Mariam Merabova - biography, information, personal life. Mariam Merabova – Voice from the hidden corners of the soul Pedagogical and composing activities

Mariam Merabova. Born on January 28, 1972 in Yerevan. Armenian and Russian singer and actress. Participant in the shows “The Voice” and “Three Chords”.

Father is a lawyer.

Mother is a journalist.

The family was musical. Grandmother Mariam played excellent music on the piano, had good voice and loved to perform romances.

From the age of five, Mariam studied at the Central Music School named after. Tchaikovsky in Yerevan. Later she continued her studies in Moscow at the school named after. Gnessins in piano class.

Later, fate brought her together with teacher Irina Georgievna Turusova, on whose advice Mariam was transferred to the school named after. Myaskovsky and graduates with honors. Then she continued her education at the school at the Moscow Conservatory, which, however, she did not graduate. The circumstances were such that the girl had to work as a cloakroom attendant at Vartan Tonoyan’s club.

However, a year later she entered the pop-jazz department of the school. Gnessin, which she graduated in 1996.

She worked in Rostov-on-Don at the invitation of the Ivanov brothers together with Igor Butman and David Goloshchekin, and was appreciated by jazz lovers. At the same time, she worked as a backing vocalist in studios and concerts. Mariam worked with Nikolai Noskov for about two years, and, according to her, it was a very important experience.

In 1998, together with her future husband and current producer Armen Merabov, Mariam began working in the jazz project “Miraif” - a derivative of “the world is high.” In 1999, at the House of Composers, People's Artist of Russia, member of the Union of Composers, Yuri Saulsky presented Miraif as a new and promising jazz project. In 2000, the presentation of the first album “Miraif” took place. In 2004, Mariam and Miraif recorded their next album, Intelligent Music. Music producer and the author of most of the compositions was Armen Merabov.

Mariam herself said: “Jazz is just a style in music and a manner of performance, and it’s still very important for us not to get drunk own creativity, but to be understood by those viewers, many of whom do not understand either English or Portuguese. It is very important that in addition to enjoying the musical ornament, the listener also understands the meaning."

In 2004, she received an offer to take part in the musical We Well Rock You, where she was offered one of the main roles - Killer Queen. The musical was written by the legendary musicians of the group Queen by Brian May and Roger Taylor in memory of the unforgettable vocalist of the group Freddie Mercury.

Also, in 2004, she began collaborating with the fusion jazz group Trans Atlantic. In 2005, the Trans Atlantic group gave a concert at the House of Music together with the famous saxophonist Eric Morienthal. And at the Blue Bird club, Mariam and Armen Merabov played together with the oldest representative of the bebop style, saxophonist Ricci Cole and Dutch trumpeter Saskia Laru.

She took part in the Jazz Parking project.

She was a teacher at the School of Professional creative development, taught vocals.

She gained wide popularity in 2014 after participating in the 3rd season of the popular Channel One show "Voice". At the blind auditions, she captivated the jury and audience with her performance of the classic song “Georgia.” Got into the team.

The singer reached the finals, where she performed “I Just Wanna Make Love to You” and took 4th place.

Mariam Merabova - "One Hundred Hours of Happiness." Voice-2. Semi-final

In 2018, Mariam Merabova became a participant in season 3 of the show "Three Chords", in which her rivals were Irina Apeksimova, Eva Polna, Alena Sviridova, Anastasia Makeeva, Dmitry Pevtsov, Igor Sarukhanov, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Alexander Shoua and Yaroslav Sumishevsky. The project covers the entire diversity of Russian music, not constrained by genre boundaries, but at the same time enjoying enormous popular popularity. Episodes of the show will be dedicated to urban romance, art songs, film hits, and the work of the Russian emigration of the 20th century. Participants will present their own interpretations to the audience. famous hits a variety of styles.

Since 2016, she began acting in films. She played small roles in the films “Voices” big country", "Mom", "Belovodye. The Mystery of the Lost Country."

Mariam Merabova's height: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Mariam Merabova:

Husband - Armen Levonovich Merabov, musician (keyboardist), composer, author of film music, producer. Born on July 10, 1975 in Moscow. Graduated music school them. AND ABOUT. Dunaevsky, music school named after. Stasov, State Musical College named after. Gnesins, Moscow State University Cultures (MGUK). Specialization: trombone, piano, composition, arrangement.

The singer said about her husband: “My talisman is my husband. He accompanied me on the piano. My husband is my happiness.”

