Economic professions: list and description. Socio-economic professions. What is a socio-economic profile?

Economy in in a broad sense words are the basis of everything public life. The world cannot exist without a financial basis. And therefore, professions related to money will always be in demand. Which ones do current graduates choose?

Economic professions. List and brief description

Their list is extensive. Specialists who have received an economic education have the opportunity to choose activities in the field of macro- or microeconomics, external finance, in certain specialized industries. Let's look at the most common economic professions.

Perhaps the most common profession is a cashier. This concept brings together a range of specialists, including cinema ticket cashiers and supermarket workers. Most of them do not require a higher education in finance to successfully work in their profession.

Strictly speaking, only cashier-operator and currency cashier can be classified as economic specialties. They work in a bank. The first of them conducts various banking operations, the second deals with currency exchange.

Both are part of a large galaxy of bank employees. The last concept is somewhat vague. A bank employee is a specialist with an economic education who is a bank employee. As a rule, each of them performs a specific operation, and specialization begins not during the training process, but directly during employment.

My dear accountant...

There are traditional economic professions, the list of which is headed, of course, by the most popular and sought-after specialist - an accountant. He records every business transaction of a company or enterprise in accordance with the law. He monitors the state of the organization’s finances, calculates taxes in a timely manner, and has direct contact on all financial issues with government agencies and company management. Without a representative of this profession it is impossible to imagine either a tiny enterprise or a reputable organization.

The term “professional accountant”, coined by the International Association of Accountants, implies not only this, but also other types of economic professions, which we will discuss below. There is a certain logic in this, since for all these specialists, as a rule, the basis professional activity is accounting, to which other skills are subsequently added as skill increases.

Who are an auditor and an economist?

An accountant is called an auditor in our country. high degree qualifications. Its activity is audit, that is, audit financial statements and documents, and, among other things, consulting on the organization of accounting. In addition to a qualification certificate, an auditor requires serious professional experience. Of course, a university graduate cannot become one. And even after receiving a certificate, the auditor regularly improves his level in special courses.

People who have received a financial education are often called economists (all of them, regardless of specialization). But practically, an economist is an expert theorist on a wide range of issues related to money. He works mainly in the field of planning, studying, preparing and directing financial and economic activities. At enterprises, the job of economists is to develop and control budget execution and generate planned management reporting.

Financiers, traders, brokers

Economic professions also include the specialty of a financier. To simplify as much as possible, we can designate him as an investment specialist. That is, his area is financial transactions. This requires the ability to assess the balance of risk and possible return in order to make optimal choice. Financiers are investors, bankers, traders. For example, position financial director involves a combination of the responsibilities of an economist, financier and accountant.

Many economic professions are directly related to the huge and complex securities market. For example, brokers and dealers. The former play the role of intermediaries in the “seller-buyer” pair. The second at their own expense and from own name conduct transactions with securities. Economic security is a relatively new profession, but nevertheless very relevant today.

And other representatives

Of course, all economic professions presented above are not exhausted. Specialists of the same profile - commercial directors, marketers, tax inspectors, logisticians, collectors, analysts, estimators, stock brokers, credit consultants. Other professions in the economic sphere are customer service managers, insurance agents, sales representatives, freight forwarders, and commodity experts.

As you can see, the list is very wide. But there are many who want to fight for a place in the sun in this area. The competition between representatives of the mentioned specialties is very, very high. Those wishing to achieve success in this field will have to become in demand by constantly confirming their qualifications.

Who is this economist?

For example, consider such a popular profession today as an economist. She is invariably in high demand on the labor market. Its versatility allows it to occupy a position in almost any sector of the economy. Having professional economic knowledge, it is quite possible to start your own business, having calculated all the opportunities and risks in advance.

An economist is a jack of all trades in finance. The socio-economic profile of the profession allows such a specialist to be considered an expert on basic issues related to money. This group includes both scientists (theorists of economic science) and practitioners who carry out planning, management and direct research into the finances of an enterprise.

Thus, the economist can be considered one of the most important employees of the organization. His task is to skillfully and competently set priorities and pave the way to obtaining the greatest profits with a minimum of losses. The concept of economic security is closely related to its activities. The profession of an economist requires possession of skills optimal control finances in order to protect the enterprise from all possible financial risks.

