Class hour for the evening of the alumni meeting. Against the background of patriotic music “Let the fires fly…”. Game “To the smart the sea is up to the knee, to the smart the school is up to the shoulder”



1. Exit of the presenters. Fanfare sounds


The river of time carries you!
It's no secret to anyone here
What's from the last call
Many years have already passed!


Now everyone has their own worries,
Your own business, your own way of life.
Maybe you love your job
And there is no time to rest...

It’s a pity very rarely, - having thrown off the burden
Do you understand "It's time"
Get together, remember the time
With the title “School Time!”

And remember how you all were friends
We fell in love, sometimes quarreled,
How we never lived a day without each other,
We stood up for our friends!

1 - Good evening!
2 - What does it mean?
1 - So the day was off to a good start.
2 - So, the day was lived well.
1 - He will multiply happy days.
2 - He brought us happy news.
1 - Gave us smiles and songs.
2 - We are meeting friends today
1 - We are starting the evening meeting for you!

But before the holiday, friends, we will begin,
Now we will conduct a roll call here.
Be careful, shout loudly,
Don't miss your graduation year!

(The presenters begin the roll call of graduates with last year graduation, while celebrating the anniversary years of graduates)


1985 –

1990 –

1995 –

2000 –

2005 –

Let's greet each other with applause

.First grader

What's going on at our school?!
I can't figure it out!
They say that today they are visiting
Uncles and aunts will come to us.
Their names are so strange
However, sooner or later
I will understand something too.
Here you are, uncle, tell me,
And don’t bend your heart.
Why are you going to school?
What do you expect from this meeting?

Passes the microphone to a graduate in the hall. He answers.

First grader

Give the microphone to that aunt.
You are at school, not at work.
You are direct to my question
Keep your answer simple.
Why are you going to school?
What do you expect from this meeting?

Alumna's response.

I liked the answers
I'll say hello now.
I will grow urgently
To come to school big.

Song “School album, family album)

AT 2 . Some a year, some 2, some 10 years ago,
Having walked his way, he left these walls.
And here the bells are still ringing,
Lessons are going on, changes are rushing.

IN 1. And you came to meet your youth,
To a place where they remember, love and know you.
You have made good friends here,
And, leafing through thick textbooks,

AT 2. You explored the world, learned to live,
Work, relax and have fun:
And we tried to keep it in our hearts
A particle of kindness, warmth and tenderness.

The song "What is school?" (to the music “What is Autumn”)

What is school? This is childhood.
A rosy childhood behind me.
Let us not forget the time where we were always together
Close to home and teachers.


School, school

School bell

School, school

First lesson.

School, how we love you

School is our family...

What is school? This is youth.
First dreams, hopes, tears...
You stood proudly at the threshold of adulthood.
Thinking that everything will be serious.

What is school? This is friendship.
The friendship that bound you forever.
Even though you ran away, you remained friends -
Well, this is not enough in life...


The day of meeting with youth and childhood.

What could be more touching?!

Let me come here, to this place,

We should invite the director now.

Ved.2 The floor is given to the school director Svetlana Anatolyevna Antonova

Student playing the role of director: Wait, wait, Svetlana Anatolyevna, now the floor has been given to me. I am glad to welcome you all to this hall, the place where we have already demonstrated finished products. And our school produces high-quality products. There is everyone here: there are no astronauts, there are no Nobel laureates, there are no ministers - in general, we have no sponsors.
But I have connections thanks to my graduates: the district school has colleagues, its own head of the village administration, the district hospital has its own doctor, and the district hospital has its own, the regional hospital has its own, even has its own prosecutor. Graduates always give up their seats on the bus... to seats for the disabled. I am glad for each of your finally departed issues, because with each departure I become exactly a year younger. Today, it seems, there are no favorites of mine.

Tanya: When it seems that you need to be baptized!

Alyona: No, I don’t understand - is this a school?

Tanya: Which school? That one, his branch, is called DK - Dmitry Krylov. Just kidding, just kidding - House of Culture. The school is under renovation. It was my grandson who told me that the whole class wanted to go to the dining room through the assembly hall - so the forgery could not stand it.

Alyona: And what kind of Forgery? I don’t remember this one... What subject did you teach?

Tanya: Oh, bad woman, then gender is in Russian.

Alyona: What gender is it - male or female?

Tanya: And what kind of bed they made - that’s how it is.

Alyona: What, already there? Is it time for dinner already?

Tanya: I remember, you used to bring a piece of lard with you, cut it into 3... grades, smell it and wrap it in newspaper again, leave it for tomorrow.

Alyona: School today is not what it used to be: computers, the Internet, CD-ROMs, pagers, computers in the 1st grade.

Tanya: But in our time, there weren’t enough fingers and toes, so you brought counting sticks with you to class - that’s what mathematics is all about. Maybe they studied before!.. Using the same spur they managed to pass both physics and history!... From one leading question, such theories were developed, such theorems were proved!.. What is Ferm saying? A ... Pythagoras jumped out of his rectangular pants!

Alyona: What are they wearing now? Are skirts really a disgrace? It’s a shame to walk up the stairs in one of these.

Tanya: And also geography, remember? It used to be that in geography you would point to a “boot” on the map... It’s clear to you that this is a shoe: the sock is a cube, the boot is a working street, and the holey heel is a school. What's unclear here? And the teacher has his own: Italy, they say, this is.

Alyona: What geography! You won't remember being drunk! Well, when did we sing to “plywood”? Let's just live. Yes, everyone wanted to be a soloist. Where is Vitas from us? They specially taught us lessons outside so that the whitewash from the ceiling would not fall off and the windows would not burst.

(director speaks)


The school years have flown by,

You have not been schoolchildren for a long time,

But you will never forget school -

Childhood memories are here for all years.


You have left the walls of our school, but the teachers remember you all. And now we would like to see how well you remember school, the subjects that you studied here.


Now we will conduct several lessons and test your knowledge in various subjects. It is allowed to shout out answers from your seat, but only by raising your hand:

"Geography lesson"

1) A continent with no rivers. (Antarctica)

2) Between what two identical letters can you put a small horse and get the name of the country? (Japan)

3) Which month has 28 days? (In any)

4) K north pole walked…
Kim Il Sung

"Music lesson"

1) What notes do sailors use to measure distance? (Mi-la-mi)

2) Which one great composer, being deaf, performed his works? (Beethoven)

3) What two notes grow in the garden? (Beans)

4) Which of the great composers performed in concerts at the age of preschoolers? (Mozart)

"Biology Lesson"

1) What bird breeds chicks in severe frosts? (Crossbill)

2) Birds whose wings are covered with scales. (Penguins)

3) Viut Lee migratory birds nests in the south? (No)

4) Where is it better for a hare to run - uphill or downhill? (Uphill)

5) Which elephant does not have a trunk? (At the chess room)

"Chemistry lesson"

1) Substances that consist of two elements, one of which is oxygen, this is -

2) My boots let me through... (H 2 O)

3) And the sun shines brighter

And the landscape is more joyful

When there is splashing in the stomach... (C 2 H 5 OH)

Ved.2 Our graduates are great, it’s not in vain that the teachers worked. We give a small prize to the best “students”. And for everyone else, please accept the following musical number as a gift.

Song to the tune of “Winged Swings”

Today there are 2 graduate teachers working in our school.

We invite them to the stage and welcome them,
forever young, forever young.
These are the ones who don't know
What is last call
These are the ones for whom happy graduation
School years are not over
Forever young
they rush to class with us every day
Those who graduated from school.
But school was not over for them.

Presenter 2. The combined ensemble of teachers performs the tragic - lyrical song– confession “Am I guilty.” Performed for the first time

Am I to blame, am I to blame
Am I to blame for loving?
Am I to blame for my hand shaking?
When did you give him a bad grade?

Is it her fault that her hand trembled,
When did you give him a bad grade?

Brought, harrassed, brought, harrassed,
I never learned anything.
But I believed everything, took guarantees,
Because she loved him.

And you believed everything, took bail,
Because she loved him.

Oh, you are my director, oh, you are my director,
Let me go to rest.

With him, life is good, the soul is cheerful,
At least there’s not a sliver of it in the notebooks.

Blame for everything, blame all around,
You still want to justify yourself.
So why, why, did you “stake” him?

Oh, why, why, did you slap him with a stake?
Or I could give it a “five”.


You all graduated from school in different years, but once you were a friendly class, let's remember that time.

On this day the words of the poet come to mind:

On anxious days, on deaf days
We all feel the cruelest
Not nostalgia for the past -
Nostalgia for the present...

Presenter 2. Real love...

