Scholarship by semester. Personalized scholarships and grants. Other aids for students

Payments of scholarships in summer periodactual question for many students in our country. Often, calculations are built around them for summer rest or carrying out certain plans, which means no one wants to cancel a trip somewhere or a purchase of something because of an unexpected cancellation of student payments. Thus, the question “Is it worth waiting for a scholarship in the summer?” does not lose its relevance. Today we will try to give a clear answer to it.

What is a scholarship

This type of payment is due to students who study “good” and “excellent”, having a high GPA. Each educational institution It has own order their accruals, however they are regulated by a single normative document: Resolution No. 487. Thus, a similar form of incentive must be paid to each student who closes the session on time and with a certain average score (in most educational institutions, the standard of 4.0 is used for calculation). This form of encouragement is called academic.

An academic scholarship is paid to all undergraduate and graduate students, without exception, who study full-time on a budget basis at any educational institution: a college, technical school or university. In this case, each student must receive his money in the established amount before the next session, i.e. 6 months. Thus, having passed the winter session, payments are due for six months before the start of the summer session. After the end of the summer exam period, the scholarship is paid until winter, etc.

Academic scholarship amount this year

Such incentives are regularly practiced in government educational institutions. As for private ones, it is not possible to receive payments of this kind everywhere. This does not mean that non-state institutions do not produce them at all, but, as a rule, only excellent students can receive a scholarship from them (again, let us remind you that not everywhere, because in some institutions this is not practiced at all).

In addition to academic incentives, educational institutions offer other forms of scholarships, in particular, the following forms of payments are distinguished:

  • social;
  • nominal;
  • personal.

However, despite everything, the question “Do students receive a scholarship in the summer?” does not lose its relevance. First of all, this is due to the fact that most students simply do not know own rights, which is an important problem. Let's look at this question in more detail.

Should you count on money in the summer?

The answer to the question “Is it worth waiting for a scholarship during the holidays?” unequivocal: yes. Every educational institution that contains state employees on its balance sheet is obliged to credit money to their accounts, regardless of the period of the year, whether it be winter or summer. Such payments are as mandatory as, for example, salaries for teachers and staff of technical schools, colleges, schools or universities. The only nuance on this issue is the form in which the educational institution pays the scholarship to students during the summer. There may be options here. The most common forms of scholarships in Russia are as follows:

  1. The incentive is awarded in advance in June. Thus, this month, an amount of money equal to three months of payments is transferred to student accounts, and in July and August no payment is made.
  2. Accrual after the fact. In this case, students receive a scholarship for June and payments stop until September. But in the first month of autumn, each student receives his money for the previous two months.
  3. It is also possible that the money will be credited to the account evenly over three months.

Budget at Plekhanov REU: passing scores

Students can find out on their own about the specifics of awarding scholarships in the summer at each university. To do this, you need to contact the accounting department or the dean's office.

In addition, no one can exclude a situation in which a student will be deprived of such incentives due to late completion of the session. Payments for him will be stopped until he sorts out his tails. However, we would like to remind you that the scholarship is paid for six months, and most sessions in educational institutions take place in May and June. What to expect in such a situation?

Any educational institution issues payments to its students for June. This is the final month of the period that passes after the winter session, which means that even if the student failed to pass all exams on time or did not reach the average score, he will still receive his money for June, and only after that payments will be stopped. for at least six months. The same principle applies to final year students. Due to expulsion upon completion of studies, new period payments will no longer occur after the summer session, which is why the last accrual of funds will occur in the month of June.

As for the social scholarship, it is also paid in the summer, and its payment may be terminated if the student develops any problems. However, unlike academic payments, the social scholarship will be awarded immediately as soon as the student’s last debt is cleared. Moreover, he will be refunded the money he did not receive due to academic debts.

Entrance campaign to MESI: what passing scores are needed

Based on the foregoing, students and applicants need not worry: scholarships are paid year-round. The only thing that may differ is its order, and students will have to find out this on their own. All students need to receive incentives is good study and good grades in sessions, after which they can make plans for a fun time during the holidays.

