Dreams according to Freud. Dream Book of Sigmund Freud: the original view of the father of psychoanalysis on the interpretation of dreams

Freud's dream book was compiled by an Austrian psychiatrist and specialist in nervous disorders, who proposed a new, more scientific approach to the study inner world person. The first works of the Austrian doctor concerned the localization of nervous functions in the human brain, the physiology and anatomy of the human central nervous system. This man was the first to consider sexuality as an important part of the development of the human personality.

Part of the psychologist’s work is devoted to studying the dreams of his patients. IN this dream book Freud introduced detailed analysis algorithms by which the human psyche is formed, and what determines them.

The main conclusion of the works of the Austrian neurologist is that a person sees in a dream what he cannot do, but what he really needs. Moreover, the dreamer himself may not even be aware of these unfulfilled desires, but they still live in him on an unconscious level. And in the world of dreams, a person can realize any of his fantasies, so the brain uses this mechanism to maintain a healthy state of mind.

However, Freud's dream book says that in night visions all human emotions take on the image of those events and things that we are not used to seeing in our lives. Everyday life. This can be called some kind of game of our unconscious and happens because we need to confuse the mind of the sleeper, which acts as a kind of “controller” and does not allow the person to do what he wants.

In his book “The History of an Illusion,” Sigmund Freud explained that in a person’s life there are many different prohibitions that are imposed on him by upbringing or by society, which condemns certain things. And the more taboo a topic is (for example, incest or murder), the more fantastic and unusual the plot of the dream and the images that appear in it will be. The psychiatrist believed that it was necessary to interpret the symbols seen during a complete psychoanalysis and without separation from the patient’s personality, his character, habits and life path.

Freud's Dream Book and Interpretation of Dreams

The author argued that dream images need to be interpreted based on erotic overtones. In his opinion, in the depths of the human subconscious there is a large number of sexual fantasies that he would like to realize, but for some reason cannot. All these aspirations, needs and desires are fulfilled when a person sleeps - that’s where this approach comes from. By comparing symbols using an associative series, a psychologist is able to understand what a person is really striving for and what his actions are aimed at. In addition, a person will understand why he cannot achieve what he wants, and in the future he will be able to take this information into account in order to achieve success.

Types of dreams included in Freud's dream book

The compiler differentiated dreams into three main categories:

  • meaningful dreams that are easy to interpret;
  • visions that are difficult to connect with what is happening to a person in reality, but at the same time have a coherent plot;
  • dreams that are difficult to decipher because they present a kaleidoscope of incoherent images and events.

The psychologist considered the last group to be very important, since it often contains data about the patient’s deepest experiences.

In the latest edition, Freud's interpreter consists of a list of dreamed images. All these symbols are interpreted in the works of the psychiatrist himself. The modern dream book exists so that the average person can become familiar with the basics of psychoanalysis.

Sigmund Freud, like Loff's dream book, denied mysticism and did not like religion. He used his observations and the experience of fellow psychologists. That is why his interpreter is so popular.

To use it more efficiently, use the alphabetical index.

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To date, no one has been able to unravel the meaning of dreams. But this does not mean that attempts have stopped. The interpretation of dreams is still of great interest to many people. It’s worth talking about the most popular developments in this area.

Z. Freud is known to almost everyone. During his life he created a large number of works, among which there are articles about what they carry

dreams. The interpretation of dreams according to Freud suggests that all the pictures that we see when we sleep are far from absurd and meaningless. According to the scientist, these are the desires of a person, which manifest themselves in such a twisted way in his subconscious during sleep. Thus, we can say that all of Freud’s works that relate to dreams are of a psychological nature.

The interpretation of dreams according to Freud became known back in 1900. The scientist began to work in this direction after long work with hypnosis, with the help of which he wanted to treat. The dream book became one of Freud’s most ambitious works. It is also called erotic, since the interpretation of dreams is based on unconscious sexual desires.

