Novikov what where when biography. Elena Potanina: personal life. The star of the game “What? Where? When?"

Even today, many (mostly men) believe that a woman has no place in a leadership position. There is also an opinion that women are stupider than men. Many representatives of the fair sex are able to dissuade such people, but maintaining the result is much more difficult, especially if the woman is smart and beautiful. Many people simply do not associate this phrase with a woman. But there are some. One of these women is Elena Potanina. We know her as an avid player of the TV show “What? Where? When?” What kind of girl is this, what is her personal life like, interests many fans of this TV game.

Biography of Elena

Elena Potanina was born in Novosibirsk, November twentieth, one thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven. Her family is her mother Olga and father Alexander.

When the child was only three years old, her family decided to move to a more pleasant climate, warm and comfortable. The choice fell on Odessa. In that wonderful city Elena had to grow up.

At school, the girl was distinguished by her ability to think and analyze, so she always participated in various Olympiads.

After school, she received two higher educations and studied in Ukraine and Russia.

She decided to work in Moscow, where she moved. Elena Potanina still lives in the Russian capital today.

Professional achievements of Potanina

The first close acquaintance with the TV show "What? Where? When?" happened when Elena worked as an editor in the Ukrainian version. She worked like this from two thousand eight to nine.

Potanina made her personal debut in the game in two thousand and ten. There she played as part of the women's team, but was not its leader.

Team captain

From two thousand seven to two thousand eleven, Elena Potanina was the captain of the strongest team of experts. Dmitry Panayotti, Edouard Chagall, Sergei Makarov, Mikhail Malkin, Sergei Nikolenko played under her leadership. Elena was recognized as the best player seven times.

In May of the fifteenth year, Elena led her team to victory, playing with a score of 2:5.

Lena has been playing the game “What? Where? When?”, or rather its sports version, not the television version, since she was eleven years old. She was a champion in Ukraine and played on a team internationally in Israel.

Personal life of Elena Potanina

Elena is a girl whose personal life is little known. She does not seek to make her victories and defeats public, leaving her life under lock and key, the code for which is known only to her.

Recently there was a rumor that Elena Potanina got married. A lot of questions started popping up online. Who is the husband? Who and when did Elena marry? But, as it became known, this was a false rumor.

As Elena Potanina says (“What? Where? When?”), she has a busy personal life, but she has not yet gotten married. And it’s not going to happen anytime soon.

Many were sure that Elena Potanina married Ilya Novikov, a strong player of “What? Where? When?”

Potanina Elena and Ilya Novikov

Elena and Ilya for a long time were the most beautiful couple in the game "What? Where? When?". Their relationship was observed not only by the players, but also by all television viewers. They always sat next to each other, exchanging tender glances.

Some time ago, the girl admitted that Ilya proposed to her. This news was a joy for many fans of the game, fans of such talent and intelligence.

Elena Potanina's future husband, Ilya Novikov, also did not hide the fact that things were moving towards creating new family, they were truly happy.

Not long ago, everyone began to notice that the future newlyweds had lost interest in each other and something had happened between them. No matter how hard they tried to hide this coldness from others, over time, questions about the wedding forced the young couple to admit that everything was cancelled.

It was believed that this was just a temporary quarrel that often occurs before the most important step in life. Everyone thought that the couple would reconcile again and it would definitely come to marriage. But sometimes life doesn't turn out the way you plan.

A break up

When you break up with your loved one, it can feel as if the ground is slipping away from under your feet. Many TV viewers expected the couple to reconcile since they were still playing. Some were waiting for the moment when one of the young people could not stand it and leave the team.

But neither one nor the other happened. The reason lies in the fact that these people are really smart and will not ruin their career because of failed love.

Elena and Ilya do not avoid communication and play, they do not look at each other like wolves, they simply move on, each with their own lives.

This relationship could become an example of separation for many, because there is no need to be enemies.

The wedding of Elena Potanina and Ilya Novikov never took place.

What is the reason for separation?

Of course, after the news spread that Lena and Ilya had broken up, journalists simply began to press the former couple. They tormented both of them with questions about why the decision to separate came. But the young people just waved it off, saying it wasn’t fate, it happens sometimes.

Both TV viewers and players tried to get the truth. But the couple simply remained silent. Finally, the players realized that the experts had no time for questions now, and fell behind, expecting that time will pass and they themselves will tell you everything.

