Uspensky's works list. Such different works by Uspensky

The boy Yasha always loved to climb everywhere and get into everything. As soon as they brought any suitcase or box, Yasha immediately found himself in it.

And he climbed into all sorts of bags. And into the closets. And under the tables.

Mom often said:

“I’m afraid that if I go to the post office with him, he’ll fit into some empty parcel and they’ll send him to Kzyl-Orda.”

He got a lot of trouble for this.

And then Yasha new fashion took it and began to fall from everywhere. When the house heard:

- Uh! – everyone understood that Yasha had fallen from somewhere. And the louder the “uh” was, the greater the altitude from which Yasha flew. For example, mom hears:

- Uh! - that means it’s okay. It was Yasha who simply fell off his stool.

If you hear:

- Uh-uh! - this means the matter is very serious. It was Yasha who fell off the table. We need to go and inspect his lumps. And when visiting, Yasha climbed everywhere, and even tried to climb onto the shelves in the store.

One day dad said:

“Yasha, if you climb anywhere else, I don’t know what I’ll do to you.” I'll tie you to the vacuum cleaner with ropes. And you will walk everywhere with a vacuum cleaner. And you will go to the store with your mother with a vacuum cleaner, and in the yard you will play in the sand tied to the vacuum cleaner.

Yasha was so scared that after these words he didn’t climb anywhere for half a day.

And then he finally climbed onto dad’s table and fell down along with the phone. Dad took it and actually tied it to the vacuum cleaner.

Yasha walks around the house, and the vacuum cleaner follows him like a dog. And he goes to the store with his mother with a vacuum cleaner, and plays in the yard. Very uncomfortable. You can't climb a fence or ride a bike.

But Yasha learned to turn on the vacuum cleaner. Now, instead of “uh”, “uh-uh” began to be heard constantly.

As soon as mom sits down to knit socks for Yasha, suddenly all over the house - “oo-oo-oo”. Mom is jumping up and down.

We decided to come to an amicable agreement. Yasha was untied from the vacuum cleaner. And he promised not to climb anywhere else. Dad said:

– This time, Yasha, I will be stricter. I'll tie you to a stool. And I’ll nail the stool to the floor. And you will live with a stool, like a dog with a kennel.

Yasha was very afraid of such punishment.

But then a very wonderful opportunity turned up - we bought a new wardrobe.

First Yasha climbed into the closet. He sat in the closet for a long time, banging his forehead against the walls. This is an interesting matter. Then I got bored and went out.

He decided to climb onto the closet.

Yasha moved the dining table to the closet and climbed onto it. But I didn’t reach the top of the closet.

Then he placed a light chair on the table. He climbed onto the table, then onto the chair, then onto the back of the chair and began to climb onto the closet. I'm already halfway across.

And then the chair slipped out from under his feet and fell to the floor. And Yasha remained half on the closet, half in the air.

Somehow he climbed onto the closet and fell silent. Try telling your mom:

- Oh, mom, I’m sitting on the closet!

Mom will immediately transfer him to a stool. And he will live like a dog all his life near the stool.

Here he sits and is silent. Five minutes, ten minutes, five more minutes. In general, almost a whole month. And Yasha slowly began to cry.

And mom hears: Yasha can’t hear something.

And if you can’t hear Yasha, it means Yasha is doing something wrong. Or he chews matches, or he climbed up to his knees into the aquarium, or he draws Cheburashka on his father’s papers.

Mom started looking in different places. And in the closet, and in the nursery, and in dad’s office. And there is order everywhere: dad works, the clock is ticking. And if there is order everywhere, it means that something difficult must have happened to Yasha. Something extraordinary.

Mom screams:

- Yasha, where are you?

But Yasha is silent.

- Yasha, where are you?

But Yasha is silent.

Then mom started thinking. He sees a chair lying on the floor. He sees that the table is not in place. He sees Yasha sitting on the closet.

Mom asks:

- Well, Yasha, are you going to sit on the closet all your life now, or are we going to climb down?

Yasha doesn't want to go down. He is afraid that he will be tied to a stool.

He says:

- I won’t get down.

Mom says:

- Okay, let's live on the closet. Now I'll bring you lunch.

She brought Yasha soup in a plate, a spoon and bread, and a small table and a stool.

