Museums to visit with children. Moscow museums for the smallest

In the 2017/18 academic year, the Moscow Kremlin Museums invite you to family excursion programs, lectures and museum classes at the Svetlitsa studio, as well as in sections Club of antiquities lovers. Classes are held in museum expositions and on the territory of the Children's Center.

Tretyakov Gallery
from 5 years
from October to April
cost: classes from 650 rubles, lectures from 120 rubles.

Children from 5 years old are invited to creative workshops in New Tretyakov Gallery "The ABC of Colors" (5+),"Museum World" (6+),"Artist's Workshop" (7+),"Poems and Colors" (8+),“About personalities. The Artist's Business"(9+). In the lecture hall on Lavrushinsky Lane you can attend lecture series "To Far Far Away Lands"(6+),"Dreamland"(7+) and “Tales about animals. The world of book illustration"(7+). You can attend classes either by subscription or on a one-time basis.

Moscow Multimedia Art Museum
from 6 years
from September to May
cost: from 21,000 rub./year, 10,500 rub./six months

The museum offers several children's courses focused on the study of the arts. Children are welcome in classes "30 masterpieces of world art" (6+),"Art ancient Rome and Byzantium", "History of Art: Baroque"(7+), “The Art of the Renaissance. Great era and great names", "History of the Ancient World. Art of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt” (8+). MAMM also hosts Daria Nevskaya’s original course "Dialogues about culture", aimed at children in grades 2-11. To participate, you must purchase a subscription for a year or six months of classes.

Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art
from 5 years
from October to April
cost: from 3000 rub./subscription, from 600 rub./one-time lesson

The DPNI Museum has a family subscription "Russian house" for children 5-6 years old. At family classes in museum art therapy "Step by step" We are waiting for children aged 7-11 years old with their parents. Lesson cycle "Meetings at the Osterman House"(9-11 years old) introduces children to the collection of porcelain and art glass, and "House-Temple-Ship"(12-13 years old) - with the history and practice of Russian architecture. You can attend classes either by subscription or on a one-time basis.

Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
from 5 years
from October to May
cost: from 3000 rub./subscription

Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin invites you to the Center’s circles aesthetic education"Museion". Eat family groups for parents with children 5–6 and 6–7 years old, as well as studios "Conversations about art" for younger schoolchildren (grades 2-5). You can continue your education through courses Art Lovers Club, addressed to middle school students (grades 5-8). The museum also has studios where you can enter only after passing an interview: course « Computer graphics", Art studio(5–6 years old), ceramics art workshops(9+)and printmaking(11+). IN Club of young art critics invite teenagers who are seriously interested in art history. To practice in clubs you need to purchase a subscription.

Institute of Russian Realistic Art
from 3 years
from September to May
cost: 5,000 rub./5 lessons, 15,000 rub./15 lessons

At IRRI, children 3-5 years old with their parents are welcome on a family course "The first step into art". Kids can also try themselves in different genres during the classes "Art Pro" or with theatrical art on course "Theater. Where the magic lives". Launched for children 8-14 years old new program "Museum of the Future", whose participants will be able to feel like practicing architects. Master classes are held in three formats: intensive courses (3 days), short and long-term (5 and 15 lessons) educational programs. Upon completion of the courses, participants are given certificates from the institute.

Moscow Planetarium
from 5 to 8 years
from September to December / from October to May
cost: 3500 rub./7 programs

In the Planetarium, children 5-8 years old are welcome to attend classes "Theater of Fascinating Science". They will watch seven scientific performances that explain the structure of the world: “The Family of the Sun”, “Living Clocks and Compasses”, “Tricks of the Moon”, “The Adventures of a Drop of Water”, “Tales of the Sky”, “The Journey of a Ray of Sunshine”, “Secrets of the Rainbow”. For schoolchildren in grades 6-7, the Planetarium opened free astronomy club, which will run from October to May. The program includes: field observations, expeditions to Russian observatories, meetings with legendary cosmonauts and prominent scientists, interesting excursions. Another educational project is where, from October to December, schoolchildren in grades 4-9 are taught about the laws of nature and their manifestations in the starry sky.

Museum of the East
from 7 years
from October to May
6000 rub./15 lessons

The museum is open to younger schoolchildren circle "Young Orientalist", where students in grades 1-2 and 3-4 are introduced to the culture of the East and the structure of the museum through excursions, lectures and master classes. For older students (grades 5-6) educational program "White Crane", aimed at an in-depth study of the culture and art of the Ancient and Medieval East. You can attend classes with a subscription.

State Museum of Russian Literature named after. IN AND. Dalia (Goslitmuseum)
from 5 years
from September to May
cost: from 250 rub./lesson, from 1000 rub./subscription - “Bookshelf”, 500 rub./lesson, 3400 rub./7 lessons - “Weekend Tale”

The State Literary Museum invites children to classes in two of its branches. In, which works in Museum of the XXI century, several subscriptions are valid: basic subscription for children 5-9 years old, literary workshop of Valentina Dyogteva for children 10-13 years old and Storytelling Workshop for children 10-13 years old. You can study in the studio either by subscription (for six months or a year), or by attending one-time classes, the topics of which coincide with the classes on the subscription.

In the House of I. S. Ostroukhov in Trubniki valid - during the year you can visit each of the five educational clubs in literature and the Russian language. There are programs for both kids and schoolchildren: "Book Stories" (5+),"Literary calendar" (7+), "Fairy tales and myths of the peoples of the world" (7+), "Entertaining Philology" (12+).

Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center
from 3 years
from September to May
cost: from 3000 rub./subscription, from 300 rub./lesson

In the Children's Center of the Museum with the beginning school year Many clubs and studios are starting. For example, a development program “The child has 100 languages” for children 3-4, 4-5 and 5-6 years old. An English studio is open for children 4-6 years old "Little Bookworm" and club "Scientific non-school". From the age of 5 you can study in Chess club or in a theater workshop "Theater in your pocket". Theater in English studios are open for participants aged 8-12 years "Drama people" And Film project "8". For all of these studios, you must purchase a monthly subscription. Project classes are held at the museum on Sundays Baby Parking (3+), "Science through Art"(3-5 years) and design bureau « Simple forms» (6+), which can be visited on a one-time basis.

State Historical Museum
from 7 years
from September to April
cost: from 4200 rub./subscription

The State Historical Museum has many clubs for schoolchildren, and you can attend classes with your parents. You can get acquainted with the work of artists different eras in the Firebird studio, study the history of Ancient and Medieval Rus', reveal the secrets of numismatics, get acquainted with the historical puppet theater, ancient needlework or types of wood carving. Total will work in the new season 17 circles different directions. For classes you must purchase a subscription.

Museum of Archeology of Moscow
from 5 years
from September to December
cost: 450 rub./lesson

On Sundays, the branch of the Museum of Moscow on Manezhnaya Square invites children and parents to the role-playing program “Playing in the Past” and to classes from the “Entertaining Archeology” series. On any day except Monday you can visit the “Archaeological Workshop” and feel like an archaeologist yourself. Pre-registration is required to attend class series.

State Museum of A.S. Pushkin
from 5 years
from September to December
cost: from 400 rub./lesson, from 1350 rub. subscription

IN Pushkin Museum for children 5-7 years old they conduct game themed excursions with their parents “We play fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin", "Nowhere in the distant kingdom" And "Tales of the Scientist Cat". You can visit them by appointment. The museum also offers excursion passes for schoolchildren: "Let's talk about old times"(grades 1-5) and "Habits of a Dear Old Man"(grades 3-5).

State Biological Museum named after. Timiryazev
from 5 years
from September to May
cost: from 150 rub.

On weekends, the Biological Museum named after Timiryazev operates program "Family in the Museum". Activities await parents and children “Keep your eyes open!”, where you can look at the world through the eyes of insects through special glasses and experience optical illusions, activities "Zoo in a Drop of Water", on which the smallest creatures can be viewed under microscopes, “Everything that is unknown is terribly interesting” And "Geography Lessons", where they make crafts from paper, glue, cardboard, bubble wrap and egg cartons and listen to stories about the world around them.

Weekends or holidays in Moscow can be devoted to pleasant relaxation, entertainment and child development! It is very important for a child to receive inspiration and have a source from which to draw new ideas. useful information about the world around us. Moscow has a huge number of interesting and educational museums for children, and Alean Family will now tell you about them.

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At a young age, it is too early for children to go to museums, they still don’t care, cultural development It’s much more important here for the child’s mother. But for older children (4-5 years old), visiting museums is very useful. It is better to prepare your child in advance for visiting the museum by arousing his curiosity. You can tell him a few stories about the theme of the museum, or read a few articles about its most interesting exhibits, or show a cartoon on a given topic. So, let's go to the museum with the child!




This is the place where everyone wanted to go when they were little and dreamed a lot. About big candies, clouds of cotton candy, rain of candy! Now children have the opportunity to make their dreams come true. This is a space of fantasy, sweets and design. The goal of the museum is to awaken children's emotions and transport them to the world of sweet dreams and fantasies. Coming to sweet museum you will find yourself in a carefree and joy-filled space, you will be able to eat cotton candy, get ice cream from a magical refrigerator, roll around in huge marshmallows and, of course, take the sweetest photos! You'll see unicorns, hear bananas flying... and even pet a pink cow, a special cream breed. You can swim in the balloon pool and leave your mark on the art of chewing gum. The exhibition features 10 sweet spaces dedicated to different tastes and sweets. The museum is located at st. New Arbat, 24.




A can of condensed milk is the size of a cabinet. A saucepan that can easily fit a dozen people. The chair is much larger than you, which you can’t climb onto without help... The giant’s house is impressive in its scale! Here everyone will feel like a tiny person. Huge furniture, clothing and household items that are “out of size” are just dying to be photographed. There are 2 such museums in Moscow on Novy Arbat and VDNKh. Addresses: st. Arbat, 16, VDNH and Prospekt Mira, 119, pavilion 55.



Bed on the ceiling. Chandelier on the floor. The dining table is “hovering in the air”... A house upside down is a unique place where everything is literally turned upside down. All you have to do is take out your camera and capture yourself walking on the ceiling! The house is an exact copy a European cottage turned upside down at a special angle. Ideas about real buildings begin to crumble from the first minutes. The usual location of a dog house, a parked bicycle and a small car find themselves at an unattainable height. Museum address st. Arbat, 16.



The Experimentarium is an entire entertainment center dedicated to the world of science. Here children will be able to study scientific laws and physical phenomena the surrounding world in an accessible and understandable form. Science here is not boring, dry formulas, but their embodiment in an interactive form and in the present tense. The museum's exhibits will awaken a child's interest in understanding the world around him and its possibilities. In the Experimentanium you can touch the exhibits with your hands and conduct experiments with them! There are courses and master classes here not only for seniors school age, but also for kids. Six sections of the museum are dedicated to various areas of natural and human activity: mechanics and hydrodynamics, optics and acoustics, electricity and magnetism. On the ground floor there is a cozy cafe where you can treat yourself to food and drinks. Opens at the museum in summer Kid `s camp. Ticket price: children under 3 years old – free; from 3 to 16 – 450 rubles; adults – 550 rubles. On weekends and holidays, ticket prices increase by 100 rubles.



