Patriotism as a moral and legal category, or patriotism as a refuge for scoundrels

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution

higher vocational education


Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Theory of Social Communication


Patriotism: essence, structure, functioning (socio-philosophical analysis)


Tikhanovich K.V.

group 202team FAYA


professor of the department

philosophy, sociology

and theories of social


Dorozhkin A.M.

Nizhny Novgorod


Chapter 1. Patriotism as a subject of scientific analysis

1.1 Definition of the concept of “patriotism”

1.2 Motherland and Fatherland: sensual and rational in the mind of a patriot

1.3 Structure of patriotism

Chapter 2. Patriotism as a spiritual phenomenon of modern society

1 Functions of patriotism

2 Types of patriotism


List of used literature


The problem of patriotism is one of the most pressing in the sphere of spiritual and moral life of modern society. It was considered in the works of representatives of world and domestic philosophy - Plato, Hegel, M. Lomonosov, P. Chaadaev, F. Tyutchev, N. Chernyshevsky, V. Lenin and others. Researchers of the Soviet period of our science made a significant contribution to the study of this problem. N. Gubanov, V. Makarov, Y. Deryugin, T. Belyaev, Y. Petrosyan, G. Kochkalda conducted research on the nature of patriotism, the relationship between everyday and theoretical levels in it, and the relationship with various forms of social consciousness.

In the post-Soviet period, the consciousness of the majority of Russians was not able to adequately perceive the socio-economic and spiritual-political changes that had taken place in our country; the spiritual principles on which they grew up did not contribute to adaptation to new conditions. At the same time, interest in patriotic issues did not wane: attitudes towards patriotism in different social groups ranged from complete rejection to unconditional support. Despite the fact that attention was paid to preserving everything valuable that Russian patriotism possessed, over the past decades the concept Motherland,traditionally significant for Russians, has lost its essential content.

Today Russia is rapidly becoming involved in the process of globalization. The influence of this phenomenon extends to all spheres of the spiritual life of society, including patriotism. Preference is given to “universal human values,” which are often backed by the interests of specific states and social strata, which not only do not take into account the interests of other countries, peoples and social groups, but often run counter to them. The process of globalization is objective, but it must be carried out taking into account the interests of all participants in international relations. Moreover, only with a harmonious combination of interests and values ​​of all subjects of the world community will humanity be able to solve the problems facing it complex tasks. And true patriotism is called upon to play the most active and creative role in this process.

In addition, nationalist and racist movements have become widespread in modern Russia. Most of them widely use patriotic terminology and thereby attract an immature part of citizens into their ranks. Nationalism is becoming an ideology not only of marginal groups, but also of the leadership of a number of regions of Russia. In these conditions, the problem of clarifying the general and special in ideological directions, national self-identification in accordance with the state understanding of patriotism is becoming increasingly acute.

So, significant changes in the public life of the post-Soviet period, the process of globalization, the activation of separatist and nationalist movements influence the essential characteristics of the phenomenon of patriotism as a philosophical concept and as a spiritual component of modern society, thereby determining relevance abstract topics.

As objectwork advocates patriotism.

Subjectis the content of patriotism as a social and philosophical concept.

Targetof this essay - to conduct a socio-philosophical analysis of patriotism.

In accordance with the goal tasksthe abstract are:

analyze the concept of “patriotism”;

study the structure of patriotism;

identify the features of the functioning of patriotism;

characterize the types of patriotism depending on their carriers.

Chapter 1. Patriotism as a scientific subject analysis

.1 Definition of the concept of “patriotism”

The term "patriot" became widespread only in the 18th century, especially during the French Revolution. Nevertheless, the ideas of patriotism already occupied the thinkers of antiquity, who paid close attention to them. In particular, Plato said: “And in war, and in court, and everywhere, one must do what the Fatherland orders.”

In our country, the topic of love for the Motherland has always been a topical one. The term “patriot” also came into use in Russia in the 18th century. P.P. Shafirov, in his work dedicated to the Northern War, uses it with the meaning “son of the Fatherland.” He called himself a patriot in the same sense as “chick of Petrov’s nest” F.I. Soimonov. A.V. Suvorov used the term “patriot” in the same meaning. N.M. wrote, argued and tried to understand this phenomenon about patriotism. Karamzin, A.S. Pushkin, V.G. Belinsky, A.S. Khomyakov, N.A. Dobrolyubov, F.M. Dostoevsky, V.S. Soloviev, G.V. Plekhanov, N.A. Berdyaev.

The modern understanding of patriotism is given in the Philosophical Encyclopedia: "Patriotism -(from Greek - compatriot, fatherland) - love for the fatherland, devotion to it, the desire to serve its interests with one’s actions.” The Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary defines this phenomenon in almost the same way.

The main parameter of patriotism is the feeling love forto his To the Fatherland (Motherland),manifested in activities,aimed at realizing this feeling.

Most often, the feeling of love in a philosophical understanding is defined as accepting something as it is, experiencing its absolute value. The appearance of this feeling does not require any external reasons. This feeling is not pragmatic, but cannot be perceived as a “pure” emotion. Love represents a certain level of holistic perception of both the internal and external existence of a person.

Secondthe form of love finds its manifestation in the egoism of those members of society who put their personal, often overly mercantile interests, at the head of the system of relations between the individual, society and the state. Unfortunately, the principle: “Let the Motherland give me something first, and then we’ll see if I should love it” is very common today.

Love for the Motherland in a certain way encroaches on the freedom of individuality. Patriotism presupposes greater concern for the good of one’s country and one’s people than one’s own; it requires work, patience and even self-sacrifice. Figuratively speaking, patriotism is a statement existence of his Fatherland. On the other hand, the feeling of love also combines the real perception of its object. A patriot is not obliged to love the shortcomings of his Motherland. On the contrary, he must eradicate them by all means available to him. This must be done without criticism and hysteria, which, unfortunately, are observed in Russian society quite often today. Love for the Motherland is the desire to accept it as it is and try to help it become even better.

Therefore, it seems possible to state the presence of three main components of the feeling of love for the Motherland. The first one is defined as care,understood as contributing to the successful development of one’s Fatherland by all means at the patriot’s disposal. The second component is responsibility,by which is meant the ability of a patriot to correctly respond to the needs of his Motherland, to feel them as his own and, thereby, to correctly coordinate public and personal interests. The third speaker respect,which is perceived as the ability to see one’s Fatherland as it really is, with all its advantages and disadvantages.

1.2 Motherland and Fatherland: sensual and rational in the mind of a patriot

The feeling of love implies the presence of an object towards which it is directed. It is clear that in this case such an object is the Motherland (Fatherland).

Quite often the concepts MotherlandAnd Fatherlandare considered as a synonymous pair, but in socio-philosophical terms there are quite significant differences between them.

The homeland, as a rule, is understood as a sensually perceived immediate environment or as a place of birth, that is, this concept is characterized by local ethnic characteristics. Presumably, the Motherland as an object is characteristic of the everyday psychological level of patriotic consciousness. Apparently, this is precisely the reason why in the minds of many people the concept of the Motherland seems to be split into two. There is a phenomenon in the patriotic consciousness "small motherland"representing the local place of birth and especially the upbringing of the individual, as well as the perception "Big Motherland"understood as the territory of the ethnic and cultural prevalence of the social group with which a person identifies himself.

When analyzing the phenomenon of the Fatherland, the emphasis is on socio-political characteristics. As a rule, the concept of “Fatherland” correlates with the concept of the state in the broadest sense of the word. Moreover, many citizens perceive these concepts as identical. It is from this that the nature of presenting claims regarding the deterioration of economic and social living conditions stems not from specific ruling circles, but from the Fatherland as a whole. The socio-political content of this concept is also evidenced by the fact that in Soviet times it was always talked about socialist Fatherlandand very rarely socialist Motherland.

In addition, the concepts of Motherland and Fatherland are characterized by gender parameters. The Motherland has always been correlated with the image of a mother who gives birth and raises, and the Fatherland with a father who not only socializes the individual, but also demands that she fulfill her duty. In other words, the Motherland can be perceived as the giver, and the Fatherland as the taker.

If we talk about individual consciousness, then it seems natural to correlate the concept Motherlandwith social quality "patriot",and the concept Fatherland - withsocial quality "citizen".

Thus, the patriotic consciousness of an individual is characterized by the dominance of sensual accents based on a rational principle.

In addition, it should be noted that the feeling of love for the Motherland acquires value only when it finds its practical, active embodiment. And although social activity is very diverse, patriotic activity is quite universal in nature: any type of human labor can be considered patriotic if it bears the connotation of a positive attitude towards one’s Fatherland.

1.3 Structure of patriotism

Patriotism is a complex phenomenon. The vast majority of researchers identify three elements in the structure of patriotism: patriotic consciousness,patriotic activityand patriotic relationship.Yu. Trifonov adds a fourth component to them - patriotic organization.

