Project “Introducing children to fiction through reading fairy tales”

To help parents realize the value of reading together as a means of education, upbringing and development of preschoolers.

Dissemination of positive family education experiences.

Tasks of the parent meeting:

Creating a positive emotional atmosphere;

Expand social partnership, attract parents to read together, create traditions of family reading;

Provide informational assistance to the family;



"Introducing children to fiction through family reading!” (for parents of pupils of the first junior group)

Purpose of the meeting:

To help parents realize the value of reading together as a means of education, upbringing and development of preschoolers.

Tasks of the parent meeting:

Creating a positive emotional atmosphere;

Expand social partnership, attract parents to shared reading, create traditions of family reading;

Provide informational assistance to the family;

Popularization of positive family experiences in instilling in children an interest in reading.

Preliminary work:

Questioning of parents "Introducing children to children's fiction."

Preparation of presentations by parents “Traditions of Family Reading.”

Consultations: “What fairy tales should you read to your child at night?”, “The role of fairy tales in the development and upbringing of a child,” “How to organize home reading,” “The role of books in a child’s life,” “How to turn reading into pleasure,” “Ten “whys” children need to read books.

Drawing up and design of a memo for parents: “Family and books”, “ Sample list literature in accordance with the program for children 2–3 years old.”

Booklets: “How to teach a child to love reading?”, “Introducing preschoolers to reading,” “Why read books to children? How to handle a book."

Design of the exhibition of fiction for reading to children “World of Childhood”.

Venue: group

Form: parents' evening

Parent meeting plan:

1. introduction. Game "Collect a square"

2. Introduction to the project “Kindergarten, family and books!”

4. Conversation about different things.

Hello, dear parents! Thank you for taking the time to come to today's meeting. I would like to start our meeting with epigraphs:

"To prepare a person

spiritually to independent life

we need to introduce him to the world of books"

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

“Reading is a window through which children

see and understand the world and themselves"

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Every family dreams of raising a child who reads. It is important to focus your parental efforts on developing children’s interest in reading and books. So

Dear parents, today on the agenda:

1. Opening remarks. Game "Collect a square"

2. Introduction to the project “Kindergarten, family and books” -

3. Interactive game “Journey through Fairy Tales”

4. Conversation about different things.

We offer you a little warm-up - a game called “Collect a square.” Rules: Dear parents, there are pieces of a square in front of you. Take one piece each and, without communicating with each other, assemble a square. You cannot suggest with hand movements, gaze, or facial expressions (parents are assembling a square).

Dear parents, please answer, what difficulties did you experience while completing this task? (parents' statement).

Was it difficult for you to complete this task and why?

Indeed, the role of communication in human life is great. Communication is the main condition for human development and life. How do you see communication with your children? Are there any difficulties? (Parents' answers).

Thank you for your answers, dear parents.

Yes, speech is the main means of human communication. Without it, a person would not have the opportunity to receive and transmit a large number of information. We pay special attention to fiction in developing children's speech.

Fiction serves as a powerful, effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children; it has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of a child’s speech, emotions, thinking, and imagination. In stories, children learn the conciseness and precision of words, in poetry they capture the musicality, melodiousness, and rhythm of Russian speech. The value of reading fiction is that with its help an adult can easily establish emotional contact with a child.

Family reading is of particular importance for a child’s reading destiny. Listening to an adult read, looking at book illustrations with him, the child actively thinks, worries about the characters, anticipates events, and establishes connections between his experience and the experience of others. Reading together brings adults and children together, stimulates and fills rare and joyful moments of spiritual communication with content, and cultivates a kind and loving heart in a child.

Unfortunately, the traditions of family reading, preserved by many generations of our ancestors, are today almost forgotten and destroyed. Only in a few modern families they continue to live. main reason This phenomenon is a changed socio-cultural environment: the widespread development of television, video and computer technology, a sharp increase in their role and specific gravity in the leisure time of modern man.

Based on this, we created and implemented the “Kindergarten, Family and Book” project, together with parents and children of the first junior group, which we included in the theme of our meeting.

The purpose of this project:

To develop in children a sustainable interest in fiction.

Involving parents in the educational process by introducing children to fiction.

Objectives of this project:

To develop children’s interest and need for reading (perception) of books;

Continue to teach listening to folk songs, fairy tales, and original works, both with and without visual accompaniment;

To encourage children to take the initiative to finish words and phrases when reading familiar works;

Encourage children to look at pictures in books, encourage them to name familiar objects;

Learn to ask questions: “Who (what) is this?”, “What is he doing?”

Upbringing careful attitude to the book, as the result of the work of many people;

Help create an atmosphere at home to instill love and interest in books;

Updating parents' knowledge about the value of family reading, development

family reading traditions;

Promote family unity through reading works of fiction;

Dissemination of positive family education experiences.

