save people and animals from a distant island after a fire, earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood, etc.

1. Determining the location of the island on the map.

2. Determining the path to the island and the type of transport that can be used to get to the desired place.

3. Distribution of roles: rescuers, firefighters, doctors, builders, captain, sailors, etc.

4. Construction of a “ship” (“plane”, etc.)

5. Collecting necessary things.

6. The way to the island.

7. Rescue measures:

The sailors are repairing the “ship”;

Firefighters extinguish fires in buildings; rescuers clear the rubble;

Builders are building new houses;

Doctors provide medical care.

8. Returning home.

Game material:- large building material; suits (captain's cap, collars for sailors, equipment for firefighters, white caps for doctors, medical bags); hospital equipment; products; blankets; substitute items.

Card number 33. "Knights and Princesses" - "Journey to fairytale city", "Entering the Society of Knights", "Entering the Society of Princesses", "At Cinderella's Ball", "Knight's Tournaments"

Tasks: To form in children norms and rules of communication and behavior at home and in public places; understand that rude, conflictual communication and behavior do not lead to anything good. Develop the ability to treat your interlocutor kindly. Respect his opinion and strive to express his position positively. understand peers and adults, provide all possible assistance to each other, adults, elderly people and small children

Game actions:The Fairy of Politeness helps future princesses and knights learn the rules of behavior. She sings “magic songs”, gives new polite words, talks about princesses and knights, conveys to the girls the rules of Cinderella’s behavior, etc.

To become a real princess, girls prove that they comply with all the rules of behavior that Cinderella gave them: prepare salads, clean, read poems about politeness, and solve various problem situations.

Cinderella Rules “How Real Princesses Behave”

1. They reject rudeness and shouting and talk to everyone calmly and politely.

2. Noticing a mess, they clean it up without waiting to be asked.

3. Show care for children and help adults.

4. They know how to listen carefully to their interlocutor.

5. Learn to walk and dance beautifully.

« How real knights behave."

1. They only tell the truth.

2.Able to admit and correct their mistakes.

3. Instead of fighting, they solve the problem with words.

4. Always thank you for your help with a smile on your face.

5. Compliment girls and women.

All steps and achievements on the path to becoming knights and princesses are rewarded with special chips “for hard work”, “for modesty”, “for honesty”, “for Noble act", "for your courtesy", etc. Children store these chips in separate envelopes, at the end of the week they count the total number of chips for each child and determine the winner. Girls can be given a heart “with sparkles of kindness.”

Boys can be divided into teams of “Knights” watchful eye", "Knights of the Marked Hand". At the end of the week, all the “knights” sit down at a round table. Based on the number of chips, the winner is awarded an “order”.

Game material:Knight armour; ball dresses and accessories, chips, orders.

Card number 34. "On the roads of the city"

Tasks: consolidate children's knowledge about traffic rules, introduce new role– traffic controller, cultivate self-control, patience, attention on the road.

Game actions:Children are asked to build beautiful building- theater. We choose a place to build. But first you need to transport the building material to the right place. Car drivers can easily cope with this. Children take cars and go to get building materials. But here’s the bad luck – the traffic lights don’t work on the main roads. To avoid an accident on the road, it is necessary for the traffic of cars to be controlled by a traffic controller. Select a Regulator. He forms a circle. He holds red and green flags in his hands. A red flag means “stop”, a green flag means “go”. Everything will be alright now. The traffic controller controls the traffic.

Game material:toy cars, flags for traffic controllers - red and green.

Pakhomova Irina Nikolaevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: GBOU SCHOOL No. 1375 Preschool department SP No. 6 (group No. 9)
Locality: Moscow
Name of material: Card index of role-playing games in the senior group
Subject:"Card index of role-playing games in the senior group"
Publication date: 09.09.2017
Chapter: preschool education

GBOU SCHOOL No. 1375 Preschool department SP No. 6

Educator: Pakhomova Irina Nikolaevna

Card index of role-playing games in the senior group

IN special kind play activity that allows preschoolers to try on

take on the role of adults, train in establishing communication

connections, highlight role-playing games. They do not have clear conditions or

action plan, which gives children the opportunity to take initiative and


Role-playing games on everyday topics

By participating in games with everyday stories, children master the system

relationships in the family, learn to perform their household duties,

master self-care skills.

Let's go for a walk

Target: teach children to dress for the weather when going for a walk,

choose comfortable clothes and necessary accessories; develop

vocabulary (names of clothing items); educate caring

attitude towards the environment, to develop aesthetic skills


Before the walk, the teacher informs the children that they have come to their group

new friends. The children are invited to get acquainted with the dolls. After

For this, the teacher suggests taking the dolls with you for a walk, but for

This is to help them choose the right clothes for the weather.

are divided into groups, each of which must dress one doll. At first

they need to correctly select and name items of clothing (in the set

clothing for all seasons should be presented). Preferably

for children to explain their choices.


all the clothes are collected, you need to discuss the order of dressing the dolls and move on to

its implementation. Particular attention should be paid to fastening

clothing and tying shoelaces or ribbons.

When all the groups

completed the task - the children dress themselves and go for a walk

along with the dolls. Returning back, they must undress the dolls,

commenting on your actions.




encourage children to reproduce family relationships and create them creatively

interpret; introduce a wide range of domestic

responsibilities; reveal the moral meaning of the actions of adults;

cultivate a sense of mutual understanding and care for others.

To participate

Both boys and girls are attracted to the game. They usually play roles

parents or grandparents and other adult relatives. Role

children are given to dolls.

First all together

must recreate the home environment: arrange the furniture,

put things away. Children also need to agree on who will play what roles.

fulfill. The teacher can only observe this process and

help resolve conflict situations. It's best not to let the game go

take their course, but invite children to “live” specific situations:

“Getting the children ready for kindergarten”;

"Day off";

"Big Cleaning"

“Repairing a stool”;

“At the dinner table”, etc.

The course of the game should involve not only communication between children, but also

a story on a family everyday topic, and then discuss it and offer

demonstrate the correct behavior model in the described

situations through the game

visiting Moidodyr


develop hygiene skills in children and expand them

knowledge of how to use hygiene products; accustom

perform hygiene procedures daily; bring up

cleanliness, desire to take care of your health.

At the beginning of the game, the teacher informs the children that they are joining the group.

They brought a parcel from Moidodyr. If necessary, you can tell us who

subject. The teacher offers, using the received personal funds

hygiene, teach dolls to use them.

You can offer it to the guys

act out the plot of morning preparations for kindergarten or evening dressing before

We welcome guests

Target: teach children to prepare for receiving guests, do cleaning, properly

lay the table; develop collaboration skills; instill a need

Maintain cleanliness at all times. The teacher warns the children that

Guys from another group will come to visit him today. Therefore you need good

prepare to receive them.

There are two options for playing the game:



(clean up, set the table, think about what to do with the guests);

children act collectively, and all tasks are completed one by one.

After preparation, the children receive guests.

This type of game also includes the following: "I have a younger brother"

“Little Pets”, “Gathering the Harvest”».

Role-playing games on production topics

Card index of plot-based role-playing games in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard with goals

includes scripts on production topics. This group of games is aimed

to familiarize children with professions, peculiarities of labor

activities, main production processes.

Morning in kindergarten

Target: introduce children to the responsibilities of kindergarten employees;

develop communication skills; cultivate respect for work, desire

provide all possible assistance.

For this game it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation. For children

It is proposed to observe the actions for several days

staff during the morning reception of pupils, breakfast or any

or other events intended for subsequent reproduction.

The game begins with a conversation about what professions people work in their

kindergarten. The responsibilities of each of them can be briefly discussed. After

This requires a distribution of roles, arranging workplace And

distribute the necessary equipment. Visitors to the kindergarten will be

toys and dolls.

To begin with, children are given specific tasks: to simulate a meeting

teacher of children, prepare breakfast and feed everyone, conduct

morning exercises, etc. The facilitator monitors the relationships between

children, teaches them to communicate politely with each other, familiar

it with established

wording of greetings, voicing commands.


Target: introduce the features of professional activity

store workers; develop dialogical speech; form

skills to coordinate your actions with other peers;

cultivate neatness, sociability, politeness.

store and observe the unloading of goods, their placement on

shelves, selling and buying. You can invite the guys to tell about

how they and their parents shop at the store. If someone has

parents work in a store, you need to ask about them

professional responsibilities.

The game itself involves staging the following plots:

select and buy the desired product;

get advice from a manager;

pack your purchases correctly;

return defective goods.