Museum of Animation

Moscow Animation Museum - amazing place, which stores answers to all the most important questions. You will learn incredible secrets hidden in the history of animation, meet your favorite characters and be able to create your own unique character. animated film. A variety of entertainment and educational programs, 5,000 unique exhibits and the most positive mood already await children and adults at the Moscow Museum of Animation! The museum is located on the territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center, House of Culture No. 84, building 84A.



The interactive museum “Living Systems” is a unique platform where you can literally touch the most complex objects in nature, the structure of living systems. 130 interactive exhibits will let you understand and feel how all living things work. Moreover, you yourself will become the main object of study. Get to know yourself at the Living Systems Museum of Man! The museum is located at Savelovskaya metro station, Butyrskaya street, 46.



A large natural science museum in Europe, the exposition of which consists of exhibitions on the diversity of life on Earth, the origin of species, natural selection and evolution. On three floors there are display cases with cute stuffed animals, skeletons, dummies, shells, and many interactive exhibits. Films about nature are shown on the screens, and special installations sing with the voices of birds. For children under 7 years old there is a small children's corner in the 3rd floor hall where they can relax and have fun. There is a biology club, master classes and children's programs are held. The museum has a digital planetarium demonstrating full-dome show programs. In the central hall you can see the light-video-music exhibition “Living Planet”. The interactive center “Know yourself - know the world” is also open for visitors to the museum. The exhibition complex hosts the interactive exhibition “Walk the Path of Evolution.” On the site near the museum you can visit the Paleopark. Museum address: Moscow, st. Vavilova, 57/1



This is the most new museum from Moscow museums. About 200 characters from cult films live here. The “Museum of the Rise of the Machines” is amazing in terms of color and interactivity. . There are huge Transformers weighing up to 2 tons and tiny electronic scorpions weighing 8 cm. There is a whole room of superheroes, from Batman to Wolverine. And sometimes you can see them “live” - in the form of disguised animators. The museum is mainly designed for middle school students, but you can also come with your baby and take a walk through the “Cyber ​​Fairy Tale” baby zone, where Baba Yaga, Mashenka, the Bear and Koschey the Immortal, skillfully assembled from scrap metal, live. Older children who are not afraid of anything can enjoy interactive performances: jugglers' performances, laser shows, game performances. Tickets for the show are not cheap at all. Address: Volgogradsky Prospekt, 42 bldg. 2 (entrance from Shosseynaya street).



This is a unique children's art gallery "A Child's View" - an exhibition site where an exposition of children's artwork: painting, graphics, objects of decorative and applied art. This is the only children's art gallery in Moscow dedicated to the creativity of children. Each exhibition opens up a direct world for visitors, filled with the sincere feelings of children, their fantasies, and love of life. Looking at these works, it is clear that the young artists put all their souls, all their wealth inner world reflected in their work. IN art gallery Exhibitions are held regularly young artists, children's parties, children's creativity competitions. The gallery's activities are not limited to its walls. The works of our young artists are regularly exhibited in leading exhibition halls capital and other regions.




Here children are reincarnated and plunged into a real fairy tale! Fantastic sets and props, costumes and historical items everyday life was created by leading artists and set designers. Professional actors from various theaters in the capital perform in interactive productions for children from one to 12 years of age. The space of the museum-theater is not divided into a stage and auditorium. Only upon entering the threshold, guests find themselves in fairy tale world, become participants in magical adventures, together with the actors they get from one house to another through amazing doors hidden in the most unexpected places. To make visitors feel comfortable, groups are assembled by age; the program even includes performances for children. All performances are interactive - the theatrical performance is permeated with games, fun activities, dexterity tasks and riddles, songs and dances.


Moscow Planetarium is amazing world stars, scientific achievements and advanced technologies. At the Planetarium you can learn a lot of new and interesting things from the history of astronomy and space exploration, perform scientific experiments in the interactive museum “Lunarium”, see the oldest astronomical instruments in the Urania Museum and even touch real meteorites! Visitors to the updated Planetarium will find many amazing surprises, including a 4D stereo cinema, Maly Star Hall, equipped with dynamic chairs and, of course, the “Sky Planetarium” - the largest dome screen in Europe, on which guests will see bright and dynamic pictures of the starry sky. Address: Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya str., 5, building 1

Holidays in Moscow, Hotels in Moscow, Museums in Moscow, Holidays in Moscow 2018, Excursions in Moscow

Moscow is a huge metropolis where you can find a wide variety of entertainment for children and adults! There are a huge number of theaters, children's clubs, circuses and other interesting places for walks with the whole family. In the previous review we compiled rating of the best parks capital Cities. And all the parks included in this rating or left outside of it are interesting in their own way.

But winter will come into its own very soon, and walking in the park - especially with a child - in such weather will not be very pleasant. What better way to go to a museum! It’s no less interesting here and, moreover, it’s warm - so you don’t have to think about how it’s time to run home. Moreover, there are a huge number of museums in Moscow that may be interesting for children.

What Moscow museums can be called the most interesting for children?

6. Animation Museum

If fairy tales are the first children's literature, then cartoons are the first acquaintance of children with the world of cinema. And it’s just as interesting for a child to see how cartoons are created as it is for you to visit the set of your favorite TV series and chat with your favorite director. Unfortunately, get to film set and it is quite difficult for an ordinary person to see the masters of cinema. But your child is luckier - especially if you live in the capital. We bring to your attention a Moscow museum for children dedicated to animation!

The Animation Museum is located on the territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center in the House of Culture - pavilion No. 84 (metro station "VDNKh"). A huge number of exhibits relating to the history of animation and animation are presented here. Most of the exhibits were created during the heyday of the largest Soviet film studio, Soyuzmultfilm, so your children will be delighted to see all their favorite Soviet animation characters here. True, such a museum in Moscow for children will not be interesting for children at all - the exhibition and excursions are designed for school-age children.

