Fiction as a means of developing speech in preschool children. Fiction as a means of enriching the vocabulary of middle preschool children

Consultation for educators on the topic: " Fiction as a means comprehensive development child."

O. S. Ushakova notes that fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the child’s thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and provides excellent examples of Russian literary language. Its educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance is enormous, since by expanding the child’s knowledge of the world around him, it influences the child’s personality and develops the ability to subtly sense the form and rhythm of the native language.

Children's books are considered as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. Children's poet I. Tokmakova calls children's literature the fundamental basis of education. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, “reading books is the path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking teacher finds the way to a child’s heart.”

Fiction shapes moral feelings and assessments, norms moral behavior, cultivates aesthetic perception.

The kindergarten introduces preschoolers to the best works for children and, on this basis, solves a whole complex of interrelated problems of moral, mental, and aesthetic education.

Works of literature contribute to the development of speech and provide examples of the Russian literary language.

From the book, the child learns many new words and figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they have heard, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression.

When reading the book, the connection between speech and aesthetic development, language is acquired in its aesthetic function. Mastery of linguistic figurative and expressive means serves to develop artistic perception of literary works.

Having learned to experience with heroes works of art, children begin to notice the mood of loved ones and people around them. Humane feelings begin to awaken in them - the ability to show participation. Kindness, protest against injustice. This is the basis on which integrity, honesty, and true citizenship are fostered.

The child’s feelings develop in the process of assimilating the language of those works with which the teacher introduces him. The artistic word helps the child understand the beauty of his native speech; it teaches him an aesthetic perception of the environment and at the same time forms his ethical (moral) ideas.

A child’s acquaintance with fiction begins with miniatures of folk art - nursery rhymes, songs, then he listens folk tales. Deep humanity, extremely precise moral orientation, lively humor, figurative language are the features of these folklore miniature works. Finally, the child is read original fairy tales, poems, and stories that are accessible to him.

A work of art attracts a child not only with its bright figurative form, but also with its semantic content. Older preschoolers, perceiving a work, can give a conscious, motivated assessment of the characters, using in their judgments what they have developed under the influenceeducation criteria for human behavior in our socialist society.

Direct empathy for the characters, the ability to follow the development of the plot, comparison of the events described in the work with those that he had to observe in life, help the child relatively quickly and correctly understand realistic stories, fairy tales, and by the end preschool age- shifters, fables.

Fiction is an important means of instilling a culture of behavior in children of senior preschool age. Works of fiction contribute to the formation of moral motives in children cultural behavior, which he subsequently guides in his actions. It is children's literature that allows preschoolers to discover the complexity of relationships between people, the diversity of human characters, the characteristics of certain experiences, and contributes to the emergence in children of an emotional attitude to the actions of the characters, and then to the people around them, to their own actions. Fiction provides visual examples of cultural behavior that children can use as role models.

The role of reading fiction is great for instilling a culture of behavior. Listening to the work, the child gets acquainted with the surrounding life, nature, the work of people, with peers, their joys, and sometimes failures. The artistic word affects not only the consciousness, but also the feelings and actions of the child. A word can inspire a child, make him want to become better, do something good, help him understand human relationships, and get acquainted with norms of behavior.

Using fiction as a means of instilling a culture of behavior, the teacher must pay special attention to the selection of works, methods of reading and conducting conversations on works of fiction in order to develop humane feelings and ethical ideas in children.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

“Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of children of senior preschool age.”

A book is a sorceress. A book has transformed the world. It contains the memory of human thought. Nikolai Morozov, Russian revolutionary, volunteer, scientist (1854-1946)...

"Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of a preschooler"

Fiction reveals and explains society, the natural world and relationships. Promotes the development of the child's thinking and imagination, enriches with emotions....

Everyone knows that fiction serves as an effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children and has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of a child’s speech...

Natalia Ilyushkina
Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of the child

Every year different people come to kindergarten children: smart and not so smart, sociable and reserved. But they all have one thing in common - they are surprised and admired less and less, their interests monotonous: These are mainly computer toys and modern cartoon characters. Interest in fiction, to the poetic Russian word.

In our age of new information technologies the role of the book has changed. According to numerous studies, already at preschool age children prefer other sources to books information: television, video production, computer, so my role as a teacher is to interest preschoolers, to arouse their interest in literary works , instill love for artistic expression, respect for the book. The book gives you the opportunity to speculate, to “imagine.” She teaches us to think about new information, develops creativity, Creative skills, the ability to think independently.

Everyone knows that Fiction serves as an effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children and has a huge impact on development and enrichment of the child’s speech.

Currently, the problem of introducing preschool children to fiction. Almost every family has a computer, the Internet, television, and parents do not consider it necessary to read to their children. In this regard, pedagogy faces the problem of rethinking the value guidelines of the educational system, especially the system of preschool education. And here great value acquires mastery of the folk heritage, which naturally introduces child to the basics of fiction

In addition, there is a public need for the preservation and transmission family reading. Education of preschool children fiction not only brings them joy, emotional and creative uplift, but also becomes an integral part of the Russian literary language.

