Television intellectual games. You are the weak link

9 chose

What do baby tops, crystal owls, and Saturday nights have in common? And the fact that all this organically fits into one ensemble, behind the "creativity" of which lovers intellectual tasks have been watching for 38 years now - this is how long the oldest (and most popular!) of Russian intellectual television programs "What? Where? When?" has been performed. Similar projects appear on TV channels with enviable frequency, and, as a rule, their ratings are quite high.

And today I bring to your attention the TOP 5 intellectual programs, which, despite the different format, prize fund, leading personalities, managed to keepmost of the country's population at television screens, and then viewers trump "acquired"knowledge at friendly gatherings.


What? Where? When?

Few people remember that initially the program had completely different rules. There was no "team of viewers", there were no teams at all. More precisely, two families nominally competed, and each played for himself, answering questions invented by the editor. Yula appeared a year after the release of the first program and "choosed" not a question, but a player who had to give an answer to the question without a "minute for discussion".

The leader, by the way, was not there either. Over time, the rules have changed. Before the collapse of the USSR, the Intellectual Club turned into an Intellectual Casino. Then again returned to the club system. In the entire history of the game, there were only three hosts - Alexander Maslyakov, Vladimir Voroshilov And Boris Kryuk. The program got good sponsors, its own "home" - "Hunting Lodge" in the Neskuchny Garden in Moscow. Dress code - black tie. The program is especially popular among the Russian-speaking population.

brain ring

Many call this program "What? Where? When?" for youth". Although the very idea of ​​​​the program appeared in 1980 - immediately after the international games "ChGK". The author of the program was the same Vladimir Voroshilov. He also led her at first after the first broadcast in 1989. But citing employment, he conceded this position in favor of Boris Kryuk, who, due to circumstances, could not appear on the set, and instead became her permanent presenter Andrey Kozlov.

The rules of the game include a lot of nuances that allow you to enliven the process and add some "competitive" excitement to it. Among the participants often appear and regulars "What? Where? When?"

Smarties and smarties

In the fall, namely on September 18, 1991, a new youth intellectual quiz appeared on the RTR channel, which was based on the principle school olympiad, - "Clever and clever". main topic - World culture and history. Host - writer, philosopher, candidate historical sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of World Literature and Culture, Faculty of International Journalism, MGIMO, Yuri Vyazemsky.

The program gradually but rather quickly gained momentum and won the love of the audience and from a certain time is included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren as the Television Humanitarian Olympiad for schoolchildren "Clever and clever" level 1 in the profile "humanitarian and Social sciencies". The main prize of the program involves admission to MGIMO on preferential terms.

My own game

On April 7, 1994, the authors of the programs "Director for Yourself" and "Through the Mouth of a Baby" presented the audience with a new quiz game - "Own Game". A distinctive feature of the game was that the questions were asked in the form of a statement - the player had to "clarify" what was being said. As you might guess, "Own Game" is the Russian version of the American TV game Jeopardy!("Take a Risk!"), which first appeared on the screen in 1964.

The basic rules of the quiz have not changed much since its inception. Even the scenery changed only once. The program is incredibly popular . Versions of it have appeared on television in 28 countries, but only three of them are still running. And Russia is among them.

Weak link

In 2000, aired in the United Kingdom on the channel Air Force Two a new TV show has started Weakest Link. And already in 2001 on September 25 on Channel One. The format of the program turned out to be rather unusual - the main principle was a provocation on the part of the presenter, constantly releasing hairpins to each player. In addition, as the game progresses, each participant must vote against one of their teammates, pointing out his shortcomings. At the same time, each of those who dropped out after had the opportunity to give their assessment to the remaining players.

The program received both ardent critics (precisely because of the very cruel and offensive comments addressed to the players) and loyal fans (the provocation "holds" the attention of the audience throughout the game and at the same time allows you to show your "true face" and throw out all your emotions about the current situation). The "weak link" existed on various television channels in the country until 2008. The program was hosted in turn Maria Kiseleva And Nikolai Fomenko.

Thinking out loud... Not so long ago on TV Russia K intellectual reality show was launched " Polyglot", which, in my opinion, is quite worthy to enter this TOP as a separate item.

What intellectual programs do you like?

