Sklyar Alexander Feliksovich biography. Alexander F. Sklyar: “The 90s were a shameful time for our country

Alexander Sklyar

Zodiac sign:

Eastern horoscope:

Place of Birth:

musician, actor

65 kg

174 cm

Biography of Alexander F. Sklyar

Childhood and family of Alexander F. Sklyar

The future rock performer was born in Moscow into the family of physicist Felix Sidorovich Sklyar and journalist Irina Viktorovna Sklyar. Like everyone else, I graduated from school. Then I started looking for a place to get higher education– the choice fell on MGIMO. And Sklyar began studying at the Faculty of International Economic Relations.

According to the musician, even in his first year he realized that this education was not his. But he didn’t give up, he simply studied “without tails,” focusing more on his own interests. It was at that time that the musician began to study music. Therefore, he studied well, but just enough to be “left alone.”

Work at the embassy and at the House of Culture

After graduating from a prestigious university, Alexander Sklyar began working in his specialty - as a young specialist in Pyongyang in North Korea at the USSR Embassy. However, Sklyar did not like the work at all. According to Alexander Sklyar, diplomacy is “one of the dirtiest things” among everything invented by humanity. In one of the interviews he said that sleepless nights I was racking my brains about what to do to get him fired from his position and allowed to leave the country. But Sklyar did not come up with any way that would not put an end to him as a socially sane member of society.

Alexander Sklyar always writes the letter F in his name

However, his next job was more suitable to his aspirations - Sklyar received the position of... O. artistic director in the House of Culture of the Institute. I.V. Kurchatova. But, for the most part, he organized exclusively rock concerts there. Then in Kurchatnik, as Sklyar himself called it, many popular groups at that time performed: “Kino”, “Zvuki Mu”, “Alice”, “Brigade S”, “Center”, “Bravo”.

Musical career of Alexander Sklyar, group “Va-Bank”

Purely organizational activity was not to his liking. And at some point, an actively practicing rock musician creates his own group - “Va-Bank”. The project became quite successful, and its fans appeared. Alexander Sklyar admits that at the age of 35 he took the path that he considers truly correct - to create music. And if the musician were not able to perform on stage, then, according to him, he would become an “inner musician.”

However, performing rock compositions is not Sklyar’s only hobby. He also began to actively host programs on television and radio, which gave him new knowledge and new experience. Among music programs on “Radio MAXIMUM”, Radio “Arsenal” and “Radio Stations” it is worth highlighting “Learn to Swim”, as well as “Magellan Non-Stop”.

Sklyar also worked on the TV-3 channel, where he became the host of the TV series “Another Cinema. Fear". Later, on the Culture channel, the performer began hosting “ROCK NIGHT” - in fact, concert films dedicated, of course, to his favorite rock and roll.

Creative projects of Alexander F. Sklyar

Having his own musical group and participating in numerous radio and television programs made the artist more free in creative expression. So, he tried himself as a book author. Collaboration with Roman Kanushkin resulted in the children's publication “Petrovich and Patapum in the Magic Labyrinth.” And the book “Garman's Summer” was written together with Stian Hole, a Norwegian writer and artist.

Alexander F. Sklyar is not only a musician, but also a writer

Alexander Sklyar actively participated in musical environment. He has released more than 10 albums, some of which he wrote himself, while others were published in collaboration with many creative personalities. For example, he was once inspired by Viktor Pelevin’s book “Chapaev and Emptiness.” Sklyar found the writer’s phone number, called him and offered to write a story, for which the group subsequently released the album “Lower Tundra.”

Among the acting tests, we can highlight the mini-series “The Last Reproduction”, as well as participation in the movie “Hypnosis”.

Alexander Sklyar notes that with his recognizable hoarse voice, he also voiced audio books by the author Yamamoto Tsunetomo. These are the books of the samurai "Hagakure", which translates as "Hidden in the Leaves".

Important moments from the life of Alexander Sklyar

The performer’s own father was very offended by his son for becoming a rock musician. He didn’t go to any of his son’s concerts for 16 years. And in 2002, I came for the first time to listen and look at my only heir on stage. By the way, Alexander Sklyar always puts the letter F between his first and last names - this is in honor of Felix Sklyar’s father.

At one time, the musician took part in a public event. He landed with several other artists on ice floes in the White Sea as part of the protection of harp seal pups - white seals are barbarously exterminated for the sake of using their fur to make fur coats.

The song Millions by Alexander F. Sklyar, dedicated to Novorossiya, became a hit

Concerning public recognition, then it should be noted that Sklyar was mentioned in the list of Om magazine among 50 people who influenced popular culture in the 1990s. This list also included, for example, Andrei Konchalovsky and Mikhail Gorbachev. Alexander Sklyar was noted for the development of the “Learn to Swim” movement - the musician promotes giving up drug addiction, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and maintaining an active life position. And also rock, which the performer himself calls an “energy burst” that is so necessary for young people.
By the way, in 1995, the Va-Bank group was invited to Prague to perform on the same stage with UK Subs, considered a legend of English punk rock.

Personal life of Alexander F. Sklyar

The musician carefully protects his personal life: “an island where the public does not go.” And in the interview he doesn’t talk much about his family. It is known that he is married, but a photograph of his wife has never appeared in the press. The family has an adult son, Peter, who graduated from the journalism department of Moscow State University. True, Sklyar says that the choice of place of study is not related to the desire to work as a journalist, but because of the desire to do something creative. And what exactly - life will show. At one time, the musician’s son was busy, for example, on television in the “Ice Age” project.

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alternative rock

Alexander Feliksovich Sklyar(born March 7, 1958 in Moscow) - musician, songwriter, radio host, actor. Creator and leader of the group “Va-Bank”, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (). Organizer and inspirer of the alternative music festival “Learn to Swim”.


In 1975 he graduated from Gymnasium No. 45 named after. L.I. Milgram. He graduated from the Faculty of International Economic Relations at MGIMO. He worked as a diplomat in the DPRK. According to popular legend, he left his career as a diplomat to pursue music professionally. According to journalist V.V. Marochkin, Sklyar left his career as a diplomat not of his own free will, but was sent home for singing White Guard songs with a guitar at one evening of relaxation.

Musical career He started out as a guitarist in Vasily Shumov’s bands “777” and “Center”. Then, in the year, he created his own project “Va-Bank”. In the mid-1990s, in parallel, solo career. Alexander Sklyar also tried himself in literature: in 1991, in collaboration with Roman Kanushkin, he published the children's book “Petrovich and Patapum in the Magic Labyrinth.”

He also repeatedly acted as a TV presenter. In the 2007-2008 television season, A.F. Sklyar tries himself as a TV presenter of the program “Another Cinema. Fear" on TV-3. In it, the musician recalls the most horror movies and reflects on human phobias. In another program - “Fatal Night” on the “Culture” channel - he comments on the concerts of rock and roll luminaries.


In the late 1970s, before traveling to Korea, Sklyar played guitar in Vasily Shumov’s group “777”. Upon his return from Korea in 1985, he joined next group Shumov “Center”, and participated in the recording of her album “Signs of Life”.

A.F. Sklyar became famous as the leader of the Va-Bank group, which he created in Moscow in June 1986.

IN solo albums The "all-in period" was a close collaboration with the writer Evgeniy Golovin, who wrote many of the lyrics.

The singer loves to change his images and surprise his fans. So, in the video for the song “Lyuba Babavaya” from last album“Vasya the conscience”, Alexander Sklyar appeared in the image of a “blonde”.

He carried out joint projects with singer Irina Bogushevskaya and the lead singer of the Agatha Christie group Gleb Samoilov.

In March 2014, he performed at a charity concert in Sevastopol in support of the referendum on the status of Crimea as part of the “Soldier's Heart” campaign.


Solo discography

Joint projects

  • - “Boatswain and the Tramp” (with Garik Sukachev)
  • - “Gypsy rock and roll” (with the “Pearl Brothers”)
  • - “Brazilian cruiser. Strange songs of A. N. Vertinsky "(with Irina Bogushevskaya)

Participation in recording


  • - Victor Pelevin. “Helmet of Horror” (together with Leonid Volodarsky, Maria Golubkina, Alexey Kolgan, Sergei Frolov, Rafael Safin, Tina Kandelaki, Yulia Rutberg, Nikolai Fomenko ( Publishing House"Union")).
  • - Miyamoto Musashi. "The Book of Five Rings".
  • - Victor Pelevin. "Chapaev and Emptiness".
  • - Takuan Soho. "Letters from a Zen Master to a Sword Master"
  • - F. Kafka. “Transformation” (together with the team of Anton Gorbunov).


  1. - “Hypnosis” (as part of the “Black Room” project)
  2. - “Highway Enthusiasts” - murderer
  3. - “MUR is MUR” - Kostya Kryukov
  4. - "Victory Day" - Afghan
  5. - “The Last Reproduction” - prosecutor's office investigator Gaev
  6. - “Closed spaces” - psychotherapist Dvornikov
  7. - "Big tycoons"
  8. - "To the touch " - musician.




Together with Roman Kanushkin:

  1. 1991 - “Petrovich and Patapum in the magic labyrinth.” Cultural and commercial club “!Bekas”, 24 p. ISBN 5-7340-0001-9
  2. 1992 - “The Great Space Journey of Petrovich and Patapum.” Cultural and commercial club “!Bekas”, 32 p. ISBN 5-7340-0002-7
  3. 1992 - “Petrovich and Patapum on the island of pirates.” Cultural and commercial club “!Bekas”, 32 pp. ISBN 5-7340-0003-5
  4. 1993 - “Petrovich and Patapum in the land of ghosts.” ABclub, AST-Press, 166 p. ISBN 5-88196-129-3
  5. 2002 - “The Adventures of Petrovich and Patapum.” Astrel, Onyx 21st century, 256 pp. ISBN 5-17-008701-2

see also

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  • A. S. Alekseev. Who's Who in Russian Rock Music. - M. : AST: Astrel: Harvest, 2009. - P. 445. - ISBN 978-5-17-048654-0 (AST). - ISBN 978-5-271-24160-4 (Astrel). - ISBN 978-985-16-7343-4 (Harvest).


Excerpt characterizing Sklyar, Alexander Feliksovich

From Orsha they ran further along the road to Vilna, playing blind man's buff in the same way with the pursuing army. On the Berezina there was confusion again, many drowned, many surrendered, but those who crossed the river ran on. Their main leader put on a fur coat and, getting into the sleigh, rode off alone, leaving his comrades. Those who could, also left; those who could not, gave up or died.