Everyone, without exception, who wears honorary title student is certainly interested in his scholarship, its size and payment terms. A large number of students are concerned about whether the scholarship is paid in the summer. And if everything is more or less clear with the amount, which is directly proportional to academic performance, then it is sometimes difficult to figure out the timing of payments. As a rule, practically no questions arise regarding the payment of scholarships in the autumn/winter period, but whether a scholarship is given in the summer is of interest to many students.

Academic scholarship

Do those students who were unable to successfully pass the exam receive a scholarship in the summer? The scholarship is awarded in the summer only if the student has successfully passed the summer session. In order to receive an academic scholarship, a student must pass the exam with positive grades, that is, “good” and “excellent,” and have no debts.

If the summer session is unsatisfactory, the scholarship will be paid only for the month of June, and for July and August, if there are gaps, it will not be paid. In most universities, 5th year students are expelled on July 1 immediately after defending their diploma. Therefore, the scholarship will not be paid in August. However, in some universities, expulsion occurs in August, so students have every right to receive payments for June and July.

Each university has its own approved Regulations on the procedure for accrual and payment. Often in practice, the payment situation is as follows:

  • If the student successfully passes the session, then the scholarship for July and August is paid to him in advance in June. This is a great help before the upcoming summer holiday.
  • Also, very often universities issue scholarships to students in the fall, simultaneously with the September payment.

Social scholarship

To clarify the issue of payment, you must contact the department of labor and wages or your dean’s office. In the event that academic debt arises or, simply put, “tails” for the spring session, the social scholarship in the summer is not paid until the student retakes the session. When the debt is closed in the summer, it continues to be paid. Moreover, the payments will include the period for which it was not paid.

Let's assume that the student did not pass the exam in June, therefore, he is not accrued in the summer. The last scholarship he received was in May. In July, the student retook the exam, and for any grade. As a result, within the prescribed period, the student will receive social benefits for July, as well as for May and June.

Students who successfully entered the budget program are not yet familiar with all the rules and nuances of awarding scholarships. In order to qualify for payments not only in the first half of the year, you must complete the session in the second semester without retakes and marks below four points in all exam subjects. This is the most concise and generalized condition, but requirements may vary depending on the specifics of the university and individual circumstances. It should be taken into account that the June scholarship is paid based on the results of the first session, because the results of the second session, which determines the calculation of payments for the next six months, including summer holidays, are summed up exactly in June.

Based on this, even a student who failed to score a sufficient number of points in the summer exams can count on receiving a scholarship in the first month of summer, provided that he coped with the winter session. However, unsatisfactory grades for the session in the second semester are deprived of the right to receive benefits, starting in July, until the winter session, where there will be a chance to rehabilitate.

Thus, a student whose average score at the end of the summer session is at least four is guaranteed to receive a scholarship for the remaining two months of the summer and the first semester of the next academic year, given that all exams were passed the first time.

It is worth noting that the accrual of scholarships to graduates of universities, colleges or other institutions stops upon completion of their studies. In most cases, the receipt of a diploma falls in the first month of summer, therefore, with the onset of July, the student is no longer considered a student and payment of benefits is not provided. Social benefits are received in full in the summer if the student does not have academic debt. But in the case of a social scholarship, as soon as the student passes the certification and gets rid of the “tails,” the accrual of the benefit is resumed, and the money for the period of suspension is paid in full.

What is a scholarship?

A scholarship is a material payment to students to encourage positive results at the end of a certain educational cycle. The benefit is not awarded to students correspondence form, this applies to undergraduate and graduate students attending full-time classes. In accordance with the law, payment must be made monthly.

Any educational institution reserves the right to locally regulate the format and scope of funds received, but any changes must be made in accordance with Resolution #487.

Consequently, the award of a scholarship to a student who has successfully completed all the necessary conditions to receive it is mandatory. Almost everywhere, the student is only required to pass exams within the specified time frame and have an average score of at least four out of five.

This form of stimulation is widely used in government institutions. In private educational institutions, this practice is much less common. In the majority commercial organizations the bonus system presupposes that the student has impeccable results during the session; in some, a scholarship as such is not provided at all.

Types of scholarships

The main types of scholarships include:

  • Academic;
  • Postgraduate;
  • Social.

