Zemfira - biography, information, personal life. The whole truth about Zemfira: why she lives in an empty apartment and for whom she cooks cheesecakes

Now, probably, there is no person in the country who would not listen to the singer, composer and poetess Zemfira. Many are interested in her personal life.

Brave, daring, more like a guy than a feminine girl, she became the creator and personification of a new trend in music called “ female rock" Her songs are like herself: free, bold and daring. About her life we'll talk in the article.

Zemfira Ramazanova is one of those people who hides her personal life. Her biography began in 1976 in Ufa. The girl was born into a Tatar-Bashkir family. Her parents are intellectuals. My father taught history at school, and my mother was a therapeutic gymnastics coach. Zemfira had an older brother, with whom they were very friendly.

The girl started studying music early. At the age of five she was already attending music school and was a soloist in the children's choir. Once she even appeared on local television.

At the age of seven, the future celebrity composed her first song. IN school years the girl was fond of the works of Viktor Tsoi and Thom Yorke. This significantly influenced her further development as a musician.

The future singer learned to play the guitar and performed songs by the Kino group right on the street.

Along with music, Zemfira was fond of basketball. She was the team leader, despite the fact that she was shorter than the other girls. This passion for sports was so strong that after graduating from school, the girl chose her future path between music and sports. Music won!

Zemfira entered School of Music to the pop and jazz department. She was accepted straight into the second year. While studying, the girl began to earn extra money, performing songs in Ufa restaurants. She was accompanied by a classmate on the saxophone.

The beginning of a creative career

After receiving a honors diploma from the College of Arts, Zemfira went to work as a sound engineer at the Europe Plus radio station. At the same time, she sings in the group “Spectrum Ace” as the second vocalist.

At night, Zemfira composed her songs and recorded them on the computer. In her personal words, she went to a friend in Moscow and took her songs recorded on CDR. Here for the first time in her life she showed her songs.

In the capital, she ended up at the Fili recording studio. But they refused her, saying that they only accepted cassettes. Zemfira left, but left the notes with her friend. A few days later, her friend showed the recordings to the producer of the Mumiy Troll group. He liked Zemfira’s songs so much that he called her in Ufa. I had to go back to Moscow.

The singer arrived in the capital with her newly formed group. How did she collect it? another story. They rehearsed in the building of a teenage club (Zemfira persuaded the director). The only thing missing in the group was a lead guitarist. It was Yuri Tsaler from Mumiy Troll.

Producer Leonid Burlakov gives beginners talented singer record your first disc, which was called “Zemfira”.

In her personal words: “I have so much music in my head that there’s nowhere to go!” The singer's first disc was released in 1999. The only song not included in this album is “Don’t Let Go!” It will be included in the second album.

It was a real success in creative biography singers! Video clips were shot for many songs.

Rise of popularity

Soon after this, the newly formed group went on tour. The concerts were completely sold out! Zemfira was simply covered by a wave of sudden popularity.

On March 24, 1999, the singer gave a press conference at a Moscow club. Moreover, she answered questions only in Bashkir. The audience immediately fell in love with the unusual, strange star.

In May, the presentation of the group's album took place. There was grass scattered on the stage. The singer herself wove a daisy into her hair and used it to tell fortunes during the song “Daisies.” It was unexpected and amazing!

In December of the same year, the group began preparing to record a second disc. The singer admitted that song titles were always difficult for her. It's like naming a child!

At the beginning of the new year, stunning news swept across the country. Zemfira and her group won in the OM magazine categories: “Best Performer of the Year”, “Brawler of the Year”, “Breakthrough of the Year” and “Album of the Year”.

In March, the group premiered its second album, “Forgive Me, My Love.” He was even more successful. The singer gave a big solo concert, which also sold out. Her song “Iskala” was performed in the new film “Brother 2”. But popularity tired the singer more than it pleased her. Therefore, she took a short vacation, taking part in only one project dedicated to Viktor Tsoi. There she performed his song “Cuckoo”.

Glory was not without victims and sad incidents. During one of her concerts, a tragic incident occurred. People were injured as a result of a stampede at the stadium where the singer performed. The authorities and police blamed Zemfira, but she did not understand what was her fault if more tickets were sold than the stadium could accommodate people.

This tragedy greatly upset the singer. She said that fame prevents her from working normally. She would like to cancel her popularity, that there is no need to make a guru or idol out of her. This prevents her from working.

The singer's creativity

The singer's creative style can be called rock or pop rock. Some have dubbed it "girl rock". This style has recognizable different trends that existed at different times in music. This is Tsoi, and Susan Vega, and Alanis Morissette, and Bjork. Her singing is close to Aguzar's vocals. Sometimes you get the feeling when listening to her songs that they were recorded in the 80s.

The singer owns many musical instruments, this makes it possible to diversify her performances.

As for the lyrics of her songs, that’s a separate topic. It raises topical issues of the time. Therefore, they are relevant and find a wide response in the hearts of listeners. For example, sometimes the problems of teenagers are visible in songs (lack of money, desire for love and self-realization, etc.). Then the singer raises the topic of the terrible scourge of time - AIDS. The following conclusion suggests itself: sometimes you have to pay for love with illness and death.

Unusuality, brightness, creativity, courage, audacity - these are the characteristics of the creative direction created by the singer in a few words. It can’t be said that no one sang like that before. But something about her catches you, leads you into ecstasy, makes you think.

Her image is a “scandal girl”, “a mature girl”, “a girl with a player”, according to journalists. This brings her closer to another singer - Yu. Chicherina.