Excursion program of the Museum of Animation begins with a tour of the museum's exhibition and a story about the history of animation and the activities of famous animators and directors. Absolutely everything can be photographed, and some exhibits are even allowed to be touched! At the end of the excursion, children will be introduced to the process of creating a cartoon, and then in a real animation studio, your child himself will be able to become an animator! Under the guidance of a professional and with the help of the “Be Your Own Animator” computer program, everyone here enthusiastically creates their own cartoons: they write a script, direct, film and even voice their masterpiece! At the end of the excursion you will not only be able to see the finished results, but also take home a disc with your own creation. It is this opportunity that the Animation Museum provides for children that distinguishes it from other similar museums dedicated to cinema and animation.

This Moscow museum for children also provides the opportunity to order children's party within its own walls with the development of an individual scenario. True, the museum’s area is quite small, which may make it difficult for people to celebrate large quantity people.

Opening hours of the Animation Museum: from 11.00 to 18.00 weekdays, from 11.00 to 19.00 on weekends. Monday is a day off.

Issue price:

Entrance ticket without excursion - 50 rubles,

Students and large families - 50% discount,

Pensioners, disabled people, children under 5 years old, veterans - free,

Adult admission ticket with excursion - 200 rubles,

Children's entrance ticket with excursion - 400 rubles,

Children's entrance ticket with excursion + disk with the computer program “Your Own Animator” - 600 rubles,

Children's entrance ticket with excursion + disk with the computer program “Your Own Animator” + Diploma - 650 rubles.

Tours are available upon prior reservation.

5. "Experimentarium"

In an inconspicuous gray building at 46/2 on Butyrskaya Street (metro stations “Savelovskaya” or “Dmitrovskaya”) there is a real paradise for little explorers!

“Experimentarium” is not only one of Moscow’s museums for children, but also an entire research center. If your child goes to school and is interested in natural sciences- the Experimentarium museum will be the best choice for you!

Not every museum in Moscow for children can boast that its exhibits can be touched with your hands. "Experimentarium" is just one of these museums. The museum's exposition includes about three hundred interactive anatomical exhibits, puzzles and optical illusions. The museum's exposition covers completely different areas sciences and sections of school subjects: molecular physics, mechanics, electricity and magnetism, optics, acoustics and even anatomy. But the “lessons” of this museum have absolutely nothing in common with boring school classes. It will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults!

At the entrance to this Moscow museum for children, you will be greeted by two cute robots - Cucumber and Pancake. You will be surprised, but these robots don’t just stand there like idols (as often happens with all sorts of characters) - they move, greet guests and even talk and answer your questions! Of course, robots do not do this themselves - they have built-in microphones and web cameras, through which an ordinary living person sees, hears you and answers you according to the principle of the Skype program.

Having passed the smart robots, you pass into the kingdom of science of the Experimentarium museum! Here you will see a cloud generator, and your child himself will be able to launch white fluffy wonders of nature until he gets bored. At a stand with a levitating magnet, your whole family will be convinced that levitation is possible. Boys will probably be interested in the design of the car, and girls will be interested in the change in colors in the picture under different lighting conditions. And a plasma ball will allow anyone to hold lightning bolts in their hands. And the “Spherical Cinema”, which operates in the museum every day, will appeal to absolutely everyone! The movie screen in this cinema is a huge sphere where the audience, sitting inside this sphere, watches a film about space and the Universe, projected directly onto the ceiling.

Issue price:

for children under 3 years old - free,

for other groups of citizens - from 250 to 450 rubles (depending on age and day of the week). It is possible to purchase family tickets.

On the territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center, in pavilion 71 (VDNKh metro station), mysterious characters from the Ice Age make an appointment for you. This Moscow museum for children is an interactive paleontological museum, a corner where you can travel back millions of years and meet animals that lived on our planet at a time when people didn’t even exist! The big advantage of the museum is that you are allowed to touch the exhibits - so children here can literally

this word “touch history.”

The first meeting of children in the museum-theater “Our Ice Age” takes place with contemporaries of mammoths. Here you can see the world's largest collection of woolly rhinoceros skulls and horns, primitive bear skulls, a cave lion skull, wild bison skeletons and mummified remains of extinct animals. In the central hall of the museum, your child will plunge into the world of mammoths. The main attraction of the hall is a group of life-size shaggy animals located on a rotating podium.

Since “Our Ice Age” is a museum-theater, here, to the accompaniment of dark music that creates an atmosphere of mystery, in a darkened hall with laser illumination, the same performance is played over and over again, the main characters of which are animals from the distant past and... Your child! Even adults sometimes feel a chill run through their skin when they find themselves very close to huge creatures from distant eras. As you know, children love everything mysterious - so you can be sure that they will be delighted. And friendly guides will convey to you and your child interesting information about the past, diluted with subtle jokes. By the way, this Moscow museum offers several excursion options for children - for preschoolers, primary schoolchildren, older children and adults.

However, very young children may not appreciate all the beauty and mystery of this Moscow museum for children, so it is not recommended to take children under at least 3 years of age to “Our Ice Age”.

Issue price:

for children under 7 years old - free,

for other groups of citizens - from 200 to 300 rubles (depending on age and availability pension certificate). The ticket price includes excursion services. Tours start every hour.

3. State Darwin Museum

The State Darwin Museum is a monumental gray-pink 4-story building, located a 7-minute walk from the metro station. "Academic" (Vavilov St., 57).

