Solomin Vitaly Methodievich. Vitaly Solomin's secret lovers Vitaly Solomin biography personal life wife

The calling card of actor Vitaly Solomin is the restrained and serious Doctor Watson. He was almost always the same real life. But sometimes he unleashed the hussar part of his soul and then there was a feast for the whole world - banquets with friends, mountains of flowers for his wife and a fireworks display of good jokes.

This actor had a bright and rich creative biography, and several dozen memorable roles. The actor’s first fame came from the film “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.” Then there were “Winter Cherry”, “ Bat", "Silva".

Childhood and youth

Vitaly Solomin was born on December 12, 1941 in Chita, in creative family. Father Methodius Solomin and mother Zinaida Ryabtseva taught music, and tried to pass this love on to their sons. The eldest son Yuri was already growing up in the family. Thanks to his parents, Vitaly quickly mastered the intricacies of playing the piano; he was sent to a music school to continue his studies. Vitaly did not like this instrument, but did not argue with his parents. His favorite pastime was reading; the boy preferred Conan Doyle among authors, whom he read for long periods of time. winter evenings sitting by the stove.

Soon the parents realized that their son would not make a musician, and allowed him to do what he wanted. The guy became interested in sports and was enrolled in all the clubs he could find in hometown. He attended volleyball, basketball, track and gymnastics at the same time. But he still preferred boxing.

After graduating from school in 1959, Vitaly decides to go to Moscow and try his hand at drama school named after Shchepkin, which his brother completed at one time. Luck was on the side of the young, handsome applicant, and he joined the ranks of students. Nikolai Annenkov became his teacher, and fate sent Vitaliy to be his fellow students.

One feature of Vitaly Solomin was his amazing maximalism, because of which he almost dropped out of school after his first year of study. The future artist was accustomed to receiving only excellent grades, and when he was given a 4, he even wanted to quit his studies.


But anyway common sense won, and the young man continued his studies at theater university. Vitaly Solomin's debut on the theater stage took place in his second year of study. He was invited to the Maly Theater to participate in the production of “Your Uncle Misha.” After receiving his Slivers diploma, Solomin was accepted into the troupe of this theater. His repertoire included mainly classical characters - Chatsky, Astrov, Khlestakov, Protasov. In the 70s, Solomin developed an interest in directing. He released the plays “The Living Corpse” and “My Favorite Clown,” which his fans liked.

Vitaly Solomin served not only at the Maly Theater, at one time he appeared on the stage of the Mossovet Theater. Fans of the artist remember his innate talent as a reader, especially evident during the recording of the novels “The Adventures of Father Brown” and “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”


The cinematic biography of Vitaly Solomin started with the film “Newton Street, Building 1”, in which he became the philologist Boyartsev. It was cameo role, which gave the aspiring artist his first experience of working on film set. Then Vitaly was invited to a film called “Women”, in which he had to become Zhenya - the son central heroine. After this role, they started talking about actor Vitaly Solomin.

But all-Union fame covered the artist after he became Sherlock Holmes’s best assistant, Dr. Watson, in the film “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.” Holmes got the role, and he fit perfectly into this image. The first two-part film was released in 1979. Then director Igor Maslennikov wanted to continue the adventures of the two detectives, and he made four more films, each containing several episodes. The duet of Livanov and Solomin took part in the film adaptation of twelve stories by the famous writer.

It is the Soviet film with the main characters, masterfully brought to life by Solomin and, that is considered the best of all that were filmed based on the works of Conan Doyle. As a sign of gratitude and recognition of the skill of the actors, a monument to the great detective and his permanent assistant was erected in Moscow, next to the British Embassy. Upon closer examination of the faces and figures of these two characters, one can see that they are an exact copy the actors who so talentedly portrayed them on screen.

Another significant film in the career of actor Vitaly Solomin was “Winter Cherry”. His character is very ambiguous and each viewer perceives him differently. In this film, Vitaly became Vadim Dashkov, married lover main character. The character seems to be repulsive, but as performed by Solomin, he turned out to be not so bad. The film found its audience and was especially liked by the female half of the audience. It was decided to film a sequel, and two more seasons of the beloved story were released at an interval of five years.

No less interesting were Solomin’s works in the films “Silva” and “Die Fledermaus,” directed by Jan Fried. These films helped the actor demonstrate to everyone his comic talent, thanks to which the stories are watched in one go.

Personal life

In the life of Vitaly Solomin there were two official marriages. The first time he married actress Natalya Rudnaya. They met in 1962, during a student production, and in 1963 they got married. Very soon their family life went wrong, and the young people divorced. After the divorce proceedings, Solomin decided that he would never marry again.

Several years passed, and Vitaly was invited to audition for the film “City Romance”. Among those invited to the casting was Maria Leonidova, who studied at the textile institute. The director's assistant really liked this girl, whom he met by chance on the street, and he invited her to audition for a movie. Vitaly Solomin did not manage to get into this project, but he really liked the girl. So in 1970, his personal life completely changed - the young people got married. In 1973, a daughter, Anastasia, was born into the family, and in 1984, another daughter, Elizaveta. Lisa continued her father's work and became an actress and producer. Married to director Gleb Orlov.

Solomin was a reserved and serious person, but sometimes he could arrange a real holiday of the soul, especially in the middle of ordinary weekdays. One day he decided to organize new year holidays in the midst of spring.

Cause of death

Vitaly Solomin long years complained of hypertension. An exacerbation of the disease occurred on April 24, 2002, during the production of “Krechinsky’s Wedding.” From the very morning, the actor felt something was wrong; he was very dizzy and had absolutely no strength. But he was a real actor, and he had no idea what could cause the performance to be cancelled. He managed to hold out only the first act, and lost consciousness. The actor had to be carried away in his arms. Doctors made a disappointing diagnosis - a stroke, and began to fight for his life. For a month, doctors tried to improve the actor’s condition, but almost all the time he was in a coma.

Photo: Grave of Vitaly Solomin

Solomin often repeated that he would like to die like Moliere or, that is, like real artists, on stage. Probably somewhere in the heavenly office his words were heard, because he never returned to the stage. Vitaly Solomin passed away on May 27, 2002. The capital’s Vagankovskoe cemetery became the place of eternal rest.

Elizaveta Solomina revealed family secrets famous actor.

Every year I find more and more of my dad's qualities in myself. In my assessment of people and actions, like him, I have no half-tones - only black and white.

The hardest thing was waking up. In the dream, the grief receded, blurred, and the morning confronted him with a fact: dad was no more. But my subconscious did not want to put up with this, and I mechanically dialed his number to say that I was delayed or that I needed to be picked up from somewhere. I put on his home sweater - it smelled like dad, and it created the feeling that he was somewhere nearby. And his note: “I went for a walk with Roma. I’ll be there soon” hung above my bed for several years.

One of my first memories is we are walking down the street, I am holding on to my dad, and he says:

What a small hand you have... Soon you will grow up and stop taking my hand...

Only my dad always took me to the children's clinic to donate blood and to the dentist. Apparently he spared his mother. While I was sitting in the dentist’s chair, he stood next to me and told stories that he made up on the fly: the main task was to distract my attention from the doctor’s manipulations.

Today my mother claims that I was an “absolutely problem-free” child, and this selectivity of her memory amuses me very much. IN school years, at least until the eighth grade, I was a real punishment for both teachers and parents. I simply didn’t do anything that wasn’t interesting to me. The teachers were indignant: “Solomina, I’m talking to you, but you don’t seem to hear! You look through me! On parent meetings Mom walked and then cried for several days: “Oh God! So ashamed!" She complained to dad, asked to intervene, to threaten. He promised, but almost never did it. When she confessed:

Dad, they gave me a D in math again,” he sighed:

Just don't tell your mom.