In total, three categories of dreams were identified, from which Freud proceeded. The interpretation of dreams in the first category includes the most simple paintings, which a person sees at the moment when he sleeps. These visions, according to the psychologist, are not of particular interest, because they are not very difficult to explain. This section usually includes children's dreams.

The interpretation of dreams according to Freud in the second category includes reasonable visions in which a certain logic already appears. It is no longer so easy to solve them.

The third category includes those dreams that, according to Freud, can be called curious. These are confusing, incomprehensible and not entirely reasonable visions that should be explained first and in any way.

In addition, in his writings, Freud identified dream objects in which lies hidden certain meaning. Most likely, at present no one will have any difficulty in finding a dream book and using it to explain certain visions that come while a person is sleeping.

The interpretation of dreams according to Freud usually has several options. An example is dreams

In which a person sees pregnancy. For a girl, the meaning of the dream lies in the appearance of fans or in her dissatisfaction with the wealth of her partner, and for men this dream carries sexual problems. If you dreamed of a gun, this is explained by the fact that you very often force your partner into intimate relationships. If you shoot from it, then this means that you lack the determination to take some action to save the relationship. And even if the determination is not yours distinguishing feature character, then you still need to act so that your partner does not become disappointed in you.

There is no need to describe all your dreams, as there are many of them. If you dreamed of something strange and incomprehensible, then you should understand the meaning of this dream as quickly as possible. Therefore, do not be afraid, look for information and try to find out everything.

Sigmund Freud's dream book is one of the most popular and reliable interpreters of dreams. The reason is that the great psychoanalyst in his works relied exclusively on the psychology of the unconscious, while other authors preferred to take into account signs, beliefs and esotericism.

In 1900, Sigmund Freud's monograph “The Interpretation of Dreams” was published. Surprisingly, this book was not wildly popular at that time. In his work, the psychoanalyst first told the world about such a concept as. What is it?

The unconscious is an area of ​​our psyche that remains invisible to consciousness, but at the same time it directly affects our behavior and thinking. In many ways, its formation is influenced by upbringing, psychological trauma, and attitudes. Let's give an example: if in a boy's family the mother was authoritarian, then in the future he will look for a strong and powerful wife, since in childhood he learned the attitude that a woman in the family should be the leader.

Basic provisions of the theory of dreams

However, later the psychoanalyst realized that many symbols have meaning for people same value, and as a result he created Freud’s dream book. Currently, any person without the personal participation of the great thinker can receive his consultation for free. To do this, you need to purchase his book or find Freud’s dream book online on the Internet.

How to interpret dreams yourself

Next, we will tell you how to reveal the meaning of dreams; if you have chosen a dream book according to Freud for this, the interpretation of dreams should mainly consist of revealing not only individual symbols, but also the entire plot of the vision. During sleep, a person completely turns off the filters of consciousness and gives free rein to his unconscious, which includes a “speaking” symbol in every nuance.

The coding scheme for characters in our dreams is as follows:

  • The unconscious chooses a dream, desire, fear that it wants to demonstrate to the dreamer today.
  • Then it “encodes” it into specific association symbols.
  • There is a confusion of symbols, which often looks like the ravings of a madman in dreams.

Thus, the unconscious shows a person a strange vision consisting of a mix of images. By the way, most often at night it gives a person a feeling of satisfaction, since in a veiled form it shows the dreamer the fulfillment of his secret desires or the overcoming of phobias. However, in the morning, after turning on consciousness, night vision only causes a feeling of bewilderment, since it looks completely illogical.

So, you woke up and are determined to unravel the mysteries of your unconscious:

2. Write down the main dream symbols in a column and write opposite each association that comes to your mind in connection with them. The most correct interpretations are usually the first options.

3. Complete your associations with meanings from Freud’s dream book. Sometimes we are afraid to admit to ourselves the thoughts that come to mind, which ultimately leads to a false interpretation of the dream. The dream book will allow you to avoid such moments.