Presenter 1. Real friendship...

Presenter 2. True loyalty...

Presenter 1. Real kindness...

Presenter 2. For many of us, it's all about school.

Presenter 1. After all, in every person’s life there was always a lesson in which the teacher managed to ignite in his soul a small spark of love, kindness, hope...

Presenter 2. School! School! What is school!”? How does it begin and how does it end?

(Primary, secondary and high school)

1. Clear day. September. Daisies.
Bow. Braids. First graders.
Two by two. Primer. Five.
First class cleaning.

2. Pharaohs. Globe. Map.
Painted desk.
Alkali. Pythagoras. Acids.
Lev Tolstoy. Straits. Notes.
Friend, preparing for a test
And in the gym - training.

3. Dancing. Festival. Guitar.
Kiss. For a quarter a couple.
Both the Unified State Exam and the Farewell Ball.
Joy mixed with sadness.
Certificate. Flowers in the window.
Why am I so sad?

Presenter 1. School in our memory is bright classrooms,
Presenter 2. School is a blackboard covered with chalk
Presenter 1. Strict teachers
Presenter 2. A diary lost somewhere
Presenter 1. Parent notations,
Presenter 2. First love...
Presenter 1. How cool the school bell rang last lesson! Hooray! Books flew in and out of the briefcase like birds!

Presenter 2. It’s not without reason that they say that you only truly appreciate something when you lose it. And now we will give the floor to school graduates. You probably also want to say something to teachers and future graduates.

Ved.2 We invite representatives of the very first and the latest school graduations, 5 people each, to the stage to conduct music competition


You will have to sing to us in chorus in 3 minutes a song about school. Let's see which class has not forgotten how to complete tasks in a friendly and united manner. (Give out song lyrics to teams).


In the meantime, our teams are preparing for the competition, we invite you to take a little break. In preparation for meeting with you, we looked into the archive and discovered interesting excerpts from essays and answers on various subjects written by graduates different years. We will now quote some of them:

    Birds must be protected - they are our four-legged friends.

    Taras Bulba was a free Cossack because he did not work anywhere.

    His boots were up to their ears in mud.

    A sandwich and other school supplies were visible from Vovin’s briefcase.

    Having fallen asleep while sitting on a horse, Sergei merrily sang a song.

    His brother worked as a nurse.


So, our teams are ready. And now we will evaluate which of the issues was better prepared for this competition.

(teams sing songs, both teams are evaluated, souvenirs are awarded)

The first team sings a song(Gurchenko “Smile”):

"Song about a good mood"
If you frown and leave the house,
If you are not happy about the coming day,
Better forget all your troubles
And smile wider to everyone, everyone - who is not too lazy.

Cast away all doubts
Smile at everyone around you.
AND good mood
It will come to you as best friend.

If you are greeted on the threshold of school
Gloomy director, head teacher, teacher,
You will share your smile with them,
Gloomy teachers shouldn't go to class

And a smile, without a doubt
Suddenly he touches kind eyes
And good mood
Will not leave you again

The second team sings (Pugacheva “It will happen again”)

They loaded us, and here they are:
The left eye sees poorly, heads are spinning,
I haven’t been anywhere, I haven’t breathed ozone,
But we got acquainted with the synchrophasotron.

Oh, how difficult it was

Oh, how difficult it was

Oh, how difficult it was

Oh oh oh…

They taught us to write great essays,
We even overtook Tolstoy, Lev and Lenin.
We went to bed only in the morning,
We had nightmares, I thought I would die in my sleep,
This is how we learned...

Oh, how difficult it was

Oh, how difficult it was

Oh, how difficult it was

Oh oh oh…

Ved. 2:
Well done! It is clear that you have developed creative abilities and know how to work in a team.

Ved 1:
For the next competition, we ask four representatives of the anniversary edition of the year to come up on stage. Let's conduct a short survey on school theme:

1. A place that people don’t like to go out to. (board)
2. Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button)
Z. Flat globe. (Map)
4. Main exercise in mathematics. (Task)
5. Dating club for parents and teachers. (Meeting)
b. Album for parents' autographs. (diary)
7. From two to five. (Ratings)
8. Table with two options. (Desk)
9. Signal for the beginning and end of torment. (Call)
10. School-wide president. (director)


Let's applaud the graduates of the year! They coped with the task, which means they have not yet forgotten their school days

Ved. 1:
Anniversary issue of the year! We ask several representatives of your edition to come up to the stage.

- Many adults believe that children out-of-the-box thinking. Of course, you are far from children. Now we will hold an erudition competition. Guess which ones famous fairy tales in question:

1. The Tale of farming for growing vegetables (Turnip)
2. On the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (The Three Little Pigs)
3. About overcrowding of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (Teremok)
4. About the difficult path of a bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)
5. The tale of how a psychic gave the president a radar device (golden cockerel)
6. About the first victim of a bad investment (Pinocchio)
7. About how love turns a beast into a man (The Scarlet Flower)
8. About a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage three times, but then
I finally found my prince (Thumbelina)

7 people : turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse - give words to the heroes

Grandfather planted a turnip,
I watered it with fertilizers,
The sun began to get hot,
Turnip began to grow up.

So she grew up;
And she said: “Both - on!”
Grandfather took the bit
And I thought: “Wow!”

Grandpa called Grandma here,
The grandmother shouted: “Insolent!”
Turnip again: “Both are on!”
Grandfather replied: “Wow!”

He grabbed the turnip tightly,
He pulled as hard as he could.

But without my grandmother I made a mistake.
She replied: “Insolent!”

I tried, but I couldn’t,
Immediately she called her granddaughter.
She is smart beyond her years:
“I didn’t hire you!”
Turnip is shocked: “Both of them!”
Grandfather too: “Wow!”
Everyone slept with the grandmother,
She barely said: “Insolent!”
The granddaughter doesn’t care about dramas:
“I didn’t hire you!”
They pull - You can’t see the turnips -
They need to call Zhuchka.
The bug is happy to help them -
He answers: “I wouldn’t mind.”
But again it didn’t work out.
This is where the Cat came in handy.
“No problem,” she said
And it became the end of the chain.
No result to be seen
You need to call the mouse.
The mouse had a simple answer:
“Dudes, there is no market!”
Turnip moans: “Both of them!”
Grandfather in ecstasy: “Wow!”
Almost hit grandma in the eye
She, naturally: “Nasty!”
Super - replica for the ladies:
“I didn’t hire you!”
The poor bug can't bear it anymore,
But through clenched teeth: “I’m not averse.”
The cat says: “No problem,”
He doesn't risk anything.
The mouse pressed a little
And, pleased, she said:
“Dudes, there is no market!” -
Here's Turnip for lunch!

Ved. 1

A round of applause for the release of the year!


Dear graduates, now we invite you all to play the game together.

We will ask you questions, and those who believe that this phrase applies to them should shout loudly: “ It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

1.Who does not change his roots
glorifies the native village,
Praise, honor and honor to you
Who settled here?

2. Let's say hello for now,
those who are here from afar,
Who are our birds?
From near and far abroad?

3. (To teachers) Well, who is sitting now?
And admires us:
On their graduates
without taking your kind eyes off?

4. Who built himself a house,
celebrated a housewarming party in the house
and now he lives in it,
survived this fun?

5. There is nothing more beautiful in this world
live in your own apartment
Who is the owner?
Who's the lucky one? Who's the hero?

6. You are experienced parents,
Someone with more, to put it bluntly?
Who became mom and dad a little early,
Whose children are older than 5 years old?

7. Let's continue about children,
heroic families
Who, who knows,
The large family?

8. Who is still single,
Who holds his own tail with a pipe?
to whom I wish happiness,
To start a family faster?

9.Live and learn
who has a life like this?
Are there any students among you?
Who is it, stand up now?

10.Who is on the site, on a well-known one
Adorable classmates
Still trying to find it?
Who hangs up on the network?

11.Who, despite the burden of life,
I found the opportunity, the means, the time,
And today I’m very happy
Take back many years?

Ved.1 Let's conduct a short survey among the guests.

– your age according to your passport
- according to my own feelings
- according to others
- for health
Family status
– do you have own car, dacha, devoted friend– a dog, a Japanese player, false eyelashes, a wig, false teeth?
– Is there still gunpowder in the flasks?
– Where do you plan to spend it?
– Do you have bad habits of smoking, exercising, arguing with your boss, coming to school on time, passing the exam right away and without any problems?
– Do you greet your classmates?
– Have you lost your sense of humor?
– Achievements that your graduation could boast of?
– What is your most vivid memory from your school life?
– Have the dreams of your youth come true?

