Makarevich year of birth. Andrey Makarevich: biography, personal life, scandals and political views. Personal life of Makarevich

Andrey Makarevich is a popular musician, People's and Honored Artist of Russia, as well as the leader of the Time Machine group.

Popularity came to him in 1979 after signing a contract with Soyuzconcert and legalizing the Time Machine. To this day, the artist actively participates in touring life, develops new projects and performs solo concerts. Andrey released two biographical books, as well as a couple of collections of poems.

Until recently, he was a member of the Council for Culture and Art under the President of the Russian Federation, but due to the heavy workload in musical activity, left the council.

Personal life

The family life of a popular musician is no less interesting than his professional life. Officially, Makarevich was married three times. WITH last wife, having been married for seven years, he separated just before he moved to new house. Andrei Makarevich has two children (a son and a daughter) from different wives and one illegitimate daughter.

Today, according to numerous press reports, Andrei Vadimovich lives with singer Masha Katz, also known under the pseudonym Judith.

House of Andrey Makarevich

Makarevich for a long time lived in the village of Podushkino (purchased a house from Leonid Yarmolnik), but after full-scale deforestation began in the village, he decided to change his place of residence. Relationship with local residents things didn’t work out from the very beginning, and so Makarevich moved to a new cottage without any special regrets.

The village of Pavlovo is located approximately 17 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road along Novorizhskoye Highway. There is a lake on the territory, as well as a landscaped area for walking and relaxing, going straight into the forest and illuminated by ancient lanterns. Access to the forest and the presence of a lake were one of the decisive factors when choosing this particular village. Here residents treat their famous neighbor calmly, without any complaints.

Andrei Makarevich moved into the new three-story house already free from the bonds of marriage with Natalya Golub and took care of the arrangement on his own. The house turned out to be very interesting and bright. On the territory there is a large swimming pool, an excellent bathhouse, an artist’s workshop, as well as a barbecue area.

The interior of an elite cottage contains many collectible and original items. Makarevich famous collector: collects antique dishes, dolls, bells, musical instruments, keys from monasteries and beads.

Together with Makarevich, his beloved boa constrictor named Brunnhilde lives in the cottage; a whole room has been equipped for her. Mice, hares and frogs are brought especially for the “ladies” from ecologically clean protected areas.

Andrei Makarevich’s house can be recognized not only by its densely planted yard and cleanly mowed lawn, but also by the huge cow sitting on the balcony. Burenka stopped by the musician after a charity event in which the stars painted cows. Makarevich really liked this event, and he decided to install a copy on his balcony.

Makarevich also paid attention to one of the main rooms in the cottage - the kitchen. It contains stoves and various smokehouses. Andrey Makarevich cooks wonderfully and constantly treats his guests original dishes homemade.

The village of Pavlovo, located along Novorizhskoye Highway, is considered one of the most prestigious. average cost A plot of thirty acres with a house of 800 square meters varies between $4 and $5 million.

Musician, composer, singer-songwriter, leader of the Time Machine group Andrei Vadimovich Makarevich was born on December 11, 1953 in Moscow. His father is Vadim Makarevich, a famous Moscow architect, his mother Nina Makarevich is a microbiologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Andrey s early childhood played the piano under the guidance of his father, an amateur musician. Entered music school piano class, but then dropped out. He graduated from Moscow special school No. 19 with an English bias.

In 1970, Andrei Makarevich entered the Moscow Architectural Institute (MARCHI), but was expelled in 1974. A year later, he was reinstated at the Moscow Architectural Institute and continued his studies in the evening department, while working in parallel at the Giprotheatr design institute (until 1979). In 1977 he graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute with a diploma as a graphic artist.

Also in school years Makarevich became interested in guitar and created rock band The Kids.

In 1969, he formed the Time Machines ensemble, which performed cover versions The songs Beatles and The Rolling Stones. In 1974, the Time Machines ensemble was renamed "Time Machine".

In March 1976, the group performed at the Songs of Youth-76 festival in Tallinn, where they took first place. In 1979, Andrei Makarevich received the official status of a musician (“Rosconcert” concert organization, artist”). Despite the enormous popularity of the Time Machine in the Soviet Union, official circles did not recognize it for a long time.

In 1987, “Time Machine” went on tour for the first time outside the USSR to Poland, and then to Japan, the USA, Bulgaria, Spain, and Mozambique.

Among the group's albums: "In Good Hour" (1986), "Slow good music"(1989), "Freelance Commander of the Earth" (1993), "Whom did you want to surprise" (1995), "Breaking away" (1997), "The place where the light is" (2001), "Mechanically" (2004).

