Who is Anastasia Volochkova's husband? Anastasia Volochkova and family life: who is the ballerina’s ex-husband and does she have children. Hot photos of Anastasia Volochkova in a swimsuit in the Maldives

Anastasia Yurievna Volochkova is one of the most famous ballerinas in Russia, actress, world star. Today, she is constantly pursued by paparazzi; the woman has repeatedly faced criticism and condemnation of her actions. But Volochkova prefers to ignore black PR, continuing to do what she loves. During her life she had to overcome many difficulties, which led to stunning results. Prima was born on January 20, 1976 in Leningrad.

Childhood and dance training

Anastasia's parents divorced when she was still a little girl. Mother, Tamara Vladimirovna, worked as an engineer at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In addition, the woman knew the history of her city very well, she loved it, so she regularly gave excursions. Father, Yuri Fedorovich, was fond of table tennis. He became the champion of the USSR and Europe, and later the athlete was invited to the post of coach of the State Sports Committee of Russia.

In an interview, Volochkova repeatedly thanked her family for the hard work and perseverance they instilled in her. The girl also reported that there was always a pleasant creative atmosphere in the family. Her parents did not interfere with her development; they took their daughter’s endeavors very seriously. That is why already in 1992 Nastya entered the Academy of Russian Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova.

The girl's passion for dancing began at the age of five. The impetus for this was a visit to the ballet “The Nutcracker” at the Mariinsky Theater. The entrance exams took place in a very tense atmosphere, since the teachers did not consider Anastasia talented enough. But Konstantin Mikhailovich Sergeev expressed his weighty word and insisted on enrolling the young ballerina.

Studying also did not always go well. The teachers bullied the girl, her classmates pitied her, but never took her seriously. Once Natalya Mikhailovna Dudinskaya drew attention to the future prima, she helped Nastya believe in herself and graduate from the academy with honors.

The girl made her debut on stage Mariinsky Theater, she brilliantly performed the role of Odette-Odile in the ballet Swan Lake. After this, Volochkova remained in the troupe for four years, she danced there until 1998. During this time, Anastasia managed to play leading roles in such productions as “The Spirit of the Rose”, “The Bakhchisarai Fountain”, “Don Quixote”, “The Sleeping Beauty” and others ballets. At the Mariinsky Theater, the girl was taught by talented teachers. Among them are Olga Moiseeva, Inna Zubkovskaya and Tatyana Terekhova. This period cannot be called easy, since Nastya was constantly persecuted and tried to survive from the stage.

Together with her colleagues, the girl goes on tour to the UK, Austria, USA, Spain and other countries around the world. In 1996, Volochkova became the winner of the international competition named after Serge Lifar, which took place in Kyiv. The role in the production “Death of the Gods” brought success. Vilissa" with choreography by Edvald Smirnov. After four years work, the ballerina was forced out of the troupe; due to constant scandals, she had to leave the theater.

Bolshoi Theater scandals and worldwide fame

In 1998, Vladimir Vasiliev, artistic director Bolshoi Theater, invites the girl to play the leading role in the production of Swan Lake. After this role, her career began to develop much faster. Anastasia became the first performer of roles in the ballets “The Little Humpbacked Horse” and “Russian Hamlet”. Her name began to be actively discussed in the press. Not all spectators recognized the ballerina’s talent; she read a lot of criticism addressed to her. Despite all the negativity and insults, the prima walked along the intended path, not intending to give up.

Volochkova danced briefly in the lineup ballet troupe. Already in 2000, together with leading choreographers from different countries she is creating a solo program. Specialists such as Paul Chalmer, Dana Tai Sun, Alexander Ursulyak and many others helped in this process. For participation in the Austrian competition, the girl receives the Golden Lion prize. Nastya was officially recognized as the best European ballerina, after which she received an invitation from the National English Ballet.

The performance on the stage of the Royal Albert Hall became a significant event in the life of London art lovers. During next year Anastasia tours in the UK, she played leading roles in the productions of “Carmen Suite” and “Sleeping Beauty”. Especially for the prima, the choreographer expanded the image of Fairy Carabosse to the leading role.