Ved 1:

We learned so many interesting things about our graduates.

Ved. 1:
Today we all remembered the games of our childhood and tried to return a little to this golden age life. Our program is coming to an end, but it will be incomplete if we do not remember one more game called “Peeping Talkers”.


Have you ever heard of this game? Its conditions are very simple: you can look at your classmates and talk to your teachers as much as you like.

Ved 1:
The evening of the meeting does not end there.
It continues in your former classes!
Ved 2:
Good teachers are waiting for you there
And old school friends.

Presenters together:
And we say goodbye to all of you:
"See you again, friends,
And goodbye!"

School doesn't say goodbye to you.

Is it possible to forget all this?

Chorus: Through the years, through the distances
On any road, to the side of any
You won't say goodbye to school
School doesn't say goodbye to you.

Song to the tune of “the song doesn’t say goodbye to you”

Again, again we all came to our school,
Here we are gathered again.
On this winter and very cheerful evening
My friends and I came to meet.

Chorus: Through the years, through the distances
On any road, to the side of any
You won't say goodbye to school
School doesn't say goodbye to you.

There were so many different adventures at school,
How much they managed to survive in it...
People remember this, without exception,
Is it possible to forget all this?

Chorus: Through the years, through the distances
On any road, to the side of any
You won't say goodbye to school
School doesn't say goodbye to you.

Competition "Traditional warm-up"

In what year was the new school building built?
- How many classrooms are there in our school?
- What is school happiness? (For example, when I lost my briefcase with a diary, where there are a lot of twos; other original answers are allowed.);
- Which actor was the first to play the role of an auditor in Nikolai Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General”? (There is no such role.);
- What can you cook, but cannot eat? (Lessons.);
- In which popular work The hero was assassinated three times, and only on the fourth did he die? (Kolobok.)

Competition "Memory Test"

Which song or poem begins with the following? question words(options are possible)?
- Where? (“...childhood is leaving”)
- Who? (“...invented you”)
- Where? (“...wood firewood”)
- Where? ("…It was")
- When? (“…let’s leave the school yard”)
- What? (“ look greedily at the road”)

Competition “Integrated Literature and Foreign Language Lesson”

The presenter reads the Russian translation of foreign proverbs, and the participants must name a Russian proverb that is similar in meaning.

Vietnamese: “A leisurely elephant reaches its goal faster than a frisky stallion.” ("The quieter you go, the further you'll get".)
Finnish: “He who asks will not get lost.” (“Language will take you to Kyiv.”)
Indonesian: “The squirrel jumps very briskly, and sometimes breaks down.” (“The horse has four legs, and he stumbles.”)
English: “A lady leaving a car thereby increases its speed.” (“A woman with a cart makes it easier for a mare.”)

1. Competitions for meeting classmates “Let’s remember mathematics.”

We ask classmates to name any numbers that come to their mind. Then we enter them in a row into the free spaces of the printed blank. And we get some funny statistics different sides our former school life, which we read to our classmates.

Collective portrait classmate.

According to our statistical office, prom:

The total amount of cosmetics applied to our girls’ faces was…. (kg.).

The amount of cologne poured on oneself (and sometimes drunk) by boys... (liters).

The weight of the girls' school bags was... (kg.), whereas for boys... (gram).

The speed of movement of thought along the convolutions of the brain was approaching a record permissible... (mm/hour)

The height of raising a hand when asked by a teacher for girls... (cm.), in boys (mm.).

But the speed of movement to the school cafeteria for boys was... (km/sec), and for girls... (m/min).

Total number hours spent together......

The number of warm words that I want to say.....

The friction force of the palms during handshakes and applause in honor of the meeting reaches... (newton).

Digital poems.

Presenter: " As they say, “Pushkin, this is our everything,” and now, when all the achievements of culture, one way or another, are digitized. Let’s try to set his brilliant lines to the music of numbers.”

Conditions of the game: divide classmates into teams and for each expressively read a digital version of Pushkin’s lines (one example from the lyrics and one from the fairy tales). They have to guess which lines they are talking about.

(I remember wonderful moment

You appeared before me

Like a fleeting vision

Like a genius pure beauty)

1, 16, 7, 3 ,2..

(The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
Then, like a beast, she will howl,
He'll cry like a child)

(Three maidens by the window
We spun late in the evening.
“If only I were a queen,”
One girl says: -)

(An old man lived with his old woman

By the bluest sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly thirty years and three years).

2. An outdoor game for the evening meeting "Let's remember the Russian language."

To remember the Russian language a little, and at the same time give your guests a good workout, you can conduct a wonderful outdoor exercise game for classmates .

Rebuilding. "Classmates"

Props: two sets of letters that appear in a word Classmates.

The essence of the game: The organizer divides the guests into two teams of 11 people, each of them receives one of the letters. Then the presenter asks a riddle, and the teams must line up with letters in their hands so that they can read the answer to it. Game of speed, which team is ahead. If there are few guests, then this game can be played just for fun (without competition).

1. We have dreamed about this for many years,
And for so many years this has been imagined,
We have a large-scale event:
A friendly and beloved CLASS has gathered.

2. And two decades is a long time,
And we often missed each other.
And then the hearts beat in unison,
And here we are together, as if it were a DREAM.

3. Remember how good it was
But time flew by quickly, everything passed,
We were together, we were at one.
They ran to the KINO to the Kolos cinema.

4. Lessons, theorems, Komsomol,
Shooting range, skiing, physical education, basketball.
Sitting for 45 minutes is boring.
And the unwashed...BOARD is waiting for you

5. And first love cannot be forgotten,
At times I even wanted to howl.
And nothing came to mind:
I sat, dreamed, was sad, looked out the WINDOW

6. Let there not be then what is now,
And we didn’t know what sausage was.
Let us not eat Snickers, Mars and Twix,
But they tried to find ICS in the equations.

7. And now everyone has their own life
Work, home and new friends.
But the start was a general, collective takeoff.
And they whispered a code of good luck to everyone.

8. And we all had to solve it,
Let there be no losses, no problems.
Let those who have money, those who are rich in soul,
But each of them found a priceless TREASURE.

9. And looking at each other, we are glad,
Not everyone is here today, alas,
But we are participants in a grandiose meeting.
Hurray, everyone! Dear CLASSMATES!

3. Musical entertainment"Let's remember the music."

Guess and sing. Take the verses of your favorite songs from those years, print them out in large letters, and cut the text into words. Each team member (half the table) is given a word, they must guess what the song is, putting their words into lines, and sing it.

"Magic bell" The game follows the rules of the musical hat that is well known to many, but if you add a nostalgic note to it and select funny cuts from songs, and even specially distribute in advance who exactly what to include, so that it is more accurate and funnier, you will get very funny entertainment.

Props: bell and clips from different songs, computer or stereo system

The summary for the presenter is something like this: “Dear classmates, we have not seen each other for many years, and although now many of us behave as in previous years, in fact, we have changed a lot. I suggest checking how much! Now, with the help of this “school bell”, which, as we know, is completely objective and impartial, we will find out how each of us will behave... for example, after drinking 15 glasses " (He approaches the man, rings a “magic” bell over him, and the DJ or one of his classmates plays a cut from a song, for example, “I’m dancing drunk on the table...” or for a woman - “I’ll build a harem out of...”).

(Ready option musical arrangement this game can be downloaded for free from this link ).

4. Artistic competition "Let's remember theater Club"

Game for the meeting - Fairy Tale. For this instant performance, costumes and words are not required, the main thing is a good mood and the desire to have fun yourself and please the audience - your classmates. One reads the text, and four “artists” simply play out what they heard.
Characters: Grandfather, Woman, Horse, Bull, Goat


“Once upon a time there lived Grandfather and Baba. They had no children, but they had a household: a playful Horse, a mighty Bull, and a playful Goat. Every morning, Grandfather and Grandmother went out into the open field to catch their favorite cattle and stretch their old bones. Grandfather and Grandmother were doing exercises, and Horse, Bull and Goat were running nearby, nibbling grass, and playing with each other. One day, Grandfather bent over, but his back caught and he couldn’t straighten up. Grandma came up, gave him a gentle massage, and then pressed her knee into Grandfather’s back, and he straightened up. To celebrate, Grandfather hugged Grandma and began scratching behind the ears of his pets Horse and Bull. Out of pleasure, the Horse began to neigh loudly and beat its hoof, and the Bull began to spin around and moo invitingly. From these sounds, Grandma began to hiccup, and the Goat began to wink hysterically at everyone, and the Horse and the Bull tried to playfully butt. Grandma, looking at her playful Goat, also decided to remember her youth and lightly pushed Grandfather. So they frolicked, and then decided that it was time to end the fairy tale and leave: Grandmother took on Grandfather, Horse took on Baba, Goat took on Horse, and Bull took on Goat, and, dancing merrily, they went to invite everyone to dance.”