It’s another matter if he himself was called to school... Once I angered the Englishwoman so much that she demanded: “Tomorrow you will come with your father!” I didn’t hear their conversation, but dad didn’t talk to me for several days. I didn’t cry, I didn’t ask for forgiveness - my pride wouldn’t allow it, but from time to time I tried to ask him a question, as if casually. If he silently looked over my head, I would conclude: “Yeah, the boycott is not over yet. Well, okay, let’s wait...” Dad couldn't stay angry for long. Scream under the heat of the moment, growl so that the dishes in the buffet shake, this is welcome. He was talking on the phone important conversation, and I walked around and whined: “You promised...” (I don’t remember what exactly). Suddenly dad turned his crimson face towards me and barked in a wild voice: “Be silent!!!” She tiptoed into her room and didn’t show her nose from there for a couple of hours. I waited it out.

It was not his habit to apologize - in this we are similar. But feeling guilty, dad always found a way to atone for it. One day before the New Year, I somehow got into trouble again. Dad, getting angry, barked, I crawled away to my room to worry: “If I’m very angry, then maybe now there won’t be a Christmas tree?” Feeling upset, she dozed off. Already at night I was awakened by the smell of pine needles. Wildly tired after the performance, dad drove around half of Moscow and bought a Christmas tree somewhere.

I don't remember dad taking any rest. After difficult performances, where he had to move and dance a lot, he would come home, turn on the music and lie down on the floor in the living room. Exactly fifteen minutes. This was rehabilitation. What each performance in the leading role in “Krechinsky’s Wedding” cost him, only later, when his dad passed away, was told by his students who played in the crowd: “After each performance, we simply fell off our feet. IN literally- fell on the sofa behind the stage and passed out. And Vitaly Methodievich still had the strength to lay a buffet for us, and wake us up, gather us in different corners, and tell funny stories so that the people would relieve the tension. We were amazed by his energy."

Whenever he got out to the dacha, dad immediately started making something at the workbench, mowing the grass, and carrying water from the well in huge bottles. It is impossible to imagine him in white pants, a hat, dozing in a chair. Sweaty, red, in shorts and every minute busy- this is exactly him. We were only at sea two or three times, and then only when dad was invited to film festivals. After a couple of days, he began to suffer and was eager to go to Moscow.

Worked hard. He acted in films, played at the Maly Theater and in an enterprise, staged plays himself, read scripts, looked for plays for new productions. Seeing how busy my father was, I tried not to interfere with my problems again. When “Woe from Wit” began in the ninth grade, the Russian and literature teacher asked: “Liza, could we invite Vitaly Methodievich to the lesson? So that he can tell us about this play.” I didn’t ask for several days, but I finally made up my mind, immediately adding:

- Well, do you want me to say that you are busy or don’t know anything special?

How do you mean “I don’t know”?! - Dad was indignant. - I played in Chatsky’s theater for so many years! Tell me: I'll come.

It was a real one-man show and at the same time a professional lecture with literary and historical excursions. His commentary on the famous quatrain from Chatsky’s monologue made a strong impression, especially on the boys:

When from the guard,

Others from the yard

We came here for a while -

The women shouted: hurray!

And they threw caps into the air!

The cap, my dad explained, was almost the last piece of clothing that a decent woman would take off. To remain bare-haired at that time meant only one thing: a lady in a patriotic outburst was ready to do anything.

The bell rang for recess, but no one moved. The teacher gently reminded:

Thank you very much, the guys are doing math now,” and as she saw us off, she said: “You know, Lisa is in Lately I began to study much better.

This is what the power of dad's crushing charm means! There was no improvement: just yesterday, giving me an essay where, as always, the content was an A, and the literacy was a B, she was indignant: “Solomina, all your pages are red again!”

I had even more problems with the exact sciences. In the sixth or seventh grade, my dad decided to teach me math himself. Having graduated in due time math school, solved problems and examples from the textbook in five seconds. But the need to dismantle this decision as it should be drove him into a frenzy. Forgetting about me, he covered a mountain of sheets of paper with formulas, crossed them out, crumpled them up, tore them up. In the end he boiled, threw the textbook and left. And I was left alone with my homework. And this happened more than once.

My father’s old friend, designer-builder Vladimir Ilyich Travush, one of the authors of the Moscow City center and the Bagration bridge, helped me understand mathematics and even love it. Thanks to him, I began to see logic in formulas and theorems. And English ceased to be a problem after the summer international language school. When I left for the first time, I cried like crazy - it was so scary to leave home and parents. When I arrived in England, I cried for two more days, and then nothing, I got used to it. Mobile phones were not in use, and once a week parents were allowed to call a landline. My dad always talked to me; my mother was afraid to cry.

For the same reason, only he came to see me in the hospital, where I was diagnosed with gastritis. To provide moral support, he came every morning. One day I brought roller skates, persuaded the doctor, and I skated on them for half an hour in the clinic courtyard. It was a surprise, we didn’t agree on anything like that.

And my dad even went to my older sister twice a day when she was in the maternity hospital. Nastya carried both sons heavily, suffering from wild toxicosis. Dad brought yoghurts, curds, fruits, hoping that his daughter would be able to eat such delicious things. “And I felt sick at the sight of any food,” Nastya recalled. “But I couldn’t tell my dad about this - he tried so hard...”

I would like to tell you a story in which my father’s character was very clearly demonstrated. One of his close friends was oncologist surgeon Evgeny Matyakin. That evening, Evgeny Grigorievich and mom and dad went to visit the Alimovs, with whom they were in close contact. Sergey is one of the best cartoonists, graphic artist, and illustrator. Natasha is an art critic. The owners have just completed a mind-blowing renovation and decided to gather people together to show off the interiors. Among the guests there were quite a few famous artist(I won’t mention his name), who, out of the blue, began to make comments about Matyakin that were not entirely harmless jokes. And he did it so that the ladies could hear: my mother, Natasha Alimova and Bella Akhmadulina. The last joke, apparently, was completely too much, because when Matyakin’s parents got ready to leave, he, getting into the car, said: “I’ve just been mortally insulted.” And he named the artist. Dad said nothing. We reached Nikitsky Boulevard, and he commanded my mother: “You go home, and we will come back.”

The owner of the apartment opened the door for Solomin and Matyakin. From their faces he immediately realized:

Did you come to beat?

Let's. Just be careful not to splash the walls.

Natasha Alimova and Bella Akhmadulina also understood everything and, thinking that Evgeniy would fight, hung on his arms. I vividly imagine the picture: the giant Matyakin and those trying to hold him petite women... Dad, who jumped up to the offender, “hook” him in the jaw so much that the artist, having flown several meters, landed near the door to the kitchen. I can’t say for sure, but it seems that both dad and Matyakin communicated well with him later. Evgeny Grigorievich is a man who does not remember bad things and is always ready for reconciliation, and dad, although he was different, here, apparently, he considered that he had fulfilled his duty, stood up for his comrade, and therefore the topic is closed.

I haven't talked about my dad's childhood yet. His parents - Zinaida Ananyevna and Methodius Viktorovich - were musicians and, having discovered youngest son good hearing, we decided to develop his abilities. At first, Vitalik’s mother tried to give piano lessons, but he crawled under the instrument, and it was worth getting him out of there. a lot of work. They sent me to a music school. During the fall, Vitalik somehow attended classes, but in the winter his studies ended. One day, having tried unsuccessfully on the frozen door, he returned home and joyfully announced: “The school has been closed! At all!" Dad began to regret not studying music when he entered drama school. And until the end of my grandmother’s days I reproached her for not insisting.

These reproaches seemed ridiculous to me and my older sister Nastya. Baba Zina was so kind and gentle with us - even though she was a rope. Could she have insisted? Soon after my birth, my grandmother began to live with us and fulfilled all the whims of her granddaughters. Having discovered her talent as a stylist, Nastya did all kinds of haircuts and styling for her, and because of me, Baba Zina spent half a day in the kitchen: I ate very poorly. Returning one day from classes in choreographic school at the ensemble of Igor Moiseev, my sister found the following picture: I was lying under the table, lounging on the sofa cushions, and my grandmother was kneeling next to me and feeding me from a spoon. Nastya immediately slapped me on the head, and my grandmother received a scolding for connivance.