Patriotic consciousnessforms special form social consciousness, combining political, social, legal, religious, historical, moral components.

Political the system of society, through the influence of power structures, leaves a special significant imprint on the consciousness of citizens. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to distinguish State,represented by the power elite, and Fatherland,which is much broader than its political component. A true patriot does not blame his homeland for the fact that in an era of change it is not easy to live in his native land. It is during such periods that the strength of patriotic feelings is tested. Just as one cannot blame one’s mother for being tormented by illness, one cannot blame the Motherland for the fact that corrupt and greedy political elites rule. The disease must be treated, and traitors must be fought.

Social element in patriotic consciousness is determined by the class relations existing in society and the corresponding criteria for their assessment.

Right influences the formation and functioning of patriotic consciousness through legal norms, enshrined primarily in the Constitution of the state.

The role can be assessed very ambiguously religion in the formation of patriotic consciousness. Its complexity is determined by the presence in society of representatives of various faiths, as well as convinced atheists. Such spiritual heterogeneity naturally implies a different understanding of patriotism.

Great value for the formation of patriotic consciousness has story Fatherland. Factual material reflecting the past of our country contains knowledge that contributes to the formation of patriotism. In this regard, it is appropriate to recall the words of A.S. Pushkin addressed to P. Chaadaev: “... I swear on my honor that for nothing in the world I would not want to change the Fatherland or have a different history other than the history of our ancestors, the way God gave it to us.”

The category plays an important role in the formation of patriotic consciousness morality. Time has shown the inconsistency of political emphasis in the education of patriotism, which was characteristic of the Soviet era. Only one who has managed to transform patriotic duty from a socially significant requirement into a deeply conscious internal spiritual need can be considered a true patriot. patriotism homeland fatherland spiritual

Patriotic consciousness can be presented as a kind of “slice” of social consciousness on everyday psychologicalAnd theoretical-ideologicallevels .

The everyday psychological level of patriotic consciousness is a system with a fairly static, practically unchanged “core” in the form of traditions, customs, and archetypes inherent in a given society. Apparently, the very formation of this core, which began in the primitive era, was a thousand-year process. Ordinary consciousness is also represented by a dynamic, constantly changing “shell”, which includes feelings associated with patriotic experiences, empirical concepts and primary value judgments, as well as the psychological state of the masses when they perceive the nature of the situation, one way or another relating to patriotism. It is in this sphere of consciousness that the immediate motivational basis is formed on which the patriotic behavior of people is formed. The everyday psychological level is the sensory stage of patriotic consciousness.

The theoretical and ideological level of patriotic consciousness includes rationally systematized scientifically organized knowledge and ideas about patriotism, expressed in political programs, statements, and legislative acts relating to issues related to patriotism, expressing the fundamental interests of individual social groups, as well as society as a whole. In concentrated form, this level of consciousness is expressed in ideology, which is a reflection of the social interests and goals of society. However, society is not a homogeneous entity, all members of which would have the same goals and interests. Discrepant or contradictory interests of social groups, of course, leave an imprint on patriotic consciousness, but it is love for the Motherland that can be the ideological basis that can unite various social strata around itself.

Analyzing patriotic consciousness, I would like to draw attention to the fact that patriotism is not ordinary feelings, and certainly not a rationalization of sensory perception. Here there is an exit of human consciousness to the level of unity of emotional, intellectual and volitional perceptions and manifestations, which precisely creates patriotic heroes who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the Motherland.

Patriotic consciousness acquires value only when it is realized in practice in the form of specific actions and deeds, which together represent patriotic activities.Human behavior can only be considered patriotic when it has a positive meaning for the Fatherland and does not harm other ethnic groups and states. Activities to preserve its potential in all areas, but primarily in the spiritual, are important for the Motherland. As in any type of activity, static and dynamic aspects can be distinguished in the structure of patriotic activity.

From point of view staticaspects in patriotic activity can be distinguished as subject, object and means. SubjectPatriotic activities are carried out by people who are members of a particular society. An objectpatriotic activity represents the Fatherland (Motherland). Facilitiespatriotic activities can be represented by a whole range of means human activity. But it makes sense to divide them into two groups: the first group consists of means of peaceful labor or creative activity, the second - means of armed struggle or destructive activity. The peculiarity of the second group is that, despite their destructive nature, means of armed struggle play a leading role in the defense of their Fatherland.

From point of view dynamic aspects in the structure of patriotic activity can be distinguished as goal, process and result. Purposepatriotic activity is the achievement (defense) of the interests of one’s Fatherland, both through means of peaceful labor and means of armed violence. Processpatriotic activity is the activity of the subject of patriotic activity in the interests of achieving the set goal. This activity can take place both in peacetime and in wartime conditions. The resultpatriotic activity is one or another degree of achieving the goal. The results achieved in peacetime conditions are significantly different from the results of war. The main difference parameter is concentrated in the price paid for the result. If in peacetime this is, as a rule, selfless labor, then in conditions of armed struggle the price of achieving the result of patriotic activity can be not only the loss of health, but also the loss of the subject’s life itself.

Thus, within the framework of patriotic activity, the subject not only strives to change or preserve the objective reality personified for him in the concept of Motherland (Fatherland), but also significantly changes his inner world, bringing it into line with the main patriotic interests and goals.

Third structural element patriotism are advocated patriotic relations.They represent a system of connections and dependencies of human activity and the life of social individuals and groups in society regarding the defense of their needs, interests, desires and attitudes related to their homeland. The subjects of patriotic relations can be both individuals and various communities of people entering into active interaction among themselves, on the basis of which a certain way of their joint activities. Patriotic relations are relationships between people that can take on the character of a friendly cooperationor conflict(based on coincidence or collision intereststhese groups). Such relationships can take the form of direct contacts or an indirect form, for example, through relations with the state.

A certain place in the system of patriotism is occupied by patriotic organizations.These include institutions directly involved in patriotic education - patriotic clubs and circles. A huge amount of work on patriotic propaganda and patriotic education is carried out by veterans, creative, sports, and scientific organizations.

Chapter 2. Patriotism as a spiritual phenomenon of modern society

.1 Functions of patriotism

The social significance of patriotism is realized through a number of functions: identification, organizational-mobilizing and integration functions.

Identification the function of patriotism is the most significant. The need of the individual to relate himself to a certain social group, society as a whole, is one of the most ancient needs of humanity, which arose at the earliest early stages its development. It stems from the biological instinct of self-preservation. Man, being surrounded by a hostile external environment, was constantly in search of satisfying this need. In the most natural way, he could find protection as part of a primitive collective, since he was a herd creature. The natural development of man led him to the fact that the biological need for self-preservation acquired social and spiritual dimensions and began to manifest itself in the function of identification.

Representatives of social Darwinism discussed the relationship between the biological and the social in humans. In particular, K. Kautsky connected the need for self-preservation with the constant struggle of organisms with the external environment. P.A. Kropotkin, as a counterbalance to traditional social Darwinism, put forward the idea of ​​the importance in evolution not of the struggle for survival, but of mutual assistance.

IN traditional societies the identification process had a strict framework associated with the ethnic origin of individuals and their membership in certain social groups. Therefore, there were practically no problems with self-identification.

Modern man in the information society, under the influence of the globalization process, faces certain difficulties in the process of socialization. This is primarily due to the fact that a person has many options for “identities” and is not always able to determine the most optimal one.

An individual’s patriotism is formed as a result of achieving a balance between the personal level of identification, which consists in communicating unique properties to the individual, and the social level, which is the result of the assimilation of social norms and values.

The basis for personal identification may be ethnic or professional group, region, political movement. In modern society, there is such a phenomenon as re-identification, that is, the renunciation of ethnicity.

The process of ethnic identification is influenced not so much by the phenotypic characteristics of the individual as by the religious, cultural and behavioral characteristics of the individual’s activities, which have preserved the effectiveness of traditions and customs, and common expectations for the future.

Apparently, ethnic self-identification and national identity cannot be confused. The object of the first is the concept of “Motherland”, and often “small Motherland”. Since national identification has a significant state-political component, its subject is the “Fatherland”.

Meaning organizational and mobilizing The function of patriotism is determined by the fact that through it there is an incentive to patriotic activity. This occurs in the process of correlating the actions of the subject with the interests of his Fatherland.

Information about the Fatherland is transformed into beliefs and norms of behavior as a result of the individual’s awareness of the value of the reality around him. The process of transforming knowledge into interest ends with the initiation of the motive of patriotic activity.

An important feature of this function is that not only the understanding of the Motherland is subject to axeological influence, but also the person himself, his behavior and life position as a whole. Moreover, such self-esteem is possessed not only by an individual, but also by a social group and even an entire ethnic group.