4. Finish the interpretation of dreams according to Freud by linking all the symbols together. Remember what happened to the images in the plot. This will allow you to see big picture and signals from your unconscious.

Psychoanalysts recommend that newcomers to the interpretation of their dreams read the works of Freud, as well as use the services of psychoanalysts. After 2-5 sessions you will learn to see easily secret signs your night dreams. Author: Ekaterina Lipatova

Sigmund Freud is considered the founder of the theory of the unconscious. Despite the fact that other scientists, no less famous, have studied the consciousness and subconscious, it is Freud who is remembered when talking about the subconscious and the mysteries associated with it, including dreams.

Freud owns a huge number of works on human psychology, among which especially noteworthy are “The Interpretation of Dreams”, “I and the Id”, “Totem and Taboo”, “Wit and the Attitude to the Unconscious” and many others. Therefore, trying to explain the nature and causes of erotic dreams, let us turn to the theory of this scientist.

Dream Analysis

According to Freud, all human mental processes are subject to the pleasure principle. We initially strive for pleasure, and displeasure causes us negative emotions.

However, there are several types of attraction. The first type is eros, that is, sexual attraction. Moreover, it includes not only sexual desire, but also the desire for life, the desire for procreation. However, there is another type of attraction - we can consider it abnormal from the position of a sane person - this is an attraction to death. If the goal of sexual desire is the continuation of life, then the desire for death poses the task of “returning all living organisms to a lifeless state.” Its purpose, in other words, is to restore the previous state of matter.

Freud studied human psychology and paid considerable attention to dreams. He believed that a dream is, first of all, a reflection of a person’s desires in his real life. The following example should be given here.

While studying the psyche of a child, the scientist noticed that the latter had dreams in which he saw his desires fulfilled, or, conversely, terrible nightmares. Moreover, the dreams of a five-year-old child are often erotic in nature and associated with attraction to his own mother (the so-called Oedipus complex). Freud believed that human sexual development begins from birth, that is, from the first year of life. We are accustomed to thinking that a person becomes aware of his gender only during adolescence, but Freud identified several phases. The first is the oral phase (1st year of life), at this stage the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips act as erogenous zones. In the second phase - anal, which occurs at 2-3 years, erogenous zone is the mucous membrane of the anus. The third phase, phallic, occurs at 4-6 years old, then the erogenous zone, accordingly, is the phallus. At this age, children develop an Oedipus complex.

In the genital phase, from the beginning of adolescence, the phase of developed sexuality begins. During this period, sexual desires are satisfied through normal sexual activity.

While studying a nervous disorder in a five-year-old child, Freud established a connection between the boy's dreams and his phobias. The child’s nightmares had the following content: he was afraid of losing his mother, since he “would have no one to cuddle with.” In reality, there was increased tenderness towards one’s own mother and perception of her as an object of erotic desire. Freud notes that the boy's dream represents a dream of punishment and repression (that is, the transition of psychic consciousness into the unconscious and its retention in the unconscious); the pleasure from the mother's caresses is transformed into fear and the content of the dream changes radically. The child wakes up, interrupting sleep, thus repression defeats the dream mechanism.

How does Sigmund Freud explain dreams? We have already said that dreams depend on what is experienced in reality. In addition, it should be noted the role of stimuli acting on the sleeper, as well as mental life waking person. Dreams have various functions, which include mental, biological and some others.

There are different points of view on what constitutes a dream. Some believe that it is a special mental activity manifested in the area of ​​memory. Doctors tend to believe that a dream is a mental manifestation, the causative agents of which are sensory and bodily stimuli. They can arise as external environment, and directly in the person himself. From this position, a dream is explained as the incoherent work of individual organs or groups of brain cells in a state of sleep.