Leokadiya Korshunova

Throughout the world, Russia continues to maintain the status of an intellectual power. Indirectly, this may be evidenced by the abundance of intellectual shows on domestic television(which, however, are lost against the backdrop of a massive attack of entertainment trash), which for decades have not lost popularity and do not leave the screen. remembered who put Russia on the needle of intellectual TV games, as the Russians did the best game about smart gentlemen, which they now want to show around the world, what Alexander Druz was like in his youth and who from the “Most Smartest” turned out to be really the smartest.

TV not shared

He unleashed an intellectual war on television. Former theater artist and the stage director, who managed to shine at the Moscow Art Theater, the Maly Theater, Sovremennik and the Taganka Theater, changed his specialization in the mid-1960s and went on TV in search of a decent income. For television, Voroshilov turned out to be a godsend. After working on documentary projects, he invented the first program, unlike any other Soviet TV project: formally intellectual, but in fact an advertising quiz "Auction". Its participants answered questions about various products, and at the end of the show, the best player received this very product as a gift.

The program closed very quickly and with a scandal. The fault was the TV - such a prize seemed suspicious to some of the officials. As a result, the winner of the "Auction" was left without a reward, and Voroshilov - without a job. He was banned from appearing on the air. According to another version, the program was closed due to a banned bard song that sounded in one of the programs.

However, after some time the ban was lifted, and Voroshilov began filming the intellectual casino “What? Where? When? ”, Which was destined to become a landmark in the history of Soviet, and then Russian television.

Few people remember, but in 1975, when the ChGK first launched, the program was completely different. The competition was attended not by "gentlemen" experts, but by families. But a year later the format was changed. The program began to be positioned as a youth television club, students took part in it. Everyone played for himself and had to answer questions instantly. No one even thought about monetary profit - in the 70-80s the best players books were awarded.

Staying behind the scenes, Voroshilov, known to the audience as "Mr. Host", was the main one in his show. He selected the participants and had a particular idea of ​​the intellectuals. Voroshilov could not stand arrogance and believed that the ChGK was for those whose intellect is a harmonious component of the personality. Therefore, cramming in the casino was taken reluctantly. Despite the paradoxical nature of this idea, Voroshilov believed that in order to play “What? Where? When?" no need to be seven spans in the forehead - enough school education and ingenuity.

Spectators for a long time they didn’t know what the presenter looked like, they only heard his voice-over. They did not know that all favorite show was his brainchild. IN last years"Mr. presenter" appeared before the public, but this was not necessary: ​​even remaining behind the scenes, he made the connoisseurs tremble.

The game has taken deep roots in television. Nervous sorting through the versions at the gaming table, foreheads of “ladies and gentlemen” sweating from tension, disputes up to foam at the mouth, a minute of hassle, bickering with the host, waiting for the right answer and long-awaited relief - the whole country lived with a circle of experts for a minute of discussion, viewers on the other side screen for 60 seconds also turned into a team of ChGK, into armies of sofa connoisseurs. No unnecessary effects - only living human emotions.

"What? Where? When?" - the oldest project on domestic TV, which continues to keep the viewer in suspense to this day. From a simple TV show, the game has become social phenomenon. Seeing a keen interest in it in society, experts stepped offline and created the so-called sports CHGK: teams compete, answering the same questions, and the strongest go to the final. ChGK is played everywhere: there are national teams in any self-respecting university, in schools, fans of the game rent premises and arrange brainstorming sessions without any remuneration. The game has lost its touch of elitism and outgrown its creator: “What? Where? When?" on the screen turned into only a television version.

They tried to adapt the unique Russian imperishable abroad. And if in the post-Soviet countries the project took root, then in the USA a difficult fate awaited it. believed the American actor of Ukrainian origin Alex Reznik (TV series " Ambulance", movie " Social network”), which recommended paying attention to the unique notion of the Russians. The Americans liked the idea of ​​an intellectual casino, so the TV show Million Dollar Mind Game (that was the name of the analogue of the CGM in the USA) was built around the desire to win - the winner received a million dollars. The version was far from the original: much less than in the usual “What? Where? When? ”, attention was paid to questions, but there were no unique ones like Alexander Druz or Rovshan Askerov. The show lasted a year and was closed.