When working with children, it is of particular importance to address fiction. Nursery rhymes, chants, sayings, jokes, flip-flops, etc. that have come down from the depths of centuries, the best way open and explain to kid the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. Fiction develops thinking and imagination child, enriches his emotions.

It should be remembered that fiction is the main source of education, contributes to development of imagination, develops speech, instills love for the Motherland, for nature.

V. G. Belinsky believed that “books that are written specifically for children should be included in the education plan as one of its most important aspects.” It is difficult to disagree with the words of V. G. Belinsky, since artistic the word influences the inclusion of children development of speech culture, this was also pointed out by many teachers, psychologists and linguists.

Fiction opens and explains the life of society and nature, the world of feelings and relationships. Also reading artistic works contributes development thinking and imagination child, enrich child's emotions.

Do not forget that a book is, first of all, a source of knowledge. From books, children learn a lot about the life of society and nature. And the ability to perceive artistic work and elements artistic expression to the child doesn’t come naturally, you have to develop and educate from childhood.

One of the main values ​​of reading fiction in that that with its help an adult can easily establish emotional contact with child.

Fiction forms moral feelings and assessments, norms of moral behavior, and develops aesthetic perception.

The kindergarten introduces preschoolers to the best works for children and, on this basis, solves a whole complex of interrelated problems of moral, mental, and aesthetic education.

From book child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary.

Educational function literature carried out in a special way, inherent only to art - by the force of influence artistic image. The art of words reflects reality through artistic images, shows the most typical, comprehending and generalizing real life facts. It helps child to experience life, shapes his attitude towards the environment. Works of art, revealing the inner world of the heroes, make children worry, experience the joys and sorrows of the heroes as if they were their own.

Fiction affects the senses and mind child, develops his sensitivity, emotionality. According to B. M. Teplov, art captures various aspects of the psyche person: imagination, feelings, will, develops his consciousness and self-awareness shapes his worldview. Works fiction reveals to children the world of human feelings, arousing interest in personality, inner world hero.

Having learned to experience with heroes works of art, children begin to notice the mood of loved ones and people around them. Humane feelings begin to awaken in them - the ability to show participation. Kindness, protest against injustice. This is the basis on which integrity, honesty, and true citizenship are fostered.

Feelings baby develop in the process of mastering the language of those works with which the teacher introduces him. Artistic words help a child understand the beauty of the sounding native speech, it teaches him an aesthetic perception of the environment and at the same time forms his ethical (moral) representation.

Acquaintance child with fiction begins with miniatures of folk art - nursery rhymes, songs, then he listens to folk tales. Deep humanity, extremely precise moral direction, lively

humor and figurative language are the features of these folklore miniature works. Finally, the child is read original fairy tales, poems, and stories that are accessible to him.

Journey into the world of a fairy tale develops imagination, the imagination of children, encourages them to write. Raised on the best literary As examples of humanity, children in their stories and fairy tales show themselves to be fair, protecting the offended and weak, and punishing the evil.

Representations received by children from works of art, are transferred into their life experience gradually, systematically.

Fiction is an important medium nurturing a culture of behavior in children of primary preschool age. Works fiction contribute to the formation in children of moral motives of cultural behavior, which later guide their actions. It's the children's room literature allows preschoolers to discover the complexity of relationships between people, the diversity of human characters, the characteristics of certain experiences, and contributes to the emergence in children of an emotional attitude towards the actions of the characters, and then the people around them, and their own actions. Fiction provides clear examples of cultural behavior that children can use as role models.

The role of reading lessons is great fiction to foster a culture of behavior. Listening to the piece child gets acquainted with the surrounding life, nature, the work of people, with peers, their joys, and sometimes failures. Artistic the word affects not only consciousness, but also feelings and actions child. A word can give you wings child, evoke a desire to become better, to do something good, helps to understand human relationships, and become familiar with norms of behavior.

Using fiction as a medium education of a culture of behavior, the teacher should pay special attention to the selection of works, methods of reading and conducting conversations on artistic works with the aim of developing humane feelings and ethical ideas in children, and transferring these ideas into the lives and activities of children.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard allows teachers to vary in their work the forms and methods of introducing children to fiction so, as they consider necessary, since the main goal of the Federal State Educational Standard is the integration of education ( development individuals, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological abilities).

Getting to know fiction cannot be limited to educational activities, it must be carried out at all moments of children’s lives in kindergarten (game, walk, work, household activities).

By building a system of work according to development speeches of younger preschoolers, according to means of fiction it is necessary to create a good speech development environment, taking into account individual and social conditions. This

compilation and development forward planning on the topic, selection of didactic and outdoor games and exercises, lesson notes, visual didactic aids and albums. To a very important condition in resolving the issue speech development through fiction is to involve parents in the work, they must understand the significance and seriousness of this issue.

