Preaching with pencil and brush. Sunday school for children Where did you learn to paint?

Groups D-2 and N-1.

Teacher: Soboleva Maria Lvovna

Elective subject program:
Art and visual circle

Art education is one of the most important ways to develop a child’s personality, his spirituality, and creative potential.

Required in early age to establish a harmonious understanding of the world and a correct attitude towards reality, which is possible only on the basis of moral values ​​and spiritual foundations. It is important to reveal to children the purpose of art, as serving a person to elevate his spirit, the original purpose of the artist is to create works that serve, first of all, as spiritual food, representing the totality of beauty and highly moral, good meaning.

Classes artistic creativity in Sunday School are closely related to the lessons of the Law of God and church calendar. Topics close to children 5-8 years old are also offered (for example: winter landscape, pets).

Purpose of the item

Development of moral and aesthetic responsiveness to the beautiful in life and art, providing freedom for artistic and creative solutions to the general educational task.


  1. Consolidation of material studied in religious subjects.
  2. Development of associative thinking, fantasy, imagination.
  3. Formation of knowledge about the names of primary and composite colors, their emotional characteristics.
  4. Formation of an emotional atmosphere in the classroom, an atmosphere of love and camaraderie, gradually drawing children into awareness of the topic, joint dialogue, reasoning, etc.
  5. Establishing strong connections with the outside world, with a person (with oneself), involving children’s personal experiences (emotional, visual, everyday).
  6. Using the method of decorating the classroom interior with children's works, designing exhibitions.
  7. Using the free choice method in a system of restrictions (topic content, color, shape, design, etc.).
  8. Developing perseverance, patience, accuracy, and mutual assistance skills.

Thematic planning

  1. My family
  2. Autumn flowers. Let's draw asters.
  3. Autumn landscape. Application made of colored paper
  4. Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Decorative drawing. Decorate a scarf with patterns
  5. Animal world. Paper handling
  6. Still life - fruit
  7. Pets. We sculpt from plasticine
  8. Christmas: Angels appearing to the shepherds. Working with paper.
  9. Pets
  10. Magi. Application
  11. Christmas time, sleigh rides
  12. Garland of snowflakes
  13. Christmas tree decorations
  14. Drawing a landscape Christmas night
  15. Snowflakes (decorative drawing).
  16. Cross Decorative Drawing
  17. We draw with cereals. Winter landscape
  18. Theme of kindness - portrait kind person
  19. Presentation of the Lord Pigeon chicks, applique using wool.
  20. Friendship is a portrait of my friend
  21. Our temple. Painting with paints
  22. Postcard gift for dad
  23. Postcard gift for mom
  24. First spring flowers
  25. Easter patterns (painting eggs)
  26. Easter card.
  27. Easter gift ( teamwork)
  28. General lesson


  1. Abramova M. A. Conversations and didactic games in fine arts lessons: 1 - 4 grades. / Skrebtsova M. A. - M.: Humanit. Ed. VLADOS Center, 2003.
  2. Dreznina M. G. “Every child is an artist.” M., 2002
  3. Lykova I. A. “Art activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, methodological recommendations. Senior group" M., 2006
  4. Lykova I. A. “Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, methodological recommendations, school preparatory group.” M., 2006
  5. Shalina L. S. Lessons for the little ones / L. S. Shalina //Young artist. - 1991. - No. 6. - p. 45.

Director of Department Savenko Larisa Yurievna, teacher of the highest qualification category, graduate of the Volgograd State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering, master of art education. 19 years of teaching experience. She has been working at the Resurrection Children's Art School since 1998. Students of Savenko Larisa Yuryevna have repeatedly become laureates of city, all-Russian and international competitions, continued their studies at universities in Volgograd; Ilya Anikeev won a cash prize at the VI International Competition children's drawing on best postcard Art City, St. Petersburg.

Savenko L.Yu. V different years became a laureate of the open city festival "Artsynthesis-competition" among teachers, awarded a cash prize, laureate and diploma winner of the Regional plein air competition in the nomination "Graphics", laureate of the All-Russian competition "Blagovest", laureate and master teacher of the International Competition of Sacred, Singing and Fine Arts “Rus is called Holy” was awarded a special prize “For professionalism and high level of submitted works.” She was awarded Diplomas, Certificates of Honor and Letters of Gratitude for high teaching skills and professional training of competition laureates. Awarded Certificates of Honor and Letters of Gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Volgograd Region, Volgograd Regional Duma, Volgograd City Duma, Administration of the Kirov District of Volgograd, Administration of the Children's Art School "Resurrection", Letter of gratitude from parents and graduates of the Children's Art School "Resurrection" of the Fine Arts Department and other awards. Conducts active pedagogical and creative activities: visits various modern master classes, awarded a diploma for achievements achieved V art training master class “Decorative painting of fabric”.

Methodological developments :

  • Additional general education general development program in the direction of “Fine Arts” (drawing, painting, composition, sculpture, plein air)
  • Additional pre-professional general educational program in the field of fine arts “Painting” (drawing, painting, composition, plein air)
  • Methodology for forming the spiritual and moral basis of students’ personality in the process of teaching the academic discipline “Plein Air”
  • Lesson plan for the academic discipline "Plein air"
  • Developments didactic games in the academic discipline "Drawing".

Fragment of the lesson “We Draw and Sing”, teacher L.Yu. Savenko

Teaching staff of the department

1. Litvinova Galina Borisovna , teacher of the highest qualification category, holder of the status title "master teacher", graduate of the Alma-Ata Pedagogical Institute (art and graphic department, diploma with honors), member of the expert commission for certification of teachers of art disciplines, laureate of All-Russian, regional, city creative competitions and festivals.

Creative projects, implemented by G.B. Litvinova on the basis of the department: 1) “Old Russian Letters” (studying the basics of calligraphy); 2) “Painting an icon according to the ancient canon” (using traditional technologies and materials); 3) "Iconographic images of revered saints" (execution of a series of works in the batik technique); 4) "Portrait with a personal icon" ( modern understanding Orthodox traditions in the fine arts through the formation of students’ personal attitude towards them), 5) "Pushkin and music".

Competitions, exhibitions, and festivals are always bright and significant events in the life of every student, but no less important is the creative process of preparing and creating work, from its conception to the moment of design, presentation and awarding.

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Zabneva Elena Vladimirovna - teacher of the highest qualification category. Secondary specialized education, Kasimov Pedagogical School, teacher-artist. 30 years of teaching experience. She has been working at the Resurrection Children's Art School since 2000. Is a laureate All-Russian competitions“Blagovest” and “Rus is called Holy”. Elena Vladimirovna’s students have repeatedly become laureates of city, all-Russian and international competitions; some have entered art universities. He is actively involved in creative work: reviving the traditions of ancient Russian facial sewing. Icons embroidered by Elena Vladimirovna are in churches in Volgograd and in the offices of the Resurrection Children's Art School.