It would seem that in this campaign of flight of the French, when they did everything they could to destroy themselves; when not a single movement of this crowd, starting from the turn onto the Kaluga road and until the flight of the commander from the army, made the slightest sense - it would seem that during this period of the campaign it is no longer possible for historians, who attribute the actions of the masses to the will of one person, to describe this retreat in their meaning. But no. Mountains of books have been written by historians about this campaign, and everywhere the orders of Napoleon and his profound plans are described - the maneuvers that led the army, and the brilliant orders of his marshals.
The retreat from Maloyaroslavets when he is given the road to an abundant land and when that parallel road along which Kutuzov later pursued him is open to him, the unnecessary retreat along the ruined road is explained to us for various profound reasons. For the same profound reasons, his retreat from Smolensk to Orsha is described. Then his heroism at Krasny is described, where he allegedly prepares to take the battle and command himself, and walks with a birch stick and says:
- J "ai assez fait l" Empereur, il est temps de faire le general, [I’ve already imagined the emperor, now it’s time to be a general.] - and, despite that, immediately after that he runs on, leaving the scattered parts of the army located behind.
Then they describe to us the greatness of the soul of the marshals, especially Ney, the greatness of the soul, which consists in the fact that at night he made his way through the forest bypassing the Dnieper and, without banners and artillery and without nine-tenths of the army, ran to Orsha.
And finally, the last departure of the great emperor from the heroic army seems to us by historians as something great and brilliant. Even this last act of flight, in human language is called the last degree of meanness, which every child learns to be ashamed of, and this act in the language of historians receives justification.
Then, when it is no longer possible to stretch such elastic threads of historical reasoning any further, when an action is already clearly contrary to what all humanity calls good and even justice, the saving concept of greatness appears among historians. Greatness seems to exclude the possibility of measuring good and bad. For the great there is no bad. There is no horror that can be blamed on someone who is great.
- “C"est grand!" [This is majestic!] - say historians, and then there is no longer good or bad, but there is “grand” and “not grand.” Grand is good, not grand is bad. Grand is, according to their concepts, something special. animals they call heroes. And Napoleon, walking home in a warm fur coat from the dying not only of his comrades, but (in his opinion) of the people he brought here, feels que c’est grand, and his soul is at peace.
“Du sublime (he sees something sublime in himself) au ridicule il n"y a qu"un pas,” he says. And the whole world has been repeating for fifty years: “Sublime! Grand! Napoleon le grand! Du sublime au ridicule il n"y a qu"un pas". [majestic... From majestic to ridiculous there is only one step... Majestic! Great! Napoleon the Great! It’s only a step from the majestic to the ridiculous.]
And it will not occur to anyone that recognition of greatness, immeasurable by the measure of good and bad, is only recognition of one’s insignificance and immeasurable smallness.
For us, with the measure of good and bad given to us by Christ, there is nothing immeasurable. And there is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth.

Which of the Russian people, reading the descriptions last period campaign of 1812, did not experience a heavy feeling of annoyance, dissatisfaction and uncertainty. Who hasn’t asked himself questions: how they didn’t take and destroy all the French, when all three armies surrounded them in superior numbers, when the frustrated French, starving and freezing, surrendered in droves, and when (as history tells us) the goal of the Russians was precisely that to stop, cut off and take prisoner all the French.
Somehow Russian army, which, weaker in number of French, gave battle of Borodino, how did this army, which surrounded the French on three sides and had the goal of taking them away, not achieve its goal? Do the French really have such a huge advantage over us that we, having surrounded them with superior forces, could not beat them? How could this happen?
History (the one called by this word), answering these questions, says that this happened because Kutuzov, and Tormasov, and Chichagov, and this one, and that one, did not make such and such maneuvers.
But why didn't they do all these maneuvers? Why, if they were to blame for not achieving the intended goal, why were they not tried and executed? But, even if we admit that the failure of the Russians was due to Kutuzov and Chichagov, etc., it is still impossible to understand why and in the conditions in which the Russian troops were located at Krasnoye and near Berezina (in both cases the Russians were in excellent forces), why was the French army with its marshals, kings and emperors not captured, when this was the goal of the Russians?
The explanation of this strange phenomenon by the fact that Kutuzov prevented the attack (as Russian military historians do) is unfounded because we know that Kutuzov’s will could not keep the troops from attacking near Vyazma and near Tarutin.
Why was that Russian army, which with weaker forces won a victory at Borodino over the enemy in all its strength, at Krasnoe and near Berezina with superior forces defeated by frustrated crowds of the French?
If the goal of the Russians was to cut off and capture Napoleon and the marshals, and this goal was not only not achieved, but all attempts to achieve this goal were each time destroyed in the most shameful way, then the last period of the campaign quite rightly seems to be close to the French victories and is completely unfairly presented by Russian historians as victorious.
Russian military historians, to the extent that logic is obligatory for them, involuntarily come to this conclusion and, despite lyrical appeals about courage and devotion, etc., must involuntarily admit that the French retreat from Moscow is a series of victories for Napoleon and defeats for Kutuzov.
But, leaving national pride completely aside, one feels that this conclusion itself contains a contradiction, since a series of victories for the French led them to complete destruction, and a series of defeats for the Russians led them to the complete destruction of the enemy and the purification of their fatherland.
The source of this contradiction lies in the fact that historians who study events from letters of sovereigns and generals, from reports, reports, plans, etc., have assumed a false, never-existent goal for the last period of the war of 1812 - a goal that supposedly consisted of to cut off and catch Napoleon with the marshals and the army.
This goal never existed and could not exist, because it had no meaning, and achieving it was completely impossible.
This goal did not make any sense, firstly, because Napoleon’s frustrated army fled from Russia as quickly as possible, that is, it fulfilled the very thing that every Russian could wish for. Why was it necessary to carry out various operations on the French, who fled as quickly as they could?
Secondly, it was pointless to stand in the way of people who had directed all their energy to escape.
Thirdly, it was pointless to lose their troops to destroy the French armies, which were destroyed without external reasons in such a progression that without any blocking of the path they could not transfer across the border more than what they transferred in the month of December, that is, one hundredth of the entire army.
Fourthly, it was pointless to want to capture the emperor, kings, dukes - people whose captivity was highest degree would complicate the actions of the Russians, as the most skilled diplomats of that time admitted (J. Maistre and others). Even more senseless was the desire to take the French corps when their troops had melted halfway to Krasny, and convoy divisions had to be separated from the corps of prisoners, and when their soldiers did not always receive full provisions and the prisoners already taken were dying of hunger.
The entire thoughtful plan to cut off and catch Napoleon and his army was similar to the plan of a gardener who, driving cattle out of the garden that had trampled his ridges, would run to the gate and begin to beat this cattle on the head. One thing that could be said to justify the gardener would be that he was very angry. But this could not even be said about the drafters of the project, because they were not the ones who suffered from the trampled ridges.
But, besides the fact that cutting off Napoleon and the army was pointless, it was impossible.
This was impossible, firstly, because, since experience shows that the movement of columns over five miles in one battle never coincides with plans, the likelihood that Chichagov, Kutuzov and Wittgenstein would converge on time at the appointed place was so insignificant , that it amounted to impossibility, as Kutuzov thought, even upon receiving the plan, he said that sabotage over long distances does not bring the desired results.
Secondly, it was impossible because, in order to paralyze the force of inertia with which Napoleon’s army was moving back, it was necessary to have, without comparison, larger troops than those that the Russians had.
Thirdly, it was impossible because cutting off a military word has no meaning. You can cut off a piece of bread, but not an army. There is no way to cut off an army - to block its path, because there is always a lot of space around where you can go around, and there is night, during which nothing is visible, as military scientists could be convinced of, even from the examples of Krasny and Berezina. It is impossible to take prisoner without the person being taken prisoner agreeing to it, just as it is impossible to catch a swallow, although you can take it when it lands on your hand. You can take prisoner someone who surrenders, like the Germans, according to the rules of strategy and tactics. But the French troops, quite rightly, did not find this convenient, since the same hungry and cold death awaited them on the run and in captivity.