In the 1990s, Makarevich from time to time gave solo concerts in the “bardic” manner - unaccompanied, with one acoustic guitar, performed his own songs, not intended for “Time Machine”.

In 2002, Makarevich founded the Creole Tango Orchestra, which included the best jazz musicians countries. He began touring and recording music both with the Time Machine and with the Creole Tango Orchestra.

Andrei Makarevich: “At the pawnshop” (1994), “Pioneer criminal songs” (1996), “Songs with a guitar” (1998), “Etc.” (with the “Creole Tango Orchestra”, 2002), “Yiddish Jazz” (2013), etc.

Since the mid-1970s, Andrei Makarevich and the Time Machine group began collaborating with filmmakers. In 1974, "Time Machine" took part in the filming of the film "Afonya". Later, the musicians played a rock band in Alexander Stefanovich’s film “Soul” (1982), where Sofia Rotaru and Mikhail Boyarsky starred. For the same Stefanovich, Andrei Makarevich performed main role in the film "Start Over" (1986). Starred in the films: "Rock and Fortune" (1989), " Crazy Love"(1992), "Showcase" (2000), "What Men Talk About" (2010), etc.

In addition, Makarevich wrote music for many films: “Speed” (1983), “Breakthrough” (1986), “Without a Uniform” (1988), “The Arithmetic of Murder” (1991), “Moscow Holidays” (1995), etc.

In 1993, Andrei Makarevich founded and subsequently headed the Smak television company, and became the host of the program of the same name. He also participated in the creation of the programs “Oh, Roads”, “Lampshade”, and hosted the program “Underwater World”.

Andrey Makarevich is a professional graphics artist. In 1989, the first exhibition of his graphic works opened at the Moscow Youth Palace. Subsequently, Makarevich’s personal exhibitions were held in different cities and countries.

In 1997, Makarevich became a co-owner dental clinic Dental-Art (together with Leonid Yarmolnik and Leonid Yakubovich).

In May 1998, together with Stas Namin and V

Aleri Meladze opened the "Rhythm and Blues Cafe".

Andrey Makarevich is the author of a number of books. In 1992, he published the book “Everything is Very Simple” with stories about the life of the “Time Machine” group from 1968-1983. It was followed by others: “Relish: Meetings in the Kitchen” (1998), “What is Diving, or Scuba for Everyone” (co-authored with Yuri Belsky, 1999), the autobiographical book “The Sheep Himself” (2001), “Andrei Makarevich: songs and poems" (2003), "Evin's Apple" (2011), "Living Stories" (2013), etc.

In 1999, Andrei Makarevich was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

The musician is the winner of many awards. In 1993, he was awarded the Defender of Free Russia medal. In 1999, the musicians of the Time Machine group were awarded the Order of Honor.

In 2003, Andrei Makarevich was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2003).

In 2012, at the Moon Cat festival, Makarevich received an honorary cup, a diploma from the mayor's office, a Golden Cat medal, and also took first place in the Graphics category for his painting tea set"Five o" cat", made by the Imperial Porcelain Factory.

Makarevich was married three times. The first wife is Elena Fesunenko, the second is Alla Romanova, the third is Natalya Golub. For several years Makarevich lived in a civil marriage with journalist Anna Rozhdestvenskaya. Children: daughters Dana and Anna, son Ivan.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

An interview and photo shoot were scheduled at Andrei Makarevich’s house near Moscow. Having learned that his son Ivan was going to visit the musician, we asked them to appear together for the publication. We knew that Andrei Vadimovich is extremely punctual and does not like being late, so, despite the constant traffic jams, we arrived on time. Immediately Ivan appeared in the courtyard of the house. "Ooo! You changed your hairstyle! Looks like it was painted!” - Andrei Vadimovich exclaimed. “I shaved my hair for the new film,” explained the younger Makarevich.

— Andrey Vadimovich, let’s start our conversation with the topic of fathers and sons. How often do you see Ivan?

Somewhat less often than I would like, because he is as busy as I am. Vanya acts in films, plays in the theater - here, he brought several copies to show - he makes his own electronic music, which I know little about. They performed with the guys at our club a couple of times (Andrey is a co-owner of the jazz club JAM Club. - TN note). But this half-DJ story is a mystery to me, as a person of the last millennium. I don’t understand how you can create music in computer programs, from chopped “cubes”. Nevertheless, such musical culture exists all over the world.