Thus, we note that the systematic and targeted use of various types works of art as a means of speech development and also correct organized work, determines the possibility of effective and fruitful speech development of preschoolers, promotes replenishment vocabulary, forming the communicative culture of a preschooler, makes the child’s speech more expressive, bright and emotional. Children actively express themselves in different types artistic activities and are creatively active, they have self-awareness is developed, they know how to understand and accept humor and become much friendlier, which is very important in modern society.

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Vocabulary: thunder, be silent, steamed, summer rain, soaked, quieted, silent, cooing, muttering

Retelling of the fairy tale "The Tale of the Dandelion"

Task. Dictionary: learn to correctly name the qualities of objects according to their meaning, fix the name of a wild flower in the active dictionary.

Vocabulary: dandelion, sad, brave, grass, thin, long, airy, breeze, field, scatter).

1. Reading of the work by the teacher. 2. Selection of words to describe the flower. 3. Focusing on words that carry the main semantic load. 4. Lexical analysis of the language of works of art (identifying the meanings of unfamiliar words and expressions, clarifying the nuances of the meanings of words used in figuratively, analysis of figurative means of the text language).

Theme of the week: “Floral ramblings.”


Finger game “our scarlet flowers”

Vocabulary: Flowers, scarlet, bloom, close, petals.

1. Focusing on words that carry the main semantic load.

2. The teacher’s explanation of the meanings of words.

3. Pronunciation of words by children.

5. Selection of words to characterize the hero;

Memorizing a poem by A.K. Tolstoy "Bells"

Vocabulary: bells, beautiful, ringing, standing, blooming.

Reading the quatrain round dance game"Growing poppies"

Vocabulary: poppy, scarlet, growing, swayed.

1.Explanation by the teacher of the meanings of words.

2. Pronunciation of words by children.

4. Selection of words to characterize the hero.

Reading of Diana Elovikova’s poem “Asters”

Vocabulary: colorful, beautiful, sunny, playful, aster, asters, thoughtful.

1. Reading of a poem by the teacher. 2. Pronunciation of phrases by children.

3.Use of words in different contexts in connection with a conversation about the content of the poem.

4.Explanation by the teacher of the meanings of words.

5. Individual and choral pronunciation of phrases by children.

Teacher's story "About how the dahlia appeared"

Dictionary: dahlia, legend, bright, Dahlia, George.

1. The teacher’s story about the content of the work.

2. Questions for children about the content of the work.

3.Explanation by the teacher of unfamiliar words.

4. Choral and individual pronunciation of words by children.

Theme of the week: “Joyful autumn.”


Reading the story “Forest in Autumn”

Task. Dictionary: update and enrich their vocabulary. Development of observation skills, the ability to focus on the main features of the described object and name it.

Vocabulary: early, autumn, yellowed, light, weightless, fallen.

1. Teacher reading a story.

2. Repeated pronunciation of words by children.

3. The teacher’s explanation of the meaning of the word.

4. Instructions from the teacher for choral and individual pronunciation of words by children.

5. Speech sample of the teacher.

Unlearning finger game"Autumn"

Task. Vocabulary: enriching children's vocabulary in different parts speech (adjectives, nouns, verbs).

Vocabulary: Yellow, red leaf, autumn, leaves, fingers, play, walk, collected.

5.Children reading word games.

Reading the poem “Autumn” by A. Fet

Task. Vocabulary: enrich the vocabulary, reinforce and train children in clear pronunciation of words.

Dictionary: through, carries, clear, distant, not sad, scared.

1.Expressive reading teacher

2. Explanation of unfamiliar words by the teacher.

3. Questions for children regarding the content. 4. Individual and choral pronunciation of words by children.

artistic word “Autumn Treasure” by I. Pivovarov, proverbs about autumn for children.

Vocabulary: autumn, treasure, vegetables, ripened, harvest, ripened, pickling, early, late, rich.

1. Expressive reading by the teacher.

2. Explanation of the meaning of the proverb and its content.

3.Children pronounce the proverb repeatedly.

Topic of the week: “The benefits of vegetables.”


Teacher reading the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Vocabulary: pulls, pulls, turnip, came running, planted, grew, big, big.

1. Expressive reading by the teacher.

2. Questions aimed at restoring the plot of the fairy tale.

3. The use of words in different contexts in connection with a conversation about the content of the work.

The teacher tells the fairy tale “The Man and the Bear”

Vocabulary: tops, roots, smart, harvest, cunning.

1. An expressive story from the teacher.

2. Focusing on words that carry the main semantic load.

3. Children compose sentences with polysemantic words.

4.Choral and individual pronunciation of words by children.

Learning the nursery rhyme “Cucumber - cucumber”.

Vocabulary: cucumber, tip, lives, bites off.

1. Repeated recitation of nursery rhymes by children.

2. Questions about the content.

3.Explanation of unfamiliar words by the teacher.

