Personal life of Dima Bilan. Eternal bachelor: Dima Bilan is not gay, but, most likely, he will never marry a woman Dima Bilan biography personal life

The personal life of Dima Bilan has haunted his fans for many years. They want to know all her details, especially if he has a girlfriend.

But the singer carefully hides any details about his relationship from the eyes of strangers. Because of this Bilan is credited numerous novels with colleagues on stage, models and wards of the “Voice” competition. But despite these numerous rumors, Dmitry is in no hurry to comment on his personal life or refute the information.

Perhaps this is a PR move to increase his popularity, or perhaps he believes that if details about his life become known, he will become less interesting to his fans. While the singer remains silent, there is information in the press about his most high-profile novels.

Almost a wife

When Dmitry was about 20 years old, he set out to conquer Moscow. Dima became a student at the Gnesensky School, and then a student at GITIS. At the same time, he met Anastasia Vinokur, daughter famous comedian. At the time they met, she was 18 years old.

Perhaps for them it was first love. Few doubted the sincerity of their feelings and it was getting closer to the wedding. But this event was not destined to happen. The couple separated. The reason for this decision is still unknown. There is an opinion that Anastasia’s father was against marriage with the singer, but he denies this in every possible way.

Dima Bilan had another serious relationship that could have ended in marriage with model Elena Kuletskaya.

The relationship between this couple lasted quite a long time, and after Bilan’s performance at the Eurovision Song Contest, journalists noticed a ring on the model’s finger.

Immediately information appeared in the press that Bilan would soon tie the knot. But time passed, and there was no news about the wedding. It turned out that the young people decided to separate.

There were several reasons for this. Firstly, for Bilan and Elena, their careers were at first place, and they each achieved success in their own field. Secondly, their relationship was easy and lacked responsibility, which did not strengthen it.

Over time, the romantic relationship developed into friendship. Now Elena is happily married to another man, but remembers her relationship with the singer with warmth.

A few more novels

After breaking up with Elena Kuletskaya, there were several contenders for the heart of Dima Bilan. The relationship with them did not last long and did not end with a wedding. Immediately after breaking up with Kuletskaya, the singer had an affair with another model.

The girl's name was Yullianna. They met on the set of a video. The singer's friends still remember this passionate romance between Dmitry and Yullianna. But soon the passion subsided and the couple separated.

Then they talked about the star’s romance with another model. But there are very few details about him. This time, the singer’s sister spoke to reporters. She asked not to interfere in the couple’s personal life, since the girl does not like excessive attention to herself. This relationship also ended in nothing.

There was a period in Dmitry's life when he lost his head from love. He was ready to devote his entire life to his beloved and sacrifice a lot for her. It is known that the girl was an artist and her name was Lyalya.

Dmitry was in love. He tried to spend every minute with his beloved and even missed rehearsals. But Lyalya did not appreciate his sacrifices. One fine day she just packed her things and left without saying goodbye.. Afterwards, they met with Dmitry at one of the resorts, relaxed together, but did not resume their relationship.

Romantic relationships with colleagues

Devoting all his time to work, it is not surprising that the singer had several affairs with his stage colleagues. Known about them romantic relationships with Yulia Volkova, former member group "Tatu".

Interesting notes:

Julia herself spoke about a short-term romance that began during qualifying round for Eurovision. But two creative people it was hard to find mutual language. Moreover, both artists had strong and independent characters. As a result, the couple broke up after several months of dating.

Information has repeatedly appeared about Dima Bilan’s affair with singer Pelageya. Perhaps the relationship arose during the “Voice” competition, where both artists were judges. Pelageya spoke very highly of the singer in all interviews and said more than once that he was very an interesting man. What happened between them remains a mystery to fans.

Dima and Ksenia?

After the release of Dmitry Bilan’s video “Girl Don’t Cry,” only the lazy didn’t talk about possible romance singer and model Ksenia Sukhinova. The girl starred in several of the singer’s videos, but the last one was the most frank.