The game can be played several times, inviting children to visit

different product departments.


Target: arouse interest in the professions of a doctor and nurse; expand

children's knowledge of the responsibilities of medical staff; develop skills

perform a survey; cultivate empathy, desire

take care of others, provide assistance.

The game may be preceded by a visit to a medical

office, listening to stories on a relevant topic. Children

talk about their experience of seeing a doctor.

All participants in the game are assigned to roles and discuss them

responsibilities: doctor (conduct examination, listen to complaints and

prescribes treatment), nurse (provides first aid, conducts

procedures), patients (depict symptoms of the disease). No need

forget about using special clothing.

You can play out the following stories:

being examined by a doctor;

sore throat;

cut my finger;

we go for vaccination, etc.

During the game, children should pay attention to the expression

sympathy for patients, showing concern for them.

The topics of such role-playing games are vast. Children really like it

games “School”, “Construction site”, “Hairdressing salon”, “Beauty salon”,

“Pizzeria”, “Police”, “Firemen”, “Cosmonauts” etc.

Role-playing games on social topics

Role-playing games in the senior group include plots in which

various situations are played out in public places, companies

friends. By involving children in the games of this group, you can develop in them

skills of social behavior, communication with peers and



Target: teach rules of behavior in the zoo; expand knowledge about animals,

their food preferences and habits; develop vocabulary (names

animals); cultivate a love for animals.

The teacher announces to the children that they will go on an excursion to the zoo and

the procedure for purchasing tickets and presenting them at the entrance. After explanations

This situation is played out by children.

The main part of the game is getting to know the rules of behavior in the zoo and

conversations about the animals they will meet there. It is especially necessary to pay

children's attention to observing safety precautions when interacting with


Mashenka's birthday

Target: introduce children to the rules of receiving guests; expand knowledge about

how to give and receive gifts; learn how to serve a holiday

table; develop communication skills; cultivate politeness,

attentive attitude towards comrades.

The plot of the game is that Mashenka is going to celebrate her

Birthday and invites all the guys to visit him. This game can be

divided into several parts:

going to visit;

select congratulations;

we accept gifts;

we treat guests;

birthday entertainment.

At the end of the game, you can ask the children what they liked most about the game.



Target: learn the rules of behavior on the street as a pedestrian or

driver; learn to recognize signs and traffic lights, respond to

sound signals; develop the ability to act according to an algorithm,

control your behavior; cultivate a sense of responsibility,


The game is preceded by a lot of preparatory work. IN

Over the course of several walks, the teacher introduces the children to the general view

streets, types of buildings and their purpose, different

cars that drive on the street (including specialized

invite children to draw the street themselves and make models of houses and buildings.

Then these products can be used as decorations for the game.

Because the street traffic is very complex, with a lot of

illustrating. After assigning roles, the teacher begins

describe the “life” of the street, and the children stage it. This way it will turn out

combine disparate events into a single plot.

Replies could be as follows: Vanya approached the traffic light. At the traffic light

The red light came on. What should the boy do? That's right, wait.

Cars drive past him. Now

The traffic light turned green. What is Vanya doing? (Moves) How is it

should I do it right? (Along the pedestrian crossing). Children

not only answer the teacher’s questions, but also carry out the voiced

actions. It is better in this game to choose two or three main characters who

must complete a specific task: get to school, drive to

hospitals, etc. The rest play the role of extras. You can also

offer children such games “Let’s go to the cafe”, “We are athletes”,

"Library", "Circus". Taking part in

role-playing games, children expand their knowledge about social

relationships, develop interaction skills, learn to find ways out

various situations. Thanks to such gaming activities for children

an effective social environment is created that promotes development

personalities of each in accordance with their individual characteristics and

creative inclinations.

“Card index of plot-role-playing games in the middle group”

Program content: Strengthen children’s ideas about the family and the responsibilities of family members. Develop interest in the game. Teach children to assign roles and act according to the role they assume, to develop the plot. Encourage children to creatively reproduce family life through play. Learn to act in imaginary situations, use various objects - substitutes. Foster love and respect for family members and their work.Game material: Furniture, dishes, attributes for equipping a house, a “kindergarten”, a large construction set, a toy car, a baby doll, toy stroller, bags, various items - substitutes.
Preliminary work: Conversations: “My family”, “How I help my mother”, “Who works for whom?” “What do we do at home?” Examination of plot pictures, photographs on the topic. Reading fiction: N. Zabila “Yasochka’s kindergarten”, A. Barto “Mashenka”, B. Zakhoder “Builders”, “Driver”, D. Gabe from the series “My Family”: “Mom”, “Brother”, “Work” ", E. Yanikovskaya "I go to kindergarten", A. Kardashova "Big wash".
Game roles: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, eldest daughter, preschool children, baby doll.
Plots played out:
"Morning in the Family"
"Lunch in the family"
"Dad is a good boss"
“We have a baby in our family”
"Evening with the Family"
"Mom puts the kids to bed"
"Family Day Off"
“A child in the family fell ill”
“We help mom wash clothes”
"Big House Cleaning"
"Guests have come to us"
"Moving to a new apartment"
“Holiday in the family: Mother’s Day, New Year, birthday”
Game actions: Mom teacher gets ready and goes to work; prepares everything necessary for activities with children; accepts children and works with them; plays, walks, draws, teaches, etc.; gives children to parents, cleans the workplace; returns home from work; relaxes, communicates with her children and husband; helps grandma, puts the children to bed.
Mom-housewife collects and escorts her daughter to kindergarten, her husband to work; looks after youngest child(doll), walks with him, cleans the house, prepares food; meets a child from kindergarten, a husband from work; feeds them, communicates, puts the children to bed.
Dad the Builder gets ready for work, takes the child to kindergarten, goes to work; builds houses, bridges; returns from work, picks up the child from kindergarten, returns home; helps his wife around the house, plays with the children, communicates.
Dad Driver gets ready for work, takes the child to kindergarten, goes to work; delivers loads (bricks) to the construction site, unloads them, goes for new ones; picks up the child from kindergarten and returns home; helps his wife around the house; invites neighbors over for tea; sees off neighbors; communicates with children, plays with them, puts them to bed.
Grandmother collects and escorts grandchildren to kindergarten and school; cleans the house; turns to her eldest granddaughter for help; picks up her granddaughter from kindergarten and asks the teacher about her behavior; cooks dinner, bakes a pie; asks family members how the work day was; offers to invite neighbors to tea (dinner), treats everyone to a pie; plays with grandchildren; gives advices.
Grandfather helps grandma, dad, reads newspapers, magazines; plays with grandchildren, communicates with neighbors.
Eldest daughter helps grandmother prepare food, wash dishes, clean the house, iron clothes; plays and walks with younger sister, communicates.
Preschool children get up, get ready and go to kindergarten; in kindergarten they do: play, draw, walk; return from kindergarten, play, help parents, go to bed.

Program content: Expand children's understanding of the content of labor actions of kindergarten employees. Induce in children a desire to imitate the actions of adults. Foster friendly relationships in games between children.
Game material: Dolls with a set of clothes, furniture, dishes, small toys, mops, buckets, rags, aprons, robes, washing machine, basin, stand for drying clothes, ironing board, irons, stove, cookware set, food, vacuum cleaner, musical instruments.
Preliminary work: Supervising the work of a teacher and assistant teacher. Conversation with children about the work of a teacher, assistant teacher, cook, nurse and other kindergarten workers. Excursion-inspection of the music (physical education) hall, followed by a conversation about the work of muses. manager (physical supervisor). Excursion-inspection of medical. office, observation of the doctor’s work, conversations from the personal experiences of children. Inspection of the kitchen, conversation about technical equipment that makes the work of kitchen workers easier. Game-dramatization based on N. Zabila’s poem “Yasochkin’s kindergarten” using toys. Excursion to the laundry. Organization of children's work - washing doll clothes, handkerchiefs.
Game roles: Doctor, nurse, teacher, music worker, physical education director, nanny, cook, laundress.
Plots played out:
"Morning Reception"
"Our classes"
"Exercise in kindergarten"
"Nanny Job - Breakfast"
"Nanny's job - group cleaning"
"On a walk"
"At a music lesson"
"At a physical education class"
"Medical examination"
"Lunch in the garden"
"The work of a cook in a kindergarten"
“Working in the laundry room of a kindergarten”
Game actions: Educator receives children, talks with parents, plays with children, conducts classes.
Gym teacher does morning exercises and physical education.
Junior teacher keeps order in the group, assists the teacher in preparing for classes, receives food...
Music supervisor conducts music class.
Doctor examines children, listens, makes appointments.
Nurse measures temperature, height, weighs, gives vaccinations, checks the cleanliness of groups and kitchens.
Cook prepares food and gives it to the teaching assistants.
Laundress washes the clothes, dries them, irons them, folds them neatly, and gives them clean clothes to the nanny.

