Cool Igor Yakovlevich nationality. Igor Krutoy: biography, personal life, family, wife, children. Igor Krutoy in the program "Secret to a Million"

His popularity continues unabated. What is her secret, read on.

Comes from childhood
Igor Krutoy was born in 1954 in Ukraine. His childhood passed in Gayvoron, Kirovograd region. Parents - simple people. His father worked as a freight forwarder for Radiodetal, his mother worked as a laboratory assistant at the local sanitary and epidemiological station.
Igor with his mother and sister
The child showed good hearing early. Not a single school matinee was complete without Igor’s accompaniment on the button accordion. It was thanks to his grasp of melodies and his natural ability to select melodies that for six months he did not arouse suspicion among the teachers of the music school: they were absolutely sure that the boy knew perfectly well musical notation. I had to start from the basics. But Igor was stubborn from childhood and lived up to his name. In the 6th grade, he already led the school ensemble, and in high school he organized dance evenings to the accordion. Therefore, with a choice future profession didn’t bother for a long time. On the way to become a musician. On the advice of his mother, Igor began to prepare for entering the School of Music. To do this, it was necessary to learn to play the piano. To the guy from provincial town he had to play scales for a whole year before he went to the regional center to submit documents. From 1970 to 1974 Igor Krutoy is a student at the Kirovograd Music College. He graduated brilliantly and dreamed of entering the Kyiv Conservatory. However, Igor was cut short on the history of the CPSU (most likely, there was another reason: the notorious fifth point was then many talented people did not give a ticket to life. 70s - the rise of anti-Semitism in the USSR. To metropolitan universities, even with honors diploma or gold medal, it was almost impossible for people of a certain nationality to enroll). Igor had no choice but to return to his native Gayvoron and start teaching the younger generation to play the button accordion in the area. But he did not give up his dream of studying. In 1975, Igor became a student at the conducting department of the Nikolaev Music and Pedagogical Institute.

Studying away from home is not easy, you can’t live on one scholarship, and in the evenings Igor worked part-time in a restaurant, where he met Alexander Serov, who later brought the composer his first laurels. In 1979, Igor graduated from high school, and his immediate plans include a conservatory. And again he was disappointed. But he did not give up: the tenacity inherent in the surname was fully manifested. Igor continues to work in restaurants and got a job at the VIA “Singing Cabins” at the Nikolaev Philharmonic. This group was a favorite on all the dance floors of the city; it performed not only popular Beatles songs, but also hits written by Krutoy.
His talent did not go unnoticed, and Igor was invited to the Moscow Concert Orchestra “Panorama”. Here he meets famous performers and musicians: L. Smetannikov, V. Miguley, P. Bulbul ogly. And in 1980 he composed for Blue Guitars. A year later he was already leading Valentina Tolkunova’s ensemble. In 1986, Igor entered the Saratov Conservatory. He became a student of the composition department. And a year later, Alexander Serov with Krutoy’s “Madonna” won the “Song of the Year 87”. And in 1988, the same performer took first place in international competitions with Krutoy’s songs “Inspiration” and “Despite Fate.” After this triumph, Igor received his first recognition of his merits. In 1988, she became a laureate of the honorary Lenin Komsomol Prize.
Path to the top
Igor explains the secret of his popularity not only with talent. He believes that the surname also played a certain role. In the late 80s and early 90s, the word “cool” took on a different meaning. To become one meant to be the very best. Therefore, many believed that this was a pseudonym. In fact, the surname is not real. It was worn not only by Igor’s father Yakov Alexandrovich, but also by his grandfather and great-grandfather. “The surname is destiny,” says the composer. A lucky coincidence: a sonorous surname, the success of the songs and the rise in popularity of this word.