But days, weeks and months passed, but Lena and Ilya seemed to have forgotten that they had once been together. The journalists decided to get to their friends. Lena’s friends only said that it was the girl’s own fault; there was no need to boast so loudly that there would be a wedding soon. With this boasting she could simply jinx her personal happiness.

Indeed, many superstitious people believe that the quieter the happiness, the more durable it will be. Whether this is true or not is not clear to us. It's possible that we'll never know the real reason separation of such a gorgeous couple. Perhaps someday they will move away a little and tell everything themselves; perhaps you shouldn’t meddle in someone else’s life if people don’t want it.

Maybe the reason is another love?

Sometimes curiosity takes over, we want to dig and climb deeper and deeper into the secrets of other people's destinies.

So, recently the news spread that the reason for the separation of Potanina and Novikov was another girl. This is Anastasia Shutova, also a participant intellectual game.

Many said that Ilya somehow quickly recovered from the breakup and even got married. Perhaps it was not in vain? Perhaps the wedding was canceled precisely at Ilya’s request, since he fell in love with someone else? Anything is possible.

As you know, Ilya and Nastya’s wedding took place on an icebreaker when the newlyweds were heading to the North Pole on a cruise. More than 150 people witnessed the celebration. Each of them says that the couple really loves each other, that it can be seen in their eyes and gestures.

The captain of the ship painted the newlyweds, of course, fictitiously. When Ilya and Nastya returned to land, they headed to the registry office, where they formalized everything completely officially.

Now they a happy family. By the way, they also don’t want to talk about this life. Ilya simply says that he is happy, Nastya is also laconic.

Elena Potanina admits that she is happy for Ilya and Nastya and wishes them happiness and prosperity. When asked about when Lena herself will get married, the girl replies that there is no talk of a wedding yet.

Perhaps with such answers she is simply trying not to step on the same rake, not to jinx her happiness. It remains to wish Lena great love, great happiness both in her personal life and in the game. Loud victories in "What? Where? When?" career growth. We will still be happy for the girl when we learn about her wedding. Many Lena fans are sure that they won’t have to wait long and this event will take place in the very near future!

Ilya Novikov is a lawyer, former player of the Russian television club “What? Where? When?". Known for his participation in the trial of the Ukrainian pilot. Many call the lawyer an “enemy of the Kremlin,” but others consider him a champion of truth and justice, a guardian of the law and a symbol of the fight for own opinion.

Ilya Sergeevich Novikov was born on February 11, 1982 in Moscow. His mother is Ukrainian by origin, and his father is Russian. Since childhood, the boy gravitated towards knowledge and read a lot, buying up to 10 books a month. IN high school I became seriously interested in intellectual games. The guy’s favorite TV show was the show “What? Where? When?”, and Ilya himself dreamed of getting into this program. At the same time, the future lawyer read Erle Stanley Gardner's detective stories about lawyer Perry Mason and decided to become a lawyer. After graduating from school, Novikov submitted documents to Russian Academy justice. As a student, the young man became a member of a team that participated in the sports version of the game “What? Where? When?".

After graduating with honors from the academy in 2005, Ilya began practicing law and began teaching at the department of criminal procedure. Later, Novikov began teaching judges at advanced training courses. However, being a practicing lawyer, I had to give up work at the Faculty of Advanced Training in order to continue working in court.

In August 2011, Ilya became a senior partner in the law firm Goncharova, Novikov and Partners. Subsequently, Novikov became the lawyer of a famous expert, who filed a lawsuit against the Mary Jane company, which was illegally using the image of the erudite. The lawyer was able to prove the similarity of the image created by the company to his client. Thanks to Novikov’s efforts, Wasserman should have received compensation of 110 thousand rubles.

In January 2013, Novikov became a partner law firm Tenzor Consulting Group, where he dealt with arbitration disputes and cases related to economic crimes.

In 2013, Ilya Sergeevich became a lawyer in the high-profile case of Togliatti businessman Sergei Lektorovich. The lawyer's client was accused of violating the rules traffic which led to an accident and the death of a young girl. Lektorovich's relatives turned to an expert and a lawyer after city residents turned against the accused. Novikov achieved a fair court decision, reassuring the public: the client was found guilty, the criminal received a well-deserved punishment in the form of 3 years in a penal colony, and also paid monetary compensation to the family of the deceased.