The couple has three children - daughters Sonya and Irma, as well as a son, George, whom the singer gave birth to at the age of 41.

In 2017, Mariam Merabova impressed the public with her transformation: she was able to lose 53 kilograms. At the same time, the singer noted that she was not going to stop there. The secret to getting rid of her excess weight V healthy way life.

Filmography of Mariam Merabova:

Voiceover by Mariam Merabova:

2017 - My super dad! (animated)

Mariam Merabova's vocals in films:

Olga Shablinskaya, AiF.Zdorovye: Mariam, you have two daughters and a son. Did having three children really interfere with your career and touring?

No. When I see that young girls do not want to give birth - supposedly this will affect their careers, I understand that they have fallen into a trap. There are so many women around who missed the moment and remained alone as adults. I’m still probably a Caucasian woman. Or maybe just normal, traditional. For me, being part of a family is much more important than stroking my ego on stage.
This is true. If the Lord tells me: shut up and sit at home, that’s how it should be, I’ll shut up and sit at home, nothing bad will happen to me. I don’t suffer from the “want to be famous” disease.

- As a traditional woman, do you really cook and clean yourself?

I cook and clean. Yesterday night, for example, I urgently did the first thing. Because I knew that today I would be filming all day. The family also needs to have some soup. The first is absolutely necessary: ​​the soup warms you up, food at the right temperature enters the stomach.

- Let's talk more about the diet. What kind of soups does Merabova prepare?

Vegetables. For some time now I have been watching my diet. After I had the operation, I had longitudinal resection stomach - and returned to more or less normal shape, naturally, I control what we eat and how we eat. We don't eat fried food at all. We do not wash down food with water. This should not be done under any circumstances! What else... Less bread, flour is practically excluded from us. Unless you can have a sandwich until 12 noon.

- And what do you like a sandwich with?

And I love it with everything - with butter, with fish. But before 12, this is important!

- You said about the operation. Was it scary to go on the operating table?

No, it's not scary. It was scary to stay in the state I was already in. My gallbladder was removed and a resection was performed at the same time.

- Was everything done to lose the weight that was weighing you down?

No, to return to normal existence altogether, because there was already a real threat to life. I had a very serious hormonal imbalance. And in order to revive and restart the body, it was necessary to give it a serious shake-up - like such an operation. Because the postoperative period implies a certain regime, during which the body begins to rebuild. And so it happened. And that's great.

- How many kilograms did you lose in the end?

On this moment- 67 kg. Consider this the weight of one person! But in my situation, I didn’t just perform the operation - and go for a walk, Vasya! Then you need to keep fit, watch your diet, not expand your stomach and exercise, you need to keep your body in good shape so that it doesn’t sag after losing weight.

- And what sports do you do?

I have only one exercise machine - an ellipse. I go to it so as not to kill my joints. But I study a lot.

"Voice is energy"

- Mariam, you have an incredibly sensual voice that perfectly reflects nature. But everything has back side medals. Women, and especially artists, are subject to mood swings.

Yes, my poor thing Armen Merabov! My husband experiences my mood changes all the time. I am very emotional and sometimes unrestrained. But I will always ask for forgiveness if I offended you. I sincerely ask!

The most terrible time for me is the morning, that’s the horror! It's better not to touch me. But if you jerk me right in the morning, then that’s it, I start to get nervous. When I wake up, I need to retire with coffee for half an hour so that I won’t be disturbed. It doesn’t matter what issues, whether it’s household or work matters. It's important to just not touch me. (Laughs.) I’m just not here and that’s all! Then I go into life and everything is fine.

Absolutely right Elena Obraztsova. The voice is alive and absolutely directly related to your emotional state. It’s no secret that it disappears under stress, and may disappear altogether during nervous soil. Because vital energy leaves, and the voice is energy. And, on the contrary, when you love, you have more energy to voice everything that you see, that you love.
For me, anxiety is my enemy. I hate competitions, I hate competitions, I’ve never taken part in one in my life. Except for two adventurous moments - the show “The Voice” and now “Three Chords”. But precisely because I don’t like competitions, I respect all my colleagues at competitions and rejoice at their successes.

Mariam and Armen Merabov. Photo:

As for the excitement on stage... My husband and I are always together. When we are together, we create magic, we love each other very much, not only in life, but also in creativity. We feed on each other. Everyone knows this and that’s why everyone likes to look at us and listen to us.