Since 1988, Igor Krutoy’s songs have been in the repertoire of many famous singers: A. Pugacheva, Irina Allegrova, Valery Leontyev, Laima Vaikule, Alexandra Buinov. His hits are performed by Alexey Glyzin, Laura Fabian, Abraham Russo, Alsou, Igor Nikolaev, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Joseph Kobzon, Philip Kirkorov, Kristina Orbakaite, Vladimir Presnyakov, Lev Leshchenko, Sofia Rotaru, Nikolai Baskov and others. Igor Krutoy is famous not only for his songs: he is also an excellent organizer, talented and enterprising producer. His company, ARS, promotes young talents. It is he who produces “New Wave”, “Song of the Year”, “Morning Mail”, “ Good morning, country!”, “Hot ten”, “Sound track”. In addition, Krutoy’s projects include the Muz-TV channel, Star Factory, he supports Love Radio and Radio Dachu, and is the founder of the music website As he himself says: “My most successful project is Igor Krutoy.” Krutoy is also famous as a film composer. In 1989 he wrote the music for “Souvenir for the Prosecutor”, in 1991 for “Thirst for Passion”, and in 1992 for “Hostages of the Devil”. All these melodies, as well as instrumental music, were included in his disc “Without Words,” released in 2000. In 1992, he became an Honored Artist of Russia, in 1996 he was awarded honorary title « National artist Russia", and in 2011 he was recognized as a People's Artist of Ukraine. In 2004, he tried himself as a rap artist in a duet with Raymond Pauls at the New Wave festival in Jurmala. In the same year he received his first award - the Order of Friendship, and in July 2009 - the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.
My family is my treasure
Igor Krutoy visited twice. His first wife was Elena Krutaya from Leningrad, who gave birth to a son, Nikolai.

His second wife guiding star Olga Krutaya, who lives in New Jersey (USA), is engaged in business and is raising Igor’s daughter Alexandra.
Stepdaughter Krutogo Victoria also bears his last name and follows in the footsteps of her stepfather: she works in the genre dance music with American DJs.

Sisters Alexandra and Victoria Krutoye
The composer says about his youngest daughter Sasha that she is the “coolest” in their family.

Igor Krutoy is a happy grandfather. His son Nikolai gave him a granddaughter, Christina.
Interesting Facts
Igor Krutoy has younger sister Alla Yakovlevna Baratta, now an American and Ukrainian TV presenter. Her husband is Italian-American. She began working in Philadelphia in 1997, then on the Russian-language satellite channel RTVi with the program “Vis-in”. The heroes of her programs in different years were Russian and foreign celebrities: Mstislav Rostropovich, Alexey Yagudin, Ernst Neizvestny, Evgeny Yevtushenko, Alla Pugacheva, Rudy Giuliani and others. She has a daughter Natalya and a grandson Yakov, named after his grandfather. Igor Krutoy is a fan of the Donetsk football club Shakhtar. ARS is not the Artistic Joy of Serov, as many people think. The production center is named so because the word “ars” is translated from Latin as art. It was actually Alexander Serov who gave it its name.
Igor Krutoy is not only a composer. He performs his own songs and accompanies himself. In 2009, Igor received the unusual Silver Galosh award. It is awarded for dubious achievements in show business. The composer was awarded the Silver Galosh for “plagiarism.” The organizers of this award found “Beatlesque” notes in his song “My Finances Sing Romances” performed by Alexander Buinov. By tradition, Igor Krutoy celebrates his birthday in Jurmala at the New Wave festival. Igor Yakovlevich loves to dress from Armani. His culinary preferences are sushi, borscht. Igor Krutoy is a fan of the Beatles, Tom Jones and Muslim Magomayev. He considers himself a sex symbol for 65-70 year olds. Igor Krutoy is the owner of a personal star on the square near the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. There are similar stars with his name in Jurmala and Kyiv.

Name star in Jurmala

Named star in Kyiv From 1987 to 1999 he released 14 discs. Igor Cool lives and works in Moscow. In the ranking of the most successful producers, he competes with Igor Matvienko, sharing first place. Under the auspices of the ARS company, a concert by Jose Careros was held in Moscow in 1995 Bolshoi Theater, and in 1996 at the Dynamo stadium - Michael Jackson.
In 2011, he purchased a luxury apartment in Manhattan (New York) with an area of ​​560 square meters for $48 million. meters overlooking Central Park.