Features of the profession

Historically, Aristotle is considered to be the first economist, who tried to disseminate theories of utility and value of various goods, their mutually beneficial exchange. Famous economists of our time include Adam Smith, Pyotr Struve, Karl Marx, Nikolai Bukharin, John Keynes, Yegor Gaidar.

The duty of such a specialist is to analyze the organization’s work from an economic point of view. The goal is to do everything possible to make this activity effective.

What exactly does an economist do? He improves the work of the enterprise and plans its stages. Calculates staffing requirements, establishes procedures wages and incentives for employees, takes into account the use of resources when determining costs and income, controls all stages of economic activity.

About the pros and cons of the profession

First, about the advantages. The main one is high stable demand in the market work force. Due to its versatility, the profession offers a chance of employment in almost any area of ​​the economy. Business, opened by entrepreneur with financial knowledge, has minimal risk losses.

Now about the disadvantages. The profession of an economist involves high responsibility. Depends on his competence and professionalism financial condition the entire enterprise. Another serious disadvantage is the serious competition in the labor market associated with big amount graduates with diplomas. Among other things, this profession implies the presence of such qualities as perseverance, accuracy, painstakingness, and the ability to pore over numbers every day.

Where does an economist work?

This specialty is in demand both in government institutions, heads of economic issues (financial institutions, central bank), and on manufacturing enterprises any industries - agricultural, industrial, etc.

An economist can work in an educational institution (for example, teach economics as a subject), in private business enterprises - from small to large. Such specialists are especially in demand in the restaurant and hotel industries. They will be gladly accepted by any organization related to finance - insurance agencies, tax inspectorates, banks, various social funds.

An economist can devote himself basic research in the field of finance. To do this, he must work at a research institute or at the Academy of Sciences.

Important qualities when choosing a profession

In addition to perseverance and a penchant for hard work, a serious economist needs high efficiency, well-developed memory and logic, the ability to concentrate and process large amounts of information.

Operational thinking and well-executed oral and written language give him an advantage when presenting his own point of view and arguing for his chosen position. Of course, indispensable qualities are organization, responsibility, confidence in own strength. Active is welcome life position, a scientific mindset and a thirst for research.

How to enter the profession

How to get an economic education? The profession of economist is taught in almost every university these days, including those in fields far from economics.

Economic faculties have many branch higher educational establishments. They are also in State Academy management, both at Moscow State University, and at High school economics, and in many other serious and prestigious educational institutions in the capital.

Provincial universities are not far behind them. In every regional center at least several institutions higher education(both state and non-state) offer economic professions for study. Competition among applicants is invariably high. Obviously, in public consciousness socio-economic professions are a passport to a comfortable life.

What is it really like?

This specialty can indeed provide a good level of well-being, but only under certain conditions. A message about the economic profession indicated in the diploma is unlikely to inspire the employer much in itself. He needs knowledge and experience. Graduates with a freshly received diploma will have to try hard to find a good workplace and start a career. Salary young specialist in the capital is approximately from 700 to 1000 dollars monthly. Having gained experience for a couple of years, such an employee can count on an income level of one and a half thousand of the same conventional units. At the same time, those wishing to receive a higher salary should pay attention to the banking sector and the construction industry.

How do you usually build your career? To gain experience, it is best for a young economist to get a job at a small enterprise at the beginning of his career. There he will get a chance short term become familiar with the realities of the economy both nationally and within a single organization. From the very first days, yesterday's graduate will have to plunge into a full range of tasks and problems, which will give impetus to professional growth.

Career as an economist

In a large enterprise, the work of a young specialist, as a rule, is limited to a set of specific actions in some direction. At the same time, the growth of skills and professional experience occurs at a slower pace, and a specialist may never become a generalist.

The goal of a graduate of an economics university is to be confirmed as the chief economist of an enterprise, and subsequently as a financial director. Of course, the goal can be achieved only with high professional competence, good management skills and considerable work experience.