In 2001, Nastya returned to the theater at the request of Yuri Grigorovich. The choreographer admired the girl’s talent and helped her in every possible way. Back in 1992, he established the Benois de la Danse award, which Volochkova received ten years later. Also in 2002 she became an Honored Artist of Russia.

In 2003, Anastasia sued the new leaders of the Bolshoi Theater. For many months, a trial took place due to the management’s refusal to sign a contract with the ballerina. She was accused of being unsuitable for the profession, they claimed that the girl’s height and weight were not suitable for this profession, and they humiliated Prima in every possible way. Nastya became one of the first stars who did not remain silent about such an offensive attitude. The court sided with her, but the girl refused to continue wasting her time and nerves on the Bolshoi Theater. In 2005, Volochkova became a prima singer at the Krasnodar Theater, Yuri Grigorovich again became her choreographer.

The path to show business

In 2004, the talented ballerina decides to try her hand as an actress. She manages to play main role in the film "The Black Prince", which later won a prize at the New York international festival independent cinema. The girl also appeared in the detective series “A Place in the Sun” and played herself in the acclaimed novel “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.” In 2006, Anastasia was recognized as People's Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia.

In 2009, the show “Nerve” debuted on the stage of a London theater. Within a few months, Nastya’s performance was seen by 6,000 people in Kremlin Palace. In the fall of the same year, Volochkova published an autobiography entitled “The History of a Russian Ballerina.” In December of the same 2009, Anastasia sang the composition “Ballerina”, written for her by Igor Nikolaev. The singer's debut took place in New Year's show Alla Pugacheva.

Social activity

In 2003, the girl joined the party " United Russia" She is involved in charity work and organizes social programs for children. In 2011, Volochkova left the party, but she continued to help young talents throughout the country. Today in Moscow there is a “ Creative Center Anastasia Volochkova." The girl plans to open similar establishments in other cities of Russia.

In 2009, Anastasia participated in the elections of the head of the Sochi administration. Even at the registration stage, her candidacy was withdrawn due to an error in filling out the documents. A year later, the ballerina received an MBA degree from High school economy. In 2012, a tour took place in 17 Ukrainian cities, it was dedicated to children. At the same time, Anastasia presents her new project- the “Emerald of Russia” award, which will be awarded annually to young talents. On Children's Day, the ballerina organizes a charity concert in Moscow; large and low-income families and orphans from orphanages are invited to it.

Personal life

The paparazzi constantly follow the star, attributing to her novels with different men. Anastasia does not confirm this information; moreover, she even denies acquaintance with some of them. According to unofficial data, back in 1998 the girl met with Anzori Aksentyev. A sports philanthropist helped the girl get a job at the Bolshoi Theater, and soon after that they broke up.

During a tour in London, the girl stole millionaire Anthony Kerman from his family, and he left his wife for her. In addition, the man was vice-president of the English Ballet. Nastya also had a date with Jim Carrey. During his arrival in Moscow they walked all night Sparrow Hills. At the same time, Volochkova claimed that she was not interested in foreigners, so the walk could well have been an ordinary friendly meeting.

In the early 2000s, Anastasia was in a relationship with oligarch Suleiman Kerimov. They were together for three years, but had to break up due to a misunderstanding with the man’s relatives. It was after this that the girl began to have problems with the management of the Bolshoi Theater.

In 2007, Volochkova married businessman Igor Vdovin. The ceremony was luxurious, this event was remembered for a long time by representatives secular society, but the couple soon separated. Later, the ballerina stated that the marriage was fictitious. Nevertheless, the former lovers continue to communicate warmly, and the businessman regularly sees his daughter Ariadna, who was born back in 2005.

In May 2011, the prima participated in the show “Let's Get Married,” but she failed to build her family happiness. In February 2013, Nastya met Bakhtiyar Salimov, a businessman involved in oil transportation. Soon they started dating. After 9 months, the relationship ended on the girl’s initiative. There were also rumors about Anastasia’s affair with Nikolai Baskov, but the stars deny this information.

Despite numerous rumors, it is difficult to deny the ballerina's talent. Even if some men helped her achieve success, the girl combined this with regular efforts on herself and rehearsals. Now the prima continues to tour the world, combining regular and charity concerts. Each of her shows attracts a huge crowd of spectators, because Anastasia’s projects have long gone beyond the usual ballet for everyone.  