Krutoy's apartment in New York on the 12th floor above the famous Plaza Hotel

Luxurious interior

Life music stars, film stars, directors and composers always arouses interest among wide sections of the public, even those who are far from the world of art. Igor Krutoy’s biography, whose personal life and work were widely covered in the media, is no exception, however, some facts from his biography are questionable and are semi-fiction of biographers.

The future composer was born in 1954 in the small town of Gaivoron, in the Kirovograd region. His father Yakov worked as a freight forwarder at a local radio factory, his mother Svetlana alternated her work as a laboratory assistant at a sanitary and epidemiological station with her duties as a non-working housewife. Growing up in the family youngest daughter Alla (born 1959), who today is a Ukrainian-American TV presenter.

Biography: The beginning of the creative journey of Igor Krutoy

While still at school, Igor showed his talent as a self-taught musician. Without any training, he mastered playing the accordion and, starting with the accompaniment of the school choir, in high school he created a school variety ensemble, which was received with a bang during dance evenings. Therefore, upon graduation from school, the graduate has problems with further training did not have. I. Krutoy successfully passes the exams at the Kirovograd Music College, after excellent completion of which, in 1974 he began teaching singing lessons in one of the rural schools.

Having failed to enter the conservatory in Kyiv, the young man successfully passes the exams at the pedagogical institute (city of Nikolaev) for the conducting and choral department.

Since 1979, I. Ya. Krutoy began working in the Panorama concert orchestra, where he maintained friendly relations with V.G. Miguley and P. Bulbul-ogly. A year later the artist changes place permanent job starting cooperation with the vocal and instrumental group “Blue Guitars” and creative team V. Tolkunova. Soon the talented young man becomes the artistic director of the team.

In 1986, Igor entered the composition department of the Saratov Conservatory. The first one appears through the code musical hit composer - the song “Madonna”, written for Igor’s acquaintance in the city of Nikolaev A. Serov. After this, for some time I. Ya. Krutoy was the “personal” composer of this performer, writing for him the hits “How to Be”, “Wedding Music” and “Do You Love Me”, which at that time could be heard daily on all radio channels . His works are beginning to be performed by L. Vaikule, A. Buinov and V. Leontyev.

Producer activity of Igor Krutoy

In 1989 he became famous composer initially becomes the director of the ARS Youth Center and then combines a leadership position with the responsibilities of an artistic director. Ten years later, the composer turns a semi-handicraft cooperative into the largest in Russian Federation concert and production syndicate organizing solo concerts the most famous pop stars at the largest concert venues countries. Exactly concert agency"ARS" organizes Russian tours of M. Jackson and H. Koreros. At the same time, the agency produces the most popular music television programs “Song of the Year”, “Morning Mail” and others.

Since 1994, I. Ya. Krutoy begins organizing his own creative evenings, with the participation of “promoted” and rising stars Russian stage.

Today Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy was awarded the honorary titles of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of Ukraine and was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV and III degrees, the Order of Friendship and the medal of the Ukrainian Football Champion, for writing the anthem for the Donetsk Shakhtar club

Personal life of Igor Krutoy

Today I. Ya. Krutoy is married for the second time and he has a daughter, Alexandra, born in 2003. His wife Olga does business in the United States and the couple meet in fits and starts, flying to each other in their free time.

Name: Igor Krutoy

Age: 63 years old

Place of Birth: Gayvoron, Kirovograd region, Ukraine

Height: 176 cm

Weight: 78 kg

Activity: composer, producer, singer

Family status: married

Igor Krutoy - biography

A composer who is known and loved by Russia and many foreign countries. He performs his songs beautifully and is a producer. He is an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine.

Childhood, composer's family

Ukraine is Igor’s homeland, or more precisely, the Kirovograd region in one of its regional centers. His mother worked as a laboratory assistant at the sanitary-epidemiological station, and his father worked as a forwarder at the Radiodetal plant. The parents saw each other on the dance floor for the first time and got married almost immediately. The family had a son, Igor, and a daughter, Alla.