Lysikova Alexandra Vasilievna , teacher of the highest qualification category. Higher education: Moscow State University Humanities University named after M.A. Sholokhov, artist-teacher. More than 12 years of teaching experience. She has been working at the Resurrection Children's Art School since 2013. He is a laureate of the All-Russian competitions “Blagovest” and “Rus is called Holy”. Alexandra Vasilyevna’s students have repeatedly become laureates of city, all-Russian and international competitions. Conducts active teaching and creative activities: engaged in easel painting, owns many types of traditional artistic painting, constantly improves her skills: attends modern master classes, masters new artistic techniques and technologies (mastered the technique of sand painting).

Bytsulya Irina Grigorievna , teacher of the first qualification category. Higher education, Volgograd Social Pedagogical University, teacher-artist. Experience in teaching - 7 years, at Children's Art School "Resurrection" - 7 years. He is a laureate of the International competition “Rus is called Holy”. Irina Grigorievna’s students are laureates of city, all-Russian and international competitions. He is an active creative artist and designer.

The history of the establishment of the fine arts department of the Children's Art School "Resurrection" began with the history of the creation of the school. Teachers were at the origins of the department’s creation Zabneva Elena Vladimirovna, Litvinova Galina Borisovna, Savenko Larisa Yurievna. Permanent teacher of theoretical disciplines throughout for long years the existence of the department is Inna Aleksandrovna Leskova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor. A young and promising specialist has been working at the department since 2006. Bytsulya Irina Grigorievna. Over the years, the teaching staff was joined by Lysikova Alexandra Vasilievna and Uskach Irina Anatolyevna. In the period 1998-2012 she taught at the department Safonova Muza Viktorovna, a unique teacher of ancient Russian facial embroidery, whose works were exhibited at exhibitions in St. Petersburg, Moscow, adorn the churches of Volgograd and the Volgograd region.

Topic: “The Cross of the Lord.”

Lesson 1–2.

Goals: Formation of the idea of ​​the Cross of the Lord as an instrument of salvation.

Theoretical part.

Getting to know the form Orthodox cross, crosses of a different shape.

An image of an Orthodox cross as the center of a decorative composition for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Analysis decorative elements, which can be used to complete the composition.

Practical part.

1st lesson: Preparatory drawing of the composition “The Cross of the Lord”

Lesson 2: Finishing the work in color.

Materials: Paper, pencil, felt-tip pen, watercolor paints(optionally).

Topic: “Holiday card.”

Goals: Development of horizons, formation of ideas about the origins Slavic culture(writing, typography, font).

Introduction to poster graphics, type posters.

Development of creative abilities.

Strengthening skills in working with pencil and paints.

Lesson 3–4. "Initial" (initial).

Theoretical part.

1) From the history of the development of writing:

History of the font;

The creators of the Slavic alphabet of St. brothers Cyril and Methodius.

2) From the history of printing:

The first handwritten books in Rus';

Printing house of Fedorov, the first book printer in Rus'.

Analysis of the shape, ornamentation and color scheme of the initial in handwritten books.

Practical part.

Lesson 3: Drawing a “letter letter” (initial) in pencil.

4th lesson: Ornamental design of the initial letter, work in color.

Materials: Paper, pencil, ruler, felt-tip pen, watercolor or gouache paints (optional).

Lesson 5. Monogram.

Theoretical part.

From the history of the development of writing.

Types of fonts. Old Slavonic ligature.

Analysis of variants of a composition of several letters.

Practical work.

Drawing a monogram from the first letters of your first and last name in color.

Material: Paper, pencil, felt-tip pen, watercolor.

Lesson 6. Font poster.

Theoretical part.

From the history of poster graphics.

About the composition of a type poster.

Practical part.

Making the inscription “Merry Christmas!” Church Slavonic or block font in color.

Materials: Landscape sheet, pencil, ruler, felt-tip pens, gouache.

Topic: “Orthodox Church.”

Goals: Formation of ideas about architecture, its types, temple architecture.

Consolidation of knowledge on perspective.

Development of creative abilities, spatial concepts, visual memory.

Strengthening skills in working with pencil and paints.

Lesson 7–8. Introduction to temple architecture.

Theoretical part.

From the history of temple architecture:

Analysis of the design and proportions of various temple structures.

From the history of our Church of the Nativity of Christ.

Analysis of the design and proportions of our temple.

Frontal and angular perspective of a cube.

Analysis of drawing composition options.

Practical part.

Drawing of the Church of the Nativity in pencil (from the side, three-quarter view or from the front).


Paper, pencil, ruler.

Topic: “The Beauty of God’s World.”

Goals: Formation of an aesthetic sense when perceiving living nature and paintings landscape genre.

Development of reproductive skills and creative abilities, development of the eye, compositional sense.

Strengthening skills in working with paints.

Lesson 9 Winter landscape.

Theoretical part.

Analysis of paintings with a winter theme.

Comparison color range in paintings and nature.

Practical part.

Carrying out the painting “Winter in the Forest” without drawing in pencil.

(Dictation from the teacher).

Materials: Paper, gouache paints, palette, brushes.

Topic: “Your heavenly patron.”

Goals: Formation of ideas about the heavenly patron.

Knowledge about the portrait genre, types of portraits, proportions of the angel’s figure and details of his clothing.

Development of creative abilities.

Strengthening skills in working with pencil and paints.

Lesson 10–11. Day Angel.

Theoretical part.

Analysis of the proportions of the figure, face, wings, hairstyle, details of the angel's costume.

Analysis of artistic portraits: shoulder, chest, waist and full-length.

Analysis of composition options for the Angel drawing (optional).

Practical part.

Lesson 9: Drawing an Angel in pencil.

Lesson 10: Color scheme of the drawing.

Materials: Paper, pencil, felt-tip pen, colored pencils, watercolor or gouache of your choice.

Topic: “The Feast of the Nativity of Christ.”

Goals: Formation of skills in compositional solution greeting card.

Development of creative abilities.

Strengthening skills in working with pencil and paints.

Lesson 11–12. Festive Christmas card.

Theoretical part.

Using knowledge and skills in developing a postcard composition depicting a winter background, a temple, trumpeting angels, and a holiday inscription.

Analysis of options for placing composition elements on a sheet of paper.

Analysis of the color scheme of the composition.

Practical part.

Drawing a postcard in pencil and color.

Use of decorating elements (sparkles).

Materials: Paper, pencil, watercolor or gouache of your choice, glitter, tinsel.

Topic: “Man is the pinnacle of God’s creation.”

Goals: Formation of ideas about man as the pinnacle of God's creation.

Development of creative abilities.

Consolidating skills in working with a pencil.

Lesson 13. Human's figure.

Theoretical part.

Fixing the proportions of the human figure, the human figure in motion.

Practical part.

Sketches and sketches of a human figure in motion.

Materials: Paper, simple pencil.

Topic: “Defenders of the Russian Land.”

Goals: Formation of ideas about man as the pinnacle of God’s creation, about heroism as a manifestation of the spiritual power of man, the formation of patriotic feelings.

Fixing the proportions of the human figure, the human figure in motion.

Knowledge from the history of the Fatherland, symbols, details of clothing and equipment of the Russian warrior.

Development of creative abilities.

Strengthening skills in working with pencil and paints.

Lesson 14. Holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

Theoretical part.