Anastasia Volochkova is one of the brightest and rather unusual stars in modern show business. She is very original in expressing her feelings and has an unconventional manner of behavior. In public, a woman appears in a bright and scenic image, and her splits in any place and in any situation have already become the talk of the town. At the same time, many are quite interested in seeing what Anastasia Volochkova looks like without makeup and Photoshop, whose photos are now published very often in various publications.

Ballerina image

If you look at early photographs young ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, you can see that in her image she was quite calm, beautiful and soft. However, for last years her image has changed significantly. Now Anastasia wears rather provocative and clearly unnatural makeup. He also positions himself differently from how he actually behaves.

The girl aspired to ballet since childhood. Hard, grueling training, the image of a naive and gentle girl - all this was part of the general image of one of the best ballerinas of the Bolshoi Theater. Anastasia was offered quite popular and enviable roles, and everything in her career was going well, until she was fired from the theater.

Today the ballerina tries to deliberately emphasize her beauty. And many have long wanted to know what Anastasia Volochkova looks like, whose photos are literally flying around the Internet. Anastasia herself regularly tries to surprise her fans, which is why she also has such pictures in her collection.

Anastasia Volochkova, without Photoshop, demonstrates a rather non-standard figure - she has broad shoulders, long legs, narrow hips. In addition, her face is difficult to see in natural beauty, because the ballerina has eyebrow tattooing.

Moreover, if you evaluate the condition of her skin, you can understand that the star takes very good care of herself. And this is worth learning from her. She carefully studies her diet, including only healthy foods. Volochkova also recommends physical activity– this is what allows you to maintain a certain harmony. Anyone can follow Anastasia’s recommendations. This means that any woman is capable of maintaining her slim and beautiful figure.

But you shouldn’t try to do the same permanent makeup - it gives the face an unnatural expression. Her fans really like Anastasia Volochkova in her natural form.

Height, weight and foot size of Anastasia Volochkova

Volochkova’s parameters and dimensions do not fit the usual standards; for a ballerina, she has a figure that does not fit the generally accepted standards. Very often, competitors and envious people tried to point out to Anastasia that her figure was not for ballet, but more suitable for swimming.

Now the ballerina is 40 years old (birthday January 20, 1976), her approximate weight is 55 kg, height is 171 centimeters. Girths are 91–67–95, Volochkova’s foot size is size 39.

Nuances of personal life

The personal life of Anastasia Volochkova, whose photos regularly appear both in various publications and on the Internet, is quite controversial. The star can't find her happiness. After all, she is sure that she deserves only the best - the man who will allow her to forget about everything and be weak. Today Anastasia is raising a daughter and hopes that she will be as beautiful as her mother and will become very happy.

Anastasia Volochkova – famous ballerina, actress, singer, philanthropist and creative activist.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia Volochkova was born in ordinary family January 1976 in the Northern capital of the Russian Federation. Her father was a sought-after athlete, a Union and European champion in table tennis, and later the man began coaching. As for the mother, she worked as an engineer. The parents of the future celebrity were unable to save the marriage; they separated when little Nastya was still a child.

At the age of five, Volochkova’s mother took her to famous ballet called "The Nutcracker", which was shown on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater. Since then, the girl fell in love with dancing. At such an unconscious age, she began to clearly say that she dreamed of becoming a successful ballerina.

The parents tried to support their daughter in everything. After regular school, Volochkova went to classes at the Academy of Russian Ballet. Vaganova. They did not want to take the girl, allegedly due to lack of data. Gave her probation, the size of six months. However, thanks to perseverance and hard work, the blonde with an unusual appearance proved the opposite.

At the academy, after a while, Volochkova was noticed by a famous teacher. It was she who helped the talented ballerina move forward.

Career start

On graduation party Anastasia Volochkova performed her solo role superbly and without one mistake in the legendary production of Swan Lake. The performance took place in 1994. By the way, educational institution The dancer graduated with the highest marks. After this she was officially accepted into the troupe cultural institution, in which she worked for several years.