Yasha was having lunch on the closet.

Then his mother brought him a potty on the closet. Yasha was sitting on the potty.

And in order to wipe his butt, mom had to stand on the table herself.

At this time, two boys came to visit Yasha.

Mom asks:

- Well, should you serve Kolya and Vitya for the cupboard?

Yasha says:

- Serve.

And then dad couldn’t stand it from his office:

“Now I’ll come and visit him at his closet.” Yes, not just one, but with a strap. Remove it from the cabinet immediately.

They took Yasha out of the closet, and he said:

“Mom, the reason I didn’t get off is because I’m afraid of the stool.” Dad promised to tie me to the stool.

“Oh, Yasha,” says mom, “you’re still little.” You don't understand jokes. Go play with the guys.

But Yasha understood jokes.

But he also understood that dad didn’t like to joke.

He can easily tie Yasha to a stool. And Yasha didn’t climb anywhere else.

How the boy Yasha ate poorly

Yasha was good to everyone, but he ate poorly. All the time with concerts. Either mom sings to him, then dad shows him tricks. And he gets along well:

- Don't want.

Mom says:

- Yasha, eat your porridge.

- Don't want.

Dad says:

- Yasha, drink juice!

- Don't want.

Mom and Dad are tired of trying to persuade him every time. And then my mother read in one scientific pedagogical book that children do not need to be persuaded to eat. You need to put a plate of porridge in front of them and wait for them to get hungry and eat everything.

They set and placed plates in front of Yasha, but he didn’t eat or eat anything. He doesn’t eat cutlets, soup, or porridge. He became thin and dead, like a straw.

- Yasha, eat your porridge!

- Don't want.

- Yasha, eat your soup!

- Don't want.

Previously, his pants were difficult to fasten, but now he was hanging out completely freely in them. It was possible to put another Yasha in these pants.

And then one day a strong wind blew.

And Yasha was playing in the area. He was very light, and the wind blew him around the area. I rolled to the wire mesh fence. And there Yasha got stuck.

So he sat, pressed against the fence by the wind, for an hour.

Mom calls:

- Yasha, where are you? Go home and suffer with the soup.

But he doesn't come. You can't even hear him. He not only became dead, but his voice also became dead. You can't hear anything about him squeaking there.

And he squeaks:

- Mom, take me away from the fence!

Mom began to worry - where did Yasha go? Where to look for it? Yasha is neither seen nor heard.

Dad said this:

“I think our Yasha was blown away somewhere by the wind.” Come on, mom, we'll take the pot of soup out onto the porch. The wind will blow and bring the smell of soup to Yasha. He will come crawling to this delicious smell.

On Tuesday, August 14, he passed away famous writer Eduard Uspensky. He was 80 years old. According to relatives, the author of legendary children's works for a long time suffered from cancer. Read about the life and work of Eduard Uspensky in our Questions and Answers section.


Eduard Uspensky was born on December 22, 1937 in Yegoryevsk. The writer’s father worked in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party, his mother was a mechanical engineer.

In 1955, Uspensky entered the Moscow Aviation Institute. Already as a student he began to study literary creativity. His poems and feuilletons were regularly published in the institute's wall newspaper. And starting from 1960, the writer published them in pop collections, the Nedelya newspaper and the Krokodil magazine.

After graduating from university (1961), Uspensky worked for three and a half years at the Second Moscow Instrument-Making Plant.

The beginning of creative activity

In 1965, Uspensky, together with Felix Kamov, headed the author's group of the MAI student pop-satirical theater "Television". And in 1966, the Moscow publishing house "Art" published a collection humorous stories for the stage "Four under one cover". These four were Eduard Uspensky, Felix Kamov, Arkady Arkanov and Grigory Gorin.

Books for children

Uspensky began writing for children in the mid-1960s. Five years later (1965), the publishing house "Children's Literature" published his first book - a collection of poems "Funny Elephant".

Famous fairy tale"Crocodile Gena and His Friends" was published in 1966. Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka become favorite characters of children and adults. Not only in the USSR, but also abroad.

In 1969, animator director Roman Kachanov staged the puppet animated film "Crocodile Gena" based on the scripts of Eduard Uspensky. In 1971, "Cheburashka" was released. Next came “Shapoklyak” (1974), “Cheburashka goes to school” (1983).