Program content: To arouse children's interest in the medical profession. Develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Fix the names of medical instruments: phonendoscope, syringe, spatula. To cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.
Vocabulary work: phonendoscope, spatula, grafting, vitamins.
Game material: doctor's gown and cap, nurses' gowns and caps, medical instruments (thermometer, syringe, spatula), bandage, brilliant green, cotton wool, mustard plasters, patient cards, vitamins.
Preliminary work: Excursion to the medical office. Observing the work of a doctor. Reading fiction: J. Rainis “The Doll Got Sick”, V. Berestov “The Sick Doll”. A. Barto “Tamara and I”, P. Obraztsov “Treating a Doll”, A. Kardashova “Our Doctor”. Dramatization “The Animals Are Sick.” Review of the album “We are playing “doctor”. Making attributes for the game. Conversations with children “We are being treated by a doctor and a nurse”, “How should we behave in a doctor’s office?”
Game roles: Doctor, nurse, patient.
They act out the following stories:
"At the doctor",
"Calling the Doctor Home"
"I hurt my finger"
"Sore throat"
“Let’s put an injection”
"Let's get vaccinated"
Game actions: Doctor receives patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens, looks at their throats, makes prescriptions.
Nurse gives injections, gives medicine, vitamins, puts mustard plasters, lubricates wounds, bandages.
Sick comes to see a doctor, tells what worries him, and follows the doctor’s recommendations.

"I am a driver"

Program content: Expand children's understanding of the profession of a driver or auto mechanic. Develop the ability to build role-playing dialogue, use role-playing speech, creativity in the game, using real objects to create a game environment. Cultivate goodwill and willingness to help. Foster a culture of behavior in transport.
Vocabulary words: gas station, gasoline, canister, tanker, conductor, mechanic, baton, inspector, license.Game material: tools for car repair, gas pump, building material, steering wheel, canister, hose for simulating filling a car with gasoline, a bucket with a rag, tickets, money, a bag for the conductor, a traffic light, a baton, a traffic police inspector’s cap, driver’s documents (licence).
Preliminary work: Excursion to the bus stop, observation of the bus, taxi and driver's work. Introduce simple regulatory gestures: “stop”, “get ready”, “passage is allowed”. Outdoor games: “Pedestrians and Taxi”, “Traffic Light”. Reading and looking at illustrations on the topic “Chauffeurs”. D/i “Attentive driver”, “Recognize the car”, “Repair the car”. Reading: V. Suteev “Different Wheels”, 3. Alexandrova “Truck”, A. Kardashov “Rain Car” E. Motkovskaya “I am a Car” B. Stepanov “Chauffeur”, “Bus Driver”, B. Zhitkov “Traffic Light” N. Kalinina “How the guys crossed the street”, N. Pavlova “By car”.
Game roles: Taxi driver, bus driver, conductor, passengers, truck driver, mechanic, gas station attendant, policeman (traffic police inspector).
Plots played out:
"Building a bus"
"Learning to Drive a Bus"
"The bus carries passengers"
"Car repair"
"I'm filling up the car"
“A truck is carrying furniture to a new house.”
“The truck carries cargo (bricks, sand, snow)”
“A grocery car carries food (to a store, to a kindergarten, to a hospital)”
“I’m taking passengers to the station”
"I'll go to the garage"
"We're going to kindergarten"
"Riding around the city"
"We're going to visit"
"Trip to the Dacha"
Game actions: Taxi driver delivers passengers to their destination, takes money for travel, takes care of passengers, helps to stow luggage.
Truck driver loads and unloads cargo.
Bus driver drives the bus, turns the steering wheel, gives a signal, troubleshoots problems, makes stops, announces them.
Conductor sells tickets, checks travel tickets, monitors order inside the bus, answers passengers' questions about where it is most convenient for them to get off.
Passengers board the bus, buy tickets, get off at stops, give up seats to elders and passengers with children, help them get off the bus, follow the rules of conduct in public transport, communicate; preparing for a long trip - collecting things, water, food for the road; they dress up and comb their hair if they go to visit or to the theater.
Mechanic carries out repair work, checks the condition of the car before the trip, washes the car with a hose - wipes it.
Refueler inserts a hose, pours gasoline, takes money.
Police officer (traffic police inspector) – regulates traffic, checks documents, monitors compliance with traffic rules.

Program content: Introduce the specifics of the work of male and female hairdressers. To form children’s understanding of how women care for their nails. To teach them to perform several sequential actions aimed at fulfilling their duties. Develop the ability to engage in role interaction and build role dialogue. Foster a culture of communication with “clients”
Vocabulary words: master, hairdryer, apron, cape, razor, manicure.Game material: Mirror, bedside table for storing attributes, various combs, bottles, curlers, hairspray, scissors, hair dryer, cape, apron for hairdresser, manicurists, cleaners, hairpins, elastic bands, bows, towel, magazines with hairstyle samples, razor, hair clipper hair, towels, money, mop, buckets, dust cloths, floor cloths, nail polish, nail file, cream jars.
Preliminary work: Conversation “Why do we need hairdressers.” Ethical conversation about the culture of behavior in public places. Reading stories by B. Zhitkov “What I saw”, S. Mikhalkov “In the hairdresser”. Excursion to the hairdresser. Consideration of items necessary for the work of a hairdresser. Didactic games “Beautiful hairstyles for dolls”, “Let’s learn how to tie bows”, “Pick a bow for a doll”, “Miracle hairdryer”. Consider shaving items. Making game attributes with children (aprons, capes, towels, nail files, checks, money, etc.). Making the album “Hairstyle Models”.
Game roles: Hairdressers - ladies' and men's stylists, manicurists, cleaners, clients (visitors): mothers, fathers, their children.
Plots played out:
“Mom takes her daughter to the hairdresser”
"Dad takes his son to the hairdresser"
“Let’s give the dolls beautiful hairstyles”
“We’re going by bus to the hairdresser.”
“Doing hair for the holiday”
"Let's get ourselves in order"
"In the men's room"
"Purchasing goods for the hairdresser"
“We invite a hairdresser to a kindergarten”
Game actions: Women's salon hairdresser puts a cape on the client, dyes the hair, washes his hair, dries it with a towel, cuts it, shakes off the cut strands from the cape, wraps it in curlers, blow-dries the hair, varnishes it, braids it, pins it, gives recommendations on hair care.
Men's salon hairdresser shaves, washes hair, blow-dries hair, gives haircuts, combs clients' hair, shapes beard and mustache, offers to look in the mirror, refreshes with cologne.
Manicurist files nails,paints them with varnish, applies cream to her hands.
Clients they greet politely while waiting in line - they look at albums with illustrations of different hairstyles, read magazines, or can drink coffee in a cafe; asking for a haircut or manicure; they consult, pay money, thank you for your services.
Cleaning woman sweeps, dusts, washes the floor, changes used towels.

"Shop - Supermarket"

Program content: To form children’s ideas about the work of people in a store, the variety of stores and their purpose. Learn to perform different roles in accordance with the plot of the game. Develop visual and effective thinking and communication skills. Cultivate goodwill, the ability to take into account the interests and opinions of playing partners.
Vocabulary words: showcase,cashier, candy store.
Game material: showcase, scales, cash register, handbags and baskets for customers, seller's uniform, money, wallets, goods by department, vehicle for transporting goods, cleaning equipment.
“Grocery store”: dummies of vegetables and fruits, various pastries made from salt dough, dummies of chocolates, candies, cookies, cakes, pastries, boxes of tea, juice, drinks, sausages, fish, milk cartons, cups for sour cream, jars from yoghurts, etc.
Preliminary work:
Conversations with children “What stores are there and what can you buy in them?” “Who works in the store?”, “Rules for working with the cash register.” D/i “Shop”, “Vegetables”, “Who needs what?”. Reading the poem “Toy Store” by O. Emelyanova. B. Voronko “A Tale of Unusual Shopping” Making bagels, buns, cookies from salt dough, making candy.
Game roles: Seller, buyer, cashier, store director, driver.
Plots played out:
“Bakery-confectionery (bread department, store)”
"Vegetable shop (department)"
"Meat and sausage shop (department)"
"Fish shop (department)"
"Dairy store (department)"
"Grocery store"
"Musical Instrument Store"
"Book Shop"
Game actions: Salesman puts on a uniform, offers goods, weighs, packs, puts goods on shelves (designs a display case).
Store director organizes the work of store employees, makes requests for goods, pays attention to the correct work of the seller and cashier, and monitors order in the store.
Buyers come for shopping, choose a product, find out the price, consult with sellers, follow the rules of conduct in a public place, form a line at the checkout, pay for the purchase at the checkout, receive a receipt.
Cashier receives money, punches a check, issues a check, gives change to the buyer.
Chauffeur delivers a certain amount of various goods, receives requests for goods from the store director, unloads the delivered goods.