For four years, Volochkova received a variety of roles, including leading ones. As the ballerina herself later said, her career at the Mariinsky Theater was not easy for her. The young dancer had to learn what meanness and weaving intrigues are in the theatrical sphere. The work conflict reached such proportions that Volochokova eventually decided to party and was completely left without any work.

In 1998, the ballerina, at the suggestion of Vladimir Vasiliev, moved to Moscow. There she showed herself in popular and important production"Swan Lake", which was staged at the capital's Bolshoi Theater. I really liked the dancer's work creative group, so she continued to work there.

Unofficial information indicates that a native of St. Petersburg got into the Bolshoi Theater thanks to the connections of businessman Anzori Aksentyev. Allegedly, he was Volochkova’s patron. The dancer herself never confirmed the fact of meeting and communicating with the entrepreneur.

In 2000, Volochkova went to Austria for work, where she received the honorary Golden Lion award. She was named one of the most talented and sought-after ballerinas in Europe. Here the blonde also had her own patron. It's about about millionaire Anthony Kerman. For the sake of Volochkova, he even abandoned his family, but the romance did not last long.

In 2003, the ballerina became involved in loud scandal. The thing is that the management of the Bolshoi Theater did not sign with her labor contract. Allegedly, the dancer’s demands were at odds with the entire troupe. In addition, it was stated that Volochkova was unsuitable. Allegedly, her weight for her height was 171 cm, about 55 kilograms, and her shoulders were very wide.

Volochkova tried to submit applications to the courts and challenge the above decision, but did not win a single lawsuit. After that, she decided to develop an individual career. In 2004, the dancer found work as part of the Grigorovich ballet in Kuban.

Further career

Volochkova tried herself in the film industry in 2004. She played one of the roles in the small Russian film “A Place in the Sun.” A year later, the blonde was waiting for another project, “The Black Prince.”

In 2009, Volochkova decided to write an autobiography in which she told how she achieved success. Two years later, she opened her own creative center.

Along with professional activity Volchokova decided to be active on social networks. Every now and then she published candid photographs, not embarrassed by her body. The ballerina herself is very proud of herself. According to her, to look like her, you need to work every day.

In 2013, Volochkova was hit with a barrage of criticism after intimate photographs of her with singer Nikolai Baskov appeared on the Internet. Allegedly, the couple enjoyed sunny days together in one of the best hotels in the Maldives. It was there that Volochkova often got used to spending her holidays. The blonde also often visits Greece and Turkey.

Personal life

Any novel by Anastasia Volochkova is the subject of discussion in the press and in social networks. Herself great love became a rich man named Suleiman Kerimov. The businessman literally gave the dancer gifts, bought real estate, expensive jewelry, and flew with her on vacation. Volochkova even received an offer to become his next wife, because this is permitted by faith. However, here the ballerina wanted to be the only one. The couple finally separated in 2003.

In 2005, Anastasia Volochkova became a mother for the first time. Her daughter Ariandna was born in one of the capital's maternity hospitals. The girl's father was entrepreneur Alexander Vdovin. In 2007, a luxurious wedding took place between a businessman and a ballerina. However, a year later it turned out that it was just a magnificent event, and in fact the couple did not document their relationship.

In 2013, Volochkova began dating oil businessman Bakhtiyar Salimov. The couple met in Vladivostok when the ballerina was on tour. The romance lasted only one year.

At the beginning of 2018, the media announced the name of the ballerina’s new lover. He became an ordinary programmer Mikhail Loginov. Volochkova insisted that she didn’t care what kind social status for a man, the main thing is his attitude towards her. However, the relationship did not work out here either; by the summer of 2018, the couple was no longer together.