Dmitry and Ksenia have a long-term relationship. They met more than 7 years ago. Then she also took part in the filming of one of the singer’s videos. And then there was also a wave of gossip about a possible romance. There were no comments on this matter.

And this year, filming in Ksenia’s video gave rise to a new wave of rumors. Some fans consider them an ideal couple and are waiting for a logical conclusion, while others think that the girl is not suitable for the singer. The couple remains stubbornly silent regarding their relationship. And it seems that rumors do not cause them the slightest concern.

Photos of the artist with girls

Dima Bilan's real name is Victor Belan. The winner of the Eurovision Song Contest, the idol of millions of women, carefully hides his personal life. He is credited with dozens of love affairs, but the artist himself does not talk about them.

Novels by Dima Bilan

The charming brunette has always been popular with the opposite sex. The artist stated several times in an interview that he has not yet met a woman with whom he is ready to live his whole life.

The public believes that he was in relationships with models, show business and television stars.

Dima Bilan and Anastasia Vinokur

As soon as Bilan arrived in Moscow, he met Vladimir Vinokur’s daughter Anastasia. Dima was 22 years old, the girl was 18. The celebrities were young, but their feelings were sincere. Things were heading towards the wedding, but suddenly the couple broke up.

The couple was preparing for the wedding

They say that humorist Vladimir Vinokur was against their romance. He refutes these rumors: “I did not interfere with their relationship, this is the speculation of journalists.”

Dima Bilan and Inna Andreeva

Journalists saw the singer several times social events accompanied attractive girl athletic build named Inna. She is a yoga instructor. Originally from the Krasnodar region, but has been living in Moscow for many years.

Inna Andreeva: ex-lover Dima

He has been friends with Bilan for more than 10 years. The musician assures that there is no love between them: “Inna Andreeva is a very close person to me, but she is not my beloved.”

Elena Kuletskaya

TV presenter and model Elena Kuletskaya is one of the few “official” lovers of Dima Bilan. They dated for many years, even before Eurovision. The musician promised that if he won, he would marry the girl, but this never happened.

Followers say that their romance was short, and after the competition the relationship turned into a smart PR move. Bilan himself confirmed this in 2011.

Bilan and Anna Moshkovich

There is almost no information about Anna Moshkovich. She is said to be an aspiring model and singer.

Dima Bilan with Anna Moshkovich

She often went out with Dima, but the young people did not say anything specific about their relationship.

Yana Rudkovskaya

Yana Rudkovskaya is the producer of Dima Bilan. They began collaborating in 2007. Many say that the girl made an invaluable contribution to the singer’s victory at the Eurovision music competition in 2009. Dima himself admits that without Rudkovskaya he would not have been able to achieve such recognition.

Yana Rudkovskaya with Dima Bilan: producers

There was never a romantic connection between them - only joint work and strong friendship. By the way, Dima Bilan - Godfather Sasha, son of Yana and figure skater Evgeni Plushenko.

Dima Bilan and Yulia Volkova

A member of the formerly famous Tatu group, Yulia Volkova, confirmed that she had a short relationship with Dima Bilan: “The romance began during the Eurovision qualifying round, but we soon realized that we could not be together.”

Dima with Yulia Volkova

It is very difficult for two hot-tempered artists to build love, but they were able to maintain a friendly relationship after the breakup.

Victoria Dayneko

Two celebrities Russian show business worked together on music project In Los Angeles. Victoria was then still married to Dmitry Kleiman.

Dima Bilan and Victoria Daineko

Bilan and Pelageya

Dima Bilan and Pelageya are judges of the popular project “The Voice”. They speak well of each other. The singer once said that Bilan is a very attractive and interesting man: “We are constantly in touch, texting, exchanging videos. He's so funny!

Dima had to give a detailed comment to the press: “There is only sincere friendship between us. This girl deserves the best." Let us remind you that Pelageya is now married to hockey player Ivan Telegin.