A. Plushev - Good night! Alexander Plyushchev is at the microphone, “Silver” program. As promised, today we have Alexander F. Sklyar, good night!
A. SKLYAR Good night!
A. Plushev - Alexander F. Sklyar came to us for a reason, he came to us with his new album called “Barefoot on the Moon,” which was literally just released and was presented last week, right?
A. SKLYAR Yes, 14 and 15 in the B2 club.
A. Plushev - But it’s interesting that you organized a free concert on this occasion. By the way, I did not follow his fate; we announced this case both for free and, so to speak, for VIP persons. I wonder, first of all, why? and how many people came?
A. SKLYAR When in the summer we discussed with the guys from Va-Bank the idea of ​​how we would like to celebrate our 15th anniversary, we decided that we would do this only under 2 conditions. The first thing is if we manage to do it for the 15th anniversary new album, because without a new album, simply announcing that the group is 15 years old seemed uninteresting to us. And secondly, we came up with the following scheme: we would like to contact some big club and offer them the following option: we will give you 2 free concerts for us, i.e. we do not receive a fee, but we want to make sure that some concerts will only be by our invitations, and if you sell tickets, then the tickets will be very expensive. Well, much more expensive than what you usually get in this club. But the next day we also play a free concert, but free, admission is free. And the “B2” club, which we contacted...
A. Plushev - Why? What's the point?
A. SKLYAR The point is that there should not be a single person who could say that I wanted to go to “Va-Bank”, but did not go because I did not have money. This is an ordinary, traditional question.
A. PLYUSCHEV - Or there weren’t enough tickets.
A. SKLYAR Or, yes, let’s say there weren’t enough tickets. And it seems to me that this scheme actually worked. The first day we really did it by invitation only. I don’t know if anyone bought tickets, but if they did, it was probably very few, because the tickets were really very expensive. But by invitation, we invited a large number of people, and saw all those with whom we were connected by creative, human and whatever fate over the course of all these 15 years. We invited our friends, colleagues, musicians, non-musicians. And on the second day there were also quite a lot of people, but less than on the first. Those. the club was not packed. And so I understand that everyone who really wanted to come to this free concert, see the new “Va-Bank”, see what it looks like, how it sounds now. Naturally, they all came on this second day to listen to some songs from the album.
A. Plushev - What does Alexander F. Sklyar sound like? Today we will hear what “Va-Bank”, his new album, sounds like. It's called "Barefoot on the Moon." Moreover, you can even see it if you answer one of the questions we ask today correctly. Today Alexander F. Sklyar brought 3 wonderful prizes. Of course, first of all, this is a new album, we will listen to it all night and talk about it. Not all night, but for the first 2 hours Alexander F. Sklyar will stay with us. There is also a poster on which all the Va-Bank musicians have signed their signatures. Of course, the album will also be signed by Alexander F. Sklyar. And a photo from this very presentation, from this 15th anniversary of the Va-Bank group, a photo from Alexander F. Sklyar, in a hat, more precisely
A. SKLYAR Without a hat!
A. PLYUSCHEV - Yes, the hat is lifted from his head. Now, I’ll ask you questions a little later, but now our pager number is 974-22-22 for Echo of Moscow. You can ask your questions here. We will also listen to the telephone number 203-19-22. Well, I suggest that there be no unfounded, since we promised what the new “Va-Bank” sounds like, let’s listen to the composition that
A. SKLYAR Gave the name to the album, yes, which we consider one of those indicative on this album, and which gives a complete idea of ​​the sound of the new “Va-Banka”. Why am I saying something new? Because on this album, for the first time, 2 new current musicians took part in the recording: our keyboard player Alexander Belonosov and guitarist Denis Danburin.
A. Plushev - Excellent! "Barefoot on the Moon"
A. Plushev - Are you listening to “Echo of Moscow”, our guest is Alexander F. Sklyar. Today we are listening to the album “Barefoot on the Moon”. You just heard the song from there; it gave the name to the entire album. By the way, there are a lot of questions already on the pager, 974-22-22 for Echo of Moscow. We will now try to voice them all. The only thing I wanted to know was the answer to my question, then I will pass everything on to our listeners so that they can ask questions, but first, their curiosity, if possible. I've been thinking about this language problem all day today, why Alexander F. Sklyar? This question is probably asked often. But what shocked me was that it would be inconvenient for me to pronounce, purely from the language, Alexander Sklyar, somehow we have already become so accustomed to the fact that this is such a stable expression Alexander F. Sklyar. Why is that?
A. SKLYAR Well, in fact, this is where it arose. When in 1991 Artem Troitsky invited me to the station to host a program, which later became known as “Learn to Swim”
A. PLYUSCHEV - To “Maximum”?
A. SKLYAR Yes. I didn’t have any experience, I couldn’t consult anyone on how to do it. We had no concept of leading special programs, because they practically did not exist, just as there were no FM stations. And when I started this work, I realized that I needed to announce myself, i.e. Hello, Alexander is speaking to you. And this is the thing, I realized that something needs to be added. In fact, this “F” never existed before. Except on my diplomatic business card a long time ago, where, if on one side it says “Sklyar Alexander Feliksovich” and the position, then on the other side in English “Alexander F. Sklyar”. And I remembered this thing, and I want to say it right away, the name of the opportunity now, I want to say it right away, I want to appeal to all leading media outlets, gentlemen, dear friends, colleagues, if you allow me to call myself that! There is no letter “eF” in the Russian language. There is a letter “Fe” in the Russian language, so saying “EfeRGe” or saying “EfSBe” is blatant illiteracy. I want you to understand this!
A. Plushev - Oh, just a balm for the soul!
A. SKLYAR “FeRGe”, “FeSBe”, etc. When I say Alexander “EF” Sklyar, it is precisely a combination of Russian and English letter"F". She, naturally, was born from my patronymic Feliksovich, but this is not Alexander “Fe” Sklyar
A. Plushev - Can you imagine how to pronounce Alexander “Fe” Sklyar!
A. SKLYAR Naturally, this is “eF”. But when you pronounce Russian abbreviations, please remember that the Russian language is still the letter “Fe”, and not the letter “eF”. And there are no “eFerGe” in Russian.
A. Plushev If the authoritative opinion of a MGIMO graduate matters to you, then this is exactly what I hope you will do. In any case, even before I met Alexander F. Sklyar, which happened half an hour ago, that’s exactly what I did. Okay, now let's move on to listener questions. And let's start playing. Alexander F. Sklyar brought 3 prizes, I have already named them, and I came up with 3 questions, he approved them all, by the way. Let's start with the easy one. We are raffling off a poster of the group “Va-Bank” dedicated to the release of their new album. And here the album cover itself is also captured, with the autographs of all the musicians. The question is: what is the name of the song from which these lines are taken, which Alexander F. Sklyar himself will now say.
A. SKLYAR The stitches are:
And the bacchantes pass by,
Straight road to heaven.
Tanks rumble along the Neva,
If you want, rake them into a pile.
A. PLYUSCHEV - 974-22-22 for “Echo of Moscow”, and here you can send your answers. Don't forget to include your phone number, and then you will receive this prize as a gift. As soon as it is played, we will immediately play another one. It is quite possible that one person will take all these 3 prizes if they answer the questions correctly.
A. SKLYAR And the first!
A. PLYUSCHEV - Yes, and the first. So, let's move on to questions from listeners. You've already mentioned Maximum, the Learn to Swim program that you ran. And naturally, there are questions about this. “Alexander, are you currently running the “Learn to Swim” program? Does she exist now? Igor,” and immediately followed by a question from Sergei: “Previously, on Radio Station there was my favorite program “Learn to Swim.” Where did she go? Will you lead it in the future?
A. SKLYAR The “Learn to Swim” program has not been broadcast since about June, after the management of the “Station” radio changed, and the “Station” radio itself no longer exists, but there is another station on this frequency. Accordingly, it is clear that the program went off the air; since then it has not been resumed anywhere else. Despite this, the “Learn to Swim” festival exists nominally, no one closed it, and I even know that Alexander Mileshkin, one of my 2 assistants with whom I Lately He constantly led the program, preparing the next collection “Learn to swim, lesson 6.” Another thing is that I don’t really understand how, without radio support, without a program, how a festival can exist in the volume required at least, as it existed when the Learn to Swim program was around. If it resumes on some Moscow FM, I will be glad. Another thing is that I have always said lately that I would like to go somewhat into the shadows due to my busyness as an active artist. And more opportunity, room for maneuvering, is provided to my constant assistant for the last 2 years, Lali Vi. She is absolutely, in my opinion, a competent person in all matters related to “Learn to Swim”. In addition, she has a wonderful assistant, Alexander Mileshkin. And I would only join in on some special occasions, be it an interview, say, with a visiting artist or some important, interesting special. And, of course, I would continue to be among the people who support the very idea of ​​“Learn to Swim” and this festival. But so far these discussions have not led to a serious result, so now we can state that the “Learn to Swim” program does not exist. I am, so to speak, in free flight or free swimming, as you prefer. And I sympathize with all the ideas of “Learn to Swim”, but at the same time I am engaged in the “Va-Bank” group and solo work.
A. Plushev - Ideas are ideas, but don’t you miss working as a radio host or not?
A. SKLYAR I miss it a little, of course, because 10 years of my life have been devoted to this. But I’m very busy now, constantly with my own musical affairs. And I think that, for example, if I had continued to be the presenter, I might not even have been able to record this album on time for our 15th anniversary, to prepare this 15th anniversary of “Va-Banka”. And I considered this very important for myself, because the current composition of the Va-Bank group seems to me the most powerful, adequate to the ideas that I put into this group when I created it in 1986. And therefore, of course, now I would like to first of all focus on my dear, dear and painfully beloved team.
A. Plushev - Good! What do you think, Alexander, do we already have the correct answer?
A. SKLYAR I'm sure there is.
A. Plushev - Yes, absolutely right! The name of the song is
A. SKLYAR “Nevsky Bridges” from the album “Home”.
A. Plushev - And Denis answered this question correctly, phone number 901. We have our first winner. I propose now to do this: we will listen
A. SKLYAR Anything else?
A. Plushev Yes, well, for example, if you don’t mind, a song called “My Life.”
A. SKLYAR It’s my great pleasure! This is a song that took quite a long time to create, and I specifically included it in this album. It seems to me that she belongs here. Because in a sense, there is some reflection here about myself, about what I am as an artist, as a musician, as a musician in the Va-Bank group and in general as a musician in life. What is the path of the artist, the path of the warrior, the path of the artist.
A. Plushev - Wonderful! The song “My Life”, and after that we play a photo with Alexander F. Sklyar.
A. Plushev - This is Alexander F. Sklyar, the song “My Life” from the new album “Barefoot on the Moon,” which we listen to today until 2 am. Songs chosen by Alexander F. Sklyar. Which one should we listen to next so we can decide right away?
A. SKLYAR I would really like us to listen to the song called “Home”.
A. Plushev - Excellent! We will do this in a few minutes, after we answer the questions sent to the pager 974-22-22 for Echo of Moscow. We'll definitely listen to the phone, what would we do without it? Not everyone knows how to use a pager; many prefer live.
A. SKLYAR Of course, it’s much more interesting live. By the way, I tried a couple of times, I now don’t remember which programs to reach by phone, and I never succeeded.
A. Plushev - Ours?
A. SKLYAR Well, here it is.