4. Educational process

The profile is carried out during and after school hours, within the framework of compulsory and additional education through the basic and school components. The curriculum ensures the completion of basic training of students in non-core subjects and provides the opportunity for the profiling and specialization of students, their expanded mastery of selected academic subjects: Russian language, literature, history, social studies, economics, law, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology in order to prepare for further education and professional activities in the field of philological, social and natural-mathematical sciences.

The curriculum of specialized groups is compiled on the basis of the order of the Min. arr. RF No. 1312 dated 03/09/04 “On approval of the federal curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing programs general education» Education Bulletin, April No. 8, 2004 (10th grade), order of the Min. arr. RF No. 834 dated 03/06/01 “On approval of the experimental basic curriculum of general education institutions of the Russian Federation” Education Bulletin, April No. 8, 2001 (grades 11).

- educational field“Philology” increased by 1 hour (Russian language), 1 hour (literature), 1 hour ( English language); The educational field “Social studies” has been strengthened by 1 hour (history) and 1 hour (law).

- the educational area “Mathematics” has been strengthened by 1 hour (algebra and basic analysis), “Social studies” - 1 hour (law), 1 hour (economics); "Philology" - 1 hour (English)

The school component is aimed at supporting specialized education through elective courses, correction of knowledge in non-core subjects, as well as project and research activities.

Socio-economic profile

Academic subjects

1. Federal component

Basic academic subjects

Russian language


Foreign language

Computer Science and ICT

Natural science

Physical Culture

Profile subjects


Social science



Information technology profile

Academic subjects

Number of weekly teaching hours for two years of study

1. Federal component

Basic subjects

Russian language


Foreign language

Social studies (including economics and law)

Natural science

Physical Culture

Profile subjects


Computer Science and ICT

2. Regional (national-regional) component

At the discretion of the subject Russian Federation

3. Component educational institution

Elective subjects, educational practices, projects, research activities

Social and humanitarian profile

Academic subjects

Number of weekly teaching hours for two years of study

1. Federal component

Basic subjects

Russian language


Foreign language

Computer Science and ICT

Natural science

Physical Culture

Profile subjects


Social science



2. Regional (national-regional) component

At the discretion of the subject of the Russian Federation

3. Educational institution component

Elective subjects, educational practices, projects, research activities

3. Elective courses for specialized and universal classes

Secondary (complete) general education completes general education. At this stage it is important to ensure “functional literacy and social adaptation students, to promote their social and civic self-determination.” This is possible with the introduction of specialized training in senior grades of general education schools, “focused on individualization and socialization of students, including taking into account the real needs of the labor market... developing a flexible system of profiles and cooperation of the senior level of school with primary, secondary and higher education institutions vocational education"("Modernization Concept Russian education for the period up to 2010")

An important component of specialized training is elective, compulsory elective courses. In addition to expanding and deepening the content of education for students in the humanities, elective courses also solve the problem of mastering skills and abilities characteristic of a given field of activity. By attending an elective course, students in the humanities have the opportunity to access additional sources of information and improve their skills analytical work And research activities, master Computer techologies in the field of humanities.

The elective course in no way duplicates the program or replaces the lesson.


Course name

Course approval

Culture as a comprehensive phenomenon


Filina T.V. (VC.)

APKiPRNO Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature Pyankova N.I.

Fundamentals of sociology and psychology.

Teacher: Syurin S.N. (1st quarter)

Perception training English speech by ear using conversations from native speakers.

Teacher: Utlik S.I.

Methodological center of Krasnogorsk Sadekova A.L.

Business English.

Practical course in English grammar.

Thinkers of the past about society and man.

Teacher Ryazanova L.A. (VC)

Logical foundations of the theory of argumentation

Filina T.V./in/k/

Contemporary Russian literature

Measurement physical quantities in the SI system. Physics.

Obolonkova G.N./in/k/

Research work in biology.

Kuzmenko Yu.E./1k/

Human genetics. You and your heredity.

Kuzmenko Yu.E./1k/

Cytology and basic microbiology

Workshop on solving problems in biology.


Komkova O.M. VC


Image of spatial figures

Ryzhova I.G.



Fedorenko S.V.

Probability theory

Thus, this curriculum gives the student the opportunity to choose afternoon classes without increasing the classroom load.