Facts from the history of our Motherland about the holy heroes: Ilya Muromets, Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, militia heroes Minin and Pozharsky and others, heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Analysis of clothing and weapons of a Russian warrior, uniforms of modern soldiers of various types of troops, some types of weapons, Vehicle(horse, tank, armored personnel carrier).

Analysis of works of fine art depicting heroes, and on themes of the Civil and Great Patriotic War.

Analysis of variants of the composition “Defender of the Fatherland” or “My dad (brother) in the army.”

Practical part:

Draw in color the figure of a Russian hero or a modern warrior with elements of weapons.


Topic: “Home. Family".

Goals: Formation of concepts about family, how small church.

Knowledge of the features of Russian wooden architecture, the interior of a Russian hut, a palace.

Knowledge of the laws of frontal perspective, the ability to draw an interior in frontal perspective.

Development of spatial concepts.

Development of creative abilities.

Strengthening skills in working with pencil and paints.

Lesson 15. Interior – the inside of a building.

Theoretical part.

Interior of a Russian hut, palace. Modern interiors. Features of filling and interior design.

Frontal perspective of the interior.

Color in the interior.

Practical part.

Drawing of the interior of your own room (plot) in frontal perspective.

Materials: Paper, pencil, ruler

Topic: “Easter Holiday”.

Goals: Formation of a reverent “Easter” feeling when remembering the Resurrection of Christ.

Formation of an aesthetic sense in choosing the composition of a greeting card, its elements, and color scheme.

Development of creative abilities.

Strengthening skills in working with pencil and paints.

Lesson 16–18. Easter card.

Theoretical part.

About celebrating Easter in church and at home.

Analysis of Easter paraphernalia (temple, eggs, Easter cake, Easter, willows).

Analysis of postcard composition options including the interior of the room, holiday attributes, angels and holiday inscription.

Practical part.

Lesson 16: Making a drawing of an egg with a decorative ornament and the letters H.V. in color.

Lesson 17: Making a composition in pencil for a holiday card drawing including a frontal interior with a window.

Lesson 18: Making a postcard in color.

Materials: Paper, pencil, watercolor or gouache of your choice.

(The program was compiled by an art teacher

Minenko Irina Anatolyevna)

Christian education and upbringing

42 min.


The program of classes for children aged 5–14 years is part of systematic and continuous classes with children and adults in the parish of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Pechatniki. It is based on the Recommendations for organizing the educational process in an Orthodox Sunday school (Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate, 1991, No. 18, pp. 51–54, as well as the magazine “Orthodox Community,” 1992, No. 5, pp. 53–64), Collection of educational programs (Law and Commandments of God. M., 1992), uses practical experience for last years in the respective schools and forms the basis of weekly thematic classes with kids.

The main directions of spiritual teaching of children (“The Rule of Good”, “ Prayer Rule", "Canon of Books", "Rule of Personal Life in the Church") are revealed not only in thematic lessons in the classroom, but also in combination with visits to other parishes, pilgrimages to monasteries, trips to nature, excursions to museums and exhibitions, home and school holidays, activities applied creativity, singing, physical culture, as well as by participating in works of mercy, charity and education, in feasible children’s ministries, and in participation in divine services.

It is assumed that the child learns and consolidates the basic well-known concepts of church Christian life in the process of acquiring his own experience church life, surrounded by senior mentors, parents and peers living in faith and the Church. Therefore, the main focus is on trying to lay the foundations general worldview child, to help overcome those difficulties that weaken his childish immature faith, to arouse in him a desire to live by faith, to instill an interest in reading and studying the Holy Scriptures and church tradition.

Classes for children are held in different age groups: 5–6; 7–8; 9–11; 12–14 years old.

At first school year an introductory lesson with continuing education and an interview with new children are expected in order to find out the spiritual mood, age and psychological characteristics, the level of knowledge and interests of children, as well as to determine the goals and objectives of working with them for the coming year, to draw up individual group programs based on this curriculum, which also take into account the professional knowledge and personal spiritual experience of teachers. Every year there is a return to the main topics and concepts in accordance with the new capabilities of the child.

In an individual program, the teacher selects readings from the Holy Scriptures, stories related to the history of the church, the lives of saints, passages for reading or retelling from works that correspond to the topics of the lessons fiction.

For groups consisting of church-going children, general topics additionally include information about the current holidays of the liturgical year in which they participate, learning church prayers appropriate to their age and perception, elements of iconography and the Church Slavonic language.

The program has a number of applications.

Appendix 1. Literature for teachers.

Appendix 2. General model of organizing work in Sunday school.

Appendix 3. Examples of individual lessons according to individual programs.

Appendix 4. Practice of gaming techniques in Sunday school classes for different age groups.

Appendix 5. Scenarios for children's holidays (Christmas, Easter, Candlemas, Annunciation).

Margarita Belotelova

Part one


To help children notice the beauty and reasonable structure of the world around them, to establish the concept of God as the Creator of the world. Learn to be grateful and caring towards all creation. Help the child enter into a living relationship with God, the world, and people. Awaken love for Jesus Christ by telling stories about His love for people. Teach the first skills of prayer. Prepare for participation in church sacraments.

Forms of classroom lessons

Story, reading, conversation, slide film, fine arts, dramatization of read stories, games, singing, listening to music.

In younger groups, a weekly lesson is more often considered as an independent lesson, not related to the previous one due to the peculiarities of perception of children of this age.

The form of the lesson should allow the child to demonstrate physical activity. For example, the narration is accompanied by gestures and sounds, children can repeat them, imitate movements, touch objects that illustrate the story, or completely dramatize the story they heard (play, puppet, or drawing). Creative work continues in the process of drawing, sculpting, and in realizing the opportunity to make something. good simple games with singing and role-playing, excluding competition and not requiring complex rules.

Stories from the Holy Scriptures are offered to children for the sake of the impression they can make on the child’s soul.

Examples from fiction (stories, poems, moral tales) can be used to help us unpack the stories of Scripture or as readings that we seek to understand through the experiences of the Bible stories.

When choosing topics for classes, the teacher can focus on certain areas that form the area of ​​the child’s basic ideas in his relationship with God and the world. Associated with these areas in the program is a selection of texts from the Holy Scriptures that we would like to introduce to children of this age.

It should be borne in mind that the event of the first confession for children 6–7 years old, both those already receiving communion and those just prepared to participate in the sacraments, is of exceptional importance. It is important that a child, prepared for constant and conscious communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, deeply feel the power of the Lord’s Love for all people, the joy of forgiveness of all who sincerely repent and the joy of the promise: He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me, and I in him ( John 6:56).

Possible areas of thematic classes

1. Beauty and wisdom in the world around us.

The joy of communicating with the animal and plant world, grateful and careful attitude to everything living.

Man-made and miraculous.

Known and unknowable by man.

Visible and invisible in the world.

2. The concept of God as the Creator. The world is our home.

A story about the creation of the world in a form in which children would feel how God put into the created world the opportunity to grow and develop. God's blessing to Adam and his wife. Peace is a gift that a person is called to protect and transform.

3. A series of lessons on ancient Russian history.

The meaning of world sacred history is the history of salvation. Sacrifice in the name of Christ and peace between people.