A. PLYUSCHEV - On “Echo of Moscow”?
A. SKLYAR Yes, I never succeeded.
A. Plushev - Oh, you hear! Alexander F. Sklyar tried to call Ekho Moskvy. Those. my friends, among you, among those who call, they often consider this an eccentricity of those people who
A. SKLYAR No, why?
A. PLYUSCHEV - Among them is Alexander F. Sklyar.
A. SKLYAR If this is eccentricity, then in that case, I mean, how would it be
A. Plushev - So, Denis asks us how to get the prize; they will definitely call you tomorrow and tell you everything. And the next prize from Alexander F. Sklyar will be an exclusive photograph, even he doesn’t have one like that anymore
A. SKLYAR Yes, I gave mine away.
A. PLYUSCHEV - And there is no negativity here, because... This photo is the author’s of Oleg Belikov, he asks not to publish it without the author’s consent, so you will have it in a single copy. Naturally, with an autograph, Alexander F. Sklyar will write who the winner’s name will be here. This will be for the next answer to the question: what was the reason for Alexander F. Sklyar to shave his head for the first time? Here's the question. I would say that it is very complex. How do you think?
A. SKLYAR I think it’s difficult.
A. PLYUSCHEV - Well, we have a prize, I must say that we need it.
A. SKLYAR In general, very exclusive. This is a photo that was taken at the presentation of the “Va-Bank” album on the 14th, and this is the 15th anniversary. Those. it is absolutely exclusive. This was a concert that we do not plan to repeat in the next, let’s say, five years, because at one concert we combined all the genres that were related to the Va-Bank group, i.e. my solo work was presented there, the work of our guitarist Denis was presented, he plays in the group “Freken Bok”, the work of my double bassist Abelardo Alfonso Lopez was presented, with whom my trio work, he has his own group, called “Che Guevara Band”, where they play 3 Va-Banka musicians: Alik Ismagilov, bass guitarist, Andrey Belezov, drummer, and Alexander Belonosov. And they did it all in one bottle. It was a 2.5-hour concert, for which we, as I said, spent 2 months preparing.
A. Plushev - Great! 203-19-22 our phone number. Let's chat live, Alexander F. Sklyar and I somehow miss live communication. Hello!
LISTENER Good night! My name is Svetlana.
A. SKLYAR Hello!
LISTENER Why did you shave your head? Perhaps it was very hot?
A. SKLYAR This, you know, of course, is a good try, but nevertheless, it’s better if you try to ask some question, since you got through on the phone.
A. PLYUSCHEV - This is one, and secondly, answers are received via pager. It's much easier to send there.
LISTENER I wanted to ask about your work together with Garik Sukachev. The fact is that we have “Boatswain and the Tramp,” your concert. Firstly, when I watched it on TV, I really liked it! But even listening to this is something extraordinary! I’m actually retired, and I have a pension, well, you can imagine. But if you had another joint concert with Garik, I would do everything, I would definitely buy a ticket for the first row! Because well, this is something extraordinary. You get such pleasure!
A. SKLYAR Thank you very much!
LISTENER I wish you all the very best. Happiness, health first of all. Well, and make us happy, of course.
A. SKLYAR Thank you for your call. I will answer regarding this project. This is actually a joint project between me and Garik, which was called “Boatswain and the Tramp,” which, in my opinion, is already 5 years old, and maybe even 6. It arose completely by accident. One evening in Moscow, we decided whether we should try to make such a program of songs that we would sing alternately, then Garik, then me? And these songs also seemed to appear by themselves. Some of what Garik did not sing in his composition, some of what I had. And, of course, we dedicated it to Alyosha Dimitrievich, a wonderful Russian artist, whose work is very significant for us. And it turned out to be very sincere, kind, good. I still enjoy listening to him too. Since then, we have never renewed this on purpose. And we didn’t play specially announced joint concerts. Will they ever exist in the future? I can’t tell you, because who knows how it turns out creative destiny from the artist? Maybe it will, maybe it won't. But if it happens, I will be happy, you don’t need to buy a ticket, I will be happy to invite you to this concert. If Ekho Moskvy announces it, please call here at Ekho, remind us of our conversation, and I promise you that I will make you a guest ticket for 2 persons.
A. Plushev - Let's do it! You will call as soon as you find out about this concert and leave a note addressed to me. Fine?
A. Plushev - Thank you very much! Great call, I think. There is still no correct answer to the question we posed.
A. SKLYAR No, because it’s a difficult question.
A. PLYUSCHEV - There are different versions. Would you like to hear which ones?
A. SKLYAR I think they
A. PLYUSHCHEV - Well, for example, at the request of teachers not to wear long hair.
A. SKLYAR Well, this is, in fact, such a traditional answer. Yes, of course, we weren’t really encouraged to have long hair back then. Not so much even as teachers, but as a military department. Well, of course, one of the main requirements of the military department at the institute is that they can show their power over a student by asking him to make his hair shorter. But in such a way as to do it completely “to zero”, no, they didn’t go to that extent.
A. Plushev - In general, they know a lot about your life. I have a different version than Mr. Stanislavsky, who answers this question. But if Alexander F. Sklyar admits that this is the correct version, then we will give the prize because the head of the department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not accept the resignation letter from the young promising employee Alexander Sklyar, and only after you shaved, the boss realized that he was dealing with a reckless guy, and signed a statement.
A. SKLYAR Yes, this is a great version! But, unfortunately, it is not true.
A. Plushev - Wonderful! Actually, I'm straight for myself.
A. SKLYAR But in fact, the shells are falling close.
A. PLYUSCHEV - Yes, yes, we’ll give these tips. Those. The assumption is correct with the institute, this matter is connected.
A. SKLYAR Yes, and even with the end period, we can even give an even greater hint.
A. PLYUSCHEV - Yes. There is also an assumption that the cause was early baldness.
A. SKLYAR No, this is absolutely not true! My hair is still strong.
A. Plushev - I even see
A. SKLYAR It’s like we’re sitting opposite each other, and we see the strength of each other’s hair.
A. Plushev - Don't worry, Ivan, everything is fine. Another reason was my passion for Buddhism.
A. SKLYAR No, this is also wrong. I really have great respect for this religion, but I must say that I have no less respect for all other religions. And in general, I think that religion is such an extremely personal matter that we do not have the right to say that this one is better and that one is worse, just because one of them is personally closer to us. In my opinion, every person has the right to his own religion. And as for me, I’m probably not a follower of any one particular religion.
A. Plushev - Let me repeat the question: what was the reason for Alexander F. Sklyar to shave his head for the first time? We gave a hint that it is connected with the institute, moreover, with the final period of training. Alexander F. Sklyar studied at MGIMO. To be honest, I’m a little upset, because I want to talk, there are a lot of questions, and I really want to listen. Let us then listen at the end of the hour, before the news, and now let’s answer questions.
A. Plushev - Roman Latenko asks you to hand over a separate copy of the collection “Propaganda”
A. SKLYAR Thank you very much, I have already received it. Alexander has already given me the collection, I will definitely listen to it, if we have the opportunity to communicate later, I can tell my opinion.
A. Plushev - And moreover, today I will present a couple of songs, after Alexander F. Sklyar and I talk
A. SKLYAR I will definitely listen, thank you!
A. Plushev - Well, everything is great. Anna Moiseevna asks: “Please tell me, is this your real name? The simple fact is that you are completely, i.e. They don’t look like Sklyar at all!”
A. SKLYAR Well, apparently, Anna Moiseevna means Sklyar, who is Igor, so I think that I am not like him. This is completely natural, because we are not relatives, moreover, we do not even know each other. I have my own version about this. I think that maybe we kind of come from the same related clan. This could happen. I never talked to him, so I couldn’t ask him this. But I know that near Poltava there is a large village called Hereski, in which about half the population, and maybe more, are Sklyars. Those. have the surname Sklyar. It is likely that his relatives are also from there. Just like me, on my father’s side I descend from the Sklyars. I can say one cool thing: for the first time I met the name Sklyar from our Russian writer, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, who is extremely revered and respected by me, in his cycle of stories “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”, where in one of the stories in the last paragraph there is such a phrase, not I’m quoting, but I’m speaking close to the text, and for a long time Sklar the Piper will sing us old songs about some kind of legends. That's where I read my last name for the first time.
A. Plushev - They ask a lot about your joint works, I am continuing what our listener has already asked, but this time about Viktor Pelevin and Irina Bogushevskaya. Tell us, this is what prompted you to work with Viktor Pelevin, for example, asks Dmitry from St. Petersburg.
A. SKLYAR Viktor Pelevin and I were prompted by our idea, which arose in the depths of “Va-Bank” - we wanted to do an integral work. And do this work as if at home, i.e. according to the task that we come up with for ourselves. We came up with the idea that we would like to voice a story, create a soundtrack for the story.
A. Plushev - Everyone makes the soundtrack for the film, and you do the story.
A. SKLYAR Yes, everything is for the film, but we wanted to make it for the story. And for the purity of the experiment, it would be nice if this story were new, as if written specially, and not just something that already exists. Those. so that there is a pure experiment. Then the idea came to our minds to turn to Viktor Pelevin, because all of us, all the musicians of “Va-Bank”, liked the novel “Chapaev and Emptiness”, and we, within our circle, had heard of it. And I found Victor’s phone number, called him and told him this idea. We didn't know him before. I suggested this idea to him: you write a story on any topic, any story you want, and we make an album on it.
A. Plushev - Do you read it after it’s written and make an album?
A. SKLYAR Yes, we read, i.e. We haven’t composed anything, not a single song before this, we don’t discuss the theme of the story. You write a story, as soon as you have it ready, you transmit it to us in any form, in person, over the Internet, whatever you like. He gave it to us personally. But the only thing we really ask you to do is not to publish this story until the album is released. Because otherwise the meaning is lost. And Victor wrote, in my opinion, a wonderful story called “Lower Tundra,” and we made an album based on this story. This album eventually came out. We did it for a very long time. It came out after 2 years of work on this album. Accordingly, it is also called “Lower Tundra,” and we consider this our joint work with Viktor Pelevin. Those. “Va-Bank” made the soundtrack, Victor wrote the story, and we have it all in one CD, respectively, the disc and the text of the story itself.
A. Plushev - I have personal memories associated with this disc. The most famous song from this disc, like this, played on all radio stations, well, not all
A. SKLYAR On some, yes.
A. PLYUSCHEV - Where they play such music is “Sklif”. And for some reason I was forced to visit this establishment.
A. PLYUSCHEV - And you know, this song just involuntarily comes to mind, really!
A. SKLYAR But is it associatively captured there?
A. Plushev - Absolutely! Certainly.
A. SKLYAR This is also very important for me, firstly, because it is a work of art, no matter how you treat it. And I have always believed that very often in works of art some things are captured that are then, as it were, tested by life.
A. Plushev - On the other hand, maybe this is a slightly different art that influences life. I had never been to Sklif before, I first heard the song and then visited there.
A. SKLYAR Yes, that’s why I asked how much this coincides.
A. Plushev - But nevertheless!
A. SKLYAR But nevertheless. And this is doubly interesting for me, because the author of this song is Evgeny Golovin, who, by the way, took part in composing several tracks for the album “Lower Tundra”. And I also consider it a very strong song, we still continue to perform it at concerts. If, well, my only wish is that everyone doesn’t end up there, that’s all I can say.
