Why dream of drinking wine with a man. Why do you dream about wine? Dream Interpretation by A. Mindell What does Wine mean?

If you dream about a bottle of wine, be sure to pay attention to how full it is. The dream book believes that a container filled to the brim with a cheerful drink marks a fun pastime. If the bottle is half empty, then deprivation and poverty await ahead. You can determine even more precisely what such a symbol means in a dream by looking at several sources at once.

Universal interpreter

According to this source, seeing a bottle of wine in a dream means disputes and disagreements. Drinking red wine and feeling very intoxicated means that in reality you yourself are the instigator of all kinds of conflicts. Universal dream book recommends not to show such emotionality in society, otherwise you can easily find a whole company of enemies at once.

To see in a dream how you uncorked a bottle of red or white wine and poured the contents into glasses numerous people sitting at a long table - to meet friends. Drinking yourself and not getting drunk means suffering from bad habit. If you dream about such a plot, give up alcoholic drinks for a long time, or better yet, forever. If you start drinking bottles of wine, you will quickly become addicted to alcohol.

What does Miller's dream book say?

If you dream that a bottle of red wine is made of expensive glass and decorated with gold labels, then in reality you will experience financial difficulties. Miller's dream book believes that seeing this in night dreams is a sign of impending poverty.

If you dream of a broken container, it means you will worry about a serious matter. Trying to mend a broken bottle of wine is an attempt to reverse the negative situation in which you find yourself due to your own rash actions. Do you dream that you managed to restore the broken container? Miller's dream book is convinced that in this case you will overcome all adversity.

Dream explanations for women

For the fair sex, an open bottle predicts something exciting. love adventure. If you dreamed that the container was open but empty, then the romance will be very rapid, short-lived and will leave behind only grief and bitter disappointment.

If you dream that you are breaking a glass container into pieces, then you should emotionally prepare yourself for divorce. Yes, it will be very difficult to survive it, but then you will feel incredible spiritual lightness. If you have this dream, enlist the support of your family and friends in advance. Women's dream book I am sure that they will help you get through the divorce process as easily as possible.

Dream interpretation red wine

Such a noble drink as wine, seen in a dream, speaks of good health and material prosperity. Thick, red, fragrant - it can also mean the sensual sphere personal relationships. However, it is necessary to accurately explain what intoxicating night dreams come to, because in some cases, the dreamer will want to rest in a noisy company, and in others, extreme caution in his statements and plans.

If you dreamed of aromatic red wine in a glass, expect treats from not very close friends. The table will be really rich, and the offer they will make to you there will be extremely profitable. Spilling red wine on a clean white tablecloth means tarnishing your reputation in reality; such a dream tells a woman that her new novel won't lead to anything good

When you dream about this intoxicating drink, it is important to remember the main details of the dream:

  • Just seeing wine in a bottle or glass, but not doing anything with it.
  • Drink yourself or treat other people.
  • A dream in which you prepare a drink with your own hands.
  • It is important to analyze own impressions from sleep.

What does the dream mean?

If a woman dreamed of red wine

In order to understand what such dreams come to, you must first understand what role wine plays for the dreamer in real life. If it is used extremely rarely, on exclusively festive occasions, then it is a dream of pleasant surprises: receiving a gift or a new promising position.

When wine in reality accompanies almost every lunch or dinner, then you dream of it as a sign of minor but pleasant troubles. For a woman, such a dream may indicate her sensual attachment to a man.. But if the glass in her hand cracks, then this relationship will not lead to anything good.

How was wine used in a dream?

To make it easier to apply the interpretation to the realities of the dreamer’s life, it is important to remember how and why wine was consumed. Simply contemplating a beautifully set table with a full bottle or a drink poured into glasses is an invitation to a celebration. But buying wine to treat friends or have a feast is a joint venture, but you will be solely responsible for its outcome.