Eldest daughter Vitalia Solomina Nastya and his mother Zinaida Ananyevna

Dad and his older brother undoubtedly inherited their stage talent from their mother, who was very artistic. I don’t remember, but Nastya, who is eleven years older, hilariously depicts how Grandma Zina went to the store during times of shortages and huge queues. Having reached the porch with a brisk step, our granny suddenly sagged on the first step, tore off her scarf, threw open her coat and crawled into the grocery store with a hoarse groan: “I feel sick...” She was immediately allowed to the counter. Baba Zina pointed her finger at what she needed, not forgetting to say: “Oh, how bad I feel... Wrap this, please, and also that thing...” “If, while passing by a store, you saw an acquaintance on the porch scarf, she walked quickly past,” Nastya recalls. “I knew: our BeZe (that’s what we called my grandmother among ourselves) is now giving a performance there...”

My grandmother turned out to be not the nicest mother-in-law. And the fact that she and her youngest son's wife had a good relationship, - entirely my mother’s merit. My grandmother washed our hardwood floors as if they were a deck. She threw out a bucket of water and then kicked it around the corners with a mop. And no matter how much my mother begged me to leave cleaning the apartment to her, Grandma Zina only snorted: “I can handle it myself!” When she moved to us, she brought an old, out-of-tune piano that they had back in Chita. It soon became clear that it was impossible to bring it back to life, and the parents, while the grandmother was not at home, asked the janitors to take the instrument to the trash. However, after a couple of hours he took his place again.

Apparently, BeZe charmed some young people and they took him upstairs. She had a special talent for charming: from time to time, grandma said that she felt bad on the street and one young man walked her home. Listening, we were so amazed a large number kind young people on the streets of Moscow... But I’ll finish the story about the instrument. The next few attempts to get rid of the piano also failed: it migrated from the trash heap back to the apartment. Baba Zina also never admitted if she broke something. He will sweep away the fragments with a broom, put them in paper and quickly into the garbage chute. If mom asked:

Zinaida Ananyevna, where is the blue box (figurine, cup...)? - the grandmother made an indignant face:
- I have no idea!

Mom always cooked well, but she never heard a word of praise.

Zinaida Ananyevna, have you eaten borscht?


But! - answered the grandmother.

This had nothing to do with negation in English: foreign languages BeZe didn’t know, but sometimes she inserted words from her own dialect into her speech.

Only our mother, a great peacemaker, an expert in smoothing out rough edges, could not be offended by this. Dad loved and respected his mother very much, but it also happened that she fell under the hot hand. Baba Zina had trouble hearing and could ask about something once, twice, three times. Mom had the patience to repeat, but dad, especially after a performance or difficult filming, when he could barely move his tongue from fatigue, would break down:

- Mother, if you ask, then listen to what I answer!!!

Why are you screaming? - Grandmother shrugged her shoulders in bewilderment. - I can hear you perfectly.

But in general, Baba Zina’s quirks and quirks did not so much irritate him as touch him. He was not jealous of his mother and his older brother, although Baba Zina never hid the fact that she loved Yura more. I remember how my dad told me with humor about her reaction to the note that my mother gave from the maternity hospital after I was born: “When I read: “The girl is a beauty. The spitting image of Vitasha!” - the mother made a skeptical face and spat: “Ugh! Me too, beauty!

Yura, of course, was handsome for her. After the death of my grandmother, while sorting out her things, we came across an album that was three-quarters filled with photographs of her eldest son.

I saw Yuri Methodievich in our house only while my grandmother was alive. After her death - not even once. Surely, in the theater, dad and older brother somehow communicated, but not as families. Why this happened and which of them was to blame - I don’t know; this was not discussed at home. Perhaps both, since their characters were complex. I admit that between the Solomins there was also some kind of fraternal competition, implicated in ambition. But what to guess now? When dad was alive, these questions didn’t interest me much - I knew that there was an uncle, Yuri Methodievich, who also lived and worked in Moscow, and that was enough. Today I would like to discuss a lot with dad, including my relationship with his brother. Although it’s not at all a fact that he would share this with me...

As a child, the older brother was an idol for the younger one. Dad loved to remember how they grew up, how Yura would ride him on a sled, help him do his homework, and one day, when he was already preparing to enter theater school, he involved him in the implementation of his first directorial plan. “He put me and the neighbor girl in a sleigh and forced us to kiss. However,” dad added, laughing, “I didn’t really resist, I liked the girl.”

But memories of his father were always painful for dad. He really regretted that he did not have time to say goodbye to him. When grandmother sent a telegram that Methodius Viktorovich was bad, dad, who was in his first year, immediately left for Chita. The train traveled for four days, and he did not find his father alive...

According to the stories of Dad and Baba Zina, Grandfather Methodius was very talented musician, could pick out any melody by ear. Surely he dreamed of a big stage, but had to be content with leading a children's choir in the House of Pioneers and an adult choir in the Railway Workers' Palace of Culture. Because he became a slave to circumstances and was unable to fully realize himself, my grandfather began to drink heavily. Because of this, scandals occurred in the family.

“That time my father came home drunk again,” Dad recalled, “and I hit him. Not much, but enough to bring you to your senses, but he suddenly curled up into a ball and looked with a defenseless gaze. I still remember this feeling: a punch in my father’s stomach and no resistance on his part... Soon I left to study in Moscow, and six months later a telegram came from my mother...”

After this conversation, I understood why dad spares no time for long conversations with our neighbor in staircase. Uncle Kolya was a drunkard, didn’t work anywhere, spent his days hanging out in the yard with the homeless and could hardly tell him anything interesting, but dad always listened to him, told him something, gave advice, understanding that people like Kolya needed participation. So he tried to atone for his guilt before his father. When we are young, we don’t understand a lot of things, and therefore we don’t know how to forgive. And when nothing can be fixed, we reproach ourselves and suffer. I could also spend more time with dad. Don’t spend so much of it on suffering in love, parties with friends, going to nightclubs.

If dad was at home, he would definitely wait for me. Mom was used to falling asleep no later than ten in the evening, but he stayed awake. Having opened the door, the first thing he did was sniff.

Dad, what are you really talking about!

I know these clubs of yours. There is alcohol, cigarettes, and even drugs!

Calm down: I don’t smoke, I don’t drink and I don’t do drugs.

What about energy drinks? They also add drugs! Don’t think that I’m so dark, I know everything.

I don't drink this stuff.

Well, good. Go to bed - go to school tomorrow.

There were two trolleybus stops from school to home. In elementary school, as a rule, my mother woke me up and took me to classes. She did not stand on ceremony - she opened the door to the room and commanded: “Get up!” In winter, when it’s dark and cold outside, dragging myself out of a warm bed was especially painful: I’d hang out near the radiator or in the bathroom, holding my hands under the stream. warm water. Mom was angry: “Get dressed immediately! We are going to be late!" Dad woke up in a completely different way, though perhaps because he rarely had to do this.

Vitaly Solomin as Astrov in the Maly Theater's play "Uncle Vanya". In the role of Voinitsky - his brother, Yuri Solomin

He sat on the edge of the bed, stroked his head: “My little fish, Lizochek, it’s time...”, he told some funny story. Then, having warmed up the car in advance, I drove it to school. It happened that we drove past: dad, lost in thought, headed for the Maly Theater, and I sat behind like a mouse and rejoiced to myself: “How great: while we are skating, the first lesson has already begun!”

As a child, I was very shy, repressed, and every public performance - a concert or an exam at a music school - turned into torture. Dad tried to liberate me: “Just think about the fact that the members of the examination committee - ordinary people who go to the toilet. You go on stage and imagine that they are listening to you, sitting on the toilets. You’ll see, the fear will go away.” He talked about his struggle with complexes: “When I started keeping a diary, I suddenly realized that I was not allowing myself to be frank. It’s as if I’m writing for strangers. Then he took and covered half the pages with swear words. You know, it helped!”

Sometimes we also had practical classes. In the mid-nineties, luxury grocery stores began to open in Moscow. When going there, dad dressed according to the principle “The more homeless, the better”: sweatpants with elongated knees, an old country jacket, a knitted hat, which he pulled down to his eyebrows. And he called me with him. The staff in the store cast sidelong glances at the strange couple, the customers dressed to the nines shied away from us, I shrank, and my dad giggled: “What, Lizochek, are you ashamed of your father?” Then, of course, people recognized him and asked for autographs. Dad performed such mini-performances not only for educational purposes - they brought him pleasure.