5. Dance competitions"Let's remember physics and rhythm."

Relay 1 September. If you want to arrange a truly active game, then the most the best option There will be any relay race, for greater interest it is better to give it a “school flavor”

Props: 2 backpacks or 2 briefcases, 2 bows on the headband, school supplies (all in duplicate): pencils, pens, notebooks, textbooks, any stationery.

Conditions of the game: Divide everyone into two teams (stand up like a train), place two tables or chairs at some distance, on which to place all this school paraphernalia for each team. On command, the first team members (no matter M. or J.) put on a bow, take the briefcase and quickly run to the chair, run up, take one of the items, put it in the briefcase and run back. They pass the bow and briefcase to the next one, and they themselves stand at the end of the “train”. The second one does the same, and so, which team finishes faster - all participants must run once (the number, of course, is the same)

Dance entertainment. Good music and fiery dancing always decorates any party. To meet classmates, you should prepare your favorite songs from your school youth, as well as arrange modern dance entertainment, for example, an animation (can be selected on YouTube) or re-dance.

Best suited for such a holiday - "dance show" » between the male and female half of the guests. The essence of the competition is simple: teams (male and female) stand opposite each other, the first cut from the song for girls sounds, they dance beautifully in front of their classmates, moving towards them, then turn and, also dancing beautifully, return to their place. After this, a fragment of a dance tune is played for the male half of the guests, the men show their “defile”. Who is better?!.


You need to select two or three graduates (men) from the audience, take them to another room and tell them that now the audience will ask them questions regarding their hobbies, so let them think about and agree on who and what hobby will be in mind. But the main condition of the game is not to “declassify” your hobby. So young people should not be given direct and monosyllabic answers to all the questions asked.

At this time, the assistant presenter “processes” the audience: he tells the guests that the main hobby of the guys is kissing, the guests are given pre-prepared questions, “tailored” specifically for this most enjoyable activity.

The questions should be something like this:

Who can you call your teacher in this matter?

Does it take up a lot of your time?

Do you do this often enough?

Do you need special conditions for this?

Do you make any sounds when doing this?

Do you need special training for this?

How old were you when you tried this for the first time?

Is it necessary for this special training?

What time of day is best to do this?

What clothes do you recommend for pursuing your hobby?

Hence the comic effect, because the players will begin to give answers in all seriousness about their specific hobbies, and everyone else will know that they are not asking them about anything, namely about “kissing.” Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether those in the audience guess what the players really mean, it’s just entertainment.

The ringing of the bell. Second lesson - Physical education. The presenter begins: - Why is everyone without a uniform? So now you will seriously explain why you didn’t bring these (funny pants are shown, with notes in them) sweatpants. And you will start with the words: “In my pants...”.

The game is underway.

Presenter: - Ah, now a toast, and we will say it together, every time I say the first two lines, the men present here say the third: “We must drink to this!” and immediately the ladies: “We don’t mind.” So: - Today classmates. We welcome you with joy!

The years are passing quickly. But we don't count them!
Men: - You have to drink to this!
Women: - We don’t mind!
We haven't seen each other for a long time. But we remember everyone, we know everyone!
Men: - You have to drink to this!
Women: - We don’t mind!
Many have reached heights. But don't forget the class!
Men: - You have to drink to this!
Women: - We don’t mind!
Favorite teachers. We often remember.
Men: - You have to drink to this!
Women: - We don’t mind!
For our strong friendship. Let's pour it quickly!
Men: - You have to drink to this!
Women: - We don’t mind!

Time for a short banquet break.

The bell rings again. Lesson three - Geometry. Presenter: - Don't relax, we have the next lesson. And the topic of the lesson is building pyramids. They will go to the board......(ask the teacher who is better to call, you need the two best in geometry). We give 2 applicants each an A3 sheet of paper, they must place as many of their friends on it as possible, but so as not to go over the edges.).

Toasts and congratulations:
Twenty years have passed now
From the prom
Both lucky and unlucky -
In a word, life was shaking.
Who is immersed in a career?
Someone writes books
Someone is happily in love
Who has children?
I'll raise a glass to you,
Let everything be top class!

Change again.

Presenter: - Ah, now recess is the coolest time in the school schedule. Let's make it fun. I suggest you play and dance. (dancing and fun competitions).
The bell rings. Lesson four - life safety. Presenter: - Now you will do independent work. I need four people (m and f). Sit down. Picture yourself in your favorite place. Where you feel good and can completely relax and simply answer my questions. The game Sincere Interview is being played. (A game is being played). Presenter: - Oh, now see for yourself where this wonderful place is located. It is clear that they did not skip classes and independent work did an excellent job!
The bell rings. Fifth lesson - History. Presenter: - In this lesson we will look at the most famous sculptures in Europe.
The essence of the competition: call several couples (M-F), distribute cards of world-famous sculptures, which depict two heroes: “A Russian soldier with a German girl in his arms,” etc. and to the appropriate music, each couple depicts their composition. (A competition is held).
A toast sounds: - Let's happily drink a glass to the meeting,
Let it happen again and again
For a wonderful, most beautiful evening,
What fun gives us now!
The bell rings. Sixth lesson - Literature. Presenter: - We will read a fairy tale by role. They will go to the blackboard... (if there is a literature teacher in the room, then ask him to name 15 candidates, if not, then conduct a poll about who was the best in this subject or who considers himself to be such)
Impromptu fairy tale "About Ivan Tsarevich." Characters: Tsar, Queen, Vasilisa the Beautiful, Maid Ramona, Sun, Grass, Trees - 2, Birds - 2, Stump, Stream, Koschey, Ivan Tsarevich, Horse, Saber.

The roles were distributed among the participants, for example, using a card with the names of the characters, then the presenter reads, and everyone plays out their role impromptu; if the hero has words, you can repeat them after the presenter. Presenter's text and comments:

In the Far Far Away Kingdom, the most beautiful state, they lived - there were a Tsar and a Queen, who are our Tsar and Queen? (come out). The Tsar and Tsarina loved their daughter Vasilisa the Beautiful very much (Who is Vasilisa the Beautiful? Show me how they loved their daughter!). Vasilisa had a maid Ramona (Who is Ramona's maid?). And Ramona loved Vasilisa (show how she loved her!). One day Vasilisa the Beautiful and her maid Ramona went for a walk, they walked, and the Sun was shining (who is our Sun, how does it shine?). The grass is turning green (who is the Grass and how does it turn green?). The trees are rustling (rustle, shake the branches.) The birds are singing (how do our birds sing?). And Vasilisa and her maid Ramona are walking (how are they walking?), Then in the clearing they saw Stump (who is Stump?), next to which a cheerful Brook was babbling (who is the stream and how does it scold?) Vasilisa felt that she was tired and sat down on Stump, and the Sun is shining, the Grass is turning green, the Trees are rustling, the Birds are singing. And Ramona sat down next to her, in the shade under the crown of the Trees, The trees rustled together. Then, out of nowhere, Koschey (Koshchey who?) grabbed Vasilisa the Beautiful and took her with him. The maid Ramona bursts into tears, runs to the Tsar and the Queen, falls to her knees and says: “Forgive the Tsar, father, I didn’t finish watching!” (repeats the words after the leader) The Tsar and the Queen were sad, they loved their daughter so much, the Tsar thought, thought and said: “ Whoever frees the beautiful Vasilisa will receive half a kingdom, half a tractor and half a liter!" (repeats the words after the leader) Ivan Tsarevich (who...), on his horse, heard and challenged Koshchei to a fight . Koschey flew in, and Ivan Tsarevich attacked him with his Saber (who...) Ivan Tsarevich defeated Koschey, the Tsar and the Tsarina had fun, hugged their daughter Vasilisa the Beautiful, they drank half a liter with Ivan Tsarevich, drank half the kingdom and began to ride on the tractor. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened! (a fairy tale passes).

Toast: - You graduated from school a long time ago, So you counted - twenty years...
The people are still cheerful
At least some are bald, and some are gray.
Still laughing loudly
Still full of hope
And the girls are charming
And the “boys” are ready for battle.
We drink to victories, to accomplishments,
For the sun of our new days,
Let's drink to the fulfillment of desires,
For friendship - there is nothing more important!

Recess (games, dancing). During the break, you can also conduct one extra-curricular lesson on geography - for this you need to prepare minor cuts fiery dances different countries and spend dance marathon or re-dance.