Upon admission to budget place, first-year students are guaranteed a stipend during the first half of the year, however, starting from the second semester, the accrual is influenced by the student’s performance in key course subjects. This form of encouragement is called academic.

The stipend for graduate students is awarded from the moment of enrollment by the rector's order, but in the future, payment occurs according to a principle similar to the academic one: the receipt of payments is influenced by grades in exams.

A social scholarship is provided for full-time students enrolled on the budget. State support is provided to orphans and children deprived of parental care, disabled people of the first and second groups, disabled people and combat veterans, as well as persons affected by the Chernobyl disaster.

In all cases, the scholarship goes to the student’s account not only during the educational process, but also during summer holidays, when students complete the necessary points for this.

In addition to the main types, scholarships are awarded separately for outstanding achievements in studies: presidential, gubernatorial, government and personal.

Payment amounts

In some institutions, the amount of regular payments may differ, and the governing bodies of universities or other educational institutions have the right to determine an increased scholarship for especially talented students.

A student of a higher educational institution who fulfills all the prescribed requirements must receive at least 1,571 rubles per month, a student of a vocational technical school - 856 rubles.

And by demonstrating excellent preparation and receiving the highest score in all examination subjects, the student can safely apply for an increased scholarship, reaching up to seven thousand rubles for a student and up to fourteen thousand for a graduate student. It is worth considering that an increased scholarship is provided to those who not only master educational material at an excellent level, but also takes an active part in the activities of public student organizations.

The scholarship in summer is paid in an amount identical to the amount during the study period.

In the past year, the Ministry of Education raised the topic of increasing monthly payments to students in Russia. During the discussion of this issue, it was decided to increase scholarships during 2018 by four percent.

Thus, this year we can expect an increase in scholarships:

  • for students of higher educational institutions - sixty-two rubles;
  • for those who study at technical schools and vocational schools - thirty-four rubles;
  • for college students - also for thirty-four rubles.

The main source for the formation of scholarship funds for educational institutions in our country is the federal budget. The size of the scholarship fund, by the way, is determined based on (as you might guess) the total number of students, and only the number of full-time students is taken into account. Scholarship amount(hereinafter - S.) is determined by the educational institution independently, but it should not be less than the standards directly established by the Government of the country.

At the beginning of the academic year, the Russian government sets the basic (minimum) amount of scholarships for various categories students. From 1st September (start of school) 2018 (for 2018/19 to be precise academic year) the following standards have been established:

  • state academic scholarship
  1. for students studying in so-called secondary vocational programs. (that is, professional) education 487 rubles/mts;
  2. for students studying in other programs, namely higher professional education programs, 1340 rubles/month;
  • state social scholarship
  1. for students studying in secondary and again vocational education 730 rub/m-c;
  2. for students studying in higher professional education programs 2010 rubles/month.

Academic S. is paid during the semester based on the results of exams passed during the session. The main requirements are that the student must not have a “satisfactory” grade in the grade book, and he must not have academic debt.

Before the first session, S. is paid to all full-time students, that is, to all first-year students in the first semester.

Social scholarship assigned depending on financial situation student and his family, whether the student or graduate student has the right to social assistance. Orphans receive it; children who were left without parental care; These are also disabled people of group I, just like those of group II; disabled people and at the same time combat veterans, Chernobyl survivors, children from low-income families (family income is below the regional subsistence level per family member). Previously, the maximum size of social support was limited, but now the management of universities is not limited to the upper established limit.

Social scholarships are awarded, as you might guess, to preferential categories of undergraduate and graduate students, regardless, oddly enough, of their academic performance, but they should not have academic debt.

For the new academic year, the amount of monthly state stipends for residents, graduate students and trainee assistants (full-time study) has been established:

  • for students in residency programs 6,717 rubles/mts;
  • for students in training programs for so-called scientific and pedagogical personnel 6330 rubles/mc;
  • for students in assistantship-internship training programs 2637 rubles/month.

Rector of Moscow State University V. Sadovnichy believes that a graduate student should not (which is not always true) combine studying directly with work, therefore, his stipend should be equal to the average wages(and sometimes overestimated in comparison with the real one) for the region. At the same time, he may well be involved in teaching at a university and advising students. The size of his S. should be such as to enable the graduate student to live. According to the rector, it is necessary to conduct a strict audit of those Russian scientific institutions that are allowed to open graduate schools. The number of such institutions may decrease, but they will be able to work better.

