What tattoos are for good luck? Men's tattoos for luck and wealth

Long gone are the days when a tattoo was a sign of belonging to a criminal community. Beautiful, brilliant designs today decorate the bodies of men and women, with a special, hidden meaning. For those who want to attract luck, wealth, and bliss into their lives, they need to figure out which tattoos to do this with.

Tattoo with meaning

The story goes back to the times when marking the body gave information about a person, belonging to a tribe, and rank in it. Modern tattoos are filled with a special meaning, while people believe in the miraculous power of drawings and symbols. Before you do it yourself artistic painting on the body, desirable:

  • decide what you want to add to your life with its help;
  • distinguish male signs from women's;
  • know the meaning of symbols and drawings.

Incorrectly selected images cause damage with hidden meaning. You can look at photos and read the descriptions in the online magazine Tattooed Souls in order to make an informed choice. What is the point of images on the body? Masters are ordered:

  • symbols of luck and triumph;
  • inscriptions - an appeal to society and oneself;
  • amulets and talismans;
  • images of children, loved ones;
  • commemorative signs of major events;
  • symbols of love and relationships;
  • signs of attracting wealth, health, luck.

Tattoos with meaning for girls

For modern girls drawings on the body are a fashion statement, a part of decoration that can emphasize uniqueness and attract attention. Small sign in secluded place will add piquancy and sexuality. Tattoos with meaning for girls are selected taking into account individuality, character, based on photographs in tattoo salons. Hefty main point– you need to know the meaning of the image correctly so as not to get into an unpleasant position.

What do girls choose to get, what tattoos bring good luck? Famous women's drawings for the body and their implications:

  • cat – autonomy, elegance;
  • butterfly - beauty, will;
  • dragon - wisdom, power;
  • panther - gracefulness;
  • tiger – aggression, determination;
  • star - luck, prosperity, bliss;
  • heart - love;
  • Scorpio – attractiveness;
  • snake – wisdom, intuition.

Men's tattoos with meaning

Men have a completely different attitude towards drawings on the body - it is very rarely an element of decoration. The main task is to emphasize primacy, authority, strength, and fearlessness. Men's tattoos with meaning are found in the form of symbols, drawings, inscriptions and hieroglyphs. They are pinned on the arms, back, and chest. These can be tattoos for luck and fortune, attracting wealth, wisdom, love.

To figure out what's the point male symbols What they mean must be kept in mind - often the signs reflect aggression and power. What tattoos bring men luck, attract confidence, wealth, and strength? In salons and magazines you can see famous tattoos in photos with an explanation of their design:

  • lion - glory, cunning, fearlessness;
  • dragon - power, strength, loyalty;
  • snake - excess, wisdom;
  • tiger – ferocity, passion, strength;
  • heart – love, courage;
  • cross - power, fidelity, strength.
  • star – luck, excess.

Good luck symbol

When not everything in life goes smoothly, when bad luck haunts you, a person wants this period to pass as quickly as possible. He assumes that if she continuously wears the sign of luck, she will turn to face him. Tattoos with such symbols are the most famous in tattoo salons. What is most often stuffed in this case? Here are the tattoos that bring good luck to everyone:

  • feathers;
  • stars;
  • clover flower;
  • scull;
  • ladybugs;
  • martin;
  • elephant;
  • inscriptions on the body;
  • hieroglyphs.

Clover tattoo

Among the most famous, popular among women and men, is the herbal sign of luck and good fortune. They get a clover tattoo with three or four leaves - it has its own meaning. To enhance the meaning, a symbol with a menacing meaning is applied on top. Interpretation of this flower in images:

  • trefoil, where the entire leaf carries its own idea - the unity of soul, body and spirit, and also faith, hope and love;
  • four leaves, because they are rare, bring luck and bliss.