Drink yourself

If you dream that you are drinking wine from a beautiful glass at a beautifully decorated table full of various foods, then this is a very good sign. You will most likely progress very quickly career ladder or receive significant financial reward for a job well done.

Why do you dream of pouring red wine?

  • First enjoying the color and smell of the drink in the glass, and then drinking it with pleasure - you have clearly and correctly thought through your plan of action, and you should not deviate from it, advises modern dream book. However, the taste of a quick victory can intoxicate you even before you achieve it, and then everything you strived for will become inaccessible to you.
  • If you dreamed that you were pouring yourself a drink and drinking alone at an empty table - you are too selfish and demanding of people. This attitude has led to the fact that your spiritual sorrows simply eat away at you from the inside. Glass of wine in friendly company will help you relax, however, if it is followed by a second and third, you risk losing even those remnants of friendship that you have at the moment.
  • You dream that you are very thirsty and greedily swallow wine from a jug or straight from a bottle, quickly getting drunk - a very disturbing dream, warns family dream book. It says that your idea of ​​reality is completely inconsistent with it.

Treat others

Buying wine to throw a banquet or treat friends in a dream is a good sign. He speaks of the breadth of soul and significant material capabilities that you know how to use for good.

Receive wine as a gift in a dream

  • Setting the table, putting bottles and waiting for guests to arrive, drinking with everyone - if you have business negotiations ahead, then such a dream suggests that whatever you strive for is quite achievable. However, if in the process you relax, or drink even a drop of alcohol (even for the sake of maintaining necessary ritual), then the negotiations completely fail.
  • If you dream that you are pouring viscous red wine into glasses, treating your friends at the table, you are about to have a special event, and even, quite possibly, a wedding, says the ancient Slavic dream book.
  • A dream in which you had to drink wine with friends at an empty table is a very alarming sign. It says that you are a very cunning person who will stop at nothing to achieve your own goals. If you dream about something like this, then you should still think carefully before starting what you have planned.
  • Giving a woman or girl red wine in a bottle and drinking it with her means a quick wedding, predicts a family dream book. If a man has a dream, then he family life will be happy, and if a girl received such a gift, then she future husband will be a very wealthy man.
  • She dreams that a young man, courting a girl in a romantic setting, pours red wine into glasses; drinking it with a girl means a long and pleasant relationship, living together is possible and imminent birth children.

Contemplative dream

Just seeing red wine in a dream is a very good sign. It is a symbol of wealth earned through honest, hard work. If you dream that you are in your own cellar with huge barrels of red wine, you are about to receive a significant inheritance, but in order for it to bring a stable profit, you will have to work hard.

Drinking wine at a rich table

  • I dreamed about how you set a sumptuous table, serving complete strangers - working in a government position. If you are asked to pour wine into glasses, your charm can achieve what you have been striving for for so long, but if you overdo it, you will lose everything.
  • Seeing how strangers feast, consuming wine in huge quantities - you will have to defend your own point of view publicly, warns the psychological dream book.
  • I dream that stranger I wanted to pour wine into glasses, but I spilled it on the tablecloth, and it drips onto the floor - an alarming dream. It is better at this moment to completely give up alcohol and not attend any celebrations. Excess alcohol promotes exceptional aggression.
  • Spill wine without bringing it to the table - your carelessness will be costly, he says esoteric dream book. Before signing the papers, you need to read and understand everything well, down to every comma.

Making wine

An exceptionally good dream is a dream in which you had to prepare wine yourself. He speaks of a strong entrepreneurial spirit in the dreamer, which can bring him stable and reliable source income. It is quite possible that you will be offered new project, but you, over time, will become its owner, and not just its leader.