Career continuation

After a year-long break, the singer created new album, which came out in 2002. It was called "Fourteen Weeks of Silence." It turned out to be different from the previous ones. There was clearly a development in the singer's style and image. The following year she was awarded the Triumph Prize.

In 2004, the singer showed herself in new images. She sang a duet with Ilya Lagutenko. They sang the song "Bear". Zemfira wore a dress and heels for the first time. Many even suspected that she had undergone global changes in her personal life. But the singer herself did not report any news. The only thing she admitted was that she liked the heels - “they’re so sexy!”

Until 2017 in her creative life a lot of new things have happened. She sang along with legendary group"Queen".

Zemfira even entered the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University, but was unable to graduate - the workload was too heavy. All her energy and time are spent on music.

In 2005, the singer began collaborating with famous actress and director Renata Litvinova. Zemfira acted as a composer for the film “Goddess: How I Fell in Love.” And then Renata became the director for many of the singer’s videos.

In 2007, the singer’s new disc was released, where she announced that her group had broken up. Released in 2009 new collection songs. She tours a lot and is also working on the soundtrack for Litvinova’s new film.

In 2013, the singer received an award as best performer Russia. At the end of this year she performed with new group, which in translation was called “Triangle”. Guitarist Bro and drummer Luca became famous in it. It turned out that these were the singer’s nephews (twins Arthur and Artem Ramazanov).

In 2016, the singer went on a world tour. She performed concerts in many countries.

Personal life of Zemfira Ramazanova

There are very different rumors going around about the personal life of Zemfira Ramazanova. And almost all of them are wrong. For example, a rumor about the upcoming wedding of the singer and the lead singer of the group “Dancing Minus” was started by Zemfira herself. It was a “publicity stunt,” she said.

Many argue that the singer belongs gay. There is a rumor that Renata Litvinova and Zemfira are more than friends, but they avoid commenting.

The singer is currently single and has no children. She recently buried her father and older brother. Now he is raising his nephews.

Zemfira, that well-known girl who contributed Russian rock has its own twist, light, journalists gave it a name - “female rock”. Her songs are still played on radio stations, and for young people Zemfira’s work is a source of inspiration, melancholy and sadness.

The little future singer was born in the city of Ufa, into a family of high moral views. Father Talgat Talkhovich was a history teacher, and mother Florida Khakievna was a specialist in physical therapy.

Zemfira was Not only child in family, the elder brother Ramil doted on his sister and a trusting, very warm relationship always developed between them. Sometimes, a girl could tell her secret to her brother and not be afraid that she would be judged, scolded or laughed at.

Since childhood, the girl was drawn to music. In such early age For 5 years, Zemfira had already taken piano lessons at a music school and was a soloist in the choir. And at the age of 7, without anyone’s help, she wrote her first song and did not hesitate to perform it in front of her mother’s colleagues.

Musical activity brought great pleasure and was much more than just a hobby.

At school, Zemfira became interested in basketball, but she was not particularly tall, and this spurred her even more to achieve something. Her efforts were not in vain and she became the captain of the Russian junior team. Sports are so pulled the girl in tight, which stood on par with music, which was very important.

Therefore, in high school, a huge problem became what to devote my life to, who to become. Thinking a lot about this topic, Zemfira made it a priority musical activity And applied to the art school in his hometown.

In order to have her own personal money, and not ask her parents, Zemfira began to look for part-time work and got a job at a local restaurant, where she performed various popular compositions in the evenings.

I got a little tired of this way of life, I wanted to change my occupation, and now the girl is working at a radio station, recording commercials. At this time Zemfira n starts recording songs own composition to cassettes.

At the end of the 90s, Zemfira's life takes a sharp turn 180 degrees. Her songs, recorded on tape, through friends, completely randomly end up in the hands of the producer the then famous group “Mumiy Troll”.

He appreciates musical compositions having truly seen real talent. Leonid Burlakov gives Zefmira the opportunity to advance in her activities, and she records her first album, which she calls “Zemfira”.

Zemfira did not even expect such success, because the album sold like hotcakes, and at the concerts there were always many people who were delighted with her music.

Work has begun on the second album entitled "Forgive me, my love", which became the most popular in early 2000. This album is still the most popular among the singer’s projects. One song even became the soundtrack to the film “Brother 2”.

Later Zemfira received a very large and serious proposal, director Renata Litvinova invited her to her team so that the girl could compose music for the film “Goddess: How I Loved.”

Zemfira’s musical activity brought such success that she was included in the list of “One Hundred Most influential women Russia."

There were always a lot of rumors about Zemfira’s personal life, but she was in no hurry to refute them and clarify them.

Moreover, the singer herself misled journalists and her fans by saying that she was marrying the leader of the group “Dancing Minus,” but this was just an attempt attract attention.

Someone said that Zemfira had a relationship with a woman and was engaged to Renata Litvinova. But both girls prefer not to talk about this topic, avoiding it in interviews.

In 2010, Zemfira suffered a misfortune: her beloved brother died and drowned in the river. The father died from the disease, and then the mother. This crippled state of mind singers. From that time on, she decided that her main task was to take care of her nephews. Therefore, for now the singer does not have her own children, and her personal life remains under seven locks.

Although Zemfira mentions her status as “In Love” in interviews with journalists, she does not reveal all the secrets of her personal life.

Zemfira’s huge tour has started “ Small man”, within the framework of which she visited 20 cities of Russia and several foreign countries. While driving around the cities, the singer reported the sad news that her music career is over, thereby greatly upsetting the loyal fans who were inspired by her music.

But the singer does not stop spreading her songs. A I even recorded it in 2016 new song "Come back home". Loyal fans are still waiting for Zemfira to return to music and have not lost hope.

Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova(Tat. Zemfira Talgat kyzy Ramazanova) is a popular Russian rock singer, composer, producer and songwriter. Zemfira’s work is called the embodiment of “female rock” in the press.

Zemfira's childhood and education

Father - Talgat Talkhoevich Ramazanov(1932−2009) - worked as a history teacher.

Mother - Florida Khakievna Ramazanova(1947−2015) - worked as a doctor, specialist in physical therapy.

Older brother - Ramil Talgatovich Ramazanov(1967−2010) - was an entrepreneur, served as director trading network"Polushka", died on June 13, 2010 as a result of an accident during spearfishing.

At the age of five, her parents sent their daughter to a music school. She first studied piano, and then Zemfira was accepted into the choir as a soloist. And at the age of seven, the future star wrote her first song, which she performed at her mother’s work.

In the photo: Zemfira as a child (Photo: From personal archive)

Zemfira was a very active schoolgirl. She attended 7 clubs at the same time. The girl was especially fond of basketball, despite the fact that her height was 172 cm.

Zemfira recalled: “I was a point guard. I was the smallest, but the most important.” And the coach of the Russian junior basketball team, of which Zemfira was a member, Yuri Maksimov, said: “Zemfira was very passionate about basketball, she was best player and team captain. In 1990-1991, we won the Russian youth championship, and, of course, I was a little upset when she decided to quit the sport.”

Zemfira was fond of basketball (pictured) (Photo: From personal archive)

Zemfira graduated from music school with honors. In addition to the piano, Zemfira learned to play the guitar.

The future rock singer immediately entered the second year at the Ufa College of Arts, which she graduated in 1997 with honors in the specialty " pop vocals" But after graduating from college, Zemfira did not immediately find a place for herself in the creative field. At first, she worked part-time in Ufa restaurants for four years together with a classmate, a saxophonist. Vlad Kolchin.

In the photo: singer Zemfira (Photo: Global Look Press)

Zemfira's career

In 1996, Zemfira began working at the Europe Plus Ufa radio station. And then, as the singer herself said, she mastered several music computer programs and began composing.

One day Zemfira came to visit a friend in Moscow and took her songs with her on a CD. A friend liked the musical creations and asked me to rewrite them for her. And then this friend handed over the recording made by Zemfira on Maxidrom to the producer of Mumiy Troll Leonid Burlak. And he called future star to Ufa and invited me to come to the capital.

During the same period, Zemfira created her own group. Together with bass player Rinat Akhmadiev they recorded a program minimum of songs. Zemfira played guitar and keyboards.

In 1997, the press first wrote about Zemfira’s group. Journalist Svetlana Rutskaya wrote an article about the team for a regional newspaper. Zemfira, with her characteristic directness, made a policy statement: “I have so much music in my head that there is nowhere to go.”

In the photo: singer Zemfira (Photo: Vladimir Valishvili, Seyran Baroyan/TASS)

At the beginning of 1998, Zemfira finally moved to Moscow. The singer worked with her group “Zemfira”. Since 1999, Zemfira has released six studio albums. In the same 1999, Ogonyok magazine called Zemfira “the breakthrough voice of the generation.” Throughout the singer’s career, many of her songs hit the top lines of the Russian music charts, including “Arivederchi”, “Iskala”, “Traffic”, “Walk”, “We are breaking” and “Without a chance”.

Zemfira's popularity reached its apogee when, in 2004, a Russian history textbook for grade 9 included a mention of Zemfira in the section “Spiritual Life” as the founder of a “completely different” musical youth culture(the author of the manual is a professor at the Moscow Pedagogical University state university Alexander Danilov).

In the same 2004, Zemfira entered the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. However, during the first winter session, she took academic leave in connection with the recording of a new album, but was not reinstated at the faculty, and was expelled in August 2006.

In the photo: singer Zemfira (in the center) near the Moscow State University building, where she is taking exams for the Faculty of Philosophy (Photo: Marat Abulkhatin/TASS)

Zemfira’s most successful album is considered “Forgive Me, My Love”; it is regularly included in the ranking of the best Russian albums for different time periods.

In the photo: In the photo: Zemfira performing at a concert (Photo: Natalya Kolesnikova/TASS)

Zemfira’s latest [as of publication date] album “Live in Your Head” (2013) was posted for free listening on Yandex the day before the release, and within the first 14 hours it was listened to more than 1 million times. In Russian iTunes, the album topped the music sales chart for several weeks.

In the photo: Zemfira performing at a concert (Photo: Alexander Ryumin/TASS)

Zemfira concerts

Zemfira’s concert, held in support of her new 2013 album “Live in Your Head,” began with a scandal. Even before it began, a statement appeared on the singer’s website that the event was canceled on the initiative of the head of the concert venue, although the tickets were sold out.

As a result, the concert did take place, but from the stage the singer said: “I will never return to Rostov again.” This even became a reason to report to the police.

In the photo: singer Zemfira (Photo: Nadezhda Lebedeva/Global Look Press)

Zemfira quite often announces her concerts as her last, but then returns to the stage. In 2016, a famous Russian rock singer during a concert in Nizhny Novgorod announced that she intends to stop touring. The singer did not explain the reason for this decision.

“This is my last tour. I didn't want to speculate on this. I’m glad, in general, that you are on this last tour of mine,” said Zemfira.

In the photo: Zemfira’s concert in Nizhny Novgorod (Photo: Egor Aleev/TASS)

In 2016, Zemfira injured her leg while performing at a concert in Berlin. This happened right during the performance, when Zemfira decided to jump into the hall from the stage, the news reported.