Horseshoe tattoo

Having a horseshoe above the door in your home has been considered an excellent sign since ancient times. It is a symbol of triumph, wealth, confidence and optimism. Those who want to attract good luck and bliss apply it to the body so that the amulet is constantly nearby. The horseshoe tattoo has interpretation features depending on its image:

  • the ends are directed downward - all troubles and misfortunes leave a person, leaving only the excellent;
  • turned upward - symbolize a filled cup, an increase in wealth, and bring bliss;
  • directed to the left - a sign of the birth moon, the growth of wealth.

Ladybug tattoo

One of the most popular images among girls is a cute red insect with black dots, which is considered a symbol Mother of God. This is a very strong amulet, symbolizing fertility and helping the birth of children. This image is believed to be:

  • brings good luck;
  • protects from snags;
  • warns about threats;
  • protects from the evil eye.

This amulet is considered very positive and is often applied together with clover leaves. Several insects can be depicted at the same time. When applying a ladybug tattoo, special significance is given to the number of points on the wings:

  • one thing – helps in your endeavors;
  • two – contribute to the acquisition of harmonics;
  • three – help in decision making;
  • four - protect from betrayal;
  • seven - bring bliss and good luck.

Parrot tattoo

The image of this bird is recognized as one of the most favorable signs. Such tattoos tattoo brilliant, open, creative people. Their main task is to attract the attention of others, the desire to decorate the world, and support other people. Parrot tattoo - a symbol of happiness and luck has meanings:

  • optimism;
  • ease of communication;
  • aspirations for an exciting, brilliant life;
  • originality of thinking.

Tattoo for good luck

The desire to be successful and joyful is certainly a human desire. Those who believe in the well-being of their life and want to attract triumph get tattoos for good luck. Signs on the body bring confidence, wealth, luck, bliss. These symbols are:

  • Japanese, Chinese characters;
  • mythical creatures - mermaids, dragons;
  • images of animals;
  • inscriptions in every language;
  • magical signs, symbols;
  • abstract drawings - lines, circles;
  • Slavic, Scandinavian runes;
  • images of flowers;
  • Feng Shui symbolism;
  • feathers;
  • stars;
  • skulls

Rune of luck

In an attempt to add mystery to themselves, to attract inexplicable forces to fulfill their desires, people get tattoos with the rune of luck. It is necessary to pay attention - these signs look different in the Slavic and Scandinavian interpretation. Experts who seriously study runes do not recommend applying them to the body. This is due to the fact that:

  • signs can change their meaning if, over time, the thoughts and feelings of the person who pinned them are adjusted;
  • if applied incorrectly, important tasks are acceptable;
  • even after removal, the sign continues to affect the person.

Luck in Latin

Tattoos for bliss and good luck in Latin are in great demand in tattoo salons. They add some mystery to the owner and become his amulet, a call to action. Among the famous phrases:

  • fortuna mecum - success accompanies me;
  • veni, vidi, vici - came, saw, overcame;
  • fortes fortuna adjuvat – success helps the brave;
  • nunquam retrorsum, semper ingrediendum - not a step back, only forward;
  • sic itur ad astra - let's go to the stars;
  • vivere est vincere - live in order to win;
  • per aspera ad astra – through thorns to the stars.

Tattoo for good luck and happiness

Attracting bliss into your life - isn’t this what girls and boys dream of at a young age? It seems that if you tattoo a design on your body, it will bring you good luck, without any special effort. A tattoo of bliss helps the owner to believe that everything will be okay - this is already part of triumph. Among the most familiar signs are the horseshoe and clover, but you can look authentic and unique if applied to the body:

  • bat;
  • Yin-Yang sign;
  • scarab beetle;
  • symbols of cards, dice;
  • dragons;
  • birds;
  • acorns;
  • dog;
  • Japanese supreme happiness - any of the seven.

Luck hieroglyph

Tattoos depicting hieroglyphs are especially famous. They look laconic, luxurious and mysterious. The hieroglyph can cope with the attraction of luck only if the image is filled correctly. These signs have strong energy and great meaning. They will help you achieve a sensation, multiply your achievements, and not be afraid of difficulties. Before applying it is important:

  • to know exact value hieroglyph, so as not to cause damage to yourself;
  • choose an excellent master - even a small distortion of a symbol can completely change the interpretation.