Postgraduate students, residents, assistant trainees receive a stipend depending on the success (which is useful to know) of mastering the training programs for the previously mentioned scientific and pedagogical personnel, respectively, in graduate school (postgraduate studies), if they do not have an intermediate one (as in a regular university ) certification of the grade “satisfactory” and in the absence of academic debt.

Additional (increased) scholarships in 2018-2019

Almost all educational institutions in the country offer so-called increased scholarships. A higher payment amount is “rewarded” to those students who have successfully demonstrated themselves in studies, science, and, moreover, in sports and social work. Previously, this S. was called the “Academic Council scholarship”, since its amount is approved by the Academic Council of the educational institution.

The amount of the increased scholarship is not a constant value, and the decision on its appointment is made by the leadership of a particular university with the participation, which is logical, of members of the student council.

A special state scholarship of the President of Russia is provided to undergraduate and graduate students (full-time study) who have demonstrated outstanding abilities (this is the main thing) in educational and, so to speak, scientific activities:

  • for students 2200 rubles/month;
  • for graduate students 4500 rubles/month.

Those undergraduate and graduate students who study in priority areas for modernization (there are also such) of the economy and have scientific achievements can be awarded a scholarship in an increased amount:

  • for students 7000 rub/month;
  • for graduate students 14,000 rubles/month.

Special state The Russian Government s-scholarship is provided to full-time undergraduate and graduate students in order to stimulate their scientific work. The amount of this S. is:

  • for students 1400 rubles/month;
  • for graduate students 3600 rub/month.

Those undergraduate and graduate students who study in priority areas for modernization, again, economics, and have scientific achievements, can also be awarded a stipend in an increased amount:

  • for students 5000 rub/month;
  • for graduate students 10,000 rubles/month.

With the help of special state scholarships, the country's leaders want to support young Russian scientists, as well as leading universities (leading scientific schools) in Russia. This support especially concerns young (under 35 years old) scientists – undergraduate and graduate students – who, as one would expect, are carrying out promising Scientific research, and in addition to this, developments according to priority (in literally) directions of modernization of the same Russian economy:

Personalized scholarships from the Ministry of Education of the country

Appointed annually (for a period of one academic year) by an outstanding students and graduate students for special academic achievements:

  1. them. D. S. Likhacheva for students of philology 400 rubles/month;

and cultural studies

  1. them. A. A. Sobchak for legal entities 700 rubles/month;


  1. them. E. T. Gaidar for economic 1,500 rubles/month;


  1. them. A. I. Solzhenitsyn for those successful in literature, 1,500 rubles/month;

political science and journalism

  1. them. Yu. D. Maslyukova for areas of training 1,500 rubles/month;



  1. them. V. A. Tumanova for legal entities 2,000 rubles/month;


  1. them. A. A. Voznesensky for students of literature 1,500 rubles/month.

and journalism

Personalized scholarships are paid in addition to the basic amounts to those students who have passed the relevant competition and become its winners.

Additional scholarships established by the Foundations

Talented youth are also encouraged:

  1. Charitable Foundation of V. Potanin.

Potanin scholarships and grants are currently received by students and teachers at 75 universities in Russia. Every year, the foundation’s staff compiles a ranking of our country’s universities using its own evaluation criteria and strives to support the strongest of them. Potanin Foundation grants are awarded to the most talented university teachers.

The scholarship competition is held for students of 1 and 2 years of full-time master's studies (this is important to note). In the 2016/17 academic year (which is currently underway), the winners will be 300 students, who will receive 15,000 rubles (not bad for a stipend) per month until the end of their master’s studies.

A competition for teachers teaching master's programs is held with the aim of awarding 50 grants, the maximum amount of which is 500,000 rubles.

  1. A charitable organization called " Oxford Russian Foundation "(or in the original - Oxford Russia Fund).

The Foundation was established in England and Wales, its scholarships serve as an excellent incentive in educational, scientific, as well as in practical activities first of all, talented and promising, which is important, Russian students who study in the field of humanities (that is, only in certain specialties), social and economic sciences.