4. Getting to know the temple.

Temple - House of God (slide film); acquaintance with the temple, church utensils and other objects located in the temple; bells and ringing, making models and plans of churches.

5. Getting to know the icon.

An icon is a world of another life truth and meaning. The legend about the first icon. History of Vladimir, Kazan and other icons Mother of God. Pilgrimages to them. Life icons.

6. The concept of worship.

Church worship is a conciliar communion with God in love for God and for each other. First concepts of liturgy.

7. About names and heavenly patrons. Lives of the Saints.

Meaning of the name. The naming of all living things by Adam. How the Lord revealed His name to the chosen people. About holiness. Acquaintance with the life of St. Sergius of Radonezh (pilgrimage to Radonezh and the Trinity-Sergius Lavra), St. Seraphim of Sarov, VMC. Catherine, Barbara, St. Nicholas, Archbishop Mirlikiysky, blgv. book Boris and Gleb and others. Demonstration of life stories in an accessible and interesting form for children.

8. Prayer - turning to God.

Texts from the New Testament: about the Lord's Prayer; prayer of the publican and the Pharisee, Gethsemane prayer.

Texts from the Old Testament: Solomon’s prayer upon entering the royal throne, the story of the prophet Jonah as an example of the fact that what we want does not always coincide with what God wants; about the power of prayer, which healed the sick man contrary to what the prophet announced (the prayer of King Hezekiah).

9. Obedience and self-will.

Texts from the New Testament: the story of two sons sent to work in a vineyard; the story of the 12-year-old boy Jesus in the temple, the reason for His “disobedience” to Mother and Joseph; Mary and Joseph.

Texts from the Old Testament: the story of the Fall as man’s separation from God; Babel; Abraham's calling; how Balaam learned truth from his donkey.

10. Man’s desire for Good and Truth, for God. God's faithfulness to man. Christmas cycle.

Texts from the New Testament: the story of the coming of the Savior into the world.

Texts from the Old Testament: examples of the lives of the Old Testament righteous.

11. Love and care in the family, conflicts. The role of the family in preserving God's blessing to the people.

Texts from the New Testament: stories from the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Childhood of Jesus Christ. Candlemas. Flight to Egypt. Family life in Nazareth.

Texts from the Old Testament: the story of Noah; promise to Abraham; Isaac and his sons; the story of Joseph; stories about Tobit and his son Tobias.

Examples from the life of Russian saints: relationships with the parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh and St. Seraphim of Sarov with his mother.

12. Mercy, compassion and caring attitude towards people and all living things.

Texts from the New Testament: about the Good Samaritan; multiplying joy by turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana of Galilee; miracle over the loaves; resurrection of the only son of the widow in Nain and the daughter of Jairus.

Texts from the Old Testament: how Abraham helped his nephew Lot; the resurrection of the widow's son by the prophet Elijah; a lesson in mercy to the prophet Jonah.

13. Good and evil in the world. About earthly and heavenly blessings.

Texts from the New Testament: about the merciful king and the evil servant; the parable of the rich man and the beggar Lazarus; about a rich young man; two mites for a poor widow; the parable of the workers in the vineyard; parable of the sower.

Texts from the Old Testament: Cain and Abel; the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah; stories about King David; Solomon's court.

14. Hard work. The Lord gives everyone his own talent.

Texts from the New Testament: the parable of the talents.

Texts from the Old Testament: building the tabernacle; Old Testament temple; wisdom of Solomon.

15. Lord and children.

Texts from the New Testament: a story about a boy who brought Christ his fish and bread to feed the crowd; blessing of children.

Texts from the Old Testament: the testimony of a little girl who led the military leader Naaman to the living and true God.

16. Repentance as a return to life created and given to us by God, a return to the House of the Father.

Texts from the New Testament: the parable of the publican and the Pharisee; return of the prodigal son.

Texts from the Old Testament: the repentance of the Ninevites.

17. Redeeming and saving power of suffering. Easter cycle.

Texts from the New Testament: the parable of the vinedresser who sacrifices his son; a story about the suffering, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Texts from the Old Testament: Abraham sacrifices Isaac.

18. About Faith.

Texts from the New Testament: Jesus and the Samaritan woman; faith of the Canaanite woman; parable of the paralytic; healing the blind; walking on the waters.

Texts from the Old Testament: Moses and copper serpent; Elijah and the prophets of Baal.

19. About God's help in moments of danger.

Texts from the New Testament: taming the storm; An angel frees the apostles from prison.

Texts from the Old Testament: three youths in a fiery furnace; Daniel in the lions' den; prophet Jonah.

20. Epiphanies. Wisdom of God. Holy Trinity. Deity of the Holy Spirit.

Texts from the New Testament: The Baptism of Jesus; the Savior's commandment about baptism; Sermon on the Mount; Transfiguration; Pentecost.

Texts from the Old Testament: the appearance of God to Moses; giving the 10 commandments to the Jewish people (without considering the commandments themselves); appearance of three angels to Abraham.

Part two

First year of study
(possible starting age 9–11 years)

I topic. God is the Creator of the world and man

1. How does a person learn about God? (3 - 4 lessons).
1.1. The greatness and beauty of nature, its laws testify to the Creator.

In nature, man sees examples of unattainable beauty and wisdom. Everything in the world moves, grows and dies not according to its own will, but according to laws that cannot be changed. The joy of communicating with living nature. A grateful and caring attitude towards the environment. It’s good if a picturesque place is chosen for a walk where the temple is located.

Lesson forms

Slide film with a story, Socratic conversation. A trip to nature, games, drawing, a fire, getting to know the temple.

1.2. Visible and invisible in the world.

How do we know the visible and invisible in the world? The Lord Omnipresent is invisible with our eyes, but we see His deeds and can feel Him with our hearts.

Lesson forms

Socratic conversation, drawing on the topic of the lesson, story.

1.3. Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition.

God reveals Himself through the people He has chosen: prophets, saints. The fullness and perfection of God's Revelation in the God-man Jesus Christ. This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent (John 17:3). Completeness and perfection of God's knowledge.

Lesson forms

Story, Socratic conversation, work with illustrative material.

2. Creation of the world. Six days (5 - 6 lessons).
2.1. First day of creation.

Sources of our knowledge about the creation of the world. The biblical narrative and scientific data about the creative transformation of primordial matter on the “first day” of the world. The concept of "day" in the Bible.

Lesson forms

Story, reading, Socratic conversation, drawing on the theme of the creation of the “first day” on a damp sheet of paper with two colors (blue and yellow).

2.2. Second, third and fourth days of creation.

The creation of the world by the creative word of God on the second, third and fourth days according to the Bible and the corresponding knowledge of nature by man. “Controversial issues” (the origin of plants without the sun; why the Lord not only commands plants to exist, but commands the earth to produce them, etc.).

Lesson forms

A story, a Socratic conversation using illustrations, joint drawing, an application on a common large sheet on the topic of the lesson.

2.3. Fifth and sixth days of creation.

The appearance of the "living soul", the blessing and command to grow and multiply according to the biblical narrative and the research of modern sciences. Acquaintance with the diversity of the world of birds, fish, animals using illustration material. Talk about your favorite animals. Excerpts from hagiographies dedicated to the special relationship between man and animal.