He also used any excuse to boost my self-esteem. Until I was fourteen, I was the smallest in the class (I stood last in physical education) and was terribly worried about this. Having learned about my suffering, my dad casually said: “A miniature, fragile girl is so wonderful.” And when suddenly a short time she grew to one hundred and seventy-five centimeters, never tired of repeating: “How tall and slender you are! Just a model."

I remember watching one of his first films - “Die Hard”.

Dad, I laughed so hard! Super movie, and you're so cool in it!

Did you really like it?! - he was delighted.

Yes very!

But this picture was terribly criticized! The Council of Mosfilm Veterans even demanded that it be removed from distribution - “for profanation of the feat Soviet people in Great Patriotic War" I love this movie too, we still have exactly the same sense of humor!

Every year I find more and more of my dad's qualities in myself. In my assessment of people and actions, like him, I have no half-tones - only black and white. I can be harsh, categorical, and cut ends harshly. It’s hard for me to ask for forgiveness (I especially don’t like this character trait in myself and am trying to fight it). Nastya is like her mother - she will find an excuse for everything, she is also very easy to touch, hurt, offend. In their defenselessness they are very charming, but life is much harder for them.

For all his peremptory nature, my father never allowed himself to speak badly even about those with whom he broke off relations. The man simply stopped calling and visiting our house. Perhaps this was explained to my mother somehow, but Nastya and I had to be content with the short: “That’s how it should be.” However, this happened infrequently and almost always in connection with work - my father could not stand even a hint of hackwork and, while he himself gave his best, he demanded the same from others. I couldn't stand being unnecessary. Once he fired an actor who played in his enterprise because he was ten minutes late for a rehearsal. I also somehow learned a serious lesson.

My parents and I were relaxing at the dacha. On Sunday, letting me go for a walk with my girlfriend, my dad warned: “There’s a performance in the evening, we’re leaving for Moscow at exactly three. To return by this time.” I arrived at five minutes past four. There were no parents, there was a lock on the door. I had to go to my neighbors, ask for a loan of money and return home by train. Surely both my mother and father were worried about how I, a fourteen-year-old girl, would get from the Moscow region alone, but unpunctuality required punishment.

Another incident occurred shortly before my seventeenth birthday, which I was going to celebrate with friends at the dacha. My parents had to leave for Moscow, leaving me as the mistress. On the day of their departure, the guy whom I met the day before in dental clinic, invited me to a restaurant. This was my first time going to a restaurant with a gentleman. First serious date. When he took me back, we got lost. I dialed Nastya’s mobile number and asked for directions. She said that I see on the right and on the left. The sister patiently planned the route, not saying a word that her dad was standing next to her. At home, a scolding awaited me: “You won’t have any birthday! Return to Moscow with us! And don’t let me see this guy next to you again!”

Vitaly Solomin with his wife Maria and daughter Elizaveta

I was terribly upset. Not because of a guy for whom I had no special feelings. It was a shame that the dacha party was closed. “You can’t imagine what dad went through! - my sister scolded me. - When I talked to you, there was no face on him. I thought they had deliberately brought you into the wilderness and they could do whatever they wanted.” It was impossible to pity my father with tears. I knew this, that's why I didn't try. I had to return to Moscow and have a party under the supervision of adults.

Dad was not sentimental and did not tolerate it when someone else, as he said, “smeared snot on a plate.” But one day my mother was admitted to the hospital for a minor operation. Dad and I were at home alone. Entering the kitchen, I saw that he was facing the window. She asked about something - dad answered without turning around. The voice was such that I immediately understood: he was crying... I went out, quietly closing the door. After some time, dad looked at me: “You are a very sensitive person, Lisa. Thank you".

He himself also showed delicacy more than once. I remember one ridiculous incident. We were sitting at my house with a friend and two boys whom we had just met. Everything was chaste: they listened to music, fooled around, laughed. But when dad, returning unexpectedly early, rang the doorbell, for some reason I was wildly scared. Having collected the guests' shoes at the doorstep, she threw them into her room, told everyone to “die” - and only then went to open it. She squeaked:

- Hi, Dad!

Hello,” he looked at me, took off his coat and said: “I’m going to take a shower.”

Dad never went straight to the bathroom straight from the doorway. First, he asked about business, stroked the cocker spaniel Romka, drank tea... And then, sensing my confusion, he clearly gave me the opportunity to “cover my tracks.” The guests ran out to the elevator on tiptoes, carrying sneakers in their hands, and I quickly washed the cups and glasses. Coming out of the shower, dad didn’t ask questions about anything.

Now I thought: why was I really afraid then? Friends and girlfriends - from class, from the yard, from music school- visited me all the time. And they were very happy if they found dad. He always told something, joked, brewed tea in a special way, planed mountains of sandwiches, fried eggs in the largest frying pan. The ones I'm friends with junior classes schools, they often remember how they went with him to ride down the hill near the church on Novy Arbat. Dad lay face down on the ice cube or sled, we plopped down on his back and flew almost to the roadway.

He was very funny. For every premiere at the Maly Theater there was always a skit party, my father was its director and presenter, and a luxurious table was set in the theater buffet. At the end of the theater season, in May, dad organized a New Year's performance in Maly. Since the holiday was not quite on time (to put it mildly!), it had a corresponding name - “Hello, ass, New Year! A huge Christmas tree was set up and decorated in the foyer, a concert and gifts were prepared. Seeing how people were having fun, my father was truly happy, he laughed and applauded the loudest of all. True, the next day, as some actors claim, he could pass by and not say hello, but that’s the way he was - it very much depended on his mood. He can't all sing and dance...

By the way, dad sang wonderfully. Vintage romances, songs from movies, bards and even verses own composition, For example:

This is not jazz, this is not jazz

These are two blacks carrying a toilet!

In a good mood, he could pick up his mother and, singing “At the samovar, me and my Masha,” began to dance with her. Sometimes, returning home in the evening, I found them dancing to some lyrical melody. Most often to the song Feelings, which dad loved very much and, without knowing in English, performed very soulfully.

Vitaly Solomin with his wife Maria and daughters Nastya and Elizaveta

He treated his mother with great tenderness. On our wedding anniversary, on birthdays - hers, mine and Nastin's - early in the morning I bought a huge bouquet and put it on the pillow. He could come and say from the door: “Masha, get ready!” We're going to the premiere! You have half an hour!” If there was a tour or filming in some beautiful ancient city, I often took my mother with me. It was not in his rules to publicly show feelings, but he did not miss the chance to put his beloved Masha on a pedestal. He told not only Nastya and me and friends, but even his students what amazing thinking and figurative language, cited different stories as examples.

Here is one of them: “Imagine, Lizok, we got stuck in a traffic jam on a small street today. I’m already starting to freak out, and my mother sits with an imperturbable look and suddenly says: “Vitash, what a street as narrow as an intestine!” - “Like the intestines” - can you imagine?! It was necessary to choose such an exact comparison!”

It happened that he made fun of my mother, but not at all evil. So, while waiting for guests, she lays out numerous napkins and cutlery on the tablecloth, and dad comments: “Well, where can we, homespun Siberians, figure it all out! And you are with me - it’s immediately obvious: one of the St. Petersburg intellectuals. An esthete to the core, a connoisseur of etiquette.”

Or he funny depicts how his mother greets him after the performance: “He comes out into the hallway in his pajamas, smiling sleepily:

Vitasha, are you going to have dinner?

Her eyes widen in amazement, and Masha drawls plaintively:

Will you go?!

Okay, - I laugh, - go to sleep. I can handle it myself."

Knowing that mom was pleased, he told everyone how once at the market they were mistaken for dad and daughter: “I wasn’t surprised at all. My Manya is the youngest and most beautiful!”