Soon we will perform at an unusual venue. This is a stage on the water at the Green Theater of VDNKh. There will be original music and arrangements of famous Soviet songs in a jazz interpretation. But jazz will be in Russian. Russian sounds amazing. You just can't screw him up. For me Soviet songs- this is our gold fund. Just like in America there is a golden fund of jazz. Our gold fund Lately called naphthalene. But this is wrong, the songs were written by great composers and songwriters who created complete harmony of melody and phonetics. We will perform some of these masterpieces in a jazz arrangement. We are not the first; great people did this before us. For example, Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko in “Trio” by Mikhail Okunev.

“I gave birth to my third child after 40”

- The joint work of husband and wife is a plus, the rear is covered. On the other hand, disputes may arise...

Of course, there are some clashes. We can quarrel to pieces, but the stage makes peace. And we are already driving back from the concert, again holding hands and kissing, everything is fine. The scene really does heal everything.

- What kind of mother are you?

Actually strict. Stricter than Armen, let’s just say he spoils the children. The eldest Irma is 23, the middle Sofia is 11, the youngest Georgiy will now turn 5.

- It turns out that you gave birth to your last child at the age that Soviet doctors called “old-born.”

They considered women aged 25 to be old-timers. I gave birth after 40. Maybe it’s too late if Zhorik was the first child. But Georgy was already the third, so it was normal.

- Weren’t you afraid to decide on a third birth?

Scary. But I was sure of a normal outcome. If God gave a child, then everything will be fine.

If you set out to find out what determined the success of Mariam Merabova on the Russian jazz scene, the answer will tell her creative biography. Born in 1972, into a family of a lawyer (where a love for music, art, and culture was strongly encouraged), at the age of five Mariam was sent to the best music school in Yerevan, and later continued her studies at the famous Moscow “ten-year school” at the school named after. Gnesins. Two years later, Mariam moved to music school No. 3 named after N.Ya. Myaskovsky (now the school named after Frederic Chopin) and ended up in the class of the great teacher Irina Georgievna Turusova, who did a lot to discover and develop her extraordinary talent.

However, the classical repertoire, despite all its attractiveness, did not become the end point in Mariam’s creative development; she continued to search for “her” genre in music. The answer was suggested by a chance visit to a jazz club, where the future star met a new love for life - Musical direction, combining rhythm and melody, originality of sound and familiar arrangements - JAZZ!

Having set a new goal for herself, the purposeful student immediately withdrew her documents from the school at the Moscow Conservatory (despite the brilliant prospects and much to the surprise of her parents). She decided to start her creative path from scratch, getting a job in a jazz club as... a cloakroom attendant. Tiring and monotonous work, in no way related to music, allowed her to enjoy jazz concerts to the fullest, gradually forming her own musical taste.

This is how Mariam Merabova herself talks about how her creative musical destiny unfolded:

"I can now with full responsibility to say that everything that I understand in music now, that I still continue to discover, is my teacher Irina Georgievna Turusova. Greatest Woman and teacher!!! She beat me mercilessly on the fingers and back))) At the same time, I internally understood that this was all justified by her fanatical service to Music and her principled position towards lazy people.) You won’t believe it, but I still have the last graduation program in my fingers!! ! And what works I played... How many competitions and concerts! My mother still cannot forgive me for the lost recording of my performance of Prokofiev’s “Obsession,” which was filmed by the Japanese... And so I graduated, entered Merzlyakovka and fell out of my mother’s sight.

Students are a young thing, a wild, free tribe)) One day they dragged me into the jazz cafe “Blue Bird” on the corner of Chekhov-Medvedev. Needless to say, my fate then changed vector!!! Once and for all I fell in love with this music!

The cafe was legendary - there is no other place like it now!!! The atmosphere was breathtaking. And after the first year, I took the documents and left.... I went nowhere. Turusova told me that I was a traitor and she didn’t know me anymore, my mother almost went crazy, but my heart led me. I wasn’t at all afraid of this unknown, to be honest... Arriving at Blue Bird I begged for a position as a kitchen assistant so that I could be there every day and listen, listen.... Whomever did I hear! What jazz it was! Alperin, duels between Dvoskin and Sobolev, Nazarov, Bril, Vagif Mustafa-Zadeh, Levinovsky, Brazilian Alcione, Manukyan, Pishchikov, Arzu Huseynov, Lukyanov.... The queues at the entrance sometimes reached Sadovoy. The permanent rhythm section was the then young Oleg Butman and Dmitry Kolesnik. Igor Butman has already been to America. And I decided to enroll in jazz piano at the Gnessins, since there was no talk of vocals at that time.