Class hour. Presenter: And today we also have an excellent class on the schedule today on the topic: “Relationships between boys and girls” (you can use something about how love begins or about precautions as a lead-in, or play any spicy game.

Then dancing and free communication.

What news, what a date! Everyone is worried for good reason,
Our school is the culprit! Look at her, friends!
We know that today is a special day, there is more than joy in the heart,
Well... and a little bit of bitterness... Celebrating graduation!!!

I greet the heroes of today's celebration -
Release of Bolshemurashkinskaya high school 1997!

Dear readers, I bring to your attention some legal information. If you need to defend your rights, a representative of the plaintiff in court is at your service.

Hello, hello, meeting evening!
We must cherish traditions.
Graduates day today
And I'm talking about you.
A flurry of applause awaits you,
Congratulations and compliments!

May this evening be with you again
The moments of the first meeting flash by.
And the first friend, and the first love -
Everything will be remembered on this magical evening.

Dear graduates!
Your years of study are behind you...
And the first rise, and the first fall...
And this evening we wanted
Do you remember every moment...
We tell you, school: “Thank you!”
This is our 15th time as recognition.
You couldn't live without it.
First toast: for a meeting, for friendship, for knowledge!

We fill the glasses, Dear friends, graduates and respected teachers, and don’t forget to treat yourself, the first toast was made.
(short musical culinary pause)

Friends, tell me, it’s not for nothing
The hero from the film “Enjoy Your Bath! »
Straight from the bathhouse
Not to the house of a doctor or an actress,
Or the new Russian headmistress-
Arrived under the table, but clean
Is he in the teacher's house?
Yes, there are “teachers” nowadays...
Mighty, dashing tribe,
Smart as experts.
It was not sugar that they got their share of,
The salary is a laugh. Only one will!…
No more hope for you,
They would go into shuttles.
But not everyone is happy to exchange
School row to shopping row.
And to prevent this from happening,
What is needed? Study!
The school has opened the way to life!
For this "Glory!" teachers.
Today our respected teachers are present at the celebration,
to whom we are eternally grateful for a piece of our life within the walls of our native school, where they were our second parents. Let me introduce: teachers primary classes unique Fedyaeva Vl. Iv., Deputatova Nat. Iv., Falina Nina Nikol.! And also: physical education teacher Kruglov Alexander Bor. and teacher of algebra and geometry Malinovskaya Svetl. Germanovna! Stormy applause! Dear teachers, the floor is yours.
(speech by teachers)
And the next toast, friends, is, of course, to our beloved teachers! (short musical culinary pause)

A humorous dialogue about the director (THE WORDS OF THE DIRECTOR ARE GIVEN TO THE SCHOOL DIRECTOR (he is not warned about the little prank), DIALOGUE IS GOING ON (LEADER IN THE ROLE OF MOM)

Ved: Early morning, dialogue at 7 o’clock:
- Son, son, breakfast is ready!
Dir: Mommy, I’ll lie down a little longer...
Ved: But I won’t wake you up later!
Wake up, get up, it's time for school!
All the kids are already going to school!
Dear: No! There's no way I'm going there!
I’d rather die, drown, shoot myself!…
Ved: Yurochka, school is your second home......
You're the director! Let's go to school!!! (sounds of laughter and applause)
Ved: The school principal is the king of animals.
He can bite the head teacher to death!
He can take, into the vestibule of the doors
Hold down your math brush!
Maybe in the dining room for lunch
Eat at least a thousand cutlets!
He can share a notebook
Just tear it apart with your fingernail!
There is nothing more terrible than him in the world!
The only thing more menacing is Putin’s portrait!...
But in our hearts the best moments:
Gusev Yuri Nikolaevich - applause! (applaud)
Yuri Nikolaevich, the floor is yours.
(speech by the school principal)

Time flies quickly, everything changes.
Colleges and lyceums are popping up everywhere.
And among them is our usual one,
Our high school is great!

You will appreciate the school only then

No one will forget their school years!

I dream about a school scene,
Your first roles
First applause!
First success!
And you are happy!
You are the best!

Wit and ingenuity
They have helped you in life more than once.
If you don't mind the time,
Prove it to us now.
Let's play with you a little,
It's very boring to live without a game,
After all, the game helps many
Remember your childhood and love life!

Well, let’s remember childhood, its earliest time - diapers, baby vests, caps, pacifiers, a potty... Do you remember? Who remembers himself in very early age? (4 graduates and 4 teachers volunteer) Dear teachers, let’s swaddle our future students tighter!
1. “I was born!” — 2 large sheets, pacifiers.
(teachers swaddle the “babies” and put pacifiers in their mouths)
Here, dear friends, what a huge parental care, it really is your second parents, you just want to take them in your arms......Really? Friends who want to take pictures with future students of the Bolshemurashkinsky Secondary School can do this right now. After all, we so rarely manage to return to our carefree days, even for a day like today! (take pictures, sit down at the table).

We are different people in general,
Characters, interests.
Who loves computer buttons?
Who is looking for mushrooms in the forest...
There are football fans among you,
Hunters and fishermen,
There are almost aristocrats
There are some quiet people and some witty ones.
But the school tied you with a thread,
I will say this without lying or coquetry.
Let's raise our glasses
Here's to our happy childhood!
2) Table quiz (led as a teacher):
Ved: Hello, children! (answer)
Did you just hear
The bell rang in the corridor.
So...They quickly removed everything unnecessary from the desk,
We are starting our first lesson!
Lit-ra: In what popular work was the hero assassinated three times, and only on the fourth did he die? I'll give you a hint: this is a fairytale. (Kolobok).
Mathematics: How many people pulled the famous, stubborn Turnip? (Three).
Rus. lang.: How to spell “perIponnaya drum” or “eIponnaya drum” correctly? (both options are incorrect, spelled “tympanic membrane”
History: In what century did the Greeks walk backwards?
(No way, people always walk like that).
So, class, now the announcement is for you!
So that they don’t cheat on the test,
I’ll transplant you, my dears!

"Carousel". In this game two teams compete - two trios of participants. Each trio contains two women and one man. Women stand in front and behind the man, each pressing a ball or ball against him with her body. Touching the ball with your hands is prohibited by the rules of the game (you can put your hands behind your head). The task is as follows: women need to change places, moving with the ball around the man in the same direction (let's say, both move clockwise). The main thing is not to drop the ball. If one of the three participants drops the ball, both return to their original position and start all over again. The team that managed to complete the task faster wins. The women of this team are declared capable of making anyone's head spin. Then the same game can be repeated, only this time trios consisting of two men and one woman will compete. (4 balls + spare)
Ved: Well done guys, you tried really hard! And, since your physical director Alexander Bor is present with us. , he will give you marks for plastic surgery. Applause for the transplanted students.
Here we are once again visiting our distant childhood.
There were so many different adventures at school,
How much we had to go through at school...
People remember this, without exception,
Is it possible to forget all this?

Graduates! Are any of you ready
Should I perform on this stage now? Don't be shy, come out boldly,
Tell us a little about yourself.
You can sing and dance,
We wish our teachers happiness.
(graduates speech)
And the next toast:
For exciting feelings,
What filled our hearts in childhood.
Let's drink to science, to art
And our toasts have no end.
I believe you will meet again
The composition is the same as now.
Marinka, Masha, Sanya, Vova….
Well, friends, to the bottom, for us?!
And so as not to get bored at the feast,
I invite you all to dance.
Slow dance (graduates invite teachers)
(music culinary break)

Through the years, across the distances
On any road, to the side of any
You won't say "Goodbye" to school
School doesn't say goodbye to you.
Group photo with teachers “15 years - and together again!”

You will appreciate the school only then
When years flash by like moments.
She will often dream about her at night.
No one will forget their school years.
Don't forget your classmates
And meet teachers more often!
For example, like today, like here...
Then you will be praised and honored!
And once again I congratulate you on the 15th anniversary of your graduation, dear classmates and respected teachers!
To all your memories
I offer toast on top.
Let's empty our glasses,
As a sign of achievements and good luck!

Alumni reunion evening scenario

Hello, warm hearts!
The school welcomes you again.
Just recently from a familiar porch
The long road has taken you away
Do great things.
It's like yesterday you left school,
And time flew by unnoticeably.
You are as young as you were as good as ever.
Good afternoon to you, young people!
Hello, from the bottom of my heart!

1 presenter: Good evening, dear classmates! Hello, dear teachers! Good, sincere feelings overwhelm us all, because today we have gathered together again, just 30 years later, after graduating from school

1 presenter:

Like a flock of white doves

Childhood has flown upward.