Ksenia Sukhinova

Model Ksenia Sukhinova is another alleged girlfriend of Dima Bilan. They filmed the artist’s video “Girl, Don’t Cry” together. This is not their first collaboration.

Dima Bilan and Ksenia Sukhinova

In the film, the young people play the role of lovers so convincingly that fans were confident in their romance. Celebrities do not confirm this.

Dima Bilan's wife and children

There are several photographs on the Internet of supposedly secret wedding ceremony Dima Bilan and Elena Kuletskaya. Most likely, it was an ordinary staging at a fashion show.

According to official information, Dima has never been married and has no children.

Dima Bilan with godson Sasha Plushenko

Although he considers Yana Rudkovskaya’s child to be his son, which he constantly says on Instagram: “I’m already a father, albeit a spiritual one.”

Dima Bilan's life today

The 36-year-old singer continues to actively tour, record new compositions and shoot videos. He considers his home luxury mansion in the near Moscow region, west of the capital.

Country house of Dima Bilan

They say he bought it for a million euros. Housing located in pine forest, not far from the highway.

Bilan has a spacious apartment in the very center of Moscow. The musician bought it a long time ago. Apartment with an area of ​​100 sq. m. cost the artist half a million dollars. The interior is simple but sophisticated. Dima spends most of the year in the apartment, but often goes to his mansion.

Dima Bilan remains one of the most eligible bachelors in Russia: “I am satisfied with my life, and I do not intentionally want to change anything in it.”

Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981 in a working-class family. The artist's real name is Victor Belan. The boy was born in the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug. Later his family moved to Kabardino-Balkaria.

Finished music school by learning to play the accordion masterfully. The boy quite often participated in all sorts of music competitions, taking prizes.

In 2000-2003, Vitya studied vocals at Gnesinka. In 2003, he changed his name to that of his beloved grandfather Dmitry.

Later, Dmitry Bilan's songs appear quite often on music channels and fashion radio stations, consistently becoming hits. The singer participates in music competitions " New wave" and "Eurovision", where he took first place the second time.

Currently, the guy acts as an experienced mentor for the adult and children's music show “The Voice”. Also, Dmitry Bilan tries himself as an actor.

If about creative life Almost every fan knows the singer, but Dmitry Bilan’s personal life remains a secret behind seven seals. This handsome and undoubtedly talented guy does not like to talk about her. Because of this kind of mystery, very contradictory rumors and speculations are circulating throughout Russia regarding the singer’s amorous affairs.

One of these gossips is Dima Bilan’s affair with Yana Rudkovskaya, who after Aizenshpis’s death became the guy’s producer. However, neither the singer nor his charming producer deny the fact of a love relationship. Moreover, Yana has been happily married to figure skater Evgeni Plushenko for many years now. She claims that she views Dima exclusively as a worldwide famous brand, which brings good profits.

The yellow press quite often attributes the singer to relationships with various girls. After he began to deny a love relationship with them, Dmitry was suspected of unconventional sexual orientation. Even his “fiancé”, a certain Rovens Pritula, was found, but the rumors remained rumors.

Does Dmitry Bilan have a wife? Young woman?

For quite a long period of time, it was believed that Dmitry Bilan’s wife could well become famous model Lena Kuletskaya. This relationship continued for quite some time for a long time, and the fact that the ring was presented at Eurovision indicated an imminent wedding. However, the miracle never happened. A little later, the couple announced that they had never had a close relationship, and they called everything that was happening a game for the public for the sake of PR.

After breaking up with Dima Kuletskaya, Bilan began to be suspected of having an affair with another beautiful fashion model Yulianna Krylova. The girl even starred in several of the singer’s videos, which are striking in their frankness. However, Dmitry Bilan himself claims that there is only strong friendship between them.