The exhibition of this Moscow museum for children is located on 4 floors, the top of which is an interactive exhibition made using the most modern multimedia technologies. Well, let's start our journey through the centuries at the Darwin Museum! The main building houses exhibition halls on 3 floors Darwin Museum

Moscow for children. On the 1st floor you can see two exhibitions: “Diversity of Life on Earth” and “History of the Museum”. Here you and your child can find out how the State Darwin Museum appeared and developed, and also see the fauna of the Earth, divided according to the “place of residence” of certain of its representatives: mountains, savannah, ocean, tropical forest. The exhibits are so similar to real animals and sea inhabitants that sometimes you start to worry a little - what if they come to life?

On the second floor there are two exhibitions entitled: “Stages of knowledge of living nature” and “Microevolution”. Here you and your child can find out how our ancestors studied nature, why they deified some animals and believed in a blood connection with them. The exhibition “Microevolution” will help your child understand how certain animal species were formed, what natural selection and see it all on specific examples exhibits. The child will be interested in interactive exhibits: for example, the “Birds” exhibit, where using rotating blocks you need to connect the bird’s beak, paws and food items in order to hear its voice. And the exhibit “Behind Seven Seals” will allow the child to look into the museum’s storage room and listen to the curator’s story about his collection. The “Audio Blocks” exhibit will allow your child to press a button, select the animal they like, and hear its voice.

The third floor is most rich in various exhibitions. Here you can visit one of the most beautiful halls of the State Darwin Museum - the “Zoogeography” exhibition. This exhibition introduces you and your child to geographical map distribution of animals around the globe and classifies all animals according to their habitats. In just a few minutes, your child will be able to trip around the world and see a variety of animals - from brown bears and moose to exotic flamingos and kangaroos. Children who are especially interested in the fauna of the planet can even find out what the presented animals are like by touch - with the help interactive whiteboards with fur samples. And the “Living Scales,” with which anyone can measure their weight relative to the weight of other animals, will be of interest to those who are delighted with the cartoon “38 Parrots” - Do you remember in what quantities the length of the boa constrictor was measured in this cartoon?

Exhibition “Development organic world"will show your child the development of the animal world on our planet from ancient times to the present day. The main attraction of the exhibition is the moving figures of dinosaurs and metal sarcophagi in the wall, similar to safes, where fossilized larvae and shells are displayed.

The exhibition “Evolution of Behavior” will tell your child about how nervous system animals on Earth, how instincts and behavior were inherited, changing during evolution. How do animals communicate, where does the instinct to care for offspring come from, and why do chimpanzee facial expressions resemble human facial expressions? Your child will learn all this in this Moscow museum for children using the example of furry exhibits.

The exhibition “The Origin of Man” will become the most interesting textbook of biology and anatomy of all existing ones! Here you can see our historical ancestors with your own eyes, trace the process of transformation of monkey into man, meet primitive people, and even see their caves. Does your child know why all people descended from one ancestor are not alike and are divided into races? Do you know the answer to this question? Well, then you have a unique opportunity to enrich your knowledge in this Moscow museum for children and adults!

The exhibition “Interaction between Man and Nature” will help your child understand how man has influenced nature throughout its history, and what influence nature has had on man at all times. Here visitors can see not only glass display cases with scenes from the lives of animals and people and examples of their interaction, but also admire a miniature model of the settlement - a piece of jewelry that introduces you and your children to primitive settlements. And in the mini-cinema you can watch a scientific themed film.

Exposition of the State Darwin Museum

The interactive exhibition, located in the Exhibition Complex on the 4th floor, is separated from the main building by an underground passage and looks like a mysterious bunker. Here your child will be able to travel many millions of years ago, find himself among plants that grew on our planet many years ago and, perhaps, were food for dinosaurs, and see life-size ancient animals. Connoisseurs of natural science and history will be able to walk through the labyrinth of evolution, answering thematic questions, and see with their own eyes how the development of our planet took place. Even if the answer is wrong, you always have a chance to correct yourself and continue your journey. In the interactive composition of this Moscow museum, your child will be able to see the very first living microorganisms that appeared on Earth and track their development up to the present time. And where, if not here, can a little researcher touch the most ancient minerals, fossilized shells, and even leave a souvenir imprint of a mammoth drawing that is already about 15 thousand years old?

Issue price:

preschoolers, WWII and combat veterans, full-time university students,

museum employees and other preferential groups of citizens - free of charge,

for other groups of citizens - from 20 to 190 rubles (depending on the availability of benefits and the number of halls visited). It is possible to purchase a single ticket, which gives the right to visit all exhibitions.

2. House of fairy tales “Once upon a time”

All children love fairy tales. This first children's literature introduces children to the world around them and instills in them Eternal values and the laws of life - this is especially true folk tales and fairy tales written by domestic writers. Therefore, a truly fabulous Moscow museum for children - the House of Fairy Tales “Once upon a time” - will give an enthusiastic mood and a lot of impressions to absolutely any child - both preschoolers and teenagers. Don't believe me? See for yourself!

The interactive House of Fairy Tales “Once Upon a Time” has prepared its own exciting program for each visitor. If you go to the “Visiting Baba Yaga” program, your child will be greeted at the entrance by his crying sister Alyonushka with a request to help rescue her brother Ivanushka from the clutches of Baba Yaga. And, you can be sure, even the most serious child will definitely join the game and go on a magical journey - to the enchanting stone, standing at the crossroads of three roads, to the attic, where ancient objects of Russian life are presented, and where absolutely everything can be touched and is not even forbidden climb on Baba Yaga's stove! And don’t even doubt that your baby will also answer Baba Yaga’s questions - especially since in this Moscow museum for children she is not at all as scary as Russian fairy tales make her out to be.

At the Lukomorye program, children who are already familiar with Pushkin’s work will be surprised to discover that the heroes of their favorite poet have come to life and dream of making friends with them. And the “Treat for the Serpent Gorynych” program will introduce your child to ancient dishes and traditional dishes of Russian cuisine.