Program content: Enrich children's knowledge about wild animals, their appearance, habits, nutrition. Expand children's understanding of the responsibilities of zoo employees. To develop in children the ability to creatively develop the plot of a game using building floor material and to act with it in a variety of ways. Develop speech, enrich vocabulary. Foster a kind, caring attitude towards animals.
Vocabulary words: veterinarian, guide, aviary (cage).
Game material: “Zoo” sign, building material (large, small), a truck with a cage, animal toys, food plates, food models, brooms, scoops, buckets, rags, an apron with sleeves for workers, tickets, money, cash register, white robe for the veterinarian, thermometer, phonendoscope, first aid kit.
Preliminary work: A story about a visit to the zoo. Talk about animals using pictures about the zoo. Conversation “Rules of behavior in the zoo.” Guessing riddles about animals, Reading poems by S.Ya. Marshak “Children in a cage, “Where did the sparrow have dinner?”, V. Mayakovsky “Every page, then an elephant, then a lioness.” Making the album “Zoo”. Drawing and sculpting animals. Didactic games: “Animals and their babies”, “Riddles about animals”, “Who lives where? ", "Animals of hot countries", "Animals of the North".
Game roles: Zoo director, tour guide, zoo workers (servants), doctor (veterinarian), cashier, builder, visitors.
Plots played out:
“Building cages for animals”
“The zoo is coming to us”
"Tour of the Zoo"
"We're going to the zoo"
"Purchasing food for animals"
"Feeding the Animals"
“Cleaning enclosures (cages)”
"Animal Treatment"
Game actions: Zoo director manages the work of the zoo.
Guide conducts excursions, talks about animals, what they eat, where they live, their appearance, how to treat animals, talks about safety measures and how to care for them.
Zoo workers ) receives food for animals, prepares special food for animals, feeds them, cleans cages and enclosures, washes their pets, and takes care of them.
Doctor (veterinarian) examines the animal, measures the temperature, gives vaccinations, treats zoo inhabitants, gives injections, gives vitamins.
Cashier sells tickets to visit the zoo and excursions.
Builder builds an enclosure for an animal.
Visitors buy tickets at the box office and go to the zoo, look at the animals.

"Sailor Fishermen"

Program content: Teach children to take on and play out the roles of captain, helmsman, sailors, cook-cook, and sailor-fishermen. Continue to teach how to use substitute items and clearly carry out the chain of game actions. Activate children's speech. Foster friendly relationships and a sense of teamwork.
Vocabulary work: Cook, anchor, steering wheel.
Game material: largebuilding material, captain's cap, caps, guy collars, lifebuoy, medical gown, medical instruments, anchor, steering wheel, binoculars, bucket, mop, cook suit, tableware, toy fish, nets, fish box, money.
Preliminary work: Reading fiction about fishing, ships, sailors. View photographs, paintings about the sea, sailors, ships. Conversation “Who works on the ship.” Drawing and sculpting fish.
Game roles: Captain, fishermen, doctor, cook (cook), driver.Plots played out:
"Building a ship"
"Sailors sail on a ship on the sea"
“Sailors fish, work as fishermen”
"Sailors check their health with the ship's doctor"
“Sailors sail the sea, fish, have lunch”
"Sailors go ashore and go to the hairdresser"
“Sailors bring their catch ashore and hand over the fish to the store.”
"Sailors sail to Big city and go to the Zoo
“The sailors returned from sailing and went to the store”
Game actions: Captain steers the ship, turns the helm, looks through binoculars, gives the command to cast off, drop anchor, fish, controls the work of the fishermen, gives the command to moor to the shore.
Sailor fishermen they carry out orders, wash the deck, unwind the net, throw it into the sea, catch fish, put it in boxes.
Doctor examines sailors before sailing, allows them to go to sea, treats those who are sick on the ship.
Cook (cook) prepares food, feeds sailors.
Driver drives up to the ship, checks the quality of the fish, buys the fish from the fishermen, loads it into the car and takes it to the store.

Program content: To form children's ideas about the work of postal workers. Expand children's understanding of ways to send and receive correspondence. Develop imagination, thinking, speech. Foster independence, responsibility, and the desire to benefit others.Vocabulary work: printing, parcel, postman, sorter, receiver.
Game material: a table for sending and receiving parcels, a mailbox, a postman's bag, envelopes with paper, stamps, postcards, parcel boxes, children's magazines and newspapers, attributes for the "pigeon" character, money, wallets, stamps, a car.
Preliminary work: Excursion to the post office, monitoring the reception of correspondence and mail dispatch. Conversations about different types communications: mail, telegraph, telephone, internet, radio. Watching the films “Holidays in Prostokvashino”, “Winter in Prostokvashino”, “Snowman-Postman”. Reading S. Ya. Marshak “Mail”, Y. Kushan “Postal History”. Making stamp seals, envelopes, postcards, stamps, mailboxes for letters, bags, money, wallets, etc. Collecting postcards, magazines, calendars. Didactic games “Send a letter”, “Journey of a letter”, “What you need to work as a postman”, “How to send a parcel”. Listening to “The Postman's Song” by B. Savelyev.
Game roles: Postman, sorter, receiver, driver, visitors.
Plots played out:
“A letter arrived, a postcard”
« The carrier pigeon brought a letter"
"Send greeting card»
“Buying a magazine at the post office”
“Send a parcel to your grandmother”
"A message from a fairy-tale hero"
"The driver is carrying the mail"
Game actions: Postman picks up letters, newspapers, magazines, postcards from the post office; distributes them to addresses; sends correspondence to the mailbox.
Visitor sends letters, postcards, parcels, packs them; buys envelopes, newspapers, magazines, postcards; complies with the rules of behavior in a public place; takes a turn; receives letters, newspapers, magazines, postcards, parcels.
Receiver serves visitors; accepts parcels; sells newspapers, magazines.
Sorter sorts letters, newspapers, magazines, parcels, puts a stamp on them; explains to the driver where to go (on railway, to the airport…).
Chauffeur takes letters and postcards out of the mailbox; delivers new newspapers, magazines, postcards, letters to the post office; delivers parcels; delivers letters and parcels by postal machines to trains, planes, and ships.





Prepared by: teacher

Ivanovskaya Zh.V.

"Home, family"

Tasks: Encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Improve the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot. Reveal the moral essence of the activities of adults: a responsible attitude to their responsibilities, mutual assistance and the collective nature of work.

Game actions:Game problem situations: “When mom and dad are not at home” (taking care of the younger ones, doing all possible homework), “We are preparing for the holiday” (joint activities with the family), “Welcoming guests” (rules for receiving guests, behavior at a party), “Our day off”, “Walk in the forest”, “Family lunch”, etc. Introduce elements of labor into the game: washing doll clothes, mending clothes, cleaning the room. As the game progresses, select and change toys and objects, construct a game environment using game modules, use your own homemade products, and use natural materials.

Game material:household items, dolls.

"Mothers and Daughters"

Tasks: see “Home, family”

Game actions:Mom carefully feeds, dresses, undresses, puts her daughter to bed, washes, cleans the room, irons the clothes. Mom goes with her daughter to the hairdresser, combs her hair beautifully, decorates the Christmas tree at home, buys food at the store, and prepares a delicious lunch. dad comesfrom work, they sit down to dinner.

Guests arrive. Celebrating the birthday of a daughter or son.

Dad is a truck (or taxi) driver. Dad is a builder at a construction site.

My daughter caught a cold and got sick. Mom took her to the doctor, put mustard plasters on her at home, and gave her medicine.

Mom took her daughter for a walk. They ride the bus, ride on the swings in the park. Grandma came to visit for her birthday. Celebrate New Year.

Mom takes her daughter to the puppet theater, to the circus, to the cinema, to school.