Frame: Million Dollar Mind Game show

Young Rovshan Askerov is ready to beat Kozlov

In the mid-1980s and early 1990s, being smart became fashionable. This is evidenced by the intellectual boom on television. At a time when Friends' gaze had not yet sizzled with indifference, and Maxim Potashev's curls were black as pitch, TV shone with a scattering of new young stars. Among them is a young, but already mustachioed native of Lugansk. He got on television in 1986, and he liked it there so much that after only a few years of playing What? Where? When?" he became one of the most sought-after presenters on federal television. His finest hour- the program "Brain Ring", a fusion of the super popular program "Musical Ring" and "What? Where? When? ”, where the teams destroyed each other in the ring not with their fists, but with the power of intellect.

The first episode aired in May 1990. It is not difficult to guess that the trendsetter of that era, Voroshilov, launched the program. Together with his wife Natalia Stetsenko, he founded one of the first private Russian television companies, Igra-TV. The manufacturer, as if off the assembly line, aired project after project, which the generation of the 90s remembers with warm nostalgia. What is the bold show "Love at First Sight" hosted by the son of Voroshilov's wife, after the death of the master, who took on the role of the host of the ChGK.

In terms of intensity, “Brain Ring” was not inferior to “What? Where? When?" The teams, which consisted mainly of very young people, literally lived in the ring, which added to the entertainment game. They did not lose with Kozlov either - he was gambling to the point of obsession, he turned out to be a skilled leader, able to withstand intrigue, and, if necessary, turn up the heat.

Sometimes the old guard asked the jazz. Then Friends came on stage and showed the youth how to think correctly in order to win.

Spoiler. In the early 1990s, Alexander Druz looked exactly the same as now.

Sometimes emotions in the "Brain Ring" went off scale so much that it seemed that a fight was inevitable. By at least when the young and explosive Rovshan Askerov played in the Brain Ring.

Kozlov's emotionality played a cruel joke on him. According to rumors, in 1996 she detonated with obstinacy and unwillingness to miss out on the profits of the main shareholder. Igry-TV had a well-established relationship with ORT: the channel paid $35,000 to the International Association of Clubs affiliated with it for each episode. By the mid-1990s, the broadcaster had an advertising arm that fined the channel $1.3 million for exceeding the level of sponsored advertising on the show. As a result, ORT stopped paying money to the manufacturer, for which it filed a lawsuit against the channel.

But the court was not going to take the side of the IAC, and Kozlov's relationship with Berezovsky finally deteriorated. As a result, the producers, not having a salty sip, migrated to another channel, which had just started broadcasting then - TV Center. But in 2000, the new management of the channel closed the program, as they said, because of the high cost of its production. In 2001, Voroshilov died, and the restart of the program was shelved.

In 2009, the STS Media holding took over, for which Igra-TV had already made the Life is Beautiful music program. However, the "Brain Ring" lasted only three years at the STS. In 2013, the show suddenly surfaced on the Zvezda channel, but only for two months, after which it sank into oblivion. And in 2018, the former legendary program is taken to revive. The premiere is scheduled for early March.

The kids are ok

One day, a candidate of sciences who had recently started working on television was given the task of coming up with a program for high school students. By that time, he already had experience launching programs for teenagers: in 1989 he aired literary quiz"Image".

Nekrasova Galina Arkadievna, teacher of geography

Popova Ekaterina Alexandrovna, teacher of mathematics

GBOU JSC "Severodvinsk school - a boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care"

Scenario of the intellectual show “What? Where? When?"

Target : expand students' knowledge of subjects.

Tasks :

1. To form the ability to integrate knowledge in different disciplines;

2. To develop auditory and visual perception, communicative speech of students;

3. Raise interest in academic subjects;

4. Form the personal qualities of students: a sense of camaraderie, responsibility, mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team.

Equipment : game table, spinning top, questions in envelopes for each sector, black box, geographic Maps, compass, soap, scissors, hall decoration.

B-1. Hello dear guests!



IN 1. May every school day bring joy,

All the best dreams come true.

And let every teacher tell you

That the smartest in school is you!

B-2. We can make granite science

Grind everything into sand.

And help us, friends,

Favorite teachers.

IN 1. Today we run a marathon

He will test our knowledge!

How interesting it is to know a lot

And show your skills to all your friends!

TO intellectual contests ready?!

Go ahead, friends! To new victories!

AT 2. By tradition, we have gathered in this hall to find the most, most…

IN 1. This year there will be a "School Marathon". At the end of the year, we will sum up the results and announce the winner of the School Marathon.

AT 2. Jury of today's competition: ...

IN 1. Round 1 is the autumn marathon. It will take place in the form of the game “What? Where? When?"