But let it be in the flow of days

Will come back in my thoughts again.

And let him take away all troubles

Your pigeon is white-winged.

Continue your flight.

2 presenter:

Engineers, pilots, poets,

Businessmen, grain farmers and doctors,

We scattered across the world,

But today we came to school again.

Song "Town"

It seems like just yesterday the last school bell rang, it’s a busy time for final exams, graduation party... - But school doesn’t end prom night, because a person learns throughout his life. Each of you, looking back at school life, will ask himself: what is behind? - What useful things did I do during my school years? How were those school days? And most of you will smile happily. - Because those instructive lessons and interesting events remain in my memory. School friends and fun time during breaks. - All this happened here within the walls of your and our school. And the school remembers you – the first graduates. And so the floor is given... to the school.

(the tape recording is turned on. On the tape - female voice. Through the broadcast, the effect of “the walls speak”) is achieved: “- My dear girls and boys! I still call you that, even though you are no longer children. I am very glad to meet you, I am glad to see you - the most mature, the most serious, the best of my graduates. Today it’s time to say thank you for all of you striving to become excellent students in life. I am grateful that you have preserved the honor and dignity of your school. Thank you for not forgetting your home school, and I am always glad to see you. Happy journeys in life to you!”

(song and presentation)

Native classes, windows, walls
And the dear old bell,
Calling you for change
And returning to class.

An unsolvable mystery
A lesson without edge, without end...
And someone's nose was broken in a fight
Here at the school porch...

Time can't hide it,
Even though a year and a month are forgotten,
And yet sometimes sometimes
The past will make your heart ache.

Heart. Sometimes in a hurry you completely forget about it, but it always remembers.

It remembers everything!
The school yard is quickly emptying,
In ringing silence - the last steps.
But in a quiet class you are still sitting at the table,
And again your students are in front of you.

(class teacher speaks) - When you approached school today, perhaps you paused for a moment and imagined that now you would be greeted by teachers, whose whole purpose in life is to teach children what they know themselves. You taught us how to write beautifully, how to solve problems, how to behave, and you always knew how to approach everyone calmly, sensitively, and patiently.

(Ostap Bender appears with a terrible roar with chairs on his shoulders; approaches the presenters)

BENDER - Boy, I’m the one who came in successfully!
HOST - Excuse me, but who are you?
BENDER – Ostap Suleiman Bertha Maria Bey is the son of a Turkish citizen, a tired wanderer in search of chairs and human warmth.
HOST – Isn’t that what they’re writing about in the newspaper here? What did he say he was wearing?
BENDER - Madam! No need for applause, I didn’t make the Count of Monte Cristo, but you know, he’s getting down to business with you Great Schemer! The trial continues, gentlemen of the jury! The meeting continues!

HOST - This is too much!
BENDER - Madam, why are you shouting? polar bear in warm weather? Better go to that door over there and beat the kayaks and thumpers there.

(the presenter leaves)

Well, gentlemen of the jury, I have an important appeal to you: gentlemen, future entrepreneurs, businessmen and great schemers!

(Kisa Vorobyaninov appears with a terrible roar)

KISA - I will command the parade! Oh, you are my good ones! How I miss you! There are so many of you here! Chairs, my dears!
BENDER - Bah, Kisa, what is your destiny here?
KISA - Monsieur, it’s not mange pa tou jour...
BENDER – Kitty, come to your senses, you’re not at a resort! There are respectable audiences here all the time!
KISA - Continue, gentlemen!

BENDER - So, gentlemen! Don’t be surprised, but now I’m collecting essays about graduates for the famous magazine “Tears and Curiosities.” Curious, do you know what our graduates think about the school?
KISA - And graduates!
BENDER - Bravo, Kisa, bravo! Graduates, of course! Bring your graduates here. It's time for a great thing!

(Kisa goes into the hall, chooses a girl)

KISA – What girls, Bender! This one? Or maybe that one? And this one is so good! My eyes are completely wide open... Well, okay, whatever! You, madam, you and you - please follow me. (a blitz survey of girls is being conducted)
BENDER - Thank you! Of course, not everyone will be able to enter our secret union.
KISA – But these beauties are undeniable! If I may... thunderous applause!
BENDER - Gentlemen! Life dictates its laws to us. Madame Petukhova's treasures are not enough for everyone. And everyone will have to make their own way in this life.
KISA – Closer to the point, Ostap Ibrahimovic.

BENDER - So that's what I'm saying. My dad, a Turkish citizen, did everything possible and impossible for me, just so that I could study for at least a year...KISA - At Harvard University?
BENDER - Why is there a university, Kisa, look at this school! What Harvard university can compare with her, Kisa? Surely these fellows have the sweetest memories of...
KISA – About girls?
BENDER “Kisa, you’ll soon be ordering a monument for your grave, but you’re still pretending to be a gentleman.” Little kitty, take an example from these young people - they remember so much about their school.

KISA - Let's ask them how they lived at this school.
BENDER - This is the proposal, Kisa. So, the trial continues, gentlemen of the jury. (a blitz survey of male graduates is being conducted)BENDER - Well, Kisa, we are strangers at this celebration of life. There is absolutely nothing more for us to do here. These people are not Koreiko, you can’t take them so easily.
KISA - God bless this canary, when will we share our chairs? (goes into the hall) My chairs! Stop! Get up! My chairs!
BENDER - Kisa, Kisa, what are you doing?

KISA - There are all kinds of people walking around here!
BENDER “Is there at least one teacher here who could calm this old man down?”
HEAD TEACHER - Naturally!
KISA - And I’m done, let’s go Ostap Ibrahimovic!
BENDER - Come on, Kisa, we are strangers at this celebration of life!

(they leave; a comic teachers' meeting begins)

Once again we celebrate

Our good school anniversary.

Once again we welcome guests,

Your faces make my soul brighter.

We are glad to see you all again,

Successful: very and not very successful.

The school welcomes you with joy,

Your girls and boys.

The script presenter comes out and says school riddles:

And now a surprise awaits you,

The winner gets a super prize!

I'll tell you riddles

And I'm waiting for an answer from you.

Who will answer the fastest?

The prize will immediately greet him.

So, let's begin:

What was the order in which they wrote?

We answer, where? /In a notebook/

What does our pencil case hide?

What? Quicker! /Pencil/

We'll hang a map on the board,

Shall we put it under your butt? /Desk/

You can't do things without him,

What is so necessary? School? /Chalk/

Where were you bored with melancholy?

We answer! /At the blackboard/

We heard the call.

What's over? /Lesson/

The class jumped up at the same time

It's started, what? /Turn/

Who slumped over the test?

Who will answer? /Student/

After reading the literature,

Everyone's running, right? /Physical education/

We carry books all week

Where? Rather, where? /In the briefcase/

And what kind of student are you, he will tell everyone,

Well? /Diary/

Our birthday boy is cheerful

Who today? Certainly? /School/

1 presenter: And now, by popular demand, Object suffering!!!

To the melody of the song “The train will go to Tikhoretskaya”


And now our class will go to algebra,

Arturik's brains will melt there.

And Lena is pushing, a thought is born.

And we all groan

And we all groan

And we all groan

And we all groan

Does not work.


Projection drawings have a bad influence.

On the state of mind and complexion.

But drawing - strokes and lines,

The leaves are white,

The leaves are white,

The leaves are white,

The leaves are white,

The rulers are long.


We love Russian everything without exception,

And we are delighted with classical reading.

But general knowledge is a dark science,

And that's why

And that's why

And that's why

And that's why

Our successes in it

Quite modest.


Our Dontsov in physical education class.

I was making figures on the horizontal bar.

And we sausage and admire.

The head doesn't move,

Leg doesn't move

And it gets caught on the other leg.

2 presenter. Dear graduates, now we invite you to go back in time and remember your school life. We ask you to answer our questions.

    A place that students don't like to go to. (Board).

    Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button).

    Dating club for parents and teachers. (Parent meeting).

    Flat globe. (Map).

    Album for parents' autographs. (Diary)

    From 2 to 5. (Grade).

    A place where children serve 11 years. (School).

    A signal for the beginning and end of torment. (Call)

    School-wide president. (Director).

    Available in every class. (Board).

    All teachers are looking forward to this. (Vacation).

    You can't live on this at school. (Salary).

1 former graduate: Today we present an honorary diploma to our beloved teacher, our to the class teacher... (Name). Forgive us for being 30 years late in presenting this diploma, but apparently we have only now grown up to it. As they say: “Big things are seen from a distance.”