Game material:household items, dolls

"A trip to the forest to pick mushrooms"

Tasks: Encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Improving the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot.

Game actions:Children help get ready for the trip. Mom checks how the children are dressed. Dad drives the car, steers, gives a signal, troubleshoots problems, makes stops, announces them. In the forest, parents check their children to see if they know the names of mushrooms and berries, which ones are poisonous and which ones are edible.

Preliminary work:Conversations about family relationships. Dolls, toy dishes, furniture, play attributes (aprons, scarves), substitute items. Reading fiction. Looking at illustrations on the topic. Making attributes for the game.


Tasks: expand and consolidate children’s ideas about the content of the labor actions of kindergarten employees.

Game actions:The teacher receives children, talks with parents, conducts morning exercises, classes, organizes games... The junior teacher monitors order in the group, assists the teacher in preparing for classes, receives food... The speech therapist works with children on sound production, speech development... Music. the leader conducts music. activity. The doctor examines the children, listens, and makes prescriptions. The nurse weighs, measures children, gives vaccinations, injections, gives pills, checks the cleanliness of groups and kitchens. The cook prepares food and gives it to the teacher's assistants.

Game situations:“Morning reception”, “Our classes”, “On a walk”, “Musical entertainment”, “We are athletes”, “Doctor’s examination”, “Lunch in the kindergarten”, etc.

Preliminary work:Supervising the work of a teacher and assistant teacher. Conversation with children about the work of a teacher, assistant teacher, cook, nurse and other kindergarten workers. Excursion-inspection of the music (physical education) hall, followed by a conversation about the work of muses. manager (physical supervisor). Excursion-inspection of medical. office, observation of the doctor’s work, conversations from the personal experiences of children. Inspection of the kitchen, conversation about technical equipment that makes the work of kitchen workers easier. Game-dramatization based on N. Zabila’s poem “Yasochkin’s kindergarten” using toys. Children write stories on the topic “My best day in kindergarten.” Reading the story “Compote” by N. Artyukhova and talking about the work of those on duty. Using Petrushka, show skits on the topics “Our life in kindergarten”, “Good and bad deeds”. Selection and production of toys for the roles of muses. worker, cook, assistant teacher, nurse.

Game material:notebook for recording children, dolls, furniture, kitchen and dining utensils, cleaning kits, honey. tools, clothes for a cook, doctor, nurse, etc.

Tasks: Expand children's knowledge about school. Help children master expressive means of role implementation (intonation, facial expressions, gestures). Create your own gaming environment for your intended purpose. To contribute to the formation of the ability to creatively develop game plots. Help children learn some moral standards. Foster fair relationships. Strengthen forms of polite address. Develop friendship, the ability to live and work in a team.

Game actions: The teacher conducts the lessons, the students answer questions, tell stories, and count. The director (head teacher) is present at the lesson, makes notes in his notebook (the teacher in the role of director can call the teacher to his office and give advice), the head teacher draws up a lesson schedule. The technician monitors the cleanliness of the room and rings the bell. Learn to build a game according to a preliminary, collectively drawn up plot plan. Encourage the construction of interconnected buildings (school, street, park), while correctly distributing the responsibilities of each participant in collective activity.

Preliminary work:A conversation about school supplies using illustrated material. Riddles about school, school supplies. Reading to children the works of S. Marshak “The First of September”, Aleksin “The First Day”, V. Voronkova “Girlfriends Go to School”, E. Moshkovskaya “We Play School”. Memorizing poems by A. Alexandrova “To School”, V. Berestov “Counting Table”. Meeting with kindergarten graduates (organization of leisure activities). Making attributes for the game (briefcases, notebooks, baby books, schedules...)

Game material:briefcases, books, notebooks, pens, pencils, pointer, maps, blackboard, teacher's desk and chair, globe, teacher's magazine,

bandages for duty officers.


Tasks: To arouse children's interest in the medical profession. To cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

Game actions:The patient goes to the reception desk, takes a coupon to see the doctor, and goes to the appointment. The doctor sees patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, looks at their throat, and makes a prescription. The nurse writes a prescription, the doctor signs it. The patient goes to the treatment room. The nurse gives injections, bandages wounds, applies ointment, etc. The nurse cleans the office and changes the towel.

Game situations:“At an appointment with an ENT doctor”, “At an appointment with a surgeon”, “At an appointment with an ophthalmologist”, etc.

Preliminary work:Excursion to the medical office. Observation of the doctor’s work (listens with a phonendoscope, looks at the throat, asks questions). Listening to K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit” in a recording. Excursion to the children's clinic. Reading lit. works: Y. Zabila “Yasochka caught a cold”, E. Uspensky “Played at the hospital”, V. Mayakovsky “Who should I be?” Examination of medical instruments (phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, tonometer, tweezers, etc.) Conversation with children about the work of a doctor and nurse. Looking at illustrations about a doctor, honey. sister. Modeling “Gift for sick Yasochka.” Making game attributes with children with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, medical cards, coupons, etc.)

Game material:



Game actions:The patient is admitted to the emergency room. The nurse registers him and takes him to the room. The doctor examines patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, looks at their throat, and makes a prescription. The nurse gives medications to patients, takes temperatures, gives injections and dressings in the treatment room, treats wounds, etc. The nurse cleans the room and changes the linen. Patients are visited by relatives and friends.

Preliminary work:see "Polyclinic"

Game material:gowns, caps, pencil and paper for prescriptions, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.


Tasks: arouse children's interest in the professions of a doctor and nurse; cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

Game actions:The patient calls 03 and calls an ambulance: gives his full name, tells his age, address, complaints. The ambulance arrives. A doctor and a nurse go to a patient. The doctor examines the patient, listens carefully to his complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, and looks at his throat. The nurse measures the temperature, follows the doctor’s instructions: gives medicine, gives injections, treats and bandages the wound, etc. If the patient feels very bad, he is taken away and taken to the hospital.

Preliminary work:see "Polyclinic"

Game material:telephone, gowns, caps, pencil and paper for prescriptions, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.


Tasks: arouse children's interest in the profession of pharmacist; cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

Game actions:The driver brings medicine to the pharmacy. Pharmacy workers put them on shelves. People come to the pharmacy to buy medicine. The prescription department dispenses medications according to doctor's prescriptions. Here they make potions, ointments, drops. Some visitors talk about their problems and ask which medicine is best to buy, the pharmacist advises. The herbal department sells medicinal herbs, infusions, and cocktails.

Preliminary work:Looking at the set of postcards “Medicinal Plants”. Examination of medicinal plants in the kindergarten area, in the meadow, in the forest. Riddles about medicinal plants. Making game attributes with children with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, potions.)

Game material:gowns, hats, recipes, honey. instruments (tweezers, spatula, pipette, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, syringe, etc.), cotton wool, bandage, ointments, tablets, powders, medicine. herbs.

"Veterinary hospital"

Tasks: arouse children's interest in the profession of veterinarian; to cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards animals, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

Game actions:Sick animals are brought and brought to the veterinary hospital. The veterinarian receives patients, listens carefully to their owner’s complaints, asks questions, examines the sick animal, listens with a phonendoscope, measures the temperature, and makes a prescription. The nurse writes a prescription. The animal is taken to the treatment room. The nurse gives injections, treats and bandages wounds, applies ointment, etc. The nurse cleans the office and changes the towel. After the appointment, the owner of the sick animal goes to the veterinary pharmacy and buys the medicine prescribed by the doctor for further treatment at home.

Preliminary work:Conversation with children about the work of a veterinarian. Drawing “My Favorite Animal” Making attributes for the game with children with the involvement of parents (robes,hats, recipes, etc.)

Game material:animals, gowns, hats, pencil and paper for prescriptions, phonendoscope, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.


Tasks: expand children's knowledge about wild animals: cultivate kindness, responsiveness, sensitive, attentive attitude towards animals, a culture of behavior in public places.

Game actions:Builders are building a zoo. The driver brings the animals. The movers unload and put the cages with the animals in place. Zoo workers care for the animals (feed, water, clean the cages). A veterinarian examines animals (measures temperature, listens with a phonendoscope) and treats patients. The cashier sells tickets. The guide conducts a tour, talks about animals, and talks about safety measures. Visitors buy tickets, listen to the guide, and watch the animals.

Preliminary work:Reading literary works about animals. Looking at illustrations of wild animals. Listening to K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit” on audio recording. Examination with children of illustrations to the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit.” Children's stories “How we went to the zoo” A teacher's story about the work of a veterinarian at the zoo. Conversation with children about the rules of safe behavior at the zoo. Drawing "What I saw at the zoo." Collective modeling “Zoo” Making attributes for the game with children.