A. Plushev - A few more questions from the pager, there are just a million of them. Thus, “Judging by the title track of the album, “Va-Bank” has switched to a softer sound. Do you plan to continue working in this style or will you experiment with sound? Mikhail, Novosibirsk"
A. SKLYAR Mikhail, thank you for the question. He is important to us. We slightly highlighted the more romantic orientation of the Va-Bank group in this album. I have already said that it seems to me that now the current composition most accurately reflects the ideas that I had when “Va-Bank” was created. For one reason or another, these ideas did not always find the possibility of their implementation. But the romantic component of “Va-Bank” has always been very important to me. She is represented more on this album, although there are some harder songs. But I would specifically like to emphasize this, because the hard “Va-Bank” is more or less understandable to everyone. But the soft, romantic component of my all-in creativity seemed to stand a little aside, with the exception, perhaps, of the songs “Eldorado”, “Moscow Routes”, “Nevsky Bridges”. On this album, I would like to make it clear so that a person who bought this album and listened to it and then wanted to go to the concert of the “Va-Bank” group would understand what kind of group he is going to see and what kind of music he will hear when he comes to the concert “ All-in."
A. Plushev - So, there are a lot of assumptions that are, in fact, very close to what I have written as the correct answer. We will probably discuss this matter with Alexander F. Sklyar when the song plays, and after the start of the hour we will make a verdict, right or wrong. For now, you can send answers to the question, because no one has yet said the exact wording. If it is accurate, we will give him a prize. What was the reason for Alexander F. Sklyar to shave his head for the first time? Okay, a few more questions from the pager. “Unfortunately, I cannot participate in your competition, because... I am very unfamiliar with their work, and even more so with the biography of Alexander F. Sklyar. I know one thing: I like their songs. But I haven't heard more than one whole album. Could you tell me which of the “Va-Banka” albums you consider to be the best, therefore, from which album should we start studying the group’s work?”
A. SKLYAR Denis, it’s a good question, but I’ll probably answer quite simply and unassumingly. Start studying the work of “Va-Banka” with our latest album, which is called “Barefoot on the Moon.” You will understand why I said that after you listen to it. If you want to go deeper, just go backwards according to this chronology, i.e. from “Barefoot on the Moon” go to “Lower Tundra”, from there to “Home”, then you will get into the hands of “Live, Living”, then you will hear the hard “Va-Bank” on the album “It’s So Necessary”, then you will hear first acoustic album recorded in " Russian rock"called "Va-Bank" in the kitchen", well, etc., if you want to go down further.
A. Plushev - By the way, the third, most difficult, as Alexander F. Sklyar defined it in our hierarchy, question will be connected with discography. They ask, how do you feel about the fact that the group “Bricks” mentioned you in their song?
A. SKLYAR Wonderful!
A. PLYUSCHEV - I will simply quote. There is such a line: “Alexander F. Sklyar would say so”
A. SKLYAR I feel great, especially since I really like the song and the video for this song. And in general, I have a very warm attitude towards the work of the “Bricks” group. Moreover, in such a good, kind, ironic context. Great!
A. Plushev - More about collaboration with Irina Bogushevskaya, they ask about the album. Tell us a little about this.
A. SKLYAR This is the last of my currently solo joint works, this is a song by Alexander Nikolaevich Vertinsky performed by Irina Bogushevskaya and your humble servant. It came out in June of this year, it's a live recording. We recorded our first concert, which was sung more than a year ago in Moscow, at the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val, and which was dedicated to such a very interesting and unusual 111th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Nikolaevich Vertinsky. I consider him one of the greatest Russian artists of the 20th century. And this album for me has this, well, very visceral important. I don't want to go into this now. In my opinion, it turned out well, although, like any concert work in which nothing can be corrected, what is sung is sung, it naturally has its drawbacks. But there is one absolutely precise plus: a lively direct perception of the work of Alexander Nikolaevich through the prism of an artist and a person living in a completely different generation. Therefore, it has some kind of concert drive, in my opinion, quite convincing. And at the same time, there is respect and reverence for Alexander Nikolaevich. I think overall the album is interesting.
A. Plushev - Probably the last question of this hour. The hour just flew by like a minute! “What interesting young teams do you think are not yet well known? wide audience? What do you think of the groups “Monroe and Kennedy's Daughter” and “Me and My Friend the Truck”? Andrey asks.
A. SKLYAR Both groups are very interesting. And it's a pity that they are unknown. But there are a lot of such groups now. When I have free time, I want to often watch the work of young people, go to concerts of young teams in some small clubs. There I saw “Me and My Friend Truck” about a year ago, maybe 1.5 years ago. There are quite a lot of such groups, and this has always existed, nothing can be said here. Not all unknown bands deserve to become famous. But unfortunately, many worthy groups never become so famous. For reasons not related to music, but related to some other issues. But I always sincerely wish all truly creative young guys perseverance and self-confidence, because only by going through these real thorns of our very difficult, very complex, multifaceted life can we forge ourselves into a real artist.
A. Plushev - Now we will listen to one more song, and after the news we will continue our conversation.
A. Plushev We continue our communication with Alexander F. Sklyar, you can’t even call it a conversation, since this is some completely different genre, what is happening here, in our studio. Out of excitement, I even mixed up my headphones and put on someone else’s. There is a correctly guessed answer to the question of what became the reason for Alexander F. Sklyar to shave his head for the first time. And now I will name the winner. His name is Igor. “He shaved his head so that he would not be sent to work in a place he did not like.” Now Alexander F. Sklyar will inscribe an exclusive photo for Igor. And at the same time, while he’s writing... do you know how to do several things at once?
A. SKLYAR Yes, I can. What phone number does he have, which one does he start with?
A. Plushev 117.
A. Plushev What kind of story is this?
A. SKLYAR The story is also simple, like many stories that happen in our lives. When I found out with horror for myself that the management of the institute refused me the assignment for which I was preparing and what I was going to do here, or rather, not to do, in order to study music. I was supposed to work in the foreign trade association “International Book”, in the office of “Sov. Art", which was engaged in the export and import of gramophone records. And I wrote my thesis on this work, “The US Music Publishing Market.” And suddenly I discovered with horror that the leadership of the institute wanted to send me to diplomatic work and send me to North Korea. This completely ruined all my plans that had been formed at that time, and it was the first serious lesson for me that nothing in this life can be planned one hundred percent. I tried to refuse this distribution, but I failed for many reasons.
And then, in order to express my protest against the fact that they were going to send me there, to North Korea, I decided, on some very sunny day, out of anger, I went into the first hairdresser I came across, which was closest to the institute, and asked me shave under the clipper. At the institute, this caused an absolute shock among all the graduates, because we still did not part, everyone was used to me being completely different. It was really just the first time. Because after that, while working in North Korea, I had a relatively normal hairstyle, a short crew cut. And I restored this hairstyle already in final version after he finally left the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and created the “Va-Bank” group, and not immediately, not from the first years.
A. Plushev There were very similar answers to this correct question. For example, “due to the fact that Alexander graduated from college and was assigned to a country with a hot climate, possibly humid.” So it is, in fact, but this was not the reason. It was a protest.
A. SKLYAR It was such a protest that was actually understood by all those who knew me closely. And by those who didn’t know me, it was perceived as some kind of extravagant prank, which, naturally, nothing could change, because all the grades were received, all the diplomas were defended, and everyone was already saying goodbye to each other, thinking that it wouldn’t be long . As always, when you graduate from college, it seems that you will communicate with everyone all your life, how great it is, friends. In fact, all this passes, and those who are listening to us now, who have already graduated from college a long time ago, I think, will not let me lie, a very small number of friends then remain, or friends in life. For example, I actually have two lifelong friends from my college days, with whom I still keep in touch. Everyone else is almost lost.
A. Plushev It’s interesting, I don’t even know what to do in this situation, because one of our listeners anticipated my question. I'll ask it anyway. That is, the person who has already sent a question that contains the answer to my question just needs to call back on the pager, but the question will come later. For it you will receive the disc “Barefoot on the Moon”. Just a few more questions from the pager. “Please tell me how Vertinsky’s relatives reacted to your disc, and did you have to communicate with them about this?” Larisa asks.
A. SKLYAR No, I did not have to personally communicate with any of the relatives of Alexander Nikolaevich Vertinsky. But the album was not released for quite a long time after it was recorded. Precisely for the reason that we wanted to make the release of this album completely legal, absolutely official, and for this, first of all, it was necessary to obtain permission from Vertinsky’s relatives. This issue was handled by a lawyer on our side. And accordingly, he communicated with lawyers on their side. I don't know who these lawyers are. I only know that the issue was amicably resolved, they gave permission to release this album. Whether they heard him or not, I don't know. I didn’t have a single call from them, not a single contact with them. As far as I know, none of them came to the concerts. This is the current situation. But, nevertheless, this album is legal and officially permitted and approved for release by Alexander Nikolaevich’s relatives.
A. Plushev Alexander F. Sklyar suggested that this question is the most difficult and the answer to it will take a long time to find, let's see now whether we will have time to answer at least one question before the correct answer comes. For this you will be given a disc autographed by Alexander F. Sklyar. What was the name of Alexander F. Sklyar's debut solo album, which was recorded in 1986? Now you can ask your question to Alexander F. Sklyar.
RADIO LISTENER OLYA Hello. I have a couple of questions. One as an addition to how grandma got through. I would like to know who else you would like to sing a duet with.
A. SKLYAR Yes, and the second?
RADIO LISTENER OLIA I saw a program on MTV, you starred in “Daytime Caprice”...
A. SKLYAR With Tutta Larsen?
RADIO LISTENER OLYA Yes. I was just trying to get through to you at this time, but nothing worked. Firstly, what are your impressions after this, and secondly, did the fans meet you downstairs or not?
A. SKLYAR I will answer you with pleasure. Let's start with the second question. I had the best impressions because I was friends with Tutta Larsen. But since we are both very busy people, we haven’t seen each other for a very long time. Therefore, first of all, it was very pleasant for us to meet together. And I think she is an absolutely wonderful TV presenter, one of the best we have on television, a very professional person. WITH professional person It's always a pleasure to communicate. Therefore, I had the best impressions, they showed wonderful, really interesting clips. No fans met me downstairs, not a single one. That is, I didn't sign a single autograph when I went downstairs. Why this was, I don’t know, but I answer you as if in spirit.