However, most people tend to look for some kind of symbolic meaning, believing that this will help predict the future and understand problems. This view of things, of course, is shrouded in prejudice, but there is some truth here from a scientific point of view. Long before Freud, many thought that dreams were a manifestation of human mental disorders, but in fact, everyone normal person sees dreams. Few people said that sometimes dreams are also of an erotic nature: if ordinary dreams are a deviation, then what can we say about sexual ones! Freud was the first to talk about the normal nature of sleep. In addition, the scientist stated that there is always meaning in dreams - you just need to conduct a thorough analysis to identify it. The interpretation of sleep for each patient must be individual - after all, people experience different emotions and sensations, each of them has different ideas and their own lives.

Therefore, dreams must be different. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to establish what associations arise in the person having the dream.

Freud was convinced that in a waking state a person does not pay attention to any associations and extraneous thoughts - they all belong to the area of ​​the subconscious. In a dream, these emotions come to life and appear in the form of unclear images and symbols. Moreover, sometimes it can be very difficult to understand what this or that image means and somehow connect it with reality. It takes a lot of imagination and imagination to creatively comprehend a particular dream.

The information that the brain receives is processed as follows: first, concentration occurs different images, then they are distorted, and after this symbols are formed.

Freud called the resulting dream image “condensed.” Sometimes it is difficult to discover the connection between the image and the meaning of a dream. For example, lightning symbolizes whirlwind romance, a surge in relationships. It would seem, what is the connection in this? However, after analyzing the dream, it can be noted that lightning strikes suddenly, and it is impossible to understand where it will hit. In the same way, a person does not know for whom he will be inflamed with passion, he does not know how all-consuming it will be. It is not surprising that a person who dreams of wax indulges his desires in everything sexual partner- from it, like from wax, you can “mold” anything you want. As you can see, solving a dream is quite simple - just analyze your own attitude to life and try to connect all the events with the images that you dreamed of.

The stage of dream symbolization is quite interesting. Freud believed that in dreams the fulfillment of any desires, including sexual ones, occurs. These desires manifest themselves very vividly and emotionally. For example, you may dream that you are eating an amazingly delicious pineapple. This means that you prefer to enjoy sex, but rarely give it to your partner. Moreover, you will feel the taste of pineapple very clearly - as if you were eating it in reality.

Freud divided dreams, which represent human desires, into several groups. The first group includes desires of the infantile type - usually children and adolescents see such dreams. So, the latter often dream of pronounced sexual scenes - provided, of course, that they are interested in it. Most dreams consist of desires in a disguised form - they are included in the second group.

The third group of dreams are repressed desires, but they are poorly disguised. These are the so-called nightmares. This idea was once a human desire, but it was repressed and turned into fear. For example, a girl has a dream about being raped by a murderous maniac. Perhaps earlier she wanted to start quickly sex life, but then she was told that it was shameful and disgraceful, and the desire was transformed in a similar way.

In all of his interpretations, Freud approached dreams from a psychoanalytic perspective. As stated earlier, dreams are personal experience each person. In the future, some symbols will be listed and their solution will be given, but you can make up your own own interpretation dreams, analyzing your hidden desires, fears and problems.

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Sigmund Freud is a well-known Austrian psychiatrist, psychologist and neurologist. He became the founder of the psychoanalytic school, which studied the therapeutic direction in psychology. According to the postulating theory of the school, the emergence of an individual's neurotic disorders is associated with a multi-complex relationship between conscious and unconscious processes.

In the early nineties of the last century, Sigmund Freud began studying dreams. According to Freud, dreams are wishes come true. He developed this theory of dreams in 1895, in a small Viennese restaurant. The book “The Interpretation of Dreams According to Freud” was, as he believed, the milestone of his work. The theory of dreams represents a turning point in the history of psychoanalysis, because it was thanks to it that psychoanalysis was able to move on to depth psychology. According to Freud, dreams occupied a dominant place in the entire collection of psychoanalytic theories.