But these are not all the entertainment programs that the House of Fairy Tales “Once upon a time” can offer you. In addition to them, your child can listen to “Tales of Russian Antiquity”, go through “From Epic to Fairy Tale”, find out that “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...”. And little defenders will be greeted here by “Aty-Bata, brave soldiers!”, Anyone will be able to take part in “New Adventures of Puss in Boots”, and little ladies will learn “The Secrets of the Good Snow White”.

For children over 3 years old, this Moscow museum offers two thematic programs for children: “Fedorino’s grief” and “Tili-bom!.. We’re going to the Cat’s new home!..”.

In a word, there is an entertainment program for absolutely everyone - and experienced actors will definitely find something to interest even the most biased visitors. Many parents who came to the House of Fairy Tales “Once upon a time” with their young children note that even skeptical teenagers, having entered this fairy-tale kingdom, perk up and then, with sparkling eyes, ask their parents to come here again! And, by the way, this is quite possible - not only for participating in the entertainment program, but also for holding your own birthday! In the House of Fairy Tales “Once upon a time,” your child can celebrate his personal holiday in an unconventional way according to an exclusive scenario. You can be sure that such a holiday will be remembered for a long time!

Where is this located? fabulous place? The House of Fairy Tales “Once Upon a Time” embodies the entire breadth of the Russian soul, which is why it is located on as many as 2 sites in Moscow! Directly The House of Fairy Tales "Once Upon a Time" is located at the All-Russian Exhibition Center - in pavilion No. 8 (metro station "VDNKh"). And the Buratino-Pinocchio Museum, which is a branch of the House of Fairy Tales, is located at the address: 2nd Parkovaya Street, 18 (metro station Izmailovskaya). Here, all the children will enjoy 7 more interesting interactive entertainment programs in a special environment, through games introducing children to the theatrical and musical art of the peoples of the world. Here you can walk through the country of Buratinia, meet Harlequin and Columbine and learn a lot about the heroes foreign fairy tales. By the way, here you can also be offered an exclusive thematic scenario for a children's birthday!

But there are several features of this Moscow museum for children that you need to consider before going there. Firstly, it is strictly forbidden to take photographs here - therefore, unfortunately, you can forget about the “memory photo”. And parents, by the way, are usually not allowed here (unless, of course, you are the organizer of the group). Secondly, in the House of Fairy Tales it can be chilly in the cold season (and what can you do - in Rus' there were no batteries, and the stove was heated once a week) - so do not forget to dress the children warmly. And finally, thirdly, do not forget to take replacement shoes with you - the House of Fairy Tales is kept clean.

Issue price:

House of Fairy Tales at the All-Russian Exhibition Center or the Buratino-Pinocchio Museum - 500 rubles,

Disabled children and children from large families - 40% discount,

The museum and the House of Fairy Tales can be visited by appointment from 10-00 to 17-30.

The estate of Father Frost, which is a full-fledged museum complex, is the only one in Russia. The second complex of buildings dedicated to Father Frost is his residence and is located in Veliky Ustyug. Here all year round children come, and on the eve of the New Year, this Moscow museum for children becomes especially relevant.

The estate of Father Frost is located in Kuzminki Park (Kuzminki metro station) and is a fairy-tale island in the middle of a fairly mundane earthly area. Here your child will be able to visit the sunny tower of the Snow Maiden, look into the theater and the post office of Father Frost in the Creativity Tower, ride the skating rink in the Ice Tower and, of course, visit Father Frost himself in the tower! The territory of the Estate is quite extensive, so your child will have plenty of room to frolic! And shortly before the New Year, right in the center of the Estate - on Emerald Square - a large New Year tree is installed, around which the children dance in circles with Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka. Let's do it virtual walk

tour the Estate of Father Frost and see what wonders its carved gates hide! The Tower of Father Frost is a beautiful two-story wooden building with a wooden extension. On the ground floor, children will be able to find themselves in Father Frost's bedroom, his refectory and, of course, the throne room. The bravest will even be able to sit on the magic throne good grandfather

, look in the magic mirror in the bedroom and touch the mysterious key to all the buildings of Father Frost's Estate. In the throne room, every wish of visitors turns into soap bubbles that can be caught.

On the second floor of the Terem of Father Frost there are working rooms for the estate workers, and excursion groups usually gather in the warm annex.

Tower of Father Frost In the Snow Maiden's Terem

- a two-story building of smaller dimensions - children will be able to visit the Snow Maiden's room, decorated in the form of a traditional Russian hut. There is a Russian stove, embroidered curtains, shelves and a cupboard for dishes, and an old man and woman are always waiting for guests. The second floor of the Snow Maiden's Tower is currently under reconstruction.- a place where your children can watch a small theater performance, visit Santa Claus' post office and see with their own eyes where the letters they send arrive. And those children who have not yet written and sent a New Year’s letter to Grandfather Frost can correct this situation right here! In addition, on the second floor, there is a theater buffet and a workshop for painting plaster figures, in which a child can independently paint a plaster figure under the guidance of a teacher.

Tower "Ice magic of Santa Claus" is a large indoor skating rink where you can not only come and skate - ice competitions and children’s training sessions are also often held here. sports schools and dance festivals. There is a warm changing room in the mansion. By the way, in the Estate of Father Frost there is also an outdoor skating rink, which is poured on Emerald Square around the New Year tree. And on the Fairy Tale Trail you can see the Fairy Well and the Magic Horseshoe.

This Moscow museum periodically hosts competitions, festive events and excursions for children. You can also buy sweets here new Year gifts, which are not sold anywhere except in the Estate of Father Frost. Your child will have no doubt that this is a real gift from the real Santa Claus - after all, the packaging contains the symbols of his Estate.