As part of this project, a survey of parents was conducted “Introducing Children to Children's Fiction”; the purpose of the survey was to determine the place and significance of books in the life and development of a child, and to obtain ideas about the organization of home reading. More than 50% of families took part in the survey process. So, as a result, all parents answered that they were concerned about the problem children's reading, explaining that it is useful activity, which develops thinking, memory, enriches speech, broadens horizons; in the process of reading, the child develops prerequisites for the future acquisition of independent reading skills. I'm glad that our parents well-read people, after all, to the question “Do you read literature yourself?”, all parents answered that they read not only periodicals (magazines, newspapers, but also educational and fiction literature. When introducing children to fiction, most parents read fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes, look at pictures, teach poems. Books are read to children several times a week; some parents responded that they read to children every day, and also at the request of the children. In most families, both parents are involved in reading, although there are those in which preference is given to one of the parents. several families answered that not only both parents, but also grandparents, read the work, most parents answered that they do not always talk with their child about what they read, although there are also families who pay sufficient attention to this issue, making it a priority. The goal is to find out whether the child understood the essence of the work, whether he remembered the sequence of events, because this in turn contributes to the development of memory, thinking, and speech. The books that our parents read to their children are very diverse in subject matter. I'm glad that parents prefer to read to their children. domestic poets, writers, including K. I. Chukovsky, V. Suteev, A. Barto, Russian folk tales, children's encyclopedias. Mostly, parents buy books in stores or order them by mail; two families have a home library. Based on this, we can conclude that parents introduce their children to fiction, but the problem of children’s reading still exists, since modern children have TV and a computer as the background of life, they are perceived as family members, many eat, play and even fall asleep to its sounds. Today, the relevance of solving this problem is obvious, because reading is associated not only with literacy and education. It shapes ideals, broadens horizons, enriches inner world person.

Thus, the observations we carried out in the group showed that our students do not know how to listen to fairy tales and stories with concentration, without distraction; when reading poetry, only a few feel the rhyme framework, and do not have a sustainable interest in fiction.

Therefore, the project included the following forms of work with children:

Reading and telling works of different genres: fairy tales, short stories, poems, nursery rhymes. These forms of work with children included:

Development of listening skills,

Monitor the progress of the action

Empathize with the characters of the work.

Initially, the children did not listen carefully to the works that were offered to them and were often distracted, but with each subsequent reading or telling of the work, the children became active participants this process. They tried to finish words from well-known works, and some children finished phrases. So Angelina P., Gleb M., Angelina L., when pronouncing well-known phrases from the Russian folk tale “Turnip”, tried to follow the sequence of events by correctly naming the heroes of this fairy tale.

Conversations “The World of Books”, “My Favorite Fairy Tale”, “Favorite Fairy-tale Hero”, “Careful Storage of Books”. During the conversations we tried to develop:

Sustained interest in the book, its design, illustrations.

Enrich children's understanding of the variety of books and genres of works.

Reinforce the rules of cultural handling of books.

In the process of getting acquainted with the books, the children had a need to talk about their impressions, based on this, conversations were held with the children on various topics. Each child named his favorite fairy tale, fairy tale hero, what he liked about this work, what he remembered most. The result of the conversations was that the children began to better recognize the heroes of fairy tales and could determine from the illustration who the fairy tale was about.

Didactic games:

“Cut pictures” (heroes of fairy tales);

“Find the fragment” (cartoon characters);

“Let’s take away the fox’s koloboks”;

Didactic games based on Russian folk tales “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”.

During the games, children developed logical thinking, memory, imagination, auditory perception, enriched himself lexicon children, coherent speech developed.

Didactic games are “lifesavers” when working with children; children really enjoyed playing them, because the characters seem to come to life during the game, you can not only listen to them, but also interact with them. So Angelina P., Arseny K., Angelina L. liked to play didactic games According to Russian folk tales, children pronounced their actions and could pick up any hero and interact with him.

Productive artistic and creative activity:

Drawing “Heroes of favorite fairy tales”;

Modeling "Kolobok";

Application "Mitten".

So, in the course of these forms of work, children developed fine motor skills and imagination, children learned to express their impressions received from the perception of works of art. During the drawing process, Angelina L. and Sonya R. were talking about something, it turned out that “Kolobok” went to visit “Turnip”, so we can conclude that the children are engaged in self-creativity. During sculpting, Gleb M. and Arseny K. were very active in telling what else “Kolobok” looked like (ball, head, sun). While completing the appliqué, the children composed together a new fairy tale, it turns out that in “Rukavichka” there actually lived three blue kittens and a bunny who loved apples.

Role-playing games:

"Knizhkina Hospital";

“Doll Katya visiting the guys”;

"Book Shop".

In progress role-playing games children learned to interact with each other through communication among themselves. Establish emotional and personal contact. So the children were very upset when they found out that the bunny had torn the book, but they immediately gladly helped him fix this book at the Book Hospital; the doll Katya, who came to visit the children, did not know any fairy tales at all, and the children with great joy showed her books, pictures and named all the fairy tales, Polina P. and Arina Sh. especially liked this, they very willingly tried to make the doll sit down and be sure to tell about all the fairy tales .

Excursion to the older group “Visiting a fairy tale.”

The purpose of this form of work was to instill a sustainable interest in fiction, using the example of older children. Arriving at the group, the children looked with great interest at the books that were in the neatly decorated mini-library; the older children told us and showed us some of the books that were in it. It turned out that in our group there are the most active readers, these are Arina Sh., who decided to get a book from the very top shelf, finding interest in it, Angelina P., who actively named the heroes of fairy tales. Boys-Arseny K., Seraphim U., Gleb M. were most attracted by the “homemade book”, which is aimed at developing tactile sensations, fine motor skills, they looked at her with great interest.