  • Crushing grapes with your feet is a difficult but honorable job, says the dream book from A to Z.
  • Stir young wine in a glass, enjoy its sparkling smell - in order for everything you strive for to become a reality, you need to start taking action. Fate will soon give you a great chance, you should take advantage of it without hesitating for a moment.
  • Pouring mature red wine into bottles means enjoying your own victory, which you were very eager to achieve. for a long time, promises the White Magician's dream book.
  • A bottle of collectible wine, which is stored in the family cellar, is a symbolic dream. He says that you have to become the keeper of the rad and its family values. You may have to do something completely uninteresting to you, but over time, you will understand that this was the most the best solution your life.

Analysis of your own feelings

I dreamed of spilled wine

In order for the interpretation to be complete, it is important to also take into account your own feelings during sleep, as well as immediately after waking up. If you were pleased to look at the wine in a bottle or glass, and also liked to drink it, then your dream can be considered good. But in the case when you wake up with a slight buzz in your head, as if you actually drank too much, this is bad. Most likely, they want to deceive you by wishful thinking.

  • The anxious anticipation of guests and the holiday, when wine in a bottle is placed on the table - you know for sure that the upcoming event will be important. However, you should still prepare for it with special care - they will make you a tempting offer.
  • Spill it on the table, experience disappointment or bitterness - difficulties will arise in the new project, and it will depend only on you whether it will work in the near future.
  • Drinking sour or bitter wine means communicating with deceitful friends, Miller’s dream book warns.
  • Feeling proud from purchasing a collectible, very expensive drink is high social status and a serious position in society.

Wine is an intoxicating drink, which, according to the dream book, brings good luck, wealth, promises a long and bright life. Love, friendship, improvement financial situation, good acquaintances - this is all what dreams of a sunny drink mean.

If you see a corked bottle in a dream, you are hiding your potential. An open one speaks of an upcoming fun time, a friendly party, an anniversary.

If in a dream you watch red or white liquid flowing from a neck, you will soon learn other people’s secrets. If it pours into a glass, you can keep them secret. When alcohol spreads across the floor, it’s impossible to hide other people’s secrets.

The red color of the wine speaks about you as a passionate person. You are full of life and energetic.

If you dream of a white drink, you have a romantic nature. A dream with rose wine speaks of deception: be more careful about making new acquaintances.

In a dream you have a narrow glass of wine - expect a promotion, monetary income. Alcohol in a low and wide glass - new acquaintances, friends. If you dream that you are drinking a drink from an iron mug, you are simple and open.

You see wine in a flask - the planned trip will take place. You will have a fun time with friends on a picnic, or go fishing.

  • The bottle is on the top shelf - career growth.
  • Wine in a store window means buying an expensive item or an expensive gift.
  • Talking to a drunk man holding a bottle is a conversation with a person who envies you.
  • A large bottle means a big feast, a celebration in the house.
  • A drop of wine - you will find an opportunity to save money when buying an expensive item.

I dream of a festive table with wine - a wedding, a banquet. If there is bread nearby, you are about to meet a rich man.

A bottle of drunk wine portends an unplanned waste of money. Half filled - making the right decisions.

Wine color

  1. Ruby - marriage for a young girl, long, happy life family people, the appearance of children. If you are pregnant and drink wine in a dream, the baby will be born strong and healthy. The businessman's negotiations will be successful. A sweet drink is a harbinger of monetary profit, a sour drink is a harbinger of saving on yourself. Tart wine promises a luxurious holiday in an exotic country, bitter wine - surround your loved ones with care and attention. A broken glass symbolizes victory over all enemies.
  2. White - good mood. Hold a full bottle - you will enjoy it, a glass - great mood. Drinking in a company in a dream means sharing secrets with a friend in reality; drinking alone means trying to become more liberated.

Women's dream book

A woman who drinks wine in a dream will soon marry successfully. Barrels of wine dream of luxury. A full cellar of wine is unheard of wealth, luxurious life. If you go down to such a basement, expect a pleasant experience.

Pleasure is foreshadowed by pouring wine from bottle to bottle in a dream. You can also go on a trip from which you will bring back unforgettable impressions. Breaking a bottle of wine is a great passion that knows no boundaries.