— For me, education is about showing a child things that he himself is unlikely to become familiar with. With son Ivan. Photo: Mikhail Korolev

— Besides music, what topics do you talk about with your adult son? Are there any that you never pick up?

- No, it’s hard for me to imagine this. We talk about everything that interests both of us. If it comes out on screen New film With Vanka’s participation, of course, I watch it, although I don’t like TV. Excuse me, readers of “TELENEDELI”... And if he then calls and asks: “Well, how do you like it?” - I will answer frankly, perhaps even criticize. I don’t know how much he needs me, but I hope that it’s about the same as I need him. We call each other and correspond. Not a hundred times a day, but not once a month.

— Is it necessary to build relationships with adult children? If only for the sake of not getting lost with them in this chaotic world...

“I never built anything or made the slightest effort when communicating with my children. And as for not getting lost... Then you need to lead them along with you on a string. You know, a person feels like an adult long before those around him, including his parents, begin to consider him as such. At the age of five, I felt like a completely sane person. I read 12 volumes of Jules Verne before I entered 1st grade. And my grandmothers and mother still turned to me: “Wow, little one...” My father never had this, he always talked to me like an adult. I was four years old when he drew with me, listened to Rachmaninov’s records, read aloud “A Cloud in Pants” by Mayakovsky. Grandma was surprised: “Vadim, what are you doing? He doesn’t understand anything yet!” “Yes, he understands everything perfectly,” my dad answered her. Where do you think I know a huge number of Mayakovsky’s poems from memory? It was very interesting for me and my father. Parenting, it seems to me, consists of showing a child things that he is unlikely to become acquainted with without you or will become acquainted with later than he should. I am deeply convinced that it takes two to five years to teach something, to instill a taste for it. It's already useless. In my opinion, genes are 70% to blame for what a person ultimately turns out to be, and upbringing is 30% to blame.

With parents - Vadim Grigorievich and Nina Markovna (1970s). Photo: From the personal archive of Andrei Makarevich

— I read in your book about how your father walked with you, while still a preschooler, in the monstrous frost around Leningrad, introducing you to architecture...

— He took me with him on a business trip (Andrei’s father, Vadim Grigorievich Makarevich, taught at the Moscow Architectural Institute. — Note “TN”). But who knew that such frosts would strike? I was dressed warmly, so I remembered the insane beauty around me, and not that it was cold. Even then, in the early 1960s, the center of St. Petersburg - the Exchange, the General Staff, the Winter Palace - was illuminated with beautiful yellow lights, and Moscow at that time was completely dark. We walked around the city, and dad talked about architects, about the style in which the buildings were built. And on the walls there were still inscriptions “Bomb shelter”.

— We all come from childhood. What was your mother like, Nina Markovna?

“My mother is a person who was born to worry.” Even if there was no reason to worry, she still found it. At the same time, she worked as a doctor at the Institute of Tuberculosis, wrote her dissertation, and, accordingly, was very busy. But the rest of the time she was worried. And she dragged me to doctors she knew, fearing that I would get sick with something terrible. Because of this, I was constantly sick, because she still managed to look for illnesses. And so that the boy would grow up healthy, she force-fed me.

I hated food; my love for this simple joy began in adulthood. As a child, I could not imagine that food could be enjoyable.

— In your books you often remember your parents. It is clear that we grew up in a strong and friendly family, where everyone loved each other. Do you have a similar relationship with your children?

— I worked with them, of course, less than my parents did with me.

When Vanka was born, my life consisted of rehearsals, recordings and tours. But I don’t regret anything, I behaved in the only possible way. And I still live at a frantic pace, nothing has changed. Another thing is that I try to take my children with me when I go to interesting places. For example, six months ago Vanya, Anya and I went on a trip to Miami. Sat down

on a huge ship, one of the largest in the world, and went on a cruise around the islands - Jamaica, the Caribbean. They were incredibly curious about all this, and I was glad that they were together, because such meetings do not happen often.

I have always believed that children have the right to own opinion, never imposed anything on them and tried not to put pressure on them with authority. My parents did the same. When, after studying at a music school for two and a half years, I, nine years old, told my parents: “That’s it, I won’t do it anymore, I can’t!”, They didn’t argue, they didn’t force me to go to the hated institution. Later I picked up a little of everything myself. And we didn’t force Vanya to study music either: if he doesn’t want to, please. But Anya still graduated from music school, she plays the piano very well. She likes to practice and play notes. She may not be able to improvise, but she plays the classics well. After graduating from school, he plans to enter medical school. She wants to be a doctor: apparently, after a generation, certain genes were passed on to her from my mother.