Society is especially interested in ensuring that this function operates as efficiently as possible. To form the regulatory influence on people’s consciousness that society needs, role models, so-called “heroic symbols,” are created. Moreover, they have a certain mythologized character. If previously they were created by society itself, such as images epic heroes, then the state is currently engaged in the creation of heroic symbols. Suffice it to recall the period of the Great Patriotic War, when the exploits of Alexander Matrosov, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Nikolai Gastello acquired some “epic”, mythologized features with the help of official propaganda. Unfortunately, our time has shown the reverse process of demythologizing “heroic symbols”, when in life, personalities, even in the feat itself, diligent “researchers” looked for everything that could cast a shadow on the heroes of the Patriotic War. The consequences of such “conscientiousness” were the most negative both in terms of historical knowledge and in the sense of public well-being.

In the first chapter it was noted that any type of human activity can bear the imprint of love for one’s Fatherland. But the most striking imprint of patriotism is borne by military labor. The Defender of the Fatherland not only daily brings his strength, knowledge, and abilities to the altar of patriotism, but is also ready to sacrifice his health and even life for the sake of the Motherland.

IntegrationThe function is manifested in the fact that no other idea is capable of uniting an entire people like a patriotic impulse. People belonging to different ideological movements, religious denominations, ethnic groups, and social classes are able to forget about their differences if their homeland is threatened.

An indicative case is that which occurred during the First World War and was described by General P. Krasnov: “Emperor Wilhelm gathered all our captive Muslims into a separate camp and, currying favor with them, built them a beautiful stone mosque... They wanted to demonstrate the dislike of Muslims for the Russian “yoke.” " But things ended very badly for the Germans...

The mullahs came forward and whispered with the soldiers. The masses of soldiers arose, stood level, and a thousand-voice choir, under the German sky, near the walls of the newly built mosque, thundered out in unison: God save the Tsar... There was no other prayer for the Motherland in the hearts of these wonderful Russian soldiers.”

A striking example of the consolidation of society based on patriotism is the Great Patriotic War. Even many representatives of the white emigration, having rejected their hatred of the Bolsheviks, not only did not cooperate with the fascists, but also fought against them. It is enough to recall the Russian officers who stood at the origins of the Resistance movement in France.

Thus, having identified the peculiarities of the functioning of patriotism, we came to the conclusion that patriotism? this is always the result of the influence of the surrounding social environment, the upbringing of society, and at the same time it is a person’s moral choice, evidence of his social maturity. Therefore, the extinction of patriotism is the surest sign of a crisis in society, and its artificial destruction is the path to the destruction of the people.

2.2 Types of patriotism

Patriotism, as a phenomenon of social reality, does not exist outside the subject. Everyone is the subject of patriotism social formations: personality, social group, layer, class, nation and other communities. Based on this, we can talk about patriotism of an individual, a social group, and society as a whole.

The meaning of patriotism personalities extremely large. Each person begins to understand the world around him precisely from himself and throughout his life he correlates his thoughts, feelings and actions primarily with himself. The peculiarity of this type of patriotism is that the individual is not only its subject, but also experiences the strongest reverse influence of patriotic motives. It is very important for full-fledged patriotism how an individual feels in society and the state. The combination of such spiritual values ​​as a sense of honor and self-dignity “... acts, on the one hand, as a form of manifestation of moral self-awareness and self-control of the individual..., and on the other hand, as one of the channels of influence of society and the state on moral character and behavior... » person in society.

Self-respect is the basis on which love for one’s Fatherland is based. “The honor and dignity of a citizen correlate with the dignity of the Fatherland as communicating vessels: the citizen forms the honor of the Fatherland, the honor of the Fatherland elevates the honor of the citizen.” This dependence is felt especially acutely between the soldier and the Fatherland: “... no matter what turns of events, the condition for the possible preservation of the reliability of the army remains unshakable, such as a sense of national dignity and responsibility for the Fatherland, which, in principle, should not be deformed under any circumstances. National dignity is a spiritual and enduring phenomenon.” If a person constantly feels the influence of the state and social structures, which negatively affects his internal state, then this not only does not contribute to the strengthening of personal honor and dignity, but also, ultimately, negatively affects the state of patriotism of a particular person and society as a whole.

Absolutization of the individual to the detriment of society and the state is no less harmful than ignoring this factor. Individualism, cultivated in today's conditions by certain forces in our country, destroys patriotic consciousness from the inside.

It is very important to maintain that balance in which the individual feels protected and respected in the state and society, but, in turn, fulfills his duties with dignity.

IN social-group The carrier of patriotism can be a family, a work or military team, a social group, a class, or a nation.

The primary carrier of group patriotism is family. She has always played a leading role in the formation of patriotic consciousness. The establishment of patriotism must begin first of all with strengthening the family. “It is impossible to love people without loving parents...” The importance of family for patriotic education is determined primarily by the fact that moral, military-patriotic education in the family is carried out, first of all, through the experience of adult family members. The state and society should do their best to strengthen this social phenomenon, since the safety of these institutions ultimately depends on a healthy family.

A relatively new phenomenon is the so-called "corporate patriotism".There is nothing wrong with employees of a company or even an industry caring about professional prestige. But it is unacceptable when this activity is opposed to national interests. Unfortunately, in our country this model occurs quite often. The highest legislative body of the country lobbies the interests of certain financial and industrial groups that directly contradict the interests of the country. Suffice it to recall the decision to import radioactive waste from abroad.

Special mention should be made of the patriotism of the public state elite. This problem arises most acutely in transitional and crisis periods, when established stereotypes are broken, which leads to deformations of patriotic consciousness. For the social and state elite, patriotic consciousness can act not only as a kind of “litmus test” signaling the state of society and the state, but also be a powerful tool that can have a serious impact on them.

The elite cannot exist without the masses in the same way that the people lose themselves without an elite with a national psychology. Only “...socially active members of society are generators of social progressive development...”, but the vector of this movement may not always meet the interests of the entire society.

It must be emphasized that representatives of the elite can be divided into two groups: “...actors who prefer to look back to knowledge tested by experience, or actors who deny the significance of accumulated knowledge...”. Otherwise, they can be called conservatives (or supporters of traditionalism) and liberals (or supporters of innovation). When it comes to patriotism, we should never forget that it was nurtured by the experience of many generations, and the accumulation of knowledge by our ancestors provides for its reasonable use, but not its abandonment. It is the attitude towards the past that distinguishes a liberal and a conservative. “A too free, sometimes disdainful attitude towards knowledge, ignoring the ideology of “thinking about the future, remembering the past” characterizes a liberal thinker. Too often the changes advocated by a liberal become valuable in themselves. Thus, the purpose for which they are carried out is ignored. The conservative, while not an opponent of innovations, nevertheless believes that they make sense only when they are a reaction to a certain specific flaw in the surrounding reality.

Consequently, conservative methods most carefully and constructively transform patriotism. But, at the same time, patriotism itself is a universal conservative tool aimed at restoring, maintaining and preserving socio-political unity and harmony.

This type of group patriotism, in which the subject is nation. The complexity is determined, firstly, by the fact that the line between patriotic and nationalistic worldviews is extremely thin. In addition, the appearance of the same ethnic group at different stages of historical development can differ significantly, which, however, does not detract from the importance of continuity between them. Naturally, the patriotism of the Russians of the era of Vladimir I was significantly different from the patriotism of their descendants during the time of Dmitry Donskoy, and the love for the Fatherland of the Russian people under the reign of Ivan the Terrible from the same feeling of the subjects of Peter I. But, nevertheless, they are all united by one root that fed this great feeling since time immemorial.

Secondly, the difficulty lies in the fact that the understanding of patriotism differs significantly among different nations. These differences are due to the peculiarities of the mentalities of these peoples. Moreover, approaches to understanding patriotism may not coincide even among those ethnic groups that belong to the same civilization.

The most difficult thing to study is patriotism, the bearer of which is society as a whole. Public patriotism cannot be considered as a conglomerate of individuals, although it is in them that it has its source. It accumulates that general, basic thing that is contained in many individual and group consciousnesses. It seems extremely important that public patriotism grows on a fairly specific basis. It is internally connected with the previous development of society. The law of historical continuity and connection applies. The main needs and interests of society at this historical stage find their expression in public patriotic consciousness.

There is an interdependence of individual, group and public patriotism. Personal consciousness is reflected in various means and forms of communication, thereby becoming the property of public consciousness. And the results of the consciousness of society spiritually enrich the individual.

A patriot correlates with his individuality the traditions of the family that raised him, the experience of the social group to which he belongs, the characteristics of the nation to which he belongs, and the requirements of the society in which he lives. From the combination of this diversity his patriotism is formed.

Patriotism acts as one of the fundamental needsindividuals, groups, societies.

A need in general is a need for something to maintain life, an internal stimulator of activity. Man like social subject, differs from the rest of the animal world in that, unlike the latter, adapting to environment, he actively transforms nature and society. This is due to the satisfaction of existing needs, which, in turn, leads to the generation of new ones that require satisfaction.