Tattoo for luck and love

Men and women dream of love at any age. Good luck is brought by symbols in which a person strongly believes. Tattoos to attract love and happiness can be divided into two blocks. The first includes images that attract the senses. It can be:

  • inscriptions in Latin, English;
  • hearts;
  • wings and feathers;
  • frogs;
  • elephants;
  • dolphins;
  • hieroglyphs;
  • infinity symbol.

The 2nd block is considered no less important - signs that protect love, symbolizing fidelity. Among them are often used:

  • names and initials of lovers;
  • paired tattoos for men and women;
  • phrases-slogans about love, starting with one, ending with another;
  • drawings that make up a complete image;
  • rings;
  • hearts;
  • keys with locks;
  • pigeons;
  • dogs.

Tattoo for luck and wealth

People imagine that if they put special drawings and symbols on their body, they will attract physical well-being, furore, and fortune into their lives. This is a matter of hope, but tattoos that bring good luck and money are very popular. Among them:

  • insects - bee, butterfly, scarab beetle;
  • animals – fox, cat, lion;
  • birds - hummingbirds, parrots;
  • plants, flowers – lotus, peony, acorn;
  • objects - coins, money, horseshoe;
  • mythical images - mermaid, dragon;
  • hieroglyphs.

Magic signs and symbols that bring good luck

There are a huge number of magical signs and symbols that bring good luck, which are used by occultists in every world. It is believed that with their help it is possible to change life. What tattoos bring good luck to their owners? Among the most famous symbols are:

  • Chinese coin of happiness - Feng Shui;
  • wheel of Fortune;
  • pentacle of Solomon;
  • Slavic rune Dazhdbog;
  • Egyptian Cross of Life;
  • Yin-Yang symbol;
  • OM sign;
  • symbol of Five Goods;
  • Thor's hammer;
  • squaring the circle;
  • Mandala symbol;
  • Infinity sign;
  • Scandinavian rune Fehu;
  • Abracadabra sign.

Also check out the tattoo options for girls on the arm.

Video: tattoos that bring good luck

Do you want to get a tattoo for good luck, but don’t know what to choose? To get started, just look at the options on the Internet. We have prepared for you a short review dedicated to signs, symbols, amulets and talismans that have migrated into the art of tattooing.

Today in the world there are several hundred common, regional, traditional, subcultural, intra-cult and intra-confessional signs that directly or indirectly indicate good luck, success, fortune, profit, etc. In most cases, these symbols were created a long time ago, during the times of ancient civilizations. There are also more “modern” ones, invented over the last 500 - 1000 years.

We have collected here a variety of symbols used as good luck tattoos:

  • Wheel of Fortune. This Roman goddess had many favorites among mortals. How to earn the attention of the heavenly patroness? For this purpose, tattoos were made to bring good luck. It could be the wheel itself, or the goddess leaning on it with one hand. Today the symbol is familiar to millions of people who have nothing to do with Rome and its religious ideas. The Wheel of Fortune has even found its way into tarot card decks;
  • In Ireland, tattoos were made to bring good luck with four-leaf clovers. It was considered a symbol of the patronage of St. Patrick. This is one of the few representatives of Christianity who managed to win great respect in lands traditionally inhabited by pagan Celts. People liked the legend about clover so much that many of them, who do not live in Ireland, began to get tattoos with this plant en masse;
  • The horseshoe is another item that is associated with luck and fortune. It was stuffed on the forearm, back, chest and other parts of the body. It is difficult to establish where exactly the tradition originated. It reached the Russian lands, partially surviving even in modern culture;
  • Rabbit's foot. It’s strange how a paw cut off from a poor animal could help anyone. Even more interesting is how her image, painted on the skin, became a talisman;
  • Acorn for a long time personified luck. Today, you often come across sketches depicting an oak branch with leaves and acorns.

