The best parables, stories, legends. For everyone and about everything

Urban legends are often exciting stories containing many folklore elements, and they spread quite quickly in society. Stories are told dramatically, as if true stories related to real people- although in fact they may be 100% fictitious.

Local touches are often added to the legend, so it will be quite strange to hear the same story in different versions V different countries. Urban legends often carry a warning or some meaning that motivates society to preserve and spread them. One thing is for sure - some of these creepy urban legends have kept many people awake. Below are ten of the best urban legends:

10. Choking Doberman

This urban legend comes from Sydney, Australia and tells the story of a Doberman pinscher who choked on something. One night married couple went out for a walk and sat in a restaurant, when they returned home, they saw their dog choking in the living room. The man panicked and fainted, and the wife decided to call her old friend, a veterinarian, and agreed to bring the dog to the veterinary clinic.

After she took the dog to the clinic, she decided to return home and help her husband go to bed. This takes her some time and meanwhile the phone rang. The veterinarian screams hysterically into the phone that they need to quickly get out of their house. Without understanding what is happening, the married couple leaves the house as quickly as possible.

As they descend the stairs, several police officers run towards them. When the woman asks what happened, one of the officers replies that their dog choked on a man's finger. There is most likely still a burglar in their house. Soon after, the finger's former owner was found unconscious in the couple's bedroom.

9. Suicidal guy

This story, also known as "Death of the Boyfriend", is told in many variations and is considered a general warning not to stray too far from the safety of your home. Our version will focus on Paris in the 1960s. A girl and her boyfriend (both college students) kiss in his car. They parked near the Rambouillet forest so that no one could see them. When they finished, the guy got out of the car to take a breath. fresh air and smoke a cigarette while the girl waits for him in the safety of the car.

After she waited five minutes, the girl got out of the car to find her boyfriend. Suddenly she sees a man hiding in the shadow of a tree. Frightened, she gets back into the car to quickly leave - but while she was getting in, she heard a very quiet creaking sound, followed by several more creaking sounds.

This continues for several seconds, but the girl eventually decides that she has no other choice and decides to leave. She presses the gas pedal, but can’t go anywhere - someone tied a cable from the car’s bumper to a tree growing nearby.

As a result, the girl presses the gas pedal again and hears a loud scream. She gets out of the car and finds her boyfriend hanging from a tree. As it turned out, the creaking sounds were made by his shoes dragging along the roof of the car.

8. Woman with a torn mouth

In Japan and China, there is a legend about the girl Kuchisake-Onna, also known as the woman with the torn mouth. Some say she was the wife of a samurai. One day, she cheated on her husband with a young and handsome man. When the husband returned, he discovered her betrayal, and in a rage he took his sword and cut her mouth from ear to ear.

Some say that the woman was cursed - she will never die, and still walks around the world so that people can see the terrible scar on her face and feel sorry for her. Some claim that they saw a beautiful young girl who asked them: “Am I beautiful?” And when they answered positively, she tore off her mask and showed a terrible wound. Then she repeated her question - and anyone who stopped considering her beautiful would face a tragic death.

There are two morals to this story: it costs nothing to give a compliment, and honesty is not the best approach in all situations.

7. Bridge of the Crying Child

According to this legend, a couple was driving home from church with their child and arguing about something. It was raining heavily, and soon they had to cross a flooded bridge. As soon as they drove onto the bridge, it turned out that there was much more water than they thought, and the car was stuck - they decided that they needed to go for help. The woman remained waiting, but got out of the car for a reason that one can only guess about.

When she turned away from the car, she suddenly heard her child crying loudly. She returned to the car and discovered that her child had been swept away by the water. According to the same legend, if you are on the same bridge, you can still hear a child crying there (the location of the bridge, of course, is unknown).

6 Alien Abduction of Zanfretta

The story of the kidnapping of Fortunato Zanfretta has become one of the most famous urban legends in Italy over the past few decades.

According to his own stories (originally made under hypnosis), Zanfretta was abducted by aliens Dragos from the planet Teetonia, and over the course of several years (1978-1981) he was repeatedly abducted several times by the same group from another planet. No matter how terrifying and creepy this story may sound, if we take into account the words of Zanfretta, spoken by him during a hypnosis session, we can evaluate the intentions of the aliens from an optimistic point of view:

“I know that you want to fly more often... no, you can’t fly to Earth, people will be scared of what you look like. You can't become our friends. Please fly away."

Zanfretta has perhaps provided more details about his alien abduction than any other person in history - his detailed stories can make even the most ardent skeptic wonder if there is some truth there. Until this day, the Zanfretta case remains one of the most interesting and mysterious "secret files".

5. White Death

This story is about a little girl from Scotland who hated life so much that she wanted to destroy everything connected with her. Finally, she decided to commit suicide, and soon after, her family discovered what she had done.

In a terrible coincidence, all members of her family died a few days later, their limbs torn off. Legend says that when you hear about the White Death, the ghost of a little girl may find you and knock on your door many times. Each knock gets louder until the man opens the door, after which she kills him so that he will not tell anyone else about her existence. Her main task is to make sure no one knows about her.

Like most urban legends, this story is most likely the product of the unbridled imagination of a modern Aesop.

4. Black Volga

According to rumors, on the streets of Warsaw in the 1960s, a black Volga was often spotted - in which people who kidnapped children were sitting. According to legend (no doubt aided by Western propaganda), Soviet officers drove around Moscow in the black Volga in the mid-1930s, kidnapping young, pretty girls to satisfy the sexual needs of high-ranking Soviet comrades. According to other versions of this legend, vampires, mystical priests, Satanists, human traffickers and even Satan himself lived in the Volga.

According to different versions of the legend, children were kidnapped in order to use their blood as a treatment for rich people from different parts of the world suffering from leukemia. Naturally, none of these versions were ever confirmed.

3. Greek soldier

This one is less famous legend tells the story of a Greek soldier who returns home after World War II to marry his fiancée. Unfortunately for him, he was captured by his compatriots with enemy political beliefs, tortured for five weeks and then killed. In the early 1950s, mainly in northern and central Greece, stories circulated of an attractive Greek soldier in uniform who would appear and quickly disappear, seducing beautiful widows and virgins with one goal - to give them a child.

Five weeks after the child was born, the man disappeared forever - leaving a note on the table in which he explained that he was returning from the world of the dead so that he could have sons who could avenge his murder.

2. Elisa Day

IN medieval Europe There lived a young girl named Eliza Day, whose beauty was like the wild roses growing by the river - bloody and red. One day a young man came to town and instantly fell in love with Eliza. They met for three days. On the first day he came to her house. On the second day, he brought her one red rose and asked her to meet where wild roses grow. On the third day, he took her to the river, where he killed her. The terrible man waited until she turned away from him, after which he took a stone and, whispering “All beauty must die,” killed her with one blow to the head. He put a rose in her teeth and pushed her body into the river. Some people claim to have seen her ghost wandering along the river bank, holding a single rose in her hand and blood streaming from her head.

Kylie Minogue and Nick Cave have a very beautiful song on the theme of this legend - “Where The Wild Roses Grow”:

1. Well to Hell

In 1989, Russian scientists drilled a well in Siberia to a depth of approximately 14.5 kilometers. The drill fell into a cavity in the earth's crust, and scientists lowered several devices into it to figure out what was going on. The temperature there exceeded 1000 degrees Celsius, but the real shock was what they heard on the recording.

Only 17 terrifying seconds of sound were recorded before the microphone melted. Many of the scientists, convinced that they had heard the cries of the damned from hell, quit their jobs - or so the story goes. Those who remained were even more shocked that night. A stream of luminescent gas shot out from the well, transforming into the shape of a giant winged demon, and then the words “I have won” could be read in the lights. Although on this moment Although this story is considered fiction, there are many people who believe that it actually happened - the urban legend "The Well to Hell" is told to this day.

Collected here best parables, legends and stories. These parables will be useful for various presentations. We use them to teach public speaking.

Speaking with a parable

I wrote down some of the parables from memory, some were told by students in class... I rewrote some of the parables in my own way... Therefore, I did not provide any attribution.

The best parables and legends are collected here, and not everything in a row, I love short parables with a good meaning.
Read, enjoy. I will be glad if you send parables that you personally liked! 🙂
A big request: leave comments!

This short parable is one of the most ancient,
as they say: “As old as the world.” That's why I love her.
There is a legend that it belongs to the ancient Greek sage Aesop.
But I have an assumption that it is much older.
Suitable for any age, for children of any class.

Sun and wind

Speaking with a parable

The Sun and the Wind argued which of them is stronger?

And the Wind said: “I will prove that I am stronger. Do you see the old man in the raincoat? I bet I can get him to take off his coat faster than you can.”

The sun hid behind a cloud, and the wind began to blow stronger and stronger until it almost turned into a hurricane. But the harder he blew, the tighter the old man wrapped himself in his cloak.

Finally the wind died down and stopped. And the Sun peeked out from behind the clouds and smiled tenderly at the traveler. The traveler became cheerful and took off his cloak.