After working there for a year and being promoted to cloakroom attendant, I saw the dramatic moment when the cafe was closed forever by decision of the Komsomol Committee. And so I came to audition for Igor Mikhailovich Bril, who said that he would take me and gave me a program from... Bach, Beethoven and someone else. I was in a panic because I was fed up with the classics. Coming down the stairs, I already knew that I would not return, when I heard singing from the hall in which the audition for the vocal department was taking place. Just out of fear, in order to stay in “jazz,” I also decided to audition. .. I passed!)))) despite the fact that I never thought about vocals seriously and simply performed my original song)) From that moment my life began a new report. In my first year I met Armen Merabov, whose wife I have the happiness of now being!)))

What am I talking about?))) We must not be afraid of anything, listen with our hearts and not regret what did not happen!!!"

A little later, Mariam continued her studies at Gnesinka and passed her final exams brilliantly, after which she received an offer of cooperation from himself... Igor Bril - the famous jazz pianist and one of the professors Music Academy them. Gnessins! But this was only the first step along the difficult and steep ladder to the musical Olympus.

Already in 1999, Mariam’s duet with her future husband, pianist and composer Armen Merabov, was presented to a capricious Moscow audience and received literally with a bang. And the first album of 2000 allowed us to start talking about the artist as a new Russian star jazz scene. Such rapid recognition opened the way for Mariam to new heights of creativity and at the same time to the world stage, where success is not easy, but always very tempting.

2004 became a landmark year for the singer - she got a role in the Russian musical “We well rock you”. Its author was the legendary rock musician Brian May, who highly appreciated the vocal abilities of the singer with a beautiful Armenian name. And for Mariam herself this creative work gave the opportunity to meet show business stars whose names have been known to the general public for several decades. But the most important thing is that performing rock parts and roles in musicals allowed us to see ourselves in a new way, to reveal new possibilities of talent...

The duet of Mariam and Armen Merabov was repeatedly invited by foreign “masters” of the jazz scene to participate in joint performances. In 2004, the Miralife duo was lucky enough to work with one of America's greatest saxophonists, Richard "Richie" Cole! And the 2005 concerts - in company with Eric Morienthal, Sergei Chipenko and the Trans Atlantic group - allowed Mariam to realize her old dream - to try herself as a jazz woman.

Mariam is not only a vocalist with an unforgettable voice timbre and bright dramatic talent. She is also a wonderful poet, the author of lyrics for many compositions that the Miraif group performs today.

Mariam's concerts are a real discovery for those who appreciate and love jazz music, considering this style to be relevant, alive and ageless. The appearance of Mariam on the TV screen arouses constant interest, and whole line foreign television programs that invited the talented jazz vocalist and her husband Armen Merabov (who is also a virtuoso pianist, composer and producer) to visit, managed to significantly increase their ratings among sophisticated Western audiences.

An artist with extraordinary talent, who managed to realize in her life the dream of performing jazz music, is full of creative plans and is ready to delight fans with new projects that guarantee a lot of pleasure from the original concerts of Mariam Merabova and the Miraif duet.

Mariam Merabova and the MIRAIF group at the Alexey Kozlov Club

Mariam Merabova is a singer who captivated jazz lovers with her in an extraordinary voice. Mariam is a singer with capital letters. Her performances can be seen at many jazz venues in Russia. She recently became a participant in the third season of the Voice program. Now the whole country knows about it.

Childhood and family of Mariam Merabova

Hometown Mariam - Yerevan. The parents noticed their daughter’s musical abilities back in early childhood. She was sent to the central music school of the city. The girl's father worked as a lawyer, her mother was a journalist. Despite the fact that her parents’ professions were far from creativity and the stage, they loved music and encouraged their daughter’s activities in every possible way. Grandmother Mariam played the piano beautifully and sang romances.

When the girl grew up, seeing Mariam’s great musical abilities, her parents transferred her to Moscow, where she studied at the Gnessin School. There she studied piano. Later, the talented girl continued her studies in the jazz department music school, which she graduated with honors in 1996.

A successful start to a career, Merabova’s first songs

Thanks to her magnificent voice and undeniable talent, Merabova’s career was very successful from the very beginning. People's Artist Igor Mikhailovich Bril invited the aspiring vocalist to give a joint performance. It started so brightly music career Mariam Merabova.