Chinese tattoos for good luck

Popularization began in our country with the advent of Feng Shui. People who a year ago called themselves Christians/Muslims/atheists suddenly began to believe in Chinese mysticism and read the “Book of Changes.” Many believed that various types of jewelry would not help them, and could even get lost. Therefore, they preferred to get tattoos for luck, wealth, love, and health. There are many oddities associated with this fashion. Situations often arose when masters deliberately, or intentionally, placed symbols in catalogs that did not mean what was listed.

Instead of a tattoo of a hieroglyph for wealth, luck, happiness, you could get a symbol meaning “noodle soup” or something offensive. People may not have known for years that they had been deceived until they encountered someone who understood oriental languages ​​or found information on the Internet.

What does a luck hieroglyph tattoo look like? In general, there are several popular symbols in Feng Shui:

  • Tsai – “welfare”;
  • Bao – “protection”;
  • Chen Gong - “achievement”;
  • Yu Xiang – “well-being”;
  • Shenghi Xiang Long – success in trading.

The network often comes across characters that are far from Chinese culture and feng shui. For example, "angel". China has Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, etc. These are the key traditions and religious movements. There are no angels in any of them. Japan has Buddhism and Shintoism. In both cases, angels do not exist. Let's draw conclusions.

Tattoo of hieroglyphs translates as chicken soup with noodles

Before you get a tattoo Chinese character good luck, study competent sources. Otherwise, the Chinese inscription “tomato juice”, “flea-covered dog”, or something worse will be emblazoned on your body. It so happened historically that the writing of this people is very specific, and a curse sometimes looks more beautiful than a blessing.

In China, another symbol of prosperity is often depicted - a three-legged toad holding a coin in its mouth. According to legend, she once did a lot of evil until Buddha came and forced the toad to help people. IN in this context the tattoo is designed to attract financial profit.

A symbol of well-being is a toad holding a coin in its mouth.

There is also the Chinese character "chow", which represents happy life and the bestower of longevity. Another version of the same purpose “ugh”. Its focus depends on what meaning you put into it yourself.

If you often travel or travel by sea, then the best option Tattoos for good luck will feature the image of the patron saint of travelers, St. Christopher. This is one of the favorite mascots among drivers. It is believed that it helps to avoid accidents, giving the owner unprecedented luck.

In Japan there is a certain cult character named Maneki-neko. She is often called the cat of happiness, luck, or money. She is always depicted with one paw raised. If it is the right one, it is about attracting favorable circumstances, and the left one attracts wealth.

Tattoos in the Nordic tradition and modern Europe

Very often on the skin of some people you can see runes for good luck and wealth. Researchers believe that runes are not just letters, but some keys to understanding the secrets of the universe. It is also a kind of programming language for the surrounding reality and our own lives.

There are many options. These are both single symbols and formulas:

  • Triple rune fehu. In itself, it personifies success in material terms;
  • A knitted rune consisting of crossed Dagaz and Inguz. Denotes a long and prosperous life;
  • Fehu-soul-otal-vunyo formula. A unique program for achieving happiness and success in various aspects;
  • A knitted rune consisting of algiz, “growing” like a flower from Inguz. These are runes that bring happiness and help achieve your goals.

But don't forget that northern gods They don’t like those who haven’t lifted a finger for their own happiness.

In modern Norway, Denmark, Germany, Austria, and some areas of Poland, the tattoo is a symbol of good luck, this is the image of a chimney sweep.

A symbol of good luck in a tattoo, this is an image of a chimney sweep

The British and Scots considered the black cat a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Black cat tattoo as a symbol of wealth and well-being

An excellent tattoo option for good luck and happiness for girls is a ladybug. The meaning will depend on the number of spots:

  • One is to help those who have started something new, but are afraid of failure;
  • Two – harmony inside and outside;
  • Three – prudence;
  • Four is an amulet against thieves and bandits. Will help those who travel frequently;
  • Five – assistance at work;
  • Six – help with studies;
  • Seven is a divine number that promotes prosperity.