Type of senior specialized school - specialized groups with the opportunity to study according to individual curricula. Most academic subjects will be studied by students at two levels - basic and specialized. Each student chooses an individual educational path - which subjects to study at the basic level, which at the specialized level (at least two subjects).

Elective courses are aimed at supporting subjects as a core subject. So and basic levels, as well as to support interests that go beyond traditional school subjects.

Universal education can be offered to students who have difficulties in mastering subject material or at the request of students.

In addition, specialized education can be implemented on the basis student's individual curriculum. An individual educational program is a program educational activities student, compiled on the basis of his interests and educational request, and recording educational goals and results. It is designed for two years (grades 10–11).

The use of an individual curriculum in specialized training makes it possible to meet the various educational needs of students, their families, employers, vocational education institutions and educational institutions of various types.

The number of options offered to students depends on a number of factors: the qualifications of teaching staff; from the educational and material base of the school (availability of the required number of equipped classrooms, provision educational process materials, tools, reagents, etc.); on the correspondence of the number of students at the school to its design capabilities (i.e. the presence or absence of a second shift); on the school's ability to find ways to finance this curriculum; from the ability of the head teacher to draw up a schedule based on the basic curriculum, but taking into account the educational routes of the formed groups of students.

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  • Many of those who, as they say, not from the stories of the liberal press, remember the Soviet period of our history, when they hear the word “economy,” they immediately recall the widespread slogan of the Brezhnev era that the economy must be economical.

    Then professions economic sphere were indirectly related to cash flows. They were predominantly purely economic. That is, representatives of these professions dealt only with calculations economic analysis and planning the work of enterprises and institutions.

    Now the peculiarities of economic professions are that they are closely and often directly involved in the distribution of finances based on economic assessments and calculations, the purpose of which is to obtain the greatest profit.

    Now the scope of activity of economic specialties is so extensive that it can be said that it starts from a supermarket cashier to a chief accountant largest corporation such as Rosneft or Russian Gazprom and ends with the Minister of Economic Development of the federal government.

    And if earlier the definition economic activity was carried out by analysis and forecasting, now the unifying factor of economic specialties is finance. By at least, the purpose of their work is financial flows, transactions with cash, as well as virtual cashless transactions, analysis of financial indicators, assessment and forecast of favorable and not very favorable situations in the financial and resource markets, their threats and upcoming opportunities.

    Economic professions

    The types of economic professions are so diverse and extensive that it is almost impossible to list them, since economics, essentially speaking, is the basis of social life. The world is structured in such a way that it cannot exist without basic financial relations, and therefore professions related to economic or monetary manipulation, in other words, specialists in the field of financial and economic relations will be in demand for one or another community.

    A far from indisputable list of the Top 6 economic professions that are most in demand may look like this:

    • Specialties related to auditing. Audit is the implementation of a revision of accounting documentation, assessment financial activities enterprises or organizations, as well as consultations on issues of high-quality accounting support for the activities of enterprises.
    • Accounting and analysis. Even the smallest company or tiny farm needs this profession, since according to the law it is necessary to keep records of the business transaction that has occurred, monitor the financial situation, pay taxes on time and report to various government agencies, and have constant contact with management on financial issues.
    • Marketing specialists. They have organizational functions processes associated with the creation, promotion and sale of goods or services with the greatest benefit for an enterprise or organization.
    • Financial Manager. He is engaged in the formation financial resources and their distribution.
    • Economist-financier. Everyone who has received a financial specialty is now often called economists, and on the contrary, those who have an economic education are called financial professions. However, an economist-financier is a specialist theoretical analysis wide range issues that are related to cash flows.
    • Sales manager. He manages the sales of goods or services.

    Socio-economic professions

    If we take the socio-economic profile, the professions that relate to it, it is not difficult to guess that these will be professions at the intersection of society and the economy, or, on the contrary, the economy associated with one or another society.

    A representative of this profession is a sociologist. He conducts research in the most different areas human activity and any study of it is based on financial indicators this activity, be it the level of income of a particular social group or their preferences for certain types of goods or services.

    Even, for example, all the processes associated with emigration, which is now sweeping Europe, are a consequence of the economic preferences of emigrants. No matter how blasphemous it may sound, it is the size of benefits for refugees that plays a decisive role in the choice of a country of refuge, and not the threat to life in one’s own country.