Regarding the first question, who else would I like to... You know, the circle of people with whom I would be happy to collaborate is quite large, but it is mainly associated with Western foreign artists, because here, how can I put it, there is no one no offense, there are very few serious artists of the caliber. Those artists who suit me in terms of caliber do not suit me for some other reason, or our cooperation simply does not work out. But I don’t want to name Western artists, because it’s unlikely that I’ll ever be able to collaborate with them. And if I succeed, then I will definitely tell you that this was exactly the artist I wanted.
A. Plushev By the way, supplementing the question from our listener, Igor from Moscow asks: “Please tell us about your joint project with the groups “IFK” and “Tintal”.
A. SKLYAR I'll tell you. I have another joint project with the Globas group. We recorded a song together with “IFK”, “I live in Moscow”, it was included in the collection “Learn to swim, lesson one”, we even shot a video clip for this song. The song is good, the band is very good. I am extremely sorry that Pate parted ways with the IFK group, but I really hope that both sides will be able to continue to exist with dignity in their creative work and please us with their further creative works. I collaborated with the Tintal group, which plays Celtic music, singing for them, at their request, one song in Russian for their album, which, in my opinion, has not yet been released. And the third collaboration is with the group “Globas” - this is such an interesting electronic project, in which I also took part about a year ago in a song called “Radiation”, and more recently the guys scraped together money to shoot a video, invited me to this clip. And I really hope that maybe before the new year it will be edited, because, in my opinion, the clip is interesting. If it is done, you will be able to see your humble servant there.
A. Plushev There are several answers to the question we asked, there are several options. We will now take a break to consult about who should give the prize, and we will announce the winner immediately after the song “Honduras” is played.
A. SKLYAR “Honduras” is the song that opens our album “Barefoot on the Moon”, and which, perhaps, complements the question regarding the fact that the “Va-Bank” group has begun to sound softer. Let's give now, after three relatively soft songs, the same song that is more like that hard “Va-Bank” that people are used to hearing and associating with our group.
A. PLYUSCHEV In 3 minutes. 20 sec. We will find out the name of the winner, the person who will receive the new “Va-Bank” disc “Barefoot on the Moon.”
A. Plushev You are listening to the “Silver” program on the radio station “Echo of Moscow”. We got so carried away here with Alexander F. Sklyar, he was writing an album for Maxim, whose phone number starts with 187, he absolutely accurately indicated the name of the album. It's called "Rock, Cats and Us." There were many options here. And Maxim is not the person I was talking about who sent a question about this. I'll ask it a little later. Maxim, we congratulate you, the album has already been inscribed for you, literally in live.
A. SKLYAR Yes. Why is it called solo? I'll explain now. Because in 1986, for literally 2 months, the original composition of the Va-Bank group was formed, which was immediately disbanded, after 2 months the guys went into the army and never returned to Va-Bank. And the album that we recorded really had the name “Rock, cats and us”, it was released only as a magnetic album, and to this day it has not been released on any modern media. And we at “Va-Bank”, already in the real “Va-Bank”, decided that we would classify this work as my solo work. Therefore, it can be safely called the first solo work of Alexander F. Sklyar.
A. Plushev Andrey, who assumed that the album was called “Rock Cats”, this is what he assumed: “In 86, after the creation of this program, all the Va-Bank musicians were taken into the army.” And he thought that it was because of this that you shaved your head the first time.
A. SKLYAR Ah, that's the thing. No, that's not why I shaved my head. But the musicians of that very first “Va-Bank” Kostya Shishkin and Andrei Surmachev were actually drafted into the army, one for 2 years, the other for as much as 3, he navy gone.
A. Plushev Okay. There are a few more questions. People ask a lot about your stay in Korea. Did you like it there, what do you remember from there? "How's it going with musical life? - asks Irina.
A. SKLYAR Of course, I didn’t really like it there, frankly speaking, because, as I already said, it was at a time when I absolutely decided that I would study music, so I didn’t want to go there. In principle, I was not interested in working there. But remembering these years now, after such large quantity time, I can say that, of course, there were some positive moments. For the first time there I realized myself as an adult, responsible for my life, who wants to make decisions on my own. There I first began to write seriously for myself, of course, music, play the guitar, read a lot and saw a completely different side of life, which later allowed me to relate to the social establishment the way I relate to it now.
A. Plushev How do you feel about him at present?
A. SKLYAR At least with slight irony.
A. Plushev Okay. Ilshat from Kazan asks, he was in Moscow and looked for your CDs several times: “Where can I buy them?”
A. SKLYAR I think that now our discs are available, I personally saw them in large branded music stores, including Soyuz stores on Old Arbat, not far from where we are now, there is a large store "Soyuz", and there we found almost all of the "Va-Bank" discs.
A. Plushev “Alexander, as far as I know,” writes Mikhail from Novosibirsk, he has already asked several questions today, “there is a tradition among musicians not to give autographs before a concert. As far as I remember, on May 25, 1996 you complied with it. (Apparently, Mikhail was at the concert). Could you tell us more about it (the tradition)?”
A. SKLYAR I don’t think that this is some kind of special tradition.
A. Plushev Sign.
A. SKLYAR Or some kind of sign. It’s just that you give an autograph before you even go on stage, without yet showing who you actually are. Because rock and roll is such a thing... and in general, I think that creativity is such a thing, you must constantly prove your worth, first of all, to yourself, and of course, to the audience that came to your concert. And if you live only on yesterday’s merits, that is, only on the fact that you once sang, composed something, and then simply re-sing the whole thing, then there is something not entirely correct in this. Therefore, if you go out and really want to show something, then first you go out, show it, and then, if someone wants, after the concert, to come up and ask for your autograph, then you will have every right do it for yourself. If the concert was unsuccessful, then most likely no one will simply want to come up to you. This is not so much a tradition as, perhaps, a sign. Musicians are superstitious people, in general.
A. Plushev I now suggest listening to one more song. Now the choice is mine. If Alexander F. Sklyar does not mind, then we will listen to the song “You and I.”
A. SKLYAR Very good song, with pleasure.
A. Plushev I have not heard this album, in fact, except for those songs that we presented on the air as new. We had “Marine Don Juan”, “Natasha”, which was not included in the album...
A. SKLYAR And you had “Who We Are”.
A. Plushev Yes. I haven't heard this song, but I chose it. Alexander F. Sklyar approved my choice.
A. SKLYAR Very good song.
LISTENER How do you feel about the “Invasion” festival and piracy in our country?
A.SKLYAR: How do I feel about “Invasion”? For the first time this year I watched “Invasion” quite fully, at least one day I watched it quite fully on the box. I was even planning to go, but at some point last moment I decided that this was due to a lot of inconvenience and did not go. But he looked at the box. I must say that I didn’t have any particularly negative emotions about the television broadcast; I found the bands that were selected for this festival interesting, and moreover, I was curious to hear one of the most new bands for me right now interesting group, I mean "Meaning hallucinations". I really liked their set, it was short but very rich in content, very well played for a young band and sounded good. I believe that such festivals are needed, the more there are, the better. And now to the second question. I myself am a bit of a pirate at heart, by my inner definition, and have often said that I regret that I was not born in those times when there were real real pirates, known to us from literature, from my favorite novel “Treasure Island”, from adventures "The Odyssey of Captain Blood", etc. I think I would be in their ranks, in the ranks of the pirates. Regarding piracy in our country, I have always said and continue to say I am in favor of piracy in this country. For many reasons. Firstly, because if we are talking about expensive foreign disks, then this is absolutely unjustified in this country, where the income levels of the population are completely different. I myself love to buy pirated CDs by Western artists and buy original branded CDs only in the most exceptional cases, when I really like the artist and want to see his original album in order, for example, to read his lyrics. Most of the albums I bought foreign performers in my collection, these are pirated discs. It is impossible to overcome piracy in this country; there is no point in even thinking about it. Carrying out some idiotic, ridiculous and stupid actions regarding the burning of pirated CDs is only in the hands of large major labels, which, you see, need to fill their wallets ever tighter. I'm not on the same page with them. I am an artist, and I play for the people, and I want my music to be heard by as many people as possible. As for the cheap albums that the company is now releasing, in particular, the album “Barefoot on the Moon,” I think that its price in the store, which is now 40 or 50 rubles, is an absolutely affordable price
AUDIENCE: Disc or cassette?
A.SKLYAR: I mean the CD.
LISTENER: Disc 40 rubles?
A. SKLYAR: 40 or 50 rubles.
LISTENER: Actually, I don’t know such prices, because I just often go to Gorbushka, there are discs there, in my opinion
A. Plushev: 70 each.
LISTENER: 70, 80 each
A. SKLYAR: I know the selling price of the company. The selling price of the company that prints my Mystery CD is $1.20. This means that everything else is a mark-up of the stores, for which you can say a big human “fairy” to them. In normal civilized countries, store markup should be 15-20%, no more. If they overcharge us by 100 and 200 percent, it means that we exist in such a pirate country. So, if even stores engage in piracy, then what can we say about everyone else? I am definitely for pirates in this country.
LISTENER: Thank you, I would like to wish you real success, because really all of our television broadcasts. I don’t want to say anything about pop music.
A. SKLYAR: Because there is nothing to say about it at all, what should we discuss it?
LISTENER: Yes, because after all, this is commercial music. And like you said, a lot of artists can't break through. This, of course, is not a reproach to pop performers; in principle, I don’t call anyone on the radio now in this moment, it seems to me that there is nothing to talk about this. But this kind of music, I think you will agree with me, it is taking over now, because it is promotion
A. SKLYAR: This is a lot of money.
LISTENER: And new ones like that don’t come out today.
A.SKLYAR: They don’t get out, because they can’t just get out, they just can’t.
AUDIENCE: Yes, they can’t get out. But the only thing I didn’t understand from your statement was what to do.
A. SKLYAR: U creative person there is only one answer to the question “what to do?”. Continue chopping further. All. There is no other answer. The artist must play.
A. Plushev: I would like to continue the topic that Alexander started about piracy. The Internet is often used to post songs.
A. SKLYAR: I saw a pirated Internet MP3 called, which cost 60 rubles, I bought it, and almost everything is there. What can I say here? This is not a way out, in the sense that the person who buys it, of course, will not hear real music, because everything is so compressed there, everything there is of such low quality. But nevertheless, if he at least buys one, then at home he will at least listen to at least approximately what “all-in” can mean. And maybe later, if he likes it, he’ll go and buy a normal disc for 70 rubles, as we said. Although I think that this price is too high.
A. Plushev: I wanted to ask a little about something else, about the fact that I was rummaging around on the Internet today and did not find your site. What's going on with you, why are you so dismissive of the Internet?