AT 2. September 4, 1975 at exactly 12:00 for the first time went on the air program "What? Where? When?". Today, even a child can tell the rules of this game, but few people remember that 38 years ago there were no experts, no top, no famous crystal owl. In the first games, two families played against each other, in whose house 2 rounds were filmed, and then the plots were edited using photos from the family album of the participants. Later, students began to take part in the game and the program was called the "youth television club", and in 1991 it turned into an "intellectual casino".

IN 1. Today, a team of experts is playing against a team of teachers.

Q-2.Meet the expert team:

  • 7th grade student - Vlad Letovaltsev

Balanced, likes to play sports, conscientious, responsible.

IN 1. 7th grade student - Svetlana Kovaleva

Purposeful, has a sense of humor, loves to draw, so she is engaged in art school responsible.

AT 2. 8th grade student - Eric Chelpanov.

Smart, responsible, well acquainted with modern software he is interested in it.

IN 1. 8th grade student - Pankratov Vlad.

Active, participates in all activities, athlete.

AT 2. 9th grade student - Nina Bushueva.

Needlewoman, responsible, can support in Hard time.

IN 1. 9th grade student - Chervochkov Vitaly.

Sets realistic goals and achieves them, will come to the rescue in difficult times, loves the computer.

B-2. Dear club members and spectators!

IN 1. Connoisseurs must answer 11 questions. For each correct answer, experts are given 1 point. In case of an incorrect answer, the point goes to the knowledgeable team, i.e. teachers.

AT 2. Question 13 - a question from the audience.

In-1.1 times during the game, experts can take the help of spectators.

B-2. So, we start the game! GONG.

1 round

  • Question from a Russian language teacher.

Listen to the beginning of one tale:

“October… Autumn…

One autumn, a distressed, offended Donkey turned up near the lake. “Alone, again alone,” he groaned, “loneliness, again loneliness ...”

Inventing such fairy tales is not as easy as it seems at first glance, because they have one interesting feature. Which?

(Answer: all words start with the same letter.)

  • Question from a technology teacher.

Attention! Black box!

This simplest device, which is now in a black box, operates on the principle of a lever. One of the oldest was found in Smolensk and was made in the 10th century. Remember the famous children's riddle about the five components of this device and tell me what is in the black box?

(Answer: scissors.)

  • Question from a teacher of literature.

There is a restaurant in the courtyard of the museum on Baker Street.

"Mrs Hudson's." The names of the dishes on the menu are designed in accordance with the specifics of the museum, for example, a dish of tomatoes and carrots "Union of Redheads", sausages "Scandal in Bohemia", etc. What is the name of the colorful spaghetti on this menu?

(Answer: "variegated ribbon".)

  • Question from a physical education teacher

There is only one sport in which you have to walk backwards to win. At one time he even entered the program Olympic Games. What is it called?

(Answer: tug of war.)

  • Question from an OB teacher.

The scuba diver lost his orientation underwater. Attention, question! How can he determine which is up and which is down?

(Answer: throw a stone or blow air bubbles.)

  • Question from a history teacher

IN Ancient Rus' silver bars served as money - they were called grivnas. If the thing cost less than the whole bar, then cut off half. Also money!

Attention, question! What was the name of the severed part of the silver bar?

(Answer: ruble.)

  • Question from an elementary school teacher.

In this work known to you since childhood, the word “for” is repeated 2, then 3, then 4, then 5, then 6 times. And what is this work?

(Answer: "Turnip".)

  • Question from a chemistry teacher.

Attention! Black box!

IN Ancient Egypt Oily hair was considered beautiful, so the Egyptians generously smeared it with fat. On the days of the funeral, it was customary to sprinkle ashes on the head. One day during the funeral it started to rain, and at that moment, as the legend says, people invented something that played a significant role in the life of mankind. What is in the black box?

(Answer: soap)

  • Question from a geography teacher

In Lapland, there is a belief that this phenomenon is caused by a fox running over the snow caps of the mountains and striking sparks with its tail. modern science proved that this phenomenon occurs due to the collision of the solar wind with the Earth's atmosphere. Name this phenomenon with two words beginning with the same letter.

(Answer: northern lights.)

  • Question from a biology teacher

Vulture turtle living in the reservoirs of the south North America, for this purpose, often protrudes its long thin tongue from its mouth. And what animals are usually used for the same purpose by a person?