He said the same thing about possible love relationships with Natalia Samoletova, Yulia Sarkisova, Anna Moshkovich and even ex-wife Mel Gibson by Oksana Grigorieva. Even the infamous “tattoo” girl Yulia Volkova played the role of Dmitry Bilan’s lover.

Despite the abundance of women around him, Dima quite often calls a certain Lyalya the love of his life. But she also doesn’t have a ring on her finger, like the other contenders for the singer’s heart.

IN Lately his latest hobby is the singer Pelageya, who is Dmitry’s colleague in music show“Voice” on Channel One. However, the stars only quietly chuckle at these suspicions, without refuting or confirming this fact.

Whether there is a common-law wife Dmitry Bilan’s is not known for certain, but his sister hints that his brother has a cute girlfriend. There is also information that this girl is very far from the world of show business and the modeling industry.

Son of Dmitry Bilan photo

Oddly enough, Dima Bilan’s son still exists. Which is true, not at all by blood and born from one of his many women. This blond boy is his godson famous singer Sashenka. He is the son of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko.

Dmitry Bilan adores his godson and quite often posts photos and videos of him on in social networks.

The singer talks about his own children given time doesn’t think yet, preferring to play with dogs in the company of children.

Dima Bilan's family: who, where and when

You can talk a lot about Dmitry’s girls and make various assumptions about his personal life, but the closest people to him will always be his family members.

Dima Bilan's family consists of parents and two sisters. The guy simply idolizes his mother and father and tries to spend time with them as often as possible. There is love, understanding and support in the family.

Dmitry's older sister Elena is pretty long time works as a fashion designer and is happily married. The youngest Anya lives in the States and plans to become an opera singer.

By the way, the paparazzi quite often attributed to Anna the role of either the daughter or the young wife of Dmitry Bilan. This is partly true, since the older brother had to raise the little fidget.

The girl occasionally appears in her brother’s video clips, sings a duet with him and even recorded a song. However, brother and sister do not see each other very often. This is due to Dmitry’s busy touring schedule and the fact that his sister lives abroad.

2004 was a very favorable year for D. Bilan creatively. The first album ("Night Hooligan") was re-released. Then the second one came out studio album Dima Bilan called “On the Shore of the Sky”, which became successful. It included the songs “You Should Be Nearby,” “Mulatto,” “On the Shore of the Sky,” “Congratulations!”, “As I Wanted,” for which videos were shot. The 2005 re-release of the album included English versions three songs.

Little Dimka had a thin ear for music, he was sent to a music school to study accordion. The boy constantly participated in music competitions and took first places. At the same time, the nimble little boy had nowhere to go, so he went with his older sister when he was six years old. Dima was an excellent student and also took part in school amateur performances.

Despite the fact that 35-year-old Dima Bilan is considered one of the eligible bachelors of domestic show business, nothing is known about the singer’s personal life. Last novel, about whom the press knows, was with model Elena Kuletskaya back in 2011: then the couple promised to get married, but the matter never came to the registry office. Over all these few years, Dima appeared in public only with girlfriends, but now the media are sure that his heart popular singer busy.

Personal life of Dima Bilan. Detailed information.

In 2016-2017, Bilan was diagnosed with gastritis and a spinal hernia, which caused the singer severe pain. He had lost weight and looked very tired. The artist had to undergo a long course of treatment, during which he was supported by family and friends, as well as fans.

There is friendship between us. And real, warm, sincere, positive! I am grateful to the “Voice” project for the fact that I was able to meet this amazing girl. She deserves all the best. And I wish her happiness in her personal life!

To the music Dima was craving since childhood. From the 5th grade, the future singer attended music school, graduating educational institution accordion class. Even then, the talented guy participated in various competitions, and in 1999 he even went to Moscow to children's festival“Chunga-Changa”, where he received a diploma from Joseph Kobzon himself.

Dima’s first producer was Elena Kan, with her money the singer’s first video for the song “Autumn” (2000) was shot. However, this collaboration did not last long - soon the talented young man was noticed by producer Yuri Aizenshpis. He adviced young man take a pseudonym. So Vitya Belan became Dima Bilan.