Since 2014, Novikov joined the cohort of lawyers of the Ukrainian pilot Nadezhda Savchenko. Ilya's client was accused of complicity in the murder of two Russian journalists near Lugansk. Later, illegal border crossing was added to the charges. Russian Federation. The lawyer himself believes that the issue of Savchenko’s release is not so much a court decision as a political decision by the Russian leadership. This matter became the main one in professional biography Novikova.

"What? Where? When?"

Ilya Novikov made his debut on television at the age of 14 in the “Wheel of History” program. Then the guy did not become a winner, although he managed to answer the quiz question. Ilya also took part in the intellectual program “Own Game”, where he also did not win. Novikov participated in the show 3 more times, winning in 2001 and 2002.

IN TV game"What? Where? When?”, which made Novikov famous, the guy got in 2002 thanks to his participation in the sports version of the program. The expert's team won the Russian championship, and the guys were invited to watch. Only Ilya managed to become a member of the elite club. Novikov ended up on Marina Ufaeva’s team, which did not win that game. But the young man was not upset, continued to improve his knowledge and became a regular participant in the show. Novikov lost the next 2 games again.

Success came to the expert in 2004 after Novikov was repeatedly recognized best player in the team and awarded the “Crystal Owl”. This victory brought Novikov fame and popularity among television viewers.

In 2011, Ilya was nominated for the Crystal Owl for the second time, but Novikov refused the award in favor of Grigory Alkhazov, another connoisseur. In the same year, Ilya Sergeevich became a participant popular TV show"Who want to be a millionaire?".

Ilya came to the project together with his club colleague. The experts managed to answer 10 questions correctly, but the 11th question brought defeat and a zero cash prize. At that time, Novikov also took part in extreme show“Cruel Intentions”, where in doubles competitions with the singer he reached the semi-finals.

In 2014, Novikov won the Crystal Owl and was also recognized as the best player of the year, receiving the Diamond Owl.

In August 2016, it became known that Ilya Sergeevich was leaving What? Where? When?". The Russian press immediately reported that the lawyer left the club of experts because of his participation in the trial in the case of Nadezhda Savchenko. It is assumed that the protection of the Ukrainian pilot is main reason, because of which Novikov left the TV show.

It is known that the scandal began after an interview with the host of the TV quiz show, in which he stated that Novikov was obliged to leave the club of experts as soon as he decided to take on the case of the Ukrainian serviceman.

Personal life

Lawyer and expert Ilya Novikov does not like to discuss his personal life. The press reported that for some time the man dated a colleague in the ChGK game, Elena Potanina. The couple was so close that others perceived them as spouses.

Soon Elena announced that Ilya proposed to her. Novikov himself said in an interview that he has not met with Potanina for some time.

With my future wife Ilya also met on the show “What? Where? When?". has been participating in the game since 2011. After the acquaintance between colleagues began romantic relationship, and in July 2013 the couple went on a trip to the North Pole.

The connoisseurs, according to a long-standing maritime custom, were “painted” by the captain of the nuclear icebreaker, Dmitry Lobusov. Legally, this marriage was not valid, but Ilya and Anastasia were going to later register their relationship in the registry office. The couple considered a trip to the North Pole an ideal wedding vacation, full of impressions and unforgettable memories.

This marriage lasted two years, and already in 2015 information appeared in the media that Novikov and Shutova had separated. The Russian press continued to actively discuss the personal life of the famous lawyer, suggesting that the man was having an affair with another girl - Yulia Arkhangelskaya, a participant in “What? Where? When?". However, these rumors were not officially confirmed.

Ilya Novikov now

In 2017, Ilya Novikov spoke in an interview with Radio Liberty about the affairs that he is involved in today, as well as about his participation in the Ukrainian “What? Where? When?". According to the lawyer, in the highest political circles of Russia over the past two years there has been a lot of talk about the Ukrainians, whom he continues to defend. Ilya also said that he did not consider the loss of the program broadcast in the Russian Federation a disaster for himself, since he had already managed to participate in the Ukrainian version of the popular television program.

In July 2017, Ilya Novikov became a laureate of the Semyon Lvovich Ariya Prize. Ceremonial presentation The awards ceremony took place in the editorial office of Novaya Gazeta.

Editor-in-Chief of Novaya Gazeta Dmitry Muratov noted that lawyer Semyon Lvovich Ariya long years dedicated his life to defending the publication in court. A front-line soldier who went through the entire war wrote a large number of books, and also wanted his work to be continued by young and promising lawyers who are able to defend the fundamental principles of order and legality.