Patriotism of a person as a need represents the need to feel like a part of the whole, to realize the justification of one’s existence through the affirmation of the existence of the society to which a given person belongs. Such a need is a multi-level spiritual phenomenon that receives its initial development in the early, pre-state stages of the evolution of society. Subsequently, such proto-patriotism in relation to the group develops into forms of patriotism of a developed society and state. The highest manifestation of an individual’s patriotism should be regarded as a need in which spiritual motives dominate over material ones, since a patriot is capable of sacrificing not only his health, but also his life itself for the sake of his Motherland, which cannot be explained by material reasons.

Patriotism of a social group and society as a whole represents the need to preserve oneself as an integrity that has a certain development prospect. Satisfying such a need is possible only through affirming the need for patriotism at the personal level. Therefore, patriotism acts as a kind of indicator that can warn government circles about the state of the spiritual life of society and the state.


Patriotism is a feeling of love for one’s Fatherland manifested in activity. It combines components such as careabout your Fatherland, responsibilityfor him and respectto him. Patriotism cannot be limited only to the framework of class interests and relations, at the same time it is not permissible to completely ignore them.

The structure of patriotism is represented by such elements as patriotic consciousness, patriotic activity, patriotic attitude and patriotic organization. Patriotic consciousnessrepresents a special form of social consciousness, closely related to its other forms. Patriotic activitiesacts as a defining component of patriotism, since it realizes patriotic interests and values ​​in the form of specific actions and deeds. In the structure of patriotic activity, static and dynamic aspects are distinguished.

Patriotic relationsrepresents a system of connections and dependencies of the activities of individuals and their groups regarding the upholding of needs and interests related to their homeland. TO patriotic organizationinclude institutions engaged in patriotic education and patriotic propaganda.

The main functions of patriotism are identification, organizational - mobilizing and integrating. Identificationthe function is manifested in the realization of the need to identify the individual with a certain social group or society as a whole. Content organizational and mobilizingThe function of patriotism is to encourage individuals, as well as their groups, to patriotic activity. Meaning integrationThe functions of patriotism are determined by its capabilities to unite various individuals and social groups.

The basis for the classification of patriotism can be its subject. Based on this, the patriotism of an individual, a social group (family, elite, nation), and society as a whole is distinguished.

Thus, patriotism is considered as a need of the individual, social group, society, which is a system-forming factor in their existence. The successful future of all humanity depends on a careful attitude to patriotism.

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Homeland is such a simple and complex concept at the same time. It can be big and small, understandable and mysterious, it includes so much, but everything is understandable and close to the heart. Love for the Motherland is a valuable moral quality that goes along with a sense of collectivism, friendship, hard work, and culture of behavior.

Can it be cultivated in people or is it acquired at birth?

There are people who were born far from the homeland of their ancestors⚔️, but grew up and absorbed the culture of their “New Homeland”. This means that a feeling of love for the Fatherland can be cultivated; parents, educators, and teachers should work in this direction.

What is patriotism

Is love for the Motherland unconditional? The question is ambiguous, but on the other hand, our native land gives us language, family, friends, images native land, opportunities for development and support, culture, way of thinking, the collective “we”.

A very difficult period for a person - a sober look at the problems that he sees in his homeland. At this moment, you need to try to understand and love her honestly and openly, only a feeling of love for the Fatherland at this moment will help you stay in your Motherland, do everything for a bright and happy future, this is the goal of education.

The concept of “I am a patriot”

Russian culture and history contain a huge basis for patriotic education. The heroes of past years have repeatedly proven their love for the Motherland with their valiant deeds, when they put the common good first in exchange for their lives. Such historical episodes leave an indelible mark on the student’s mind.

Educators and psychologists are unanimous in that school years- this is the most favorable time for instilling a feeling of love for the Motherland; this is an important goal of the period.

Patriotic education- This is an integral part of a harmoniously developed personality. The minds of people from the same culture contain basic concepts of good and evil, justice, and duty. Work on the formation of patriotic feelings is systematic and planned.

What does the education of patriotism include?

What does patriotic education of schoolchildren include?

  • development of love for one's fatherland;
  • willingness to act in the interests of the Motherland, neglecting one’s own;
  • pride in the culture of the Motherland, its achievements, successes;
  • the desire to defend the interests of the Motherland and people when the need arises;
  • devotion to the Fatherland.

Levels of Patriotism

Patriotic education of schoolchildren is an increase in the activity of future citizens, the development of responsibility, the preservation of spirituality, and the strengthening of the state.

Global goals can only be achieved by solving large-scale problems:

  • affirmation of patriotic values, views, beliefs;
  • respect for the history, culture, and heroic past of the country;
  • increasing the prestige of military service;
  • involvement in solving socio-economic, patriotic, cultural, legal issues;
  • studying and understanding the basic law of the country, creating conditions for the realization of all rights and freedoms of citizens;
  • instilling in citizens a sense of pride and respect for their country;
  • formation and development of tolerance towards carriers of another culture.

Military-patriotic education - knowledge military history country and readiness to defend it

Objectives of patriotic education using the example of school

  • Formation complete picture and knowledge about their homeland. A student can gain this knowledge in natural history and geography lessons; in the first lessons of these disciplines, the teacher gives an idea about the location, climate, economy, demography, and cultural characteristics.
  • Knowledge of the history of your Fatherland. The secondary school curriculum includes the history of the country, native land, world history with a projection on the Motherland. Russia has a rich history and simple fate, understanding the present is impossible without a detailed study of the past.
  • The goal is to cultivate interest in the surrounding world among the younger generation. In biology lessons, schoolchildren get acquainted with nature, flora and fauna; native nature arouses keen interest. Excursions around the Native Land are very popular among schoolchildren.

School age is one of the most favorable times for learning norms and getting to know social life.

Patriotic education outside of society is impossible, therefore teachers and psychologists often specify that it is rather social-patriotic education.

Social studies lesson is one of the methods of patriotic education

In the middle classes, a subject such as social studies is introduced, which sets one of its goals to develop an active life position for the student. Children actively express their opinions, interact with peers, and organize school holidays and events.

During the preparation, children develop a common cause for which they are responsible.

Joint work, work, analysis of events, study of literature and the media introduce schoolchildren to the social and patriotic life of the country.

Joint actions for the Day of the Russian Federation Flag

Teachers, when outlining a plan for patriotic education, should focus on the characteristics of school-age children.

Methods of patriotic education

A child's perception is different from an adult's. Schoolchildren think in images, draw vivid visual pictures, connect to perception with all emotionality, and react vividly to significant events.

When studying any subject there must be a personal component, the child cannot think in unfamiliar abstractions, only the information that is significant for him will be learned and accepted. For example, to study history, many teachers ask the child, with the help of older relatives, to write his family tree.

Compilation family tree- method of patriotic education

Schoolchildren most understand all the milestones of history, which they perceive through the life and fate of close relatives.

  • Personal participation in school activities is very important for children. When a student participates in cleaning the school, landscaping the school grounds, maintaining order, and congratulating veterans, a rapprochement with educational institution, native land, country.
  • Patriotic holidays. Now there are fewer and fewer eyewitnesses to the events of the Great Patriotic War. Many schools and other organizations sponsor veterans. On the eve of the anniversary of memorable events, I invite front-line soldiers to ceremonial meetings. Students prepare a cultural program that involves extensive research and detailed preparation. Only preparatory activities are capable of instilling in schoolchildren a sense of respect and value for the contemporaries of those events.

Meeting with war and labor veterans is an important method of ERW

A powerful emotional component is meeting with veterans and home front workers. These people went through a difficult time in their lives and in the life of the country. Communication with veterans leaves a deep imprint on children’s minds; it is at such moments that the feeling of patriotism and pride for one’s people grows stronger.

Children think very concretely; abstract images and concepts are far from them. Patriotism and love for the Motherland begins for them with love for their neighbors: mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother. The child must understand that the people around him are also someone’s parents, grandparents, and this is how a feeling of love for neighbors, and, consequently, for the Motherland is formed. A sense of respect is formed during the celebration of International Women's Day and Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Class hours are very important for social and patriotic education, during which the child can focus on his small homeland.

Landscapes, memorable places, and attractions are very dear to the heart of any person. Visual pictures, tactile sensations, favorite foods, and loved ones remain in the mind forever. It is thanks to such memories that a feeling of nostalgia is formed if for some reason a person leaves his homeland. Many emigrants note that longing for their homeland cannot be replaced by excellent conditions and prosperity. Childhood is one of the happiest times in a person’s life, where the feeling of love for one’s native places cannot be measured by anything.

Patriotic education based on cultural and historical values

The personality of the teacher is very important in social and patriotic education. Primary and secondary school students perceive the teacher’s words as truth. Therefore, teacher training and their personal participation are important. Children feel emotions and falsehood very subtly; if a teacher tries to convince a child of something that he himself does not believe, then the goal will not be achieved.

For schoolchildren primary classes and the first classes of middle management do not lose the relevance of the game.