If you are looking for good luck and wealth tattoos for men and main goal is financial success and independence, you can choose a golden key. This was the talisman of the Genoese merchants. They, of course, did not get a tattoo, but wore a real object that opened their own treasures. But the image of the key has been preserved even in fairy tales. Remember Pinocchio and the Golden Key?

Golden key tattoo for men, for good luck

What might a tattoo that brings good luck look like?

Inscriptions - tattoo luck is always with me in Latin. There are several options:

  • Fortuna mecum - good luck accompanies me;
  • Fortes fortuna adjuvat - Fate helps the brave;
  • Audaces fortuna juvat - Happiness favors the brave;
  • Custos meus mihi semper - my angel is always with me.

Tattoo in Latin: my angel is always with me

The items are the same horseshoes, Chinese coins, clovers, etc. Real and magical creatures, giving people good luck.

A good tattoo should be exclusive. But this does not mean that you cannot use some popular plot. There are many examples.

What is your personal talisman? Who do you consider your protector, patron? Using this information, the artist will be able to create the most original and unusual designs for tattoos for good luck.

Let's say you love some animal. Let it be a raccoon. He can hold in his paws an object that he imagines modern people should bring good luck and bestow happiness or prosperity. You can combine the image and the inscription.

Tattoo of a flying raven with a branch of acorns in its beak
  • A raven holding an oak branch with acorns in its beak. Usually depicted on the back or arm. Sometimes on the chest, less often on the side;
  • Leprechaun sitting on a pot of gold coins, holding a four-leaf clover;
  • Ladybug on a leaf, or flying in the sky;
  • Various religious subjects;
  • A combination of several lucky symbols – gold fish, horseshoe, clover, etc. How to create their composition is a question for the tattoo artist.

The design style can be anything, as can the choice of color. In most cases, good luck tattoos are not tied to color, but to shape, certain outlines and contours.

Ask the master to sketch out some ideas on paper. Perhaps, after seeing the first sketches, you will come up with some interesting details that it will add to the overall picture.

Success tattoo and zodiac signs

The only time the shade matters is in zodiac tattoos for good luck. It is known that each horoscope sign corresponds to a certain color, number, etc.


  • For cancer, white, gray, silver and orange are considered lucky. Blue brings bad luck;
  • A Scorpio tattoo should have shades of red, purple if the style allows it. But classic black is also favorable for this sign;
  • Taurus – tattoos with blue and pink tones. Yellow will help overcome laziness, which prevents you from moving towards success;
  • Capricorns – men need brown and black, women – blue, purple, red dark shades blue;
  • Leos choosing a color tattoo should remember that their colors are brown and orange for men, red, yellow, gold and orange for women. Avoid blue and white;
  • Sagittarius - men can use shades of gray and purple, women - blue, blue, lilac, purple.

Areas of the skin and their influence on the meaning of the tattoo

Now you know which tattoos bring good luck, and even what color they should be for maximum effect. Therefore, all that remains is to choose one of the options and figure out exactly how it should look and what part of the body it should be applied to:

  • on the back;
  • on the shoulder;
  • on the wrist;
  • on the forearm;
  • on the ankle;
  • hip;
  • on the chest.

If you are looking for tattoo options for good luck and wealth, then here are good solutions:

  • A tattoo on the shoulder isn't just more noticeable. Its task is to attract success while protecting against various troubles;
  • The symbol is applied to the wrist creative people prone to daydreaming. IN in this case It is recommended not only to get a tattoo, but also to visualize your success and think about it. Don't forget about work. After all, without it you cannot catch the very fish that will fulfill your three wishes;
  • If you put a miniature image on forefinger, This good way attract success in business. If your work is related to finance, this is a great catalyst for development;
  • Neck, area of ​​skin behind the ear. By getting a tattoo there, you will attract not only money, but also success and recognition. Actors, musicians, and other people who want fame should think about this.