Together with Kachanov, Uspensky wrote the plays “Cheburashka and His Friends” (1970) and “Gena the Crocodile’s Holiday” (1974). In the 2000s animated films about Cheburashka was filmed in Japan.

Uncle Fedor, dog and cat

The story-fairy tale about a boy whom everyone called Uncle Fyodor was published in 1974. Based on Uspensky's book, director Vladimir Popov made the animated films "Three from Prostokvashino" in 1978. And he voiced the popular cat Matroskin famous actor Oleg Tabakov. Two years later, “Vacation in Prostokvashino” was released, and in 1984, “Winter in Prostokvashino”. These cartoons, as well as the books on which they were based, have become favorite works for people of all ages for many years.

Uspensky also wrote fairy-tale stories “Down the Magic River” (1972), “Guarantee Men” (1975), “School of Clowns” (1983), “Kolobok Follows the Trail” and more.

Related materials


Ouspensky's works have been translated into 25 languages. 60 films were filmed based on his scripts and works. animated films. This includes the famous “Antoshka”, “Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneers”, “The Investigation is Conducted by Koloboks” and other equally famous and beloved works.

Performances, films, TV

To the repertoire Russian theaters includes performances based on the works of Uspensky. His books were also used to make films for children, which they still enjoy watching today. For example, “There, on unknown paths...”.

Uspensky was also one of the jury members of the television program “The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful,” and hosted music show“Ships have come into our harbor” on radio and television.

“The brilliant Eduard Uspensky has passed away. Thank you for our childhood impressions, for Gena and Cheburashka, for the cat Matroskin, Uncle Fyodor, postman Pechkin, Sharik... My condolences to our loved ones. Bright memory!" Shaposhnikov wrote on Twitter.

One day, a lecturer came to the third grade where Masha was studying. He was elderly, over thirty, wow, in a gray suit, and immediately said:

Hello, my name is Professor Barinov. Now we will all take pens and write an essay: “What would I do if I were the chairman of the city council.” It's clear?


Dear fellow students! (IN in this case These are guys from six to nine years old.)

Put aside the hockey sticks, pedal cars, kittens, chickens, puppies and other distractions and sit next to your dad, mom, grandpa or grandma on the sofa.

Let's start the first lesson.

This book is a guide for aspiring millionaires.

The girl Vera now has a girlfriend,

She's not a kitten, she's not a toy

She is a foreigner, she is a foreign tourist,

She is a monkey named Anfiska.

One day a parcel arrived for Uncle Fyodor in Prostokvashino, and in it was a letter:

“Dear Uncle Fedor! Your beloved Aunt Tamara, a former colonel of the Red Army, is writing to you. It's time for you to get busy agriculture- both for education and for the harvest.

Carrots should be planted at attention. Cabbage - in a line through one.

Pumpkin - at the command “at ease”. Preferably near an old garbage dump. The pumpkin will “suck out” the entire trash heap and become huge. The sunflower grows well away from the fence so that the neighbors do not eat it. Tomatoes should be planted leaning against sticks. Cucumbers and garlic require constant fertilization.

Chapter One MAGIC PATH

In one village, one city boy lived with one grandmother. His name was Mitya. He spent his holidays in the village.

All day long he swam in the river and sunbathed. In the evenings, he climbed onto the stove, watched his grandmother spin her yarn, and listened to her fairy tales.

“And here in Moscow everyone is knitting now,” the boy said to his grandmother.

“Nothing,” she answered, “they’ll start spinning soon.”

And she told him about Vasilisa the Wise, about Ivan Tsarevich and about the terrible Koshchei the Immortal.

Chapter 1. The beginning of the summer season

In the Opalikha district near Moscow there is the village of Dorokhovo, and nearby is the summer cottage village of Letchik. Every year at the same time, one family moves from Moscow to their dacha - mother and daughter. Dad rarely comes, because it’s not for nothing that the village is called “Pilot”.

Mom's name is Sveta, daughter's name is Tanya. Every time before moving, they transport the necessary things to the dacha.

And this year, as always, the same truck arrived at the same dacha, at about the same time. She brought a refrigerator, a radio, a vacuum cleaner and a lot of other things home appliances. The nice blue-uniformed movers put everything in its place and left.