Summer dream book

Drinking in your sleep alcoholic drink V large quantities and don’t get drunk - you are self-confident, you consider yourself better than everyone else, while others have a completely different opinion.

Aesop's Dream Book

If you dream of a wine cellar, you will have to work hard, there will be a lot of things to do that cannot be put off. If in a dream you buy very expensive wine- in reality, get ready for a trip in which you will meet a wealthy person.

There will be a fight, a showdown if you see yourself drunk with a bottle in your hand. If you drink at someone else’s expense, remember your debts; creditors may appear.

You make wine yourself - you won’t be afraid of painstaking work, long work, after which a good reward awaits you.

Ancient Russian dream book

Wine in a dream means a fight, shedding of blood. Drink undiluted wine - health, mixed with water - illness. Drinking white wine is fun, cloudy wine is sadness, bad news. Seeing yourself drunk in a dream means you will meet new people and make friends.

Dream Interpretation by E. Tsvetkova

Drinking wine in a dream means having fun, treating your friends with it means a funeral. A drink spilled on the floor means misfortune. If you drink alone, you will receive bad news. If you sell wine to someone, you will quarrel with friends, relatives, and acquaintances.

Erotic dream book

Drinking wine in a dream means that in reality you will have fun, make new acquaintances, and meet your soulmate. For a young girl, this will be a successful marriage. If you break a bottle, crazy passion awaits you.

Freud's Dream Book

The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud deciphers a dream with a large number drinking wine while making love while intoxicated.

Ukrainian dream book

Drinking wine in dreams means worrying about your affairs in real life. White wine is joy, red wine is cheerfulness, good mood, apple wine is modesty.

Dream book of the 21st century

According to the 21st century dream book, wine in a dream means prosperity and wealth. If you spill a drink, you will receive a wonderful reward for your work.

Drink champagne, open a bottle - expect to receive good news, a surprise. If you douse yourself with wine, your cherished wishes will come true. Drinking Cahors means experiencing remorse in reality.

New wine is a warning - restrain your feelings.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Red wine means joy, success, love, fulfillment of desires. White - misfortune.

French dream book

Wine in the French dream book means a fight, bloodshed. If the wine is pure, success, a profitable business, and health await. Bad wine is a deception, a lie.

Miller's Dream Book

You see how you drink wine in a dream, which means joy and strong friendship await you in the future. Lots of wine - travel and entertainment. If a young woman dreams of wine, she will soon get married.

Dream book online Wine

Wine has always been considered the most popular alcoholic drink. It is drunk not only on holidays, but also used during various rituals. Wine in dreams is a fairly common phenomenon and is interpreted in different ways. According to the dream book, wine in a dream is a positive sign. But in order to get a more accurate interpretation of a dream, it is necessary to take into account all its details.

Wine in dreams

What does wine promise in a dream?

So, why do you dream about wine? The interpretation of dreams depends on what kind of wine you had to drink.

  • Drinking red wine means trouble.
  • White - promises the sleeping person an acquisition that he has long dreamed of. White wine in a dream is quite often a symbol of satisfaction.
  • Pink - the vision warns the dreamer that he may soon fall under the influence of not very good man, which will lead to bad consequences.
  • Drinking sweet wine means your cherished dream will come true.
  • Dry - to disappointment.
  • Drinking champagne - such a vision indicates that you are an intelligent and creative person.
  • Cahors - if you had to drink it, it means that it’s time to answer for all your actions.
  • Sour wine is a character bad mood and loss of strength.

With all this, a dream in which you drank this drink is definitely a good sign. It indicates that your real life is full of joy, happiness and love. A dream in which you drank a drink with friends has a favorable interpretation. As a rule, such a vision promises joyful events in the dreamer’s life.

Who made wine and how?

Trample grapes

The appearance of dreams in which you made an alcoholic drink yourself predict good wealth, but you will have to work hard for this.