(Answer: worms, fish to lure.)

  • Question from a physics teacher.

The black box contains a device that became known in Europe in the 12th century. It was believed that it was invented by the Chinese 4500 years ago. Now this version is recognized as erroneous. The basis of the device is a magnetic needle. What's in the black box?

(Answer: compass.)

  • Question from a math teacher

Its name comes from two Latin words, meaning "double" and "cutting, dissection". What is it about?

(Answer: about the bisector.

(bi - "double", and sectio - "cutting"))

Additional questions:

Russian language IN AND. Dahl points out that the swindler is a swindler who lies that he traveled to a certain country and learned all sorts of secrets there. Name this country.

Answer: India.

Chemistry It was believed that this gem cannot be destroyed, and that the anvil will sink into the ground sooner than the hammer will break it. Name this gem.

Answer: Diamond.

Biology Few people know that the porcupine is one of the most unsinkable animals, and it will not be able to drown even if it wants to do so. And the reason for this is its long needles, inside of which is ... and what is inside the quills of a porcupine?

Answer: air

Cow and armchair, chicken and compasses, tripod and piano. What do each couple have in common?

Answer: number of legs.

MHC Black Box Chinese sage Xu Zeshu wrote that you can do this when you are idle, when you listen to boring poetry, when the music stops, when you live in solitude, when you talk late at night, when you host a learned husband or well-mannered singers, in fine weather, on a hot day, at dusk. All of you probably do this, and most of you do it regularly. And what is needed for this?

Answer: Tea and cups. This is a tea party.

From healthcare workersDoctor of Medical Sciences Professor Zmanovsky, trying to highlight the main components of health modern man and find the relationship between them, he deduced the "health formula". Let's give it, omitting some details: Z (health) equals: in the numerator - D (motor activity), T (thermal hardening), P (rational nutrition), and the denominator is the letters B, K, A. These letters indicate factors that are negative affecting the level of health. Decipher them (or at least two of them).

Answer: Diseases, Smoking, Alcoholism.

Geography In the tundra, a significant part of the circulation of substances in nature occurs due to them: annually, 32 kg of carbon, 16 kg of nitrogen, 9 kg of phosphorus, 6 kg of calcium “fly away” from every 100 hectares. And who became the most famous wife one of them?

Answer: Fly-sokotuha.

Comment: We are talking about mosquitoes.

IN 1. So our game is over. The strongest won. For participation in the game, the team is awarded certificates and prizes.

AT 2. Let the days promise hope

Bring joy to the evening

And let them lead you

Dear light and goodness!

IN 1. All the best to you, goodbye!

Intellectual programs on Russian television


1. Russian television on present stage. The intellectual focus of modern television

2. Characteristics of intellectual programs of Russian television

2.1 Knowledge games for money

2.2 Smart talk shows


The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the fact that in the last few years on the screens Russian channels TV programs with intellectual content are increasingly appearing. This trend is realized both through TV games and through competitions, conversations in the studio, etc. These are programs that define themselves as “intellectual”, related to “ high culture”, built around the conversation of experts, professionals. Their goal is to teach viewers to think, to convey knowledge in its "humanitarian" version. They more or less reproduce the conventions of popular programs, exist on television, but at the same time they strive to broadcast a critical attitude towards popular culture. There is a constant fear here: “Do you love great Russian literature?”, “ Mass culture Is it just evil or absolute evil?

By their design, these are not visual programs: they can not be watched, but only listened to or read in the form of a book. They do not use the resources of television as a media, although, perhaps, this could give some new moves in order to turn the “talk about culture” off the usual track. Programs often conserve the image of an expert, a bearer of knowledge (sometimes by simulating it), and reproduce ideas about the role of the "intelligentsia" who educates the "people"; viewers habitually demonstrate a willingness to listen - in a limited space at a limited time. Although this position does not seem modern, it is also in short supply on domestic television. As long as it remains open question about whether it is possible to offer any other solutions for “intellectual programs”, where technologies and media languages ​​would be involved and the usual boundaries between intellectual strata in Russian society would be destroyed.

The priority for modern Russian television is the preservation and development of the traditions of educational, intellectual, cultural programs and programs related to entertainment broadcasting, including the most popular genre - film screening, as well as news, socio-political and analytical television.