In 1900, the book “The Interpretation of Dreams According to Freud” was first published. By the time the first edition was published, the theory of dreams was almost completely formulated and completed. In subsequent editions, Freud only made amendments and adjustments. On the fourth and subsequent editions, Sigmund Freud worked together with his best student– Otto Rank, who compiled notes for publications, lists of references, and to the sixth chapter of the book “Interpretation of Dreams According to Freud,” he even attached several articles of personal writing. Freud touches on the problem of dreams more than once, returning to it periodically. “Five Lectures on the History of Psychoanalysis,” “The Psychology of Dreams,” and “An Introduction to Psychoanalysis”—these simplified, popular expositions of Sigmund Freud’s views perfectly conveyed the general concepts and approach to the study of dreams.

IN last years Freud returns to the study of dreams throughout his life. The work "Revisiting the Theory of Dreams" is a collection additional information about dreams and makes it clear what the author considered to be the main thing in his theory, and what was secondary for him. "Dreams and Occultism" deals rather vaguely with the problems of sleep, but gives a clear idea of ​​​​Sigmund Freud's attitude to fortune telling, prophecy and astrology.

The interpretation of dreams according to Freud consists of analyzing individual elements, words and images of the dream. The dreamer must focus on what comes to mind when he thinks about a particular element of the dream. A person must be honest with himself, report everything, even the most ridiculous thoughts that arise in his head and relate to sleep. This method can be explained by the fact that psychological processes are determined, that is, if a certain object evokes some random associations in a person, they cannot be random. According to Freud, the biological basis of sleep is rest, when the human body, tired during the day, relaxes. The psychological basis of sleep is the loss of interest in everything that is happening in outside world. According to Freud, dreams are an opportunity to distance yourself from everything earthly.

The interpretation of dreams according to Freud has several main features:

  1. The number of objects that are symbolically depicted in dreams is quite small.
  2. Most of the symbols depicted in dreams are of a sexual nature.
  3. Every dream contains a misunderstood point.

According to the method of free association that Sigmund Freud chose to study dreams, all human dreams are subject to the pleasure principle. This is explained by the fact that people, first of all, strive to get pleasure from life, while displeasure causes only negative, negative emotions. According to Freud, dreams can be interpreted from the point of view of several types of attraction, the fundamental ones being sexual. Eros (sexual desire) includes not only the sexual desire that is familiar to us in this understanding, but also the desire to live and continue one’s race. Another type of drive according to Freud is the death drive, which is explained by the desire of living organisms to return to a lifeless state, no matter how ridiculous it may sound to any sane person. In his works, Sigmund Freud notes that the moment a child’s sexual desire appears coincides with his birth, despite the fact that he only becomes aware of his gender in adolescence.

Having studied Freud's postulates in detail, we can come to the conclusion that he closely connects dreams and emotions experienced in reality. The interpretation of dreams according to Freud is a completely individual process, because each person experiences unique, inimitable sensations and emotions. Sigmund was convinced that all associations that did not receive worthy attention in the waking state are seen in dreams in the form of some symbols and images. According to Freud, dreams carry a certain semantic load, which is often quite difficult to analyze. In order to decipher a dream, a person must have a developed imagination and be able to think creatively.

The stage of dream symbolization is considered the most important and most difficult. According to Freud, a person fulfills his desires during sleep; sexual dreams are no exception. For example, if in a dream you see yourself eating a juicy, delicious pineapple, this means that you like to take full pleasure from sex, but ignore the desires of your partner.

Freud divided all wish dreams into several types. The first type includes desires that are infantile in nature, that is, this is a desire of an undisguised type (pronounced sexual scenes). Such dreams are most often seen by teenagers. He classified desires in a disguised form as the second type, and poorly disguised desires that a person tries to repress on a subconscious level as the third. Repressed dream-desires include nightmares. For example, if a young girl dreams of being attacked by a murderous maniac, this may mean that her desire to quickly begin to have sex was suppressed by her parents, and the desire was transformed into a dream.

Sigmund Freud's dream book is one of the most interesting and original dream books in the world existing today. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that each person will be able to interpret his dream by carefully analyzing his problems, secret desires and phobias.