The tenderness with which my father treated my mother did not at all guarantee her the right to go somewhere with a friend without asking. Or God forbid you return later than agreed. One day my mother started talking to Lenkom actress Lena Shanina and forgot about time. Dad rushed around the apartment like a wild animal. Finally the doorbell rang. He opens it, sees a breathless mother on the threshold, pushes her onto the landing and slams the door. When he is angry, it is better not to pester, but I feel very sorry for my mother, and I decide to timidly ask:

- Dad, why don’t you let mom home?

That's how it should be! - he says as he goes and locks himself in his room.

After spending the night at Shanina’s, my mother comes home in the morning, and the whole family sits down to breakfast as if nothing had happened. Lesson given, lesson learned. And no showdown or long proceedings, which my father hated.

Dad reserved the right not to report where he was going and when he would return. Here he is in the hallway getting dressed in the evening or on weekends. Silently. Mom looks questioningly:

Vitasha, and you...

“I’m on business,” he says and disappears behind the door.

One day he went to throw out the trash and disappeared for four hours. Mom ran around our and neighboring yards several times, called all her friends and was about to go to the police when dad returned. Seeing him, she cried:

Vitasha, well, you can’t do that... I was already going to call the morgue...

There was nothing to worry about,” Dad replied. - Everything is fine. Here, take the bucket.

Today this seems strange to me; in my own family such situations are impossible. Gleb always says where he is going and when to expect him. I can call my husband on his mobile any minute and he will answer. And dad, when he got a cell phone, kept the “tube” in the trunk of the car. There are people who believe that a mobile phone is like a leash for a dog, which can be pulled at any moment, and this is unpleasant for them.

He was very different. Pedant at work ordinary life loved all kinds of surprises and spontaneity. I could wake up in the morning and decide that I should buy a car today. I went and bought - usually a used one, from one of my friends. In the same way, the cocker Roma appeared in our house. I asked my parents for a puppy for a long time, stole books about different breeds from the library, and read aloud passages that talked about the role of dogs in teaching children responsibility and kindness. It was all in vain - they didn’t buy the dog. And then one day I was returning from a vacation from my St. Petersburg grandmother, and in the hallway I was greeted by a small peach-colored cocker spaniel barking. Dad bought it the day before: he got up early, went to the nursery - and brought it back! But the puppy chose dad as the owner, not me - he was smart, he immediately understood who was in charge in the house. And he was the only one who never snapped at him, despite his obstinate disposition. The love was mutual: dad fed him, walked him, groomed him, and at first, while Romka was afraid to stay at home alone, he carried him everywhere with him: to lectures at school, to the theater for rehearsals. One day they showed up at my school together. What a joy it was: Dr. Watson himself came, and with a dog in his bag!

Elizaveta Solomina with her husband Gleb Orlov and son Vanya

Dad was on tour in St. Petersburg, and when I said goodbye to him in the hallway, I started whining:

It’s good for you: the performance is only in the evening, you can walk along Nevsky all day. And I have to go to school tomorrow...

“So come with me,” he unexpectedly suggested. - Five minutes to get ready.

Three was enough for me. And now we are already sitting in the compartment: me, dad and the actresses from his play “Siren and Victoria” Larisa Udovichenko and Irina Rozanova. After drinking tea, I open Salinger’s novel “The Catcher in the Rye.”

How I envy you,” says dad, glancing at the cover. - You are reading this wonderful book for the first time.

Why the first? - I objected. - On the third.

Yes? - he looks with respect.

I remember the day I spent in St. Petersburg almost to the minute. We walked and dad showed us the places where episodes of “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson” were filmed: the dacha of Princess Saltykova, the palace of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, the summer residence of Emperor Nicholas and his wife Alexandra Fedorovna. Then we went to visit Grandma Olya, my mother’s mother, who in our family was called Kisoy - apparently, as a counterbalance to her iron character. Olga Nikolaevna held her husband with a tight rein, nagged him on every occasion and was generally a leader, accustomed to unquestioning submission and following the orders she had established. However, Kisa had a problem with his son-in-law.

According to family legend, Olga Nikolaevna fell in love with actor Vitaly Solomin after seeing him in the film “Women.” As if she said: “If only our Masha had such a husband!” And when mom and dad met, she was proud that the groom, coming for a few days (“Just to be with Masha!”), took the bride in a taxi and took her to the best restaurants. Then dad more than once spoke with laughter about those visits to Leningrad: “Well, I had to maintain my image! I’ll receive the fee and go straight to Masha. I’ll spend all the money in three days, then I’ll return to Moscow to earn money again.”

Most likely, at first Kisa tried to force her dad to dance to her tune, but she quickly realized the futility of these efforts. In the summer, my grandmother lived at our dacha near Moscow and looked after me during the holidays. In her presence, Roma was strictly forbidden to enter the house, where Kisa maintained perfect order and sterile cleanliness. The cocker running through the puddles had to sleep on the terrace. But as soon as grandma went to the kitchen, dad opened the door and let Roma inside. The dog, happily wagging its tail, immediately stretched out at his feet in the living room. Seeing this idyll, Kisa exclaimed indignantly: “Vitaly!!!” Dad looked at her with a puzzled look: they say, what’s the matter, dear Olga Nikolaevna? The grandmother did not dare to enter into an open conflict and, rolling her eyes to the ceiling, retired to her room.

Opening of a memorial plaque to Vitaly Solomin. In the photo are his wife Maria Solomina and brother Yuri Solomin

Sometimes I hear or read that Vitaly Solomin was an arrogant person. Not true. I myself saw how kindly and simply my father interacted with people who stopped him on the street and asked him to take a photo together. He even tried not to offend the annoying fans who were on duty at the service entrance to the theater. Smiled, thanked, said that he appreciated them artistic taste. But he couldn’t stand familiarity. If anyone required:

ABOUT! Dr. Watson! Sign for me here! - he said sharply:

Sorry, you made a mistake - and walked past.

A man's talent and charm always attract women. My father had no shortage of fans. I remember one day my mother and I were sitting in a restaurant. The waitress - young, beautiful - desperately made eyes at dad and, placing another plate in front of him, slipped a piece of paper with her phone number under it. Having discovered the note, dad immediately showed it to mom, who remained completely calm. But everything was just bubbling inside me: “What impudence!!!”

The parents were probably jealous of each other, but I don’t remember any scenes about this. It was possible to catch something in intonations, glances - but that’s all. In the intensive care unit, a female doctor was caring for my dad. She didn’t leave his side, she stayed after shifts and on weekends. And mom was jealous of dad for this doctor. He no longer moved and could not speak, but she hugged him and asked: “Vitasha, do you love me? - Dad closed his eyes, and the tear-stained mother smiled: “So, yes, you love...”

On the evening of April 24, 2002, the musical “Krechinsky’s Wedding” was performed at the Maly Theater. Even before the start of the performance, dad felt bad, but played the first act. Friends and colleagues carried him off the stage in their arms. The ambulance doctors diagnosed a massive stroke and could not believe that in such a state the actor could dance and do the splits.

Actor Alexander Potapov accompanied dad to the hospital. He called us at home. Half an hour later, my mother, Nastya and I were already at the hospital. Doctors said that the condition was serious, but not hopeless - the main thing was that there was no re-bleeding. A nurse met us in the corridor: “While I was conscious, I was worried about you. He asked me to tell them to take the money in his wallet.”

Having come to his senses, dad immediately began to stretch his paralyzed arm, tried to pronounce the words clearly and was very worried that it did not work. One day he handed over a piece of paper on which the lyrics of the song “Phillings” were written in Russian letters. We brought the disk and left it in the room. I don’t know if any of the staff turned it on for dad, but we didn’t dare - we were afraid to cry.

On May 11th, what the doctors feared happened - a second hemorrhage. It was decided to emergency surgery. My mother, Nastya, and I burst into tears right in the room. We were immediately escorted out: “We can’t upset him. Go home and they will call you.”

I was never an atheist; at the age of six I asked my parents to baptize me, but I rarely went to church. Until trouble happened to dad. During the operation I was in the church on Ostozhenka. On her knees she asked the Lord not only to save his life, but also to raise him to his feet. Everything inside was screaming: “I don’t want dad to remain like this, because the worst thing for him is to be helpless!” I don’t remember how long I prayed - an hour, two... The ministers did not rush me, although it was time to close the church.