If in a dream you had to trample grapes with your feet, be careful and prudent, since there is a risk of burning out in all your endeavors. A dream in which you dreamed that someone was making wine suggests that you are unable to make the right decision on your own.

Spilling a drink means a small monetary reward. According to the dream book, wine and its drops on a clean tablecloth mean minor difficulties and troubles.
A vision in which you broke a bottle suggests that in reality you have lost control over yourself and in the near future you may do something stupid.

Other dream options

Wine in the store

In a dream you were very intoxicated - be prepared for the fact that you are going through a period that is far from easy. Dousing yourself with a drink means intrigue and gossip at work.

Why do you dream about wine in wine shops? Be prepared for the fact that in reality you will have to work hard, but your work will not go unnoticed. Buying an alcoholic drink - the dream symbolizes relaxation. You may have worked long and hard, now it's time to relax. Buying a large number of bottles means disturbing news or events.

A dream in which a drink flows like a river predicts a profitable purchase or investment. The interpretation of a dream in which you saw a bathroom filled with it is not good; perhaps you are in serious danger. Be prepared for the fact that negative measures may be taken by your enemies.

If you dreamed of wine and had to drink it from a bottle, this means that success awaits you in the near future, possibly a rapid promotion.

Drink slowly and enjoy - bright prospects await you in your work.

Interpretations of the great predictors

Red grape wine

Sleep is the cry of the human subconscious. As a rule, a person is not able to decipher his vision on his own, so he looks for the answer in dream books. The interpretation of the dream book helps a person to avoid troubles in life or prepare for them. Why do you dream about wine? Let's find out the answer from the great predictors.

What Miller says

It's no secret that Miller's dream book is one of the most prophetic interpreters. If you want to decipher your vision in as much detail as possible, then you cannot do without Miller’s dream book.

A dream in which you had to drink wine predicts joy and fun. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows the imminent arrival of devoted friends to visit.

According to Miller, a broken bottle of alcoholic drink promises the dreamer passionate and all-consuming love. As the dream book says, wine in barrels symbolizes luxury and wealth. Pour it from one container to another - for trips, travel and entertainment.

What does Vanga portend?

Why do you dream of wine according to the predictions of the great Vanga? It is a symbol of rest, relaxation and hospitality. Buying an expensive alcoholic drink in a dream promises the sleeping person an acquaintance or an unexpected meeting.

Seeing wine in a dream wine cellar- To difficult work. If you dreamed of wine flowing in a river, very soon you will be able to conclude a very profitable deal. Drinking it means waste and repayment of old debts.

Freud's predictions

Wine white red rose

According to Freud, the dream in which you saw this drink indicates that you are a secretive and reserved person in real life. In reality, it is precisely this that will help you get rid of your complexes and discover new facets.

Interpretations of Nostradamus

If you see a filled glass, be careful. As a rule, a dream of this nature predicts a murder that will remain unsolved. says that a vision in which you were poisoned predicts the appearance of a person in your life who will bring good luck.

The appearance of dreams in which you are treated to a drink warns that your excessive talkativeness and frankness will not lead to anything good. If you spill it on yourself, there is a risk for some reason of losing the patron on whom you financially depend.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Drinking white wine alone means bad news; treating someone means death. If you accidentally spilled it in a dream, they will soon wait for you serious problems. Selling means a quarrel or separation.

Hasse's interpretation

Red wine portends joy, white wine - pleasure. If you spill it, there is a possibility that you will soon destroy your happiness with your own hands.

Aesop's Dream Book

Why do you dream about wine? Buying a collectible bottle foreshadows an unexpectedly organized vacation. For a man, such a vision predicts a meeting with a wealthy woman.

Being intoxicated means quarrels and a showdown. Drinking white wine means temptation. Seeing a feast with a huge number of bottles in a dream means a profitable deal.