In March 2017 Russian singer on Instagram he published an image in which he appeared in a new image - with a shaved head. Media workers suggested that Bilan’s decision to “become bald” is a kind of challenge to those who are spreading rumors about his supposedly fatal illness.

The whole country watched with interest as Dmitry film set The Eurovision show announced to the whole world that he was ready to give her his hand and heart. Fans were upset when they realized that their favorite had found his soul mate. And they began to wait for wedding photographs, but the miracle did not happen. The worst thing is that at one of them they admitted with laughter that they had never loved each other. The whole wedding idea is nothing more than a skillful PR move by their managers.

Dima Bilan's debut album “I night hooligan"was published in 2003. It was soon followed by new records from the artist, of which there are seven. It is worth noting that in 2004, the singer also recorded an English-language album, in which Diane Warren and Shaun Escoffery took part. In 2008, Dima Bilan represented Russia at song competition"Eurovision". His number for the song “Believe” with the participation of the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko and violinist Edwin Martin conquered Europe and brought the Russian the desired victory.

In 2009, Bilan’s fifth studio and first English-language album, Believe, was released. In the cover photo, Bilan stands wearing only jeans, with his tattooed arms outstretched.

Also in D. Bilan’s filmography are “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, “The Golden Key”, “Theater of the Absurd”. In 2017, the continuation of the trilogy “Midshipmen, Forward!” will be released, in which Dima will also play.

Dima Bilan's health status. Latest information.

Bilan claims that he is not yet thinking about noisy children, because he will not be able to find time from his busy schedule. tour schedule in order to at least conceive a future heir. At the same time, the guy does not have a life partner who would be ready to love him and give him a baby. Dmitry has several purebred dogs with him.

His father, Nikolai Mikhailovich Belan, worked as a mechanic and design engineer, and his mother, Nina Dmitrievna, first worked in greenhouses and then devoted herself to social sphere. The singer has two sisters: the elder Elena and the younger Anna.

The singer helps his 20-year-old sister Anna, who is studying in the USA. Bilan’s primary task is to put her on her feet and give her a good education.

More than two million admirers of his talent have subscribed to his officially confirmed page. Numerous photos and videos from the singer’s personal archive are of high quality, they are accompanied by comments from Bilan himself, and are dedicated not only to concerts, but also to photographs of his sisters or mother.
At the same time, on Instagram you can find latest news, to know creative plans. And also, discuss how the concert tours went.

As stated in the biography of D. Bilan on his official website, “on the very first day of his life, the baby found himself drawn into a serious intrigue. Since he had a distinctly Caucasian appearance, Nina Dmitrievna began to fear that she, the only Russian woman in the maternity hospital, had had her son replaced, accidentally confused with some other newborn. Fortunately, obstetricians dispelled her doubts were reassured.”

Dima began to be recognized on the street, invited as an expert to film TV shows and to visit top radio stations. In February 2005, Bilan participated in the Russian selection for Eurovision, but took only second place. That year, Russia was represented at this song competition by Natalya Podolskaya, who ended up taking only 15th place.

Dima Bilan’s Instagram and Wikipedia have long been available to the famous and incredibly talented singer. Which in a short period of time received the love of millions of fans and, of course, fans. The young man has profiles on all social networks, including Instagram.

“I often think: family, children, warm life - so great! We often discuss this topic with friends. But so far I don’t see how I can integrate myself into family life. Because of my work, I often have to think about myself. After all, people of an artistic bent sit within themselves, looking deep into themselves. Artists are the same machine which continuously works, each of them continuously analyzes himself. The world seems to dislike us, as it seems to us. Few people can live with such a person,” the musician said in an interview with the Teleprogram publication.

Recently, disturbing news about the death of Dima Bilan has increasingly appeared in the media. The singer's health is indeed a cause for concern among his fans. Dmitry has lost a lot of weight recently. In this regard, reports began to appear regularly that he had fatal disease. What really happened to Dima Bilan, what is the latest news about his health and is there any news about his death and funeral?