Born January 20, 1976.
Honored Artist Russian Federation (2002).
Anastasia studied at Russian Academy Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova, with the famous Russian ballerina and wonderful teacher Natalia Dudinskaya.
A year before graduating from the Academy, Anastasia was accepted into the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater as a trainee. And already in April 1994 she made her debut in the role of Odette-Odile (“Swan Lake”).
In 1996 she took first place and received gold medal at the Second International Ballet Competition in Kyiv.
From 1994 to 1998 she danced in the ballet troupe of the Mariinsky Theater, where she was accepted immediately after graduating from college. She was a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia.
At the Hermitage Theater Volochkova danced as the main roles classical ballets, and modern rooms. In 2001, it was at the Hermitage Theater that Anastasia first performed her dance numbers“Duet for One” (choreography by V. Anzhelov, music by Piazzola), as well as the dance “Angel”. These productions later became business card ballerina, her best numbers.
In April 2004, A. Volochkova signed a cooperation contract with the Yuri Grigorovich Ballet Theater in Krasnodar. The contract period is not limited. It is included in almost all the performances of the Krasnodar troupe: “Don Quixote”, “Swan Lake”, “The Golden Age”, “La Bayadère” and concerts.
In 2002, Anastasia Volochkova’s office opened in Moscow, where the Cultural Foundation named after her and the new SMM - Art Production Agency are located.

prizes and awards

In 1996, she took first place and received a gold medal at the Second International Ballet Competition. Serge Lifar in Kyiv.
In September 2001, in St. Petersburg, Anastasia Volochkova was awarded the Petropol Prize - “for her tireless search in art and the revival of the traditions of the ballet concert.”
In April 2002, Anastasia Volochkova became the laureate of the "Benois de la Danse" - "Ballet Benois" Prize, which is awarded by a reputable international jury for better job artists and ballet workers in the past season. Such a role became for Anastasia Volochkova the part of Odette-Odile in the Bolshoi Theater of Russia's play "Swan Lake".
In 2002 she won the Golden Lion prize - “The most talented ballerina in Europe.”
She was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor of Peter the Great - "For outstanding services and achievements in the field of ballet, contributing to the greatness and glory of Russia" (St. Petersburg, 2003), the medal "In honor of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg" - "For charitable activities"(St. Petersburg, 2003).
Laureate of the Tsarskoye Selo Art Prize "For fruitful service to the art of ballet and brilliant execution on ballet stage the ideal of eternal femininity and beauty" ( Saint Petersburg, 2003).
Laureate International Prize"Golden Aquarius" - "For outstanding achievements in the field of culture and art" (Moscow, 2004).
Winner of the "Lady Luxery" award (Moscow, 2005).

Anastasia Yuryevna Volochkova - outrageous ballerina, public figure, Honored Artist of Russia

Date of Birth: January 20, 1976
Place of Birth: Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR
Zodiac sign: Capricorn

“God sent me to this earth with a specific mission: to dance, to give people love and beauty. Dance is a sacrament during which I feel happy.”

Biography of Anastasia Volochkova

Anastasia was born into the family of an athlete, master of sports in table tennis, athletics coach Yuri Fedorovich Volochkov and tour guide Tamara Vladimirovna Antonova, who dedicated her life to her beloved daughter, becoming her first producer and director. True, Anastasia herself regrets that her mother was sometimes tough and categorical. According to Volochkova, she herself suggested not to deceive each other (she and her mother felt that her father had someone on the side).

IN ballet school, Academy of Russian Ballet named after. A. Ya. Vaganova, Nastya’s mother brought her when the girl was eight and a half years old. Nastya dreamed of becoming a ballerina, but she was refused. The choreographer and teacher, head of the school, Konstantin Mikhailovich Sergeev, saw the crying girl. He allowed Nastya to study for a year and show herself. The parents even wrote a letter that they would take their daughter away if there were no results.

But Nastya tried very hard, and she was not only left at the school, where she studied for eight years, but also prepared in such a way that, while still a student (she had another year left before graduation), she was accepted into the Mariinsky Theater (in 1994), immediately to the position of soloist.

At that time, trouble happened in the family. The parents decided to sell their apartment on the outskirts of St. Petersburg and buy a smaller apartment, but next to the theater, so that Nastya would not have to spend a lot of time on the road. They even had to sell their father's place in the garage. But the broker deceived the parents and disappeared with the entire amount for the apartment. The Volochkov family was left on the street, without an apartment and without money.

It was very difficult for the talented ballerina in the new team. She did not have a professional relationship with the then director of the ballet troupe of the Mariinsky Theater, Mahar Vaziev. But she didn’t want close, personal relationships. In addition, she was promised performances, and he demanded that she give him the money for them.