4. Individual pronunciation of words by children.

Reading by the teacher of the poem by Tuvim Julian (translated by S. Mikholkov “Vegetables”

Vocabulary: vegetables, ripe, ripe, pickled, cabbage, carrots, beets, potatoes.

1. The use of words in different contexts in connection with a conversation about the content of the work.

2. Compiling sentences with ambiguous words.

3.Drawing on the theme of a polysemantic word.

Reading by the teacher of the rhyme “Healthy Vegetable”.

Vocabulary: healthy, vegetable, tasty, fresh, rich, vitamins.

1. Expressive reading of words by the teacher.

2. Choral pronunciation of words by children.

3. Selection of words to characterize the hero.

Application 10

Article for parents: “Rich, good developed speech child -

it is important".

Dear parents!

Of course, you want your children and grandchildren to speak correctly and beautifully, without experiencing difficulties

What is this connected with? This is due to an insufficient level of speech development. Many children have difficulty constructing phrases, cannot formulate sentences grammatically correctly, have a poor vocabulary, and have impaired sound pronunciation.

Such shortcomings are not noticeable at home, but are revealed in classes in kindergarten. In order to prevent these difficulties, it is necessary to develop the child’s speech in preschool age.

It is important to remember that it is during the preschool period that a child’s speech develops most intensively, and most importantly, it is the most flexible and pliable. Therefore, all speech defects are overcome more easily and quickly.

Starting from the very early years In life, a child’s speech develops by imitation, so a large role in its formation is played by the clear, leisurely, grammatically and phonetically correct speech of adults.

Some parents are biased in assessing their child's speech. Often in the family, adapting to the baby’s language, they for a long time they babble with him, distort the words, imitating a child’s speech, as they usually say, they lisp.

This manner of communication not only does not stimulate the child to master correct sound pronunciation, but also perpetuates his shortcomings for a long time. And this is absolutely unacceptable!

In a family, it is necessary to create conditions for a child in which he will experience satisfaction from communicating with adults, not only receive new knowledge from them, but also enrich his vocabulary, learn correctly, construct sentences, pronounce sounds and words correctly and clearly, and find it interesting. tell.

Speech is a wonderful gift of nature and is not given to a person from birth. It will take time for the baby to start talking. And we, adults, must make a lot of effort so that the child’s speech develops correctly and in a timely manner, i.e. It is very important to help you master this wonderful gift as successfully as possible..

Application 11

Report to parent meeting: « Didactic game- effective environmentdthe formation of a dictionary."

In preschool age, one of the main tasks of upbringing and education is learning native language. Correct speech - the most important condition comprehensive development of the child. In system preschool work in speech development, enriching the vocabulary, consolidating it and activating it takes great place. And this is natural. The word is the main means of communication and form of self-expression of the child. It serves as a means of regulating his behavior. With the help of words, the child learns about the natural and objective environment. Improving verbal communication is impossible without expanding the child’s vocabulary. For vocabulary development, constant communication between adults and children is important. The volume and quality of a preschooler’s vocabulary depend on how complete his communication is. Active image a child’s life provides fertile material for expanding his vocabulary: excursions to the theater, circus, zoo, etc.

The development of speech in a child occurs with a certain gradualness. Thus, the assimilation of parts of speech occurs in the following sequence: nouns are usually the first words, verbs appear almost simultaneously with nouns, adverbs appear somewhat later. Some forms of pronouns appear very early and are firmly acquired. Adjectives begin to be used in speech much later, then adverbs, numerals and function words. Participles and gerunds are learned only at school age.

Linguists divide children into age groups, highlighting the stages of vocabulary formation in children.

Second junior group. Three-year-old children are continuously expanding their vocabulary. If at two years a child has a vocabulary of 250-300 words, then at three years he usually has 800-1000 words.

Middle group. By the age of four, the active vocabulary reaches 1900 - 2000 words.

Older age. By the age of five, the vocabulary increases to 2500 - 3000 words. Generalizing words appear in the active dictionary, children correctly name wide circle household items.

Preparatory group. Children of senior preschool age have a large vocabulary - 3000 - 3500. These are mainly the words that are most often used when communicating with others.

Thus, in preschool age, a child must master a vocabulary that would allow him to communicate with peers and adults, study successfully at school, understand literature, television and radio programs, etc. Therefore, preschool pedagogy considers the development of vocabulary in children as one of the important tasks of speech development.

In preschool age great importance play plays a role in children's speech development.

"The game is fantasy world, freed from despotism and suppression of adults, a world of discovery of repressed desires, a world of realization of the unrealizable” (A.S. Spivakovskaya). Game methods quite varied. The most common technique is a didactic game. These games promote the development of cognitive activity. A didactic game is a strong stimulator of children's mental and communicative activity. It allows preschoolers to consolidate their knowledge and skills, apply them in practice, and teach them independence in work and compliance with standards. speech etiquette, activates creative activity. Didactic games are characterized by the presence of an educational task. It is guided by adults, using one or another didactic game, but they put it in a form that is entertaining for children.