Looking at the photos of various tattoos for happiness and luck, money, business success, you will find a lot in common in them. Essentially, they have the same meaning. How capable are they of helping the owner in reality? People who are considered experts in this area of ​​mysticism argue that it is not the sign itself that is strong, but our faith. A tattoo is a talisman, it is a conductor of our energy, its transformer. It helps direct desire and faith in the right direction.

Animal tattoos that bring good luck

There is an opinion that some animals, insects, and other living creatures can bring you luck, success, and prosperity. We have compiled a list in this review:

  • The king of beasts, the lion, is not only a sign of good luck, but also a tattoo - an amulet that makes you more decisive and courageous;
  • The cat is suitable for those who go to sea;
  • The dolphin personifies protection, freedom, often personifies good luck, and the disposition of the forces of light towards a person. The seahorse has approximately the same properties;
  • To achieve specific goals, a starfish tattoo is suitable;
  • A goldfish will fulfill your wishes;
  • Sly Red fox guarantees that prosperity will come to your home. If you are the head of a company or enterprise, it will give success in commercial matters;
  • Slow snail too lucky sign for tattoo. This funny creature symbolizes not only protection, but also perseverance, gradual movement forward;
  • Very good sign is a small tattoo in the form of a lizard. It can be applied to the shoulders, arms, legs, neck, side;
  • Another symbol of prosperity and benefits is the elephant;
  • Wealth and good fortune await those who get a frog tattoo;
  • The spider on the web gives protection and luck;
  • The Egyptians associated scarab beetles with luck and fortune;
  • A tattoo in the form of a dragonfly or butterfly has a very beneficial effect;
  • A tattoo in the form of a bee will give successful results of work or training;
  • Ladybug is a tattoo with two properties - attracting good luck and protecting against the evil eye;
  • Profit, commercial success will be given to you by a deer, a hummingbird, or a beautiful bird feather;
  • Among the plants, the most “lucky” ones are peony (persistence, success, beauty), thistle (not only good luck, but also protection from dark forces), lotus (overcoming obstacles, achieving great heights), orchid (attracting luxury), dandelion (positive energy, perseverance, development, luck).

Photos of animalistic tattoos that bring good luck from the above list

Black cat tattoo for luck

Even “pop” stars in any form – from girlish tattoos to Masonic symbols – are considered very good symbols for those who dream of achieving success in any business.

Many people get tattoos to decorate their bodies, others associate them with certain periods of their lives, and others put personal meaning into the images. What tattoos can bring good luck?

How to choose a lucky tattoo?

First of all, decide on your desires. What exactly do you want: fame, recognition, wealth, happiness, health, strength, love, self-improvement or the acquisition of some qualities? Remember that thoughts are material, especially if they are visualized using a body image, so think carefully, weigh the pros and cons and prioritize so that in the future the tattoo will help you and not hinder you.

In addition, if you really want something and constantly think about it, you will, as it were, charge the image, and it will become even more powerful in terms of impact on your destiny and life. But it is important to believe in such power, otherwise nothing will come of it.

Tattoo for good luck

So, let’s list the tattoos that bring good luck:

