Essay: Worldview of the youth of Glazov. Essay-reasoning on the topic: “Problems of modern youth”

Young people are usually understood as people aged 15 to 35 years; the scope of this social group may be different, depending on the object and goals of the study. IN in this case youth means social group between the ages of 16 and 25, i.e. people born from 1984 to 1993.

In order to determine the value system of a representative of this group, it is necessary to understand in what environment they were brought up and what events they witnessed.

I will add that in my essay I will consider urban youth, whose specifics I know better.

Born at the end of the USSR, all of us, while still children, witnessed how our country experienced perestroika, and how our parents and older friends adapted to new conditions.

We can say that modern youth was formed nineties. IN in social networks There are many interest groups that unite people who are nostalgic for the times when on TV final drive(for them) there were Disney cartoons, any toys were Lego constructors, the most delicious sweet was Kinder Surprises, and bathing was a joy from Johnson & Johnson shampoo, which “doesn’t sting the eyes.”

We can conclude that this generation was the first to grow up on Western goods. At the same time, at the suggestion of the elders, of course, even the child knew the division of goods into “ours” and “ import" Imported ones were not just appreciated, but adored.

Perhaps these facts would not have of great importance, if they had not had such an influence on the formation of personality.

Modern youth are pro-Western. It is characteristic of her liberalism in everything. Modern young people are tolerant of religions, indifferent to politics, enterprising in the economy, and independent in personal relationships.

With the lability characteristic of any growing organism, the children of the nineties absorbed everything that appeared in the country. It seems that never before (with the possible exception of the generation of revolutionaries of the early 20th century) has there been such a division between fathers and children.

Almost any person between the ages of 16 and 25 speaks English, owns a computer, and uses the Internet skillfully. These abilities alone are enough to compete with the older generation, for example, when applying for a job.

Moreover, the generation of the nineties is more educated than any generation before it. A generation has grown up knowledge. However, this is not yet the golden age of enlightenment. Today education is still more the key to successful career rather than towards self-development.

Careernow it comes first for young people. If parents have achieved a lot in the post-Soviet years, their children want to increase this. If not, then achieve everything yourself. Economic independence- sign modern man. Many people start working or preparing themselves for future work as early as school days, I note that almost no one aspires to be an astronaut, but more and more to become a banker. When my brother (now 16), then just a toddler, was asked where he wanted to work, he answered: “In a bank.” By whom? "Bath attendant!"

For some reason, the seemingly obvious dilemma became not so obvious. Between family and even girls choose work, which once again emphasizes the modern Western worldview.

Separately, it is necessary to say about communication. In the considered age group there is a clear division into those who can communicate and those who cannot. The border follows (approximately) 1990. Half of today's youth spent the first years of their lives in the yard under the supervision of grandmothers on a bench or housewife mothers, the second - at home alone with computer games. In modern young man there may be many acquaintances, but extremely (especially in comparison with parents, i.e. the generation of the sixties, the generation of propaganda campaigns and tourist rallies) few friends. Communication has become surrogate.

From a psychological point of view, we can say that kinesthetic information lost its meaning, giving way to verbal. Time will tell whether this is good or bad. Now we can only state the manifestations of this change. For example, food has ceased to be an object of pleasure, becoming a status unit ( Where you eat, brands), a way to control yourself ( How many you eat, diets) and rationalization of life activities ( How you eat semi-finished products).

Concerning, health, then there is a dual trend: on the one hand, this balanced diet, fasting days, fitness - which speaks of awareness and self-care, on the other hand - bad habits, which would be more correctly called stylistic, i.e. derived from lifestyle, sedentary lifestyle (physical inactivity), lack of sleep. As a result, caring for health turns into a farce, an expense item, a way to occupy thoughts and time.

The last thing I would like to write about is subcultures. The first “rock wave” swept through the union in the 80s, but society did not divide into subgroups as a result. The exception is outright dissidents like DDT or Chizh& Co " Now, on the contrary, even a slight deviation from the dominant culture forms a powerful social branch. Obviously, this fragmentation is largely artificial, because does not rest on any solid foundation. (An example is emo. I conducted a small survey among representatives of this subculture. The results were predictable - nobody did not answer where their current came from and why). Obviously, this is direct evidence that today’s youth find it difficult to identify ourselves as a single group! That is why people unite into smaller ones, formed according to formal, often exclusively external, characteristics. Young people unite in groups that they are able to reach, which indicates weak systems thinking ( male type thinking, which has now extended to women).