In kindergarten, didactic games are used to solve all problems speech development. They consolidate and clarify vocabulary, the change and formation of words, practice composing coherent statements, and develop explanatory speech. In these games, the child finds himself in situations where he is forced to use acquired speech knowledge and vocabulary in new conditions. They manifest themselves in the words and actions of the players. Didactic game - effective remedy consolidation of grammatical skills, since thanks to the emotionality and interest of children, they provide the opportunity to practice the child many times in repeating the necessary word forms.

Depending on the material, didactic games can be divided into three types: games with objects (toys, natural material etc.), printed board games, etc. word games. It should be noted that all of these games can be successfully used to activate the vocabulary of preschoolers. Games with objects are most accessible to children of primary preschool age, since they are based on direct perception, correspond to the child’s desire to act with things and thus get to know them, in addition, the child willingly names the objects he sees. The child begins to play these games at early age and does not lose his interest in them throughout preschool childhood. In early preschool age, many games with toys are accompanied by movements, which corresponds to the characteristics of the child’s perception and thinking.

Printed board games, as well as games with objects, are based on the principle of visualization, but in these games children are not given the object itself, but its image. Content board games varied. Some types of lotto and paired pictures introduce children to individual objects (transport, clothing), animals, birds, vegetables, fruits, their qualities and properties. Others clarify ideas about seasonal natural phenomena (lotto “Seasons”), about various professions(game “Who needs what?”). Like a didactic toy, a printed board game is good when it requires independent mental work.

Verbal games are the most complex: they are not associated with the direct perception of an object; in them, children must operate with ideas. These games are of great importance for the development of a child’s thinking, since in them children learn to express independent judgments, draw conclusions and conclusions without relying on the judgments of others, and notice logical errors. For example, “Complete the sentence”, “Say it the other way around”, “Call it affectionately”.

Verbal games are carried out mainly in older groups and are very important for preparing children for school, as they require and, therefore, develop the ability to listen carefully, quickly find the right answer to a question, accurately and clearly formulate their thoughts, and apply knowledge. Independent use of a variety of vocabulary acquired in classes and in didactic games is carried out in everyday communication of preschoolers. The role of the teacher here is to organize meaningful communication, to pay attention to children’s speech, to its vocabulary, to ensure that the child uses all the wealth of the accumulated vocabulary.

In preschool educational institutions, teachers actively use different kinds didactic games for the development of vocabulary of preschoolers. It should only be noted that select game material teachers must, in accordance with individual and age characteristics children and vocabulary work tasks.

Dear parents: - play a variety of educational games with your children more often: board games, verbal games, games with objects;

If a child asks you to play with him, do not deny him and yourself this pleasure;

Become your child's partner in play;

Don’t forget to rejoice in your children’s successes and support and praise them.

Thus, the use of didactic games contributes to the development of children’s speech activity. Development during play activity the speeches of preschoolers are an attempt to teach children lightly, joyfully, without coercion. .

Application 12

Table 8 - Control stage plan

Application 13

Table 9 - Results of the “Doll” diagnostic at the control stage

Grading each assignment

in order in points.

average rating

General level

Christina A.

Christina K.

Ruslan I.

Oksana K.

Milisa B.

Milana S.

Application 14

Table 10 - Results of the diagnostic “Composing sentences with polysemantic words” at the control stage

F.I. Child

average rating

In points.

General level of development

Christina A.

Christina K.

Ruslan N.

Oksana K.

Milisa B.

Milana S.

Application 15

Table 11 - Diagnostic results “Determining the meaning of a word (answers to the questions “What is it?”, “What does it mean?”)” at the control stage

F.I. Child.

Average score in points.

General level of development.

Christina A.

Christina K.

Ruslan N.

Oksana K.

Milisa B.

Milana S.

Application 16

Table 12 - Schedule for studying the vocabulary of children of middle preschool age at the control stage

Overall score for the first task.

Total score for the second task.

Overall score for the third task.


Christina A.

Christina K.

Ruslan I.

Oksana K.

Milisa B.

Returning from kindergarten or school, doing household chores, parents have great opportunities in order to prepare the child for a meeting with a new book or talk about an already read fairy tale or story. Then reading becomes desired and expected. In addition, it is necessary to allocate a certain time in the daily routine so that by this hour the child is tuned in to the perception of the book: during this happy time during the day there will always be 15-20 minutes to calmly read to the child. Reading should take place in a calm environment, when nothing distracts the child, and those around him treat his activities with “respect.”

It’s good if the atmosphere of the family reading ritual enhances perception. Late in the evening, when it is dark outside, it is good to read a fairy tale in a shaded room by the light of a table lamp. The twilight puts you in a fabulous, fantastic mood.