Health problems

The latest news about Dima Bilan's health seriously worries fans of show business. The young film actor and singer lost a lot of weight, his cheeks sunken, and Dmitry went bald. Because of this, rumors spread that Bilan had cancer. In March 2018, the latest news about the death of Dima Bilan began to appear in the media. Several causes of death were given... Some publications wrote that the actor and singer died in a terrible accident, others relied on the fact that Dmitry still could not cope with his fatal illness.

After such information appeared, journalists from reputable publishing houses began to look for a way to contact the singer’s official representatives. Their surprise knew no bounds. It turned out that with Dmitry not only everything is wrong in perfect order, but he is also on vacation in Spain. He regularly posts photos about this on Instagram.

The singer's concert director assured the press that all planned trips would go according to plan. But this did not stop some members of the press. The trip to Iceland was passed off as a trip for treatment for a fatal disease. Fans are very worried about the health of their idol. They actively try to support him on social networks; they send him various gifts from all over the world.

Bilan himself says about his appearance that the changes that have occurred are in no way related to his state of health. Fashion just doesn't stand still, long hair and beards are a thing of the past. And he strives to support fashion trends.

The singer himself explains his weight loss by changing his diet. Doctors diagnosed Dmitry with gastritis. This disease requires following a diet and limiting the consumption of certain foods. As a result, following all the doctors’ recommendations led to Bilan’s weight beginning to decrease.

Termination of tours

The latest news about the death of Dima Bilan in 2018 was also related to the fact that the singer stopped going on tour. The changed appearance, the lack of concerts entailed a large number of rumors The reason turned out to be banally simple.

Dmitry deliberately took a short-term vacation. Due to stomach problems, he had to leave for treatment. As you know, gastritis is enough serious illness, which requires a whole range of treatment. It's not only proper nutrition, but also peace of mind, complete rest. This doesn't fit in with touring. different cities. Therefore, Dmitry was forced to temporarily stop giving concerts.

After thorough treatment, Bilan decided to rest. Full of strength and energy now the singer is ready for new creative success. A plan has already been drawn up tour concerts for the entire fall of 2018. In addition, Dima is working on releasing a new album, three songs have already been released. During his vacation, Dmitry had a lot of time to reflect on his life and rethink it. New philosophy helped him inspire new compositions.

According to the singer himself, today he has no serious health problems. Dima Bilan himself perceives the latest news about his death and cancer with irritation. No one enjoys hearing rumors about funerals and fatal illnesses.

Chronic insomnia

In order to dispel rumors about his approaching death, the singer organized a tour called “Healthy, and thank God, alive.” The only thing Dmitry complains about during the interview is chronic fatigue, which is associated with sleep disturbances. Bilan has been suffering from insomnia for many years now. He often writes about this on his microblog.

The singer's sleep disturbance is caused by the fact that he does not know how to relax. Dmitry thinks about unfinished business all the time. As Dima himself writes, for the first time in many years he was able to sleep soundly while on tour near Cheboksary. As Bilan says, on the eve of that night he managed to finish all his work. Apparently, a complete feeling of freedom from everyday problems gave the singer the opportunity to relax.

Bilan has cancer

The latest news about Dima Bilan's funeral is primarily related to rumors about his cancer. Dmitry personally aggravated the situation by completely changing his image and getting rid of his beard and hair. Bilan left participation in the television project “The Voice” for health reasons.

As it turned out, Dmitry was diagnosed with intervertebral hernia. The singer requires surgery, and therefore he was forced to temporarily suspend participation in the body project. Nose cancer it's not related in any way. The pain was truly terrible. Five hernias were found in Dmitry. He admitted this in September 2018.