Issue price:

Ticket with excursion for adults - 250 rubles,

Ticket with excursion for children - 150 rubles,

The cost of a master class on painting plaster figures is 300 rubles,

The cost of a ticket for 1 session (1 hour) of the indoor skating rink is 200 rubles (children under 7 years old - free),

Skate rental - 150 rubles.

Besides these six best museums Moscow for children; there are many more interesting places in the capital where you can go with your child. Among these places:

Puppet Museum "Olga Okudzhava's Doll House", where your child will learn about all the dolls and can even watch a puppet show.

Museum of Folk Toys "Zabavushka", where your child will learn about the history of toy craft and even be able to touch the exhibits they like.

Museum of Soviet slot machines, where your child can touch the slot machines of the past, and you can remember your childhood. Naturally, all slot machines are completely ready for use!

Which Moscow museum for children to visit is up to you to decide. Ideally, of course, visit all of the listed museums and draw your own conclusions about them! Who knows, maybe your version of the TOP 6 best museums for families with children will turn out to be completely different?

Address: Moscow, st. Lobachika, 1, bldg. 1, metro station Krasnoselskaya

All those with a sweet tooth just need to come to this place. The whole history of chocolate and cocoa is before your eyes: the Mayans prepare an ancient drink, Cortez brings it to Spain and chocolate begins its victorious journey around the world.

Address: Moscow, Izmailovskoe highway, 73Zh, metro station Partizanskaya

The Bread Museum in the Izmailovo Kremlin presents the centuries-old history of the bread industry in Russia: 19th-century peasant objects, hand-made wooden utensils, loaves, different types of bread and more. You can find out which baker you are, or you can just try local products.

Scientific and educational museums of Moscow

Address: Moscow, st. Vavilova, 57, metro Akademicheskaya

The Darwin Museum was founded in 1907. It displays thousands of exhibits representing different types of life on planet Earth. It will be interesting for both children and adults. You will meet many species of animals that you have never even heard of.

Address on Arbat: Moscow, Maly Nikolopeskovsky lane..., metro station Arbatskaya

Address at VDNKh: Moscow, prosp. Mira, 119, pav. 55, metro station Botanical Garden

Dozens of paintings painted professional artists, greet every visitor. Many come here for “avatars” on their social network page, others come here to get a lot positive emotions for the whole family. Don't forget to take a camera with a large battery. This is one of the most popular museums in Moscow. Read about them in more detail here.


Address: Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 80, bldg. 11, metro Sokol

The Museum of Entertaining Sciences will make you feel like a research scientist. All exhibits simply need to be touched! Complex physical and chemical reactions are described in a playful manner. Even adults will learn a lot from the master classes.


Address: Moscow, st. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 5, st..., metro station Barrikadnaya

The solar system, a hydrogen rocket, a space bicycle - all exhibitions are open to access. The interactive Lunarium museum is located on the territory of the Moscow Planetarium and will tell anyone the secrets of our galaxy.

Address: Moscow, prosp. Mira, 119, pp. 32-34, All-Russian Exhibition Center, pav. No. 32-34, metro Botanical Garden

The entire space of the site is completely dedicated to the distant and little-explored planet Mars. Mars is distinguished by its unfriendly disposition, but is this really so? At your disposal are models of Mars rovers, compartments space station Mars-Tefo and views of the red planet from the windows.

Address: Moscow, Sokolnichesky Krug pr-d, 9, building 1, Sokolniki metro station

The Children's Center for Scientific Discovery in Sokolniki is somewhat reminiscent of the Experimentanium, but still differs from it. Here they talk about the operation of physical laws in an accessible form, prepare their own toothpaste, experiment with different types of paints and soap bubbles. An excellent place for a family holiday with children.

Address on Kitay-Gorod: Moscow, pl. Novaya, 3/4 (temporarily closed)

Address at VDNKh: Moscow, VDNKh, pavilion No. 26 (metro VDNKh, metro Botanical Garden)

Technopolis "Moscow": Moscow, Volgogradsky pr., 42, bldg.. (metro station Tekstilshchiki)

The Polytechnic University is among the top largest scientific and technical museums in the world. Despite the reconstruction of the building where the Polytech is located (in Kitai-Gorod), it continues to operate until 2018, but at other addresses: VDNKh, Cultural Center"ZIL" and Technopolis "Moscow".

Address: Moscow, prosp. Mira, 119, building 23, metro station VDNKh

Thousands of marine and freshwater inhabitants from all over the world are collected in one of the largest aquariums in Europe, in Moscow. 600 meters of exposition, 80 aquariums and swimming pools provide the opportunity to plunge into water world and get to know its inhabitants.

m. Lubyanka
From 5 years

"Alice. Return to Wonderland is a multimedia adventure that combines your favorite fairy tale with interactive projections and augmented reality technologies. In the park you can do whatever comes to your mind: break teapots with hedgehogs, run on buttons and draw with giant pencils - in general, perform miracles. The Wonderland space comes to life as guests complete Alice's incredible quests. In the park - 650 sq. meters multimedia entertainment, 42 million pixels of colorful projections and 9 interactive zones connected by one plot.