Music fascinated Igor from birth, but his dream was to become a driver. The musician's biography began from the moment when the father noticed his son's musical talent. He acquired a button accordion, which Igor mastered at the age of five or six.

Then he accompanied the school choir, and from the fifth grade, playing the accordion, he created musical ensemble. Once in the House of Culture, Igor began to play the piano, and the result of all his independently mastered instruments was a music school, where he entered after finishing 7th grade secondary school. The teachers determined that the teenager perfect pitch, and they said that they would enroll him as a student if he mastered playing the piano in 12 months. Igor succeeded.

Professional musician

Biography professional musician began from the moment Krutoy graduated from college in Kirovograd with honors. After this, the graduate submitted documents to the Kyiv Conservatory, but to no avail. Whole year he had to work as a rural music teacher, then he passed exams at the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute for the department choral conductor.

Igor had good friend Alexander Serov. The two of them worked in a restaurant: one played, the other sang. After graduating from the institute, the future composer wanted to enter the Saratov Conservatory, but first he moved to Moscow and spent a long time looking for work.


Krutoy was invited to join the tour of one group. He traveled around the country in company with Serov, whom he also invited with him. Fame did not come immediately, only after the song “Madonna” written by him and performed by a friend.

And immediately the first title of laureate of the “Song of the Year” competition appeared in the composer’s biography. Inspired by success, Igor wrote several successful compositions that brought victory to Alexander.

Krutoy’s creations have been awarded many awards and prizes. The first prize for services to music was the Lenin Komsomol Prize. The composer managed to produce, he not only acts as the president of the ARS organization, which organized concerts, he takes it to new level. Russian pop performers organize their concerts through Igor Krutoy’s company.


The songs written by the talented creator became hits, and there were concerts and creative evenings in Russia and abroad. The maestro still composes popular pop works. Igor Krutoy considers his work with children to be his most important achievement. Especially for talented children, he organized the Children's New Wave festival, similar to the adult New Wave.

As a composer, Krutoy composes not only songs, but also instrumental music, and has already released several albums. He recorded one of them with a famous performer, opera baritone Dmitry Hvorostovsky. And since 2010, he began collaborating with singer Lara Fabian. Based on them joint project It was based on the singer's own poems and Igor's music.

Performers of Krutoy's songs

During his career, the composer had to work with big amount talented performers. At first he worked in the Moscow concert orchestra called “Panorama”, meeting for the first time with Vladimir Migulya and Palad Bulbul ogly.

Later he worked in the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Blue Guitars”, then he accompanied Valentina Tolkunova in the ensemble. And only in 1986 Igor Krutoy fulfilled his long-time dream - he began to study at the composition department of the Saratov Conservatory.

Igor Krutoy - biography of personal life

The composer married for the first time a girl from the northern capital of Russia, Elena, who gave birth to her husband’s son. The couple could not live together and divorced. Son Nikolai already has his own family. For fifteen years Igor Krutoy has been devoting himself to work. And only after meeting Olga, his second wife, he decides to start a family again. The wife lives in the States and is a successful businessman. And the prima of the Soviet and Russian scene introduced them in New York

The biography of Igor Krutoy and the details of his personal life have always been of interest to both his many supporters and admirers of his talent, and his opponents, of whom he also has many. And this is natural: Igor Krutoy is, first of all, a great personality, and then everything else.


Igor Krutoy was born in 1954 in the city of Gayvoron, Ukrainian SSR. Contrary to misconceptions, Krutoy is not a pseudonym. It just so happened that real name coincided with fate.

Igor Krutoy in childhood

He was born into a family far from music: his mother was a housewife, his father worked at a local radio factory. Perhaps the biography and personal life of Igor Krutoy was influenced by his Jewish nationality. Music has been in his blood since childhood.

IN music school He quickly mastered the button accordion, and then learned the secrets of the piano. It was there at school that his production abilities showed themselves: he created his own group and organized concerts. Most likely, nationality has nothing to do with it. It’s just that some people are given talent from God, others are not.

Igor Krutoy in his youth

Igor always knew what he wanted and did not turn away from the musical path: he graduated from the music school, then the conducting department of the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute.