“After the death of Semyon Lvovich Aria, the heirs and the editors decided to create a prize in his memory, annually presenting the award to young, but already proven lawyers. And this year the brightest and most talented lawyer is Ilya Novikov,” said Dmitry Muratov.

In turn, Novikov noted that Aria is an outstanding lawyer, whom he himself considers a teacher. According to Ilya, receiving such an award is a great honor for any professional in this field.

Today Novikov continues to practice law. Ilya Sergeevich devotes time and social networks. Often new lawyer publications appear on the microblogging service

Anastasia Shutova - player of the famous television intelligent transmission"What? Where? When?". She perfectly joined Andrei Supranovich’s team and constantly shows impeccable mental abilities and ingenuity.

She is known to Russian television viewers not only for her excellent game, but also for her romantic relationships with fellow players from “What? Where? When?". This article will talk about her biography and personal life, as well as plans for the future.


Anastasia Shutova became famous wide audience in 2011, when she joined one of the “What? Where? When?". This program is watched by millions of people around the world.

Not much is known about the biography of Anastasia Shutova, a participant in a series of intellectual games, although fans are interested in her private life. Anastasia was born at the end of October 1986 in the city of Kolomna, Moscow region. IN hometown she became a graduate of a specialized gymnasium. Shutova received gold medal and was the best student at her school. After high school I entered a prestigious university" graduate School economics." Shutova's craving for gaming arose back in school years. As a ninth grade student, she took part in the city tournament of the game “What? Where? When?”, where together with the team she took second place. The intellectual game fascinated Anastasia. The hobby continued after entering university. There she, together with a former classmate, created new team, and in her third year Anastasia became an expert on her university’s team.

The star of the game “What? Where? When?"

Being a fan intellectual show, Anastasia’s goal is to get into the elite club of experts. To do this, she agreed to go through a long and strict selection process, during which she beat about two hundred competitors. Purposefulness, erudition and a high level of education bear fruit, and since 2011, Anastasia Shutova has become a full-fledged player in an intellectual television program and a member of Andrei Supranovich’s team. In an interview, she stated that she never prepares for a game, but often watches the news or documentaries. Not every match between her team and television viewers goes well, but Anastasia is not upset, gradually gaining the necessary experience.

Playing on the team of an elite club is perceived by Anastasia as an opportunity to show her mental abilities, train her intellect, gain new knowledge, unique experience and, of course, communicate more closely with gifted people.

Relationship between Anastasia Shutova and Ilya Novikov

Anastasia is a beautiful young girl who, of course, attracts the opposite sex. The personal life of Anastasia Shutova is public knowledge and discussed in the media. Taking part in the games of the club of experts “What? Where? When?”, Anastasia Shutova met Ilya Novikov, and a love spark broke out between the young successful lawyer and the charming intellectual. The couple dated briefly, and in 2013 Ilya proposed marriage to Anastasia. They got married.

Wedding of Shutova and Novikov

The wedding event took place in July of the same year and was quite unusual. The young bride and groom set off on a month-long voyage to the North Pole. The captain of the icebreaker “Fifty Years of Victory” held a large and noisy wedding ceremony.

Even in summer the temperature in the area North Pole was below minus six degrees. In this regard, the newlyweds chose warmer clothes for their wedding - winter jackets. However, Anna still put on main element bride's clothes - veil. The guests at the wedding were more than two hundred people, who gave generous gifts and did not skimp on congratulations for Ilya Novikov and Anastasia Shutova. Despite the magnificent exotic ceremony, it did not have any legal force. Because of this legal aspect, when they returned from the Northern Plus, the couple registered in one of the Moscow registry offices, fully becoming legal husband and wife. However, to go on holiday to Honeymoon The newlyweds did not succeed due to the couple’s heavy professional commitment.

However, their living together lasted only two years, and in 2015 they officially divorced. Many viewers of the game were surprised by their divorce, because the spouses often appeared together at official events, and no one noticed any problems in their married life. ex married couple does not provide information about the reason for their separation, so fans of two talented and popular people can only guess what was the reason for the divorce.

New relationships

However, the intellectual beauty quickly began a new romantic relationship. A young man has appeared again in the personal life of intellectual Anastasia Shutova. This time her choice fell on the participant famous club experts “What? Where? When?" a native of Armenia, Kim Galachyan, who plays in the team of another famous intellectual Belozerov.