And the Sun told the Wind that kindness and friendliness are always stronger than rage and strength.

Dear reader! If you need short legends and parables for children of primary and secondary school, I have combined them into one collection, read:

Parable. Two oars.

The boatman was transporting the traveler to the other side.

The traveler noticed that there were inscriptions on the oars of the boat. On one oar it was written: “Think”, and on the second: “Do”

– Your oars are interesting,- said the traveler. – Why these inscriptions?

Look,– the boatman said smiling. And he began to row with only one oar, with the inscription “Think.”

The boat began to spin in one place.

“I used to think about something, reflect, make plans... But it didn’t bring anything useful.” I was just circling in place, like this boat.

The boatman stopped rowing with one oar and began rowing with another, with the sign “Do.” The boat began to circle, but in the other direction.

– Sometimes I rushed to the other extreme. I did something thoughtlessly, without plans, without drawings. I spent a lot of time and effort. But, in the end, he was also spinning in place.

- So I made an inscription on the oars,- continued the boatman, - to remember that for every stroke of the left oar there must be a stroke of the right oar.

And then he pointed to beautiful house, which rose on the river bank:

“I built this house after I made inscriptions on the oars.”

Here is another short parable that is “As old as the world.” Suitable for both adults and children, of any class.

Fight with Leo

Lion resting in the shade big tree after a hearty lunch. It was midday. Heat. The Jackal approached the Lion. He looked at the resting Leo and timidly said:

- A lion! Let's fight!

But the answer was only silence.

The jackal began to speak louder:

- A lion! Let's fight! Let's have a battle in this clearing. You are against me!

Leo didn't pay any attention to him.

Then the Jackal threatened:

- Let's fight! Otherwise I’ll go and tell everyone that you, Leo, scared me terribly.

Leo yawned, stretched lazily and said:

- And who will believe you? Just think! Even if someone condemns me for cowardice, it is still much more pleasant than the fact that they will despise me. Despised for fighting with some Jackal...

This parable is in video format.

The Parable of King Solomon's Ring

According to the legend, King Solomon owned a ring on which was engraved the saying: “Everything passes.”

One wise man gave him this ring with the words: “Never take it off!”

In moments of grief and difficult experiences, Solomon looked at the inscription and calmed down...

But one day such a misfortune happened that words of wisdom, instead of comforting, caused him to have an attack of rage. Tore off Solomon took the ring off his finger and threw it on the floor.

When it rolled, the king suddenly saw that there was also some kind of inscription on the inside of the ring. He was surprised, because he did not know about this inscription. Curious, he picked up the ring and read the following:

"This too shall pass".

Laughing bitterly, Solomon put the ring on his finger and never took it off again.

Here's a funny parable.
When I tell it, I always remember my grandparents’ house in the village,
where I used to spend the whole summer. A barn, an axe, a fence, a large wooden gate...
And neighbors, as the heroes of this story.

Quickly conclusions

One old woman told the man that his neighbor was dishonest and that he might even steal an axe.

The man came home. And - immediately look for an ax.

No axe!

I searched the whole barn - there is no ax anywhere!

Goes out into the street. He sees the neighbor coming. But he doesn’t just walk: he walks like someone who has stolen an axe, and he looks with squinted eyes like someone who has stolen an axe, and he smiles like someone who has stolen an axe. The neighbor even said hello, like a man who had stolen an axe.

“What a dishonest neighbor I have!”- the man decided.

He harbored a grudge and returned home. Lo and behold, there’s an ax lying under the barn. His axe! Apparently one of the children took the ax but didn’t put it back. The man was happy. Satisfied, he leaves the gate. And he sees that the neighbor is not walking like someone who has stolen an axe, and he is looking with squinting eyes, not like someone who has stolen an axe, and he is not smiling like someone who has stolen an axe.

“What an honest neighbor I have!”

Dear reader! I hope you enjoy our collection of proverbs. A big request: click on Google ads. This is the best THANK YOU to our site!

A short parable - a fable of the great sage Aesop.
Suitable for anyone. Even for 3rd grade children.

The shortest parable is a fable.
The Sage of Aesop.

Fable Dog and Reflection

The dog walked along a plank across the river, and carried a bone in its teeth. She saw her reflection in the water. And I thought that there was another dog carrying prey. And it seemed to the dog that that other bone was much larger.

He threw his bone and rushed to take the bone from the reflection.

So I was left with nothing. She lost hers and couldn’t take away someone else’s.

  • Read other short legends and parables for children in grades 3–4

There are people who love to teach others. This is what the parable is about.
I like short parables like this.

Half life

One philosopher was sailing on a ship. He asked the sailor:

– What do you know about philosophy?
“Nothing,” answered the sailor.
“You have lost half your life,” the philosopher said, smiling.

A storm has begun. The ship creaked and threatened to break into pieces.

- What happened to you? – the sailor asked the philosopher. – Don’t worry, the shore is very close. Even if something happens to the ship, we will be able to swim to the shore.
– It’s easy for you to talk about this. You know how to swim, but I can’t swim at all! - he answered.
- Is that so? You recently told me that I lost half my life without knowing philosophy. At the same time, you risk losing everything, not knowing how to swim,” the sailor said smiling.

Here's another parable. Similar.
I always remember this parable when I am given any advice.

Gardener and writer

Once a gardener turned to the writer:

– I read your story. I like it. And you know what I thought?.. Would you like me to give you a couple of ideas for new stories? They are of no use to me. I'm not a writer. And you will write good stories, publish a book, earn money.

To which the writer replied:

“Now I’ll finish the apple, and I’ll give the core to you.” There are a lot of good seeds there. I don't need them, I'm not a gardener. And you will plant them, grow good apple trees, harvest, and earn a lot of money.

- Listen! I don't need your bitches! I myself have more than enough apples!

– Why do you think that I don’t have enough ideas of my own?

I have heard many variations of this parable.
I think it has many authors.


One day we decided to hold a competition to find the most loving and caring child. The winner was a four-year-old boy whose neighbor, an elderly man, had recently lost his wife.

When the boy saw the old man crying, he walked up to him in the yard, climbed onto his lap and just sat there. When his mother later asked him what he told his uncle, the boy replied:
- Nothing. I just helped him cry.

The video is a parable. Dad and son.

This parable has no text yet. Just watch the video.

Sometimes I tell this parable when I want to show
that knowledge has a price.
Special price.

Cost of a hammer blow

One farmer's tractor stopped working.

All attempts by the farmer and his neighbors to repair the car were in vain. Finally he called a specialist.

He examined the tractor, tried how the starter worked, lifted the hood and checked everything carefully. Then he took a hammer, hit the motor once and started it. The engine rumbled as if it had never been damaged.

When the master handed the bill to the farmer, he looked at him in surprise and became indignant:

“What, you want a hundred dollars for just one blow with a hammer!”

“Dear friend,” said the master, “I counted only one dollar for a blow with a hammer, but I charge ninety-nine dollars for my knowledge, thanks to which I could make this blow in the right place.”

“Besides, I saved you time.” You can already use your tractor.

This parable is my favorite.
When I read it for the first time, I thought a lot.
Now I try to make it happen in my family as in the parable.

Parable. A happy family

In one small town two families live next door. Some spouses constantly quarrel, blaming each other for all troubles and trying to figure out which one is right. And others live amicably, they have no quarrels, no scandals.
The obstinate housewife marvels at her neighbor’s happiness. Jealous.
Says to her husband:

- Go and see how they do it so that everything is smooth and quiet.

He came to the neighbor's house and hid under open window. Watching. Listens.

And the hostess is just putting things in order in the house. He wipes the dust off an expensive vase. Suddenly the phone rang, the woman got distracted, and put the vase on the edge of the table, so that it was about to fall. But then her husband needed something in the room. He caught a vase, it fell and broke.

- Oh, what will happen now! - the neighbor thinks. He immediately imagined what a scandal would be in his family.

The wife came up, sighed with regret, and said to her husband:

- Sorry honey.
- What are you doing, honey? It's my fault. I was in a hurry and didn’t notice the vase.
- I am guilty. She placed the vase so carelessly.
- No, it's my fault.
Anyway. We could not have had greater misfortune.

The neighbor's heart sank painfully. He came home upset. Wife to him:

- You're doing something fast. Well, what did you look at?
- Yes!
- Well, how are they doing?
- It's all their fault. That's why they don't quarrel. But with us everyone is always right...

The same parable, told “live” in our classes.

After all, we use all these parables to teach public speaking.

This parable seemed funny at first, but nothing more.
It was not clear where this parable could be applied. After all, we are not monks.
It seems to me that this parable is about rules,
and about exceptions to these rules.
And that above every rule there are others...

A terrible sin, or a parable about two monks and a woman

The old and young monks were traveling. Their path was crossed by a river, which was overflowing due to the rains.

On the shore stood a young beautiful girl who also needed to move to the opposite shore. But she could not cross the river herself. The girl asked the monks for help. However, the monks took a vow not to communicate with women or touch them.