But the summer residents themselves were not there yet.

At first there was silence in the large room, then quiet metallic sounds were heard. These were not just repair sounds, these were signals: “I’m here. I came. Who are you?


On a clear sunny day, a refrigerator was delivered to the apartment. Business-like and angry movers carried him into the kitchen and immediately left with the hostess. And everything became quiet and quiet. Suddenly, through a crack in the facing grate, he climbed out of the refrigerator and onto the floor. little man somewhat strange looking. He had a gas canister hanging behind his back, like a scuba diver, and had large rubber suction cups on his arms and legs.


It started early in the warm yellow autumn at the very beginning school year. During the big break, the class teacher Lyudmila Mikhailovna entered the class in which Roma Rogov studied. She said:

Guys! We had great joy. Our school principal returned from Holland. He wants to talk to you.

The school director, Pyotr Sergeevich Okunkov, entered the classroom.

Guys! - he said. - I was in Holland for three days and understood a lot. They are very interested in our country. I brought you letters from Dutch boys and girls. You will correspond with them. Letters will be received by those students who study better.

He took a cool magazine from the table.


Dear boy! Dear girl! Dear children!

Each of you listened to, and maybe even read, fairy tales about Baba Yaga, about Koshchei the Immortal, about the Nightingale the Robber and about Emelya on the stove.

But few of you know that Baba Yaga has a daughter, little Babeshka-Yageshka. Koshchei the Immortal has a son, Koshcheyk, and Emelya on the stove, although he was lying on the stove all the time, also managed to acquire a son, Emelyan.

This Emelyan Emelyanovich will soon turn sixteen, but he can neither write nor read. He just rides around on his father’s stove all the time by proxy and always looks like an apple from a saucer, without getting off this very stove.

Works are divided into pages

Fairy tales, stories and stories by Eduard Uspensky

Ouspensky's tales absorb many unexpected components. In addition to the engineering sense generously poured into them, popular burning questions of today also find a place here. In other words, there is “genuine” journalism in the form in which it can be delivered to children’s consciousness.

The figure of the boss from the famous story by Uspensky, who manages the distribution of cement for construction to his friends Gena and Cheburashka, is created in a clever, funny and childish way. The boss has a rule: everything must be done halfway. Ask why? “If I,” he says, “always do everything until the very end and constantly allow everyone everything, then they can definitely say about me that I am unusually kind and everyone regularly does what they want. But what if I do nothing at all?” If I don’t do anything and never allow anyone to do anything, then they will definitely say about me that I’m constantly messing around and disturbing everyone, but no one will ever say anything terrible about me.” And in almost complete accordance with his own paradigm, our hero always allows his friends to give out half of what they need to carry - that is, half of the car. And remembering that half the truck won’t go, he quickly gives the truck only half the way...

No, Uspensky’s stories do not encourage children to look at the world through pink glass. They always encourage you to transfer everything available to them into the channel of love and kindness. Talking about one of his stories, the writer noted: “In the new book, absolutely everyone is kind. If you regularly talk to children about the bad sides of life, they will definitely think that the world in general is terrible and bad. But I always want to give them the concept of a cheerful and good world! "

Every Russian will tell you that all the stories, short stories and fairy tales of Eduard Uspensky, which you can read on our website, wonderful children's writer with a technical education and the kind soul of a funny storyteller - a gift for the kids, warm and kind.

You will not find a person in Russia who is not familiar with the work of Eduard Uspensky. This man devoted his entire life to children and ways to make them happy. The writer's stories have raised many generations of children who believe in kindness and friendship, courage and honesty, and therefore are able to help their loved ones in Hard time.

And, for sure, there are no people in Russia who have not seen cartoons created based on the books of Eduard Nikolaevich. He earned popular recognition and love thanks to wonderful works, which show the right values ​​in a clear and accessible way.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Eduard Nikolaevich began on December 22, 1937 in Yegoryevsk. The parents of the future author had nothing to do with the writing path. Father Nikolai Mikhailovich worked as a dog handler in the hunting department of the CPSU Central Committee, so there were many animals in the house. My mother was a mechanical engineer by education. In addition to Edik, the family raised two more sons: older brother Igor and younger brother Yuri. By nationality, Uspensky's father was Jewish, and his mother was Russian.