A. SKLYAR: Well, I’m just big fan in order for the whole thing to develop on the Internet, although I didn’t have a computer until this summer, now I have one, and I have access to the Internet. And we have a site that was supported by our former drummer Sasha Malikov, but this site is not very was regularly updated, and now we just decided to transfer it to other hands, we have already practically done it, now we will pay more attention to it. His address is, this is our website, which, I assure you, will begin to be actively updated in the near future, and therefore, you are welcome to visit it. I think it's interesting, new and completely necessary remedy communications.
A. Plushev: There is a remark here from Alexander. “Dear Alexander, I never cease to be amazed at how warmly my grandmother Lidia Vasilievna speaks about your works and about you personally, and she, thank God, is 80 years old. I even remember, somehow under New Year I bought your album “In the Kitchen” especially for her. The man was very pleased with the gift.”
A. SKLYAR: I also think that “In the Kitchen” is a successful album, and it’s good that he bought it, and not the album “It’s So Necessary,” because I think grandma would not be very happy with the album “It’s So Necessary” . But Alexander has taste, he bought it for a member of the older generation, he bought the right album for his grandmother, and there are really lyrical songs, one of which, “Drunken Song,” I consider one of the best that I wrote. And we recently even re-recorded it for some collection with our current lineup, so maybe when it comes out, we’ll listen to it sometime.
A. Plushev: Now we are planning to listen to the song “Angel” from the album “Barefoot on the Moon,” but before that, a thematic question from Yulia on this very topic. “Did you feel the discovery of paranormal abilities after recording the album “Lower Tundra”? After your songs at the “Wings” festival, you, like a shaman, made it rain.”
A. SKLYAR: Yes, there was such a thing. We went on stage with an unusually strong desire to play so powerfully, at least I say to myself. And when I performed the penultimate song in our set, which was called “Shaman,” it really had such words that I can do anything. I felt this internally very strongly and was worried when I sang it, and our performance ended with the fact that before that we had seen an absolutely cloudless sky, and when I performed the song “Shaman”, the wind rose. When we got to the last song of our set, which was “Eldorado,” it was just because of that wind that a real, real thunderstorm formed. And our performance ended under the first streams of heavy rain, which stopped the festival for 20 or 30 minutes. That is, wind and rain started there, just a small mini-hurricane over this Tushinsky field. And when we came backstage, the organizers were really discussing what to do, because we can’t continue the festival, now people will just start leaving. I said, not without some irony, but at the same time, not without some serious inner feeling, that We are the ones who got this thing going. This lasted 30-35 minutes, then it all ended, then the clouds went away, the sun came out again, and it stayed until the end of the festival. Feel about it however you want. But it was really like that, and it really was on the song “Shaman”.
A. Plushev: I’m already afraid, I’m sitting opposite, Alexander is looking at me like that, and I’m gradually moving towards the wall
A. SKLYAR: No, I look very kindly, but I think that art is capable of creating miracles, I am completely convinced of the magical power of art, of the magical power, I am completely convinced that all great artists and painters were conscious or unconscious magicians. And the fact that this is interconnected seems as obvious to me as the fact that we are talking now.
A. Plushev: In my opinion, this echoes what we have already talked about, about the song “Sklif”. When we were talking, it seems to me that this was something similar to that how art influences life.
A. SKLYAR: Without a doubt. I try with great caution to sing songs that could have a personal connection to me, this is, in my opinion, a very serious matter, so, by the way, I have always called for such complex topics as, for example, drugs to be taken seriously. It just occurred to me now. Let’s say, I would strongly doubt calling the album “Heroin” and in my particular case I would definitely never name it.
A. Plushev: Now we will listen to the song “Angel”. She has nothing to do with you personal attitude?
A. SKLYAR: It does not have a personal relationship, but it very clearly expresses the attitude towards today's reality, which I observe with great regret around me.
A. Plushev: We will now accept another one in a compressed mode phone call, and then the remaining questions on the pager. Good night.
AUDIENCE: Good night. Alexander, will you have any joint projects with Garik Sukachev in the near future?
A. SKLYAR: There won’t be any in the near future. I know that Garik is currently recording a new album, we have just recorded a new album, and, accordingly, we will work to bring this album to the maximum number of listeners and give concerts. By the way, our nearest concert is on November 30 at the Svalka club, so if you want, if you are from Moscow, you are welcome to come. And a little later, after the New Year, if I’m alive and well, I would like to focus on my next solo album, this will be the third in the “Travels of Alexander F. Sklyar” series. Now we just don’t have time for this.
A. Plushev: Let's move on to the remaining questions from the pager. “Not so long ago I saw you at Leni Fedorov’s concert. How do you feel about his work, and why, if you like it, don’t go regularly? We take this opportunity to convey greetings to you from Andryusha Khorev from America. Masha."
A. SKLYAR: Thank you very much, Andrey Khorev is my very old and very good friend who lives in America, thank you very much. I really like the work of Leonid Fedorov, I consider it great and interesting artist. I was at his concert because I had some free time from my concerts. I don’t go regularly because it doesn’t work out, we very often perform at the same time, he’s in one place and I’m in another, but I try to follow what he does, and I treat it with great interest.
A. Plushev: “I really liked your performance of Vertinsky’s song. Tell me, why if only the lazy one didn’t quail Vertinsky, then aren’t all the others worthy? I mean primarily Leshchenko, Kozin, etc. Thanks Lena".
A. SKLYAR: Good question. But both Leshchenko and Kozin are questions that are close in scale to Vertinsky, although still, in my opinion, they are slightly inferior to him. Leshchenko and Kozin, their works are included in my repertoire in general. Another thing is that I never really sang them. Although I sang “Chubchik” on the album “Live Alive”, knowing about the version of “Chubchik” by Pyotr Konstantinovich Leshchenko. Kozin I sang in concert program“Tango,” which we played with Sasha Belonosov and Abelardo Alfonso Lopez, I sang several of Kozin’s songs. But I haven’t gotten around to the album yet. Because it’s one thing to simply include a few songs in the repertoire, and another thing to make a whole album. To do this, you need to have both time and the essence of the concept for yourself. You don’t just want to make an album of Vertinsky’s songs, an album of Leshchenko’s songs performed by Sklyar. Some kind of impulse is needed here before it is born.
A. Plushev: More about joint work. Svyatoslav asks: “Dear Alexander, tell us about working with Tatyana Antsiferova, if possible, play a song with her participation and say hello to her.” But the song with her participation has already been played.
A. SKLYAR: I can only say one thing. I was simply happy when our music producer Alexander Solich, bass guitarist of the Moral Codex group, offered to talk with Tatyana Antsiferova about singing backing vocals for the song “Barefoot on the Moon.” And when she came we saw a real singer. She worked very quickly, very clearly and with exceptional quality. I liked it so much, I am grateful to fate that I met her at this job.
A. Plushev: You can buy the disc “Barefoot on the Moon”, and there is a song with her participation.
A. SKLYAR: There is this song, and she sang backing vocals on another song called “Vowels”. This is my version of Arthur Rimbaud's famous sonnet "Vowels", which I interpreted in my own way, where each vowel has a different color. On this song “Vowels” Tatyana Antsiferova also sang backing vocals, so she took part in two songs from this album, and I must say that this is the first time in 15 years that a singer has taken part in the album of the group “Va- bank".
A. Plushev: Did this experience seem successful to you?
A. SKLYAR: Very much.
A. Plushev: Will you continue?
A. SKLYAR: I think so.
A. Plushev: We have very little time left, last questions, maybe not very serious. Olya asks: “Do you have any tattoos?”
A. SKLYAR: Yes. I must say which ones?
A. Plushev: Well, it’s interesting, of course.
A. SKLYAR: I have several tattoos, I’m not going to end there, although I treat this with extreme caution, as with any design that is applied to the body. Naturally, it has magical powers, and therefore I would not advise anyone to do this from a lantern. All my tattoos are completely specific meaning for me, and above all important for me. One of them is a dragon that bites its own tail, one of the tattoos is an interpretation of the first commandment of the great Japanese samurai Miamoto Musashi, which in his mouth sounds like this: “Don’t be late to take the path of war,” and in my mouth it sounds like “too late,” that is, always remember that something in this life may be done too late. That is, don’t forget to do something in life, it’s not too late.
A. Plushev: Are you interested in Japanese philosophy?
A. SKLYAR: To some extent, let's say so. At least Miamoto Musashi is someone I've been very interested in for a very long time.
A. Plushev: It’s clear then why you liked Pelevinsky’s Chapaev and Emptiness, among other things. Unfortunately, not all of our radio listeners joined us from the very beginning; at the end we received a lot of questions about the “Learn to Swim” program. Unfortunately, she doesn't come out.
A. SKLYAR: It doesn’t work out, and maybe it will work out, maybe not, we don’t know.
A. Plushev: But, nevertheless, we talked while the news was going on, and as for young musicians, he promised to support the “Silver” program.
A. SKLYAR: Without a doubt. If I have any works from young musicians that seem interesting to me, I will definitely bring them to you so that they can be heard in your program.
A. Plushev: And we will definitely stage them, because this is, perhaps, the best recommendation from Alexander F. Sklyar that you can get. I think we'll leave it at this. A very interesting observation. This is what I’m telling radio listeners now; by the way, you don’t have to listen, Alexander. This doesn’t mean you have to leave the studio, you can just do your own thing.
A. SKLYAR: I am drawing here while we are talking.
A. Plushev: We’ll have to watch it later, it’s probably interesting. So, do you know what happened? Not only did Alexander, as usually happens with us, bring prizes for you - he brought a special marker to inscribe them. He inscribed each prize with great care. I just watched him write this booklet for the disc, an insert. Not only did he inscribe “For Maxim” Can I read it or is it personal?
A.SKLYAR: Please. This is personal, but nothing like that there.
A. Plushev: “To Maxim as a souvenir, good luck,” wrote Sklyar. This is not so much, but nevertheless, the next moment shocked me the most. He took this piece of paper and began to dry it. That is, this is a respectful attitude towards listeners. I noticed at the beginning of the program when you were talking to our elderly listener, a pensioner, and invited her to a concert. Another person would have perceived that the person just wants to show off, so he invited a pensioner to the concert. But you can’t deceive us with this. Nobody here saw this, how carefully you wrote everything out for our listeners. Tell me, this trait, this emphasized respect - what is it? Is it brought up from childhood, at school, at the Institute of International Relations, in the family?
A. SKLYAR: I think that this is brought up. There is probably something in childhood, something at school, maybe something at college. But this is 15 years of life spent in creativity. An artist must respect his audience first and foremost. It doesn’t matter how much of this audience he has, what matters is that they came to your concert today, what matters is that they are now listening to what you say. He must always respect his audience. This is one of the most important commandments of an artist, which I have so far learned in the first 15 years of my career. creative activity.
A. PLYUSCHEV: On the 30th there will be a concert at “Svalka” by Alexander F. Sklyar.
A. SKLYAR: And the “Va-Bank” group.
A. Plushev: And we invite everyone there. And we end with the final song from the album “Barefoot on the Moon,” the song “Garden.”

