Denis Maidanov: biography, personal life. The nanny of Denis Maidanov’s son spilled their family secrets

Famous hitmaker in musical world– this is what colleagues call Denis Maidanov, author and performer of songs, poet, actor, composer, music producer. Denis is a laureate of the Song of the Year festival and winner of the Golden Gramophone award.

Denis's parents

Denis Vasilyevich Maidanov was born into a family of ordinary employees who had nothing to do with music. My father was an engineer at a chemical company. Mother, Evgenia Petrovna, held the position of chief HR department construction plant. When the boy was 8 years old, his parents divorced.

Due to severe financial condition little Denis with early years started to work.

Denis maidanov

Wife - Natalya Maidanova

With my future wife the singer met by chance. Natalya Kolesnikova contacted the production center, where Denis met her. The girl was born in Tashkent, but when unrest began in the country, she and her parents moved to Russia permanently. Since childhood, Natalya loved to write poetry. Having moved to Moscow, the girl decided to show them to the producer. This is how she met her future husband.

And, although the first meeting was unsuccessful - Maidanov criticized the work of the young poetess - after 2 years the young people got married.

Denis Maidanov and Natalya Kolesnikova

Denis Maidanov’s family leads an interesting and eventful lifestyle. Currently married couple not only lives together, but also works. Natalya accompanies her husband on tour, helping him on his creative path. She is also the director of Denis’s group – “Terminal D”.

Denis Maidanov with his wife Natalya Kolesnikova

Children of Denis Maidanov

Denis Maidanov is the father of two children - son Borislav (born in 2013) and daughter Vlada (born in 2008). Maidanov’s daughter is growing up as a sociable child, loves to read, enjoys dancing, and goes to music school. In the role of an older sister, she looks after her brother when her parents are busy with creativity.

The loving father is incredibly close to her and considers Vlada his muse. Natalya, jokingly, calls this couple the “house mafia.”

Denis Maidanov with his wife and daughter

Despite the fact that the girl exhibits musical abilities, dad sees her success in the sports field. For this reason, Denis insisted that the girl start playing tennis.

When Maidanov’s son was born, the family tried very hard not to advertise this event. The extravagant name Borislav means “fortress of the clan” (translated from Old Russian).

Denis Maidanov with his family

Your loved ones popular artist He adores him, both his children and his wife come first for him. There is no place for quarrels and scandals in the star’s family, according to at least, yellow press I couldn’t dig up any juicy facts.

, Natalya Vetlitskaya, Jasmine and many others. He also became popular as a singer after the release of his debut album “I will know that you love me” in 2009. Eternal love”, which instantly won the hearts of listeners.

Childhood and family of Denis Maidanov

Maidanov was born on February 17, 1976 in the Saratov region (in Balakovo). When he was 8 years old, his parents separated and his father left the family. Denis and his mother had a hard time living financially. She worked as a janitor and watchman in a kindergarten. And Denis helped her - he brought her her first salary at the age of 13.

He studied well at school, participated in amateur performances, and attended music school. He was fond of playing the guitar, imitating the work of the rock group “Chaif” and Viktor Tsoi, and sang in a school vocal and instrumental ensemble.

Because of his youthful maximalism and desire to always achieve justice in everything, he often argued with teachers, defending his own point of view. Excessive ardor, straightforwardness and lack of flexibility of thinking even became the reason that Denis is, in general, positive, hardworking and open child- was registered in the children's room of the police.

Denis's education

After 9th grade, Maidanov entered a chemical-technological technical school, although he could have successfully completed his ten-year education. The reason for this decision was the chronic lack of money in the family, and the mother’s desire to provide for her son professional education. The exact sciences did not inspire Denis too much, but he was the captain of KVN of this educational institution, the head of the VIA, ensuring priority during the exams. In addition, he went to evening school, with the goal of later entering the cultural institute.

Patience and work are known to bring success. And Denis entered distance learning at the Moscow Institute of Culture. Moreover, it passed despite the high competition - 12 people per place.

Without financial support, Denis made a living as best he could - as a worker at a car wash, as an assembler at a factory, as a methodologist in a creative center hometown Balakovo. Here he began composing music and lyrics for local stage stars. In 2000, Maidanov was transferred to work in the city department of culture. But at 24, paperwork didn’t allow young man to properly engage in self-realization as a composer.