2 former graduate: So, we present a commemorative diploma to our beloved teacher, in confirmation of the fact that we have completely listened to and seen with our own eyes the Course on education, nutrition, dressing, washing, pushing to and from school, as well as on teaching children within a higher educational institution under the code the names KCHN and KVCHG (Who Needs What and Who Needs What).

1 former graduate : This diploma confirms that its holder has acquired the following knowledge:

Ability to understand children’s views from a distance – 5 (excellent).

The ability to put wise thoughts into the bright heads of youths – 5 (excellent).

The ability to ignore cheat sheets and not hear hints – 4 (good).

Running along the corridor after the boy so that he would give the diary - 5 (excellent).

Humor and satire – 5 (excellent).

Growing stars from scratch, without application special means– 5 (excellent).

By resolution of the state examination commission it is allowed to proms any year of manufacture. And also to educate the new generation.

Date Table Academy 10th grade, ………… year

Along with the Diploma, a memorable prize from 10 - is awarded.

A diploma and a gift are awarded.

2 former graduate: Dear......, We dedicate this song to you.

Graduates sing to the tune of the song “Weather in the House” from the repertoire of L. Dolina.

Let it rain and let the bad weather,

And let the poplars bend from the wind.

It's nice if it's at your own entrance

Teachers meet us in the morning.

Chorus: The most important thing is the weather in the classroom.

We have understood this a hundred times.

There are us and you,

And everything except

We'll settle it

As you taught us.

Even though the world today is restless,

Everyone is tired of evil and vanity.

But believe me, we were worthy of you,

You taught us lessons in kindness.


How quickly 30 years of separation flew by,

But the heart still doesn’t want to know.

How I want to shake my own hands,

How I want to hug you tighter.


Express interview with graduates.

(questions are written on a card, the presenter invites graduates to choose any one).

2 presenter.

1. Have you ever wanted to burn a school magazine?

2. Where does childhood go?

3. Which teacher has the most memorable voice? Why?

4. Do you often run away from class?

5. Who did you like to copy from?

6. Who is the youngest in your class?

7. Which “5” was the most joyful for you?

8. What subject have you studied for 11 years and its name has not changed in 11 years?

9. What is your favorite moment in class?

10. Yours favorite place At school?

11. What is your future profession?

12. Your wishes to teachers and your former classmates.

1 presenter: Every person has admired the starry sky at least once in his life. starry sky always fascinated. The birth of a person was invariably associated with the birth of a star.

2 presenter: It’s not for nothing that there is an opinion: stars are not born, they become stars!

1 presenter: What stellar heights have our classmates reached since they entered open intergalactic space?

2 presenter: So let, at least one evening in 30 years, inexorable time recede, and memory will return us to the past, to that time of apprenticeship, which, I have no doubt, is remembered with tenderness and warmth by all those gathered here. Today will be a lesson in memories for us. The first lesson of memories in today's education.

1 presenter: But first we will remember interesting points from the life of our stars.

2-presenter: When you came to school, you all weighed 1325 kg.

1 presenter: Over the years of study, you ate 110,000 buns in the school cafeteria and gained 2,500 kg and grew 30 m 20 cm.

2 presenter: In general, you were exemplary children and still managed to break 3 lampshades, 4 window panes and 15 glasses in the school cafeteria.

1 presenter: During your time at school, you received 7,000 bad marks and wrote down 10 km of paper.

2 presenter: You have acquired many necessary, useful skills, for example, you have learned to see across several desks what your classmate is writing in a notebook.

2 presenter: You also learned how to make wonderful tattoos with scientific justification: girls on their knees, and boys on their hands, so as not to fail the exam.

1 presenter: And without hesitation, they copied each other’s tattoos into their notebooks right in front of the amazed teachers.

2 presenter: You have learned to literally understand each other from half a word, and even from half a gesture.

2 presenter: But everything that happened was just wonderful!

1 presenter: And I propose to greet the past childhood with applause and raise a glass to it!

2 presenter:

We remember you children's jokes,

Games, dances, school classes.

Hello, our school, and goodbye.

We won't forget you, don't forget us!

The ensemble performs the song “Childhood, 5th grade.”

1 presenter:

I look at these faces, who has become who now.

Thirty years ago, tenth grade,

Each one entered the world through his own door,

Who could know what awaits us outside...

1 presenter: Each graduation from our school is unique. Each issue has its own prodigies, scholars, artists, athletes, masters, and simply memorable personalities. Life has dotted its i's. The television company "XXI Century" and the experimental television studio "10 -" - Limited" present commemorative badges to graduates of the year ........

Are awarded .

2 presenter: How quickly 10 flew by school years. And even faster 30 years later. Let's remember how it all began.

The final song performed by "And you know, it will still happen."

You broke up a long time ago
They scattered in all directions.
Remained only in memory
These years are forever.
And again you are drawn to school,
This is very important to you -
Conversations, cheerful laughter,
Sadness and joy in half.

And your heart will suddenly start beating,
And it's hard to realize
That childhood won't come back
But you can remember.

We need such meetings
To keep your heart warm.
And solemn speeches
It's better to just put it off.
Need a heartfelt conversation
And the shine of kind eyes,
Both wonderful and magical
Evening where they love you.

1 presenter.

Friends! Wherever fate takes you,
They will always wait for you with love,
Don't forget us
And come to school sometimes!

2 presenter.

The evening of the meeting does not end there,
It continues in your former classes.

1 presenter.

Good teachers are waiting for you there
Both school and old friends!
And we say goodbye to all of you:

Together: "See you again, friends! And goodbye!"

Guessing competition, this game is very simple and fun. The main thing is that there is enough space and chairs for everyone to play. In a hall or very spacious room, chairs are arranged in a circle. Those present sit very comfortably on them, with boys and girls separated by one. The main driver is chosen by lot, and he must be blindfolded with a tight bandage. The driver walks to the music in the center of the circle formed by the seated players. But, as soon as the music stops, the driver quickly sits down on the lap of the participant closest to him and tries to guess his name. The one to whom the driver sits must hide and try not to give himself away by laughing or by accidentally saying a word. The driver must try to guess for himself on whose lap he found shelter. If the name is named correctly, the driver is the one to whom it belongs. If the name is not immediately guessed, then the driver again goes to the center of the circle, the music is turned on, and everything is repeated again. And friendship and a cheerful mood win this competition.

Competition "To the envy of Galliano", for the game you will need a small special equipment - several skeins of very bright ribbon, braid, or, in extreme cases, any rope. The meter of tape in all balls should be approximately the same. Several couples participate in the competition. The ladies take these balls in their right hands, and the men, grabbing the ends of their ribbons with their lips, without helping themselves with their hands, try to quickly and very beautifully wrap their girlfriends with this ribbon. You need to create a beautiful and unique outfit for your lady very quickly, and with good imagination, so that the participants can be envied by Galliano himself - he is a famous master of high shocking and fashionable avant-garde. This competition will be won by the fastest and most creative fashion designer who will be able to get ahead of all his rivals by creating a spectacular outfit for his partner. The couple who created the brightest “outfit” and spent the least amount of time on it is recognized as the winner of the competition. Everyone loudly greets her with well-deserved applause and rewards her with a prize.

Competition "Grasp reflex", you can safely play this game once per evening. The prize, which is wrapped in gift wrapping, is placed on the stool. All the party people stand around him, especially those who want to try their luck in this competition. The host explains the basic rules to all players. He will read a poem, everyone should listen to him carefully. As soon as the word “three” is pronounced, guests race to grab the prize from the stool. Poem example:
Listen to the story
I will only read it once.
How do I say loudly “THREE”,
Take the prize immediately!

Somehow we caught a fish.
The fish soup was cooked, but inside
We counted small fish
Well, a lot - about FOUR!

The boy can't sleep
Dreams of becoming a champion.
At the start, just don’t be cunning,
The team will be one, two, FIVE!

If the forehead and the game are bruised
Rub it gently.
He will heal very soon,
In a day, or two, or SEVEN.

I was waiting for the bus at the station,
Eh, I had to wait THREE hours!
So why didn't you take the prize?
There was an opportunity to take it!

Whoever of the participants manages to grab the prize faster than others will get it. And all the impatient ones, trying to grab it before the most cherished word is spoken, drop out of the game.

Competition "Acting Sketches", the game is a kind of improvised small theater competition. Competitors are given cards with specific tasks. Each participant must complete the task without special preparation, just impromptu. All tasks are more based on the ability to parody a certain gait. Tasks written on cards may include the main skill of walking in front of the audience like: - a woman in high heels, loaded with heavy bags; - monkey in a cage; - pigeon along the path; - heron in the swamp; - top model on the catwalk; - rooster in the poultry yard; - a young lady in high heels and a tight skirt; - a sentry with a rifle on duty; - a one-year-old baby who has barely stood on his feet; - a gentleman in front of an unfamiliar pretty young lady; - Alla Pugacheva on stage; - a sailor who came ashore after a long voyage; - a completely drunk man.
You can come up with a great variety of such tasks yourself. The best actor who can receive a storm of applause wins the competition. The player who, in the opinion of the audience, demonstrates the given gait best of all is awarded a valuable prize.