Having learned that the operation was successful and dad would live, mom and Nastya were very happy, but I was afraid to believe that everything was over, I was tormented by the thought that dad would remain bedridden, and for him this was worse than death.

He died on the twenty-seventh of May. Two weeks after I turned eighteen. I don’t remember the civil memorial service and funeral service well - my temperature rose from stress. There were a lot of people. Lyudmila Zykina sang her father’s favorite song:

Dropped my ring
From the right hand.
My heart started beating
About my dear friend.
He went far away
Left in the spring
I don’t know where to look
Which way...

I couldn’t finish - I started crying. And everyone around had tears in their eyes too.

Dad’s departure was a blow to me, it knocked the ground out from under my feet and at the same time freed me from fears. Now I was not afraid of anything, not even death. I thought quite calmly: “Well, I’ll die - so what? But I’ll be with dad.”

In a different situation, I would never have dared to leave the university - I was finishing my first year of art history. And then I decided to enter VGIK, to study directing. I was accepted, and to the budget department. This was the gift life gave me at that terrible time. The second gift was that the master of my course turned out to be Igor Fedorovich Maslennikov, whose father starred in “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson” and in “Winter Cherry.”

Maria Solomina and Larisa Udovichenko

Studying helped cope with grief. Nastya was saved by the children: Kiryusha was five, Fedya was one year old. And my friends pulled my mother out. Larisa Udovichenko, suddenly deciding that her apartment needed renovation, asked her mother to take on the design work. The Matyakins, Travushis and Alimovs were also constantly nearby. They are still ready to help at any moment and are always in touch with her.

Now my mother lives outside the city. She has a bunch of new girlfriends and friends, they organize clean-up days and picnics, and go to the movies together. In this circle, she is perceived as an independent person, and not as the wife of Vitaly Solomin. It’s easier for mom this way, because at meetings with old friends everyone always remembers Vitasha and the melancholy falls on her again...

I started working as an assistant director in my second year. She got her first experience on “Anna Karenina” with Sergei Solovyov, then assisted Nikita Mikhalkov on the films “12” and “Burnt by the Sun 2”. After VGIK, she left TRITE to pursue her own projects. Filmed as a director several documentaries, one of three short stories for artistic painting"Fairy tale. Yes,” she made stories for the TV program “Galileo.” Now my son Vanya is three years old, and my daughter Verochka is five months old. I'll wait until the children are a little older and will definitely return to the cinema. Perhaps I will work on my own, perhaps with my husband, director Gleb Orlov, who directed the film “Poddubny” with Mikhail Porechenkov.

Dad has been gone for thirteen years, but believe it or not, he is still in Hard time comes to the rescue. Before the start of filming the film “Fairy Tale. Yes, I was offered to become a co-producer. I went to the negotiations in doubt whether to agree or not. Suddenly my dad’s face appeared in my head and the decision immediately came: “I’ll refuse. Categorically". So I did. Time has shown that she did the right thing: an unpleasant situation arose during the film because of money.

Elizaveta Solomina with her husband Gleb, son Vanya and daughter Verochka

Another case. Vanya was very young; my husband and I took him on vacation for the first time. The border guards found some inconsistencies in the child’s documents and spent half an hour trying to find out something and calling somewhere. The plane has already been boarded. Gleb is nervous, tired Vanka is capricious. Suddenly I had the feeling that dad was somewhere nearby, and at that same second I heard Gleb’s voice: “Everything is okay, let’s pass.”

Vanka was born ten years after the death of his grandfather - on May twenty-first, 2012. On May 22, a memorial plaque was unveiled on our house, and my mother came to Nikitsky Boulevard straight from the maternity hospital, where she saw her grandson for the first time. Newspapers later quoted her: “Our youngest daughter Lisa's son was born today! So Vitaly Methodievich and I are grandparents three times! The baby is very similar to Vitasha - it’s already clear that he will grow up red-haired and restless!”

Vanka may also owe his red color to his father Gleb, but his character is exactly like his grandfather’s: proud, independent, stubborn and at the same time cheerful and foolish. Ivan also loves to sing and dance. I won’t say that my husband and I will be very happy if our son becomes an actor, but we won’t interfere. Dad dreamed of staging musicals “no worse than Broadway” and playing leading roles in them. He was not given time for this. So, maybe my grandson will succeed?

Vitaly Solomin on the screen is charming! But in life he was not at all as white and fluffy as we are used to seeing him in the movies. He could scream, freak out - even hit!

In our film about difficult nature Vitaly Solomin will be remembered by his relatives, friends and colleagues. Vasily Livanov will tell how Solomin almost deprived him of the role of Sherlock Holmes, and his wife Maria will tell how one day she was late home, and Vitaly did not let her into the apartment.

According to rumors, the principled and uncompromising Vitaly had a serious conflict with his brother, actor and artistic director of the Maly Theater Yuri Solomin. The older brother does not like to discuss rumors about his relationship with Vitaly, and refuses any conversations on this topic. But he gave our channel frank interview, where he shared his memories of Vitaly. It was not easy for Yuri Methodievich to talk about his brother, and all because the yellow press splashed out too many lies and untruths on both Solomins. In our film we will tell what really happened between the two brothers.

Both had their bright start in the acting world. The elder Yuri was the first to pave the way for cinema. But the younger Vitaly beat his brother after the first premiere. He became famous several years earlier than Yuri. In 1966, he starred in two films - “Women” and “Big Sister”. In both, he played a young, daring and self-confident hero.

Yuri overtook his younger brother in popularity in 1969 when he played main role by Evgeny Tashkov in the film “His Excellency’s Adjutant.” Yes, what did he catch up with - he overtook him! A few years later, Yuri Solomin starred in the Soviet-Japanese film “Dersu Uzala” directed by Akira Kurasawa himself - this film won an Academy Award! It seemed that it was now impossible for Vitaly to catch up with his brother.

But in 1979, for the younger Solomin, he struck finest hour! He starred as Doctor Watson in the film series about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. In the film, Vasily Livanov, near the British Embassy in Moscow, near the bronze sculpture of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, read a quatrain dedicated to him and Vitaly Solomin.

Later, Vitaly Solomin starred in another iconic painting of its time - “Winter Cherry”. For Solomin Jr., this film became prophetic in many ways; he almost repeated the fate of his film hero - being married, he was ready to give up everything for another woman. There were rumors that Solomin had two whirlwind romances, both with partners on the stage of the Maly Theater. IN yellow press they even called their names. But the family did not break up - thanks to Maria Solomina. Together with Vitaly Solomin's family - his wife, two daughters and two youngest grandchildren - we will take a walk along the Patriarch's Ponds. And with my eldest grandson Kirill we will go to an exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of his famous grandfather.

Vitaly married the first time at the age of 20 - to actress Natalya Rudnaya. But the couple did not live long. Vitaly Solomin met his second wife Masha on the set of Pyotr Todorovsky’s film “City Romance.” He courted her beautifully: with armfuls of flowers, he invited her to the most expensive restaurants. But after getting married, Vitaly immediately showed his categorical character: only he makes all decisions in the house, and his wife must carry out his will. Masha, as a kind and very loving person, submitted.

One of the most striking productions by Vitaly Solomin was the musical “Krechinsky’s Wedding”. For the sake of the role of Krechinsky, Solomin was ready to make any sacrifice - at the age of 60 he even did the splits! And of course, in the difficult 90s, he, as the head of the family, considered it his duty to provide for his family financially. He really wanted the family to live with dignity, he wanted to complete the construction of the country house, he wanted to do interesting, new projects. And he didn’t slow down: he staged plays, filmed his first fiction film“Hunting”, played in enterprises and taught at VGIK.