Albums “Heroes of Favorite Books” and “Favorite Fairy Tales” were created for children, which children looked at with pleasure, named the heroes, pronounced well-known phrases, tried to remember and sing their favorite songs of the book heroes.

Thus, using all these forms of work with children, we gradually solved the tasks assigned to us in the project.

It is obvious that family and kindergarten, having their own special functions, cannot replace each other and must interact for the sake of the full development of the child.

A successful find in working with parents is the project method. Today, it is becoming increasingly widely used in the pedagogical practice of our institution. The project method is teaching and raising a child through activities, and when working with families, through joint activities children and parents. So participating in project activities several families presented their presentations on the topic “Traditions of Family Reading.” And we would really like these families to share their experience, traditions of introducing and instilling a love for fiction.

I would like to invite a representative of the Polyanka family, Angelina, Polyanka’s mother Inna Yuryevna, with a presentation on the topic “Our literary life!”

Thank you very much for your speech.

And another family that will share their experience and traditions with us is the Serafima Ustinov family and its representative, mother Ustinova Natalya Alekseevna, who presented a presentation on the topic: “Learning to read and create my own books!”

Thank you very much.

Arseny's family shared photographs with us that show that Arseny loves to look at and listen to fairy tales with his dad.

Thank you very much, it was very interesting. And now, dear parents, I invite you to share your impressions and say words of gratitude to the families who shared the traditions of upbringing and instilling a love of fiction.

What do you remember?

What did you find interesting?

What would you use in your family? (parents' answers).

I would like to note that almost all families took part in the production of “Homemade Books” together with the children, which the children, and we, looked at and read with pleasure.

In turn, we express our deep gratitude to all families for participating in the project and invite everyone else to take part. We also want to say that our project does not end here and those families who are still preparing their presentations will definitely present them.

And we would really like the traditions of family reading to develop everywhere in every family, because family reading is not a way to get information, it is the most important and The best way communication and unobtrusive education, which is the most effective.

3. Interactive game “Journey through Fairy Tales”.

And now, dear parents, we invite you to refresh your knowledge of children's literature and play interactive game"A Journey Through Fairy Tales."

Thank you, dear parents, for your interesting answers.

Like the level of the reading public

N.A. Rubakin


The purpose of the work


These tasks forms of working with children:

3 Organized classes.

certain conditions:

To solve this problem you need:


Nothing characterizes the degree of development of society better than

Degree of public culture,

Like the level of the reading public

At this historical moment.

N.A. Rubakin

The turn of the 20th and 21st centuries was marked by a reading crisis on a global scale. A generation of “on-screen” children has grown up with no interest in reading. The book as a carrier of spirituality has ceased to influence the young reader. We have begun to reap the fruits of this today: a low level of development of speech, imagination, perception, communication skills, and moral principles in general.

The axiom in this problem is that we have no power, and we do not have the right to deprive children of what progress has brought, just as we do not have the right to ignore and deny everything that electronic world conceals within itself.

Today the whole world is faced with the problem of maintaining interest in books, in reading as a process and leading human activity. Audio and video technology, which provides ready-made auditory and visual images and influences people in a special way, has weakened interest in the book and the desire to work with it: after all, a book requires systematic reading and effort of thought. Therefore, modern children prefer watching TV to books, computer games. But fiction plays a big role in personal development person. Entering a person's life early childhood, literature gradually creates the circle of his moral judgments and ideas. Fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the child’s thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and provides excellent examples of Russian literary language. Its educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance is also enormous, because by expanding the child’s knowledge of the world around him, it influences his personality and develops the ability to subtly sense the imagery and rhythm of his native speech.

A book should enter a child’s world as early as possible, enrich his world, make it interesting, full of unusual discoveries. All subsequent acquaintance with the huge literary heritage will rely on the foundation that is laid in preschool age.

The process of communication between a preschool child and a book is the process of developing a personality in him. A book should enter a child’s world as early as possible, enrich this world, make it interesting, full of extraordinary discoveries. A child should love a book, reach out to it, and perceive communication with it as a holiday. A preschool child is a kind of reader. The word “reader” in relation to preschool age is conditional. In reality, it is the listener whose encounter with the book is entirely determined by the adult, from the choice of text to read to the duration of the interaction with the book. Taste, interest in a work, its interpretation, the ability to navigate the circle of children's reading, the creation of a reading system - all this is in the power of an adult. It largely depends on the adult whether the child will become a real, enthusiastic reader, or whether a meeting with a book in preschool will be a random, meaningless episode in his life. The system of working with children in kindergarten includes goals, objectives, forms, methods of any area of ​​work with children .