In more detail, the scholarship program in the 2016/17 (that is, current) academic year is being implemented in 20 Russian universities that have concluded a corresponding agreement with the Foundation (Oxford). The organization determines the amount of scholarships for each specific educational institution, and the university management distributes scholarships among successful students. The incentive amount is 4,000 rubles per month. An exception was made for the National Research University (very prestigious) - “ graduate School economy”, here the incentive amount is 6,500 rubles per month.

  1. "L'Oreal Russia - UNESCO."

The L`Oreal Russia group, with the direct support, however, of the Russian Federation Commission (literal name) for UNESCO, as well as the famous Russian Academy Sciences is appointing 10 scholarships (not bad at all) for young Russian (let’s note this) female scientists with the aim of helping them in a successful scientific career.

Scholarships in the amount of 400,000 rubles each (an interesting option) are intended for women, however, under the age of, quite a bit, 35 years, who are candidates of science and working in Russian (as you might guess) scientific institutes and universities, while , only in the following disciplines listed below: physics, chemistry (not so easy to know), medicine and biology.

The purpose of the incentive is, as you probably guessed, to allow, first of all, young female scientists to become very famous, to make their (which is quite expected) noticeable scientific work and, moreover, speed up the implementation, first of all, of their projects.

  1. There are currently enough a large number of foundations and organizations that establish charitable scholarships for students.

Regional, gubernatorial and rector's scholarships are intended to additionally encourage the best students, to stimulate students to achieve high results in scientific, creative and sports, oddly enough, fields of activity. It should be noted that additional scholarships not only stimulate students, but also increase the level of competitiveness of the educational institution.

University Specific Scholarships

Let's look at additional payments using the example of several universities.

  1. Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk).

Regional scholarships are named after, as is customary, outstanding people of the region and are awarded to students who have won scientific Olympiads, conferences, and competitions. Authors of discoveries and inventions who have science articles in central scientific publications in our country and abroad, in particular:

The amount of each scholarship for the 2016/17 (that is, current) academic year is 3,000 rubles and is transferred from the regional budget.

The university is holding a competition for the right to receive a regional nominal stipend among students who are representatives of indigenous small peoples(I think they heard everything) North of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

  1. Pacific State University(Khabarovsk).

The university management encourages gifted students with regional and rector's bonuses, and the amount of bonuses increases from course to course. The regional scholarship (named after Muravyov-Amursky) comes from the budget of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The university is holding a competition among economics students for the right to receive a prestigious scholarship named after A. Kozlov (only 5 universities in the country are participating).

  1. Immanuel Kant Baltic University (Kaliningrad).

The scholarship of the governor of the Kaliningrad region is 3000 rubles/mts; scholarship for the head of the urban district with the name “City of Kaliningrad” - 1220 rubles/month; stipend of the Kaliningrad Chamber of Commerce and Industry – 3000 rubles/month; Governor's social scholarship – 600 rubles/month.

  1. Novgorod State University (Veliky Novgorod).
  • Scholarship from the Mayor of Veliky Novgorod - 1,500 rubles/month;
  • Stip-diya “Mr. Veliky Novgorod” - 1768 rubles/month;
  • Stip-diya named after Yaroslav the Wise - 2544 rubles/month;
  • S-scholarship named after the first president of the New State University V. Soroka - 2544 rubles/month;
  • S-pension of the Novgorod motor transport enterprise - 3000 rubles/month.
  1. South Ural University (Chelyabinsk).

In addition to the governor's stipend Chelyabinsk region, scholarships are awarded from the Legislative Assembly of the region, the president of the university, the state corporation Rosatom, OJSC IDGC of the Urals - Chelyabinskenergo, named after Y. Osadchy, the Society of Trustees of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction, and the Knauf company.

Students look forward to the New Year's scholarship with excitement, because this payment is optional and not standardized by anyone. Usually, on the eve of the New Year, the home university and the city administration try to increase cash payments to students ( New Year's gift). Official name there is no increase in this regard, but based on the results of the year, the university’s scholarship fund is totaled, and the leadership of the alma mater decides the issue of monetary rewards for students.

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P.S. A separate topic is scholarships for Russian students who study abroad.