I think my relationship with my children is exactly the same as what my parents had with me and my younger sister Natasha. Life circumstances have just changed a little. My children grew up at a distance from me, and my parents and I lived in a communal apartment and were in front of each other all the time. Two small rooms, five people: mom and dad, my aunt Galya, my grandmother Manya and me. Before Natasha was born, we lived in the house where the collection of private collections of the Pushkin Museum is now located, in a semicircular outbuilding. The corner window on the first floor is our bedroom. The communal apartment was small, only four families lived in it.

I remember our yard, the boxes of ice cream that the ice cream men carried on a belt over their shoulders. Fruity, for seven kopecks - terrible disgusting! They also brought sparkling water, there were two tall glasses with syrups and an iron cylinder from which they pumped gas. I remember my school very well: it was not far away, you had to walk across the Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge, and from the second grade I went there alone, unaccompanied.

With daughters Anna and Dana and son Ivan. Photo: From the personal archive of Andrei Makarevich

— Do you think you caused your parents a lot of trouble?

- No, perhaps. I took up music so early that, to be honest, I didn’t care whether I was troublesome or not. Mother, of course, was very worried when the authorities began to oppress the children and me in the 1970s, but she was still always on our side. She, of course, was afraid that I would be kicked out of the institute, and I was kicked out anyway. I was a hippie. She said: “Graduate from college, and then do whatever you want.” But overall, both of them - mom and dad - were very supportive of me.

They helped me with money when I decided to buy a tiny cooperative apartment next door to my parents’. Mom, of course, kept an eye on where I went, who I was hanging out with, who came, and what kind of girls were sitting there and whether they would leave soon. My father asked for one thing: that I not irritate my mother. And from all his foreign business trips (once every two years, as an architect, he went to build a Soviet pavilion somewhere abroad) he brought what was necessary for our group. He spent all his measly daily allowance, every penny, on strings and instruments. Together with him, we sawed out my first guitar, without having the slightest idea of ​​how it should be done. I didn’t know, for example, that there was such a thing as scale, that is, the distance from the nut to the end of the fingerboard. And I thought it didn't matter. Subsequently it turned out that it is important: otherwise the guitar plays in arbitrary keys.

— There are so many different antiques in your house! Are those first guitars still there?

- What do you! Now there is a place to put it all. In general, it was cramped all my life. Moreover, in order to become the owner of the next guitar - best quality, you had to sell the one you have, add money and buy a new one. Nice tools- it is expensive. You can spend money on them endlessly.

- Accordingly, it was necessary to earn money. Alexander Kutikov recalled that he had to get a job as a laborer. During the day he carried out the plan at the factory, in the evenings he played at closed concerts of the Time Machine.

“He was sent to the factory under the threat of an article “For parasitism.” I, thank God, studied architecture, so they couldn’t bring me in under the article. And later I worked at the Giprotheatr Institute. We were already quite famous then. Everything we earned at concerts was put into a box and, when we needed new speakers or columns, we took out what we had accumulated.

— What were those underground concerts like?

- Small halls of cultural centers, hostels... We were invited, we brought equipment with us, turned everything on, played, then took it all apart ourselves, pulled it out on ourselves and drove it on some kind of rafika caught on the road to my home. Where else? There were no tickets as such, the organizers cut them into pieces Postcards and sold them.

Then we started rehearsing at the Energetik club. We changed many premises, until finally in 1979 we got to Rosconcert.

— When Vanka was born, my life consisted of rehearsals, recordings and tours. But I don’t regret anything, I behaved in the only possible way. Photo: Mikhail Korolev

— Rosconcert seriously made life easier for artists. And “Time Machine” became the first rock band to join this organization. How did you, disgraced musicians, manage to do this?

— First, we got a job at the touring Comedy Theater, which was located at Rosconcert. He was far from the best, to put it mildly. But still a theater, albeit a bad one. He toured a lot, people actively bought tickets for performances, because on the poster they wrote in large numbers: “Time Machine”, and in small words - “In the play “The Merry Wives of Windsor” by Shakespeare,” for example. We sat in the background, playing quietly and obnoxiously, so as not to drown out the tipsy actors. And then at Rosconcert, a commercial organization, they realized that the goose lays the golden eggs, they need to separate it from the theater. It was pre-Olympic time, the breeze of freedom blew. In general, we were hired. Now the police did not tie us up, but protected us, which was very important. We immediately received bids as artists and traveled to the cities and villages of our big country.