The fact is that a lot of people gathered under the stage, and the audience stood quite close to each other. Therefore, Zemfira decided to make the jump that the fans were waiting for, but despite the fact that she was caught, the performer suffered knee damage.

Russian rock singer Zemfira announced on her Facebook page in the summer of 2018 that she was going to temporarily give up concert activities to start working on a new album. However, she cannot yet say how long it will take.

In the photo: singer Zemfira (Photo: Sergey Bobylev/TASS)

“It was a strange, but at the same time great summer. Lots of food for thought, lots of emotions. I realized that I don’t want to play concerts, but I love music. I will write an album. I don’t understand how long this will last,” Zemfira wrote on the social network.

Personal life of Zemfira

Little is known about Zemfira’s personal life. However, when there is little information, the media spins all sorts of fabrications about the life of a star. For example, they announced that while still at music school she had an affair with Vlad Kolchin. Then information leaked about Zemfira’s new friend - Sergei Anatsky, who was, according to the media, the head of the Europe Plus radio station in Ufa.

A message was also launched about Zemfira’s relationship with the leader of the group “Dancing Minus” Vyacheslav Petkun.

The public's interest was aroused by rumors about business relations with Roman Abramovich. There were rumors that the couple knew each other from the very beginning of Zemfira’s career in Moscow, and Abramovich helped the young artist with promotion.

In the photo: singer Zemfira and Roman Abramovich

Helped Zemfira and Alexander Mamut, who has a reputation as a philanthropist and connoisseur of the arts. Mamut supported the singer financially, paying for the services of Dutch specialists who worked on Zemfira’s tour. In addition, as the owner of Euroset, the businessman contributed to a bold project related to the album “Vendetta,” which was distributed in the stores of this network. Contacts with business people of this level, the artist was automatically elevated to the rank of elite - after all, not every pop and rock singer is favored richest people countries.

A big admirer of the singer's talent, according to Forbes, he is a billionaire Suleiman Kerimov. At his request, Zemfira can perform for a narrow circle of her fans; the fee for one such performance reaches several hundred thousand euros.

Zemfira is an atheist. December 21, 2015 to the question Vladimir Pozner about the words that Zemfira would say to God upon meeting, the singer replied: “That he is unfair.”

Relationship with Renata Litvinova

Zemfira and Renata Litvinova met in the mid-2000s. With Renata Litvinova, Zemfira became a co-producer of the film “Rita’s Last Fairy Tale” (2012), for which she wrote the music. After Zemfira wrote the music for Litvinova’s film “Goddess: How I Fell in Love.” Her songs were also featured in the film. Kira Muratova“Melody for a barrel organ”, and in the film “Eternal Return” the concert recording of “Songs of the Duke” from the opera “Rigoletto” performed by the singer appears repeatedly in the frame.

A curious public, looking for the “strawberry” in the lives of celebrities, spread rumors about Zemfira’s supposedly unconventional orientation. They have repeatedly gossiped about the love of Zemfira and Renata Litvinova.

In the photo: singer Zemfira and actress Renata Litvinova (from left to right) (Photo: Artem Korotaev/TASS)

The news even reported that Zemfira and Litvinova allegedly got married in Sweden, where same-sex marriage has been allowed since 2009. According to the REN TV channel, after registering the marriage, Litvinova and Zemfira went on a trip, visiting Stockholm and Tallinn.

But Renata Litvinova’s representative refused to comment on the information that appeared in the media that the actress got married to singer Zemfira Ramazanova in Sweden. “We do not comment on this,” Litvinova’s representative told RIA Novosti.

Zemfira recently shared news about her personal life during an informal conversation with fans, in particular, dispelling rumors about love relationships with actress and director Renata Litvinova.

“What you want to see as coming out is impossible for many reasons. I love Renata very much, she is my closest person and the most best friend. At the same time, she has a man, the father of her daughter, a man whom I respect very much. You were imagining something there, but the reality is completely different,” the singer wrote on the official VKontakte page.

In the photo: Zemfira and Renata Litvinova with their daughter (Photo: instagram.com)

“Renata is unique. This is different - more than talent. Renata is my everything, and I wouldn’t exist without her,” Zemfira also noted.

Communicating with her fans on social networks, Zemfira noted that “I haven’t met talented women, well, except for myself.” The singer also said that she doesn’t like female vocals. As you know, Zemfira previously criticized young singers Coin And Buckwheat.

The fruit of Zemfira’s creative union with Renata Litvinova was the film “Rita’s Last Fairy Tale” (2012).

In May 2017, the premiere of Renata Litvinova’s play “The North Wind” took place at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, the music for the production was written by Zemfira.

At the end of 2015, Zemfira took second place in the ranking of the most expensive domestic stars for a New Year's corporate party. The leader of the rating is Alla Pugacheva with a fee of 11 million rubles. In second place is Zemfira, who prefers to receive in conventional units - 100 thousand per performance. Took third place Dmitry Nagiev with a fee of 80 thousand euros.

In the photo: singer Zemfira (Photo: Sergey Shakhidzhanyan/TASS)

At the beginning of April 2016, Zemfira gave two concerts at the Olimpiysky, which completed her “Little Man” tour, collecting, according to estimates, more than 150 million rubles.

Scandals with Zemfira

On March 1, 2014, after the committees of the Russian Federation Council on defense and international affairs approved the appeal of the President of the Russian Federation on the use armed forces Russia on the territory of Ukraine, Zemfira, as a sign of solidarity with the Ukrainians, replaced home page its official website, where only one video was posted on a black background, which was dated 2008, where the singer performed the song “Vidpusti” by the group “Okean Elzy” in Ukrainian. Before performing the song, the singer said:

“I want to support, say hello, thank, and join all Ukrainian musicians. For the last few years I have been saying that in Russia, of course, more possibilities, more money. There is more soul in Ukraine.”