The purpose of the work for introducing children to reading in kindergarten is: 1 Teach children to listen to reading

2 Learn deeply, comprehend the text

3 To educate a literate reader When achieving this goal, decisions are made tasks mental, aesthetic, moral education children preschool age. Mental education is the development of perception, thinking, and speech development. Aesthetic education- this is development creativity children. Reading especially fairy tales forms a child’s moral baggage. “Whoever did not have a fairy tale in childhood grows up to be a dry, prickly person, and people hurt themselves like a stone lying on the road and prick themselves like a sow thistle leaf” - this is a statement by I. Tokmakova.

These tasks are solved through various forms of working with children:

1 Daily reading of fairy tales, stories, poems.

2 Independent review of books.

3 Organized classes.

4 Free communication between the teacher and children based on fiction.

5 Cooperation with parents on this issue. The process of daily reading should take at least 30 minutes a day (depending on age). The goal of daily reading is for children to deeply comprehend the text. Daily reading involves selecting works. The best option is to combine them based on genre and alternating stories, fairy tales, and poems. 1st week - reading folk and original fairy tales; dramatization of works or excerpts from fairy tales; viewing illustrated editions of fairy tales. 2 - week - reading poems; 3 - week - reading stories and novels; examination of illustrations for individual works; 4 - week - a journey through the pages of a “thick book” (in older preschool age) After the book is read, the children’s attention is fixed on its content, the teacher shows illustrations to it. Depending on the age of the children, the teacher changes the methods of viewing artistic illustrations. In the first and second younger group viewing techniques are aimed at the child recognizing characters and things: -Find out who it is? -Show me where, who or what? In the middle group - correlating text phrases with pictures: -Find a picture for these words. - What words go with this picture? IN senior group- leading the child to evaluate the color of the drawn objects, the expressiveness of the hero’s gesture, the arrangement of the figures: - Why do you like this picture? In the preparatory group for school - comparison of illustrations by different illustrators for the same work. the main objective viewing illustrations in all age groups - to provoke children into conversation. When looking at books early years It is necessary to teach children to treat a book as the greatest value, to hold it correctly in their hands, to leaf through it correctly, to know its place on the bookshelf, to remember that a book has an author and a title. Organized classes to introduce children of different age groups to fiction are organized in different ways.

To exercise various shapes work to introduce children to books should be created in kindergarten certain conditions:

1 Availability of age-appropriate library stock of fiction.

2 Availability of a portrait fund of children's writers

3 Availability of grammatical dictionaries for teachers.

4 Organizing group book corners.

In each age group kindergarten unique information centers are being set up - book corners. As a rule, these books are richly illustrated and in good condition. The composition of books in group book corners is updated from time to time, either completely or partially, not only because the books wear out, but also because the process of raising children requires their constant thematic updating. Children take books from book corner according to their desire and taste, but then they must be put in their place. In older preschool age, children should be on duty, who issue and receive books and are responsible for their safety. If a tattered book is discovered, the teacher of the younger and middle group repairs it himself, preferably in the presence of children. In older groups, children are also involved in repairing books. Thematic book exhibitions are periodically organized in book corners.

We know that fiction serves as a powerful means of mental, moral and aesthetic perception. It has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of a child’s speech.

Preschool children are listeners, not readers, and therefore adults have a great responsibility to convey to children every piece of art as a form of art, to reveal its intention, to charge listeners with an emotional attitude towards literary characters; their actions and feelings.

The reading process is a joint work of the mind and soul. But I was faced with the fact that parents, due to their busy lives, have no time to read to their children or answer their questions. Communication with preschoolers in the family is underestimated by parents and is replaced by watching TV shows and the Internet. So I decided to help my parents literary development child, in the formation of the child’s reading taste, attitude towards the book as a cultural phenomenon.

To solve this problem you need:

  1. Be a partner in solving these problems.

In the group, I began to introduce children to educational literature- this contributes to the development of intelligence and mental activity of the child, since 5 years is the age of “why”. In the book corner there were not only program works, but also books from children from home, cut-out books (the cover follows the outline of the main character), and panorama books (with moving figures), which the children themselves manipulate while narrating the work. Here I placed fairy tales, poems, and albums with illustrations. She organized various performances, showing fairy tales in the theater corner, and children played board and printed games.

A plan for working with the book for the year was also developed, as well as recommendations for parents on organizing home reading:

As a result of this work, we got a good result: the children listened with interest literary texts, tried to understand the character of the characters and convey it in dramatizations and small dramatizations. They began to play more often in the theater corner, inventing their own plots and their own heroes. Speech became more expressive and complete.

Continuing my work, I set myself new tasks:

Children began to become more deeply acquainted with folk art, and much attention was paid to moral concepts: truth and lies, courage and cowardice, good and evil, generosity and greed.

Reading a book and talking about it are inextricably linked with the development of speech.

This means you need to pay attention to:

From conversations with children, I found out that children strive for literature, they like to listen to works, poems, and even invent their own stories. As you know, children are dreamers and their inventions give rise to the beginning of creative thought and creative activity.

New didactic games that require mental abilities appeared on the shelves, and in the theater corner - new attributes for fairy tales invented by children.

Much attention was paid to speech breathing, expressiveness, volume of spoken dialogues, and the ability to convey the characters’ characters through intonation and movement.

Children have a desire to find out for themselves what concerns them. Their speech changed noticeably; they looked at and discussed books together, even argued about what they had read. More time began to be devoted to reading literature, and at the same time to the development of children’s speech.