— Were the rates at Rosconcert decent? Was it enough to live on?

— There was a lot of money. We received double bet for a concert at the Sports Palace, but they played two concerts a day, completely sold out. This means that each person received 40 rubles a day. It was crazy money!

— That is, obviously more than they gave underground concerts?

— More than that, besides, underground concerts were irregular and always fraught with danger. OBKHSS came to our performances every now and then. These comrades were infuriated that they could not do anything with us. It was necessary to prove that we ourselves were selling tickets illegally, and we did not hold them in our hands. It’s also difficult to catch the organizers: they sold tickets only to their own people, and they sold them again to their own people. There were no strangers at the concerts at all, we practically knew everyone by sight - it was like a closed circle of acquaintances.

— You said that, having become artists of Rosconcert, you immediately moved to stadiums. These have already been solo concerts?

— At that time, no one had Solniks at all. We played the second part. Since other artists also had to be fed, at the first stage they did a large combined program: two comedians, a puppet dance, a trained bear, acrobats - everything as it should be. The dance ensemble “Souvenir” traveled with us for quite a long time, and as a result, the best part of it joined our team. In 1988, we staged the program “Rivers and Bridges” with choreography and ballet. It’s interesting to look, maybe the filming has been preserved somewhere on the Internet... Although the light was bad then, everything took place in a mystical twilight.

— Everything worked out fine, except that your team was prohibited from performing in Moscow...

— That’s right, we could play everywhere except the capital. Moreover, now an artist comes on tour for a day, but we went for a week, two. I won’t say that we were accommodated in some monstrous conditions - no, there were hotels that were normal for those times. Another thing is that after the concert we returned exactly at the moment when all the buffets were closing, and we wanted to eat. You could be evicted for cooking soup on a hot plate in your room.

- Soup, excuse me, what?

— Letter soup is dry soup in an envelope, chicken or beef. Everything was very fun, because we were young, doing what we loved, and the audience adored us. Once in St. Petersburg, after a concert, fans lifted a bus with us and carried us several meters in their arms. It was scary to sit inside.

- But what is this compared to summons to the Committee? state security! You were under the control of the KGB for many years...

— Since 1977, representatives of all internal secretion organs followed us and constantly called us for an interview.

— Directly to Lubyanka?

— No, mostly this happened in hotel rooms. Each hotel had rooms for so-called interviews.

- What were they talking about?

- About different things. For example, about the need to somehow decide. They told me something like this: “Our government has enemies - Sakharov, Galich. We respect them, but only as enemies. Therefore, Andrey, decide who you are. If there is an enemy, we will help you leave. If you are a friend, sing what is customary among us, and not what you compose.” I had to answer that, of course, I am not an enemy: explain to me what is so anti-Soviet in my texts, it doesn’t say “Down with Soviet power.”

- They could have said more harshly: they say, Andrey, don’t be a fool, you understand what we’re talking about...

— Apparently, among those people there were also those who sympathized with the Time Machine. One of them recently brought me to a concert a most interesting document from the times of Rosconcert - a “cart” from Krasnoyarsk from some idiot from the city party committee about our obscene appearance, shoulder-length hair, jeans and the outrageous words of the song “ Blue bird" After such complaints, the leadership of Rosconcert gathered and placed us for educational purposes during the rehearsal period. We say: “Okay, let’s sit.” In a month they will all have nothing to eat. They ask: “Have you worked on the mistakes?” We answer: “Yes, of course.” And we play the same thing. The world has changed a lot since then.

“I don’t understand much in this world.” The longer I live, the less I understand something. But I try not to think about it. I know and can do a lot of things, I have something to do without being distracted by nonsense. Photo: Mikhail Korolev

— The country recognized your songs by the first chord, but no one saw the members of the group themselves for a long period. Why?

— The photograph was prohibited from being placed on posters. And at first we didn’t have any posters. I wanted to print beautiful ones, like the vocal and instrumental ensembles had at that time, but Rosconcert told me: “Why do you need posters? They’re already attacking you.”

In 1981, when we starred in Alexander Stefanovich’s film “Soul,” a boom began. It was impossible to walk two steps down the street. I had to cut my hair almost bald. It was funny with the film. Stefanovich is an extremely cunning person in terms of his ability to deceive his superiors; at that time he simply had no equal. I still consider it a great miracle that we were filmed at that time. We were incredibly popular - so Stefanovich bet on us. An absolutely commercial move. When those at the top realized it, it was already too late: the film was ready for release, the government money had been spent.