    Moreover, Europe is now, so to speak, reaping the barren fruits of its mediocre socio-economic research.

    Therefore, the profession of a sociologist is now most in demand in the authorities state power to analyze the socio-economic state of a particular territory? and in private structures. For example, to carry out marketing research this profession is simply irreplaceable because quality marketing is based on the socio-economic results of research and statistical data of the territories.

    If we take the socio-economic profile, no matter what professions related to finance we take, they must be socio-economic, since any decision or manipulation related to money, one way or another, must be made and carried out with an eye on their social consequences. And it doesn’t matter where these decisions are made, in the tiny farming or in the office of the Minister of Economy.

    Financial and economic professions

    In the above Top 6 best economic professions, financial economists who are in the top five of the list may be the first, because, as already mentioned in modern world finance and economics are a kind of Siamese twins, which cannot be separated from each other. To paraphrase a saying from the Soviet period of our history, we can say that when we say “finance,” we mean economics, and when we say “economics,” we mean finance.

    Popular economic professions

    In addition to those already mentioned in the list of popular ones, which means they are the best economic professions, we should add:

    • an underrider who is authorized to study all types of risks of insurance companies;
    • anti-crisis manager, whose work involves assessing the fixed assets of enterprises, banks, insurance organizations, etc., as well as carrying out measures in the process of their liquidation in case of bankruptcy;
    • a customs inspector who inspects goods and passengers, as well as checks documents when crossing the border, and controls the payment of duties and fines.

    Now economic security is relevant in the world, what kind of profession is it? You can compare it with the profession of an underrider and an anti-crisis manager, only on an incomparably larger scale of activity and responsibility.


    Socio-economic profile. What professions can be called by this name? These, as you might guess from the name, are professions related to society and the economy, as well as economics in society.

    The core subjects for their study are mathematics, social studies, economics, law, and geography. As you can see, these are exact sciences combined with social ones. Many professions can be classified in this area. The most popular are - economist in various fields of production and economic activity, accountant, manager, programmer, sociologist, auditor, businessman-entrepreneur, banking specialist, financier, insurance specialist, computer operator, statistician, secretary.

    Professions of socio-economic profile

    All these professions have something in common, some features:

    • Professions of a socio-economic profile certainly have an impact on a person;
    • Professions of a socio-economic profile correspond to the type of professions “person-sign system”. A little more detail on what this type means. This is a variety of professions aimed at creating documents and their design, working with text (for example, telecom operator, stenographer, proofreader, secretary-typist, editor, librarian, translator, notary). These are professions that work with numbers and figures (calculator, programmer, PC operator, estimator, accountant, cashier, economist, statistician). These are professions that deal with conventional signs, diagrams, drawings (designer, draftsman, cartographer, surveyor, topographer);
    • Professions of a socio-economic profile imply the ability to process, take into account, check information, and work with numbers;
    • A person with a socio-economic profession must be able to think abstractly and unconventionally;
    • Also, he must be able to concentrate and be assiduous.

    The socio-economic professions, the list of which was given above, demonstrate approximate direction, in which you need to choose a profession if you are interested in this particular area. The field of application of knowledge is quite wide and the areas in which you can work are quite diverse.

    You can also divide this type of profession into two blocks - social and economic, and there will also be an area where these two blocks intersect.

    Take, for example, the profession of sociologist, as a bright representative this profile. A specialist in sociology conducts sociological research V various fields human activity. A sociologist develops research objectives, collects and analyzes information.

    Such activities are in demand both in government organizations and in the private sector of the economy. In the field of marketing, such specialists are irreplaceable, since all marketing is based on socio-economic research and statistics.

    Also, socio-economic professions include Social worker, documentologist and archivist.

    Economist - this specialty also represents a socio-economic direction. In the financial sector, the choice of professions is very large, including an auditor, an accountant, a calculator, even a financial director.

    Training in socio-economic professions

    Those who are preparing to enter universities with a socio-economic profile should pay special attention to obtaining knowledge and good scores in the subjects: social studies, mathematics, economics and law. The most popular universities for admission to socio-economic specialties: Moscow Russian State Social University, Moscow State University management, Russian Academy civil services under the President of the Russian Federation, Capital Financial and Humanitarian Academy.