The young monk pointedly turned away. And the old man approached the girl, asked something, put her on his back, and carried her across the river. The monks walked in silence for a long time. Suddenly, the young man could not resist:

– How could you touch a girl!? You took a vow not to touch women! This is a terrible sin!

To which the old man calmly replied:

“It’s strange, I carried it and left it on the river bank, and you are still carrying it.” In my head.

This is the same parable. Video

One of my favorite parables. This is so wise:
“Listening to other people’s words is like music.”
Or – don’t listen.
But how difficult it is sometimes!..
In this parable, the last remark of the Lama was added by me. She wasn't there.
I still don't know if it's needed here. You can do without it.


Once upon a time, an old Lama was resting in the shade of a tree. Several people gathered - his ideological opponents - and they began to tease and even insult the Lama.

But the old man listened to them very calmly.

Because of this calmness, they felt somehow uneasy. An awkward feeling arose: they insult a person, and he listens to their words like music. There's something wrong here.
One of them turned to the Lama:

- What's the matter? Don't you understand that we are talking about you?

- How? Understand! But it is with understanding that such deep silence is possible,- answered the Lama.

“It’s your choice to decide whether to insult me ​​or not.” But to accept your nonsense or not is my freedom. I simply refuse them; they're not worth it. You can take them for yourself. I don't accept them.

- At the same time, I cannot stop you from insulting me. This is your freedom and your right.

And then, smiling, he continued, looking at the silent opponents:

“You didn’t hurt me or cause me any trouble.” Otherwise, they would have received this stick from me a long time ago.

Parable. Payment for work.

Pay for work

The worker came to the owner and said:

- Master! Why are you paying Ivan three times more than me? I don’t seem to be a quitter, and I work no worse than Ivan. This is not fair! And it's not fair.

The owner looked out the window and said:

- I see someone is coming. It looks like they are carrying hay past us. Come out and find out!

The worker came out. Came in again and said:

- True, master. They are transporting hay.
- Don’t you know where? Maybe from Semyonovsky meadows?
- Don't know.
- Go and find out.

The worker went. Enters again.

- Master! Exactly, from Semyonovsky meadows.
– Do you know whether the hay is the first or the second cut?
- Don't know.
- So go and find out!

The worker came out. Coming back again.

- Master! First mowing!
– Do you know at what price?
- Don't know.
- So go and find out.

I went. He came back and said:

- Master! Five rubles each.
- Don’t they give it away cheaper?
- Don't know.

At this moment Ivan enters and says:

- Master! Hay was being transported past from the Semenovsky meadows of the first cut. They asked for 5 rubles. We bargained for 4 rubles per cart. Buy?
- Buy it!

Then the owner turns to the first worker and says:

“And now do you understand why I pay Ivan three times more than you?”

They often ask: “Recommend some useful parable!”
I recommend this one.
This parable can have two meanings: about a man who never got drunk, and about a man who lived 100 years because he never argued with anyone.

Parable. How to live 100 years

The correspondent was given the task of learning the secret of a long life from the hero of the day, who turned 100 years old. The journalist came to a mountain village, found a centenarian and began to find out how he managed to live a hundred years.

The old man said that his secret was that he never argued with anyone. The correspondent was surprised:

And this is a beautiful legend. Legend of love.

Red Rose

One sailor received letters from a woman he had never seen. Her name was Rose. They corresponded for 3 years. Reading her letters and answering her, he realized that he could no longer live without her letters. They fell in love with each other without realizing it.

When his service ended, they made an appointment at Grand Central Station at five o'clock in the evening. She wrote that she would have a red rose in her buttonhole.
The sailor thought: he had never seen a photograph of Rose. He doesn't know how old she is, doesn't know whether she's ugly or pretty, plump or slender.

He arrived at the station, and when the clock struck five, she appeared. Woman with a red rose in her buttonhole. She was over forty...

The sailor wanted to turn and leave. He felt embarrassed that all this time he had been corresponding with a woman much older than himself.
But... but he didn't do it. He thought that this woman wrote to him all the time while he was at sea, answered his questions, pleased him with her answers.

She didn't deserve this. And he approached her, extended his hand and introduced himself.

And the woman told the sailor that he... That Rose is standing behind him.

He turned around and saw her. She was a young and beautiful girl.

The elderly lady explained to him that Rose had asked her to put a flower in her buttonhole. If the sailor turned and left, it would all be over. But if he approached this old lady, she would show him the real Rose and tell him the whole truth.

The same parable, in “living form,” told in our classes.

I heard this parable from Nikolai Ivanovich Kozlov.
Since then, if I hear the phrase: “Lucky,” I smile and say to myself:
“Who knows, lucky or unlucky.”

Lucky or unlucky?

That was a long time ago. There lived an old man. He had an only son. The farm was small. But there was a horse on which he plowed the land and went to the city to the market.

One day the horse ran away.

“What horror,” the neighbors sympathized, “How unlucky!”
“Who knows whether he was lucky or not,” answered the old man. – You don’t need to reason, but look for the horse.

A few days later, the old man found the horse and brought it home. Yes, not alone, but with a beautiful horse.

- What a luck! - said the neighbors. - That's lucky!
- Luck? Failure? - said the old man. – Who knows if you were lucky? One thing is clear - we need to build another barn.

This new horse had a cool disposition. The next day, the old man's son fell from his horse and broke his leg.

- Horrible. How unlucky! - the neighbors told the old man.
– Who knows whether it was lucky or unlucky? - answered the old man. – One thing is clear – the leg needs to be treated.

In the hospital, the young man met a beautiful girl. And after recovery, he brought his bride to his home.
Again the neighbors began to say:

- What a luck! Your son found such a beautiful beauty! That's lucky!

The old man still answered with a smile:

- Who knows? Are you lucky... or unlucky...

This is an endless story. Success or failure, who knows?..

There is mathematics in this parable.
Sometimes people tell me that the numbers in the parable don’t add up.
Do the math for yourself...

Shared reward

Speaker giving a parable

A wandering monk came with important news to a strange city. He wanted to hand it over only to the ruler himself. No matter how the court ministers insisted that the monk give them this news, he remained firm and adamant.

A lot of time passed before the monk was finally introduced to the vizier, and only then to the prince himself.

The ruler was very happy with the news that the monk brought, and invited him to choose any reward he wanted. To everyone's surprise, the wanderer asked for 100 blows of the stick personally from the hands of the prince.

Having received the first five blows, the monk shouted:

The prince fully “rewarded” everyone.

Video parable. Price of the dress.


They say that this happened in London, and this is a real legend. I won't say so. In any case, this legend is very similar to the truth.
Suitable for performance or storytelling.
For both adults and schoolchildren of any grade.

Difficult lot

In London there lived a merchant who had the misfortune of being in debt to a moneylender. a large amount money. And he - old and ugly - said that he would forgive the debt if the merchant gave him his daughter as a wife.

Father and daughter were horrified.

Then the moneylender suggested drawing lots. He put two stones into his empty wallet - black and white. The girl had to pull one of them out. If she comes across a white stone, she will stay with her father, if it is black, she will become the wife of a moneylender. The merchant and daughter were forced to accept this offer.

But when the moneylender put pebbles in his wallet, the girl noticed that they were both black. What should the girl do now?

The girl put her hand into her wallet, pulled out a pebble, and without looking at it, it was as if she had accidentally dropped it onto the path, where the pebble was instantly lost among the others.

“Oh, what a shame,” the girl exclaimed. - Well, yes, this is a fixable matter. We'll see what color the pebble is left in the wallet, and then we'll find out which pebble I pulled out.

Since the remaining pebble was black, it follows that she pulled out a white one: after all, the moneylender could not admit to fraud.

A very ancient legend.

There are many variations of this legend. I like this version, slightly tweaked by me.

Pearl Woman

Gestures of the speaker during a speech with a parable.

Mark Antony arrived in Egypt. Cleopatra threw a feast in his honor.
The Roman was amazed at the luxury of the feast. And, to flatter the queen, he delightedly delivered a speech of praise, ending with the words:
– Nothing like this will ever happen again!

But the queen did not accept his compliment. She objected:
- I do not agree with you!
– Will nothing like this ever happen again?

And then she added excitedly:
“I’m ready to bet you, my friend, that tomorrow I will give a feast more luxurious than this.” And it will cost at least a million sesterces! Do you want to argue with me?
How could one refuse such a dispute?

The next day the feast was, indeed, more luxurious than the previous one.

There was no room on the tables for gourmet food. Were playing the best musicians and the best dancers danced. The glow of thousands of candles illuminated the majestic hall.
The Roman was delighted this time too.

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But, because of a dispute with the queen, he decided to pretend that he had not seen anything new. “I swear by Bacchus, there is not even the smell of a million sesterces here!” - he exclaimed.
“Okay,” Cleopatra agreed calmly. – But this is just the beginning. I alone will drink a million sesterces!