Everything changed after 1987: different musical programms, including MuzOboz. Before that, we were allowed on television only on New Year- for example, sing with “For those who are at sea.” I remember that we then went out in stupid tailcoats, which we picked up in last moment. We came to film, as usual, in T-shirts and torn jeans. But the director saw it and said that it wouldn’t work like that, New Year's program after all. We were taken to a storage room, where there was just everything: costumes of musketeers, pirates - in general, complete nonsense. We no longer cared what to wear, because

it was clear: they would mainly film Rotaru, and not us. And so it happened. And with perestroika we were given the green light: we were allowed to go to Moscow and even abroad.

Not understanding what they were talking about, they sent us to an alternative music festival in Poland. Of course, they threw stumps at us there: we fell out of the format so much. And literally two weeks later we went to Japan to the Live Aid-2 festival, where James Brown, George Duke, Ronnie James Dio and many other super artists played. It was such a shock for us that my voice disappeared from excitement on the plane: I could neither sing nor speak. They treated him with Japanese pills and hot whiskey. He barely grunted something on stage.

We didn’t make much of a splash, but we were greeted kindly, we met great musicians, drank together, talked, gave them our records, and they gave us theirs. It was 1988, they were all terribly interested in seeing living people from behind the Iron Curtain. And then we left for America for a long time with a big tour. It was a crazy experience. If this had happened twenty years earlier, it’s hard for me to even imagine how different we would have been professionally.

— Your group is almost half a century old, and during this time you have never broken up, at least for a short time. Didn’t any of the participants have a period of hesitation and doubt?

— If someone went wild, like Petya Podgorodetsky, then he quickly left the team.

Once I was invited to Lenkom, but I didn’t go. Zakharov staged the plays “Til” and “Avtograd-XXI”, and a guitarist was needed for the musical group. But I somehow felt that in relation to “The Time Machine” this would not be very correct. If the whole group had been invited there, there would have been no doubts.

Sasha Kutikov left twice: first to the Tula Philharmonic, then to the Leap Summer group. But he returned.

We always understood each other and had the same attitude towards life and everything that happened. Of course, it is a great human happiness to meet people like those who play with me in “The Machine...” long years. We could argue when we did new song, or argue about how to play it, how to arrange it. Our disputes never got personal. They didn’t know, by the way, that the Beatles had exactly the same rule that we ourselves came to: as long as any member of the team says that he doesn’t like the song, the work is not finished. And since everyone has different tastes, everyone butted heads. Another unspoken rule: no wives or girls are allowed into our work. At all. Once, when we were very young, Kutikov brought beautiful girl to rehearsal, and we made fun of him terribly. The work we were doing seemed sacred to us. There weren’t enough girls to take around yet!

- My Vacation home small, but enough for me. The studio, which is located upstairs, has enough space for both painting and playing music. Photo: Mikhail Korolev

— The Beatles, as you know, wrote more than once in inappropriate conditions: for example, at the stove while fried eggs. Do you remember how the song “For those at sea” was written, without which friendly gatherings are still indispensable today?

— For me, the longevity of this song is a mystery. 1979 Tashkent. After two concerts, we had dinner and drinks, I sat by the open window, it was very hot, there were no air conditioners at that time. And he came up with the line: “I drink to the bottom for those who are at sea.” I realized that everything, the song was ready, all that was left was to come up with a verse. I called Kutikov. He came from the next room with a bottle of cognac, and by morning we wrote it. Sang twice open window and went to bed.

— Are hits often written sober or vice versa?

For the most part sober, although I wrote “Three Windows” in a taxi on the way home, when I was already pretty. And he wrote it straight away. I always carry a notepad and pencil with me. And they also lie by the bed. Sometimes it happens that you wake up at night, two lines in your head, and you think: I’ll write it down in the morning. No, it’s useless, you won’t remember anything - you need to write it down right away. The songs decide when to appear.

— Does your personal emotional state influence creativity? Are more songs written when cats scratch your soul?

- There is no connection. Recently, “Machine...” and I recorded the album “You”. For seven or eight years we didn’t release anything at all, and suddenly new songs began to come into my head in the style of the old “Machine...”, which I really love. Before that, I studied jazz for several years, recorded a number of albums - both with Creole Tango and Yiddish Jazz, we

toured all over the world. “Machine...” existed in parallel, we gave concerts, but nothing new was written. There’s nothing wrong with that: it means a pause was needed. After all, we have about 500 songs!

— Andrey, how did it happen that you, a native Muscovite, chose to live outside the city?