    A university graduate with a degree in Socio-Economic Education also has sufficient qualifications to work as a teacher in various educational institutions; he can engage in research activities, organizational, educational and teaching work, work in correctional institutions, and conduct cultural and educational work.

    Also, the socio-economic profile requires an in-depth study of history and law, therefore, legal professions can also be attributed to this profile.

    Management, management, entrepreneurship, jurisprudence - these are the areas where sociological and economic knowledge are useful. A person who has chosen such a profession communicates a lot with society and must navigate it well.

    What is the result? Professions with a socio-economic profile are all professions related to social sphere, finance and economics, with information processing, this is working with people and signs. Education in the socio-economic field is currently very popular and diverse and is a suitable choice for many young people.

    Academic subjects
    I. Federal component
    Basic subjects
    Russian language
    Foreign language
    Computer Science and ICT
    Natural science
    Physical Culture
    Profile subjects
    Social science
    II. Regional (national-regional) component
    At the discretion of the subject of the Russian Federation
    III. Educational Institution Component
    Elective subjects, educational practices, projects, research activities


    Academic subjects Number of weekly teaching hours for two years of study
    1. Federal component
    Basic subjects
    Russian language
    Foreign language
    Social studies (including Economics and Law)
    Natural science
    Physical Culture
    Profile subjects
    Computer Science and ICT
    P. Regional (national-regional) component
    At the discretion of the subject of the Russian Federation
    111. Educational institution component
    Elective subjects, educational practices, projects, research activities


    Secondary (complete) general education program in natural sciences 1

    A basic level of


    According to Concepts of domestic education in new curriculum for humanitarian and technological profiles of high school, a place is given to the course of school natural science basic academic discipline, designed to replace traditional natural science school subjects. This replacement allows us to synthesize qualitatively new ones on the basis of modern natural science knowledge. systems approaches to knowledge of Nature, so necessary for the modern scientific vision of the world.

    Knowledge of the world in its unity will require students systems thinking. In addition, the integrative course of school natural science should be filled with humanistic content, leading to correspondence between humanitarian and natural science values modern civilization, and thereby form harmoniously developed personality.

    The program is designed to study the subject Natural science V educational institutions. The program provides for the study of theoretical and applied foundations of physics, chemistry and general biology. It reflects the tasks currently facing humanity, the solution of which is aimed at developing a harmoniously developed, competent personality, preserving surrounding nature and human health.

    Course Study Natural science is based on the knowledge acquired by students when studying natural sciences in primary school, as well as acquired in history, physical and economic geography lessons. The subject itself is basic for a number of special disciplines.

    To increase the level and use of acquired knowledge, as well as to acquire practical skills, the program provides for a number of laboratory works, which are carried out after detailed instructions and familiarization of students with established safety rules; Some laboratory work is proposed to be carried out in the format of a computer workshop.

    As a result of studying natural science, students should


    features of the physical, chemical and biological forms of existence of matter;

    the role of physical and chemical processes in living systems of various hierarchical levels of organization; fundamental concepts in the field natural sciences; the essence of processes occurring in inanimate and living nature;

    the main theories that determine the development of natural sciences at the present time;

    Be able to

    Use knowledge of general scientific laws to explain from a materialistic perspective the issues of the origin and development of life on Earth, as well as various groups of plants, animals, including humans;

    Give a reasoned assessment new information in the field of natural sciences;

    Work with educational and popular scientific literature, draw up a plan, outline, abstract;

    Know the language of the subject.

    X class

    (3 hours per week, 1 hour reserve, 105 hours)


    Topic name Number of hours
    Earth and Universe
    Symmetry and understanding of nature
    Matter, its structure and properties
    Structure and properties of matter
    Levels of organization and properties of living systems
    Self-organization of natural systems
    Order and disorder in nature
    Ways of knowledge
    Total: 104 hours

    Introduction (2 hours)

    Natural science as a complex of sciences about nature. Interrelations of natural sciences. Nature laws. Cognitive and practical value of science.

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    Page creation date: 2016-04-15