One of the lessons may be devoted to acquaintance with exhibitions and museums related to the topic (zoological, paleontological, biological, mineralogical, planetarium, etc.).

Lesson forms

Story, reading, Socratic conversation, modeling from plasticine, clay, “lithography” using natural material on the topic of the lesson.

2.4. Sixth day of creation.

Preparation for the creation of man: the universal order of visible creation is a constant ascent to the most perfect. The creation of Adam and his wife (biblical story). Life in paradise. Where to look for the image of God in man?

Lesson forms

A story, reading, Socratic conversation, drawing on the theme of heaven, a portrait of a loved one, etc.

2.5. Peace is a gift that a person is called to protect and transform.

What is God's motive for creating the world? Diversity of flora and fauna, the ability to develop all living things. The purpose of man in the world. The feeling of his deepest gratitude to the Creator. The creation of the world is the greatest mystery, which we “understand by faith.”

Lesson forms

Story, reading, Socratic conversation, slide film.

II topic. Covenant (a person’s connection with God through loyalty to Him and God’s promises)

1. The first covenant between God and man.
What is a covenant? Law? Examples of agreements between people.

God's first prehistoric covenant with Adam. The Fall. Obedience. Cain and Abel. Repentance.

Lesson forms

Storytelling, reading, Socratic conversation, drawing, modeling and designing on the topic of the lesson, coloring drawings with corresponding scenes.

2. God's faithfulness to his covenant with man.

The beginning of human history. What is needed for people to live fairly? Who can make a law? Every covenant of God with man is a covenant of life and peace. Loyalty. Covenants with Noah, Abraham and Moses. What do the 10 commandments taught by the Lord to the Jewish people? Prophecies about the New Testament.

III topic. Divine providence for the salvation of man

1. Concept church holiday. Fasting as preparation for a holiday event.

What is a holiday? What holidays are there? Church holidays - experiencing the great events of the Gospel and church history, communion with eternity.

The concept of fasting. Church fasting is the path to the source that reveals the truth of God's will. Personal obligations during Lent.

2. God is the Savior of the world. Event of the Nativity of Christ.

God Himself desired to approach the man who had fallen away from Him so that he, without fearing Him, could again freely make his choice and return to God.

Preparing humanity for the incarnation of Christ the Savior. A story about the Mother of God, who was the pinnacle of the human race.

A great night in the history of the human race. The greatness of God's love is not connected with the glory of this world. The mystery of the incarnation.

Preparing gifts, learning songs, poems, rehearsing a play for the Nativity of Christ.

Children's holiday.

Lesson forms

Storytelling, reading, Socratic conversation, drawing on holiday themes: Bethlehem night, etc., acting out Christmas stories.

3. About the life and teachings of Christ.

Childhood of Jesus Christ. Candlemas. Flight to Egypt. Life in Nazareth. Baptism.

The care of Jesus Christ for people (marriage in Cana of Galilee, healing of the paralytic, feeding with bread...).

The Transfiguration of the Lord is the manifestation of Divine glory and the guarantee of the future glorification of man and all creation.

IV topic. Forgiveness and openness to each other as the beginning of the path to the joy of meeting the Resurrection of Christ and joining the Church of God

1. Family. Violations of love in the family. Parable about prodigal son. The all-forgiving love of a father is an image of God’s love for people. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things (1 Cor 13:7).

2. Our willingness to not be strangers to each other. Forgiveness Sunday. Great Lent.

Lesson forms

Reading, conversation.

V topic. Temple. Basic concepts about worship

1. Personal prayer.

What is prayer? - Conversation, conversation, appeal to God.

What kind of relationships between people is the conversation related to? - Communication between father and son, elder and younger.

Why do we turn to elders? What relationships are important? - Trust, love, attention, reverence.

What does the verb “to pray” mean? Is it only with a request that we turn to God? What other feelings are we ready to express to someone who loves us? - Stories about your thoughts, feelings, needs, joys, expressions of your love.

What is important in communication between two people? - Listening and speaking skills. Do we always understand the interlocutor’s answer? How to hear God's answer?

The Lord sees and hears us wherever we are. Are the time and place of prayer important? Environment?

Approach the concept of unity of manifestation of feelings, mind and of one's own will in prayer; the distinction of petition, thanksgiving, repentance, praise; understanding that our desires do not always coincide with what God wants; that there may be a place and time when it is especially good to pray to the Heavenly Father.

Prayer in your own words.

Prayers: “Lord, bless!”, “Lord, have mercy!”, “Glory to God!”, “Lord, save and preserve!”.

Prayers for family and friends.

Lord's Prayer.

Lesson forms

Story, reading, Socratic conversation, making your own children's prayer book (designing the cover, writing down prayers, decorating the text with ornaments).

2. Congregational prayer. Temple.

In a loving family, children often gather around their father. The father rejoices at every child who comes and to everyone gathered. The Lord also rejoices in communion with each of us, but He also rejoices in the common congregational communion with Him of His entire family, the entire Church. “Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them.”

A temple is a place of congregational prayer.

Church services are a conciliar communion with God in love for Him and for each other.

Temple (appearance, structure, decoration). Priests and their vestments.

Lesson forms

A story, a Socratic conversation, a visit to the temple.

3. Prayer and icon.

Event of the Annunciation (story about the event; comparison of icons and paintings dedicated to it).

Lesson forms

Story, work with illustrative material.

4. Worship and sacrament.

The existence of a certain course and order in the prayer life of the Church. The presence of the main and preparatory in it.

Can we see everything that exists? What is “mystery” and “sacrament”?

What do bread and wine mean to a person? What meaning does food have for us?

What miracles did Christ perform on bread and wine?

Last Supper. Sacrament of Communion.

5. First concepts of liturgy.

The sacrament of transmuting bread and wine into the Body and Blood of the Lord is performed at the liturgy - the most important divine service of Christians.

Explanation of the words "liturgy" and "Eucharist". Liturgy is the first service that ancient Christians began to perform after the Resurrection of Christ on Pentecost. Brief historical information about the liturgy. Main parts of the service. Who are the catechumens and what do the faithful mean? Why do only the faithful gather in the temple to perform the sacrament?

Lesson forms

Story, Socratic conversation, visual arts, participation in worship.

VI topic. Victory of life

1. Events from the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem to the Resurrection of the Lord.

The Mystery of the Resurrection of Christ. The Lord came to save, spiritualize and change the lives of each of us.

2. Appearances of Christ after the Resurrection. The Ascension of the Lord and the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. Church as a gate eternal Life. Personal path of a person in the Church.

Lesson forms

Story, Socratic conversation, visual arts, preparation for Easter.

Second year of study

I topic. Man, God, world

1. Human creative activity.

The inherent human ability to be creative. The world is a source of inspiration and a material basis for man-made things. The law of human creative action (first thought, then action; first an idea, then its embodiment; first contemplation, then creativity).

Lesson forms

Working with visual material, storytelling, Socratic conversation, listening to music, literary creativity, drawing, modeling, needlework.