Know Yourself - Know the World Center at the Darwin Museum
m. Akademicheskaya
From 5 years

On the ground floor of the Darwin Museum there is an interactive educational center with an area of ​​200 sq.m. The entire Universe is concentrated here - from the smallest microorganisms to objects on a planetary scale. With the help of the latest technologies, you can see the world from a bird's eye view or through the eyes of a little mouse, hear the heartbeat of a hummingbird and the beat of your own heart.
The center is designed for self-guided excursions: interactive exhibits, interesting tasks and games allow you to do without the services of a guide. The exhibition is located on several levels, so a walk through the center will be interesting for adults, children, and people with disabilities.

m. Voykovskaya
From 3 years

The Museum of Automotive Stories is a very cozy atmospheric place where children and parents can see toy pedal cars of the Soviet era: the famous Moskvich-3, the children’s scooter “Kroshka”, the rare car “Or”, the “adult” Opel P4 from the 30s of the past century, which became the ancestor for entire generations of cars, both real and toy.
For children under 7 years old there is an Auto Town with traffic lights and road signs for a test drive of a pedal retro car. Here children can ride pedal cars.
The museum hosts free creative workshops on Saturdays. There is a unique master class - printing a scale model of the Legendary Pedal Car on a 3D printer. Free photography is a bonus.
The museum also hosts a photo exhibition “The World through the Eyes of Soviet man"with the works of classics of Soviet photojournalism. So a trip to this museum is a real interactive excursion into the world of Soviet reality, an opportunity to feel nostalgic.

Interactive museum "Lunarium"

m. Barrikadnaya
From 5 years

The Lunarium Museum is located in the Moscow Planetaty and occupies two floors. You can spend a whole day among the 80 exhibits in the Astronomy and Physics and Space Exploration sections. Each exhibit is a separate laboratory with which you can interact. Visitors get acquainted with the nature of many phenomena and physical laws: you can create clouds and tornadoes yourself, or look at a black hole up close, ride a space bike and find out your weight on other planets, make an interplanetary voyage, make observations in telescopes of different optical systems, save the planet from asteroids, send a message to aliens, launch air and hydrogen rockets, learn the properties of weightlessness and vacuum.

Museum of Soviet slot machines in Moscow

m. Kuznetsky Most

From 5 years

A cool museum to connect generations. In the collection of active slot machines, produced in the USSR since the 1970s, there are “ Sea battle", "Sniper", "Highway", "Towns", "Safari" and many others (about 60 copies). The exhibition is completely interactive: you can play everything by putting a 15-kopeck Soviet coin into the coin acceptor, listen to a tour and refresh yourself with a Soviet soda or milkshake.

Polytechnic Museum at VDNH


From 5 years

The exhibition “Russia Makes Itself” presents discoveries made Russian inventors and scientists in different years. It consists of seven thematic blocks: “Core Energy” about projects on the use of nuclear energy and dire consequences nuclear war; “Plasma Energy” is about how people “tamed” lightning; “Radio +” – about electromagnetic waves; “Illusions” about holograms indistinguishable from real objects; “Analogs of Nature” is about what ideas scientists borrowed from nature, and “New Anthropogenesis” is about precise mathematical calculations and the first robots. “Beyond Earth” is about space flight.

Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center

m. Maryina Roshcha
From 7 years

The museum's exposition tells about the history of Russia from the reign of Catherine II to the present day, using the example of the culture and life of the Jewish people. 12 thematic pavilions are equipped with panoramic cinemas, interactive screens, and audiovisual installations.
On excursions, schoolchildren are introduced to the history of the Jewish people in an interactive format: children will find themselves in an ancient Jewish town with its squat houses, market, synagogue and school; will take part in the ritual of celebrating the Sabbath in a Jewish family and will see a multisensory 4D film about the creation of the world. You can also take part in a quest, during which the secrets of the most unusual artifacts of the museum collection will be revealed.

Robot station at VDNKh


From 4 years

The robot station is an edutainment space for the whole family. At the Robot Station you can watch the huge robotic dog Sirius, who reaches speeds of up to 40 km/h, gives his robotic paw and emits “thunder-bark”, “cosmic bang” and “moon howl”, as well as a robot make-up artist, an art-robot flute, bartender robot Homer, beggar robot, smoothie robot, rock climber robot, Rubik's cube robot, joker robot.
Also at the exhibition there is a Robo-School with courses and master classes on robotics, there is a multimedia zone: a cube with quadcopters, quests with the participation of robots and a mini-workshop for the production of robots under the guidance of engineers. Here you can get a diploma in robotics and determine whether your child has a talent for engineering.

Museum-theater "Fairytale House" in the shopping center "Riviera"

m. Avtozavodskaya
From 1 year

New interactive museum-theater“Fairytale House” is a project from the creators of “KidBurg”, and here children and their parents enter the Russian fairy-tale space right from the door. Guests take part in fabulous events, together with the actors they move from house to house through magic doors located in the most unusual places - in a stove, an old stump or a well. There are also performances for little ones (from 1 year). IN fairy tale story woven into the mix are games and fun, challenges and riddles, songs and dances.

Bioexperimentanium “Living Systems”

m. Savelovskaya

From 5 years

Museum from the creators of Experimentanium. Main object research in “Living Systems” – man. The exhibition occupies two floors. The area of ​​the museum is 2.5 thousand square meters. More than a hundred exhibits are collected here, representing the human body as a complex multifaceted system. And in the “Difficulties of the Habitual” zone, you can experience for yourself what people with disabilities face every day. At the “Digest This” master class, children will learn what happens to food inside a person and will even be able to “digest” food with their own hands.

Museum of Entertaining Sciences "Experimentanium"

m. Sokol
From 4 years

Experimentanium is the pioneer of an interactive format in Moscow scientific museums for children. There is an interactive exhibition on three floors that covers the main areas of science. Each room contains exhibits that you can interact with: explore, collect, solve puzzles, pull, jump and even scream.
In the museum, children are introduced to electricity and magnetism - with the help of exhibits in the hall of the same name, you can make a magnet levitate, draw with magnetic shavings and see a magnetic cloud. The museum has a “Water Room” - an interactive water installation; "Mechanics" hall, where you can hold entertaining experiments; "Laboratory" hall, "Perelman" lecture hall, "Tesla" lecture hall and a spherical cinema.