Game material:large building material, wild animals (toys), dishes for feeding animals, cleaning equipment (buckets, brooms, dustpans), gowns, hats, sanitary bag (phonendoscope, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, syringe, ointments, tablets , powders), cash register, tickets, money.


Tasks: arouse children's interest in the sales profession, develop skills in a culture of behavior in public places, and cultivate friendly relationships.

Game actions:The driver brings the goods by car, the loaders unload them, and the sellers arrange the goods on the shelves. The director keeps order in the store, makes sure that goods are delivered to the store on time, calls the base, and orders goods. Buyers arrive. Sellers offer goods, show them, weigh them. The buyer pays for the purchase at the cash register and receives a receipt. The cashier receives the money, punches the check, gives the buyer change and a check. The cleaning lady is cleaning the room.

Game situations:“Gegetable shop”, “Clothing”, “Products”, “Fabrics”, “Souvenirs”, “Books”, “Sporting goods”, “Furniture store”, “Toy store”, “Pet store”, “Hats”, “Flower” shop, bakery and etc.

Preliminary work:Excursion to the store. Monitoring the unloading of goods in a grocery store. Conversation with children about the excursions. Reading literary works: B. Voronko “The Tale of Unusual Purchases” and others. Ethical conversation about behavior in public places.

Children meet with their mother, who works as a salesperson in a store. Children compose stories on the topic “What can we do?”: “How to buy bread in a bakery?”, “How to cross the road to get to the store?”, “Where do they sell notebooks and pencils?” etc. Making game attributes with children (candy, money, wallets, plastic cards, price tags, etc.).

Game material:scales, cash register, gowns, hats, bags, wallets, price tags, goods by department, machine for transporting goods, cleaning equipment.

“At the exhibition of folk art” - “Fair”

Tasks: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the diversity of folk art, introduce them to Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymkovo toys, Gorodets painting, be able to name the main elements of these types of crafts, cultivate a sense of beauty, a desire to continue the traditions of their people, expand children’s vocabulary: “Khokhloma painting”, “ folk art”, “folk craft”, “Dymkovo toy”, “Gzhel”, “gorodets”, “curl”, “curl”, etc.

Game actions:The teacher invites the children to go to a folk art exhibition. The bus leaves in 5 minutes. The driver is already waiting for us. Children at the ticket office buy bus tickets and then take seats on the bus. To avoid boredom on the way, children sing their favorite song. Finally everything is in place. The children are met by a guide and invited to the Khokhloma hall. Children look at objects painted with Khokhloma, remember where this craft originated, what main elements are used in Khokhloma, what color of paint is used, what objects are painted with Khokhloma, etc. In the hall of Dymkovo toys they are met by another guide. In the same way, children visit the hall of Gorodets painting and the hall of Gzhel. You can remember poems, interesting moments in class when getting acquainted with folk art. The excursion is over, the children go home by bus. Along the way they share their impressions.

Game material:a bus made of chairs, a steering wheel for the driver, a ticket office, bus tickets, a display case with Dymkovo toys, an exhibition of objects painted with Khokhloma, Gzhel, and Gorodets painting.

"Bread Factory"

Tasks: Familiarizing children with the work of adults working at a bakery.

Game actions:The director of the bakery organizes the work of the bakery employees. Ensures distribution of finished products.

Deals with the purchase of raw materials for making bread.

Monitors the quality of employee work. A baker bakes baked goods of different types and sizes; group finished products by grade and size. The controller determines the assortment, quality and quantity of bakery products, controls the correctness of their layout, and checks the readiness of the products. Drivers load finished goods into cars from the warehouse; deliver bakery products to shops and stalls, having previously determined their quantity and size.

Preliminary work:Conversation about bread. Visit to the kindergarten kitchen. Baking bread products from salt dough. Design of equipment for a bakery. Examination of illustrations on the topic. Making attributes for the game.

"Sewing Studio"

Tasks: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about working in a sewing studio, form the initial idea that a lot of work is spent on making each item, strengthen social behavior skills, thank for the help and care provided, develop and strengthen friendly relationships between children.

Game situations:"Hat Salon"

Game actions:choosing a style, advice, placing an order, taking measurements, laying out patterns and cutting, fitting, sewing products, finishing them, embroidery, ironing, the seamstress delivers the finished product to the warehouse, paying for the order, receiving the order.

Preliminary work:Meeting with sewing studio workers (parents), conversation. Reading works: S. Mikhalkov “The Tailor Hare”, Viktorov “I sewed a dress for my mother”, Grinberg “Olin’s apron”. Didactic game “What wool do you have?” Examination of tissue samples. Conversation “What fabric can be sewn from?” Making the album “Fabric Samples”. Looking at fashion magazines. Applique “Doll in a beautiful dress.” Manual labor “Sew on a button.” Making attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (display case, ironing boards, sets of fabrics, buttons, threads, patterns, etc.)

Game material:various fabrics on display, sets containing threads, needles, buttons, thimbles, 2-3 sewing machines, scissors, patterns, measuring tape, cutting table, irons, ironing boards, aprons for seamstresses, a fashion magazine, dressing table, receipts .

"Photo studio"

Tasks: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about working in a photo studio, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite treatment of elders and each other, teach gratitude for help and service provided.

Game actions:The cashier takes the order, receives the money, and issues a check. The client says hello, places an order, pays, takes off his outerwear, cleans up, takes a photo, and thanks for the service. The photographer takes photographs, takes photographs. In a photo studio you can take photographs, develop film, view film on a special device, take photographs (including for documents), enlarge and restore photographs, buy a photo album, photographic film.

Preliminary work:Ethical conversation about the culture of behavior in public places. Looking at an album with sample photographs. Getting to know the camera. Examination of a child's and a real camera. Looking at family photos. Making attributes for the game with children.

Game material:children's cameras, mirror, comb, film, sample photographs, photo frames, photo albums, money, checks, cash register, sample photographs.

"Beauty saloon"

Tasks: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about working in the “Beauty Salon”, instill a desire to look beautiful, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite treatment of elders and each other.

Game actions:The hairdresser washes the hair, combs it, makes haircuts, dyes the hair, shaves, and refreshes with cologne. The manicurist does a manicure, coats the nails with varnish, and gives recommendations on hand care. The master of the beauty salon massages the face, wipes it with lotion, applies cream, paints the eyes, lips, etc. The cashier knocks out receipts. The cleaning lady sweeps, changes used towels and napkins. Visitors politely greet the salon employees, ask for a service, consult with the specialists, pay at the cash desk, and thank them for the services.

Preliminary work:Children visiting a hairdresser with their parents. Children's stories about what they did at the hairdresser. A teacher's story about the culture of behavior in public places. Looking at an album with hairstyle samples. Examination of booklets with samples of cosmetic products. Didactic game “Let’s comb the doll’s hair beautifully.” Didactic game “Cinderella is going to the ball.” Walk to the nearest hairdresser. Making attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (robes, capes, towels, napkins, etc.)

Game material:mirror, set of combs, razor, scissors, hair clipper, hair dryer, hairspray, cologne, nail polish, children's cosmetics, album with hairstyle samples, hair dye, robes, capes, towels, cash register, receipts, money, mop, bucket.

"Salon"- "Barbershop for Animals"

Tasks: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the work of a hairdresser, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite treatment of elders and each other, teach gratitude for the help and service provided

Roles: hairdressers - ladies' master, men's hairdresser, cashier, cleaner, clients.

Game actions:The cashier knocks out checks. The cleaning lady sweeps and changes used towels. Visitors take off their outerwear, politely greet the hairdresser, ask for a haircut, consult with the hairdresser, pay at the cash desk, and thank them for their services. The hairdresser washes hair, dries it, combs it, makes haircuts, dyes hair, shaves, refreshes with cologne, gives recommendations on hair care. Can be combined with the game "Home, Family"

Barber shop for animals- they cut the dogs' hair and comb their hair. They prepare animals for performances in the circus, do their hair, and tie bows.

Preliminary work:see "Beauty salon"

Game material:see "Beauty salon"


Tasks: display knowledge about the surrounding life in the game, show the social significance of libraries; expand ideas about library workers, establish rules of behavior in a public place; introduce the rules for using the book; awaken interest and love for books, cultivate a caring attitude towards them.

Game actions:Registration of reader forms. Librarian accepting applications. Working with a card index. Issuance of books. Reading room.