— I moved out of town a long time ago; I bought my first house almost 30 years ago. It’s just that on Leninsky Prospekt, where I lived before, I had a crazy neighbor who saw me as a class enemy and immediately called the police at any sound. And even in the middle of the night I may need to check something on the instrument, or listen to something, or play what comes to mind. Outside the city I feel absolutely free.

— Is the size of the house important to you? And what absolutely must be in it?

— The house is small, but it’s enough for me. Firstly, you need a spacious workshop for painting. I remember my father, when we lived in a small apartment on Komsomolsky Prospekt, painted in the same room where I slept. It was an office, a bedroom, and his workshop. He laid four damp sheets on the floor, and had nowhere else to put them. It’s much easier for me: in the workshop, which is located upstairs, there is enough space for drawing, and for drums with amplifiers, and for playing with the guys.

Secondly, I love when guests come, so I need a big table. Here we are sitting behind him. Twelve people can fit here.

As you can see, I still have a garden, and it bears fruit beautifully - my ex-wife Natasha, she put a lot of effort and taste into it. Since then the garden has grown. When we moved here - about ten years ago - it was a fairly bare place. It turns out that trees grow faster than people.

“When we moved here ten years ago, it was a bare place. But now the garden bears fruit beautifully. It turns out that trees grow faster than people. In the background is part of the submarine's hull, one of the reminders of the hobby of scuba diving. Photo: Mikhail Korolev

- Some kind of paradise in your home!

“I’ve never been to heaven, but I feel good here.”

— Do you feel good outside the house too?

“I don’t understand much in this world, and the longer I live, the less I understand something.” But I try not to think about it. I know and can do a lot of things, I have something to do without being distracted by nonsense.

— Are you talking about the attacks that you have been subjected to all your life? Do you read what they write about you on the Internet?

- Life is so short. Why would I read something unpleasant and stupid? You never know what anyone says! The world consists of a huge number of very different people. It is naive to hope that you will convince them or teach them something. God bless them all, let them live as they see fit, and I will live as I love.

— What do you do when you’re not on tour or writing a CD?

— I like to shoot fish and cook it, invite friends and have a party.

— Drink wine, listen to music...

- Certainly! Although no, without any music. Music is work. We can sometimes play the guitars or the piano and sing something from the old Soviet Union. On September 22 we are organizing a “Concert for Our Own” at the Gradsky Hall Theater. There are not many places there, so I think only our own people will come. In September also, almost everything is ready. 25-30 large boards carrying paintings, let's say. All my life I worked with paper, was engaged in graphics, and here for the first time I tried myself in a different capacity.

- Why suddenly?

- Don't know. I don't ask myself these questions. I can't stand self-analysis. It became interesting, that's all. I wrote everything in a year. The fact is that when I sit down to work, I sit down to work. You can’t come up and draw for half an hour. I need no one to bother me or call for a day or two.

A year ago, my eldest daughter Dana with her husband Chris and his three children, who consider Dana a mother. (The musician learned about Dana’s existence when the girl was already an adult; her mother is a fan of Makarevich. - Note “TN”). The children were in Russia for the first time, and for them it was a real adventure. Here I revealed myself as a Muscovite. He took them to the cultural park, to Arbat, and showed them all of old Moscow. They really liked it. And I enjoyed spending time with them.

And I'll tell you something else: to this day, the sound of an electric guitar plugged into a Vox amplifier has an effect on me. magical influence. The fur on my back stands on end. This is quite enough to understand whether this is what I have been doing all my life. The rest is talk.

Education: graduated from Moscow Architectural Institute

Family: daughter - Dana (43 years old), lawyer; son - Ivan (29 years old), actor; daughter - Anna (15 years old), schoolgirl

Career: since 1969 - leader of the Time Machine group. Since 2001 - leader of the Creole Tango Orchestra. Released 11 solo albums and 21 albums as part of the Time Machine. Author of about 500 songs. Author of 14 books. Since 1970 he has been involved in mixed media graphics. National artist RF

If before Andrey Makarevich was known as the lead singer of the Time Machine group and former presenter cooking show“Smak”, today this person is more associated with politics than with music. Blame it all civil position singer regarding the conflict in Ukraine.

Andrey Makarevich and his civic position

After the bloody events in Ukraine at the end of 2014, many simply famous people They did not stand aside, but spoke out in support or, on the contrary, condemned the “Maidan”. One of these people was the leader of the Time Machine, Andrei Makarevich. No one understood what happened to him, but it turned out that the singer Russian stage and the people consider the country in which he lives to be an aggressor, and the people for whom he sings to be nomads, a zombie mass.