Children 5 - 5 years old are read for no more than 15-20 minutes, because then their attention wanders - no matter how much the child likes the book, you need to give him rest. But how joyful it will be new meeting with the same book, how intently he will listen to it and look at it!

Remember: A child cannot be a passive listener all the time; therefore, while reading, his attention must be activated! Let him repeat the words after you, answer questions, look at the illustrations. Children love this very much. You can invite your child to tell a fairy tale together (in chorus). So, by repeating the lines of a poem, children learn to speak using examples. artistic word, poetry and prose.

Particular attention should be paid to children's love of repeated readings. Everyone knows that a child literally “brings” his loved ones to exhaustion, demanding to read the same work over and over again. Children crave repeated readings in order to experience the joyful excitement again and with greater force: they are excited by the plot, and the characters, and figurative poetic words, and expressions, and the music of speech. Repeated readings train memory and develop speech. After repeated readings, the child will remember the book and will be able to show the independence he so desires: read poems by heart, retell stories and fairy tales, make drawings for them, etc.

Rules that will make reading aloud attractive:

1. Show your child that reading aloud gives you pleasure. Don’t mumble as if serving a long-tired duty. The child will feel this and lose interest in reading.

2. Show your child respect for the book. A child should know that a book is not a toy, not a roof for a doll’s house, and not a cart that can be carried around the room. Teach your children to handle it carefully. It is advisable to look at the book on the table, take clean hands, carefully turn the pages. After viewing, put the book back in its place.

3. While reading, save eye contact with baby.

An adult, while reading or telling a story, should stand or sit in front of the children so that they can see his face, observe his facial expressions, eye expressions, and gestures, since these forms of expression of feelings complement and enhance the impressions of reading.

4. Read to children slowly, but not monotonously, try to convey the music of rhythmic speech. The rhythm and music of speech enchants the child, they enjoy the melodiousness of the Russian tale, the rhythm of the verse.

During the reading process, children should be periodically given the opportunity to talk about their feelings, but sometimes you can ask them to simply silently “listen to themselves.”

5. Play with your voice: read sometimes faster, sometimes slower, sometimes loudly, sometimes quietly - depending on the content of the text. When reading poems and fairy tales to children, try to convey in your voice the character of the characters, as well as a funny or sad situation, but do not “overdo it.” Excessive dramatization prevents the child from reproducing in his imagination the pictures drawn in words.

6. Shorten the text if it is clearly too long. In this case, there is no need to read everything to the end; the child still ceases to perceive what he heard. Briefly summarize the ending.

7. Read fairy tales whenever the child wants to listen to them. Maybe it’s a little boring for parents, but for him it’s not.

8. Read aloud to your child every day, make it a favorite family ritual. Be sure to continue reading together when the child learns to read: the value of a good book depends largely on how the parents reacted to the book and whether they will find a proper place for it in their family library.

9. Don’t persuade him to listen, but “seduce” him. A useful trick: let your child choose the books himself.

10. From the very beginning early childhood The child needs to select his own personal library. Go with your child more often book Shop, to the library. You should buy books gradually, choosing what interests children, what they understand, in consultation with the teacher.

11. Read aloud or retell to your child books that you yourself liked as a child. Before reading a book you are unfamiliar with to your child, try reading it yourself to direct your child’s attention in the right direction.

12. Do not interrupt your child from reading or looking at a picture book. Again and again, draw children's attention to the contents of the book and pictures, each time revealing something new.

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    Studying the features of vocabulary development in preschool children through familiarization with nature. Development of an experimental complex system of various forms of methods and techniques for enriching the vocabulary of older preschoolers in familiarizing themselves with the environment.

    course work, added 03/06/2016

    Psychological and linguistic foundations of vocabulary development in the process of familiarization with the environment. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of vocabulary in children of middle preschool age. Conducting an experiment using the example of a middle group in a kindergarten.

    thesis, added 07/20/2012

    The role of fiction in the education of feelings and the development of children's speech. Features of the development of preschoolers' vocabulary, methods of its enrichment and activation. Development of the vocabulary of 6–7 year old children in the process of using fiction, its dynamics.

    thesis, added 05/25/2010

    Features of the formation of the vocabulary of preschool children, analysis of the lexical means of expressive speech available to children, methods and techniques for enriching their vocabulary. Experimental work with preschoolers using didactic games and exercises.

    course work, added 01/24/2010

    Analysis of vocabulary work with children of primary preschool age. Objectives and content of vocabulary development methods. Didactic game as a method of vocabulary work for preschoolers: Methodology for developing children's vocabulary. Diagnostics to identify the level of their speech development.

    course work, added 02/19/2014

    Vocabulary formation as a task of speech development in preschool age. Forms, methods, techniques for enriching the vocabulary of children of senior preschool age. Selection and testing of this technique, its testing and determination of practical effectiveness.

    course work, added 07/22/2011

    Theoretical approaches to the problem of vocabulary development in mentally retarded children aged 5-6 years. A system of correctional and developmental measures to develop the active vocabulary of preschool children based on familiarization with surrounding objects and phenomena.

    course work, added 06/25/2014

    Features of vocabulary work with children 5–6 years old. National holidays V preschool institution, principles, rules of their organization, their role and significance in the development of children's vocabulary. Guidelines on the development of vocabulary for children of senior preschool age.