She pulled out an earring from her left ear - a huge pearl, truly the Eighth Wonder of the World. And she turned to the judge of the bet, Consul Planck:
- How much does this pearl cost?
– I doubt that anyone can answer this question. She is priceless!
Cleopatra heated the pearl in a candle fire, and then threw the jewel into a golden goblet filled with sour wine. The pearl instantly crumbled. Its fragments began to melt, dissolving in the acid of wine vinegar.

Having already understood where everything was going, Mark Antony waited for the outcome.
When the pearl had completely dissolved, Cleopatra offered to share a drink with her:
- Exactly this expensive wine of all the things you've tried. Will you have a drink with me?

Anthony refused.

And Cleopatra poured more wine into the goblet and drank it slowly.
After this, the queen reached for the earring from her right ear, apparently in order to make another drink. But then Planck intervened, announcing that Cleopatra had already won the bet.
Mark Antony agreed.


Double benefit

One artist received an order from the village elder to paint a house. For three days he painted the central room, decorating it with images of people and birds, a pattern of flowers and leaves.

On the fourth day, the headman, waking up in a bad mood, went to check the artist’s work. He called the drawing a “pathetic daub” and drove the master away.

Extremely upset, the artist was wandering through the village when an old monk came across him.
- What happened to you? – the monk asked the artist. – You look so unhappy!

The artist told him what the village elder had done to him.

- Don't be sad! - the monk answered him. “Our headman is a rude and tyrant, but this is his concern.” And he not only gave you the opportunity to enjoy creativity for three days, but also helps you realize that you are touchy and cannot always accept life as it is if it does not meet your expectations. Rejoice! You got double the benefit!

The artist thought and smiled.

  • A big request: write in the comments which parables you liked the most. Moreover, many of these parables were redone by me...

Also, a very ancient parable.

Travel time

On a hot day, a wanderer walked along a dusty road. On his shoulder was an old, battered bag. To the side the traveler saw a well. He turned towards him. Drank greedily cold water. And then he called out to the old man sitting next to him:

The puzzled traveler walked along the road. He began to reflect on the ignorance and rudeness of the locals.

After walking a good hundred steps, he heard a shout behind him. Turning around, I saw the same old man.

The old man shouted to him:

- You still have two hours to go to the city.
- Why didn’t you say so right away? – the wanderer exclaimed in amazement.
- Of course! “I first had to see how fast you were walking with your heavy load,” the old man explained.

Modern parable


An American man was walking with his Indian friend along a crowded street in New York.

The Indian suddenly exclaimed:
- I hear a cricket.
“You’re crazy,” answered the American, looking around the central street of the city crowded with people.

Cars were scurrying around everywhere, construction workers were working, people were making noise.
“But I really hear a cricket,” the Indian insisted, moving towards a flower bed laid out in front of a quaint building of some institution.
Then he bent down, parted the leaves of the plants and showed his friend a cricket, carefreely chirping and enjoying life.

“It’s amazing,” the friend responded. “You must have fantastic hearing.”
- No. It all depends on what you’re in the mood for,” he explained. “And now you can hear him.”
The friends moved away from the flowerbed.
- Marvelous! “Now I can hear crickets well,” said the American.


Great secret

One elder was asked:

- They say you are the most cheerful person in the village?
- Yes, they say. But I have no more happiness than any of my fellow villagers.
- Dear! But it doesn’t look like you were ever sad. There are no traces of sadness on your face! Share your secret!

– Is there anything worth being sad about? Even if there is, will it help?
- Which great wisdom! Indeed, sadness does not bring anything useful. Why don't you tell your fellow villagers about this secret?

- Why? “I told you,” the old man smiled. - So I told you. Can you use this secret?

I heard this legend from Pavel Sergeevich Taranov.
He knew how and loved to insert numerous legends and parables into his speech.


For every strong person there is enough weakness

French bacteriologist Louis Pasteur studied the culture of smallpox virus in his laboratory.

Unexpectedly, a stranger appeared to him and introduced himself as the second of a nobleman, who thought that the scientist had insulted him. The nobleman demanded a duel. Pasteur calmly listened to the messenger and said:

- Since I am challenged to a duel, I have the right to choose a weapon. Here are two flasks: one contains the smallpox virus, the other contains pure water. If the person who sent you agrees to drink one of them, at your choice, I will drink another.

The duel did not take place.

The next parable is about persuasion. And about honesty.
I like the principle behind the parable,
which is useful for teachers, parents, coaches to remember...
to all those who work with people, teaching or explaining.

One woman brought her son to the elder and began to explain her problem:

“My boy was probably damaged,” she said. - Imagine, he only eats sweets. Any sweets: sweets, jam, cookies... And nothing else. No amount of persuasion or punishment helps. What should I do?

The elder just looked at the boy and said:

Kind woman, come home. Come with your son tomorrow, I will try to help.

- Maybe today? Our house is very far from here.

- No, I can’t do it today.

The next day the elder took the boy to his room and talked with him for a long time.

The child ran up to his mother and exclaimed:

- Mother! I won't eat so much sweets anymore!

The delighted mother began to thank the elder. But then I asked him:

– Was there any special day yesterday? Why didn't you talk to your child yesterday?

- Kind woman,- the old man answered. - Yesterday was a very ordinary day. But believe me, I could not convincingly tell your son yesterday what I said today. Because yesterday I myself enjoyed eating sweet dates. How could I convince your son not to eat sweets if I myself had a sweet tooth that day?

This parable was sent to me. And I liked her right away.
Send us parables too, but only short and best ones.

I want you to be happy!..

In one distant city there lived a beautiful girl.

One morning, when she woke up, the girl remembered her dream. An angel flew to her:
“I want you to be happy,” said the Angel. What can I do for you?
- Make my boyfriend finally fall in love with me, so that we buy big house and we had two girls and a boy.

Time passed, her boyfriend proposed marriage to her. Soon they got married and bought a big house. Everything was as the girl asked.
And then more time passed, and she and her husband separated without having children, and they sold the house.

In one of her dreams, the girl saw the Angel again. And she exclaimed:
- Why didn’t you fulfill my wishes! You are not an Angel - you are a Demon!!!
- Why? Yes, because you did not fulfill my only wish. You didn't become happy!


The secret of a smile

- Master! All your life you smiled and were never sad. But I still didn’t dare ask how you manage to do this?

The Old Master replied:

“Many years ago I came to my Master as a young man, seventeen years old, but already deeply suffering. The master was seventy, and he smiled just like that, without any apparent reason. And there was no trace of grief or sadness on his face.

I asked him: “How do you do this?” And he just smiled. And he answered that he saw no reason to be sad.

And then I thought:

– It’s just my choice. Every morning when I open my eyes, I ask myself what to choose today - to be sad or to smile? And I always choose a smile.


Rose petal

The great composer Ludwig van Beethoven was about to be accepted as a full member of the Academy of Arts in Paris. The presiding officer announced:

– We have gathered today to accept the great Beethoven as a member of our academy.

Silence reigned in the hall.

“But...,” the chairman continued... and poured a full glass of water from the decanter standing on the table so that not a single drop could be added. Then he tore one rose petal from the bouquet standing right there and carefully lowered it onto the water surface.

The petal did not overfill the glass, and the water did not spill.
Then the chairman, without saying a word, turned his gaze to those gathered.
The response was an explosion of applause.

This ended the meeting, which unanimously elected Beethoven as a full member of the Academy of Arts.

Parable. Jar of Life

Presentation with a parable.

The philosophy professor, standing at the pulpit, took a three-liter glass jar and filled it with stones, each at least 3 cm in diameter. At the end he asked the students if the jar was full?
They answered: yes, it’s full.
Then he opened a can of peas and, pouring them into a large jar, shook it a little. Naturally, the peas took up the free space between the stones. Once again the professor asked the students if the jar was full?

They answered: yes, it’s full.

Then he took a box filled with sand and poured it into a jar. Naturally, the sand completely occupied the existing free space and covered everything. Once again the professor asked the students if the jar was full?

They answered: yes, and this time definitely, it is full.
Then he pulled out 2 cans of beer from under the table and poured them into the jar to the last drop, soaking the sand. The students laughed.

“And now,” the professor said instructively, “I want you to understand that the jar is your life.
Stones are the most important things in your life: family, health, friends, your children - everything that is necessary for your life to still remain complete even if everything else is lost.
Polka dots are things that have become important to you personally: work, home, car...
Sand is everything else, little things. If you fill the jar with sand first, there will be no room left for the peas and rocks to fit. And also in your life, if you spend all your time and energy on little things, there is no room left for the most important things.
Do what brings you happiness: play with your children, spend time with your spouse, meet with family and friends. There will always be more time to work, clean the house, fix and wash the car. Focus primarily on stones, that is, the most important things in life. Determine your priorities.

The rest is just sand

I'm done, the lecture is over.

“Professor,” one of the students asked, “what do beer bottles mean???!!!”