So, modern youth are new ( modern even) Western-minded people existing in Russian realities. These are people in whom the thinking of individualism competes with the spirit of collectivism (conciliarity, so to speak). These are people whose values ​​(see above) are more like instincts than ideas. And finally, these are people who have nothing in common. In this light, the state’s aspirations to instill at least some ideology (Orthodoxy in school, the concept of spiritual education of youth, etc.) become understandable. At the same time, these aspirations concern another generation - the generation born in the 21st century (with the exception of the “Nashis” - degenerates of the avant-garde existing system). I'm afraid that the generation of the end of the 20th century will remain lost.

Help. write an essay on the topic of life of modern youth

  1. On this moment People are increasingly asking the question: is the life of modern youth difficult? or is it more difficult for the current generation to live in our time compared to past centuries? This problem has become one of the most pressing at the present time.
    The life of modern youth can be considered more complex in many aspects compared to past centuries. This is due to the fact that the rules of the past simplified the choice many times over. Now school graduates have difficulty entering higher education educational establishments. Or even having difficulty deciding on the choice of university and profession.
    The current generation has much more freedom and independence than the previous one. It is not for nothing that the expression is heard more and more often: young people have gone the wrong way! - the eternal conflict of generations.
    Of course, the youth themselves are quite happy with who they are. And none of its representatives believes that they have degraded in comparison with their parents and older generations.
    Many teachers and parents are occupied with another problem for young people - the problem of reading. Yes, yes, precisely that the current generation has begun to read very few books. Some explain this precisely by the wrong youth and degradation, while others believe that life at the moment has become much more diverse, because before there was less open information allowed by censors and entertainment programs. Some 100 years ago the whole family could gather around the table and read books out loud, which would have been unusual for modern people. Due to the diversity and colorfulness modern life, young people often neglect reading in order to be on time everywhere.
    Has the current generation become better or worse compared to previous ones? - Hard to say. In some aspects it is worse, in others it is better. And everyone has their own opinion on this matter. Perhaps the ideals have changed to some extent. Nowadays, honor and conscience play a smaller role. But money and personal well-being did not give up their positions. It cannot be said that previous generations assigned them last place. In addition, people have always been divided into decent and dishonest. And in our generation there are those who, first of all, think about other people’s happiness and well-being rather than about their own. And in the last century there were people who, for the sake of their own interests, often resorted to meanness and deception.
    A wide range of hobbies and life values from my contemporary! Yes, young people have changed compared to previous generations, but it is impossible to say for sure in which direction. In some ways it is worse, and in some ways better than the generations of previous centuries. The conflict between generations will remain unchanged. For my contemporary, the future youth will also not be the same...
  2. I watch people a lot. For school friends, classmates, teachers, and for parents too. I am very concerned about the topic of relationships between generations, I am worried about the misunderstanding that has formed between me and my parents, they cannot understand me, and I cannot understand them. Modern youth (and I consider myself one of them) are very often criticized, and for a lot of reasons, deservedly and undeservedly. For frivolity, for any rudeness, absent-mindedness, internal callousness. Yes, you can go on for a long time, I think the idea is clear as it is... You see, if you dig a little deeper you can find an explanation for everything and improve all relations between generations, and leave all misunderstandings. Much depends on us. The preferences of modern youth are very deplorable: computer games, alcoholic drinks, smoking, discos (clubs) and all-round entertainment. And only a smaller percentage goes in for sports and pays attention to their health while thinking about the future. Personally, although I don’t play sports, I strive to learn, and bad habits I don’t have much, and I’m not drawn to them. We probably need to have some kind of inner core in order not to succumb to the temptations that life provides us, because often we have to pay very dearly for these temptations. It’s better to restrain yourself once again than to bitterly unravel all your efforts, but it may turn out that you will suffer not only yourself but also your loved ones. In addition to entertainment, there is a lot of sad things in my life, although my parents do not consider my problems at all to be something that can be discussed in the family circle. But it’s still very difficult for me, be it even the betrayal of a friend or an unfair grade at school. And there’s no one to tell it to, you’re afraid to say something extra at home so that there is no scandal or misunderstanding later. I know that many of my peers have the same thing, and everyone is looking for help and satisfaction on the outside. Some people meet people on the Internet and share painful things there, others walk alone all day, others, out of desperation, end up in a bad campaign. We are left to our own devices, but if the family had at least a little understanding for today’s youth, everything would become much better. Nervous tension at school makes itself felt, I myself already notice that I often take it out on my parents, and they, in turn, are very offended. This makes it even worse and you don’t know where to go. Still, let’s understand each other, it’s difficult at first glance, but by remaining silent and forgiving once again, you understand that nothing terrible happened, nothing irreparable, nothing that can no longer be corrected. Share some of your joy, trust your parents more and they will go to the meeting, they will be able to understand more and listen at the right time. Perhaps our generation should also change its priorities and values ​​a little, maybe it’s worth spending time in a narrow family circle once again, rather than going to the movies with friends? The world around us will immediately change, it will become much warmer and more joyful, so let’s be friends for generations.