  • The most popular and widespread symbol of success, happiness and wealth is considered to be a clover, and certainly a four-leaf one. And it is considered universal, as it suits everyone, regardless of age and gender.
  • The Ankh sign or the so-called Egyptian cross. The cross itself in such a symbol symbolizes life, the interweaving of events, and the circle symbolizes eternity. Thus, life path will have a long and happy life.
  • Almost all winged insects, especially beetles and ladybugs, also bring good luck. For example, a fragile girl can put a ladybug on her body, but a beetle, including a horned one, is more suitable for a man (horns in this case enhance masculine energy).
  • If we list lucky tattoos associated with winged creatures, and to be more specific, then it is worth remembering the scarab. This is a sacred beetle, to which the most different properties. For example, it is believed that he can resurrect the dead, as well as bring good luck and happiness to the living.
  • The star has long been considered a rather powerful symbol of good luck. At all times, when people said “born under a lucky star,” they meant that a person is lucky in everything in life. If it's yours for now lucky star If you haven’t found it, then apply it to your body, then it will give you success. This tattoo, by the way, is suitable for both girls and guys.
  • Acorn. Yes, the fruit of the oak tree is actually considered a symbol of life, fortitude, immortality and fertility in Celtic and Scandinavian cultures. And by the way, it is dedicated to Thor - the god of thunder and storms, who protected people and gods from monsters.
  • Scull. Surprisingly, such an image in some cultures is considered a symbol of success and luck, as well as protection from disasters. By applying it to the body, a person seems to show death that he is not afraid of it, and therefore it bypasses him. In addition, it can personify the immortality of the soul or be a reminder that you need to live as if today is your last day.
  • If you are looking for interesting images, then pay attention to the Caduceus. This is a golden rod, which is decorated with two wings and entwined with two snakes. It once belonged to Hermes and endowed him with the power to reconcile everyone. To this day, such a sign brings good luck, helps to remain calm, drives away illnesses and gives harmony and peace in the home.
  • When listing beautiful tattoos that bring success, we must not forget about feathers, which represent lightness in everything and literally attract happiness, luck and wealth. But you should not choose peacock feathers, as they symbolize unjustified hopes, empty promises and useless spending.
  • If you prefer symbols and signs rather than drawings, then pay attention to hieroglyphs. For example, “fu” and “zi” attract happiness, prosperity, health and love. But it is extremely important to depict them correctly, since the slightest mistake can change the meaning.
  • The infinity symbol or the figure eight turned on its side promises its bearer a long and happy life, health, strong marriage, as well as patience and good luck in all endeavors.
  • Many people hung horseshoes over the entrance to the house, thus protecting the home from evil spirits. If you apply such a design to your body, then luck will accompany you everywhere. A horseshoe will also bring prosperity and help in all matters, because it is considered one of the most powerful symbols of good luck.

  1. When choosing a specific tattoo, listen to your feelings and emotions. If you literally “sink” inside at the sight of this or that image, then use it.
  2. Be responsible when choosing a master, because if he is inexperienced, he will spoil and change the image, thereby depriving it of its impact.
  3. Prepare thoroughly for getting a tattoo so that at these moments you will be in a normal and even elevated state. In case of illness or bad mood you can charge the image negative energy, and then it won't work as it should.
  4. To try out the effect of a particular design on yourself, you can try it on and wear it for a while. To do this, apply an image with henna and monitor your further thoughts, state, mood, events occurring in your life.
  5. Don’t expect immediate changes for the better after getting a tattoo, everything takes time.

Choose and get a tattoo to become happy man and attract good luck!

People have been tattooing their bodies since ancient times. If now more attention is paid to the decorative function of a tattoo, then previously its most important purpose was to influence in a certain way human life. Nowadays, many continue to believe that a tattoo can change a person’s destiny, character, attract good luck, wealth, love, and improve health. Therefore, it is not surprising that many choose symbols for tattoos that bring money.

Symbols of wealth and luck

Although money cannot bring happiness, it gives freedom and power, at least over own life. If you believe in the mystical component of tattoos, it is logical to choose symbols that protect against failure and promise material well-being. So which tattoo makes money?

Almost every culture has symbols that are designed to attract wealth. One of these symbols is clover. The legend that tells how Saint Patrick came to Ireland to preach the Christian faith, holding in his hands, is still alive. Using his example, he explained the principle of the Holy Trinity. If the three-leaf clover is considered a symbol of Christianity, then the four-leaf clover is a sign of good luck and wealth. It is very rarely found in nature, which is why it is considered a harbinger of rare luck.

Clover is often used in tattoo designs. Money and luck, as was believed in ancient times, are influenced by the image of a horseshoe. Previously people They believed that finding a horseshoe on the road was a lucky omen. They always brought it home and hung it at the door. Nowadays, of course, you won’t find a horseshoe just lying on the ground. But there is a way out - apply it to your body and always have this talisman with you.