The professor smiled slyly again:
– They mean that, despite any problems, there is always a little time and place for idleness :)

Parable about happiness

An interesting parable. You can chase happiness... and still not catch it. And we can make sure that happiness is always with us. Like in this parable :)

lucky tail

One day, an old cat met a young kitten. Running in a circle, the kitten was clearly trying to catch up with its own tail. The old cat stood silently, watching the actions of the kitten, who, without stopping for a minute, ran after its tail.

- You're chasing your own tail! - For what? – asked the old cat.
“Once a cat told me that my happiness is in my tail,” the kitten answered, “that’s why I catch it.”

The seasoned cat rolled his eyes, smiled as only an old cat could do, and said:

– I was younger and, just like you, I tried to “catch happiness by the tail,” because I firmly believed in the truthfulness of what was said to me. You have no idea how many days I spent chasing my tail. I forgot what food and drink were, running and chasing my tail. I also fell, was exhausted, but got up again and again chased illusory happiness. But there came a time in my life when I had already lost hope, and I quit this activity and walked away. And do you know what happened?

What? – the kitten asked, opening his eyes wide.
– My tail is always with me, which means happiness too...

Video parable. Gorgeous.

Parable. Miracle - Clay

This parable was sent by Igor Sepetov.

A long time ago, Water and Fire decided to become friends. Only their friendship somehow ended quickly - either the Water evaporated, or the Fire died out...

They asked the Man to reconcile them.

The man took a lump of dry clay and asked Water to moisten and soften it. Then he mixed and kneaded it properly. The clay became pliable and plastic.

The man fashioned from it a capacious steep-sided pot, an elegant lamp-lamp and a funny toy whistle. Then he turned to Fire for help.

The fire burned it all thoroughly, giving the products strength...

The man poured Water into the pot and oil for Fire into the lamp. Clay connected both Fire and Water. And for his son he taught him to whistle a song about the friendship of Fire and Water on a whistle.

The events of this legend happened quite recently.
You may even find this information in recent news. Similar stories Our students often tell this during public speaking classes.

The legend of the richest man.

Modern legend

Henry Ford's raincoat

Once, already a millionaire, Henry Ford came to England on business. At the airport information desk, he asked about any cheap hotel in the city, as long as it was nearby.

The employee looked at him - his face was famous. Newspapers often wrote about Ford. And here he is standing here - in a raincoat that looks older than himself and asking about a cheap hotel. The employee asked hesitantly:

- If I'm not mistaken, you are Mr. Henry Ford?

- Yes,- he answered.

The employee was surprised:

- I recently saw your son at this counter. He booked the most expensive room, and was very worried that the hotel would be the best. And you ask for a cheap hotel and wear a raincoat that seems to be no younger than you. Are you really saving money?

Henry Ford, after thinking a little, replied:

– I don’t need to stay in an expensive hotel, because I don’t see the point in overpaying for extras that I don’t need. Wherever I stay, I am Henry Ford. And I don’t see much difference in hotels, because even in a cheap hotel you can relax no worse than in the most expensive one. And this coat - yes, you are right, my father also wore it, but this does not matter, because in this coat I am still Henry Ford.

And my son is still young and inexperienced, so he is afraid of what people will think if he stays in a cheap hotel. I don’t worry about the opinions of others about me, because I know myself real price. And I became a millionaire because I know how to count money and distinguish real values ​​from fake ones.

Legend of love

It so happened that on one island there lived different feelings: Happiness, Sadness, Skill… AND Love was among them. One day Premonition informed everyone that the island would soon disappear under water. Rush And Haste They were the first to leave the island by boat. Soon everyone left, only Love stayed. She wanted to stay until the last second. When the island was about to go under water, Love I decided to call for help.

Wealth sailed on a magnificent ship. Love tells him: “ Wealth, can you take me away?” - “No, I have a lot of money and gold on the ship. I have no room for you!”

Happiness sailed past the island, but it was so happy that it didn’t even hear Love calls him.

When Love saved, she asked Knowledge, who was that.

Time. Because only Time can understand how Love important!

And this is a new parable.
A girl on online training told it to me.
I think you will like this parable too! 🙂

A parable about how to choose a wife

Once the men asked their grandfather:

- Tell me, grandfather, you and your wife have been living for probably half a hundred years. You do everything together and never argue. How do you do this?

Grandfather thought for a moment and said:

- You see, young people are going to a party. And when they return, the guys will accompany the girls home, arm in arm.

So I, when I was young, went to see off a beauty. I was going to tell her something, and she suddenly began to slowly pull her hand out from under mine. I didn’t understand, it turns out I was walking straight into a puddle on the road. It was dark, it was late. But I didn’t turn around. She ran around the puddle and again grabbed my arm. I walked purposefully towards the next puddle. She also removed her hand. So he brought her to the gate.

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The next evening I went with another girl. The route is the same. The girl, when she saw that I was walking straight and not turning, began to pull my hand out of my hand. But I don't let you in. She snatched her hand away, but how could she run!

The next evening I went with a third girl. And again, exactly along the same route, with puddles.

When I come up, it means I’m approaching a puddle - she holds on to me tightly, listens to me and... walks through the puddle with me.

Well, I think maybe I didn’t see the puddles, you never know.

Then I'll move on to the next one - deeper. Girlfriend - zero attention to the puddle.
I'm on to the third...

Since then we have been walking side by side. And we don’t fight, we live happily.

All the men opened their mouths slightly, and the older ones said:

- Why didn’t you tell me how to choose wives before, grandfather? Maybe we would be happier too.
- Yes, you just asked me now.

A wonderful parable. One of the best.

Parable. Save the star

A man walked along the seashore immediately after a storm. His gaze was drawn to a boy who was picking up something from the sand and throwing it into the sea.

The man came closer and saw that the boy was picking up starfish from the sand. They surrounded him on all sides. It seemed as if there were millions of starfish on the sand; the shore was literally strewn with them for many kilometers.

Why are you throwing these starfish into the water? - the man asked, coming closer.
- The tide is coming soon. If they stay here on the shore until tomorrow morning, they will die,” the boy answered, without stopping his work.

But that's just stupid! - the man shouted. - Look around! There are thousands of starfish here. Your attempts will not change anything!
The boy picked up the next one starfish, thought for a moment, and threw it into the sea, quietly saying:

No, my attempts will change a lot... For this star.

New neighbor

The hostess looked out the window. He sees the new neighbor hanging out her laundry to dry. But it is clear that there are a lot of dirty spots on the white linen.

Shouts to her husband:

- Go take a look! What a sloppy neighbor we have. Doesn't know how to wash clothes!

In between, I told my girlfriends what a new neighbor I had. But he doesn’t know how to wash clothes.

Time has passed. The housewife again sees her neighbor hanging out her laundry. And again with spots.

Again she went to gossip with her friends.

That's why we wanted to see it ourselves.

We came to the yard. They look at the underwear. But it is snow-white, no stains.

Then one woman says:

“Before you discuss other people’s underwear, you should go and wash your windows.” Look how dirty they are.

Dear reader! I hope you liked the parables.

  • A big request: write in the comments which parables you liked the most. I'm very interested to know this. parables

    / Legends and parables / The best parables on the website of the School of Oratory / The best instructive legends and parables / Video parables /

    Examples of speeches with parables / The best parables and legends / Legends for grade 4 / Video / Beautiful legends/ Parables and legends / Recommend a parable / Instructive legends for children / Short beautiful best legends and parables / legends for grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 /

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Dear reader! Collected here short parables, fables and legends for children junior classes. They are redone, written in short sentences. Easy to read children. Will fit for children of any grade. Parables are added. If you have your own good parable, fable or legend - please send it. Or post it in the comments. Thank you! 🙂

Parable. What to fear?

One day a strong thunderstorm began. All the children ran home. But the little girl herself was not there.

Mom went to look for her. It was raining in the yard. Lightning flashed brightly. Thunder rumbled loudly.

Mom was scared. She closed her eyes from every lightning. And from every thunder she covered her head with her hands.

Mom found her daughter on the street. The girl was all wet. She jumped and danced in the rain. And when lightning flashed, the girl raised her face up. And smiled at the sky.

Mom was very surprised. She asked:

- Daughter! Are not you afraid? Are you scared?

But the daughter answered in surprise:

- No, mom! I'm not scared! I don't know what to be afraid of here?

And then she said:

- Mother! Look! I dance and the sky takes pictures of me!

The same parable performed by Alexandra

Don't judge strictly, performance without rehearsal:

Two apples

A parable about not making hasty conclusions.

A little girl brought two apples from the street. Probably someone gave it to me.

– Mom, look how beautiful the apples are!
- Yes, beautiful! Will you treat me? - Mom asked.

The little girl looked at the apples. And then she took a bite from one apple. I thought for a second and... – I bit the second one.

Mom was surprised. And I thought:

– What a greedy girl I’m growing up. She started eating both apples, but didn’t offer me one.

But to her surprise, the girl handed her mother one apple with the words:

- Mommy! Take this apple! It's sweeter! 🙂

Dear reader!