When Edward was 10 years old, his beloved father passed away, and the children remained with their mother. The family lived in an apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

IN early age Edik grew up as a mischievous boy. The child was not doing well in his studies, so he got used to cutting off the bad grades from the diary with a blade. It had a bad effect financial support: After the death of the father, the family lived poorly. But despite all this future writer dreamed of a career as a minister or academician.

One day Eduard broke his leg and was hospitalized. Then the boy asked his mother to bring textbooks and began to study. Soon, Eduard Uspensky’s academic performance improved, and the young man graduated from school with certificates for victories in Olympiads. The young man was especially good at mathematics.

He received his higher education at the Moscow Aviation Institute. After studying I went to work as an engineer, and in free time began writing scripts and stories for children. Uspensky's interest in creativity arose in his youth - at school the guy was a permanent leader for groups with young students, for whom he came up with funny children's poems and songs. The young man combined his university education with the creation and holding of student skits and local performances.

Having worked in his specialty for a short time, Uspensky began to develop his career as a writer. He composed stories and poems for children, but published his work infrequently. Eduard's humorous sketches and stories for the satire block turned out to be much more in demand. However, the author did not want to develop in this direction.

Eduard Uspensky invented the characters of his favorite cartoons

It is unknown how fate would have turned out best works, if the creators of the cartoons had not paid attention to them. Thanks to the visual illustration, Uspensky’s works gained widespread popularity and worldwide fame.


The works of Eduard Nikolaevich are popular among readers around the world. Uspensky's stories have been translated into more than 20 languages ​​of the world, actively published and republished many years after their appearance. The author received attention in Sweden - there the man's works gained such popularity that the characters appeared on television and in magazines, and Eduard Uspensky himself was invited to the Swedish Writers' Union. The author's works were appreciated by such European masters of children's literature as Anna Schmidt.

"Papa" of Cheburashka - Eduard Uspensky

Best known for wide range readers, the books of this great author are stories about Prostokvashino, in which there are, and. Stories in which and participate have become even more popular. One of the author’s first works, “Down the Magic River,” became widely popular.

The publication history of many works turned out to be difficult. The author was criticized for the lack of features of a real pioneer in the image and behavior of Cheburashka, censorship prohibited other poems and sketches of the author.

The film adaptation of children's stories took place under the strict control of the author - Eduard Uspensky independently wrote scripts for the animations. Based on the writer’s stories and tales, they created two feature films, and later one series was filmed.

With the advent of popularity in the late 1970s, Eduard Uspensky began to appear on radio programs - reading poetry and stories. He writes plays about his favorite characters. In the 1980s, the first collection with stories about, Matroskin, Kolobok was published.

Cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino"

From the pen of Eduard Uspensky came the fairy tales “Guarantee Men” and “The Koloboks Are Investigating.” The poem “A Scary Story” is popular.

Eduard Nikolaevich also worked on television. He became the ideological inspirer and author of a series of programs for children of different ages.

Soviet and Russian writer repeatedly received awards. In 1997, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. In 2010, Eduard Nikolaevich became the laureate of the award, which is awarded to outstanding children's writers.

In November 2017, Eduard Nikolaevich wrote an open letter to the President of the Russian Federation, in which he accused the Soyuzmultfilm film studio of violating copyright. According to the writer, new episodes of Prostokvashino were released without Uspensky’s knowledge. The author claimed that he did not consent to the production of a sequel.

"Return to Prostokvashino"

, and participated in voicing their favorite characters. Anton and Yulia expressed regret that Eduard Nikolaevich spoke so harshly about the new episodes of the animated film. The first episode of the sequel, released in April 2018, collected several million views online.

The second episode of the cartoon was released in May. The series was dedicated to the memory of Oleg Tabakov. On the first day, the release was watched by 25 million people.

Personal life

The family has always inspired the writer, especially in creating the most unexpected characters. The author came up with the bright and unforgettable Shapoklyak, remembering his ex-wife Rimme. According to famous author, the wife was distinguished by harmfulness. Although the image, he continues, contains some of the writer’s own unsightly features.

And the daughter’s childish cry first served as the source of the name Cheburashka, and subsequently - the entire history of this character. This hero became legendary - at first he was loved by the inhabitants of the country rising sun, and then became a symbol of Russia at sporting competitions.