In the summer of 2015, Zemfira’s concert in Tbilisi turned into a scandal, at which the singer picked up the Ukrainian flag. As reported in the news, during the performance of one of the songs, Zemfira was handed a yellow-blue banner from the audience. The singer took it and waved it around for a while. After which she tied the “Independence” flag to the microphone and continued her speech.

In the photo: Zemfira at a concert in Tbilisi (Photo: screenshot from a YouTube video)

Ukrainian flag in hand Russian performer appeared during the performance of the song “I wonder how you are there. I'll think I'm fine."

Zemfira was criticized a lot by her Russian fans for her song with the Ukrainian flag. They even wanted to present her with the flag of Novorossiya at another concert. The act caused outrage among representatives of the domestic show business. So famous producer Joseph Prigogine stated that Zemfira takes everyone for assholes.

But then Zemfira angered the Ukrainians too. In March 2016, during a concert in Lithuania, as part of the “Little Man” tour, Zemfira rudely asked the audience to remove the Ukrainian flag unfurled in the hall.

During his speech in Vilnius Russian singer twice reacted negatively to the yellow-blue canvas raised by fans.

For the first time, Zemfira said: “You are trying to set me up.” After which the Ukrainian flag was removed, the Russian News Service website reported.

After some time, the yellow-blue banner reappeared in the hands of one of the singer’s fans.

This caused an even sharper reaction from Zemfira, who addressed the audience, already using profanity.

“I am a resident of Russia. We are located in Lithuania. I ask you, I ask you... You love your country, I love my country,” the singer said.

In this regard, Zemfira was proposed to be banned from visiting Ukraine; the corresponding petition was posted on the website of the official Internet representation of the President of Ukraine Petra Poroshenko.

Petitioner Maximilian Edelman proposes to ban Zemfira from entering the country for 5 years and remove her from the “so-called white list.”

In addition, “Svidomo” Ukrainians are outraged by Zemfira’s appearance on stage in Minsk with the Russian flag. At the “21st Century” festival in Minsk, the star learned about the Russian national football team’s qualification to the quarter finals of the 2018 World Cup. Delighted by the victory of the Russian team, the singer took to the stage with Russian flag.

In the photo: Zemfira’s concert in Minsk (Photo: screenshot from a YouTube video)

“I had to go to the concert, the Internet was bad and I didn’t see the penalty, so they told me the score over the phone,” Zemfira was quoted in the news.

The Russians present at the concert received the news of the players’ victory with jubilation, but Ukrainian fans reacted negatively to the singer’s actions.

“Zemfira sang the most unsuccessful 8-9 songs. She came out wearing the Russian flag with the words: “We left the group at the World Championships.” Who are we"? You are not in Russia. You are in Belarus. Why are you congratulating us? She wove congratulations to the national team into her songs,” Ukrainian viewers on social networks are outraged.

“You don’t love me, but some idea of ​​your own,” the singer said then and twirled her finger at her temple.

In the photo: Zemfira performing at a concert (Photo: Sergey Shakhidzhanyan/TASS)

In the summer of 2018, Zemfira criticized two young artists, Monetochka and Grechka, on her VKontakte page: “I’ll express my opinion. Buckwheat - very bad, terrible voice and appearance. It’s difficult to perceive - she can’t sing, the lyrics don’t convince, and she’s very ugly. Monetochka - excellent texts! Looks normal, unlike Grechka. But the voice is disgusting. The vocal timbre is the same instrument. If he is pleasant, you can sing all sorts of nonsense - example: Zhanna Aguzarova. Good luck to both,” Zemfira wrote.

Zemfira’s harsh comment about Monetochka and Grechka caused a storm of discussion, and, accordingly, news in the media with various comments; the confrontation even became an Internet meme.

Russian rock musician, leader of the Leningrad group Sergei Shnurov in a conversation with journalists, he came to the defense of the young singer Elizaveta Gyrdymova, performing under the creative pseudonym Monetochka.

“I am, of course, for youth. I listened to Monetochka, she’s 20 years old, she’s cool. And regarding Zemfira’s attack on all these young people, there’s probably some kind of grumbling here, which doesn’t suit anyone,” he noted.

The birthplace of the future singer was Ufa, where she was born in August 1976, into an intelligent Tatar-Bashkir family. The girl's father worked as a history teacher, and her mother taught physical therapy.

Music and sports

Zemfira's musical talent was revealed very early, and at the age of five she began attending music school, where she learned the intricacies of vocals and piano playing. Even then, Zemfira stood out among her peers so much that she was chosen to perform a children's song on local television.

When the girl was seven years old, she wrote her first song. During her school years, Zemfira’s development as a future musician was greatly influenced by the work of the Kino group. Her idols were Viktor Tsoi and Thom Yorke, and later this love was reflected in music, which Zemfira wrote.

Even while studying at school, they appeared leadership skills Zemfira. She played excellent basketball and, being shorter than everyone else on the team, deservedly became the captain of the Russian junior team. In high school, Zemfira faced a difficult choice: to play sports or music. The girl chose the latter and after graduating from school she became a student at the Ufa College of Arts.

In order not to burden her parents with her problems, Zemfira, in parallel with her studies, began working as a vocalist in Ufa restaurants. However, such activity was clearly not to her liking, and in 1996 she got a job on the radio, where she recorded her first demos.