Ziganshina Almira Zavdatovna,

Teacher of Russian language and literature

MAOU - “Secondary School No. 17” Almetyevsk RT

work no. 45-60-03




Education of patriotism is a tireless work to create in schoolchildren a sense of pride in their Motherland and their people, respect for its great achievements and worthy pages of the past, and the role of Russian literature in this regard cannot be overestimated.

One of the tasks in the formation of students’ personality is to enrich it with moral ideas and concepts. The degree of mastery of them is different for all children, which is associated with general development, his life experience. In this regard, the role of fiction on patriotic themes is great and significant.

Patriotic theme has a long rich tradition, dating back to heroic epic peoples, from a wonderful monument ancient Russian culture"The Tale of Igor's Campaign" and the Georgian national poem“The Knight in Tiger Skin” by Sh. Rustaveli, from “Poltava” by A.S. Pushkin and “Borodin” by M.Yu. Lermontov, “Taras Bulba” by N.V. Gogol and “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy.

Defense of the Fatherland, the struggle for freedom and independence of one’s people, feats in the name of the Motherland are considered in works of fiction as the most striking manifestations of patriotic feeling.

In the modern situation, when a military conflict between individual states poses a real threat to all humanity, the movement of supporters of the struggle for peace, for the preservation of life on our planet, is becoming an expression of patriotic feeling.

Writers are also at the forefront of the peace movement. Evidence of this is their constant interest in problems of war and peace, enormous educational potential best works modern literature dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

What problems concern today's schoolchildren in fiction about war? What are their motives for turning to works about war? Let me quote a schoolgirl’s statement: “I read a lot about the war. I often think about what awaits our planet in the future, and therefore I read our and foreign science fiction writers with interest. I was struck by the fantastic situation described by Ch. Aitmatov in the novel “Stormy Stop”. This is some kind of special, very life-like fantasy, not to think about the present.” (Elfimova Aigul, 11th grade).

Systematic work on the patriotic education of schoolchildren will certainly yield results, because the younger generation will not be brought up by denying the culture of their country and ridiculing the history of their state, but will learn to find the right guidelines and form a system of attitudes towards certain events. Literature has great potential in patriotic education.

Oral creativity Any nation contains rich material for education in the spirit of friendship, mutual understanding, hard work, and patriotism. Proverbs, sayings, riddles, songs, and epics serve this purpose.

Studying “The Life of Alexander Nevsky” in the 8th grade, students talk about the abusive exploits of Alexander Nevsky and his spiritual feat self-sacrifice, about the protection of Russian lands from invasions and raids of enemies. An ardent call for the unity of Rus' in the face of external danger, a call to protect the peaceful creative labor of the Russian population - this is the main conclusion that ninth-graders come to when studying “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”

For students, episodes provide enormous material for patriotic and civic education military history Russia.

Thus, studying the heroic pages of the history of our country in M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Borodino” in the 5th grade, students reveal the thoughts and feelings of ordinary soldiers who defended their homeland from the enemy, the author’s thoughts about the meaning of the Battle of Borodino and the role common people, Russian national character, about who real people are, at what price the glory of the people is obtained. In class we talk about the War of 1812 and the significance of the Battle of Borodino, we talk about Lermontov not only as a poet, but also as a direct participant in the battles in the Caucasus. The main thing when analyzing the poem is the answer to the question: “Why do the feelings of the participants in the distant events of 1812 continue to excite us now? Why during the Great Patriotic War the defenders of Moscow often uttered the words: “Guys! Isn’t Moscow behind us?” The analysis of the text is well complemented by slides of reproductions of paintings by F. Roubaud “Panorama of the Battle of Borodino”, “Kutuzov at Borodin” by S. Gerasimov and slides of other authors prepared by the students themselves.

N.V. Gogol's story “Taras Bulba” (6th grade) is a glorification of military camaraderie and a condemnation of betrayal. Students note the heroism and dedication of Taras and his comrades - the Cossacks in the fight for native land, the patriotic pathos of the story. The exploits of Taras and his son Ostap evoke in students a feeling of sincere admiration and give concrete ideas about such features of patriotism as selfless devotion to the Motherland, courage and bravery in defending its honor and independence. When studying this work, I use video fragments of the film “Taras Bulba” in the lesson as an illustration of the work, comparing fragments literary text and a video clip. Watching the episodes is accompanied by a conversation about the content.