The "Get the Candy" competition is a fun and simple competition that does not require complicated preparations. It’s not difficult to prepare a plate of flour and sweets in advance - a must-have treat for any party. All those with a big sweet tooth and everyone who wants to laugh and demonstrate their dexterity and luck compete in the competition. Flour is poured into a deep plate, and a candy is inserted into the center of the slide so that only a small part of it sticks out of the flour. Contestants must try to pull the candy out of this bowl of flour with their teeth, but so as not to stain their cheeks, forehead, hair and nose with flour. The one who can perform such a trick without falling into flour becomes the main winner and receives a prize - the candy he pulled out! Everyone else, who didn’t get any sweets, just a nose stained with flour, is content with the laughter of the audience and all the encouraging pats on the shoulder. This is quite a long-lasting competition; everyone present will be able to try their luck in a bowl of flour.

Competition "Funny Races", in the competition pairs must compete, who must not only depict the characters from the fairy tale "The Golden Key" in a similar and funny way, but also reach the finish line even faster than their opponents. The competition can be held between two or three pairs of players. In each pair, the man is reincarnated as Basilio the cat, and the woman as Alice the fox. To do this, Alice the fox needs to slightly bend one leg at the knee and hold it with her hand. Basilio the cat, this blind rogue, is blindfolded. All these comical duets, consisting of a lame man and a blind man, compete with each other in the speed of movement along the distance. Each couple, hugging, should with their maximum speed, but without leaving the “image”, overcome your long haul. The pair of fabulous swindlers who can reach the finish line first will receive their well-deserved applause from the audience. In addition, she can be rewarded with a bag of gold, specially prepared for this game.

Competition "It's hard to be a god", necessary props for have a fun competition- balloons, strings for tying, rather thick felt-tip pens with blunt tips. Contestants must create and populate completely new planet. After this competition, each participant will understand exactly how difficult it is to be a god. Planets are created by players from these balloons. Each participant must quickly inflate the balloon given to him and tie it tightly with a thread so that the “planet” does not swell in the hands of the creator. After this, players begin to create life on their planets. To do this, use a felt-tip pen to draw as many different figures of men or humanoids as possible. The one who, within a certain allotted time, manages to populate his new planet the most densely, that is, draw as many figures as possible on the pot-bellied sides of the planet ball, becomes the winner of the bright competition. Those players whose balloons burst before they even see the people are simply eliminated from the competition. The winner receives a prize and admiring applause from all party guests.

The “I love money” competition is for those players who know how to handle money. The props for this game are quite simple: empty jars with plastic lids, a lot of small coins. “Bankers”, great lovers of money, compete with each other. Before playing, you need to make small slots in the plastic lids of the cans into which coins will freely pass. An equal number of coins are poured into the jars and closed with lids. Before the competition, you must first check whether the coins can pass through these holes normally. The task of the “bankers” is to quickly shake out all the coins from the narrow slot in the lid. Whoever extracts the coins faster, without helping himself with his fingers or other objects, becomes the winner of this very exciting competition. The one who can win it is someone who is very persistent, loves money, knows how to handle it, and who always gets it!

Competition "Best Reader", props for the reading competition - a lot of newspapers. Only men participate in the competition. The host of the competition clearly announces that the contestants must show everyone their ability to read the newspaper expressively. Criteria for evaluating readers: loudness, clear expression, artistry and very good diction. After all participants have understood the rules and requirements of the competition, they are asked to sit more comfortably. Each contestant must sit on a separate chair, roll up one trouser leg to the knee and cross his legs with his bare limb up. Competitors are given newspapers with a separate marked text. At the leader’s command, everyone begins to read. Everyone tries to read as loudly as possible, so an unimaginable uproar soon arises. The audience laughs loudly, and the readers try to demonstrate all their advantages over their rivals. At the presenter’s sign, the newspaper reading ends. And then it turns out that this is a contest with a trick. And in it the winner will be recognized not by the one who reads the best, but by the owner of the hairiest leg.

Competition "Real Boxers in the Ring" pairs competition for all the most courageous and strong guys. The necessary props are boxing gloves and wrapped candies. The host of the competition calls two men, real fighters, who are ready to compete in the ring. Participants of this sports competition Boxing gloves are given out, the ladies support the psychological mood of the fighters with their loud applause. Spectators tightly surround the makeshift ring. The host tries to create a more combative atmosphere, encourages and tells the opponents which muscles they need to stretch before the fight. He even advises carrying out a small fight with an imaginary opponent, a kind of psychic attack on the opponent waiting for sparring. When the fighters are already fully mentally and physically prepared, they are called to the center of this ring. The presenter, as the judge of the upcoming fight, reminds all boxers of the rules: do not hit below the belt, do not cause bruises, boxing will last until first blood. The boxers greet each other and... the judge hands them identical candies in bright candy wrappers. And then the fight begins. Players must quickly unwrap the candy for the lady of the heart without taking off their boxing gloves, this is even more difficult than knocking out an opponent with a powerful uppercut. The fighter who completes the task first wins.

Competition "Draw a saying", the game host calls four people. Prepare the necessary props for the game in advance: paper, cards with written sayings, markers. Everyone who gets everything they need must draw their own saying. Sayings are selected in advance; the funnier they are, the better. For example: “He who follows a stream reaches a well,” “For work and for getting paid, there are different lengths of handles,” “A chatterbox is like a pendulum: both must be stopped,” “The wealth of the strong is hands, the wealth of the smart is thoughts.” All artists simultaneously begin their work, applying all their intelligence and maximum imagination. In five minutes they should be able to express in a drawing all full meaning your saying, without using letters and words. After this, all the painted masterpieces are put on public display. Everyone is trying to guess these encrypted sayings. Whose image those present can unravel the fastest is considered the winner. Although perhaps all artists should be rewarded for their unique art and courage.

Competition "Fun Volleyball", this game will require chairs and a lot of bright balloons. The chairs need to be placed in a row; they briefly become a “volleyball net.” The guests are divided into two equal teams, the players take their positions at the improvised net. They are given an equal number of balls, which in this game replace a volleyball. The presenter explains to the players the conditions of the competition and stipulates the duration of the match (2-5 minutes). At the presenter’s signal, the most catchy music is turned on, and the game begins. The task of each team is to throw as many of its balls as possible onto the opponent's half. If the opponents managed to throw their balls towards them, they also need to be transported back to the “enemy” territory as quickly as possible. When time runs out, the music stops. The counting of balloons on both sides of the grid begins. The winner of this game will be the team that was quicker and had fewer balloons left on the field. This team is awarded a prize.

Competition "Game to take off your shoes", for fun, everyone must be at the table. By counting, by lot or by volitional decision, one of the players is chosen who will lead first. He will have to crawl under the table, sit there with maximum comfort and begin to take off and put on shoes from the feet of everyone present, one by one. Those sitting at the table cheerfully watch the expressions on the faces of their neighbors. Anyone who takes off their shoes may accidentally tickle someone. Which of the guests laughs, unable to withstand the touch of someone else's hands on their feet, is eliminated from the game. The participant who managed to endure all the vicissitudes of taking off shoes, putting on shoes and tickling heels with dignity and courage becomes the winner. He can be rewarded certificate of honor for your patience, endurance and excellent sense of humor. You can give some kind of memorial sign - shoe laces, a spoon for putting on shoes. Then this little thing will remind him of his triumph for a long time.

Competition “A sense of smell is like a dog”, various objects are used, each must be tied to a string. The player is blindfolded. The presenter takes one item out of the bag and invites the player to determine what it is by smell alone. If the player immediately guesses the item, he receives it as a gift. At the same time, he should not use his hands; he has to recognize an object only with the help of smell. This is very difficult to do, because the object is hanging on a string. To start the fun, the first player can also be asked to guess the apple by its aroma. The rest of those present, encouraged by such an easy victory of the first participant in the competition, will want to play too. It becomes very funny for everyone when one of the participants in the game is asked to sniff a can of beer. You can suggest identifying a banknote and its denomination by smell. The funniest moment of the game is when the object on the string suddenly turns out to be a flavored condom. The entire audience “dies” with laughter, watching the unfortunate player sniffing it in the hope of guessing what it is.