Carier start

Early 80s – crucial moment, when significant changes occurred in the biography and personal life of Igor Krutoy. Acquaintance and friendship with Alexander Serov, work in the Blue Guitars VIA, work as the leader of Tolkunova’s ensemble, performances with Evgeny Leonov - these are just some of his milestones creative path that period.

Igor Krutoy with Alexander Serov

The star of composer fame truly rose for him in 1987. Serov performed the song “Madonna” based on Kazakova’s poems, and the song instantly became a number one hit. The most popular songs of the composer of those years:

  • "Do you love me"
  • "Wedding music"
  • "In spite of fate"

Producer activity

Since 1989, Krutoy has been the president of the production and concert company ARS. He managed to attract to cooperation both the most famous performers, and aspiring stars.

The company has acquired significant weight and a good reputation in the colorful world of show business. Suffice it to remember that Michael Jackson’s tour in Moscow in 1993 was organized by ARS.

Composer Igor Krutoy

IN different time Collaborated with the ARS company:

  • Mikhail Shufutinsky
  • Nikolay Trubach
  • Irina Allegrova
  • Shark and many others

Health problems

After the conflict with the First, the composer completely gave up. He was unrecognizable in the photo. He had to go to the USA for treatment, and in New York he underwent complex operation, which ended happily. However, one of his ill-wishers started a rumor about his death. It was at that time that the composer became very aware of who is a friend and who is an enemy. Fortunately, he recovered quite quickly and returned to his creative life.

Composer Igor Krutoy

Personal life

The personal life of Igor Krutoy in the late 70s, photos of those years, his first wife - this is not the brightest page of his biography. The first marriage with Elena in 1979 was unsuccessful. Scandals constantly broke out, and after the divorce, Krutoy’s wife did not allow him to see his son Nikolai, born in 1981. Then Krutoy had problems with alcohol, but he managed to overcome them.

First marriage with Elena

The second marriage turned out to be much happier. Alla Pugacheva introduced the composer to Olga during his tour in New York. Things broke out between them classic love at first sight.

Dedicated to the future wife famous hit Cool “I love you to tears.” The composer's wives turned out to be very different people, respectively living together Things turned out completely differently with them.

Igor Krutoy always believed that the crown of any biography and personal life is, of course, children. Son Nikolai from his first marriage did not follow in his father’s footsteps. He is quite successfully engaged in the construction business.

Igor Krutoy and son Nikolai from his first marriage

The children from the second marriage are an adopted daughter, Victoria, and a daughter, Alexandra, born in 2003.

For about two years, a rumor circulated on the Internet that Krutoy’s daughter Alexandra had autism. It is difficult to say what was the impetus for such gossip. Perhaps the whole point is that the girl did not spend enough time on social networks and with her smartphone. There is no reason to believe that this is true.

Krutoy and his wife have never made any statements on this matter. By the age of 16, Alexandra blossomed, became a real beauty, she always smiles in the photo and looks completely happy.

Igor Krutoy, his wife and daughters

Igor Krutoy now

At the end of 2017, Igor Krutoy scared fans with his photos. In them he looked too thin and somehow exhausted. Of course, rumors immediately spread about him serious illness. However, fortunately, these rumors were not confirmed.

The composer is still full of strength and energy and took an active part in numerous New Year’s celebrations. music shows and corporate events at a high level.

Igor Krutoy

Igor Krutoy devotes a lot of effort to his brainchild – the Children’s Festival New wave. He is and general producer festival, and a member of the jury. It remains to wish the maestro for long years and conquering new creative heights.

Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy - Soviet and Russian composer, producer, singer, People's Artist of Russia (1996) and Ukraine (2011). On top of that, Krutoy is the owner of several Russian popular radio stations. Igor Krutoy’s songs were performed by almost all Russian pop stars and not only - from Angelika Varum to Alexander Bon, from Lara Fabian to Muslim Magomayev.