Fable for children

Fable Lion and Mouse

The lion was sleeping under a tree. And under this tree there was a Mouse hole. The mouse began to crawl out of the hole and woke up the Lion. The lion woke up and caught the mouse. The mouse began to ask:

- Let go! I promise to help you whenever you ask me.

The Lion let go of the Mouse and laughed. He said:

- How can you help me? You're so small.

Time has passed. The hunters wounded the lion. They tied him up with rope and decided to sell him to the zoo.

The lion roared loudly, but none of the animals came to the rescue. All the animals were also afraid of the hunters.

But the Mouse came running. She chewed the rope at night. And Leo was freed.

Then the Mouse said to the Lion:

– Remember, you laughed at me for being so small. You didn't believe that I could help you.

Lev said:

- Sorry, Mouse, that I laughed. I didn’t know that small animals can also be useful.

Fable for children

Fable Dog and Reflection

The dog walked along the plank across the river. She carried a bone in her teeth.

Suddenly the Dog saw her reflection in the water. She thought that another dog was carrying prey there. And it seemed to the dog that that dog had a much larger bone than hers.

The dog abandoned his prey and rushed to take the bone from the reflection.

As a result, the Dog was left with nothing. She lost hers and couldn’t take away someone else’s.

This fable is about a cowardly heart.
No matter how much you help a coward, he will still be afraid.

Mouse heart

Young speaker

Once upon a time there lived a little Mouse who was unhappy because he was afraid of everything. But most of all he was afraid of falling into the paws of a cat.

The mouse came to the Wizard and began to ask him to make him a cat.

The wizard took pity on the mouse and turned him into a cat.

But then this cat began to be afraid of dogs.

The wizard turned a former mouse into a dog. But then he began to be afraid of wolves.

The wizard turned him into a wolf. But then he became very afraid of hunters.

And then the Wizard gave up. He again turned him into a mouse and said:

- Nothing will help you. Because you have the heart of a cowardly mouse.

The Legend of King Solomon's Ring.

There is a legend about King Solomon.
This legend is about King Solomon and the magic ring. I think children will understand it just as much as adults.

The sage gave it to King Solomon magic ring. He put this ring on the king's finger and said:

“Never take off the ring!”

On this ring was the inscription:

"All will pass!"

When the king was sad, Solomon looked at the ring and read the inscription:

"All will pass!"

And the magic of the ring acted on the king. Solomon stopped grieving.

The ring always helped the king. Even when Solomon was angry, he also looked at the ring and read:

"All will pass!"

He smiled and calmed down.

But one day a great tragedy happened. Solomon looked at the ring and read the inscription. But he didn’t calm down, he even got angry. Then he took the ring off his finger for the first time and wanted to throw it away. But he saw that there was also an inscription inside the ring. He read:

“This too shall pass!”

Solomon calmed down and smiled.

He never took his magic ring off his hand again. And he gave the sage an expensive gift.

Parable for children

Where does a zebra get stripes? African legend.

Once upon a time, the zebra was one color. She was brown, like an antelope. And Zebra didn't like it. But she didn't know what color she should be. She liked black and white.

The zebra took two brushes and two cans of paint: white and black.

Each time she painted herself, sometimes with black paint, sometimes with white. This is how the stripes appeared. She never decided what she should be, white or black.

Then Zebra decided to take a swim to wash off the paint. But the paint was already so ingrained that it was impossible to get rid of it. Since then, Zebras have become black and white striped.

The Legend of Narcissus.

It was a long time ago. Back when people didn't have mirrors.

One young man was very handsome. And to see his beauty, he went to the stream to look at his reflection.

He looked at his reflection for a long time and admired himself. Then a Fairy appeared from the forest and made a beautiful flower out of the young man. This beautiful flower remained on the bank of the stream, admiring its reflection.

And people began to say to those who often look at their reflection:

– Don’t admire yourself for too long, lest you turn into a flower like Narcissus

Parables for children

The legend of how the kangaroo got its name.

The famous navigator James Cook sailed to Australia. There he saw amazing animals that jumped with huge leaps on two legs.

The surprised captain asked local resident:

-What is the name of this beast?

The native shrugged his shoulders because he didn’t understand anything.

Cook asked again:

- Who is this?– and pointed to the jumping animal.

The native replied:

- Kan garu.

In the local language this meant: "I do not understand you".

Cook asked:

- Kangaroo?

The native nodded his head:

– Kan garu

Cook wrote in his journal that he saw amazing animals that run by jumping on two legs. And these animals are called: kangaroo.

Parables for children

The dispute between the Sun and the Wind. Who is stronger?

The wind was bragging about how strong it was. The Sun decided to teach the Wind a lesson. It said:

“You see, there’s an old man in a raincoat.” Can you take his cloak off?
“Of course I can,” answered the Wind.

The sun hid behind a cloud, and the wind began to blow. It got stronger and stronger until it finally turned into a hurricane. But the stronger the Wind blew, the more the traveler wrapped himself in his cloak.

The sun said:

- Enough! Now it's my turn!

The wind died down and stopped.

And the Sun smiled at the traveler and warmed him with its rays. The old man cheered up, he felt warm - and he took off his cloak.

And the Sun said to the Wind:

- You see! There is another force.

Since then, the Wind has stopped boasting of its power in front of the Sun.

Parables for children

Parable. How to divide equally?

Two brothers lived in the same village. Father, we will give them a field. And the brothers decided to divide the field in half.

We started dividing. It seemed to one that the other most of gets... it’s the other way around... They couldn’t draw the line. We thought and wondered... we almost came to a fight...

And they decided to turn to the Sage.

- Tell me, Sage... How can we equally and peacefully divide the field among ourselves?

And the sage says:

- Do this. Let one brother divide the field in half as he decides to do it. And let the second one choose from two halves: which part will be his, and which part will go to his brother.

And so they did. One brother divided the field in half. He tried very hard to make sure the halves were the same. The second brother chose one half of the field. And I was pleased too. After this incident, the brothers began to divide everything in this way.

Parables for children

How to feel about your work.

Three workers were carrying bricks. A boy came up to them and asked:

- What are you doing?

The worker wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied:

– Don’t you see that we are carrying bricks?
- But why?
- Baby, this is our job.

The boy did not understand why people carry bricks. He approached another worker and asked:

- What are you doing?

He rolled up his sleeves and said matter-of-factly:

– Don’t you see? - We earn money.
- What for?
- What do you mean why? I need money, otherwise I wouldn't take this job.

Then the boy approached the third worker.

- What are you doing?

The man smiled and said:

- Like what? We are doing a good job. We are building a house for good people. People will live happily in it. I am glad that I have already built many beautiful houses.

The boy thought about it. people do the same work various reasons. And with different moods.

Children's parables

Fight with Leo

The lion was resting in the shade of a large tree after a hearty lunch. It was midday. Heat.

The Jackal approached the Lion. He looked at the resting Leo and timidly said:

- A lion! Let's fight!

But the answer was only silence.

The jackal began to speak louder:

- A lion! Let's fight! Let's have a battle in this clearing. You are against me!

Leo didn't pay any attention to him.

Then the Jackal threatened:

- Let's fight! Otherwise I’ll go and tell everyone that you, Leo, scared me terribly.

Leo yawned, stretched lazily and said:

- And who will believe you? Just think! Even if someone condemns me for cowardice, it is still much more pleasant than the fact that they will despise me. Despised for fighting with some Jackal...

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Parables for children

Fly and bee

Mosquito asked Mukha:

- Is there somewhere nearby? beautiful flowers?

But the Fly answered Mosquito:

- There are no flowers here. But there are a lot of good trash heaps. You definitely need to fly to them. There's so much interesting stuff there.

The mosquito flew away. And he met the Bee. He asked:

- Bee! Where are the trash cans? I can't find them at all.

And the Bee answers:

- Don't know. I saw only beautiful flowers nearby. Let's fly together and I'll show them to you.

Parables for children

Ghost tree.

Not far from the road stood a large withered tree.

One night a thief passed by on the road. He saw a tree in the dark. But this silhouette seemed to him in the form of a policeman. The thief got scared and ran away.

In the evening a lover passed by. From a distance he noticed an elegant silhouette and thought that it was his beloved who had been waiting for him for a long time. His heart began to beat joyfully. He smiled and quickened his pace.

One day a mother and child walked past the tree. Kid scared scary tales, thought there was a ghost near the road and burst into tears.

But the tree always remained just a tree!

The world around us is a reflection of ourselves.

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Parables for children

What else could I become?

There lived two brothers. One brother was a successful man who achieved fame for his good deeds. The other brother was a criminal.

One day the police caught the criminal and the case was brought to court. Before the trial, a group of journalists surrounded him, and one asked a question:

- How did it happen that you became a criminal?
- I had a difficult childhood. My father drank, beat my mother and my brother and me. Who else could I become?

After a while, several journalists approached the first brother, and one asked:

- You are known for your achievements and good deeds. How did you achieve all this?

The man thought for a moment and then answered:

- I had a difficult childhood. My father drank, beat my mother, my brother and me. Who else could I become?