2. Creation and creativity.

Slides - parallels, examples of how what exists in nature can serve as a model for creative activity person. Co-creation, the community of man and nature. How can you imagine the human author of the work you saw? Who is the Creator of things not made by hands? What can we learn about Him from His creation?

God calls His creation out of nothingness. The creative word of God. Divine seal marking human knowledge and art. The law of true creativity. Meanings of the biblical word "created" in Hebrew.

Trips, excursions based on lesson topics.

Lesson forms

Slide film, Socratic conversation.

3. God is the Creator human soul.

Laws of the human soul. Manifestations of her divine nature. Conformity to God and the calling to God-likeness. Internal prerequisites for evil and sin in primordial man and the world created by God. Human freedom of will as a manifestation of God's Love. Self-will. The emergence of evil in the world. God did not create evil.

Lesson forms

Slide film, story, Socratic conversation, drawing.

4. The greatness of the Lord's creations.

Creation of the invisible world. Inanimate matter. The emergence of life. Flora and fauna. The crown of God's creation. Comparing the biblical narrative with what it says modern science. Man is a mediator between God and the world.

Lesson forms

Slide film about the origin of life on earth, conversation, drawing on a common sheet on the topic “Our world is God’s creation.”

5. God is Father, Almighty, Creator.

Showing unlimited love for us, God allowed us to call Him Father in prayer appeal to him. By His omnipotent will He supports the existence of the world He created and all the orders in it. 1st member of the Creed.

Lesson forms

Socratic conversation, story, visual creativity.

II topic. Glorification of the Creator

1. Introduction to the Psalter.

Authorship of the Psalter. The Psalter is a huge picturesque canvas of human life. Analysis of passages of psalms expressing what worries the hearts of those faithful to God: grief over iniquities on earth, hope for the victory of light over darkness, repentance for personal sins, thirst for salvation from above.

Lesson forms

Story, reading, drawing.

2. The history of the creation of the world in worship.

Reading and analysis of Psalm 103. Excerpts from psalms used in evening worship.

Children's participation in the evening service in the temple.

Lesson forms

Reading, storytelling, listening to tape recordings of individual parts of the evening service, preparing for reading and singing in church.

III topic. The Nearness of God

1. Communion with God in a unanimous presence with “an undivided mind, an undivided heart and an undivided will.”

Deepening the concepts of prayer and fasting. Order of prayer using the example of the Psalter. A combination of prayer in your own words with canonical prayer. Prayer rule. Personal obligations during the Nativity Fast.

Lesson forms

Story, conversation, listening to recordings of liturgical prayers.

2. Revelation and knowledge of the Epiphany in the world.

The main events from the life of the Savior and the Mother of God (from those known from last year). Nativity of the Mother of God. Introduction to the temple. Annunciation. Nativity. Childhood of Jesus Christ. Candlemas. Flight to Egypt. Family life in Nazareth. Baptism of Jesus Christ.

Lesson forms

Looking at a children's illustrated Bible, telling a story, reading, drawing.

3. Christmas.

Preparation of the Christmas mystery as a new experience of the Christmas event and deepening the concept of a church holiday. Preparing holiday gifts.

Children's holiday.

Lesson forms

Reading Christmas stories, dramatization, learning songs, poems, visual arts.

IV topic. The love of God, which delivers man from evil and bestows the fullness of all good, is a call to our mercy, hope, faith and love

1. About the moral teaching of the New Testament in comparison with the Old Testament teaching.

Remember what a covenant is (First Year, Topic II). Legal-contractual equality of Old Testament man with God. In every law that is from God there is good. Law of conscience. Commandments about love for God and neighbor in the Law of Moses. Evangelical succession of the law: So in everything, whatever you want people to do to you, do likewise to them (Matthew 7:12).

The meaning of the law in the New Testament. The life of Jesus Christ on earth is the fulfillment of the law and the prophets.

Lesson forms

Story, conversation, visual arts.

2. Christ's call to love by examples of love.

Love is a free feeling that can only be called upon. The miracle at Cana of Galilee is an increase in joy; casting out demons, healing the sick, raising the dead - deliverance from suffering and the mortal consequences of sin; miracles over nature are the manifestation of Love, restoring man’s power over the elements, lost after the Fall.

The sacrament of the Church is Christ's ongoing miracle-working.

3. Virtues are God's gifts to man.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights (James 1:17).

Faith. Hope. Knowledge. Wisdom. Honesty. Humility. Obedience. Patience. Fearlessness. Loyalty. Self-control. Kindness. Gratitude.

4. Desire for the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of Heaven and its origin in the heart of man [treasures hidden in the field (Matthew 13:44), pearl of great price (Matthew 13:45); house built on rock (Matthew 7:24); the parables of the mustard seed (Matt 13:44; Mk 4:31), the leaven (Matt 13:33), “let the little children come to me” (Mk 10:14), the Beatitudes (Matt 5:3).

Loyalty to God [about the unrighteous steward (Luke 16:1)].

Active love to your neighbor [ (Matthew 25:32); about St. Dr. Haase, about prmts. Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna and about mother Maria (Skobtsova)].

Non-judgment [about the bitch and the beam (Mt 7:3; Lk 6:41)].

Forgiving your neighbor (Matthew 18:21).

Repentance [parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11–32)].

Compassionate love [the parable of Last Judgment(Matthew 25:31–46)].

5. Commemoration of the dead. Parents' Saturdays.

V topic. Conciliar service to God

1. The temple is a reminder to a person of his highest calling.

Lesson form

Slide film.

2. Daily cycle of worship. Excerpts from psalms often used in worship. Liturgy. Its main parts. The main thing in each of them.

Lesson form

Storytelling, reading, acquaintance with specialized literature.

3. An icon is a form of expression of the inner harmony of a person, reconciled with God, with himself and with the world.

Lesson form

Slide film.

VI topic. Christian Faith and Confession

1. Life of the Savior. Christ is the God-man.

2–7 members of the Creed.

Lesson form

Slide film.

2. The sermon of the apostles. The life of the first Christians. 8–12 members of the Creed.

Lesson form

A story, reading, summarizing the basic concepts on the themes of the year that are expressed in the Creed, a “quiz” of questions that help reveal the content of the Creed.

Third year of study

I topic. Image of history

1. What is history?

The concept of history, translation of the word “history”. History is a story about a past event. Can we immediately explain an event when we see it? What stories are we familiar with?

(Make a story about the life of your group, illustrating it with drawings made in class, photographs, poems, songs brought in. Use chronicles of “settlements” in summer camps Sunday school.)

2. Mythopoetic language of the Bible.

What is the difference between a fairy tale and a short story? How is life described in a fairy tale? What is a fable? What is its meaning? How long do fairy tales and fables last? Fairy tales and fables are examples of parables. Why do we use parables? The example of King David and the prophet Nathan (2 Samuel 12).

(Write a fairy tale and make illustrations for it.)

What is poetic language? How is it different from the usual one? Is there always rhyme in a poetic text? rhythm? An example of a poetic text ((Proverbs of Solomon 8: 22–31); S.S. Averintsev. Poem about Saint Barbara. New World. 1989, No. 10, p. 151.) How is it born poetic text? What is inspiration? His sources. Can there always be Divine revelation behind what is revealed and based on visions? Which person is it available to?