One of the methods of working with children in the process of becoming familiar with fiction is the modeling method. When introducing children to fairy tales, short stories, and poems, the teacher models objects—the main characters—which allows them to increase interest in the work, understand its content, and the sequence of events in fairy tales. Thus, when introducing children to Russian folk tales, the “Magic Circles” model is used. After the teacher tells a fairy tale using a tabletop or finger theater, children are invited to repeat the fairy tale. After repeating the fairy tale, the teacher invites the children to sit at the table. Each child is given a sheet of paper with circles drawn according to the number of characters in the fairy tale. He invites you to look at them and play wizards, turning the mugs into fairy tale heroes. The teacher recalls the content of the fairy tale and its characters, discussing their images with the children. Children take these models home and use them to tell a story to their parents. Also, to model a fairy tale, we use geometric shapes. Children are invited to choose the appropriate one for each character. geometric figure. In older preschool age, the models become more complex.

And also in my work I use design method which opens great opportunities in organizing joint cognitive and search activities of all participants educational process: children, teachers and parents. Project activities are based on a special style of interaction between all participants in the educational process, denoted by the word "cooperation". Everyone cooperates: the teacher with parents and children, the children with each other, with parents and the teacher.

Cognitive and research activities- this is an activity in which the child’s activity is manifested, directly aimed at mastering the world around him, its things, connections between the phenomena of the surrounding world, their ordering and systematization.

But when working with children, we cannot help but contact parents. Therefore, work was carried out with parents to introduce children to fiction.

Along with compiling long-term plan work with parents, a survey was conducted to identify parents’ attitudes towards literary development.

Mandatory inclusion of parents in the organization and conduct literary quizzes, holidays. Involving parents in the design of the book-related information space in the group (book exhibitions, annotations, recommendations on what to read to children). Providing information about books that are read to children in class.

Nothing characterizes the degree of development of society better than

Degree of public culture,

Like the level of the reading public

At this historical moment.

N.A. Rubakin

The turn of the 20th and 21st centuries was marked by a reading crisis on a global scale. A generation of “on-screen” children has grown up with no interest in reading. The book as a carrier of spirituality has ceased to influence the young reader. We have begun to reap the fruits of this today: a low level of development of speech, imagination, perception, communication skills, and moral principles in general.

The axiom in this problem is that we have no power and do not have the right to deprive children of what progress has brought, just as we do not have the right not to notice and deny everything that the electronic world conceals within itself.

Today the whole world is faced with the problem of maintaining interest in books, in reading as a process and leading human activity. Audio and video technology, which provides ready-made auditory and visual images and influences people in a special way, has weakened interest in the book and the desire to work with it: after all, a book requires systematic reading and effort of thought. Therefore, modern children prefer watching TV and computer games to books. But fiction plays a big role in a person’s personal development. Entering a person’s life in early childhood, literature gradually creates a circle of his moral judgments and ideas. Fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the child’s thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language. Its educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance is also enormous, because by expanding the child’s knowledge of the world around him, it influences his personality and develops the ability to subtly sense the imagery and rhythm of his native speech.

A book should enter a child’s world as early as possible, enrich his world, make it interesting, full of unusual discoveries. All subsequent acquaintance with the enormous literary heritage will be based on the foundation that is laid in preschool age.

The process of communication between a preschool child and a book is the process of developing a personality in him. A book should enter a child’s world as early as possible, enrich this world, make it interesting, full of extraordinary discoveries. A child should love a book, reach out to it, and perceive communication with it as a holiday. A preschool child is a kind of reader. The word “reader” in relation to preschool age is conditional. In reality, it is the listener whose encounter with the book is entirely determined by the adult, from the choice of text to read to the duration of the interaction with the book. Taste, interest in a work, its interpretation, the ability to navigate the circle of children's reading, the creation of a reading system - all this is in the power of an adult. It largely depends on the adult whether the child will become a real, enthusiastic reader, or whether a meeting with a book in preschool will be a random, meaningless episode in his life. The system of working with children in kindergarten includes goals, objectives, forms, methods of any area of ​​work with children .

The purpose of the work for introducing children to reading in kindergarten is: 1 Teach children to listen to reading

2 Learn deeply, comprehend the text

3 To educate a literate reader When achieving this goal, decisions are made tasks mental, aesthetic, moral education of preschool children. Mental education is the development of perception, thinking, and speech development. Aesthetic education is the development of children's creative abilities. Reading especially fairy tales forms a child’s moral baggage. “Whoever did not have a fairy tale in childhood grows up to be a dry, prickly person, and people hurt themselves like a stone lying on the road and prick themselves like a sow thistle leaf” - this is a statement by I. Tokmakova.