If you drank wine in a dream or just saw it, look in the dream book. Wine, most often, foreshadows the fulfillment of desires, wealth, and a long, bright life.

But that's just general meaning dreams. To understand in more detail, remember what you did with it and what it was like.

Just to see

A corked bottle of wine in a dream speaks of your hidden potential. And the open one portends cheerful communication with friends.

To see a drink flowing out of it is to find out someone else's secret. If it pours into a glass, then you can save it. But when alcohol flows onto the floor, it means you won't be able to keep your mouth shut.

Red wine in a glass speaks of you as a passionate, restless person. White symbolizes your romance. And pink warns that new acquaintances may deceive you.

Career growth and material well-being are what dreams of wine in a tall, narrow glass mean. And if it is low and wide, then you will soon have new friends.

A drink in an ordinary metal mug speaks of the simplicity of your soul.

And to see it in a flask, according to the dream book, means planning a fun trip with loved ones.

  • The bottle stands high on the shelf - to new achievements in the professional field.
  • Seeing red wine on display is a valuable acquisition.
  • A drunk man with a bottle in his hands means a conversation with an envious person.
  • A large bottle filled with an intoxicating drink is a sign for a big holiday in your home.
  • A drop of wine is an opportunity to save money by finding an alternative.

As the dream book writes, wine is on festive table dreams about a wedding or something else important event. And if you saw him next to a piece of bread, then the dream book promises you an acquaintance with a rich man.

An empty bottle on the table foreshadows additional waste. And half filled means that you have something important to do. life choice ASAP.

Drink or taste

The main interpretation of a dream in which you drink an intoxicating drink, the dream book calls strong friendship and joy. Why do you dream about the wine you drink, if you take into account other nuances of the dream?

1. Ruby

For young girls, drinking red wine in a dream means getting married soon. For married women and for men this dream prophesies a long life life together, childbirth and well-being.

The dream book also says that if a pregnant woman happens to drink red wine, then she will give birth to a strong, healthy child. And for businessmen, the dream book promises good luck in negotiations, as well as in matters that require large financial investments.

  • Drinking red wine and not getting drunk means having a fairly high opinion of yourself.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages in large quantities means not sparing money on pleasure.
  • Drinking alone means the emergence of new, productive ideas.
  • Pouring red wine into a beautiful glass means an exciting trip in the company of loved ones.
  • Drinking for brotherhood means a successful business partnership.

If you dream that the drink is sweet, then the dream book promises you monetary profit. And drinking sour red wine means saving on yourself.

A tart drink symbolizes an exquisite vacation in an exotic place. And bitter means that you should pay more attention to your family and their needs.

If in a dream you spilled red wine, then the dream book warns that your beautiful life a lot of people are jealous. And breaking a glass of intoxicating drink means defeating all your enemies.

If you wet yourself, you will soon have fun in good company. And pouring water on someone else, according to the dream book, means making a loved one happy.

2. White or sparkling

Drinking white wine during a luxurious feast means being calm about your shortcomings and not focusing on them. And doing it alone, according to the dream book, means trying to overcome your inhibitions.

Trust your secret best friend- this is what you dream about the wine that you drink in his company. Drinking with a family member means succumbing to nostalgia and plunging into childhood memories.

If in a dream you saw yourself with a glass of champagne, then you will be in a good mood for a long time. According to the dream book, a bottle of champagne in your hands means pleasure and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Spilling champagne means missing out on the opportunity to relax in pleasant company. And breaking your glass means forgetting all the old grievances and starting a new life, not overshadowed by bad memories.

Drinking apple cider in a dream speaks of your easy character. Doing it yourself means finding another activity that will give you pleasure. With friends - you will go with them on an exciting journey. WITH strangers- to new, previously unexplored feelings.

If you dreamed of an intoxicating drink that can turn anyone’s head, open your dream book and you will understand why you dream about wine in your case. Author: Vera Drobnaya