People live by television - it is all-class, all-educational, all-age, all-confessional. There is no other social institution, including school and family, which could compete with television in programming consciousness, and therefore behavior. We are forced to view life, which is contrary to reality. And scientists recognize the fact that a person believes more in his ideas about something than real, that is, he believes not in life, but in what he thinks about it. If you believe television, then the reforms. which were carried out in the 90s completely failed, the privatization of state property is the height of injustice and corruption, a businessman and a criminal are synonyms, and the country of Russia is a country of criminals. Television is the most powerful tool psychological impact, stronger than any law enforcement system, the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And the one who owns television and interprets events - he owns the country.

The basis of the structure of Channel One is information broadcasting, and, above all, information program"Vremya", which has a stable audience. Its popularity is facilitated by both the breadth of the topics currently covered and the emergence of young talented reporters. Today it is the traditional evening ("nine o'clock") edition. "Night Time" is an information and analytical channel that goes on the air with the results of the day and contains live broadcasts with comments from experts on the most important issues And topical issues, as well as editions of the author's program "However".

IN morning air the infotainment channel Good Morning is out.

A special place in broadcasting is occupied by journalistic programs, where the most topical political, economic and other aspects of the life of modern society are discussed.

When we are talking about the educational mission of television, we see how much we have lost. Once upon a time, we had great educational channels, educational and popular science programs. But after Channel 4 was transferred to NTV, we turned from a country that was once proud of its educational and educational television into a country in which there is no educational broadcasting. In a word, there has been a cultural catastrophe, and this is one of the biggest losses of our television, which nothing can make up for. In terms of the role of television in the education of a person, citizen, personality, in education, we have become one of the most backward countries. And if urgent measures are not taken today to restore educational broadcasting with rich traditions, we will lose one generation after another.

Society must set certain conditions for commercial television and business. Essential frequencies are Natural resources that belong to everyone, and they must be used for the good, for the development of citizens, but this does not happen. Both television and society have lost the instinct of self-preservation, having absorbed all the worst from Soviet and Western television. Even American students our trainees on television are amazed at the abundance of blood and violence, cruelty on our screens. It is no coincidence that 70% of people, in a sociological survey conducted in 2004, spoke in favor of introducing censorship. Not political, but moral, protecting from harmful effects. In France, there is a television supervisory board, to which the president appoints three people who receive a salary and have no right to work anywhere else until the end of their powers. Monetary sanctions imposed on TV channels abroad are very large, they can even take away the license.

It takes political will, both of the entire television leadership and the entire television community, to get out of this current state in which we are.

Besides, special place on the channel, it occupies the genre of documentary investigation, built on the principle of reconstructing the events of the past, which expands the demographic composition of the channel, attracting a significant youth and male audience to it - the programs "How It Was", "Documentary Detective", "Independent Investigation".

A somewhat different, but no less important task is solved by the socially oriented program "Wait for me", which helps in the search for people who have lost each other sometimes many years ago, and through various, often tragic, human fates portrait of today's Russia.

One of the most important for the channel is the educational function, its on-screen embodiment is realized in two popular genres- cognitive and culturological, which are based on both modern materials and historical events. The popular science programs "Civilization", "In the Animal World", "Club of Travelers" enjoy constant success with the viewers of Channel One.

Among the cultural programs are the author's cycles of the famous Russian art critic Vitaly Wolf (translator of plays by T. Williams) "Silver Ball"; cycles historical programs writer and playwright Edvard Radzinsky, awarded the Russian national television award "Tefi"; program "The History of a Masterpiece", dedicated to the collections of the largest Russian museums - Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum and others.

The most popular and rated type of broadcasting is film screening, which occupies 40% of broadcasting on Channel One and is formed from all the cinematic genres and forms that exist today - feature films, television series, documentaries and animation films. The film screening of Channel One is aimed at satisfying the interests of not only the mass audience, but also attracts viewers with non-standard aesthetic tastes. IN Lately on Channel One, there is a priority of domestic series, which are very successful: "Special Forces", " destructive force", "Border. Taiga novel", "Stop on demand".

It was on the First Channel that such domestic films as " Burnt by the sun"," Checkpoint ", the trilogy" Love in Russian "," Peculiarities of national hunting "," Peculiarities of national fishing ". The constant presence of the channel on the international television and film market made it possible to conclude contracts with companies such as Warner Brothers, Paramount, MGM / UA , Turner, BBC, Gaumont, UGC and show Russian viewers films of famous Western directors - "Casino" by M. Scorsese, "Leon" by L. Besson, "Con Air" by S. West, "Citizen Kane" by O. Wells, "Life is Beautiful "R. Benigni...