Career and quick recognition

Zemfira's life changed dramatically in 1997, when a cassette with recordings of her songs fell into the hands of the producer of the Mumiy Troll group, Leonid Burlakov. Impressed by what he heard, he invited the aspiring singer to Moscow and recorded her first solo album called “Zemfira”. By the way, Ilya Lagutenko, as well as the drummer and guitarist of the Mumiy Troll groups, took a direct part in the work on this album.

Before the release of the album, some of his songs began to be broadcast on the radio, and the public was already prepared for the appearance of a new star on the domestic stage.

The song “Arivederchi” gained incredible popularity, which literally blew up the Russian rock scene.

The presentation of the album took place in May at the 16 Ton club. It included songs such as “Daisies”, “Why”, “Forecaster”, “Rumba” and others. Zemfira's start turned out to be incredibly successful - in the first six months, more than seven hundred thousand copies of the album were sold, very provocative video clips were shot for three compositions, which further cemented the singer's popularity.

Interesting notes:

Zemfira went on her first tour three months after the presentation of the album. The tour exceeded all the expectations of the singer and her producer - in every city her concerts were invariably sold out. The end of the tour was marked by the fact that Zemfira became the headliner of the first music festival “Invasion”.

At the end of the tour, the singer immediately began work on recording her second album, named after one of the songs - “Forgive me, my love.” This album repeated the unprecedented success of its predecessor, becoming the most popular in Russia and neighboring countries in 2000. The composition called “Iskala” was performed in the cult film “Brother 2”.

The album contains songs that as soon as possible became real hits: “City”, “Ripe”, “Dawns”, “Proven”, “Do you want?”, “London”, “Don’t let go”. Such success among the audience was the reason that Zemfira was named “Performer of the Year” according to the music publication “OM”.

However, Zemfira was openly burdened by the increased interest in her person, and at the end of 2000 she went on sabbatical. The singer made only one exception, performing at a concert dedicated to her idol Viktor Tsoi and performing famous song"Cuckoo".

Having had a good rest and gained strength, Zemfira returned to work. In 2002, she delighted her fans by releasing her next album, “Fourteen Weeks of Silence.” During this time, the singer’s creativity reached another level - it was noticeable that she had “matured” and rethought a lot.

The new album, so different from the previous one, became confirmation that Zemfira managed to break out of the musical framework that Burlakov imposed on her.

The album included songs that were destined to become national hits: “Macho”, “Fairy Tales”, “Webgirl”. This time the circulation of records exceeded a million copies, and the singer herself received the prestigious Teffi Award in 2003. A truly bright and memorable year in Zemfira’s work was 2004, when at the MTV Russia Music ceremony the singer performed Freddie Mercury’s immortal song “We are the Champions” together with the group Queen.

The following year, Zemfira was invited by the director and actress to write music for her new film “Goddess: How I Fell in Love.” The soundtrack of the film included a composition by Zemfira called “Love is like an accidental death.”

In 2005, Zemfira released a new album, “Vendetta,” in which, according to the singer, the main themes were anxiety and the search for a path in life.

2007 was marked by the release of another album called “Thank You,” as well as the singer’s statement about the breakup of the Zemfira group. From that moment on, Zemfira began performing as a separate independent singer - Zemfira Ramazanova. She went on tour in support of the new album, which included such compositions as “On the Subway,” “Boy,” “We Are Breaking.” The end of the tour was marked by the final concert at the Olimpiysky.

In 2009, the singer toured extensively in Russia and abroad, released the collection “Z-sides,” and collaborated with Renata Litvinova while working on the film “Rita’s Last Fairytale.”

Zemfira’s next album, entitled “Live in Your Head,” became a real breakthrough in the history of Russian rock.

The harmonious combination of impeccable style, minimalism and sound quality was noted by both ordinary listeners and music critics. In addition, in 2013, the singer embarked on a new experiment - she created Uchpochmack (translated from Bashkir as “triangle”, as well as a traditional dish of Tatar and Bashkir cuisine). The mysterious online image of the group was quickly revealed by the singer’s fans, who recognized Zemfira’s vocals. In the same year, she received the MTV Europe Music Awards in the category “Best Russian Performer”.

In 2015, Zemfira went on a large-scale tour “Little Man”, visiting not only major Russian cities, but also countries near and far abroad. During this tour, the singer announced that she was completing her touring activities. However, Zemfira does not stop working on recording new tracks. So, in 2016, she recorded a new song called “Come Home.”

In addition, in 2016, Channel One released a recording of Zemfira’s two-hour concert. The grandiose performance was remembered by many spectators and fans of the singer.

Personal life

The incredible success of the singer could not but affect the increased interest in her personal life. Throughout musical career Zemfira had a lot of rumors and speculation swirling around her name; she was credited with having affairs with Roman Abramovich and Vyacheslav Petkun.

IN last years The friendship of Zemfira and Renata Litvinova is of particular interest in the media. It was alleged that they even got married in Stockholm, but neither the singer nor the actress confirmed these rumors in any way.

Zemfira early had to experience the bitterness of losing loved ones: her father died from a debilitating illness, a year later her brother Ramil drowned in the river, and a few years later her mother died. Since then, Zemfira has taken custody of her two nephews, Artem and Arthur, and helps them in every possible way. The singer does not have her own children.

Zemfira now

The singer has long had a constant audience of listeners; she does not refuse to take part in music festivals, but remains not a particularly media person. Her interviews can be counted on one hand - one of the most memorable was the conversation with Vladimir Pozner.