Galachyan had long been in love with Anastasia, but her relationship with Novikov, which ended in a wedding, did not allow him to openly declare tender feelings. After the marriage of the young intellectual ended, Galachyan decided to win the heart of this beautiful woman and began to court Anastasia.

The young man was able to quickly win the girl’s favor and win her heart. In the fall of 2016, their wedding took place. The newlyweds looked absolutely happy, which did not stop them from demonstrating excellent results in intellectual games in the program “What? Where? When?".


Currently, the connoisseur Anastasia Shutova is a respected and famous member of the elite club of connoisseurs. She won many intellectual victories in answering tricky questions TV viewers from different countries. Anastasia Shutova in "What? Where? When?" fully demonstrated her intellectual capabilities and wide range of knowledge.

Shutova is also happy married woman on this moment, and plans to have children. The spouses do not talk about their personal life, preferring not to let curious strangers into it, especially journalists.

Known for the television show “What? Where? When?". A multiple champion of the mind game, she has also enjoyed a career as a successful lawyer. Potanina became a participant in many television programs and won the love of viewers. Developing personally and professionally, the girl constantly strives for new achievements.


Elena Aleksandrovna Potanina was born in Novosibirsk on November 20, 1987. In the very center of Siberia, her family lived until the girl was three years old. Then they moved to Odessa. During her school years, she actively participated in Olympiads. Subsequently graduated from 2 higher educational institutions(on the territory of Ukraine and Russia) and moved to work in Moscow. Currently, Potanina (“What? Where? When?”) lives in the Russian capital.


After school, Elena entered the Mechnikov National University, located in Odessa. After graduating from university, she qualified as a lawyer in the field of criminology and criminal law. Additionally, Elena studied at the Moscow state university named after Lomonosov, majoring in management economics.


Elena Potanina began working as a partner at YurKraina. She was hired on staff in February 2010. Having received her first experience, Elena went to Russia. In 2012, Potanina moved to Moscow and got a job at a TV channel. Russia Today(RT). There she worked as a secretary until 2014. The girl was involved in advertising the channel, and also participated in the design of international forums, competitions and exhibitions.

Since January 2014, Potanina has been working at the RD Studio company, where she works on documentary television programs. Already in May she became a co-producer of Valdis Pelsh. At the same time, she was the press secretary of the Yust company.

Elena Potanina also proved herself as a producer of television programs:

  • "The People Who Made the Earth Round."
  • "The smartest skyscraper."
  • “The height gene, or how to get to Everest.”

Character traits

Elena Potanina (“What? Where? When?”) is a person with extraordinary character traits, constantly in the spotlight. She boldly answers frank questions about personal relationships between members of the club of experts, and also expresses her own opinion about the specifics of the game.

She behaves easily in any situation difficult situation. For example, when a problematic moment arises in the game, Elena quickly makes a decision: take an extra minute, choose one of the options suggested by team members, or answer on her own.

It is noteworthy that Elena Potanina became the first woman to receive the title best captain games “What? Where? When?". The award was given for a series of magnificent victories.

Elena Potanina (What? Where? When?): personal life

Most TV viewers not only watch the brilliant games of the girl from Odessa, but are also interested in her. The already great interest in her person is fueled by the fact that Elena is constantly in public.

For some time, Potanina met with the player “What? Where? When?" Ilya Novikov. At one of the episodes of the intellectual program, Elena said that Ilya proposed to her. The couple also participated in the show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” However, the romance was short-lived. Elena herself, when asked about her personal life, says: “I have an active personal life.”

TV shows

The girl has been playing the game for intellectuals since the 7th grade. It all started with school competitions. Then the history teacher advised Elena to join the Erudite literary club. This invitation became Potanina to the “What? Where? When?". Her school team became a five-time champion among Ukrainian children in this game.

Then the club received a call from Moscow and asked to introduce a participant from Odessa. So Elena Potanina became a member of the women's team. She, along with other participants, was sent to the legendary round table of the Hunting Lodge. However, in 2005, the team of experts, in which Elena was an ordinary participant, lost with a score of 5:6.

Elena has been participating in the sports version of the game since she was 12 years old. Her debut took place in 2006. She became captain in 2007. Until 2011, her team also played:

  • Dmitry Panayotti.
  • Edouard Chagall.
  • Sergey Nikolenko.
  • Mikhail Malkin.
  • Sergey Makarov.