Preliminary work:Excursion to the library followed by conversation. Reading the work of S. Zhupanin “I am a librarian”, opening a “Book Workshop” for book repair. Exhibition of drawings based on the works read.

Game material:forms, books, card index.


Tasks: form concrete ideas about construction and its stages; consolidate knowledge about working professions; cultivate respect for the work of builders; develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game.

Game actions:Selection of construction site. Selection of building material and method of delivery to the construction site. Construction. Building design. Delivery of the object.

Preliminary work. Reading the fairy tale “Teremok”, the works “Who built this house?” S. Baruzdina, “There will be a city here” by A. Markushi, “How the metro was built” by F. Lev. Examination of paintings, illustrations about construction and conversations on the content. Conversation about safety at a construction site. Drawing on the theme “Building a house.” Making attributes for games.

Game material:construction plans, various building materials, uniforms, hard hats, tools, construction equipment, material samples, design magazines, substitute items.


Tasks: consolidate children’s ideas about cultural institutions, rules of behavior in public places; consolidate knowledge about the circus and its workers.

Game actions:Buying tickets, coming to the circus. Purchasing attributes. Preparing artists for the performance, drawing up a program. Circus performance with intermission. Taking photographs.

Preliminary work:Looking at illustrations about the circus. Conversation on children's personal impressions of visiting the circus. Reading the works “Girl on a Ball” by V. Dragunsky, “Circus” by S. Marshak, “My Friends Cats” by Y. Kuklachev. Production of game attributes (tickets, programs, posters, garlands, flags, etc.)

Game material:posters, tickets, programs, costume elements, attributes (spouts, caps, whistles, soap bubbles, “ears”), garlands, flags, attributes for circus performers (ropes, hoops, balls, clubs), cosmetic sets, overalls for ticket takers, buffet workers, etc.

"Migratory birds.

The appearance of chicks in the nest"

Tasks: Developing in children the ability to take on the role of birds.

Strengthen children's ability to dramatize fairy tales and stories they like.

Game actions:Birds are happy about the appearance of chicks and treat their offspring with care. They protect them from troubles, feed them, teach them to fly.

Preliminary work:Familiarity with the distinctive features of migratory birds through pictures, illustrations, reading poems and stories about birds.Examination of illustrations on the topic. Making attributes for the game.Substitute items, toys.

Theater. "Bird Bazaar"

Tasks: Reproduction of elements of matinees and entertainment in games; developing the ability to act in accordance with the role taken. Strengthen children's ability to dramatize fairy tales and stories they like.

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Game actions:Visitors came to the theater. They go to the wardrobe. To undress, purchase tickets at the box office. They take their seats according to the purchased tickets. The actors perform a performance based on the stories they like.

Preliminary work:Reading. V. Bianchi “Sinichkin calendar”

B. Brecht “Winter conversation through the window”

E. Nosov “Like a crow got lost on the roof”

Invite children to make attributes for the games (posters, tickets, elements for costumes)


Tasks: To acquaint children with the work of transport, the work of transport workers: driver, operator, dispatcher, car mechanic, etc.
To provide knowledge that drivers transport a large number of passengers and deliver various goods to the cities and villages of our large country.
In order for the vehicles to go on the road and deliver cargo on time, they are repaired, cleaned, lubricated, and refueled.
Expand children's understanding of the work of transport workers and their social significance.
To foster interest and respect for the work of transport workers, to encourage a desire to work as conscientiously and responsibly as adults, and to take care of the safety of equipment.
To promote the emergence of role-playing and creative games: “Street Traffic”, “Drivers”, “Traffic Light”, “Gas Station” and others.

Game actions:Cars carry dolls and building materials. The driver drives the car carefully so as not to run into people. The cars are filled with gasoline, driven to the construction site, unloaded with construction material, and filled with sand. The driver drives through a green traffic light and stops at a red light.

Taxi driver - takes people to work, to the theater, to the cinema.

Truck driver- pours gasoline into the car, washes it, and puts it in the garage.

Bus driver- drives the car carefully, carefully, conductor sells tickets. The bus takes people wherever they need to go: to visit, to work, home.

Stands at the crossroads policeman – regulates movement.

Pedestrians walking along the sidewalk. The road turns green.

There is a special zebra crossing for pedestrians. We follow traffic rules.

Fire truck driver- brings firefighters in case of fire, helps to extend the ladder and deploy the fire hose.

Ambulance driver- helps load patients into the car, gives stretchers, drives carefully.

Game situations:« A fun trip by bus", "Let's clear the city streets from snow" (snowplows)

Game material:Road signs, caps with stencils “taxi”, “milk”, “bread”, “cargo”, “construction”, “ambulance”, “fire”, steering wheels of different diameters - 5-10 pcs., silhouettes of different cars for dressing around the neck, police batons, a gas station made from boxes, substitute toys.

"Space flights"

(“Rocket Travel”, “Training to Become an Astronaut”, “Medical Examination of Astronauts”)

Tasks: .Acquaintance with the pioneers who conquered the Universe.

To consolidate children's knowledge of the topic "Space".

To foster feelings of patriotism and pride for the country that was the first to pave the way into space.

Enrich children's vocabulary with new concepts.

Game actions:Training of astronauts, flights into space to study stars and other planets.

Doctors “check the health” of astronauts before the flight.

They built a space rocket astronauts flew to the moon to study lunar soil. There are depressions and mountains on the Moon. Landing on the Moon, we walk in zero gravity, photograph lunar landscapes, stars, the sun. We move on the moon on a lunar rover.

We flew to other planets: Mars, Saturn. We study soil samples from other planets.

In space we use space food and spacesuits for protection. Communicating with aliens . We exchange souvenirs. We go into outer space.

We keep in touch with the ground, use video communications, computers, cameras.

We meet the astronauts on the ground after their flights. Doctors check your health after the flight and measure your blood pressure. Other cosmonauts are being trained on simulators.

Game material:Polyethylene spacesuits, a map of the Earth, the Moon, the starry sky, a lunar rover, an antenna, a walkie-talkie, a control panel, headphones, a tablet, a notepad, a camera, postcards of the planets, the starry sky.

"War Games"

Tasks: Develop the theme of paramilitary games, teach children to carry out tasks accurately, be attentive, careful, instill respect for military professions, a desire to serve in the army, expand children's vocabulary - “reconnaissance”, “scouts”, “sentry”, “security”, “ soldiers."

Game actions:

Border guards - bold, courageous, dexterous. Border guard training, classes, recreation. Dog training. A border guard at his post guards the borders of our Motherland.

I noticed footprints on the control strip in the sand. The border violator was detained, his documents were checked, and he was taken to headquarters.

Russian army - Soldiers in training -the soldiers are brave, dexterous, fearless. Soldiers training, studies, military exercises at the training ground. Awards for outstanding service members. The soldier follows the commander's order and salutes.

Pilots - train on the ground, doctors check your health before the flight.

Pilots fly airplanes, helicopters, and perform various aerobatic maneuvers in the sky.

They maintain contact with the ground; on the ground, the flight controller controls the flight, speaks to the pilot on the radio, and allows landing.

On a warship- training of sailors on land, doctors check the health of sailors before going to sea. Sailors are on deck, looking through binoculars, turning the helm. They protect the maritime borders of our Motherland. Sailors communicate with the ground via radio. The boat commander gives commands and studies the map.

Game material: Soldier caps (2-3 pcs.), tanker helmet (2-3 pcs.), paratrooper beret (2 pcs.), binoculars (2-3 pcs.), silhouettes of weapons (machine guns, pistols), map, walkie-talkie, tablet for the commander .


Tasks: Expand children's understanding of how to send and receive correspondence, develop respect for the work of postal workers, the ability to listen carefully to the client, treat each other politely, expand children's vocabulary: “parcel”, “parcel”, “magazines”, “postman” Develop imagination, thinking, speech; the ability to jointly develop the game, negotiate and discuss the actions of all players.

Game actions:People write letters to each other, send telegrams, postcards, and congratulate each other on the holiday. People take letters and postcards to the post office and throw them into a large mailbox.

Delivers telegrams and letters postman. He has a large bag with letters and newspapers. Letters and newspapers are delivered to addresses, the address is written on the envelope: street name, house number, apartment and last name. The postman drops letters into the mailbox of every house or apartment.

Envelopes are bought at the post office, at a kiosk. At the post office you can send a parcel to another city.Postal workerweighs the parcel, stamps it, sends it to the railway station.