Parables for children


Once upon a time, in one city, I lived great sage. The fame of his wisdom spread far around him hometown, people from afar came to him for advice.

But there was a man in the city who was jealous of his glory. He once came to a meadow, caught a butterfly, planted it between his closed palms and thought:

- Let me go to the sage and ask him: tell me, oh wisest one, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead? - If he says dead, I will open my palms and the butterfly will fly away. If he says alive, I will close my palms and the butterfly will die. Then everyone will understand which of us is smarter.

That's how it all turned out. An envious man came to the city and asked the sage: “Tell me, oh wisest one, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead?”

Looking intently into the eyes, the sage said:

"All in your hands".

Parables for children


Lived in a distant country an old man, very fond of children. He constantly made toys for them.

But these toys turned out to be so fragile that they broke faster than the child had time to play with them. Having broken another toy, the children were very upset and came to the master to ask for new ones. He gladly gave them others, even more fragile ones...

Finally, the parents intervened. They came to the old man with a question:

- Tell us, O Wise One, why do you always give our children such fragile toys that the children cry inconsolably when they break them?

And then the sage said:

- Quite a few years will pass, and someone will give this former children my heart. Maybe, having learned not to break fragile toys, they will be more careful about someone else's heart?..

The parents thought for a long time. And they left, thanking the Teacher.

Parables for children


The teacher called his students and showed them a piece of white paper.

-What do you see here? – asked the Sage.

“Point,” one answered.

All the other students nodded their heads as a sign that they also saw the dot.

“Take a closer look,” said the Teacher.

But no matter how hard the students looked, they saw nothing but a black dot.

And then the teacher said:

- You all saw a small black dot, and no one noticed a clean white sheet...

“So I still have something to teach you.”

Parables for children

About trading methods

Once at the bazaar an ancient old man appeared in a skullcap and an oriental robe embroidered with an unusual pattern. The old man was selling watermelons.

There was a sign above his product:

“One watermelon – 3 rubles. Three watermelons – 10 rubles.”

A bearded man comes up and buys a watermelon for three rubles...

Then another watermelon for three rubles...

And at parting he joyfully says to the seller:

- Look, I bought three watermelons, but only paid 9 rubles, not 10. You don’t know how to trade!

The old man looks after him:

- Yes! They buy three watermelons from me instead of one, and then teach me how to trade...

Children's parables

Parable of two wolves

Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed one vital truth to his grandson.

- You see, in every person there is a struggle. This fight is very similar to the fight between two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, greed, lies... And the other wolf represents good: peace, love, hope, care, kindness, loyalty... And others good qualities person.

The little Indian thought for a long time. And then he asked:

- Grandfather! Which wolf wins in the end? Bad wolf or good wolf?

The old Indian smiled faintly and replied:

- Remember: the wolf you feed always wins.

Parables for children

A stupid boy

A little boy walks into a barber shop. The hairdresser recognizes him immediately and says to his clients:

- Look, this is the stupidest boy in the world! Now I will prove it to you.

The barber takes $1 in one hand and 25 cents in the other. He calls the boy and invites him to choose:

– Do you choose 1 or 25?
- Twenty five!

Everyone laughs. The boy receives 25 cents and leaves.

Soon, one client catches up with the boy and asks:

- Boy! Tell me, why did you choose 25 cents and not 1 dollar? Are you really that stupid that you don't realize that $1 is more than 25 cents?
- Fine! What will I get for this?

- You'll get another 25 cents.

The boy receives coins and says:

- Because the day I choose $1, I think the hairdresser will stop being happy. Visitors will have nothing to laugh about. I will become “smart”, I will no longer be “stupid”. And I won’t be able to get 25 cents every time.

Children's parables

The Legend of the Temple of a Thousand Mirrors

Many hundreds of years ago, high in the mountains there was a Temple with a Thousand Mirrors. Many people went to see him.

One day, a dog entered this temple. Looking around, the dog saw a thousand dogs in the mirrors and, frightened, bared its teeth.

At that moment she saw a thousand grinning dogs. The dog growled. And the echo responded with a growl...

With its tail between its legs, the dog jumped out of the temple, convinced that evil dogs lived in this temple.

A month later, another dog came to the temple with a thousand mirrors.

She entered it and, looking in the mirrors, saw a thousand friendly and peaceful dogs. She wagged her tail. And I saw a thousand friendly dogs.

Barking joyfully, she left the temple with full confidence that this Temple was full of friendly dogs.

  • The world is often only a reflection of ourselves: if we look at the world brightly and joyfully, then it responds to us in the same way!
Parables for children

Bucket of apples

The man bought it for himself new house- large, beautiful - and a garden with fruit trees near the house. And nearby in an old house lived an envious neighbor.

One day a man woke up in a good mood, went out onto the porch, and there was a pile of garbage.

What to do? Your porch needs to be cleaned. And also to find out who it was. And he found out - an envious neighbor.

I wanted to go and argue, but after thinking about it, I decided to do it differently.

He went into the garden, picked up the ripest apples and went to his neighbor.

The neighbor, hearing a knock on the door, thought maliciously: “Finally, my neighbor is angry!” Opens the door.

To his surprise, there was no one there, only apples. And on the apples there is a note:

He who is rich in what, shares it!

Children's parables

Bad words.

Two friends quarreled. And one began to say bad words about his friend to everyone he knew.

But then he calmed down and realized that he was wrong. He came to his friend and began to ask him for forgiveness.

Then the second friend said:

- Fine! I'll forgive you. Only on one condition.
- Which one?
- Take a pillow and let all the feathers out into the wind.

The first friend did just that. He tore the pillow. And the wind carried the feathers throughout the village.

A satisfied friend came to another and said:

- I completed your task. Am I forgiven?
- Yes, if you put all the feathers back into the pillow.

But you understand that it is impossible to collect all the feathers back. Likewise, bad words that have already scattered throughout the village cannot be taken back.

Sincerely, rhetoric coach Oleg Bolsunov.

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  • Proverbs
  • Other legends and parables
Short legends, parables, fables for primary school children

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/ Legends and parables for schoolchildren / The best legends and parables / Short legends and parables for elementary school children / Parables and legends for grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 /

Every nation has beautiful and amazing legends. They are varied in topic: legends about the exploits of heroes, stories about the origin of the names of geographical objects, horror stories O supernatural beings and novelistic tales of lovers.

Definition of the term

A legend is an unreliable account of an event. It is very similar to the myth and can be considered its approximate analogue. But legend and myth still cannot be called completely identical concepts. If we are talking about myth, then there are fictional heroes who have nothing to do with reality. The legend allows at its core real events, later supplemented or embellished. Since many fictitious facts are added to them, for reliable scientists legends do not accept.

If we take as a basis classical meaning words, then a legend is a tradition set out in artistic form. Such legends exist among almost all nations.

The best legends of the world - about them we'll talk in the article.

Types of legends

1. Oral legends are the most ancient look. They spread through wandering storytellers.

2. Written traditions - recorded oral stories.

3. Religious legends - stories about events and persons from church history.

4. Social legends - all other legends that are not related to religion.

5. Toponymic - explaining the origin of the names of geographical objects (rivers, lakes, cities).

6. Urban legends - newest look, which has become widespread these days.

In addition, there are many more varieties of legends, depending on the plot that underlies them - zootropomorphic, cosmogonic, etiological, eschatonic and heroic. There are very short legends and long narratives. The latter are usually associated with a story about the heroic achievements of a person. For example, the legend about the hero Ilya Muromets.

How did legends arise?

WITH Latin language legenda translates as “that which must be read.” The history of legends goes back a long way and has the same roots as myth. having no idea about the reasons for many things happening around him natural phenomena, composed myths. Through them he tried to explain his vision of the world. Later, based on mythology, amazing and interesting legends about heroes, gods and supernatural phenomena began to arise. Many of them have been preserved in the traditions of the peoples of the world.

Atlantis - the legend of the lost paradise

The best legends that arose in ancient times have survived to this day. Many of them still captivate the imagination of adventurers with their beauty and realism. The story of Atlantis says that in ancient times there was an island whose inhabitants achieved incredible heights in many sciences. But then it was destroyed strong earthquake and sank along with the Atlanteans - its inhabitants.

We must express gratitude to the great ancient Greek philosopher Plato and the no less revered historian Herodotus for the story of Atlantis. An interesting legend excited the minds of these outstanding scientists of ancient Greece during their lifetime. It has not lost its relevance even today. The search for the wonderful island, which sank thousands of years ago, continues to this day.

If the legend of Atlantis turns out to be true, this event will rank among the greatest discoveries of the century. After all, there was no less interesting legend about the mythical Troy, in the existence of which Heinrich Schliemann sincerely believed. In the end, he managed to find this city and prove that there was some truth in the ancient legends.