The entertainment genre on Channel One is represented by two directions - musical and gaming. Most Popular music program with domestic performers- "Song of the Year", as well as concerts famous performers A. Pugacheva, O. Gazmanov, V. Leontiev, groups "Chayf", "Aquarium" and others. Among the notable musical actions of the channel are concerts of Sting, David Bowie, Joe Cocker, Tina Turner, Michael Jackson. Channel One game programs have a constant large audience, despite the fact that some of them have been around for many years. This is "Field of Miracles", "What? Where? When?", KVN. New games - "People Against", "Russian Roulette" and "Weak Link" are addressed to teleintellectuals.

The NTV television company closed "Own Game" - a TV quiz show that has won the status of the main one in 19 years on the air. intelligent transmission countries. While numerous fans of the game are discussing what caused such a decision - low ratings or the machinations of enemies - recalls the most interesting TV quizzes, according to different reasons disappeared from Russian television.

"As easy as pie"

The program was most remembered for the period from 1994 to 1996, when Nikolai Fomenko was its host. It was built on the principle of a game of tic-tac-toe: in a giant square 3 by 3 cells sat famous people who answered questions. The player was required to agree or disagree with the answer. If he chose correctly, the sign chosen by him was placed in the square, if incorrectly, the sign of the opponent. Distinctive feature- a catchy song in the intro and an incredible abundance of sponsors by today's standards. Like many domestic TV games, it had an American prototype - the Hollywood Squares program.

"Golden fever"

Quite an eccentric, even by the standards of Russian TV in the late 90s, Leonid Yarmolnik's show. The main thing in the "Gold Rush" was in the entourage. The actor in the image of the devil poured out sacramental phrases and moved along the metal grating that separated him from the players. The players interacted mainly with his assistant - a dwarf in a cloak with a hood. Each broadcast involved 30 people who, answering questions, fought desperately among themselves for ounces and kilograms. precious metals. The main prize of the superfinal is a pood of gold.

"Weak Link"

This program was also hosted by Nikolai Fomenko for some time, but "The Weak Link" owes much of its popularity in Russia to its first presenter, Maria Kiseleva. The famous synchronized swimmer looked very organically in the role of a dispassionate observer of human vices: in each of the rounds of the game, one of the players, by the collective decision of the others, was declared the "weak link" and dropped out of the fight for Grand Prize. The TV game, which forced players to demonstrate their most unpleasant qualities, was seriously accused of excessive cruelty, which did not prevent it from staying on the air for four years - from 2001 to 2005.

"Russian roulette"

Another attempt to add passion and adrenaline to the intellectual show. In the program of Valdis Pelsh, the player risked "falling into the abyss" for his mistake. Literally: each of the six participants stood on the hatch, which opened randomly after the wrong answer. Any player could fail - not necessarily the author of the wrong answer. Only one hatch opened in the first round. As we got closer to the end, there were more and more of them. In the last round, the probability of falling into the hatch was extremely high; but at this stage, together with the player, the host himself could fail.

"Oh, lucky one!"

Russian-language adaptation of the British game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" for some time it was one of the most popular TV shows on domestic television. One player had to answer 15 questions to win a million rubles. Some of the realities of the game - for example, the prompt "Call a friend" - have firmly entered the language. Copying the manner of foreign colleagues, the presenter Dmitry Dibrov thoroughly ruffled the nerves of the participants and only then announced the correct answer.

"Brain Ring"

Sports version of the TV quiz show "What? Where? When?" and one of the few truly intellectual games on Russian TV. Two teams of six experts each answered speed questions. Questions, according to tradition, were asked not for knowledge, but for logical thinking. Along with the captain of the team, the player who “sitting on the button” held a particularly responsible position - his main task was to signal the readiness of the answer before the other team, but not before the answer was really ready. The program was published from 1989 to 2000, in 2010 on a short time revived on the STS channel.

"My own game"

And, finally, "Own Game" - an analogue of the American TV show "Jeopardy!", which lasted on Russian television for almost 20 years. In the video below - a cat in a poke, "Erich Krause", an auction question and the great Onotole, defeated by the sports editor of "" Yaroslav Kotyshov.