Project by Denis Maidanov – NV

In 1999 Denis participated in music project- Group NV - recording studio "Soyuz", which was organized with a teenage audience in mind. The album “Girlfriend” includes 13 songs written by Maidanov, among them “Spotted Jaguar”, “Don’t Forget”, “Apart from You”, “If You’re Alone at Home”, “This Is Love”. The dance dance was liked by the public and became a bright event in the market popular music, but did not find a sequel due to the record label stopping further funding.

Maidanov's move to Moscow

In 2001, Denis goes to Moscow with 2 thousand rubles in his pocket and a great desire to prove himself in songwriting. He lived with a fellow student and persistently tried to find a use for his talents, offering written songs to various production centers that invited creative authors to collaborate.

Maidanov admitted that during this period of his life he sometimes even had to go hungry. But fate, in the end, smiled on the purposeful young composer. He met the manager, now deceased, Yuri Aizenshpis. And already in 2002 with the song “Behind the Fog,” which she sang Russian singer Sasha, he became the winner of “Song of the Year”. For this musical composition, Maidanov received a fee of $75.

The next stage creative path Denis released the J-Power album in 2003, which received the Golden Gramophone award. The songs included in it “She doesn’t love him” and “Love-love” occupied the first positions in the charts on “Russian Radio” and other channels.

Denis is becoming popular not only in his homeland, but also abroad. In particular, thanks to the songs “Striptease” and “Weightlessness” performed by the group “Lips” in 2003-2004. Over the following years, until 2008, Maidanov worked fruitfully, collaborating with the most popular singers national stage. His creations become hits, and he receives the nickname “hitmaker.”

The beginning of Denis Maidanov's solo career

Since 2008, Denis began work on the author’s album “I will know that you love me... Eternal Love”, having previously secured approval from friends and specialists from the world of show business. It presents twelve of the best tracks created by the composer in 2001-2008. The album was released in June 2009 and was a huge success, and the songs “Eternal Love”, “Time is a Drug”, “Orange Sun” became hits.

The second album, “The Rented World,” was presented in April 2011. And again Maidanov had great success, and his compositions - “Nothing is a pity”, “Bullet”, “Home” - were widely popular. The third album, “Flying Over Us,” was released in February 2014 and gained no fewer fans than the previous singles (“Glass Love,” “Graph”).

Maidanov's songs for films and filming

Denis wrote whole line musical compositions to films and television series, including “Autonomka”, “Tycophs”, “Zone”, “Revenge”, “Angelica”, “Shift”, “Bros”, “Evlampia Romanova. The investigation is being conducted by an amateur,” “Revenge.”

The talented singer also played in a number of films and television series. His debut as an actor took place in 2003 in the detective series “Lovers of private investigation by Dasha Vasilyeva - Lady with Claws.” His next film work included roles in the films “Moscow Saga” (2004), “Manhunt” (2005), “Trace” (2007), and “Red on White” (2008). The actor played in the dramas “Alexandrovsky Garden-2”, “Bear Corner”, and in the television series “Bros-3”.

Denis also took part in the show “Two Stars” in 2012, performing with Gosha Kutsenko, and “Battle of the Choirs”. Moreover, the team he created, “Victoria,” eventually became the winner of this TV show.

Personal life of Denis Maidanov

On July 30, 2005, Denis got married. His wife Natalya is from Tashkent. He met his future wife when she brought her poems to his production company. The couple has two children - daughter Vlada (2008) and son Borislav (2013).

Denis goes in for sports, preferring football. Plays for a team of Russian film actors. His creative credo is not to stop there.

Denis Maidanov is the owner of many music awards- “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Peter FM”, “Road Radio Stars”, “Sound Track MK”, “Russian Sensation NTV”, “Chanson of the Year”.

It's hard to believe that today's popular performer own songs once almost became a deputy or at a certain period of his personal life acquired a reputation as a hooligan, which almost ruined Denis Maidanov’s entire biography. This is now in his arsenal - 4 solo albums, collaboration with masters of the Russian stage, participation in the filming of popular TV series and an army of thousands of fans. But it all started not so rosy and beautiful.

Stages of a musical career

The future idol of chanson lovers was born in a small provincial town Saratov region. Denis Maidanov’s parents worked at a local chemical plant, and until the age of 8, nothing special happened in the biography and personal life of the future celebrity - neither early studies at a music school, nor any achievements in the sports field.

Everything changed when his father left the family - Denis’s mother had to work two jobs in order to provide a more or less tolerable existence for herself and her son. Therefore, the boy had to work from the age of 13, helping his mother.