In seven games in a row, Potanina is recognized as the best player. In 2009, the Russian team led by Potanina won the Nations Cup “What? Where? When?". In 2015, together with a team of television clubs, Elena led her team to victory. Under her leadership were:

  • Mikhail Karpuk.
  • Andrey Korobeinik.
  • Hayk Kazazyan.
  • Iya Metreveli.
  • Roman Orkodashvili.

Potanina (“What? Where? When?”) was invited to other television programs:

  • "Children's pranks."
  • "Cruel Intentions"
  • "The cleverest".
  • "Big races".
  • "Who want to be a millionaire?".

In 2009-2010, Elena participated in the work on the Brain Ring project. Before that, she hosted the Ukrainian program “What? Where? When?". Being a participant in many intellectual projects and television shows, the girl knows how to productively distribute time and energy.

Potanin shares intelligence and erudition. Intelligence is the ability to think, to find new connections between phenomena. Erudition is simply a large amount of knowledge from different areas. Clever man may not have great erudition.

How does a smart woman behave in everyday life? She, according to Elena, is walking along life path, despite the difficulties, and also does daily life those around you are light and pleasant. Also, the charming captain of the team of experts claims that smart women attract men, they are sexy and irresistible. They can look great without a full wallet.

Regarding Potanin’s career (“What? Where? When?”) he responds very unequivocally. IN modern society, in her opinion, there are many opportunities for implementation. Gender no longer plays a decisive role in choosing a profession. Clever woman quickly copes with his tasks, achieves his goals faster and more efficiently. She keeps her head cool under any circumstances. For example, in “What? Where? When?" Potanina's player proved herself to be a prudent and decisive participant.

Active work within the framework of an intellectual project taught Elena to quickly make decisions and think productively under conditions of severe stress. Potanin (What? Where? When?), whose biography includes many interesting events, With early childhood positions himself as an active and cheerful person. This is confirmed by every milestone in her biography, as well as a large number of professional achievements.

In the future, Potanina intends to participate in a variety of projects that are associated with active intellectual activity.

Captain of the club team “What? Where? When?" Elena Potanina was born on November 20, 1987 in Novosibirsk. Three years after the birth of their daughter, the parents left the northern city and went to warmer climes. They found refuge in sunny Odessa. It was here, in this southern city, that I spent my childhood and youth future star. She looked fragile and tender, but the character of a girl with a steel core. It was these strong-willed qualities that helped her achieve unprecedented success and take the place of captain. Elena Potanina's husband still exists only in her dreams, since she has not yet managed to meet a man who would meet all her hopes.

At school, Lena was able to easily learn both precise and humanitarian sciences, she easily passed the program in any subject. After receiving secondary education, she chose to enter the Mechnikov University, located in Odessa. The specialization was quite masculine: criminology and criminal law. After graduating from university, the girl worked in her specialty for two years. This period was enough to become disillusioned with my chosen profession. Elena decided that she was completely uninteresting and boring. Television fell into her circle of interests. From her second year at university, the girl worked part-time on a local TV channel.

A few years later, Potanina decided that one higher education It wasn’t enough for her and she entered Moscow State University to major in management economics. By this time she had already moved to Moscow.

The game “What? Where? When?" Elena began to be interested at the age of eleven. It was at this time that the history teacher in their class organized teams and began to introduce the children to this educational and exciting game. Elena was immediately appointed captain. In addition, the girl achieved excellent results and became a five-time champion of Ukraine in the Brain Ring.

Since 2009, Elena and own team began to take part in the elite club “What? Where? When?". In addition, she also became the editor of the then popular Brain Ring. It was an untold career success. Elena really liked this kind of work, it was exactly what she was striving for. At the same time, she achieved success rapidly, becoming on a par with very famous players.

Elena Potanina’s personal life has not yet been arranged. Although, until recently, viewers were sure that she and Ilya Novikov were a couple. After all, the young man so touchingly reassured the talented captain during an unfortunate loss that it was simply impossible not to believe in the sincerity of such feelings. Then they took part together in the show “Cruel Intentions”.

Elena confirmed the fact that she and Ilya really had a close relationship, he even proposed to her, and she agreed to him. However, to everyone's surprise, the couple broke up. Soon Novikov got married to another member of their club, Anastasia Shutova. None of them comment on why he broke up with Potanina. Young people skillfully avoid answering questions regarding their past relationships. Now Elena is in search of her ideal man and is open to new relationships.