People have always been capable of extravagant acts that defy any logic and break all analyzes and forecasts.

Today's youth are the future of the entire Earth, since they will have to take the reins of its governance, accept priority goals, and not only those, and implement them. But, unfortunately, modern youth, who grew up on fast food, talk shows, soap operas, computer games and other elements of modern popular culture, may not be able to give an adequate response (adequate reaction) to the current circumstances in the socio-political life of the state, region, planet.

Currently, mass media play an important role in shaping the orientations and aspirations of the population of most countries of the world, except for the countries of the current socialist camp. Mass media can influence value orientations, the formation of everyday culture and the so-called “meaning of life.” Based on the degree of exposure, youth can be divided into four main groups:

Choice matters younger generation socially and in what way it will achieve a certain social status and “worldly goods”. According to the methods used, youth can be divided as follows:

  • Near-criminal. Use rough physical strength and all forms of its manifestation. This group is numerous, and most young people strive for it, as they are idealized by television and courtyard “thieves’ romance”;
  • "With connections." Children of wealthy people and high officials, who use the position of their parents to achieve their goals, but are unable to achieve them on their own (in fairness, it should be noted that among this part of young people there are capable people, but these cases, unfortunately, are few in number, so they can be ignored);
  • "Nerds." They use exclusively their intellectual abilities, but often end up in the service of previous groups due to their cowardice;
  • Unskilled youth. A group of people into which those who did not realize themselves in previous groups will fall; they achieve their goals and acquire benefits “with sweat and blood.”

An important role in the development of society is played by the value orientations of a generation, as they determine everyday culture and often the “meaning of life.” Approximate division of the younger generation in relation to priority goals and values:

  • Mercantile people. Group striving to achieve the largest number material values ​​and the maximum satisfaction of their, mostly far-fetched, needs (power, jewelry, elements of luxury, etc.);
  • Officials. A group that strives through career growth(with the help of money, connections, sometimes abilities) to achieve a certain social status and satisfy one’s personal ambitions. There you often meet people with “higher” needs, in addition to achieving material well-being;
  • Intellectuals. A group of individuals who, with the help of their knowledge, strive to achieve a certain material and moral satisfaction. They have a positive influence on society, developing science and society, and strive to “spiritualize” their physiological life;
  • “Philosophers” (I note that the specialty does not matter). Individuals who most objectively evaluate and react to reality and selectively relate to all values ​​- material benefits, social status, intellectual and spiritual development(according to the author, this is the most interesting and small group);
  • "Risk group." Most of the younger generation, so to speak, “dropped out of the loop”, which has not achieved its goals and can lay claim to the benefits of previous groups, that is, threaten coups or criminal seizure of values.

All of the above is a consequence of ignorance of just the basics humanities, and philosophy in particular, since only it can impart a spiritual component to human biological life. Concerning external factors, like international organizations, then they can contribute to the spiritual and intellectual development of the younger generation, using their ample opportunities in assisting the state in educational companies.

What continuation of events can be expected from modern youth, who have such spiritual emptiness and who will eventually replace the present generation?

  1. Pessimistic forecast: the next generations will be worse and worse, and the process will be reversed to evolution, up to appearance of homo pitecus.
  2. Optimistic forecast: periods of stagnation and degradation always precede periods of cultural, spiritual and intellectual flourishing of an ethnic group, nation, etc.
  3. Realistic forecast: at all times and in all societies only certain group people were highly educated (intelligentsia in in a broad sense words), and the rest of society (the largest) was a level or several levels lower, and, nevertheless, society both decomposed and developed.