In this form, it is easier for children to learn and remember the material. During the game, you can introduce children to patriotic paraphernalia. For older children, concerts and reconstructions of important moments in the history of the country are relevant. In this form, all the material will become personality-oriented and will be perceived by the child as if it were their own.

Patriotic games are carried out already from the first grades

In the history room you can place a calendar of memorable events in the life of the country. A visual reminder works great for children's memory. The process of creating a calendar can be turned into a real study.

In the formation of social and patriotic feelings, the social environment is a very important component. If a child communicates with cultured and educated peers, then the likelihood of developing a feeling of love for the Motherland increases many times over. From history we can recall the nobility with high moral values. Young people from the nobility undoubtedly loved their Fatherland. The environment provides a pattern of behavior that children imitate. At this stage, it is important to analyze with whom the child communicates; any mistakes at this stage will seriously manifest themselves throughout the person’s life.

Competition for knowledge of the history of the country

An important component of social and patriotic education is the historical era. If the foundations of society are shaken, this immediately affects young people and their patriotic spirit. That is why, in the era of regime change, the younger generation is confused and is looking for new foundations.

Formation of a legal environment for the development of social and patriotic education

  • A clear understanding by the child of his rights and responsibilities. At the same time, they should not only be stated, but explained to the child and be emotionally close.
  • Participation of the child in the life of the class, joint development of rules and laws of graying.
  • Active and active participation of children in school life, responsibility for organizing events and promotions.
  • The child’s feeling of security, reliance on the school community, resolution of controversial issues based on ideas of justice.
  • Creative working atmosphere and psychological climate.
  • A humane approach to the child’s personality.
  • Productive resolution of conflict situations, where conclusions are drawn and options for the development of situations are discussed.
  • Work on general discipline, a sense of order.
  • Respectful attitude towards native language, Full time job above vocabulary, purity of language. An excellent work on learning a language is the study of native literature and poetry.

Patriotic drawing competition

Development of patriotic feelings younger generation has been relevant at all times. Since ancient times, sages and philosophers communicated with young people, passed on their experience, knowledge and love for the Motherland. Such continuity of generations ensured the stability of the state and created a reliable support for power and the future of the people. During periods of a sharp change in the foundations of society, the younger generation found themselves confused and did not know what to believe in; it was precisely such stages that turned out to be very shaky for the integrity of the state.

The role of the teacher in patriotic education

Teachers are well aware that training future defenders of the Motherland is a complex and multifaceted task that requires high qualifications. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly improve one’s skills, replenish the conceptual apparatus with new knowledge, and most importantly, by personal example, to cultivate in children the necessary qualities of a person and a citizen.

A special role in matters ⚔️ of military-patriotic education is given to the creation and work of school museums. After all, big things begin with small things. Schoolchildren can be involved in collecting information and materials, creating an exhibition, and working as tour guides. In such activities, the children will feel their importance, usefulness, and will let the history of their school and region pass through their hearts. This interest and care will further develop into love for the country, society, and state.

To summarize, we note that patriotic education is an important part of the country’s future. Based on the previous theses, we will draw some conclusions:

  • the result of patriotic education should be the education of a citizen who passionately loves his Motherland;
  • only joint efforts of the family, teaching staff and the state in matters of educating the younger generation can ensure the full development of the individual with a clear civic position;
  • to educate generations of the new Russia using the heroic examples of the history of our Motherland, national traditions, cultural and historical values ​​of the Russian people.

The main thing in patriotic education is the personal example of adult citizens of the state, when children Everyday life They will constantly see the positive aspects of the caring attitude of their adult comrades towards their native nature, the land, their neighbors, their Fatherland.

It is not through influencing a child, but only through the cooperation of children with adults, that it is possible to raise a true patriotic citizen.

Patriotic education is a complex, and most importantly, the most important component of the overall educational process of personality formation.

Video: Patriotic education of schoolchildren

The topic of patriotism today, as in any other time, if not relevant in pedagogical terms, then for some it is very advantageous and very profitable - in political terms. Coursework and theses, dissertations, write novels, stage plays, make feature films or documentaries. They make a stunning party career out of patriotism, earn mountains of money and become multimillionaires.

Under the cover of patriotism, you can shamelessly rest on your laurels in a good administrative position for years and decades and calmly rob your people. Our Russian writer and vice-governor of two Russian regions M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin even revealed such a pattern: the more patriots in government offices, the higher and more sophisticated the level of theft. Remember his words: “They began to push on patriotism, apparently they stole.”

One day a friend invited me to a certain meeting of patriots, which took place in one of the famous Moscow theaters. Taking this opportunity, I tried to find among the motley public my fellow countryman from the Belgorod community, who had now become a Russian patriot.

Back in the Soviet period, I carried out inspections in his department several times and did not notice any patriotic sins in him at that time. I wanted to ask this patriot, who, due to his age, did not participate in any wars except the war with the Soviet Union on the side of Gorbachev, how he managed to arrange for a huge bronze monument to be erected near the famous Prokhorovsky Field during his lifetime.

This pompous building flaunts there now, just opposite the main Orthodox church and the museum of the glory of this sacred place for Russian people. And then, quite by chance, I walked into one of the theater rooms.

There, presumably, tables were set for members of the presidium and other equally prominent patriots. They had everything on them: French cognacs, Spanish and other overseas wines, various dishes, as they say, a snack, a bite, and for some people “snip and bite.” Black caviar was also not excluded, which is hard to find these days due to the complete extermination of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea and in other places of their spawning. And this is in a difficult time of economic crisis. Apparently, the boys won a large amount of sponsorship donations for the prosperity of their homeland and their love for it. “This is where real patriotism is!” — I thought, “these truly love their homeland, just as it loves them.”

So in the substance I named, along with those who really shed blood on the battlefields for their country, and there are only a few of them left, there is a lot of such blinkered theater curtains bronzed patriotic backstage. In the novel Valentina Pikulya“At the Last Line” shows a number of similar “patriots” of Russia who incredibly profited from supplies to the Russian army during the First World War.

And today the patriotic behind the scenes shows us examples of its Great love to the Motherland quite often in the Ministry of Defense and in the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Regional Development, on Far East and in Sochi, in the Krasnodar region and throughout Great Rus', starting from Kaliningrad and ending with the farthest island of the Kuril ridge.

The purpose of this lecture is not to try to show the difference between some patriots and others, to separate, so to speak, the wheat from the chaff. It is impossible to do this with just one lecture; an entire course is needed. humanities. I set a much more modest task: to reveal the very concept of patriotism and show its heterogeneous essence, especially in conditions modern development our society. I would also like to warn against the excessively frequent use of this word for educational and political purposes, so as not to dilute the sacred concept and the high feelings of the Russian people embedded in it.

I. The concept and historical roots of patriotism

The concept " patriotism" and the moral category that this word denotes comes from the Greek patriotes compatriot, patris homeland and denotes a moral and political principle, social feeling, the content of which is love for the Fatherland, the willingness to subordinate one’s private interests to its interests.

Patriotism presupposes pride in the achievements and culture of one’s homeland, the desire to preserve its character and cultural characteristics and identification of oneself with other members of the people, the desire to protect the interests of the Motherland and one’s people. Love for one’s fatherland, devotion to one’s people, readiness for any sacrifices and exploits in the name of the interests of one’s homeland.

The historical source of patriotism is the existence of separate states established for centuries and millennia, forming attachment to the native land, language, traditions. In the conditions of the formation of nations and the formation of national states, patriotism becomes integral part social consciousness, reflecting national moments in its development. By attributing patriotic feelings to other persons, and to some events - a patriotic connotation, the person appraising them most often gives them a positive characteristic.

Also, by patriotism they mean a special emotional experience of one’s belonging to the country and one’s citizenship, language, and traditions. Ideas about patriotism are associated with a reverent attitude towards one’s country, the Motherland, but different people have different ideas about the essence of patriotism. For this reason, some people consider themselves patriots, while others do not consider themselves such.

According to Wikipedia, patriotism comes in the following forms:
1. polis patriotism- existed in ancient city-states (policies). Nowadays this category has been transformed into love for the small homeland;
2. imperial patriotism- maintained feelings of loyalty to the empire and its government;
3. ethnic patriotism- fundamentally has feelings of love for one’s ethnic group;
4. state patriotism— the basis is feelings of love for the state.
5. leavened, official patriotism (jingoism)— it is based on exaggerated or ostentatious, deliberately demonstrated feelings of love for the state and one’s people, as well as a well-inspired imitation of these feelings.

As it is written in the mentioned encyclopedia, the concept itself in different centuries and in different countries had different contents and was understood differently. In antiquity, the term patria ("homeland") was applied to the native city-state, but not to wider communities (such as "Hellas", "Italy"); Thus, the term patriota meant a supporter of one's city-state, although, for example, a sense of pan-Greek patriotism existed at least since the Greco-Persian wars, and in the works of Roman writers of the era early Empire one can see a peculiar feeling of Italian patriotism.