These tasks are solved through various forms of working with children:

1 Daily reading of fairy tales, stories, poems.

2 Independent review of books.

3 Organized classes.

4 Free communication between the teacher and children based on fiction.

5 Cooperation with parents on this issue. The process of daily reading should take at least 30 minutes a day (depending on age). The goal of daily reading is for children to deeply comprehend the text. Daily reading involves selecting works. The best option is to combine them based on genre and alternating stories, fairy tales, and poems. 1st week - reading folk and original fairy tales; dramatization of works or excerpts from fairy tales; viewing illustrated editions of fairy tales. 2 - week - reading poems; 3 - week - reading stories and novels; examination of illustrations for individual works; 4 - week - a journey through the pages of a “thick book” (in older preschool age) After the book is read, the children’s attention is fixed on its content, the teacher shows illustrations to it. Depending on the age of the children, the teacher changes the methods of viewing artistic illustrations. In the first and second younger groups, viewing techniques are aimed at the child recognizing characters and things: -Find out who it is? -Show me where, who or what? In the middle group - correlating text phrases with pictures: -Find a picture for these words. - What words go with this picture? In the older group - leading the child to evaluate the color of the drawn objects, the expressiveness of the hero's gesture, the arrangement of the figures: - Why do you like this picture? In the preparatory group for school - comparison of illustrations by different illustrators for the same work. The main goal of viewing illustrations in all age groups is to provoke children into conversation. When looking at books from an early age, it is necessary to teach children to treat a book as the greatest value, to hold it correctly in their hands, to leaf through it correctly, to know its place on the bookshelf, to remember that a book has an author and a title. Organized classes to introduce children of different age groups to fiction are organized in different ways.

In order to carry out various forms of work to introduce children to books, kindergartens must create certain conditions:

1 Availability of age-appropriate library stock of fiction.

2 Availability of a portrait fund of children's writers

3 Availability of grammatical dictionaries for teachers.

4 Organizing group book corners.

In each age group of the kindergarten, unique information centers are set up - book corners. As a rule, these books are richly illustrated and in good condition. The composition of books in group book corners is updated from time to time, either completely or partially, not only because the books wear out, but also because the process of raising children requires their constant thematic renewal. Children take books from the book corner according to their desire and taste, but then they must put them back in their place. In older preschool age, there should be a duty of children who issue and receive books and are responsible for their safety. If a tattered book is discovered, the teacher of the junior and middle groups repairs it himself, preferably in the presence of the children. In older groups, children are also involved in repairing books. In bookstores

“Introducing children to fiction”

teacher Berseneva N.N.

Raising children through the art of words is a complex pedagogical process. Artistic images literature deeply touches the feelings of children. Preschool children are not yet readers, but listeners. The ability to listen to a literary work is formed in preschoolers in the process of education with the active influence of adults. Our pedagogy considers raising children through fiction in inextricable connection with the development of various aspects of the child’s personality.Artistic images of literature deeply touch the feelings of children. In the process of listening, the child experiences their joys and failures together with the characters, and vividly responds to everything that happens to them. A literary work provides rich food for the mental activity of children. Let's move on to forms of working with children to introduce them to fiction. Introducing children to fiction begins with creating conditions. What should be in the group:

Creating conditions

(both in the methodological room and in each age group)

Book corner (see Appendix No. 1)

Theater corner in senior preschool age groups and mummery corner in junior preschool age groups

Creation of a mini-museum of children's books

Joint activities with the teacher

Directly educational activities to introduce children to fiction

Daily reading of works of fiction during the period of time allotted in the daily routine

Making homemade books in the process of direct educational activities on manual labor (let's treat a book)

Directly educational activities to familiarize children with the surrounding - objective world (“Where the book came to us from”).

Artistic creativity (organization of children's drawing competitions based on works of fiction, modeling, applique drawing based on works of fiction)

Vocabulary creativity (inventing stories, riddles, fairy tales)

Organization of leisure activities (evenings of riddles, KVN, “Field of Miracles”, etc.)

Literary and musical holidays


Excursions to the library

3. Independent activity children

Organization of role-playing games in the “Library” - senior preschool age, “Bookstore”...

Dramatization of fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes, shifters, fables...

Artistic creativity (sculpting, drawing, applique)

4. Organization of work with parents


Literary evenings


Joint holidays and leisure activities



The most important task when introducing children to fiction is to cultivate a love for books

- Should several works be combined in one lesson?

Methodologists studying this issue believe that several works can be combined in one lesson if they are small in size. They need to be combined according to the principle of thematic unity. For example, you can combine a number of works about winter, about animals, about the same fairy-tale character, as well as works dedicated to any moral concept (honesty, courage, etc.).

You can combine works of different genres: fairy tale, short story, joke, fable, etc., or combine works that depict contrasting characters or actions. This helps children better understand positive or negative qualities.

The structure of a lesson on familiarization with fiction is as follows: (1 - introductory part, facilitating subsequent perception of the work; 2 - main part - working with a literary work, using various methods and techniques; 3 - final part.)

What methods and techniques do you know that contribute to a better perception of works? (explanationunclear words, showing illustrations,

— Do children need to explain unfamiliar words, and if so, when?

If the teacher assumes that children will not understand certain expressions and words and this will serve as an obstacle to perceptionthe author's intention, then it is necessary to clarify the incomprehensible word during the story, notstopping, synonym or short phrase.If individual words and concepts unfamiliar to children do not prevent them from perceiving the author’s main idea, then these words should not be explained to them. What would happen if the teacher set out to explain all the unfamiliar words in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”? There are many such words: ransom, chuprun, spinner, etc. However, even without explaining these words, the plot of the fairy tale, the characters of the old man and the evil, greedy old woman are perceived very vividly by children. Rights E.I. Tikheyeva, who said that “it is better to underexplain than to overexplain.”