Famous chansonnier Denis Maidanov

At the same time, Maidanov began to become interested in the work of the Chaif ​​group and Viktor Tsoi. Difficult times began at school - the rebellious teenager defended his opinion too zealously, reacted harshly to the slightest manifestations of injustice and eventually became a regular visitor to the children's police room at the local police department.

After the 9th grade, the guy goes to study at a polytechnic school, since both his mother and teachers have no prospects for receiving higher education for the rebellious boy was not seen. Along the way, Maidanov organizes a small vocal and instrumental group, and successfully conquers local concert venues.

The singer took part in a comedy show

At the same time, Maidanov graduated from evening school and submitted documents to the Moscow Institute of Culture. Oddly enough, with a huge competition, Denis manages to enter the capital’s university, from which the artist graduated with success, receiving a specialty as a director of all kinds of shows. Maidanov returns to the Saratov region, having received the position of head of culture in local authorities. Due to his line of work, he has to organize various election campaigns, which forced future star chanson to think about a political career.

However, the desire for self-realization as a songwriter prevailed and Maidanov took part in a musical project, organized by the studio sound recording "Soyuz". Over the course of a year, he recorded his own songs, which enjoyed constant success, but the project was closed, and Maidanov again found himself out of work.

The beginning of success

Denis realized that the prospect of becoming a local official did not suit him, and he set off to conquer the capital. After long ordeals in various production centers, a fateful meeting with Yuri Azenspitz takes place in the biography and personal life of singer Denis Maidanov. The eminent producer broadcasts the song “Silence” performed by Sasha, which became a prize-winning hit at the “Song of the Year” competition. It was then that Maidanov received his first fee - $75.

Denis Maidanov on stage

Having made sure that his work is a success, Maidanov becomes a “hit maker”, i.e. provides for everyone famous singers musical material destined for glory. He doesn’t even think about his own participation in the life of his offspring, fearing to be on the bench again and not wanting to return to a half-starved existence. Gradually, his name becomes known to everyone and Maidanov organizes his own production center, still not believing in his abilities as a performer.

Casual acquaintance

The future wife of the artist, who later became concert director star, came to the capital as a refugee from Tashkent - it was not easy for Russians to live in Uzbekistan at that time. The girl wrote poetry herself and decided to show it to someone to earn extra money. By chance, the closest place she came to in search of an assessment of her work turned out to be the office of producer Maidanov.

Both the author and the composer had their own point of view on the rating works and had a terrible quarrel - the poetess did not like Denis’s remarks. However, chance gave them a second chance, and the young people began to cooperate thanks to mutual acquaintances. The artist considered not only the charming appearance of the young girl, but also the remarkable talent of his chosen one, and soon the couple submitted an application to the registry office.

In the photo the singer with his wife and daughter

It was Natalya, the composer’s wife, who initiated it solo career. According to Denis, his wife spent a long time trying to persuade him to become a performer of his own works. He doubted for a long time, arguing that the success of his work could only be ensured by Russian pop stars - Philip Kirkorov, Boris Moiseev, Alexander Marshall and others. Not wanting to risk the well-being of his own family, Maidanov asks his acquaintances from show business for help, torn between the desire to become a singer and maintain the material well-being acquired with such difficulty.

Natalya, however, did not calm down, driving the singer to a white heat with her stubbornness. And Maidanov decides to release the first solo album, bringing together all the accumulated material - soundtracks for famous films, prize-winning hits previously performed by other artists. The collection was brought to the composer resounding success, for concerts with the participation of singer Denis Maidanov, tickets were sold out a month before the announced tour.

Income increased significantly, and the family began to prepare to build their own country house. In addition, in 2008 the couple had their first child, Vladislav’s daughter, so extra square meters have become more relevant than ever.

Chansonnier received an award for his hits

Deprived of fatherly love in childhood, the artist spent his entire life unspent love gave it to my daughter. On family photos of that period, Denis Maidanov looks incredibly happy, since his personal life plays a dominant role in the singer’s biography and work. He carries feelings for his wife through all his songs, as he considers her his guiding star and muse.

She, in turn, actively participates in her husband’s work, being his concert director and organizing all tours. In this she is helped by specialized education and previous work experience - before leaving for maternity leave Denis’s wife worked as a leading marketer in one of the large capital companies.

Home "mafia"

In 2014, his wife gave Maidanov another gift - she gave birth to a son, Borislav, exactly on the singer’s birthday, February 17. Naturally, the position of touring director had to be left for a while, but the young mother did not want to leave her husband’s fate in the wrong hands and continued to control his work from a distance - the singer jokes that Natalya even breastfeeds the baby with the phone to her ear.