IN further singer shared with fans her opinion that this interview was a mistake and she considers it a failure. In 2018, the singer in social networks wrote a post about young stars Russian stage- Buckwheat and Monetochka.

Her publication not only became a meme, but also outraged many social media users. The post itself appeared after an interview with Monetochka on the YouTube channel “Vpiska”, the presenters noted the similarity of Grechka and Monetochka with the duet of Zemfira and Renata Litvinova. To which Monetochka said that her friend, singer Grechka, has great potential, and she considers Zemfira a closed and incomprehensible person.

The singer was criticized for lack of self-confidence and self-affirmation at the expense of novice performers. Even some fans of the singer considered Zemfira’s statements about Monetochka and Buckwheat incorrect. In their opinion, judging someone’s appearance is tactless, especially for artists of this level. Zemfira remained unconvinced and does not believe that she said anything wrong.

Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova is a singer who opened a new direction in music, called “female rock”. The girl leads a secluded life and flatly refuses to communicate with journalists. There are incredible rumors about her life, which she neither confirms nor denies.

She is known among producers for her strict demands, so she often plays this role herself. With her creativity, she set the musical tone for beginners music groups in the early 2000s.

Despite her, sometimes shocking appearance, Zemfira was included in the magazine’s lists in the category “One Hundred Most Influential Women of Russia.”

Height, weight, age. How old is Zemfira

Since Zemfira changed her images many times during her musical career, fans are in a hurry to find out not only her biography, but also her parameters: height, weight, age. How old Zemfira is also remains a pressing question, because due to the fact that she weighs only fifty-seven kilograms, with a height of one hundred and seventy-three centimeters, it is difficult to correctly name her age.

Here for lovers Russian rock Zemfira's performance was lucky - the singer does not try to hide these data from the public. This year, in August, the singer will turn forty-two years old. She does not (like most singers) go on strict diets and does not like to visit sports clubs. It’s just that Zemfira is constantly on the move and that’s enough for her to be in excellent physical shape.

Biography of Zemfira

Zemfira's biography began in the city of Ufa. While still a child, she began to develop a passion for music. At the age of five she is sent to a music school. There the girl studied piano, then sang in the choir and was a vocalist. Two years later, little Zemfira wrote her first song. The choice of musical genre was influenced by his older brother Ramil.

Music was not the child's only hobby. Despite his average height, she was the captain of the women's basketball team.

In addition to school, she graduated from a music school in her hometown, the vocal department. She managed to work as a radio presenter.

In parallel with work, the girl creates her own group, called “Zemfira”. In 1998, she decided to move to the capital in order to be able to further develop her musical career.

The producer of the already well-known group “Mumiy-Troll” at that time, after listening, invited her to record an album. From this moment the rise of a new star in the world of show business begins.

The singer's debut album was released literally on next year. Many songs from the album began to be played on popular radio stations. Zemfira shot a video for one of her songs in Prague.

The girl instantly became popular. Her songs “Speed”, “London Sky” and “Snow” won the love of millions of listeners in a short period of time. At the end of the same year, the singer went on a concert tour, which ended only in January of the following year.

Zemfira presented her second album in the spring of 2000. It was called “Forgive me my love.” This album became the most successful in the singer’s career and the best-selling. Thanks to the songs included in the album, the girl and her group were awarded several awards. She planned another tour. However, such popularity also brought negative fruits. At her concert, which took place in the city of Yakutsk, more than ten people were injured due to a large crowd of people. The authorities blamed the performer for this, but she was not to blame for what happened. It wasn’t her who sold the tickets and it wasn’t the singer who filled the stadium to capacity. This incident unsettled the artist a little; she apologized to the fans and did not appear on stage for almost a year.

The singer’s next album took first place in the “Album of the Year” category, organized by Muz-TV in 2003.

In 2005, the fourth album “Vendetta” was released, which was highly praised by critics and fans.

Zemfira released live album, which included about ten hits from previous albums.

Several more albums were released in subsequent years. They included new songs and already beloved hits, but in a new arrangement.

As mentioned earlier, the performer does not like to give interviews and rarely appears in her videos. In 2012, Zemfira closed her official website due to dirt and gossip that was addressed to the singer. Many criticize her lifestyle, image and behavior. However, millions of fans of creativity extraordinary artist they sincerely wrote to her not to pay attention to the opinions of others and wished her creative success.

In 2016, her album “Little Man” was released. During the tour in support of her album, Zemfira announced her intention to end her touring activities. Nevertheless, she continues to delight fans with new songs. Last year, directors began negotiating with her about having the singer record and perform the soundtrack to the film “Sevastopol 1952.” Whether Zemfira will agree to this proposal - time will tell.

Singer Zemfira and Renata Litvinova got married photo 2015

Information about the singer’s unconventional orientation appears in the press quite often. People, when the behind-the-scenes life is carefully hidden from them, begin to fantasize in order to somehow satisfy their curiosity.

In 2007, the girl began to communicate closely with Russian actress Renata Litvinova. They gave an interview together for a fashionable glossy magazine, Renata acted as the singer’s producer, and she, in turn, recorded soundtracks for her films. After this they were often seen together.

It even got to the point that a few years later they started talking about the singer Zemfira and Renata Litvinova getting married - a photo from 2015 was supposedly attached and it all happened secretly in Stockholm. Ramazanova and Litvinova did not react to this statement. Listeners can only guess: is this true, or just another “duck” of unscrupulous “scribblers”.