In the Roman Empire, patriotism existed in the form of local “police” patriotism and imperial patriotism. Polis patriotism was supported by various local religious cults. In order to unite the population of the empire under the leadership of Rome, the Roman emperors attempted to form imperial-wide cults, some of which were based on the deification of the emperor. Patriotic pagans saw local cults as the basis for the well-being of the city.

Christianity, through its preaching, undermined the foundations of local religious cults and thereby weakened the position of polis patriotism by preaching the equality of all peoples before God and condemned polis patriotism. Therefore, at the city level, the preaching of Christianity encountered opposition from pagans. A striking example of such a confrontation is the reaction of the Ephesians to the preaching of the Apostle Paul. In this sermon they saw a threat to the local cult of the goddess Artemis, which formed the basis of the material well-being of the city (Acts 19:-24-28)

Imperial Rome, in turn, saw Christianity as a threat to imperial patriotism. Although Christians preached obedience to authority and offered prayers for the well-being of the empire, they refused to take part in imperial cults, which, according to the emperors, were supposed to promote the growth of imperial patriotism.

The preaching of Christianity about the heavenly homeland and the idea of ​​the Christian community as a special “people of God” raised doubts about the loyalty of Christians to the earthly fatherland. But subsequently in the Roman Empire there was a rethinking of the political role of Christianity.
After the adoption of Christianity, the Roman Empire began to use it to strengthen the unity of the empire, counteracting polis patriotism, local nationalism and local paganism, forming ideas about the Christian empire as the earthly homeland of all Christians.

In the Middle Ages, when loyalty to the civil collective gave way to loyalty to the monarch, the term lost its relevance and regained it in modern times.

In the era of the American and French bourgeois revolutions, the concept of “patriotism” was identical to the concept of “nationalism”, with a political (non-ethnic) understanding of the nation; for this reason, in France and America at that time, the concept of “patriot” was synonymous with the concept of “revolutionary”. The symbols of this revolutionary patriotism are the Declaration of Independence and the Marseillaise.

With the advent of the concept of “nationalism,” patriotism began to be contrasted with nationalism, as commitment to the country (territory and state) - commitment to the human community (nation). However, often these concepts act as synonyms or similar in meaning.

A particularly high potential for patriotism and a sense of love for one’s land and Fatherland was noted among Russian people . The entire history of wars and military art, the peaceful construction of life and everyday life in Rus' and especially in the Soviet Union are connected with patriotism, the devotion of the Russian people to their family, the land on which they lived and worked. These qualities, of course, did not mean that exclusively slavish worship of slaves before their masters, which was noted in the countries of Asia and medieval feudal Europe. Their patriotism was based solely on conscious obedience to the will of God's messenger - the king, on subordinating themselves in the name of a higher goal in the fight against foreign invaders and other enemy forces.

In today's Russia, genuine patriotism in relation to the exploitative state and fatherland cannot exist due to the reasons that I described in the answer to the third question of this lecture. However, the enormous patriotic potential of the people, accumulated over hundreds of years of Russian history, is still preserved and can be used for noble purposes, for example, in numerous protests against the modern bourgeoisie, feudal latifundists, capital managers who infringe on people’s rights to decent human existence.

Russian people are by nature more freedom-loving, anarchic and, as some Russian philosophers have noted, less servile, and in their souls they do not like the law, since the law does not apply to everyone equally: it protects the strong and punishes the weak. Therefore, along with patriotic feelings, the most educated part of Russian society often had numerous cases of a critical attitude to reality, just like other people, a rebellious beginning manifested itself (Pugachev, Razin, Bolotnikov, schismatics, Decembrists, Chaadaev, Herzen and Ogarev, commoners, democrats, nihilists, revolutionaries, Vera Zasulich, terrorist bombers, etc.).

Some theorists and politicians considered patriotism and rebelliousness in a person to be incompatible, as well as rebellion against the authorities itself. Patriotism and disobedience to authority, love for the Motherland and hatred of exploiters, in their opinion, are mutually exclusive phenomena and impossible in real life. Meanwhile, such an understanding is superficial and deeply erroneous. It is quite possible to hate the government and be a hero of the Fatherland, a defender of the Motherland, a patriot of the country, to selflessly love your people and give your life for the sake of their well-being and prosperity. Below are some examples from Russian history of such successful “part-time work” in one person.

Along with moral roots, patriotism also has roots that go deep into the law. And therefore it is a category and legal, which some scientists deny it. This is the first time I have presented this point of view in legal science.. In this regard, I will try to “put together” the concepts morality, law and state and, operating with them, “penetrate” the legal fabric of patriotism, somewhat illuminate it in a conceptual expression that incorporates all three of the above categories.

Considering that LEGAL CATEGORIES- this is a systematized form of expression of legal knowledge, peculiar clots of human thought or a set of such thoughts that have absorbed knowledge about state legal phenomena, their properties and characteristics, then patriotism also falls under this definition. In a sense, legal categories, if methodological rigor is neglected, can be represented as the ultimate legal concept.

At the same time, categories of law differ significantly from legal concepts. Legal categories serve as a kind of system-forming logical nodes, with the help of which scientific knowledge penetrates into the essence and content of state legal phenomena. Legal categories are distinguished by their fundamentality, representing a logical basis around which a system of concepts, their logical series is built (“law”, “state”, “action of law”, “legal system”, “legal environment”, “legal culture”, etc. .)

Along with the above-mentioned legal categories, there are also forms of expression of knowledge and actions that can simultaneously be attributed to various branches of human activity. For example, categories such as “tax” and “property” relate simultaneously to both economics and law; category “mass media” - to politics and law; “categories “money”, budget” - to economics, politics and law.

Similarly, patriotism is both a moral and a legal category, since its content intertwines the threads of relations between both the Motherland and its citizen, and relations of a purely individual, private nature: the citizen’s love for the Motherland. As a rule, this attitude is associated with the inner world and morality of a person.

A person’s attitude towards the Fatherland is often transferred to the attitude towards the state, because there is patriotism and exclusively state patriotism. As stated above, patriotism also manifests the state-legal attitude of the state towards a person. The state fosters patriotism, imposes patriotism, forces patriotism, morally condemns for cosmopolitanism (though not today), even establishes criminal liability for betrayal and treason, that is, for anti-patriotism.

However, my lecture is not devoted to these purely theoretical questions, more reminiscent of scholasticism, which have absolutely no practical significance either to the concept itself or to the content of its meaning.

II. On the issue of different patriotism

So, as shown above, patriotism in its content and object of moral feeling can be different. Let us first dwell on the question of patriotism in general. Here the first thing that comes to mind is the aphorism uttered Samuel Johnson at the Literary Club on April 7, 1775: « Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" How do you, dear listeners, feel about this statement? But it’s correct, haven’t you thought?

There are other expressions that characterize the moral and ethical category we are analyzing. " Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious» ( Oscar Wilde). “The soul and essence of what is commonly understood as patriotism is and always has been moral cowardice.” (Mark Twain). « Patriotism is a destructive, psychopathic form of idiocy" (Bernard Show). « Patriotism spoiled world history» (Johann Wolfgang Goethe).« Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for ordinary reasons.” (Bertrand Russell).

And here’s how he spoke about patriotism Albert Einstein: “Those who joyfully march in formation to the music [...] received the brain by mistake: for them, the spinal cord would have been enough. I so hate heroism on command, senseless cruelty and all the disgusting nonsense of what is united under the word “patriotism,” just as I despise vile war, that I would rather allow myself to be torn to pieces than be part of such actions.”

And now let's move to our Russian soil. “Patriotism in its simplest, clearest and most undoubted meaning is nothing more for rulers than a tool for achieving power-hungry and selfish goals, and for the governed it is a renunciation of human dignity, reason, conscience and slavish subordination of oneself to those in power. This is how it is preached wherever patriotism is preached. Patriotism is slavery."(This is from the book Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy"Christianity and Patriotism").

Poet Silver Age Andrey Bely This is how he expressed his attitude towards patriotism and love for the Motherland: “ Fateful country, icy, \ Cursed by iron fate - \ Mother Russia, oh evil homeland, \ Who played such a joke on you?

And here are the words about the Fatherland and Motherland of another poet: “I, of course, despise my fatherland from head to toe - but it annoys me if a foreigner shares this feeling with me». — This is from a letter from A.S. Pushkin to P.A. Vyazemsky dated May 27, 1826. Pushkin’s patriotism, of course, is beyond any suspicion, and we know this well, at least from his poetic appeal to Russian philosopher Chaadaev: “While we are burning with freedom, while our hearts are alive for honor, my friend, we will dedicate our souls to beautiful impulses...” But be that as it may, in a letter to Vyazemsky he expressed his other attitude towards Russia.
And words like these:

Graze, peaceful peoples,
The cry of honor will not wake you up.
Why do the herds need the gifts of freedom?
They need to be cut or trimmed.
Their inheritance from generation to generation
A yoke with rattles and a whip.
Yes, there is clearly no smell of patriotism here, you might think. But this is also our great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. But who can blame him?