Time will tell everything.

I watch people a lot. For school friends, classmates, teachers, and for parents too. I am very concerned about the topic of relationships between generations, I am worried about the misunderstanding that has formed between me and my parents, they cannot understand me, and I cannot understand them.

Modern youth (and I consider myself one of them) are very often criticized, and for a lot of reasons, deservedly and undeservedly. For frivolity, for any rudeness, absent-mindedness, internal callousness. Yes, I could go on for a long time, I think the idea is clear as it is..

You see, if you dig a little deeper, you can find an explanation for everything and improve all relationships between generations, and leave all misunderstandings.

Much depends on us. The preferences of modern youth are very deplorable - computer games, alcoholic drinks, smoking, discos (clubs) - all-round entertainment. And only a smaller percentage goes in for sports and pays attention to their health - thinking about the future.

Personally, although I don’t play sports, I strive to learn, and I don’t particularly have bad habits, and I’m not drawn to them. We probably need to have some kind of inner core in order not to succumb to the temptations that life provides us, because often we have to pay very dearly for these temptations. It’s better to restrain yourself once again than to bitterly unravel all your “works” later, but it may turn out that you will suffer not only yourself but also your loved ones.

In addition to entertainment, there is a lot of sad things in my life, although my parents do not consider my problems at all to be something that can be discussed in the family circle. But it’s still very difficult for me, be it even the betrayal of a friend or an unfair grade at school. And there’s no one to tell it to; you’re afraid to say something unnecessary at home so that there won’t be a scandal or misunderstanding later. I know that many of my peers have the same thing, and everyone is looking for help and satisfaction on the outside. Some people meet people on the Internet and share painful things there, others walk alone all day, others, out of desperation, end up in a bad campaign. We are left to our own devices, but if the family had at least a little understanding for today’s youth, everything would become much better. Nervous tension at school makes itself felt, I myself already notice that I often take it out on my parents, and they, in turn, are very offended. This makes it even worse and you don’t know where to go.

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  • Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

    Essay on the topic of

    "Youth's perspective on a changing world"

    Completed by: Diana Mukhametova

    Checked by: Davletova I.D.

    year 2012

    Young people's perspective on a changing world.

    Youth is not curious about everything

    what she associates with yesterday,

    she eagerly looks only to the future.

    (Boris Akunin from the book “Seasons”)

    In the modern world, youth are the most impulsive cell of society, because during such a period a person has a special sensitivity. During youth, a person decides a lot for himself, draws conclusions based on various life criteria. Perhaps this is the reason for various problems among young people. Alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, suicide, criminal tendencies are just the main problems of this social stratum.

    “Young people look at the world through the eyes of their idols,” said V. Shwebel. These words contain different meaning. After all, it may happen that this idol is not the most suitable example for imitation. As an example, we can take the youth revolutions of the 60s and 70s of the last century in Western countries. In the early 1960s, a significant part of young people deviated from generally accepted norms, forming countercultures: hippies, rockers, punks, skinheads. Contributed to this a new style in various branches of culture - postmodernism. It is also considered worldwide famous group The Beatles, and pop star Elvis Presley, and the rock group The Kinks.

    Today in Russia about 27% of the total population is young. It includes young people 14-35 years old. At the moment, Russian youth are increasingly seeking to obtain higher education, because this increases the likelihood of good employment. But, oddly enough, there are also disadvantages to this. Youth with higher education emigrates to Western countries, believing that the standard of living there is higher than in Russia. Despite these criteria, the youth unemployment rate is also high - about 6%. Also one of the most acute problems Russian youth is housing provision. socialization modern youth

    Our modern, rapidly changing world must adjust the younger generation to this pace; moreover, this generation is the engine of the modern world. Everything positive, innovative, revolutionary in all areas of life is created by young people. However, to achieve truly significant goals in life, young people need extensive knowledge, accumulation of experience, perseverance in achieving goals, general erudition and a progressive outlook on things. I understand that many factors contribute to the formation of such qualities in young people. This is also personal life position, and the socio-economic situation and the ability of the state to create favorable conditions for the formation of a healthy, educated and purposeful generation. After all, it is today’s young generation that shapes the adult generation of the future, and we must make every effort to create the best society: absence of wars and environmental problems, respect for basic human rights.

    In my opinion, the world should strive to solve all the problems of youth; the progress of the future lies in them.