In some cases, children need to be prepared for perception in advance, and if, due to unclear words, children do not understand the content, then it is better to explain these words or expressions to them.

While reading, children should not be distracted by explanations, questions, or comments.

- When is it appropriate to display illustrations to familiarize yourself with fiction?

To activate children's attention, you can sometimes show a colorful cover before reading. If the book consists of individual works and each is illustrated; reading can be accompanied by showing drawings.

When reading books in which the artist illustrated individual scenes, it is best to read the entire work and then show the children the pictures, but only if they are large. If the drawings are small, then showing them during class is inappropriate. After class, the book is left in the book corner for the children to look at.

finish reading. In addition, some children in this case, instead of listening, look forward to when they can start eating; others experience disappointment when they have to stop reading for interesting place. You should not read to children before bed. This excites the imagination, excites the children’s feelings, and after reading they do not fall asleep for a long time; their sleep is filled with dreams, and as a result they do not rest as they should.


  1. Contents of the book corner
  2. Questionnaire for parents on the topic “Child and Book”
  3. Questionnaire for children
  4. Crossword on works of fiction
  5. A guide for parents on instilling a love of books in children of senior preschool age.

Contents of the book corner

A place for the selection of materials and equipment, its content depends on the age of the children and the tasks that are solved in this period time in classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world and develop speech. It could be:

  1. Visual material:

v children's fiction (fairy tales, works of children's writers). Special place on bookshelves and display cases should belong to books that make up the repertoire of children’s theatrical activities, which are closely related to the impressions and knowledge acquired by reading books and watching filmstrips;

v illustrations, reproductions of paintings, postcards. Children examine them together with the teacher, clarifying and consolidating the knowledge they acquired in classes to familiarize themselves with the phenomena of social life and artistic expression;

v paintings based on the plots of works of fiction and fairy tales for compiling creative stories on them;

v toy books, baby books, homemade books made by children together with the teacher.

  1. Board-printed didactic games with literary content (“Magic Cube”, “Fairy Tale Houses”, etc.).
  2. A set of filmstrips, cassettes based on books and fairy tales.
  3. Children's works on the plots of fairy tales and literary works.
  4. Records, cassettes literary works, fairy tales for independent listening.
  5. Screens and various theaters (flat, finger, etc.).

The enrichment of the subject-development environment with new aids, materials, and attributes must be meaningfully justified, associated with the development of new material, familiarity with poems, fairy tales, and repetition of old, and therefore easier for children, material.

Conversation - questioning children on a topic

"Acquaintance with fiction"

  1. Do you like it when people read books to you?

adults? ___________________________

2. Do you have books at home? _____________

3. Who reads them to you? _____________________

4. What books do you like?________________________________________________ _

5. Do you have a favorite book?_________________________________

6. Who is your favorite hero? _______________________________________

7. What fairy tales do you know? ________________________________________

8. What writers do you know? Name them___________________________

Project type: research and creative.

Project duration: long-term.

Project participants: children of preschool groups, teachers, parents of pupils.

Covered educational areas : communication, cognition, reading fiction, socialization, work, artistic creativity, music, Physical Culture, health, safety.

Relevance of the project: It is known that reading experience begins to develop from early childhood.

By instilling a love for books, we help a child to learn the world and oneself in it, to form moral feelings and assessments, to develop the perception of the artistic word.

Unfortunately, there is currently a problem - children do not like to listen to and read fiction, but they are very interested computer technologies. Therefore, I decided to combine the problem with my hobby by developing a project to introduce children to fiction through reading fairy tales using computer equipment.

Every child’s acquaintance with literature begins with fairy tales, which accompany his entire childhood and remain with him for the rest of his life.

Project goal: to develop a sustainable interest in fiction.

Project objectives:

  • introduce the history of fairy tales;
  • develop children's listening skills;
  • ability to know;
  • ability to compare, contrast
  • ability to think in words;
  • coherent speech;
  • thinking;
  • attention;
  • memory;
  • imagination;
  • responsiveness and empathy;
  • learn to compose fairy tales using Propp's cards;
  • use interactive equipment;
  • cultivate a love of fairy tales;
  • careful handling of books.

Long-term plan for working with children and parents


1. Survey of children on the topics “My favorite fairy tale” and “My favorite fairy-tale hero”

2. Questioning parents “Reading fiction at home”

3. Speech at the teachers' council in order to attract kindergarten teachers and students from their groups to the project.

4. Watch books with fairy tales in a group with children. Conversation on the topic “Careful storage of books.” Carrying out the game “Book Hospital”.