But, despite this, Dmitry released on September 1 new clip in refutation of all rumors about his death. The footage of the video shows that the singer not only feels great, but also manages to find time to travel. Because of the hernia, Bilan’s arm often hurts, but the disease itself does not represent mortal danger. The latest news about Dima Bilan suggests that he will still have to undergo surgery to remove a hernia. But you need to prepare for it. So far, because of this, I had to leave my participation in the “Voice” project. But Bilan plans to return as soon as his health problems are resolved.

What Bilan himself says about his health

Dmitry Bilan is very tired of the latest news about his death and funeral. On this occasion, he gave an interview in Sochi at the New Wave competition. At this time, Bilan no longer looked as thin as he was rumored to be. Dmitry comments on his state of health in this way. Behind last years he had to deal with a huge number of people in his work. Dima gets tired of such communication both mentally and physically. Bilan says that he is a very receptive person. He takes on all emotions, primarily negative ones.

Dmitry believes that his back problems arose precisely because of the “Voice” project. During the program, the jury sits with its back to the performers, and each of them sends their own impulses. So they sang a hernia to Bilan. Television, according to Bilan, is a very difficult thing. All the people who work here quickly become mentally and physically exhausted.

Hernias began to bother Dmitry very much. There were as many as five of them. The pain was so severe that the singer could no longer sleep normally. I had to constantly look for a comfortable position. My arm was in severe pain due to back problems. While sleeping, she had to be constantly positioned in such a way as to reduce the pain. Dmitry could not bend over, could not even close his wallet on his own.

Dmitry perceives his health problems positively. During the two and a half months that he spent in treatment, he had such a huge amount of free time that he had never had before. Dmitry spent it completely immersed in himself. He was able to understand a lot for himself and rethink. This was also accompanied by a midlife crisis. At this time, Dima turned 35 years old. Dmitry himself says that he felt the crisis very clearly. Maybe at the age of 40 he will speak completely differently, but at this moment he feels precisely a complete rethinking of his entire life.

These two and a half months seemed to give Bilan the opportunity to be born again. He rethought his behavior from all sides. And in the end, after all these thoughts it turns out very interesting album. It contains all the new emotions that the singer felt. This is very good for music. Each album should have its own mood, its own spirit. He tried and succeeded.

Bilan plans to give most of your time for filming. He has already starred in several films. According to Bilan, this is such an addictive activity that it is simply impossible to get out of it. Next year he wants to devote himself to filming, since he has already received a lot of decent offers. The death of Dima Bilan is a duck, he is full of plans for the future...

But rumors about death also have their own positive sides. Dmitry is very pleased with how his fans and admirers react to this news. How much worry is visible on their part. The singer is showered with letters, messages, and gifts. Yes, and black PR does its job. Whatever the rumor, it's an opportunity for a star to be in everyone's sight.

Rumors about Dima Bilan

The personality of the sex symbol of show business has always been shrouded in secrets and rumors. The yellow press loves to come up with all sorts of implausible stories about him. And every year this piggy bank is replenished:

  1. Bilan and drugs. In 2009, Dmitry Bilan was named by Ksenia Sobchak as a drug addict. There was a sharp statement on the same topic by Timati, who said that Bilan was the reason why drugs are so popular among teenagers. In refutation of this, Dmitry takes part in the action with the support Federal service on drug trafficking control. Bilan says that he is not indifferent to what and how young people live now. This arose for him after he became the host of the “Voice” program. The singer believes that all the problems of young people are due to ignorance and inexperience.
  2. Orientation – a lot of ridiculous rumors always revolve around the singer’s orientation. There was information in the media that the singer was having a same-sex marriage in Riga; he was seen in the company of artists Bolshoi Theater which are famous gay. In the fight against rumors, Dmitry had to refuse to participate in Dolce&Gabbana advertising shoots. This is due to the fact that all the brand’s models are homosexuals.
  3. The most popular latest news in 2018 was: is Dima Bilan alive? The press not only managed to come up with a fatal diagnosis to the young singer, but also arrange a funeral for him.