Divine revelation about the creation of the world and man. How are scientific ideas about the world changing? Why does the biblical picture of the world not age? How old is she? Poetic parallelism in the description of the days of creation. The meaning of the creation of the world. The beginning of creation.

(Drawing on the themes of images of the creation of the world.)

3. Sacred history.

The beginning of human history. Sacred history is the experience of Divine revelation accumulated by humanity. Remember what stories have already been talked about (lesson 1). No story can be separate. The center of world history is the history of salvation and the relationship of the world and man with God.

II topic. History as the expectation of the Savior in the Old Testament

1. An inexhaustible thirst for forgiveness and liberation of humanity from evil and sin.

Evil in the world created by God. The Flood and the Tower of Babel. Noah's obedience. A thread of generations faithful to God.

2. Father of believers.

Abraham and his faithfulness to God. God's promise to the patriarch and his descendants. Keeping the Promise. Isaac and his sons. Joseph's story.

3. Giving the law to the people of God to limit the growing evil in the world.

Moses. His life in Egypt. The appearance of God in the Burning Bush. Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. A forty-year journey through the desert. Construction of the tabernacle. Giving of the Ten Commandments.

4. The times of the prophets.

King David's love for God. The wisdom of King Solomon.

The essence of the ministry of the prophets. Hope in God and His salvation through the Savior of the world - the Messiah.

Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jonah, Elijah, Elisha, Daniel.

5. Judea at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Geographical and historical information.

(Story, conversation, slide films, built on associative perception and using images of Old Testament scenes in classic paintings; visual creativity on the topic of what was heard with the desire to imagine oneself in this situation; with the help of the teacher, a homemade map is drawn up, on which the places of all the events taking place are marked .)

III topic. History as Revelation in the New Testament

1. Epiphany in Christ.

Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Introduction to the Temple. Annunciation. Meeting between Mary and Elizabeth.


Meeting of the Lord. Flight of the Holy Family to Egypt. Massacre of the innocents. Return to Nazareth. Travel to Jerusalem.

John the Baptist. Christmas of St. John the Baptist, his life, his sermon.

Baptism of Jesus Christ.

Temptation of the Lord in the desert.

2. The evangelistic stage of the life of Jesus - the Son of Man and the Son of God.

First sermon in Nazareth.

The calling of the first disciples. Election of the 12 and 70 apostles.

Sermon on the Mount.

Lord's Prayer. Teaching about the Kingdom of God.

Relationship to God and neighbor.

Miracles of Christ.

Confession of Faith by the Apostle Peter. Transfiguration.

Prediction about the death of Jerusalem and the end of the world. Parable of the 10 virgins. Teachings of Jesus Christ about the Last Judgment.

The Raising of Lazarus. Meeting of the High Priests and Pharisees.

3. Redemptive suffering and death of the Lord. Resurrection and Ascension of Christ.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Curse of the fig tree. Expulsion of traders from the temple.

Last Supper. Betrayal of Judas.

Night in Gethsemane.

The trial of Jesus Christ.

Crucifixion and death of the Savior.

The removal of the Lord's body from the cross and the guarding of the tomb.

Resurrection of Christ.

The appearance of the risen Savior.

His Ascension into Heaven.

Simultaneously with the lessons on topic III, preparations are being made for the celebration of Christmas, and topics IV and V are also considered.

IV topic. Forgiveness in the Old Testament. Forgiveness of sins is a great gift to the man of the New Testament

Repentance as a return to life created and given to us by God. Old Testament and New Testament examples of repentance.

Whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven (John 20:23). Sacrament of repentance.

Confession and preparation for it.

About prayer.

Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian.

V topic. History of worship and its features

1. History of the temple and worship.

The first temple of God is the created world. The purpose of man is to seek God and be in communion with Him. The Fall destroyed man's constant connection with God. The era of searching for God and meeting Him.

The construction of a temple is a manifestation of not only human, but also God’s will. The Tabernacle of Meeting of Moses. Consecration of the new tabernacle. Her device. Worship in it. The Ark of the Covenant of God in Jerusalem during the reign of David. Temple of Solomon. The structure of the Old Testament temple (Holy of Holies, Holy Place, Porch. Courts: priestly, Israelis, women, pagans). Purpose of the temple. The disappearance of the Ark of the Covenant. "Ark" of the New Testament. Man is the temple of God.

The first meetings of Christians.

Order of worship.

2. Events of Old Testament and New Testament history in the paintings of churches.

[Excursions to temples.]

3. Events of Old Testament history in the evening service, irmos and troparia of the Matins canon; gospel narratives that became famous “songs” of worship.

4. The concept of litany.

5. Liturgy: its eternal meaning, parts of the liturgy.

6. The concept of the annual circle of worship, the weekly and daily circle.

VI topic. The beginning of Church history

1. The beginning of the earthly Church.

2. Divine services of the first centuries.

3. Persecution of Christians.

4. Fathers and defenders of the faith. The history of the Church is the history of its holiness.

5. Some concepts about the structure of the Church (succession in time, local unity and modern world).

6. Church earthly and heavenly.

Fourth year of study

I topic. Introduction to Tradition

Insight and experience. What is revelation? What does it take for one person to open up to another? What kinds of revelations are there? How does a person gain knowledge of something? What does it serve?

What kind of person is accessible to Divine revelation? Why is knowledge of God possible only for man?

Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture are the experience of Divine revelation and knowledge of God accumulated by humanity. Is this experience complete? What do the words of A. Khomyakov mean: Only he can understand a prophet who is a prophet himself?

What sacred things have been passed on to us by other people?

The Holy Scripture of the Church is the Bible;

Dogmatic decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, sacraments of the Church, canonical decrees, the works of the holy fathers, their lives, theological works and sermons;

Liturgical texts and rituals;

Church art.

The inequality of church tradition, its agreement with the living experience of the Church.

II topic. Bible - Word of God

1. History of creation. The Bible in the modern world (various editions, translations, circulations).

2. Books of the New Testament (Four Gospels. Acts of the Holy Apostles. Apostolic Epistles. Revelation of St. John the Theologian). Their history and brief description.

3. The books of the Old Testament (legislative, historical, teaching and prophetic) are the threshold of the coming of Christ.

4. Reading the Bible.

Readings from the books of the New Testament (Saturday, Sunday, holidays - in accordance with the annual cycle). Analysis and understanding of the meaning of what is read, the connection between reading and today's life, personal problems.

Reading skills in Church Slavonic and translation into Russian.

Regular home reading of the Old Testament books (from the Bible retold for older children) in the following order:

1) educational books (as help to a person in understanding obedience to the commandments of God, glorifying God and the path to prayer to Him);

2) legal books (as a majestic, wonderful picture of the origin of the earth and the universe and the history of the development of the ancient world, life, character and beliefs of ancient people, the special relationship established between God and the chosen people);

3) prophetic books (as a sermon of fidelity to the One Creator, predictions about the coming to earth of the Redeemer of the world - Christ and about the future destinies of humanity and the world).