And he should slow down and catch his breath... He suffered from high blood pressure since childhood, but never complained. Even his wife about him serious problems I didn’t know anything about my health. Vitaly Solomin hid from his family the micro-stroke he suffered on his legs during one of the rehearsals. And on April 24, 2002, he became ill right during the play “Krechinsky’s Wedding”... In serious condition, the actor will spend a month at the Sklifosovsky Institute. His family, friends, colleagues and fans prayed for him. Everyone hoped to the last! But alas... death turned out to be stronger.

Employees of the Maly Theater, where he played his last performance Vitaly Solomin, they will tell you how everything happened on that tragic evening.

Today only Solomin appears on the theater stage. Senior. No one has any idea what kind of mental pain Yuri Methodievich feels every step on the stage on which he worked for so many years with his beloved younger brother.

Taking part in the film:

Yuri Solomin - brother, actor, artistic director of the Maly Theater;

Maria Solomina - wife, actress;

Elizaveta Solomina - daughter;

Kirill Kutsenko - grandson;

Boris Klyuev - actor;

Vasily Livanov - actor;

Igor Maslennikov - director;

Andrei Konchalovsky - director.


Andrey Sychev, Oleg Volnov

Natalia Peredelskaya


Vsevolod Tarasov



It’s hard not to know Vitaly Solomin. He was and remains in the memories of many the most significant figure in Russian cinema. Who doesn’t know the amazing Doctor Watson, who captivated with his charisma, charm and simply good disposition.

And although this wonderful person and talented actor is no longer alive, his memory still lives on to this day. During his relatively short life, Vitaly Solomin played in large quantities films, and each role in his performance became better, more interesting, he fully revealed the character, who seemed to come to life on the screen.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Vitaly Solomin

Fans remember Vitaly Solomin as always a positive, charming hero, handsome man who smiles sweetly. As mentioned above, unfortunately, this wonderful theater and film actor is no longer alive. At the time of his death, he was 60 years old, his height was 182 centimeters, his weight cannot be accurately stated now. But in any case, Solomin last day I tried to maintain a good mood and be in good shape. So if you look at height, weight, age. The years of Vitaly Solomin’s life, then we can accurately answer that he lived an interesting varied life, followed by millions of fans. But where did it all begin? How a simple guy became such a famous actor who delighted many with his talent.

Biography of Vitaly Solomin. Causes of death. Funeral

Biography of Vitaly Solomin. Causes of death. Funerals - we will look at all this in this article. His life was full of different events, both good and not so good. After all, despite the fact that he was an actor, first of all he remained a man with a living heart that was capable of loving, suffering, and making decisions. Was born future actor in Chita, and his parents were directly related to the world of creativity. True, it was music, so from the very early childhood, they were able to instill in the boy a love of music and taught him to play the piano. But Vitaly didn’t really want to study music; he preferred various sports sections. He especially loved boxing. But his destiny was destined for him on the big stage.

At the end of the fifties, together with his older brother, Solomin went to Moscow to enter the theater school. He succeeded, throughout his studies, the guy studied responsibly, received good grades, and already in his second year he began to take part in performances. He was also an excellent literary reader; when he read classical passages, he was always listened to attentively. The actor’s filmography also evokes respect, because he starred in those films that people remembered, both for the plot and for the actors. He played in the film “Winter Cherry” and also performed well in the comedy musical “The Bat”. But he gained his greatest fame after playing Dr. Watson in the famous series about Sherlock Holmes. It is worth noting that it was the Soviet interpretation that was recognized in England as the best, which was very expensive both for the cinema and for the actors who were involved there.

The actor undoubtedly made a huge contribution to the development of Soviet cinema, but his life was relatively short. The fact is that Vitaly for a long time suffered from hypertension, the disease progressed, making itself felt as much and more acutely as possible. He felt ill right on the stage where he appeared, although he felt that his health was unstable. As a result, the actor was simply taken out of the theater and sent to the hospital. After this, Solomin fell into a coma, doctors fought for the life of the great actor for more than a month, they did everything they could to save him. Before your last minute in life he was devoted to the theater, and crowds of people came to say goodbye to their idol. Vitaly Solomin was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

Personal life of Vitaly Solomin

The personal life of Vitaly Solomin is interesting, as is his creative career. This is evidenced by the news of Vitaly Solomin and his woman. He was married twice. His first wife was actress Natalya Rudnaya; they met at one of the student performances. A year later, the young people decided to legalize their relationship, which they did. But the union of two creative people did not last long; after the divorce, Vitaly promised himself that he would not go to the registry office again. After some time, the actor auditioned for the film “City Romance”. And although he didn’t get there, he saw a sweet girl there, Maria Leonidova. As a result, he proposed to her, then the marriage produced two daughters, who were named Anastasia and Elizabeth. The youngest daughter became an actress, like her father.

Family of Vitaly Solomin

Until the end of his life, Vitaly Solomin’s family consisted of himself, his beloved wife and two daughters. They all lived in peace and harmony, did not quarrel over trifles, and tried to support each other. In addition, Solomin always tried to support good mood and a positive climate, not only in the family, but also among friends. He loved parties and holidays. There were cases when, in order to cheer up his friends, he arranged the New Year in the middle of spring. In general, with such an interesting person, there was never a dull moment, so there was always fun in the family, and a creative atmosphere reigned.

Grandchildren and children of Vitaly Solomin

The children of Vitaly Solomin are his two daughters. Although he was already married once, he had daughters from his second marriage. When he married for the second time to a student girl in the early seventies, he became the father of two daughters. They were named Anastasia and Elizabeth, and youngest daughter I decided to follow my father’s fate, become an actress, make achievements in theater and cinema. And although the woman did not become as famous and famous as her father, she still managed to find herself in cinema. Today, the actor’s children remember their father, honor his memory, and understand that although he cannot be brought back, they will remember him, just like his fans. The daughters of Vitaly Solomin have repeatedly said that they are proud of their famous father.

Daughter of Vitaly Solomin - Anastasia

Vitaly Solomin’s daughter Anastasia was born from the actor’s second marriage to Maria Leonova. She was born in 1974, a long time ago today adult woman who has her own family and children. She didn't become an actress, she decided to go in my own way, in order to be whoever she wants. The woman treated her father with great respect, watched all his films, and went to performances. All this was very important for Solomin, because he wanted his family to support him. Anastasia remembers her father and regularly watches films with his participation. He understands that although his father is no longer with them, he still lives in his work.

Daughter of Vitaly Solomin - Elizaveta

Vitaly Solomin’s daughter Elizaveta is Solomin’s youngest daughter from his first marriage. Just this woman followed in the footsteps of the actor-father. She not only became an actress, but also a producer, and is also married to director Gleb Orlov. Elizabeth was born in 1984, she always followed the example of her father, because she also wanted to become an actress. We can say that her dream came true, because she achieved it. Perhaps she should not be compared with her father, because it is not so easy to reach his heights. But, nevertheless, she continued his work, honors the memory of her father, understands that everything needs to be achieved through her own work, she learned this from Solomin.

Vitaly Solomin's ex-wife - Natalya Rudnaya

Ex-wife Vitaly Solomina Natalya Rudnaya became his first chosen one, the marriage with whom, however, did not last so long. It all started back in student years, when young people played together in one of the performances. Things started between them romantic relationship, felt that they were growing into something more. Therefore, after some time, they decided to enter into a legal alliance. They did this, but in the end, they did not manage to live long. After a short time, the marriage broke up. Most likely, this happened because the young aspiring actors were not ready to compromise and give in to each other.

Vitaly Solomin's wife - Maria Leonidova

Vitaly Solomin's wife Maria Leonidova became the second wife for Soviet actor. Their acquaintance also took place through acting. The fact is that Solomin was invited to another film audition. There he met a girl student at a textile institute, with whom he struck up a conversation. As a result, Solomin did not hit cast, but found his happiness. They got married in the early seventies and had two daughters. Spouse before last moment stayed close to her husband, fought for his life, tried to ease his suffering. Now she remembers her husband, constantly watches films and keeps photos from them. life together.