1. Introduction to the history of the creation of fairy tales by “Auntie the Storyteller”

2. Computer presentation"Museum of Russian Fairy Tales in Moscow"

3. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok”

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk “Teremok”, “Wolf and Fox”, “Hare and Hedgehog” by the Brothers Grimm, “Little Baba Yaga” by O. Preusler

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Mouse, Fox, Baba Yaga, Hedgehog

1. Parent meeting"The role of fairy tales in a child's life"

2. Literary lounge “The Work of Alexander Pushkin”

3. Master class on soap making “Rukavichka”

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk “The Braggart Hare”, Ukrainian folk “Rukavichka”, “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes" and "The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious son and mighty hero Guidone"

A. Pushkin

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Hare, Bear, Princess, Bogatyr Guidon

1. Introduction to book publishing – computer presentation “Book Production”

2. Computer presentation “Museum “Glade of Fairy Tales” in Ukraine”

3. Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk “Turnip”, “Zayushkina’s hut”, English fairy tale“The Three Little Pigs”, “Thumbelina” by H.-K. Andersen

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with characters (by week): Grandmother, Hare, Piglet, Thumbelina

1. Literary lounge “Creativity of A. Lindgren”

2. KVN with parents “My favorite fairy tales”

3. Master class on soap making “Masha and the Bear”

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk “Little Fox and the Wolf”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Carlson Who Lives on the Roof” and “The Princess Who Doesn’t Want to Play with Dolls” A. Lindgren

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Wolf, Masha, Carlson, Princess

1. Computer presentation “Museum of Astrid Lindgren’s Fairy Tales”

2. Physical education “Journey through fairy tales”

3. Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”

4. Making “Baby Books with Fairy Tales”

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk tales “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “The Frog Princess”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, “Kolobok”

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with characters (by week): Alyonushka, Frog, Rooster, Kolobok

1. Literary lounge “Creativity of Pyotr Ershov”

2. Master class on soap making “Feather of the Firebird”

3. Holding a competition and designing an exhibition of joint drawings by children and parents “My favorite fairy-tale hero”

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “ By magic", "Koschei the Immortal", "The Little Humpbacked Horse" by P. Ershov

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Wolf, Emelya, Koschey, Ivan

1. Literary lounge “The Work of Charles Perrault”

2. Re-enactment of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” with the participation of parents

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk tale “Cockerel and bean seed", "Cinderella", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Puss in Boots" by Ch. Perrault

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with characters (by week): Rooster, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Cat

1. Awarding the winners of the drawing competition “My favorite fairy-tale hero”

2. Presentation of the project for parents

3. Final event - a project using interactive whiteboard"A Journey Through Fairy Tales" (Mimio Studio)

It has long been known that reading experience begins to develop in childhood. Preschool childhood is a very important stage in raising an attentive, sensitive reader, book lover, which helps him to understand the world around him and himself in it, to form moral feelings and assessments, and to develop the perception of the artistic word.



Introducing children to fiction.

It has long been known that reading experience begins to develop in childhood. Preschool childhood is a very important stage in raising an attentive, sensitive reader who loves books, which helps him to understand the world around him and himself in it, form moral feelings and assessments, and develop the perception of the artistic word.

This is the age at which the ability to perceive a work of art through hearing, vision, touch, and imagination is most clearly manifested; sincerely, from the fullness of the soul, to sympathize, to be indignant, to rejoice.

Any preschooler is a reader. Even if he doesn’t know how to read, but only listens to an adult reading. But he chooses what he will listen to, he perceives what he hears, and hears what interests him. However, reading sensitivity does not arise on its own. It depends on what exactly, how often and in what way children are read.

Children's literature as part general literature is the art of words. Its features are determined by the educational objectives and age of the children (the interests, preferences and cognitive capabilities of preschool children are taken into account). Children's literature contributes to the development of a child's aesthetic consciousness and the formation of his worldview.

Children's reading circles include:

Works oral creativity the Russian people and the peoples of the world;

Classic children's literature (domestic and foreign);

Contemporary literature (Russian and foreign).

Folk poetry - greatest achievement national culture every people. High artistic perfection and accessibility to the perception of a preschool child have made folklore an important means of education, familiarization with folk culture, native language. The program includes songs, nursery rhymes, chants, a calendar children's folklore, tongue twisters, riddles.

The pedagogical value of fairy tales is extremely great. Preschool children are read and told stories about animals. In fairy tales different nations and from different times there are images of a rustic-stupid wolf, a cowardly braggart hare, a bumpkin bear, a crafty flirtatious fox, a warlike rooster, etc.

Magic fairy tales are loved by older preschoolers. They unobtrusively teach the child to evaluate the deeds and actions of people in the light of the correct concepts of what is good and what is bad. Based folk tales literary fairy tales arose. They often intertwine elements of fairy tales about animals, everyday life and fairy tales.

Introducing children to poetry begins with early age from folklore and poets A. Barto, K. Chukovsky and others. Older children are introduced to the perception of serious high poetry- poems by A. Pushkin, F. Tyutchev, A. Pleshcheev, A. Maykov, I. Bunin, S. Yesenin and many other wonderful Russian poets. The program lists widely represent stories of various topics. In some they reveal moral problems, and in others - environmental, in others - the “exploits” of children, inventors and dreamers, famously winning the right to independence.

So, the children's reading circle is aimed at developing interest in books among preschoolers, gradually replenishing their literary baggage, enriching literary experience, which manifests itself in interest in works of a certain genre or specific topic, in the need to look at illustrated books.