After a series of statements by the singer, society shook up. It would seem, why did the opinion of some person, even a famous one, polarize people so much? Ordinary Russians and show business stars at a certain point were divided into fans and opponents of the singer. A petition even appeared on the Internet demanding that Andrei Makarevich be deprived of all state awards and titles.

The singer's civic position and opinion have not changed. He continues to support coup d'etat in Ukraine and the new government. The singer condemned Russia's annexation of Crimea. To be fair, it is worth noting that Mr. Makarevich condemned attempts to ban the Russian language in Ukraine and the demolition of monuments from the Soviet era.

Life and work in 2014

In connection with the events that took place in the neighboring state, the singer’s activities developed into socio-political ones. He attended the Peace March and rallies in support of Ukraine, gave interviews on radio channels, and wrote his own blog. As for music, the singer performed in Slavyansk, but somehow the concerts in Russia did not work out. Many fans began to wonder where Andrei Makarevich disappeared to, what happened to him after openly criticizing the authorities.

Indeed, many of the singer’s solo concerts (and “Time Machine”) were cancelled. And at one of the events in Moscow, in the House of Music, during the singer’s performance, unknown activists sprayed pepper gas. The concert was disrupted, and members of the Other Russia organization took responsibility for the incident.

The matter did not end there. IN State Duma deputy " United Russia“Evgeny Fedorov wanted to push through a law to deprive people with an anti-Russian position of state awards.

A group was formed on the Internet, collecting signatures for depriving the singer of all titles and awards. The opponents of the main “machinist” of the country were such prominent public and cultural figures, like Joseph Kobzon, Nikita Mikhalkov, Joseph Prigozhin and many others. In response, the singer's fans and people who share him public position, decided to appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin with a request not to deprive the singer of his awards. Andrei Makarevich was supported by such artists as Alla Pugacheva, Oleg Basilashvili, and others.

But the singer and leader of “Time Machine” decided to stand up for himself and addressed Mr. President directly in an open letter. The reaction could be different. A response from the administration was received immediately. The singer was informed that the head of the country does not influence public opinion, this is not “harassment” of the singer, but simply people’s attitude to the current situation. Fans were worried about what Andrei Makarevich would do. What happened to him after the open letter? Public censure really stopped and all “popular” indignation faded away.

Events of 2015

This year, the persecution of the country's main rocker continued. This is reflected in the cancellation of concerts in Russia. Although the official Kremlin declares that it has nothing to do with the situation that has developed around creative activity singer

In February-March, concerts in cities of the Russian Federation were planned. Andrey Makarevich performed in Moscow in a club format. This was followed by concerts in Haifa, Tel Aviv and Ashdod. A tour of Ukraine was planned in March, but it was postponed. The singer referred to the need for medical procedures.

This year, Andrei Makarevich, whose personal life has become the property of the whole country, did not stand out with loud statements, although the singer’s position has not changed.

The year 2015 was marked by another remarkable event for the singer. Makarevich sued publicist Alexander Prokhanov and won. The journalist said that Makarevich spoke in Svyatogorsk to motivate the military to shell Donetsk. The star claimed that he spoke to teenage refugees from Lugansk and Donetsk.

Andrey Makarevich group

Last year, “Time Machine” celebrated its 45th anniversary. The team is still working, writing new compositions.

In February 2015, fans of the group were shocked by the unpleasant news about the breakup of the group amid political disagreements. Although the singer’s official website denied this information, calling the message that appeared in the press gossip. Now “Time Machine” has one general concert planned. The musicians are developing other projects solo.

Andrey Makarevich: albums

During my creative career Andrey Makarevich performed and wrote thousands of songs. As the singer himself admits, after his “official” persecution, the popularity of him and “Time Machine” increased several times. Despite the reduced number of concerts in home country, all events with Makarevich’s participation are always sold out.

To date, the singer has 12 solo albums. Now he is actively writing compositions for his new album. So fans don’t have to worry about where Andrei Makarevich is, he’s simply absorbed creative process. The singer has almost completely disappeared from TV screens and rarely gives interviews.

Future plans

This year, 2015, the artist plans to perform in several cities in Germany and Ukraine. He is also active participant socio-political life of his native country.

In general, life is not only creative, but also social. So the singer’s fans don’t have to worry about where Andrei Makarevich disappeared, what happened to him after latest events. The musician has already stated that the GP has discredited itself and most likely he will leave the party.