Childhood and adolescence

Igor Krutoy was born on the outskirts of the small town of Gayvoron, picturesquely located on the banks of the Southern Bug in Ukraine. His father, Yakov Mikhailovich, worked as a freight forwarder at a radio factory, and his mother, Svetlana Semyonovna, was a laboratory assistant at the local sanitary and epidemiological station. The composer has a sister, Alla, who married an Italian, moved to the USA and now works on television.

Igor grew up as an ordinary boy, played football with friends and at first was no different from his peers. In the Krutys’ house they kept an old trophy accordion, which my father sometimes picked up during family gatherings. Igor also liked to finger the keys of the old instrument, and he himself did not notice how he learned to play it.

This activity fascinated the teenager so much that he began performing at local discos, masterfully performing compositions from the repertoire of the legendary Beatles on the button accordion. Seeing her son's obvious abilities in music, his mother insisted that after the eighth grade he enter a music school. To do this, it was necessary to master the piano, so, despite the difficult financial situation in the family, Igor was bought a used piano.

Carier start

Having excellently graduated from the Kirovograd Music College, the young man tried to enter the Kyiv Conservatory, but did not pass the competition. After working for a year as a music teacher in a rural school, he entered the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute in the conducting and choral department. While studying, Igor worked part-time at a local restaurant, where he met Alexander Serov, who became his true friend and a companion for many years.

Even then, Krutoy began to write his own songs, which were successfully performed by artists of the Nikolaev Philharmonic, but he was unable to break through further. In those days, young artists had to overcome difficult barriers from various artistic council auditions, which only the most talented and stubborn managed to pass.


In 1979, Krutoy received an offer from the capital's Panorama orchestra and moved to Moscow. Two years later, he got a job as a pianist in Valentina Tolkunova’s ensemble and established himself well among the capital’s musicians. But this was not enough for the ambitious provincial; he wanted to make a name for himself as a composer. Soon Igor lured Alexander Serov to Moscow and began promoting his songs performed by him.

Thanks to Tolkunova’s patronage, in 1988 Serov managed to get to the international musical competition in Budapest with Krutoy’s song “Madonna” and become the winner there. Half the job was done, now all that was left was to get on television. For the first time, the song “Madonna” was heard on the air of the program “Before and After Midnight”; by the morning the whole country was already singing it.

Igor Krutoy’s song “Madonna” performed by Alexander Krutoy

Overnight, Serov became a megastar, and Krutoy became one of the most sought-after composers national stage. But the real burden of fame fell on Igor Krutoy’s head after his duet with Irina Allegrova in the video “An Unfinished Romance.”

Krutoy’s songs have taken their rightful place in the repertoire of such stars of the pop scene as Irina Allegrova (more than 40 songs, including “I will part the clouds with my hands”), Valery Leontyev (more than 20), Laima Vaikule (including “ Chestnut Branch,” which they sang as a duet), Alexander Buinov (more than 30) and Alla Pugacheva (“Love Like a Dream,” “Ah, Lieutenant,” etc.).

In 1989, Igor Yakovlevich created the ARS production center, within which he organized grandiose musical projects on a global scale. The composer’s creative evenings invariably aroused great interest, and his music festivals in Jurmala and Sochi to this day are one of the most significant events in domestic show business.

Igor Krutoy also became the producer of the fourth “Star Factory”, successfully collaborated with Lara Fabian, wrote music for films and theatrical productions.

Igor Krutoy and Lara Fabian - “Fallen Leaves”

The popular composer has released more than one disc with recordings of his songs. So, one of the first was an album called “Songs of the composer Igor Krutoy” (parts 1–6), in 1997 a collection performed by Alexander Buinov “Islands of Love” was released, two years later “My Finances Sing Romances”, in 2002 followed by the album “Songs of a Composer - Star Series,” and Irina Allegrova recorded an album with Krutoy’s songs “I’ll part the clouds with my hands” and “An Unfinished Romance.”

Igor Krutoy writes a lot instrumental music. So, in 2000 he released the album “Without Words”, and also at the beginning of his career wrote music for three feature films: “Thirst for Passion,” “Hostages of the Devil,” and “Souvenir for the Prosecutor.”