The artist adores his large family, and his wife and children are the main people for Denis Maidanov. Therefore, in the singer’s personal life and biography there is no place for loud family scandals or quarrels; the yellow press was unable to unearth a single “fried” fact. With my eldest daughter the artist is unusually close; his wife, according to the composer, calls this inseparable couple “the mafia,” since Vlad comes up with all the tricks and entertainment together with his dad.

D. Maidanov on the set of the video

The artist's daughter is extraordinary creative child, however, in his dreams Denis sees her in the sports field. It was he who insisted that the girl take up tennis, although her mother and grandmothers unanimously demanded that she continue rhythmic gymnastics. There are constant disputes on this topic in the family - Denis himself has been successfully involved in volleyball and football for a long time. Some time ago I even participated in a team of pop and film artists. However, the older women in the family are categorically against Vlada’s activities in these types of activities. team game, they say, all volleyball players grow too tall.

Denis Maidanov is a public favorite

Today, Denis Maidanov is a universal favorite, favored by both the public and the authorities - he has always supported the policies of V.V. Putin. IN last years the artist participates in all kinds of political and charitable events, for which he was awarded the title People's Artist Russian Federation.

And after his mother’s brother was left homeless as a result of the war in Donbass, Maidanov began to speak out in support of the Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics. He managed to take his uncle and his family out of Donetsk and settle them in Crimea. He is the author of patriotic songs that have been highly appreciated by the Russian government.

Denis maidanov born on February 17, 1976, in the small town of Balakova, Saratov region.

In 2001, Denis arrived and began working in Moscow as a poet and composer of songs for Russian performers. For the period from 2001 to 2013. they have created enough a large number of works.
His songs are often heard on TV and radio, they are sung by: Nikolai Baskov, Philip Kirkorov, Natalya Vetlitskaya, Alexander Buinov, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Alexander Marshal, Boris Moiseev, Jasmine, Joseph Kobzon, Katya Lel, Yulian,
Marina Khlebnikova, “White Eagle”, Angelica Agurbash and others. Every day, Denis Maidanov’s song “This radio is Avtoradio” performed by “Murzilok International” is heard on Avtoradio.

Denis Maidanov wrote songs and soundtracks for such films and TV series as “Avtonomka” (NTV), “Tycophics” (Channel One), “Zone” (NTV), “Anzhelika” (Russia 1), “Shift” (film distribution), “Eulampia Romanova.
The investigation is being conducted by an amateur" (STS), "Revenge" (NTV), "Brothers" (NTV), etc.

In 2008, Maidanov began recording a solo album. Denis Maidanov’s first author’s album “Eternal Love” was released in June 2009 and sold thousands of copies, and the songs from it “Eternal
Love”, “Orange Sun”, “Time is a Drug”, “I’m Coming Home”, “48 Hours” became famous radio singles for which video clips were shot. The second album “Rented World” was presented and released in
April 2011. Great success reached the compositions “Bullet”, “Nothing is a pity”, “I’m rich” and “Home”. In February 2014, the third numbered album of the singer-songwriter “Flying Over Us” was released, which included
the track of the same name, which became a mega-hit, famous radio singles “Graphic”, “48 hours” (radio edit), “36.6”.

Denis Maidanov graduated from the directing department of the Moscow State University culture and arts. One of the major subjects was “ Acting" It allowed
him to try himself as a film actor.

In the spring of 2012, he took part in the Channel One project “Two Stars”, where he performed in tandem with theater and film actor G. Kutsenko. In August 2012, he accepted the invitation of the Russia 1 TV channel to participate in a television project
“Battle of the Choirs” as a mentor of the choir from Yekaterinburg. Under the leadership of D. Maidanov, the choir “Victoria” he created became the winner of the “Battle of the Choirs” project.

Laureate of the “Song of the Year” festival, winner of the “Golden Gramophone”, “20” awards best songs Channel One", "Sound Track MK", "Chanson of the Year", "Russian Sensation NTV", "Road Radio Star", "People's Choice Peter FM", participant in "Christmas Meetings" by Alla Pugacheva.

Awarded medals: “For service in the North Caucasus”, by order of the commander of the United Group of Russian Forces in the North Caucasus.
“Patriot of Russia”, established by the Russian State Historical and Cultural Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, awarded for personal great contribution to the work on patriotic
education, manifestation of patriotism in service, military, labor and social activities; “For the promotion of rescue work”, by order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense,
emergency situations and disaster relief;
Badge “For Assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”, by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Joined 12 Russian artists, who participated at the invitation of Russian Defense Minister S. Shoigu, in a new performance of the Russian national anthem, recorded in the fall of 2013.