Was another Russian poet a patriot? M.Yu.Lermontov? Who doubts this? But let us remember his caustic poems addressed to the country:

Goodbye, unwashed Russia,
Country of slaves, country of masters.
And you, blue uniforms,
And you, their devoted people.
Perhaps behind the wall of the Caucasus
I'll hide from your pashas,
From their all-seeing eye,
From their all-hearing ears.

And Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov:
Approaching Konigsberg,
I got closer to the country
Where they don't like Gutenberg
And they find a taste in shit.

...or Chaadaev:
The stamp of slavery permeates the entire history of Russia. Russia has no history, only geography.
...or Chernyshevsky:
A pitiful nation, a nation of slaves. From top to bottom, everyone is a slave.
...or Nekrasov again:
People serf rank- real dogs sometimes.
The heavier the punishment, the dearer the gentlemen are to them.

But from our time: “ Patriotism is an amazing feeling that does not exist in people who say this word out loud.” (P broadcast of Dithyramb" with the participation Igor Guberman, on the radio station “Echo of Moscow”). « Patriotism" simply means "kill the infidel" (Boris Grebenshchikov).

Another contemporary of ours, also an outstanding, deeply moral and patriotic personality, famous journalist, a teacher at one of the Moscow schools, Dmitry Bykov, in the program “Citizen Poet”, together with the artist Mikhail Efremov, projected Lermontov’s thought onto our life today, ironically putting it into the mouth of the current president of the country.
Well, unwashed Russia,
Country of slaves, country of masters!
I tried to scrape you off
But who will scrape this off?

I didn't get you as a princess:
Half-destroyed country
Full of dirty press
And it’s full of dirty elections.

And how much dirty money was there?
Gusinsky, God forgive me!
And so I took a security broom
And he began to take revenge on you.

To preemptively bark loudly,
I raised my Motherland from its knees.
I kicked out the dirty oligarchs
And raised pure ones in return.

I rebuilt the press
As has always been the case here.
I took the dirty money -
And they became clean!

And nothing is missing,
And the roar of discontent died down,
And there were no more dirty elections.
There were none at all.

But an awkward crisis broke out
US residential systems,
And again Russia has become different,
And that means dirty, my God!

On this wild, flat platter -
Own it however you want,
Suddenly people appeared.
How clean it was without people!

And the choice for next summer,
To the delight of suckers and bunglers,
Even if it’s not one of two, it’s not one of two, -
But at least out of one and a half!

Goodbye, persistent infection.
And I'm not the same, and you're not the same.
Perhaps beyond the ridge of the Caucasus
Is purity possible now?

It's cleaner than any moydodyrs
Cleaned up the problem region
My faithful protege Kadyrov -
But who am I when he is there?

I’ll leave, misunderstood and not recognized,
With the gloomy look of a boy.
Farewell, unwashed Fatherland,
Incorrigible country.
But here are the words of my fellow countrywoman from Kursk, the granddaughter of Russian professors and economists, an intelligent, educated girl, deeply concerned about the country with her soul and heart, Natalia Pereverzeva at the Miss Earth 2012 contest:

“I have always been proud of the country in which I live. I can't imagine myself without her. My country is all I have, the people I love are all I hold dear. My Russia is a beautiful, majestic girl, full-blooded, ruddy, in an embroidered sundress, with a long and thick braid into which multi-colored ribbons are woven... A fairy-tale girl. My Russia is a cow with huge eyes, funny horns and always chewing something, oh, what sweet milk she gives!

But my Russia is also a poor, huge, suffering country, mercilessly torn to pieces by greedy, dishonest, unbelieving people. My Russia is a large artery from which a few “chosen” people steal its wealth. My Russia is a beggar. My Russia cannot help the elderly and orphans. Engineers, doctors, teachers are fleeing from it, bleeding like a sinking ship, because they have nothing to live on.

My Russia is an endless Caucasian war. These embittered fraternal peoples who previously spoke the same language, which is now prohibited from being taught in schools. My Russia is the winner who overthrew fascism, buying victory at the expense of the lives of millions of people. Tell me how and why nationalism flourishes in this country?

My dear, poor Russia. And you still live, breathe, you gave the world your beautiful and talented children - Yesenin, Pushkin, Plisetskaya. The list could be continued for several pages, each of these people is gold, a gift, a miracle. I am happy to be your citizen, Russia! Despite all the tears, sorrows, wars, invasions, regardless of who rules Russia, I am still proud to be born in this great and beautiful country, which has given so much to the world. I am proud of my Motherland for mercy, for heroism, for courage, for hard work, for the legacy it leaves in the world, for people who can live for others. I believe that every person living in Russia should be like this. Only we ourselves can improve the situation. When we seriously start taking care of our country, it will bloom and shine».

And here is a sad and humorous poem by one of the Russian bloggers who appear on the Internet under the nickname “V” Asiliy Alekseevich" Do not rush, dear listeners, to condemn him for unpatriotism. Maybe it would be better to think about the content of this essay?
Where does the Motherland begin? From the spit that was launched among the people,
With Chechens dancing Lezginka at the Borovitsky Gate.
Or maybe it starts with Beslan and the subway bombings,
And the fact that EdRo won the elections ahead of schedule again.
Where does the Motherland begin? From capitals fattening with life,
And from the well-fed smiles that we see on the faces of all the top officials.
Or maybe it starts with a salary of seven thousand rubles?
Because there is no money in the budget for nurseries and teachers.
Where does the Motherland begin? From the piano in the Ice Palace,
Flashing lights disperse people in Moscow on the Garden Ring.
Or maybe it starts from the pipe that pumps our gas?
From Skolkovo to the Olympics, which will make us “strong”.
Where does the Motherland begin? From the police and the FSB,
And hordes of migrants who in Russian are neither “Me” nor “Be”.
Or maybe it starts with the concept of “not caught, not a thief”
Where is the underground infrastructure protected by the Prosecutor General himself?
Where does the Motherland begin? From the picture in your primer...
It's time to plunge into reality, because the century is no longer the same.
Or maybe it starts with kickbacks of budget money?
From the funds that are now in billions in offshore deposits.
Where does the Motherland begin? From debauchery and other pleasures,
Since kindness and decency now only cause laughter.
Or maybe it starts with the song that our mother sang to us...?
Think again when you vote.

And finally, I will quote an excerpt from a letter from a modern Russian writer, the son of a Soviet submarine officer Mikhail Shishkin. In response to his invitation to represent Russia at the International Book Fair, he wrote:

In one of his poems dedicated to the Russian poet Sergei Yesenin, who was accused of non-partyism (remember, there was such a work by Lenin about the party organization and party literature?), Evgeniy Yevtushenko said: " He was a party member of so many scoundrels who tried to teach him to belong to the party.”

So, in relation to today’s topic, the same can be said about the patriotism of those whom the current feudal lords and bourgeois accuse of slandering the state system. Although they stigmatize the vices of our society, they love their people and take all their troubles and sufferings to heart, while their feelings are much more sincere than those of many false patriots and scoundrels who have made patriotism their cover and safe refuge.

III . Patriotism in a capitalist form of life people and in the absence of real social and legal systems of government.

Along with my advocacy, I have been teaching at one of the Moscow universities for many years. And I don’t experience a lack of communication with modern youth. I see what the students’ attitude is towards their Motherland, towards Russia. I have a firm belief that 30% or even more want to “leave” the country after graduating from university or later, as soon as an opportunity presents itself.

More than 50% do not believe in the happy future of the country and will not defend it from the enemy for any price, because the enemy has already occupied everything here a long time ago, appropriated people’s property and continues to mercilessly rob its people, pumping out the country’s resources and transporting them to West, offshore, to America. There are few people willing to defend the interests of the Abramovichs, Deripaskas, Potanins, Lisins, Malkins, Usmanovs and other millionaires and capitalist ministers.

5-7% are wary and, fearing provocations, answer the questions posed evasively, vaguely, vaguely, clearly playing “under the hood.” There is a type of opportunistic people called “chameleons”. However, even here it is unlikely that such tactics testify to their patriotism and love for the Motherland.

Well, a little more than 10% are the children of officials and businessmen, who, like their parents, have long since decided on their attitude towards Russia: to suck everything out of it as long as the current situation, laws and power allow. They need a Russia like today. As long as it gives something (oil, gas, metals, administrative resources), they will invest in everything that is of personal benefit to them. Even now they come to school in cool cars, dressed in haute couture, and spend considerable sums in elite clubs in the evenings and nights.

They will leave the country only when there is nothing left of it - not a penny, not a brick. These are the modern elite, future deputies, leaders political parties, heads of administrations, governors, presidents, heads of branches and capital managers, various kinds of managers and bosses. Some already today lead pro-Kremlin youth groups, gather under their banner the so-called “patriotic forces” from young people duped by liberal propaganda, and in general, make a political career or are learning to make one.