A horseshoe can be depicted in different ways, the meaning of the tattoo will depend on this. A horseshoe with its horns up is designed to bring good luck, wealth, love, in general, everything that makes a person happy. A horseshoe with its horns down is a talisman against failure. This drawing symbolizes the cup from which all troubles and adversities poured out.

Image ladybug- also a good choice if you want to get a tattoo to attract money. This cute, cute insect was revered in many cultures and was considered a mediator between our world and the other world. IN ancient Scandinavia, for example, they believed that it would help in the search true love. Now the ladybug is a symbol of wealth, good luck in all endeavors, be it achievement financial well-being or family happiness.

For those who want to protect their wealth, avoid bad deals and fraud, good choice will become the eye of Horus. This ancient Egyptian symbol will make its owner more vigilant and protect against deception in financial matters.

Tattoos that bring good luck and money can even combine several symbols, as they say, just to be sure.

Image of real banknotes

Often, not symbols are chosen for tattoos, but images of real banknotes. The meaning of a money tattoo in this case remains the same - the desire to attract wealth. Such works are quite rare; even photos of money tattoos cannot be found on the Internet.

Sometimes you can see tattoos of cards and money. Usually such works are chosen gambling people, perhaps even the players. Among such sketches there is also classic plot tattoo “money cards two trunks”.

Style selection

Men usually collect real money; girls often prefer symbolic images.

If you want to depict real banknotes, then it is logical to choose realism. Such tattoos can often be seen on the hands. You can look for a photo of a money tattoo in realism to have a rough idea of ​​how to implement such an idea.

This style is also good for depicting symbols that attract wealth. For example, a small realistic ladybug or four-leaf clover will look great on almost anywhere: on the neck, ankle, wrist. Larger work, such as a ladybug sitting on a flower or leaf, will look good on a shoulder blade. If it is not just one flower, but a tree branch with flowers, then the shoulder or forearm would be suitable places.

At all times, people worshiped Fortune and tried to attract her to their side. To do this, they used amulets, magical objects and amulets. They were worn to appease fate and attract prosperity. Nowadays, tattoo lovers are still superstitious.

In nature, clovers with four petals are almost never found; finding one is real luck and good sign. Therefore, his image is the most common talisman for good luck. It is believed that even a small clover tattoo can seriously affect one’s destiny.

Owners of a horseshoe tattoo are sure that this is the most powerful magnet for good luck. A horseshoe thrown by a horse was carried into the house and secured above front door- people wanted changes for the better so much! And this item never let them down.

A tattooed image of a ladybug applied to the body is believed to protect the owner from damage and the evil eye, and also symbolizes the sun.

The British, wanting to protect themselves from evil, choose a tattoo with a parrot. At the same time, they always mutter a spell, believing that without it the protection will not be strong.

There are tattoos that bring wealth and good luck, the most mysterious among them are hieroglyphs and a curl.

In the East, there is a tradition of covering the body with hieroglyphic writing. But this type of tattoo is more often chosen by residents of Western countries. Symbols of luck and prosperity - luck, family, wealth and courage - are described by Chinese and Japanese characters kanji. The hieroglyph “ji” (luck) denotes both a lucky person and a sage. Lovers can get a couple tattoo; its meaning will be revealed when they are close.

In Siam local residents a curl tattoo is applied - a symbol of the meditating Buddha. This image, which attracts good luck, is endowed with double power - the meaning of the picture and the procedure that only the monk carries out. At the same time, he performs a magical ritual.

Inscriptions on the body - mottos, aphorisms and sayings - can also help a lucky person, for example the inscription “Happiness favors the brave,” very popular in the West.

Tattoos that bring money are no less important, because this is one of the results of luck!

Traditionally, in both China and Japan, the peony is responsible for increasing money. This tattoo is very popular. At the same time, the peony symbolizes success. It is interesting because it also has the symbolism of the ancient Japanese card game Oite-Kabu.