Over time, the singer improved her talent, performing at various jazz venues. Jazz musicians quickly learned about her as a talented vocalist who knows how to feel the pieces she performs with amazing precision. Very little time passed, and offers literally rained down on Merabova.

The singer had the opportunity to work with such celebrities as Boris Kurganov, Sergey Manukyan, Oleg Kireev, Vyacheslav Gorsky, Alexey Kozlov. Merabova’s performances, which took place in Rostov-on-Don, were especially special, where she appeared on stage together with David Goloshchekin and Igor Butman.

After graduating from college, Mariam also worked at concerts and studios as a backing vocalist. The singer considers her collaboration with Nikolai Noskov to be a particularly important experience, which gave her complete freedom from her voice; the singer discovered the freedom of sound production.

Mariam Merabova in the Miraif project

Since 1998, the vocalist began working in the Miraif project, where she also worked future husband- Armen Merabov. Yuri Saulsky in 1999 called this jazz project new and promising. Today, Miraife has firmly established itself in the country's jazz venues. Concerts of this jazz group Usually they are sold out.

In 2000, the first album “Miraif” was released. He had considerable success. Already in 2004, the next album was recorded, which was called “Intelligent Music”. Preparations are underway for the release of the third album. It is known that it included several compositions authored by Merabova. The performer sings some songs in Russian, which for Russian jazz is unexpected. According to Mariam, thanks to this, jazz lovers can not only enjoy the singing itself, but also listen to the compositions meaningfully, understanding their content.

In 2004, Russian producers invited the singer to the musical “We well rock you,” where she played one of the main roles. The authors of this musical are: famous musicians Queen, like Roger Taylor and Brian May. They were the ones who approved Mariam for the role when they came to the casting. Together with these great musicians, the vocalist performed a solo number after the premiere, which took place at an autoparty in Moscow. The musical lasted only six months, but gave Merabova a meeting with legendary musicians.

More than once Mariam was invited to concerts where she was supposed to represent the Russian jazz vocal school. Thus, the singer took part in concerts where Eric Morienthal, Dutch trumpeter Saskia Laru, saxophonist Ricci Cole, and Gregory Fain performed. At the invitation of saxophonists Dmitry and Alexander Bril, the original singer performed on the same stage with Pierre Richard, who played in a band with his sons.

Mariam has been a participant in the Jazz Parking project from the first day the project began. It should be noted that his future success could be judged from his first concerts. Pop scene stars have more than once become participants in Jazz Parking, demonstrating their mastery of such musical styles, like soul and jazz. Merabova is also a teacher at Alla Pugacheva’s school of professional creative development.

Mariam Merabova in the show “The Voice”

Wanting a larger circle of listeners to know about such a singer as Mariam Merabova, she decided to become a participant in the third season of “The Voice”. At the “blind” auditions, the singer presented the song “Georgia”. None of the mentors remained indifferent to her performance. Among them, the participant chose Leonid Agutin.

At the stage of fights, Agutin brought together three contestants - Ksenia Buzina, Victoria Cherentsova and Mariam Merabova. Mariam remained on the project. The “knockouts” were simply great. After the performance of the vocalist, who performed “Requiem” by Alla Pugacheva, Alexander Gradsky invited the audience to stand and take a minute of silence to honor the memory of those who are no longer with us. The singer made it to the semi-finals. After the performance, it was Mariam from Agutin’s team who remained on the project. Whether she wins “The Voice” or not is for the audience and judges to judge.

Personal life of Mariam Merabova

Mariam is married. Her husband works with her - this is Armen Merabov. He is a musician, but he is also the singer’s producer. Merabova has three children - two daughters Sonya and Irma and a son Georgy, whom the singer gave birth to at the age of 41. According to her, she is not the strictest mother, since she cannot be angry for a long time, considering relationships impossible without tenderness and love. The singer’s eldest daughters also study music. According to parents, they have the data for this.

Today the vocalist lives and works in Moscow. She and her husband often go on tour or perform on stages in the capital. It is known that during Dima Bilan’s Eurovision performance, the singer performed with him as a backing vocalist.

Date of Birth: January 28, 1972
Place of Birth: Yerevan, Armenia
Height: 170 cm


Mariam Alahverdova was born in the sunny and friendly city of Yerevan on January 28, 1972. The girl's parents were not gifted musical abilities. Mariam inherited the gift and love of music from her grandmother, who not only played the piano beautifully, but also had a beautiful voice.