The given figures give reason to think about the cost of market reforms in the economy and liberal reforms in politics. After all, their final price is this: the market system, together with its Russian ideologists, guides, bearers and successors, has become an inhuman mechanism, without conscience and freed from any moral norms. Exactly like the authors of the bible of liberal economics, K. McConnell and S. Brew.

For the countries of Europe and America, which developed in other socio-cultural and economic spaces, this system may be acceptable. But for Russia, this is a slow death, this is a crushing blow to the systemic foundations of psychology, mentality, soul and physical health of the Russian people, who have retained in their nature completely different spiritual and moral values, different from those named by the liberals. The statistics above also indicate that the Russian people, in the words of the outstanding modern thinker Igor Froyanov, did not accept capitalism, moreover, they decisively rejected it, which is what the current apologists of the capitalist system do not want to understand.

What else do these statistics indicate, especially the first numbers? It turns out that Karl Marx was right when he said that workers have no fatherland. You cannot deprive them of what they do not have (See K. Marx, F. Engels. “Manifesto of the Communist Party” (1848), Chapter 2 “Proletarians and Communists”).

Let us follow the youth and ask the question: what is it, the Fatherland, if plants, factories, mineral resources, land, forests, waters, cities and villages now belong to specific owners, that is, the bourgeoisie, feudal lords - state and municipal employees, and the bulk of the working people, ordinary people, are excommunicated from their land and everything that is on it?
It is enough to look at least at the open declarations of the current rulers about the number of land plots, apartments, funds in bank accounts, commercial structures, etc., to be convinced that all of Russia has already been stolen, divided, distributed. How many do we not know about? How much is still hidden from view, how much is registered on the children? After all, data on the property of adult children of officials is not subject to registration and publication. They publish declarations that concern only fathers and mothers.

Yes, formally government officials cannot engage in business or have accounts in foreign banks. Although to this day this is still allowed, since the prohibiting law has not yet been adopted in the Duma. But even if it is adopted, it will not change anything in the concept of capitalism in our country. After all, earlier passed laws officials were allowed everything in the world, and

The spiritual and moral principle in a person determines his thoughts, words, actions, determines his choice. Patriotism in its own sense is a MORAL CATEGORY. The ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of one’s neighbors is not born outside of moral choice.

The treasury of Russia's moral values ​​is found in the experience and traditions preserved and lived, first of all, in the Church. Attempts to focus on Western principles and models of life have revealed the impossibility of effective state building without the adoption of traditional, time-tested foundations.

So, the spiritual component should be recognized as paramount in the educational process. Training of physical abilities and skills, acquisition of basic military knowledge, knowledge of military history, of course, should be encouraged by us. But the main role in this is played by military and sports specialists, and not by the clergy and the general public. Our role is to form the spirit of the defender of the Fatherland. And one has to defend the Fatherland not only on the battlefield. In history, the interests of the Fatherland have repeatedly had to be defended in difficult confrontations in the diplomatic, socio-political, economic, scientific and technical, and many other spheres. The feats accomplished in this case were always based on the spirit of the defender of the Faith and the Fatherland. This is even more evident in the present time, when completely new ways and methods of influencing entire nations have emerged. And only the spiritual component will allow our people to navigate the processes taking place around them.
That is why today the most vehement and significant anti-patriotic and anti-Russian project is the activity of Russia’s enemies to belittle, conceal and eradicate from the people’s consciousness the true historical role Russian Orthodox Church in heroic story our Motherland.

The Church gave birth, inspired, blessed and made possible: state building itself - the gathering of Russian lands, the formation of a nation - a single and unique people, overcoming slavery and external threats, countless victories over invaders from the West and East, the creation of the highest culture on a global scale. The Orthodox Church was formed around Russian education, which we were proud of until recently. The best military leaders relied on the moral authority of the Church and the examples of its saints. A strong, healthy and happy family was created based on examples of Christian piety. To interrupt this connection, to undermine this foundation, means committing a crime against the Russian people.
We often remain bashfully silent about this role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the formation and life of the people. And with this silence we pour grist into the mill of our enemies.

Today, among military-patriotic organizations, a significant share is represented by clubs and groups operating at churches or Sunday schools. There are also those who are based on an absolutely secular basis, but rely on the support and spiritual help of priests who are not indifferent to the problems and spiritual state of the people living around them, to the moral environment in which their parish is located, in which everyone who happens to be nearby will have to live. .

We need to call on these good shepherds, of whom there are many throughout our land, to more active prayerful, spiritual and other feasible support for public organizations and public initiatives aimed at the benefit of Russia.

The activities of many associations that carry out the patriotic education of youth already rely on the help of the clergy. This is evidenced by their leaders, instructors and participants, who consider priests to be the helmsmen, the confessors of their organizations. But this is not enough - more and more active lay people must be involved in the defense of the spiritual values ​​that the Lord has entrusted to us.
Time reminds us of the need for an active position of Russian citizens on issues of self-identification, preservation of continuity and national identity. This requirement of the time is especially aggravated in light of the latest youth clashes, which also have a national background. Only respect for their national roots will allow the majority in Russia to maintain firmness and national dignity, and the minority to respect the people who gave them freedom, peace and prosperity.

I must add that each of us, clergy, needs to overcome lukewarmness and formalism in relation to youth work and, above all, in the matter of patriotic education, spiritual nourishment of clubs and organizations. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill has repeatedly made appeals about the need to meet young people halfway, to actively preach, to use modern forms and methods of working with the younger generation. However, for many this remains only a call. Often parishes treat such activities formally, hold events only for reporting purposes, and prefer to engage only with those who have already come to the Church and are firmly on their feet.

If we all do not participate with heartfelt passion in this most important work, then sects, atheists, bearers of mass culture and other forces will work in this field, contributing to the destruction of society.

All sensible people already see the danger standing at the threshold of our Earth - the danger of complete, comprehensive destruction, a multifaceted and undeniable danger. Specialists of the highest level in the most different areas(economics, sociology, politics, history, culture, military affairs, etc.) are shocked by how rapid and fatal the negative changes in the life of the country turned out to be, for how long short term The country's key life systems were destroyed. And there is no other answer to the question about the reasons for what happened, except one: the spiritual and moral foundation of the entire building has been undermined.

Restoring this foundation in its time-tested configuration, designing a revived reality based on this solid stone - this activity should run like a red thread throughout all service to the cause of patriotic education of the younger generation.

The key platform for the battle between good and evil is no longer the sphere of territorial claims, not the struggle for Natural resources, and the area is meaningful, the area of ​​spiritual choice. Today our enemies are delivering the main blow to the foundations of our faith, to our right to spiritual sovereignty, to our roots.

Historical myths are formed against the truth about our past, alien ideological paradigms are being introduced that undermine our will and consciousness. Instead of traditional foundations, a variety of models are proposed - the Islamization of Russia, subordination to new global pseudo-values, complete de-ideologization, a path into emptiness, a dead end, a path to self-destruction is proposed.

One of the joyful events of the past year was the painting of the icon of the Patron Saints of the Russian Army. The initiators were: the Center “National Treasure”, the association of organizations for the patriotic education of youth “Eastern Front”, a number of military-patriotic clubs and public organizations. The image was consecrated on August 19, on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, in the center of Orthodox spirituality of our Fatherland - the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, at the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh, who blessed Russian soldiers more than six centuries ago before the Battle of Kulikovo.
Now the Image will visit many military units in Russia and dozens of military-patriotic and military-historical associations. It is kept alternately in the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in Sokolniki and in Novomoskovsk, Tula region. The icon includes the faces of more than forty saints, revered as patrons of the pious Orthodox army and military service in our Fatherland.
By turning to the support of the Church or calling on the help of saints, we do not try to shift our responsibility for the future of Russia to someone else, we accept the thousand-year experience of the meaningful, purposeful life of the people, we come to the conviction that we have a lot to do to change ourselves and the world for the better around you.

Let us, imitating the ascetics of the past, demonstrate true conciliarity - that form of unity that has repeatedly led Russia to victory over the most terrible external and internal enemies, to a new flourishing, to overcoming all crises and threats. Conciliarity is the opposite of selfishness, chaos and fragmentation of the people.

In our history, conciliar unity has always emerged or strengthened in the face of grave threats - Tatar-Mongol yoke or times of troubles, wars or devastation. The Church has always acted as a unifying force, filling the public will with moral fullness and higher content, allowing one to overcome divisions, fear and indecision.

Obviously, today there are conditions for the revival of conciliarity - these are geopolitical threats, this is the merciless information war waged against Russia, these are the consequences of decades of official atheism, and then permissiveness.

Hegumen John (Ermakov),
head of the Center for Spiritual
moral, civil
and patriotic education
youth “National Treasure”,
rector of the Patriarchal Metochion
Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in Sokolniki