Married since 2005, wife Natalya. Two children: daughter Vlad (2008) and son Borislav (2013).

Official website:

Denis Maidanov is a young and extremely charismatic man with a voice that is memorable after the first listen to the song. However, Denis is not an ordinary singer, he is also talented composer, a poet, is engaged in producing activities and plays in films. According to the artist himself, the main strong point his creativity is precisely the songs that he writes on his own. Unlike many modern authors, Maidanov does not write songs in one day, it takes months and sometimes years. We have heard his works performed by such masters of domestic show business as Kobzon, “White Eagle”, Marshal, etc. Today Denis has finally come out of the shadows and is an independent entity on the stage.

Childhood and youth

On February 17, 1976, Denis Maidanov was born in the Saratov region, namely in the city of Balakovo. The artist's biography begins here. Maidanov was born into a family of ordinary employees, completely unrelated to music. Father worked at a company chemical industry, the mother was an inspector, and then took up the position of head of the personnel department of a construction plant. Denis was a very capable child from childhood and quickly learned everything new. At school, he took great pleasure in attending the music and theater clubs. WITH early childhood showed a penchant for poetry, at the age of 8 the boy began to write poetry, and already at 13 he picked up a guitar and wrote his first song in his life. While studying at the technical school, Maidanov actively participated in any kind of amateur performances, even being the captain of the student KVN team. At the age of 16, he became a prize-winner at a prestigious local pop competition. Worked as a director in musical theater hometown, in the local house of creativity Denis Maidanov was also in charge of the corresponding department. His biography was also related to his work as a producer. Under his leadership, a recording studio and the Lenina-street center were opened. The center included more than a dozen different groups and performers working in completely different genres. It was under the leadership of Maidanov that the annual music Festival regional scale.

Composer and author

In 2001, Denis Maidanov came to the capital. His biography begins here with clean slate. The talented author sought to bypass production centers, preferring to earn money by writing poetry and music. It should be noted that he succeeds in this very well. In addition to songs, he writes soundtracks; Maidanov’s music is heard in such famous television series as “Zone”, “Angelica” and “Bros”. Over time, Denis Maidanov's songs begin to be heard from the stage in the voices of at that time only beginning performers, such as Jasmine, Buinov and Basque. Denis devoted about 10 years of his life to composing hits that are familiar to all of us.

Performing your own songs

All this time, the talented author and, as it later turned out, the performer remains in the shadows. Over many years of writing hits, Maidanov accumulated many wonderful songs that he wrote for himself, and not for others. Finally, in 2008, he decides to start performing his compositions on his own. A year later, his first collection, “Eternal Love,” was published and was a resounding success. Now the whole country knows and sings Denis Maidanov’s songs. The singer’s second album, “The Rented World,” is released two years later and is selling out even better than the first. Already in 2013, another collection called “Flying Over Us” was released, the song of the same name from which immediately occupies a leading position in all charts. According to the author himself, on this moment he has enough material in stock to create 3 more collections, which means that very soon the singer will delight his fans with new compositions of his own composition.


As mentioned above, Denis Maidanov was not only a talented author and performer. His biography is also closely connected with cinema. It is important to note that Denis is a certified director; he studied at the Moscow University of Culture and Arts at the directing department. This, of course, was very useful to him in his work. Maidanov took part in the filming of television series such as “Trace”, “Hunting for Red Deer”, “Moscow Saga” and many others. This once again demonstrates what a talented and multifaceted personality Denis is.

Personal life

Many modern pop performers are too busy with creativity to start a family, others, on the contrary, constantly change partners, and fans never tire of being surprised by their new passions, smiling from the pages of glossy magazines. The personal life of Denis Maidanov has long been arranged. In 2005 Denis got married Great love. His wife gave birth to a daughter and a son, what else could he dream of? a real man? Natalya was his first listener and helped Denis in everything. Recently, she has also been the director of the group. It was she who convinced him to start performing on his own and constantly supported her husband. Natalya is not only the wife of Denis Maidanov, she is his muse and ideological inspirer.

An extremely talented author and performer, Denis Maidanov is an honorary laureate of the famous music festival “Song of the Year” and has several awards in the field of music, for example “Golden Gramophone”. And one more little known fact- Maidanov is one of 12 artists invited by Sergei Shoigu (Russian Defense Minister) for an updated performance of the national anthem.