Anastasia did not accept these conditions, and her life was turned into a nightmare. Therefore, when they started talking about Volochkova everywhere, she had to quit hometown and move to the capital: in 1998, Vladimir Vasiliev invited her to the Bolshoi Theater in his production “ Swan Lake" She also performed roles in such performances as La Bayadère and The Sleeping Beauty. And in parallel the beginning solo career. The great Maya Plisetskaya noticed the ballerina and said that Volochkova had amazing hands.

When the Bolshoi Theater toured London in 2000, the artistic director of the English National Ballet, choreographer Derek Dean, was present at one of the performances, Raymonda. He offered Volochkova a contract for 12 performances of The Sleeping Beauty. Dean prepared the role of the main character especially for her. actor- Fairies Carabosse. The London press then called Volochkova the greatest Russian ballerina.

Some time later, after her affair with businessman and politician Suleiman Kerimov, Anastasia was fired from the Bolshoi Theater. She is sure that she was kicked out of the theater precisely by order of this rich man.

But, having fired the principal, the administration of the Bolshoi Theater justified its decision by saying that Volochkova had allegedly become terribly fat, did not show up for rehearsals, and that her partners could not hold her in their arms. Nastya insisted that this was a conspiracy of enemies.

The offended ballerina sued the theater management in 2003. Endless lawsuits, counterclaims, and streams of dirty details in press. But, according to the ballerina herself, she sued the Bolshoi Theater for 190 thousand rubles and the right to return to the troupe. Although, of course, she understood that she would never appear on this stage again.

In 2003, Anastasia joined the ranks of the ruling United Russia party, but in 2011 she left its membership, loudly announcing this.

Volochkova continued to perform with her own projects, which are still held with constant full houses.

Volochkova and TV

In 2007, Anastasia tried her hand at figure skating: she participated in the TV show “ glacial period"paired with Olympic figure skating champion Anton Sikharulidze, and then she was invited to the same program in 2009, then she danced with another Olympic figure skating champion - Maxim Marinin.

In 2009, one famous prima - Alla Pugacheva - invited another famous prima - Anastasia Volochkova - to her “Christmas meetings”. The ballerina performed in an unusual role as a singer. She danced and sang the song “Ballerina,” which composer Igor Nikolaev wrote for her.

  1. In 2009, Anastasia released her autobiography, “The History of a Russian Ballerina,” where she talked about her behind-the-scenes life largest theater countries. She has a second book ready to release.
  2. In 2010, Volochkova defended her dissertation on the topic of creative schools in the regions of Russia and received an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree from the Higher School of Economics.
  3. In 2011, she opened the Anastasia Volochkova Creative Center for Children in Moscow - this is a children's additional education new formation.

Personal life

At the age of 19, Anastasia Volochkova met with the famous ballet dancer, in 1986-2007 the leading soloist of the Mariinsky Theater ballet, Farukh Ruzimatov - he was her first love. Mom was against this union and did not even let her daughter go on dates. But Nastya still ran away to Farukh. They still maintain warm friendly relations.

In 2000, Anastasia was first seen on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater by oligarch and deputy Suleiman Kerimov. To get to know the ballerina, he invited her to perform at his private event at the Bolshoi Theater. Having become the lover of one of the most influential businessmen in the country, Volochkova simultaneously became the prima of the Bolshoi, the most famous Russian ballerina. The couple dated until 2003. The initiator of the break in relations was the ballerina herself. And then Kerimov, according to Volochkova, began to take revenge, and she was fired from the Bolshoi Theater.

During a tour of the Bolshoi Theater in London, Anastasia met the famous English lawyer and millionaire, Lord Anthony Kerman, who fell madly in love with her. He rented her a studio for classes in London, hired choreographers who staged modern numbers for her, paid for housing, and opened a residence permit in London for the aspiring dancer.

Anastasia Volochkova was married to businessman Igor Vdovin. Their story together ended in 2008 after four years of relationship.
In this marriage, a daughter, Ariadne, was born in 2005.

In 2013, the media wrote that . A very candid photo shoot of two lovers was leaked onto the Internet. But after a while all the hype faded away.

Awards and recognition

2002 - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
2002 - laureate International competition named after Serge Lifar, winner of the Benois Dance Prize
2006 - People's Artist Karachay-Cherkessia
2007 - People's Artist North Ossetia- Alanya