Game material:A postman's cap, a postman's bag, newspapers, letters, postcards, various forms, small parcels from boxes, a postage stamp, scales, a mailbox from a box, a pencil for notes.

“Steamboat” – “Fishing Vessel”

Tasks: To develop the ability to reflect in the game various stories about the life and work of people, to consolidate knowledge about the professions of adults on the ship.

Game actions:The steamboat is built from cubes, blocks, bricks, soft modules, rope, and chairs.

Passengers go on a trip along the river. Captain gives commands, looks through binoculars. Steering wheel drives the ship, turns the rudder. At stops, everyone goes ashore, walks, and goes on excursions. Sailors on the ship they remove the gangway, wash the deck, and carry out the captain’s commands. Cook prepares lunch for the team.

Fishermen preparing to go to sea. They collect nets, binoculars, and a megaphone. They go out to sea to fish. Captain The fishing boat gives commands, everyone helps each other.

Fishermen throw nets into the sea, catch fish, unload them into containers, and put them in refrigerators. The team is resting; the cook has prepared a delicious lunch. The captain looks at the direction of the ship on the map. Everyone returns to shore. The fish is loaded onto special vehicles that take it to the store.

Game material:Sailors' caps, collars, binoculars, steering wheel, caps, anchor on a rope, signal flags (red, yellow), compass, map, fishing net, megaphone.

“Dining room” - “Cafe” - “Cook”

Tasks: Expand children's understanding of the work of canteen and cafe workers. Develop interest and respect for the professions of a cook and waiter. Familiarity with the rules of behavior in public places.

Game actions:The dining room has tables and chairs for visitors. Cooks They prepare delicious food in the kitchen, cook dumplings, bake pies, cook borscht, soups, fry cutlets. The canteen feeds drivers, workers, construction workers, sailors, and schoolchildren.

There are napkins and vases of flowers on the tables. Waiters serving food to visitors , talk to them politely, give them a book with a menu to choose food according to the visitor’s wishes. Visitors pay for lunch at the cash register and are given a receipt. People come to cafes not only to eat, but also to listen to music.

We celebrate a birthday, dance, sing karaoke. The waiters are polite to visitors, bringing food and sweet water. There are beautiful dishes and flowers on the tables. Musicians they play and sing beautifully. Visitors, leaving, thank you for the pleasure you have received.

Game material:White cap (2 pcs.), apron (2 pcs.), children's kitchen dishes, children's tableware, children's teaware, stove, models of food, vegetables, fruits, menus, children's trays, cocktail straws, juice boxes , yoghurts.

"Travel by ship, by train"

Tasks: Fixing the names of vehicles; formation of positive relationships between children; development of dialogical speech; broadening the horizons of children.

Game actions: We are building a ship Let's go on a trip around the world. We take with us binoculars, a map, a compass, and a megaphone. We come up with a name for the ship. Passengers climb on board and go to their cabins. Captain of the ship orders the anchor to be raised. Sailors listen to the captain's commands.

The ship is sailing to Africa. We go ashore. We meet residents and get to know each other. We are walking around Africa. We meet monkeys, elephants, tigers.

We are sailing to the North. It's cold there. We see icebergs, penguins, polar bears.

We are sailing to Australia.There we will see kangaroos and giraffes. We study nature, swim in the ocean, study the seabed. We are returning home.

Building a train . We are going to travel around Russia. Passengers looking out the window, talking to each other. The conductor brings tea.

Passengers get off at the stations. They go with tour guide on excursions, to museums, go to shops, walk around the city.

We reached Moscow. We walk around Moscow, along Red Square. In the evening we watch fireworks. We return home by train. We say goodbye to the conductor.

"Plane Travel"
Tasks: Expand children's knowledge about air transport, the purpose of an aircraft, how to maintain an aircraft, teach them to see the beauty of earthly landscapes, cultivate respect for the profession of pilot, courage, expand children's vocabulary: “airplane”, “pilot”, “stewardess”, “flight” "

Game actions:The teacher invites the children to fly on an airplane. Children distribute among themselves the roles of Pilot, Stewardess, Radio Operator, Dispatcher, Loader. Those interested purchase tickets at the ticket office, present them to the Flight Attendant and board the plane. Loaders are loading. The dispatcher announces the departure of the aircraft. During the flight, Passengers view various views from the window (images in the paintings) - seas, mountains, rivers, forests, tundra. They fly to a given city. They walk the streets and admire the sights. Upon returning, the children share their impressions.

Game material:an airplane built from building material, a steering wheel, a pilot's cap, clothes for a flight attendant, pictures depicting the sea, mountain peaks, deserts, taiga, tundra.

"Ministry of Emergency Situations" - rescuers

Tasks: Introduce children to the difficult and honorable profession of a rescuer, teach them to act clearly and harmoniously if necessary.

Game actions:Organize a rescue expedition to assist the victims; enrich the experience of children - at the place of “rescue work” they have to build new houses for residents, rescue animals from under the rubble, extinguish fires in buildings, provide medical assistance, feed them; even show a concert for the “victims”.

An SOS signal has been received; message on TV; a letter from a bottle caught in the sea. The children are faced with a problematic situation: there is no one else to save people and animals from a distant island after a fire, earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood, etc.

1. Determining the location of the island on the map.

2. Determining the path to the island and the type of transport that can be used to get to the desired place.

3. Distribution of roles: rescuers, firefighters, doctors, builders, captain, sailors, etc.

4. Construction of a “ship” (“plane”, etc.)

5. Collecting necessary things.

6. The way to the island.

7. Rescue measures:

The sailors are repairing the “ship”;

Firefighters extinguish fires in buildings; rescuers clear the rubble;

Builders are building new houses;

Doctors provide medical care.

8. Returning home.

Game material:- large building material; suits (captain's cap, collars for sailors, equipment for firefighters, white caps for doctors, medical bags); hospital equipment; products; blankets; substitute items.

“Knights and Princesses” - “Journey to a fairy-tale city”, “Entering the society of knights”, “Entering the society of princesses”, “At Cinderella’s ball”, “Knight’s tournaments”

Tasks: To form in children norms and rules of communication and behavior at home and in public places; understand that rude, conflictual communication and behavior do not lead to anything good. Develop the ability to treat your interlocutor kindly. Respect his opinion and strive to express his position positively. understand peers and adults, provide all possible assistance to each other, adults, elderly people and small children

Game actions:The Fairy of Politeness helps future princesses and knights learn the rules of behavior. She sings “magic songs”, gives new polite words, talks about princesses and knights, conveys to the girls the rules of Cinderella’s behavior, etc.

To become a real princess, girls prove that they comply with all the rules of behavior that Cinderella gave them: prepare salads, clean, read poems about politeness, and solve various problem situations.

Cinderella Rules “How Real Princesses Behave”

1. They reject rudeness and shouting and talk to everyone calmly and politely.

2. Noticing a mess, they clean it up without waiting to be asked.

3. Show care for children and help adults.

4. They know how to listen carefully to their interlocutor.

5. Learn to walk and dance beautifully.

« How real knights behave."

1. They only tell the truth.

2.Able to admit and correct their mistakes.

3. Instead of fighting, they solve the problem with words.

4. Always thank you for your help with a smile on your face.

5. Compliment girls and women.

All steps and achievements on the path to becoming knights and princesses are rewarded with special chips “for hard work”, “for modesty”, “for honesty”, “for noble deeds”, “for courtesy”, etc. Children store these chips in separate envelopes, at the end of the week they count the total number of chips for each child and determine the winner. Girls can be given a heart “with sparkles of kindness.”

The boys can be divided into teams of “Knights of the Watchful Eye” and “Knights of the Marked Hand”. At the end of the week, all the “knights” sit down at a round table. Based on the number of chips, the winner is awarded an “order”.

Game material:Knight armour; ball gowns and accessories, chips, orders.

"On the roads of the city"

Tasks: consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of the road, introduce them to a new role - a traffic controller, cultivate self-control, patience, and attention on the road.

Game actions:The children are asked to build a beautiful building - a theater. We choose a place to build. But first you need to transport the building material to the right place. Car drivers can easily cope with this. Children take cars and go to get building materials. But here’s the bad luck – the traffic lights don’t work on the main roads. To avoid an accident on the road, it is necessary for the traffic of cars to be controlled by a traffic controller. Select a Regulator. He forms a circle. He holds red and green flags in his hands. A red flag means “stop”, a green flag means “go”. Everything will be alright now. The traffic controller controls the traffic.

Game material:toy cars, flags for traffic controllers - red and green.