Special place Literature classes involve working with historical documents. For example, when studying A.S. Pushkin’s novel “ Captain's daughter" Students learn to compare, contrast, analyze, for example, comparing the leader of the uprising in different works: the image of Pugachev in folklore, in the works of A.S. Pushkin, S.A. Yesenin “Pugachev”. this work allows students to independently obtain knowledge on the basis of which certain beliefs are formed and through the assessment of events to form a value system. All this leads to the emergence of positive civic personality traits in the child.

The fate of the homeland and the fate of a person are merged into one whole in M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man.” 9th grade students identify such qualities as perseverance, devotion, and camaraderie, which have long been inherent in the Russian soldier. A striking example Andrei Sokolov became such a soldier. The leitmotif of the work is the words of the hero: “... That’s why you’re a man, that’s why you’re a soldier, to endure everything, to endure everything, if need calls for it.” Reading and analysis ends with watching a film, which once again gives schoolchildren the opportunity to experience the extraordinary character of the Russian person. By analyzing the text, students are given tasks to find facts about the manifestations of courage and heroism of Russian people in additional literature; analyzing certain actions of our fellow citizens, they answer the question: “What would you do in his place?” This question gives rise to a child’s sense of involvement in the events of the distant past.

It is always easier to know, understand and feel a person, an event through art. The formation of patriotic feelings is facilitated by the implementation of creative tasks: draw an illustration for historical event, make crossword puzzles, voice dialogue historical figures, write a film script, oral drawing. The use of musical fragments and theatrical elements allows you to create a special emotional mood in the lesson, which will largely determine its success.

The use of ICT technologies is the result of the formation of a more effective teaching model; this is a requirement of the time, allowing to diversify the lesson and intensify the work of students. The success of training depends on creative personality teacher, on his ability to use ICT, aimed at the formation and development of students’ information culture.

Effective use the latest pedagogical technologies, educational possibilities of forms and methods of teaching ensures the education and development of the personality of schoolchildren, contributes to the manifestation of their own moral and civic position, participation in patriotic activities.


  1. Gasanov Z.T. “Goal, objectives and principles patriotic education citizens." "Pedagogy". - 2007, No. 6;
  2. Kolychev V.K. “The Origins of Courage”, Moscow “Enlightenment”, 2001.
  3. Bodrova N.A., Seagal L.M. “Reading interests of older schoolchildren. Extracurricular and extracurricular work in literature.” - Moscow, 2002
  4. Bogdanova O.Yu. Library of the teacher of Russian language and literature. "Moral education in literature lessons." - Moscow “Enlightenment”, 2001
  5. Ovchinnikova N.P. “The idea of ​​patriotism and Patronymic history in the history of Russian pedagogy.” "Pedagogy". - 2007, No. 1

Literature (from the Latin litera - letter, writing) is a type of art in which the main means of figurative reflection of life is the word.

Fiction is a type of art that is capable of most comprehensively and widely revealing the phenomena of life, showing them in movement and development.

As an art of words, fiction arose in oral folk art. Its sources were songs and folk epic tales. The word is an inexhaustible source of knowledge and an amazing means for creating artistic images. In words, in the language of any people, their history, their character, the nature of the Motherland are captured, the wisdom of centuries is concentrated. Living word rich and generous. It has many shades. It can be menacing and gentle, instill horror and give hope. No wonder the poet Vadim Shefner said this about the word:

With a word you can kill, with a word you can save, with a word you can lead regiments. A word can be sold and betrayed and bought, A word can be poured into crushing lead.

1.2. Oral folk art and literature. Genres unt.

1.3. Artistic image. Artistic time and space.

Artistic image is not only an image of a person (the image of Tatyana Larina, Andrei Bolkonsky, Raskolnikov, etc.) - it is a picture of human life, in the center of which stands a specific person, but which includes everything that surrounds him in life. Thus, in a work of art a person is depicted in relationships with other people. Therefore, here we can talk not about one image, but about many images.

Any image is an inner world that has come into the focus of consciousness. Outside of images there is no reflection of reality, no imagination, no knowledge, no creativity. The image can take sensual and rational forms. The image can be based on a person’s fiction, or it can be factual. Artistic image objectified in the form of both the whole and its individual parts.

Artistic image can expressively influence feelings and mind.

It provides the maximum capacity of content, is capable of expressing the infinite through the finite, it is reproduced and evaluated as a kind of whole, even if created with the help of several details. The image may be sketchy, unspoken.

As an example of an artistic image, one can cite the image of the landowner Korobochka from Gogol’s novel “ Dead Souls" She was an elderly woman, thrifty, collecting all sorts of rubbish. The box is extremely stupid and slow to think. However, she knows how to trade and is afraid to sell things short. This petty thrift and commercial efficiency puts Nastasya Petrovna above Manilov, who has no enthusiasm and who knows neither good nor evil. The landowner is very kind and caring. When Chichikov visited her, she treated him to pancakes, unleavened pie with eggs, mushrooms, and flatbreads. She even offered to scratch her guest's heels at night.