Founding of Rome

This interesting legend is one of the most famous in the world. The city of Rome arose in ancient times on the banks of the Tiber. The proximity of the sea made it possible to engage in trade, and at the same time the city was well protected from a sudden attack by sea robbers. According to legend, Rome was founded by the brothers Romulus and Remus, who were suckled by a she-wolf. By order of the ruler, they were supposed to be killed, but a careless servant threw the basket with the children into the Tiber, hoping that it would drown. She was picked up by a shepherd and became the foster father for the twins. Having matured and learned about their origin, they rebelled against a relative and took power from him. The brothers decided to found their own city, but during construction they quarreled, and Romulus killed Remus.

He named the built city after himself. The legend about the emergence of Rome belongs to toponymic legends.

The Legend of the Golden Dragon - The Path to the Heavenly Temple

Among the legends, stories about dragons are very popular. Many nations have them, but traditionally it is one of the favorite themes of Chinese folklore.

The legend of the golden dragon says that between heaven and earth there is a bridge that leads to the Heavenly Temple. It belongs to the Lord of the World. Only pure souls can enter it. Two golden dragons stand guard over the shrine. They sense an unworthy soul and can tear it apart when trying to enter the temple. One day one of the dragons angered the Lord, and he expelled him. The dragon descended to earth, met other creatures and dragons of different stripes were born from him. The Lord became angry when he saw them and destroyed everyone except those not yet born. Having been born, they hid for a long time. But the Lord of the World did not destroy the new dragons, but left them on earth as his governors.

Treasures and Treasures

Legends about gold occupy no last place on the list of popular legends. One of the most famous and beautiful myths Ancient Greece tells of the Argonauts' search for the Golden Fleece. For a long time, the legend about the treasure was considered simply a legend until Heinrich Schliemann found a treasure of pure gold at the excavation site of Mycenae, the capital of the legendary king.

Kolchak's Gold is another famous legend. In the years Civil War Most of Russia's gold reserves were in their hands - about seven hundred tons of gold. It was transported in several trains. Historians know what happened to one train. He was captured by the rebel Czechoslovak Corps and handed over to the authorities (Bolsheviks). But the fate of the remaining two is unknown to this day. The precious cargo could have been dumped into a mine, hidden or buried in the vast area between Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk. All the excavations that have been carried out so far (starting with the security officers) have not yielded any results.

The Well to Hell and the Library of Ivan the Terrible

Russia also has its own interesting legends. One of them, which appeared relatively recently, is one of the so-called urban legends. This is a story about a well to hell. This name was given to one of the deepest man-made wells in the world - Kola. Its drilling began in 1970. The length is 12,262 meters. The well was created exclusively for scientific purposes. Now it is mothballed because there are no funds to maintain it in working condition. The legend appeared in 1989, when a story was heard on American television that sensors lowered to the very depths of the well recorded sounds similar to moans and screams of people.

Another interesting legend, which may well be true, speaks of a library of books, scrolls and manuscripts. The last owner of the precious collection was Ivan IV. It is believed that she was part of the dowry of the niece of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine.

Fearing that the precious books in wooden Moscow might be burned in a fire, she ordered the library to be placed in the basements under the Kremlin. According to the seekers of the famous Liberia, it may contain 800 volumes of priceless works of ancient and medieval authors. Now there are about 60 versions of where the mysterious library may be stored.

The achievements of the ancient Greeks in art, science and politics had a significant impact on the development of European states. Not last role Mythology, one of the most well studied in the world, also played a role in this process. For many hundreds of years it has appeared for many creators. History, myths Ancient Greece have always been closely intertwined with each other. The realities of the archaic era are known to us precisely thanks to the legends of that period.

Greek mythology took shape at the turn of the 2nd-1st millennium BC. e. Tales of gods and heroes spread throughout Hellas thanks to the Aeds - wandering reciters, the most famous of whom was Homer. Later, during the period of Greek classics, mythological subjects were reflected in works of art great playwrights - Euripides and Aeschylus. Even later, at the beginning of our era, Greek scientists began to classify myths, compose family trees heroes - in other words, to study the heritage of their ancestors.

Origin of the Gods

Ancient myths and legends of Greece are dedicated to gods and heroes. According to the ideas of the Hellenes, there were several generations of gods. The first couple to have anthropomorphic features was Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Sky). They gave birth to 12 titans, as well as one-eyed Cyclops and multi-headed and multi-armed giants, the Hecatoncheires. The birth of monster children did not please Uranus, and he cast them into the great abyss - Tartarus. This, in turn, did not please Gaia, and she persuaded her titan children to overthrow their father (myths about the ancient gods of Greece are replete with similar motives). The youngest of her sons, Kronos (Time), managed to accomplish this. With the beginning of his reign, history repeated itself.

He, like his father, was afraid of his powerful children and therefore, as soon as his wife (and sister) Rhea gave birth to another child, he swallowed it. This fate befell Hestia, Poseidon, Demeter, Hera and Hades. Nose last son Rhea could not part ways: when Zeus was born, she hid him in a cave on the island of Crete and instructed the nymphs and curetes to raise the child, and brought a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes to her husband, which he swallowed.

War with the Titans

The ancient myths and legends of Greece were filled with bloody wars for power. The first of them began after the grown-up Zeus forced Kronos to vomit the swallowed children. Having enlisted the support of his brothers and sisters and calling upon the giants imprisoned in Tartarus for help, Zeus began to fight his father and other titans (some later went over to his side). The main weapons of Zeus were lightning and thunder, which the Cyclops forged for him. The war lasted a whole decade; Zeus and his allies defeated and imprisoned their enemies in Tartarus. It must be said that Zeus was also destined for his father’s fate (to fall at the hands of his son), but he managed to avoid it thanks to the help of the titan Prometheus.

Myths about the ancient gods of Greece - the Olympians. Descendants of Zeus

Power over the world was shared by three titans, representing the third generation of gods. These were Zeus the Thunderer (he became the supreme god of the ancient Greeks), Poseidon (lord of the seas) and Hades (master of the underground kingdom of the dead).

They had numerous descendants. All the supreme gods, except Hades and his family, lived on Mount Olympus (which exists in reality). IN ancient greek mythology there were 12 main celestials. Zeus's wife Hera was considered the patroness of marriage, and the goddess Hestia was considered the patroness of the home. Demeter was in charge of agriculture, Apollo was in charge of light and the arts, and his sister Artemis was revered as the goddess of the moon and the hunt. The daughter of Zeus Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, was one of the most respected celestials. The Greeks, sensitive to beauty, also revered the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite and her husband Ares, a warlike god. Hephaestus, the god of fire, was praised by artisans (in particular, blacksmiths). The cunning Hermes, the mediator between gods and people and the patron of trade and livestock, also demanded respect.

Divine Geography

Ancient myths and legends of Greece are created in the mind modern reader very controversial image God. On the one hand, the Olympians were considered powerful, wise and beautiful, and on the other, they were characterized by all the weaknesses and vices of mortal people: envy, jealousy, greed and anger.

As already mentioned, Zeus ruled over gods and people. He gave people laws and controlled their destinies. But not in all areas of Greece the Supreme Olympian was the most revered god. The Greeks lived in city-states and believed that each such city (polis) had its own divine patron. So, Athena favored Attica and its main city - Athens.

Aphrodite was glorified in Cyprus, off the coast of which she was born. Poseidon guarded Troy, Artemis and Apollo guarded Delphi. Mycenae, Argos and Samos offered sacrifices to Hera.

Other divine entities

The ancient myths and legends of Greece would not be so rich if only people and gods acted in them. But the Greeks, like other peoples of those times, were inclined to deify the forces of nature, and therefore other powerful creatures are often mentioned in myths. These are, for example, naiads (patrons of rivers and streams), dryads (patrons of groves), oreads (mountain nymphs), nereids (daughters of the sea sage Nereus), as well as various magical creatures and monsters.

In addition, goat-footed satyrs lived in the forests, accompanying the god Dionysus. Many legends featured wise and warlike centaurs. At the throne of Hades stood the goddess of vengeance Erinnia, and on Olympus the gods were entertained by muses and charites, patroness of the arts. All these entities often argued with the gods or entered into marriage with them or with people. Many great heroes and gods were born as a result of such marriages.

Myths of Ancient Greece: Hercules and his exploits

As for heroes, in every region of Greece it was also customary to honor their own. But invented in the north of Hellas, in Epirus, Hercules became one of the most beloved characters ancient myths. Hercules is known for the fact that, while in the service of his relative, King Eurystheus, he performed 12 labors (killing the Lernaean Hydra, capturing the Kerynean fallow deer and the Erymanthian boar, bringing the belt of Hippolyta, delivering the people from the Stymphalian birds, taming the mares of Diomedes, going to the Kingdom of Hades and other).

Not everyone knows that these acts were carried out by Hercules as atonement for his guilt (in a fit of madness, he destroyed his family). After the death of Hercules, the gods accepted him into their ranks: even Hera, who plotted intrigues against him throughout the hero’s life, was forced to recognize him.


Ancient myths were created many centuries ago. But they have by no means primitive content. The myths of Ancient Greece are the key to understanding modern European culture.