Having heard little Mariam singing, her parents decide to enroll their daughter in a music school. We can say that already in childhood the girl lived by music, which determined her future fate.

Parents future star did everything possible to ensure that their daughter had the opportunity to do what she loved. In the early 80s, the family moved to Moscow, however, Mariam did not give up her music studies. The girl is enrolled in school named after. Gnesins, from which she later goes to school named after. Myaskovsky.

Mariam's main passion has always been jazz. It is the jazz department that she graduates with honors from the school. Gnesins.


In her youth, Mariam had a hard time, and even had to give up her studies to earn money.

First place labor activity Mariam became a cloakroom attendant in one of the capital's jazz cafes.

After graduating from college, Mariam has a fateful acquaintance with People's Artist Igor Bril. Fascinated by the performer’s talent, Igor Mikhailovich invites Mariam to perform together. The girl not only grabs this chance, but also uses every opportunity to perform at the country's jazz venues.

Mariam emphasizes that she learned a lot while working with Nikolai Noskov. The girl was his backing vocalist for two years, which allowed her to observe and learn from the pop singer.

In the late 90s, Mariam declared herself as the main vocalist. At the invitation of her old friend Armen Merabov, the woman becomes the soloist of the duet “Miraif. Armen himself becomes the producer and second member of the duet, and later the legal spouse of Mariam.

Many music critics call their duet one of the most promising jazz projects of that time. The Miraif duet released two albums that were successful among jazz fans.

Mariam Merabova and the Miraif group

Mariam was also lucky to perform on stage in the musical “We will rock you,” where she played one of the main roles. For my creative career Mariam has repeatedly performed on stage not only with domestic but also foreign stars.

Surprisingly, this woman has repeatedly performed on the stage of international music competition"Eurovision". IN different years, she performed as a backing vocalist for Dmitry Bilan, Dmitry Koldun, Ani Lorak.

Mariam also repeatedly acted in films. A film with her participation, “Voices of a Big Country,” has already been released. And in the near future on the Domashny TV channel you will be able to watch the series “Mom” with her participation.

Since 2018, Mariam has been a vocal teacher at school with her mentor Leonid Agutin.

Show "The Voice"

The performer admitted that despite her experience, at the stage of “blind auditions” she was very worried and was afraid that no one would turn to her. However, her performance did not leave the mentors indifferent and now she had to choose among 4 reputable professionals. Mariam decided to join Leonid Agutin’s team, which she never regretted.

Merabova managed to reach the finals, where according to the results audience voting the winner was Alexandra Vorobyova. Mariam is very pleased with her participation in the project, because she was lucky to work not only with the best professionals country, but also make friends with many participants.

Personal life

Mariam married in 2005 to her colleague in the Miraif duet, Armen Merabov. The star met her future husband while studying at college in 1989. The girl immediately fell in love with him, however, the man for a long time gave preference to other women.

After graduating from Gnesinka, their paths diverged, and the next meeting occurred only 9 years later. Mariam received a marriage proposal from her beloved only in 2005. By this time, she already had a 10-year-old daughter in her arms from a previous relationship.

Married to Armen, Mariam had two more children: a daughter and a son. Moreover, the performer gave birth to her son George at the age of 41. The daughters of star mothers are already showing interest in music, and their parents are doing their best to help them develop their talent.

Mariam Merabova with her husband and children

Mariam herself, in one of her interviews, said that family is the most important thing in life for her. And if she has to make a choice between career and family, then she will, without hesitation, make a choice in favor of the second. She can easily live without a stage and fans.

Weight loss

You can’t help but notice how transformed appearance Mariam. The woman noticeably lost weight and began to look much younger. Mariam herself makes no secret and openly talks about how she managed to get in shape.

The woman admitted that she decided to undergo gastric resection surgery. When doctors told Mariam that she needed to have her gallbladder removed, she immediately decided to have her stomach reduced and removed.

After the operation, Merabova had to completely change her diet. The woman gave up many foods, excluded everything fried, sweet, flour and switched to proper nutrition. Merabova also started playing sports. She managed to lose more than 67 kilograms and the woman assures that she is not going to stop there.

The transformation in appearance allowed Mariam to get new roles in films, which she had always dreamed of. One has only to rejoice and admire this strong woman who steadfastly overcomes all difficulties and obstacles on the way to her goal.

Photo of Mariam Merabova after losing weight