Eduard Uspensky was married three times. From his first marriage, which lasted 18 years, he left behind a daughter, Tatyana, who already has her own family and who gave her dad a grandson and a granddaughter. The writer also had children from his second marriage: two twin daughters, whom the couple adopted.

For the third time, Eduard Nikolaevich married a popular TV presenter - Eleonora Filina became the author’s chosen one. Together with his beloved, the writer hosted the radio program “Ships Came into Our Harbor.” As a result, the office relationship grew into a real romance.

Divorce proceedings with last wife turned out to be loud - his wife appeared on television and in the press with loud statements, and publicly discussed life with the writer.

After decades life together, when the whole country considered this couple exemplary, Eleanor was offended by her husband who filed for divorce and began to tell what the union with the writer really was. Many unpleasant words were said to the now ex-husband, impartially characterizing a man’s character and behavior in everyday life.

However, few people know that while ex-wife appeared on television, the writer himself struggled with a serious illness - cancer. The man went to Germany, where he underwent chemotherapy. At first, Eleanor was next to her husband and took care of the writer, but the woman’s patience lasted for several months, after which Filina simply went back to Russia and left Edward alone in a foreign country.

For a long time, Uspensky did not comment on Eleanor’s actions, but once made a statement that the reason for this woman’s behavior was her enormous monetary debts, which, according to the writer, the ex-wife wants to close at the expense of Eduard Nikolaevich.

Scandalous "Live" with Eleonora Filina

However, Edward’s character was indeed difficult, as his relatives and colleagues confirm. Not everyone could cope with it and productively maintain personal and work relationships. Some individual character traits of Eduard Nikolaevich at some point even put an end to the then unknown history o - they refused to publish the essay, fearing sudden scandals and claims from the writer.

The writer rarely wrote to order, as he did not consider it necessary to make adjustments to stories at the behest of outsiders. This intransigence often spoiled the writer's working and personal relationships. On the other hand, maybe without her, Uspensky’s beloved characters would not have seen the light of day in the unique form that the author gave them.

As for the writer himself, the man adored animals and birds; parrots and dogs constantly lived in his house, which the writer took care of with pleasure. Eduard worked every day, composed in country house and in Moscow. In his free time, he liked to watch foreign TV series, especially on medical topics. Uspensky's favorite serial film was "".

It is known that Eduard Nikolaevich respected creativity. That is why the charismatic actor was entrusted with dubbing the cat from Prostokvashino.

In April 2018, the writer gave an interview in which he said that his second wife, Elena Uspenskaya, was next to him. The woman forgave her ex-husband and returned. Lately Edward and his wife lived in peace and harmony, supported each other and did not remember the past. The couple hoped that the writer would cope with the illness.

And Eleanor Filina, it turns out, went to to a young lover, who is 30 years younger than her. The TV presenter took out a loan of 6 million rubles so that the guy could open a business, but the business failed.

Filina herself does not admit this. The woman only says that she could no longer be close to her oppressive husband. According to Eleanor, Filina wanted to divorce Uspensky for a long time, but she was stopped by her husband’s health condition and diagnosis.


August 14, 2018 in his Moscow home. The cause of the writer's death was cancer, which he fought for several years. He underwent treatment in Germany, and after the operation the disease subsided for a short time.

At home on the eve of the tragedy, according to Irina’s daughter, Eduard Nikolaevich, he needed medical help.


  • 1966 – “Crocodile Gena and his friends”
  • 1972 – “Down the Magic River”
  • 1974 – “Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat”
  • 1975 – “Guarantee Men”
  • 1976 – “An Amazing Thing”
  • 1983 – “Holidays in Prostokvashino”
  • 1985 – “Vera and Anfisa in the clinic”
  • 1987 – “Kolobok is on the trail”
  • 1990 – “Red hand, black sheet, green fingers”
  • 1997 – “Winter in Prostokvashino”
  • 2001 – “Mushrooms for Cheburashka”
  • 2007 – " New life in Prostokvashino"
  • 2011 – “Guarantee men are back”
  • 2011 – “Ghost from Prostokvashino”

Nikolaevich is one of the most popular children's writers in the post-Soviet space. More than one generation of children grew up reading the books he wrote.