Today we will tell you who Alexander Sklyar is. His biography will be discussed further. Our hero was born in Moscow, in 1958, on March 7. Russian and Soviet musician, actor, radio host, songwriter. He is the creator and leader of the Va-Bank group. Awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Inspirer and organizer of an alternative music festival called “Learn to Swim”.


Alexander Sklyar studied at gymnasium No. 45 named after Milgram. During his studies, he went in for sports: alpine skiing, swimming, karate, football, volleyball. During training, he suffered a broken leg. I spent two months in a cast. I decided to leave the sport.

In 1975, he graduated from high school as an excellent student and entered MGIMO on the first try. Chose the Faculty of International Economic Relations. He graduated from MGIMO in 1979. From 1980 to 1985 he worked as a diplomat in the DPRK. He held the post of secretary-referent at the Soviet embassy in the consular section. Later he served as an attaché in the city of Chongdin.

According to legend, Alexander Sklyar decided to leave his career as a diplomat in order to take up music professionally. He wrote a two-page resignation letter. The reason for leaving was stated to be entering the conservatory. Our hero did not dare admit that he wanted to take up rock music.

According to journalist V.V. Marochkin, the future performer left his diplomatic career not for at will. He was sent home for performing White Guard songs with a guitar at a holiday party. He began his musical career as a guitarist in Vasily Shumov’s bands “Center” and “777”. In 1986 he created his own group “Va-Bank”. In the mid-nineties, he began to pursue a solo career in parallel.

Our hero also tried himself as a writer. In 1991 (together with Roman Kanushkin) he created a children's book called “Petrovich and Patapum in the Magic Labyrinth.” Repeatedly acted as a TV presenter. The 2007-2008 television season can be called special for our hero. During this period, he was the TV presenter of a program called “Another Cinema. Fear". In it, he recalled the darkest films and reflected on various human phobias. In a program called “Fatal Night,” the musician comments on the concerts of significant representatives of rock and roll.


Alexander Sklyar in the late 1970s, before moving to Korea, played in the group “777” of Vasily Shumov. There he performed as a guitarist. After returning from Korea, in 1985, he joined the Center team of Vasily Shumov. Participated in the creation of an album called “Signs of Life”.

As the leader of the Va-Bank group, our hero achieved fame. He created this team in 1986 in Moscow. In 1987, the Va-Bank group took part in the Rock Panorama. A year later, a tour of Finland was organized. The album VA-BANK was recorded there, which was performed on English language. This was followed by a performance in Norway.

In 1989 there was a tour of Europe. Since 1987, the Va-Bank group has been among the best alternative teams in Russia. In 1991, the group took part in a festival called “Rock Against Terror” - together with “Brigade S”, “DDT”, “Alice”. During the same period, an album called “Drink to Me” appeared in Lithuania. This record was recorded in 10 days within the walls of the Moscow Rusakov Palace of Culture.

At the same time, our hero’s original program called “Learn to Swim” appeared on Radio Maximum. It was later resumed on another channel. Long years the musician led a movement called “Learn to Swim,” which promoted a healthy lifestyle. He also broadcast on radio stations.


We have already briefly talked about who Alexander Sklyar is. His songs relate not only to the group’s work, but are also presented in the form of solo albums. Among them: “Towards Tango”, “DandyDiana”, “City X”, “Songs of Sailors”, “Songs of Sailors. Part 2”, “Vasya-Conscience”, “Russian Sun”, “Word and Deed. Favorite songs of Vasya-Conscience”, “Years and Songs. The Best", "Hawk". Together with Garik Sukachev, the album “Boatswain and the Tramp” was recorded. With the “Pearl Brothers” our hero released the disc “Gypsy Rock and Roll”. The album “Brazilian Cruiser” was released with Irina Bogushevskaya. Strange songs of A. N. Vertinsky."


Alexander Sklyar starred in the film “Hypnosis” in 2001. He also took part in the work on the following films: “Highway Enthusiasts”, “MUR is MUR”, “Victory Day”, “Last Reproduction”, “Closed Spaces”, “Tycophs”, “To the Touch”. Now you know who Alexander Sklyar is. Photos of the musician are attached to this material.

Alexander Feliksovich Sklyar. Born on March 7, 1958 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian musician, radio and television presenter, actor. Founder of the Va-Bank group. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2015).

Father - Felix Sidorovich Sklyar, physicist. Subsequently, the father was very sensitive to his son’s passion for rock and for a long time categorically refused to attend his concerts. But Alexander invariably treats him with respect and always puts the letter F between his first and last names - in honor of his father.

Mother - Irina Viktorovna Sklyar, journalist.

IN school years He was actively involved in sports - volleyball, football, karate, swimming, alpine skiing. Then he suffered a severe leg fracture and had to leave the sport.

Studied at Gymnasium No. 45 named after. L.I. Milgram. In 1975, he graduated from high school as an excellent student and entered the MGIMO Faculty of International Economic Relations the first time. Graduated from MGIMO in 1979. From 1980 to 1985 he worked as a diplomat in the DPRK. In the first year of his diplomatic activity, he worked as a secretary-assistant in the consular department of the Soviet embassy. IN last years service worked in provincial town Chondin with the rank of attaché.

According to widespread legend, he left his career as a diplomat to pursue music professionally. I wrote a letter of resignation, in which I cited joining the conservatory as the reason for leaving. At the same time, according to media reports, Sklyar was forced to leave the diplomatic service - he was sent to the Union for singing White Guard songs with a guitar at one of the evenings of relaxation.

He began his musical career as a guitarist in Vasily Shumov’s bands “777” and “Center”. In 1986, he created his own project - the famous "Va-Bank".

In 1987, the Va-Bank group participated in the Rock Panorama, on next year She toured Finland, recorded the album “VA-BANK” there (in English), performed in Norway, and toured Europe in 1989.

Since 1987, the Va-Bank group has been among the best alternative Russian teams.

In 1991, the group performed at the Rock Against Terror festival - together with Alisa, DDT, and Brigade S. At the same time, the album “Drink to Me” was released in Lithuania, recorded in 10 days in the Moscow Palace of Culture of Rusakova. At the same time, Alexander Sklyar’s original program “Learn to Swim” appeared on Radio Maximum, which was later resumed on Radio Station 2000.

Va-Bank - Moscow Routes

In 1995, according to a Radio Maximum poll, the song “Eldorado” was among the 50 best songs of the year. At the same time, A.F. Sklyar and Garik Sukachev’s “Boatswain and the Tramp” tour took place in Moscow clubs. By special invitation, the Va-Bank group visited Prague, where they took part in joint concert with English punk rock legend UK Subs.

At the end of 1999, the album of the group “Va-Bank” “Nizhnyaya Tundra” was released, created with the participation of.

In the mid-1990s, he simultaneously began a solo career.

In the solo albums of the “all-in period” there was close collaboration with the writer Evgeny Golovin, who wrote many of the lyrics.

The singer is known for loving to change his looks and surprise his fans. Thus, in the video for the song “Lyuba-Babavaya” from the latest album “Vasya-Conscience”, Alexander Sklyar appeared in the image of a “blonde”.

He carried out a number of joint projects with singer Irina Bogushevskaya and the lead singer of the Agatha Christie group Gleb Samoilov.

For many years he led the “Learn to Swim” movement, which promoted a healthy lifestyle, and broadcast on well-known radio stations. For his success in developing the “Learn to Swim” movement, Alexander Sklyar was named by OM magazine among fifty people who influenced popular culture in the 1990s, along with Gorbachev and Konchalovsky.

Alexander Sklyar also tried himself in literature: in 1991, in collaboration with Roman Kanushkin, he published the children's book “Petrovich and Patapum in the Magic Labyrinth.”

I tried myself as a TV presenter. In the 2007-2008 television season, he was the host of the TV show “Another Movie. Fear" on TV-3. In it, the musician recalled the scariest films and reflected on human phobias. In another program - “Fatal Night” on the “Culture” channel - he commented on the concerts of rock and roll luminaries.

Participated in the project “Ice Age”.

In March 2014, he performed at a charity concert in Sevastopol in support of the referendum on the status of Crimea as part of the “Soldier’s Heart” campaign.

He performs not only rock compositions. Successfully sings songs and... According to him, he “always perceived Vertinsky not just as a singer and poet, but as a separate mythological layer.” “I read almost everything that was published by him, his diaries, letters, memoirs. And I wanted to present Alexander Nikolaevich as creative personality, very important for the Russian cultural context of the twentieth century,” noted the artist.

Alexander F. Sklyar - Mishka-Odessa

Alexander Sklyar's height: 174 centimeters.

Personal life of Alexander Sklyar:

Married. Has a son, Peter, he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.

He hides his family from the public and does not disclose any details about his private life.

He is friends and constantly communicates with Garik Sukachev. "Inside me a good relationship with Alexey Romanov, I’m on the wave of Kostya Nikolsky, Kostya Kinchev. But we have little visual, live communication. We are very busy with our work,” he noted.

Filmography of Alexander Sklyar:

2001 - Hypnosis (as part of the “Black Room” project)
2002 - Highway Enthusiasts - killer
2004 - MUR is MUR - Kostya Kryukov
2006 - Victory Day - Afghan
2007 - Last reproduction - prosecutor's office investigator Gaev
2008 - Closed spaces - psychotherapist Dvornikov
2009 - Bigwigs
2010 - By touch - musician
2014-2015 - Trait - thieves from Khitrovka
2018 - Danka (short film)
2018 -

Discography of Alexander Sklyar:

1995 - “Boatswain and the Tramp” (with Garik Sukachev)
1997 - “Gypsy Rock and Roll” (with the “Pearl Brothers”)
1998 - “Towards Tango”
2000 - “Brazilian cruiser. Strange songs of A. N. Vertinsky" (with Irina Bogushevskaya)
2002 - “Witches and Bitches”
2004 - “DandyDiana”
2007 - “City X”
2008 - “Songs of Sailors”
2010 - “Songs of sailors. Part 2"
2011 - “Vasya-Conscience”
2012 - “Russian Sun” (compositions by Alexander Vertinsky)
2013 - “Word and deed. Favorite songs of Vasya-Conscience"
2015 - “Years and Songs. The best"
2016 - “Hawk” (Sklyar and “Va-Bank”)

Bibliography of Alexander Sklyar:

1991 - “Petrovich and Patapum in the Magic Labyrinth” (together with R. Kanushkin)
1992 - “The Great Space Journey of Petrovich and Patapum” (together with R. Kanushkin)
1992 - “Petrovich and Patapum on the island of pirates” (together with R. Kanushkin)
1993 - “Petrovich and Patapum in the Land of Ghosts” (together with R. Kanushkin)
2002 - “The Adventures of Petrovich and Patapum” (together with R. Kanushkin)
2014 - “In Search of Eldorado”

Audiobooks by Alexander Sklyar:

2005 - Victor Pelevin. "Helm of Terror"
2006 - Miyamoto Musashi. "The Book of Five Rings"
2006 - Victor Pelevin. "Chapaev and Emptiness"
2006 - Takuan Soho. "Letters from a Zen Master to a Sword Master"
2008 - F. Kafka. “Metamorphosis” (together with Anton Gorbunov’s team)