Wikipedia Vitaly Solomin

Wikipedia (,_Vitaly_Mefodievich) Vitaly Solomin will help you get acquainted with his biography as best as possible. There are many resources about Vitaly Solomin that tell about his life, both creative and personal. You can find general facts on Wikipedia, because at the time of the actor’s death they had not yet created social media, he could not maintain his own pages. But he didn’t need this, because thousands of people already knew about him. The memory of this great man will live on for many years to come, despite the fact that he is an actor of the last generation, his amazing talent as an actor will delight viewers for a long time and force them to re-watch films about Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

Vitaly Methodievich Solomin - famous actor theater and cinema, who became famous for his role as Doctor Watson in the TV series Sherlock Holmes. Solomin was an educated, multifaceted person, he tried himself as a director, directed the film “The Hunt” and staged a play based on it.

Despite numerous roles in films, he was still a devotee of the theater. With a slight sadness in his voice, he said that he envied actors who passed away right at work. This fate befell the famous artist - while playing on stage in a play, he had a stroke, Vitaly Methodievich tried to get out of it for a month, but the doctors could not save him and in May 2002, “Dr. Watson” passed away.

“Dr. Watson” weighed 75 kg with a height of 1 meter 89 centimeters - this was his height, weight, and age. The years of Vitaly Solomin's life passed in the city of Moscow, where he followed his older brother to receive higher education, then started working, got married, and stayed in the capital forever.

Vitaly Solomin photos in his youth and now prove that if in his youth a person was fond of sports (the boy attended all sport sections hometown) with a little effort, you can stay fit and in good shape for many years.

Biography of Vitaly Solomin. Cause of death. Funeral

Biography of Vitaly Solomin. Cause of death. The funeral - all this is of interest to numerous fans of the work of the actor, who passed away so early in life. The theatergoer was born in the city of Chita, into a family of musicians. His father, Methodius Viktorovich Solomin, and mother, Zinaida Ananyevna Ryabtseva, saw their son as a famous pianist. However, neither Vitaly nor his older brother, Yuri Methodievich Solomin, followed in the footsteps of their parents. Due to their young age, it is still unknown what profession Solomin’s grandchildren, Kirill and Fedor, will choose.

Having received secondary education, Vitaly moves to Moscow and enters the theater school there, where, at one time, his brother Yuri received knowledge. In his second year, Vitaly begins to play at the Maly Theater. Only once will Vitaly Methodievich leave the walls of his native theater, but then two years later he still returns to the theater, which has become his second home.

The actor’s life was cut short in 2002 - in one of the Moscow clinics, where he was taken straight from the theater. Vitaly Solomin suffered from hypertension; during the performance he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, after which he fell into a coma, sometimes regaining consciousness, but was never able to recover.

Filmography: films starring Vitaly Solomin

The actor’s filmography begins with his debut role in the film “Newton Street, Building 1”, then the film “Women” was released, where Vitaly Methodievich will play the role of Evgeniy. Solomin became more widely known after the roles he played in films directed by Maslennikov: “Winter Cherry”, “ Queen of Spades"and, of course, the beloved Sherlock Holmes. In the film "Sink or Lost" Solomin played his last role– Lech Krzyzanowski.

In total, the actor played in more than fifty films and even more roles in the theater.

Personal life of Vitaly Solomin

The personal life of Vitaly Solomin was closely connected with his acting. After the role of Watson, Vitaly Methodievich acquired a friend for life in the person of his partner Vasily Livanov, who played Sherlock. By the way, it was his friend Igor Maslennikov who asked Vitaly to appear in his films.

The People's Artist loved life in all its manifestations: Vitaly Solomin and his women enjoyed sledding and skating in winter, held unplanned holidays at home, loved their dog Romka, who was purchased for their youngest daughter, but was devoted to the owner until the last.

The great actor was buried Vagankovsky cemetery, site number twenty-four.

Family of Vitaly Solomin

Vitaly Solomin's family consists of his beloved daughters and wife. The wife said that, despite Vitaly being busy at work, he is all his own free time, I tried to devote every minute to my family. Daughters, recalling their childhood, say that their father was a bit of a hot-tempered person, but he quickly moved away and then tried in every possible way to make up for the unpleasant situation.

Friends and colleagues adored Solomin, as he was an open, sympathetic person who always tried to lend a helping hand if someone needed it. The artist also loved to receive guests at home. Once, in order to lift the spirits of loved ones on a rainy and therefore dreary day, I organized a second New Year celebration in the spring.

Children of Vitaly Solomin

The children of Vitaly Solomin were born in his second marriage People's Artist. The eldest daughter Anastasia and his wife were taken from the maternity hospital in 1973, and eleven years later, the youngest daughter Elizabeth was born. Vitaly Solomin's daughters are grateful to their father that he instilled in them a love of art and often took them to performances. They loved spending time with Vitaly Methodievich, since he could always listen to them, feel sorry for them, and give sensible advice if necessary.

Vitaly Solomin adored his grandchildren: Kirill and Fedor. For Kirill’s sake, he bought an old dacha and set up a tool shed so that he could show and teach Kirill how to saw, chop, plan. And so that the child could understand with a clear example how vegetables sprout and ripen, his grandfather built a greenhouse with him, although before that he didn’t really enjoy picking in the ground.

Daughter of Vitaly Solomin - Anastasia

Vitaly Solomin’s daughter, Anastasia, was born four years after her parents’ wedding. The eldest daughter now works in Igor Moiseev’s team, having previously graduated from the school located at his ensemble.

IN adolescence Nastya did not perceive herself as a creative person and did not want to follow in the footsteps of her famous father. She liked to do hair and styling, and the role of the model was not a toy doll’s head - but her beloved grandmother Zina (her father’s mother). Zinaida Ananyevna adored her granddaughters, so they took advantage of this fact without a twinge of conscience.

Daughter of Vitaly Solomin - Elizaveta

Vitaly Solomin’s daughter, Elizaveta, like her famous father, is now, thanks to her innate talent and perseverance, acting in films and trying herself as a producer. She married Orlov, who is also connected with the world of cinema - he is a fairly famous director.

As a child, Lisa wanted to become anyone, just not a person who would play on stage. IN primary school there was a girl vertically challenged– completed on this occasion. I was embarrassed to take part in any concerts, to perform in front of a huge number of people. Vitaly Methodievich, having learned about his daughter’s problem, tried in every possible way to encourage and support her.

Vitaly Solomin's ex-wife - Natalia Rudnaya

Vitaly Solomin’s ex-wife, Natalia Rudnaya, was also a film actress by occupation. After their meeting, the young people realized that it was love at first sight. The couple dated for a little more than one year, and in 1963 they got married and had a student wedding. But their marriage did not last long. As quite often happens with young people - each with their own ambitions, unwillingness to give in to their other half even in small things - all this led to divorce. After the breakup, ex-spouses, never saw each other again: neither on stage nor in everyday life.

Vitaly Solomin, obviously, was so disappointed in family life that he even made a promise to himself never to marry again in his life. However, fate decreed otherwise, and in its own way life path, the great actor finally met a woman who managed to melt the ice in his heart.

Vitaly Solomin's wife - Maria Leonidova

Vitaly Solomin’s wife, Maria Leonidova, is a woman with whom the director lived for a long time, happy life. They met at a film audition, liked each other, and started dating. The girl was much younger than Vitaly, and in order not to miss his love, he married a student at the textile institute.

Solomin forbade his wife to perform in the theater and act in films - and she did not strongly resist her husband’s decision. And yet, she played a couple of roles together with Vitaly Methodievich. For the sake of her beloved husband, Maria endured constant reproaches from her mother-in-law, Solomin’s mother, and was even able to find an approach to her.

After the death of her husband, Maria Solomina, in order to somehow distract herself from her grief, began decorating apartments.

Wikipedia Vitaly Solomin

Wikipedia Vitaly Solomin contains reliable facts about life and cause of death. You can also see all of his acting, directing and screenwriting works.

It is noteworthy that all the actors who were lucky enough to play on the same stage or in the cinema with the talented Vitaly speak only of him with positive side. Solomin was a very obliging person, and sometimes because of this trait of his character, the theater management “grabbed their heads”: if the artist did not pay the fee on time, he might not go on stage and would no longer play under their direction.