Uspensky's childhood and youth

The future writer was born in 1937 in the small town of Yegoryevsk, which is located in the Moscow region. His parents were educated people, had Eduard - not only child in the family, the boy had an older brother, Igor, and later Yuri was born. After the start of the war, young Edward, along with his mother and brothers, was evacuated. Until 1944, the family lived in the Urals.

Returning to Moscow, the future writer entered school, but did not study very well. Only in the seventh grade did he begin to make progress in his studies; he was best at mathematics. A big role in Edward’s passion for reading was played by his stepfather Nikolai Stepanovich Pronsky, who had a huge library, carefully kept books and forbade exchanging them for food.

The first experiments in versification date back to the time when young Uspensky was in the ninth grade. At that time, writing was a fashionable hobby. Uspensky's poetic works were published in literary newspapers and sounded from radios. The experience of working in camps as a pioneer leader played a big role in Uspensky’s development as a writer of children’s books.

Adult Uspensky

Having become a student at the capital's aviation institute, Eduard Uspensky continued to study literary activity. Having graduated from higher education in 1961 educational institution, he went to work at a factory in his specialty. Together with G. Gorin, A. Arkanov and F. Kamov, the writer took part in the creation of the book “Four under one cover”, which short time became popular. Thanks to this, Eduard Uspensky and Felix Kamov organized the student theater “Television”. The success was colossal.

Later, the writer became the founder of the programs “ Good night, kids”, “ABVGDeyka”, “Baby Monitor”, “Ships came into our harbor”. For my creative activity he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

Eduard Uspensky was married three times. From his first marriage he has a daughter, Tatyana, and from his second brother, daughters Irina and Svetlana. The third marriage broke up in 2011; the couple had no children.

Creative activity of the writer

1965 was marked by the release of a collection of poems by Eduard Uspensky, “Everything is Alright,” which immediately received recognition from readers. However, most famous works Uspensky - books for children's audiences. Crocodile Uncle Fyodor, Matroskin and Sharik, postman Pechkin - there is hardly a child who does not know these characters. It was thanks to Uspensky that the children's animated series "The Fixies" was born, which is so loved by modern young viewers. It is based on Uspensky’s story “Guarantee Men,” which appeared in 1974.

Children's writer Uspensky

Cheburashka is one of the most famous heroes created by this author. Together with his friends - the crocodile Gena, the doll Galya, the poor student Dima, the excellent student Marusya - he opened the House of Friendship. This event formed the basis of the story “And His Friends.” This work was written in prose form; before that, Uspensky wrote poetic texts. The audience loved the writer’s heroes so much that several more stories, novellas and plays came out from his pen, in which new exciting adventures awaited his friends.

In 2012 Russian Ministry Education and Science included the first story about the adventures of the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka in the list of one hundred books that are recommended for middle-aged students to read independently.

A series of stories about Uncle Fyodor

Already long years Uspensky's works about a boy named Uncle Fyodor and his animal friends: a cat nicknamed Matroskin and a dog named Sharik, are extremely popular among readers. The first story from this series was published in 1974. In total, the cycle included seven books. Uspensky's fairy tales were so popular that they formed the basis of animated films. Between 1975 and 2011, five cartoons appeared on TV screens telling about the adventures of the smart boy Uncle Fyodor and his talking animal friends.

The latest was the cartoon “Spring in Prostokvashino”. Matroskin and Sharik receive a letter from Uncle Fyodor, in which the boy says that he will arrive soon. His parents will follow him. However an old house too small to accommodate all guests. And then Uncle Fyodor turns to a construction company for help, which quickly built a modern cottage.

The public greeted the cartoon with mixed feelings. Viewers criticized the drawing, which is very different from the original. The plot and also caused a lot of discontent.

The Adventures of Vera and Anfisa

Uspensky's works about the little girl Vera, her parents and Anfisa also have many fans. The author describes the life of this wonderful family in a fun and exciting way. Readers enjoy following the adventures of a girl and a monkey in kindergarten, school and clinic. Using the example of his heroes, Uspensky explains to young readers what to do if you are lost.

Uspensky Eduard Nikolaevich is a man whom all residents of our country know. He made a significant contribution to the development of children's Russian literature. Uspensky's fairy tales can be found in every home; they teach children friendship and caring for animals.