Personal life of Zemfira

The singer herself is a secretive person. She is categorically against any interviews. Journalists have long come to the conclusion that Zemfira’s personal life is generally a closed topic. Nevertheless, this part of the biography worries not only the press, but also her fans. There are a lot of rumors, gossip and speculation about what is happening with the musician on the love front. This is partly the case increased attention On the part of the fans, Zemfira provoked it herself when she announced her supposedly upcoming engagement. The matter did not go further than talk and it became clear to everyone that this was just a PR move to attract people’s attention to his person.

The public was quite surprised when they learned about the acquaintance of Zemfira and Roman Abramovich. If you believe the information that circulated on the Internet, it turns out that they were connected not just by friendship, but by something more.

The private side of the singer’s life raises many questions, both from representatives of the press and from ordinary people. However, people are not one hundred percent sure that they will ever hear true information concerning Zemfira’s personal life.

Husband of singer Zemfira

Singer Zemfira's husband - does he really exist? Knowing the secretive nature of the producer, fans of her work write that they would not be surprised if it suddenly turns out that the girl has been married a long time ago. Be that as it may, Zemfira is now alone and has not yet found a life partner.

Zemfira interesting person both as a singer and as a person. Her musical works are often subject to negative criticism. However, she does not pay attention to comments from the outside and continues to sing as she likes. Fans hope that the singer will find her soulmate, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman, the main thing is that their idol is truly happy.

Zemfira's family

Zemfira's family consists of numerous relatives. She is a Tatar, and the people of this nation are known to be very friendly. Zemfira’s father, Talgat Talkhoevich Ramazanov, worked at school all his life. Mother - Florida Khakievna Ramazanova is a doctor by training.

The singer has an older brother and two stepbrothers by father. The fact is that for Talgat Talkhoevich this was the third marriage. Being young, he was the first handsome man and enjoyed success with women. In his first two marriages he had a son, but he became happy only with his third family.

Zemfira is kind to her loved ones. Arriving in hometown with concerts, she always reserved front row seats for the family. In one of her father’s interviews, he said that his daughter achieved everything in life on her own; they could not help her financially. Ramazanov boasted that Zemfira, having received one of her first fees, did not buy housing for herself in the capital. The daughter bought her parents an apartment in one of central regions city ​​of Ufa, made repairs there and furnished it with furniture. He also proudly recalled when, at the beginning of 2000, his daughter was awarded the youth award named after Sh. Babich. Then he first came to the Bashkir The White house, where the Prime Minister handed over the award to him.

The spring of 2009 can be called tragic for Zemfira. Her beloved father died of a massive heart attack. Ramil Talgatovich’s health has deteriorated greatly over the past four years. The fact is that his two sons from previous marriages died suddenly. On top of that, while working at the dacha, he tripped and fell, resulting in a concussion. The body could not stand it and on May 10, Zemfira’s father passed away.

Unfortunately, as it turned out, the series of losses in the singer’s family was only gaining momentum. A year later he dies brother Zemfira Ramil. He was an entrepreneur, worked as the director of a well-known retail chain. Brother got carried away spearfishing. During one of these “forays” something went wrong and Ramil tragically dies. For the singer, this was a real blow, because she and her brother were very close, they trusted each other with all the secrets.

Zemfira began to worry about her mother, about her health after the loss of her husband and son. She was going to transport Florida Khakievna to her place in Moscow, but did not have time. The woman could not bear the pain of loss and died in 2015. The parents were buried together, according to all Islamic laws.

Zemfira had a hard time with the death of loved ones and refused concerts and tours, no matter how tempting they were. But still, she found the strength to move on.

Children of Zemfira

Zemfira's children are her nephews Arthur and Artem. Probably only thanks to them, the girl did not withdraw into herself, continues to perform on stage and delight the audience. After tragic death father of twins, Zemfira considers it her duty to take care of the children of her brother.

Although the two brothers are similar, their characters are radically different: one was an aloof, well-educated child at school, and the other was the life of the party, who was not at all interested in knowledge or grades. They graduated from a prestigious gymnasium; their father wanted to send them to London, but did not have time. Zemfira fulfilled her brother's wish. The nephews went to study directing abroad. In 2013, my aunt performed with her nephews at a concert in Luzhniki. This was the only performance of the Ramazanov brothers. They returned to Ufa, are recording songs in the studio, but are not yet trying to advertise their activities. They plan to go to England again, this time to gain knowledge in the field of pop vocals.

The singer loves her nephews and tries to take an active part in their lives. They, in turn, wish their aunt to become a mother and please them with brothers or sisters.

Photo of Zemfira before and after plastic surgery

Very often the singer changes her appearance and clothing style. Since she herself is a reserved person and does not like to talk with journalists, often the latter, together with fans, begin to think up or invent something that does not actually exist. When the girl began to lose weight sharply, someone posted two pictures online different periods her life and signed “photos of Zemfira before and after plastic surgery.” In fact, the singer believes that she plastic surgery to nothing. She is of the opinion that if someone is not satisfied with her appearance, then don’t look at her, it is impossible to please everyone.

Zemfira only once starred in a photo shoot. She agreed to this only to promote her new album. She was not comfortable in long dresses, high platform shoes and a ton of makeup on her face. Be that as it may, for her it became a kind of test, which she passed with honor. The artist herself does not favor printed publications, believing that it is a waste of time.

Instagram and Wikipedia Zemfira

Knowing the musician’s pathological dislike for her person, it would be ridiculous to think that she has a page on Instagram and Zemfira’s Wikipedia is, in fact, the only official page on the Internet, where you can find reliable information about the singer.

Still, Zemfira has an Instagram page: it was made by the singer’s fans. They mainly post photos from concerts and parties in which the singer takes part.

The official website is more like a “business card reminder”. Here you can find all Zemfira's songs and albums.