Answers to questions about what you read. An attempt to disassemble and connect the texts with the New Testament in order to reveal the meaning of the Old Testament readings through the New Testament and to comprehend the latter through the Old Testament. Help children make connections between the texts of the Holy Scriptures themselves. Introduce reference literature.

III topic. True. Order. Rule. Chin

1. The concept of the dogmatic teaching of the Church. Resolutions of the Ecumenical Councils. Dogmas of the Orthodox Church.

2. The sanctifying meaning of the sacraments.

The concept of sacrament. Church sacrament. Sacrament and magical effect. Failure to understand the meaning of the sacrament deprives a person of participation in it. A Brief Explanation of the Seven Sacraments. The meaning of the sacraments in your own life.

3. Canons.

The concept of church canon law. The meaning and forms of the canon with the development of church tradition. A rule prohibiting trade in the Sacraments of the Church.

4. The lives of the saints are evidence of the authenticity of the Christian Gospel.

Holy Fathers of the Church. Patristic teaching. The nature of the exploits of the saints. Selected Lives.

5. Worship is public and private. Circle of worship (daily, weekly, annual).

The usual circle of church services.

Divine services of the day. General meaning and explanation. Knowledge of terms (troparion, kontakion, litany, parimia, kathisma, polyeleos, etc.).

Weekly circle. Singing individual voices.

Cyclicality of time and uniqueness. New Year's Eve. Start church year. Divine services of the year. Posts. Twelfth holidays.

The concept of private worship.

6. Liturgical texts in church practice.

The origin of liturgical texts and chants. Their authors.

Prayer rule. Compulsion to prayer.

Prayer services. Memorial service.

Liturgical books.

Theology of the icon, its connection with worship.

Akathist as an example of church hymnography.

IV topic. The Church is the assembly of the called, chosen from the world

1. The Eucharist as a Sacrament. Follow-up service.

2. Great saints of the 1st century.

3. History of persecution of Christians. The meaning of martyrdom.

4. Monasticism. Monasticism. Monasticism in the world. Monastic communities of the laity. Missionary work.

5. Lay ministry in the church

Learning to draw: about drawing lessons at the Sunday school at the temple in Kostino
Author: teacher of the Law of God Ekaterina Bocharova,

Every Sunday, the children of our middle and senior groups have drawing lessons under the guidance of young and talented teachers Tamara Yuryevna Kazymova and Nina Yuryevna Dyachkova.
For many students, spending an hour in the fine arts classroom is their favorite lesson of all subjects at school. And this is not surprising. After all, one of the main features of drawing is its focus on results. Children have the opportunity to see the fruits of their labors and show them to their loved ones, receive praise and friendly criticism, which is very important for a child.

A significant factor in a successful creative process is the psychological environment in which Sunday school students express themselves and improve. During classes, little artists are allowed to freely communicate with each other, consult, share impressions - all this creates a friendly atmosphere in which children look for answers to their questions, learn to be attentive, and notice the beauty of God's world and man. In the process of drawing, a young person develops the skills and abilities necessary for later life: seeing, observing, focusing, analyzing, and ultimately, feeling. Children who draw develop creative thinking, they begin to see the whole picture “as a whole”, not individual objects or people, but in the environment, in the environment.

Of particular interest is the variety of types and forms of classes conducted. Each lesson is not similar to the previous one, each has its own unique twist:

Teamwork. On a large format of paper, children develop a composition based on a given or chosen topic, make a drawing and begin to work with paints. Often they disagree with each other, then teachers and “apprentices” all learn together to resolve misunderstandings, listen to each other, give in and come to a common decision. Often such joint works subsequently become decorations for performances, or fragments of decorations for Sunday school holidays.

Drawings on a separate sheet. This type of creativity is characterized by the artist’s greater concentration on his emotions, feelings and desires. Here the individuality of each child, his personal preferences, views on individual things and the world as a whole is more clearly visible. The smaller the canvas format, the more attention is required from the young painter to small details and subtle nuances of the future masterpiece.

Works on the poem. The guys try to reproduce on paper their associations from the poetic work they heard. This could be a poem associated with the time of year or with the state of nature, with a holiday or, for example, with shades of the same color:

S. Cherny
Green verses (fragment)

All the edges are turning green,
The pond is turning green.
And the green frogs
They sing a song.

Christmas tree - a sheaf of green candles,
Moss is a green floor.
And a green grasshopper
I started a song...

Poetry makes a child think and gives rise to his creative thoughts, which will be reflected in a future drawing. It is interesting that the final result may have nothing to do with the poem; it becomes a colorful expression of the child’s emotional mood, formed under the influence of the rhymes he heard.

Illustration of poems. In this type of artistic work, children make sketches on a topic they have heard. It is especially good to reproduce in color those poems in which the beauty of nature is vividly and in detail described, for example:

I. Bunin
Leaf fall (fragment)

The forest is like a painted tower,
Lilac, gold, crimson,
A cheerful, motley wall
Standing above a bright clearing.
Birch trees with yellow carving
Glisten in the blue azure,
Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there through the foliage
Clearances in the sky, like a window.

Drawing from life. Most often these are thematic still lifes. By completing such tasks, children learn to compare shades and shapes, try to correctly convey the proportions of objects and their color, and become familiar with the basics of perspective.

Carrying out imagination work on the topics: “kindness”, “what I would like to see from the window in spring”, “the world illuminated by God’s light”. In such works, teachers set students various artistic tasks, for example, working with a limited amount of paints, using shades of the same color, etc.

Portraits. Probably one of the most difficult and interesting visual genres. Sometimes the children are given the task of drawing a portrait in an image. For example, a portrait of a desk neighbor in the image of a season or a fairy-tale hero. This is done so that it is more interesting to draw and the little artist learns to compare shapes, sizes, and moods.

Paper crafts, appliqués, mixed media work using interesting materials and tools. Thanks to the creative approach of teachers, children have the opportunity to gain painting skills not only with pencils and paints, but also with crayons, pastels, and graphite. Work is carried out using corrugated and compressed paper, a variety of fabrics.

In the classroom there is always an atmosphere of creativity and mutual interest between the children and each other. The foundation of the classes is self-expression and the child’s free will. Nobody forces or forces anyone. Teachers have an individual approach to each of the children, based on respect for the child as a unique individual. Work often takes place under classical music. Works by famous composers promote concentration and a more sensitive perception of the world around us. Music usually sets the mood to match the theme of the lesson and allows children to come up with more interesting solutions.

Tamara Yuryevna: We try to conduct classes in such a way that in the process of drawing the children learn not only the skills of working with shape, color, perspective, but also develop good qualities in themselves: hard work, attention to each other, the ability to bring the work started to its logical conclusion, perceive the authority of elders, feel harmony and beauty. After all, drawing is a wonderful way that allows you to look at God’s world with different eyes and try to change yourself for the better.

Nina Yuryevna: The main goal of our lessons is for children to meet God. We strive to ensure that children, through the perception of beauty, learn to notice manifestations of Divine love, care and mercy for people. We hope that our classes will help students and their parents become kind, sympathetic, sensitive people, members of the Church, and true Christians.

Author: teacher of the Law of God Ekaterina Bocharova,