How old is Anna Netrebko's husband? Anna Netrebko's favorite men: from baritone to tenor. The extraordinary success of Anna Netrebko

Anna Netrebko, a famous Russian opera singer with a unique voice, was born on September 18, 1971 in sunny Krasnodar.

Childhood and parents

Anna comes from a family Kuban Cossacks. Probably, she inherited from her ancestors a proud and independent disposition and the ability to achieve her own. Her mother was an ordinary engineer, but her father, who worked as a geologist, was often absent from home. But when he came, he was an indisputable authority for the family.

Anna became interested in music early childhood. She loved to sing for guests and often performed at school parties and concerts. She immediately wanted to study music professionally, so she devoted all her time to her favorite pastime.

In childhood

Very early she became a soloist of the Kuban Pioneer children's choir, which performed a lot in concerts and was quite famous team. Anna also really liked tours, and she began to dream of big stage and great fame.

The beginning of the way

After graduating from school, Anna decided to go to Leningrad to further study singing. Accustomed to getting her way, the girl from the province managed to enter the music school the first time. However, after two years of study, she realized that this was not the level that corresponded to her ambitions. And Anna is going to conquer her first peak - the Leningrad Conservatory.

It cannot be said that this victory was easy for the girl. To a prestigious educational institution the competition was simply fantastic, and by that time she still had no acquaintances in bohemian circles who could lend her a helping hand.

But still the peak was conquered. A magnificent voice, crazy efficiency and stubborn character did not allow her to give up, and in 1990 she nevertheless took a course with the famous teacher Tamara Novichenko.

But young ambitious singer and that was not enough. Striving for success and fame, she actively took part in various music competitions. And she managed to realize these aspirations. She confidently won her first high-profile victory at the Smolensk competition for young performers, which was judged by famous and talented musicians.

The victory brought her not only confidence in the correctness of her chosen path, but also a pass to an important audition at the Mariinsky Theater.

A meteoric rise

Anna raved about the Mariinsky Theater from the first day of her stay in Leningrad. She tried with all her might to get closer to the art world she adored and even got a part-time job there as a cleaner to be closer to her dream. Therefore, when she got there to audition, for her it was akin to the fairy tale of Cinderella.

She understood that there might not be a second chance and put her whole soul into singing.

The strong voice and sincere performance so impressed the theater director Valery Gergiev that he breaks everything without hesitation theatrical traditions, and immediately gives it to the young singer main role in the play "The Marriage of Figaro". And when he found out that the girl had been working in the theater as an assistant for two years, he was imbued with deep respect and sincere sympathy for her.

The first role she played was so successful that Anna immediately received new leading roles in other theater productions. For very a short time she becomes one of the most popular and sought-after actresses, included in the leading cast Mariinsky Theater.

She sang brilliantly in “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “The Barber of Seville”, “The Tsar’s Bride” and other iconic performances.

World fame

It was as part of the troupe Mariinsky Theater she went on her first foreign trip tour. Spectators from near and far abroad enthusiastically received the young talented singer with a unique voice. Soon real fame came to her and she began to confidently tour European stages.

But even this was not enough for her. Just a few months later, Netrebko crosses the ocean for the first time and ends up on the famous opera stage in San Francisco. These performances bring her real world fame and the recognition she dreamed of. She performs brilliantly at the Metropolitan Opera and fills the halls in Salzburg, Austria.

By the way, true connoisseurs of music, the Austrians, will soon become its new compatriots. Anna performed in Austria quite often and sincerely fell in love with this country. Today she has Austrian citizenship and always returns there with pleasure, considering Austria her second home.

She is currently touring extensively around the world. Western and Western audiences greet her with enthusiastic applause. of Eastern Europe, Northern and South America, distant Australia. She is rightfully one of the 10 best and most famous Russian artists.

Thanks to her unique voice (soprano), Anna Netrebko is known all over the world. Today she has several awards: State Prize of the Russian Federation, People's Artist Russia. She also became a laureate of numerous competitions held among opera singers and not only.

She not only sings on different stages of the world, but also records albums that are in great demand among connoisseurs classical music. Anna starred in films, she performed a song at the opening of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014.

In 2014, she was not afraid to donate one million rubles for the repair of the Donetsk Donbass Opera theater, which was damaged after the hostilities. The Austrian Foreign Ministry spoke extremely negatively about this, because Netrebko has had Austrian citizenship since 2006.

It is not known how Anna herself reacted to this statement, but she still continues to live in Vienna. She also has an apartment in New York, where she periodically moves to live.

Since 2011 Anna has been a member of Forbes list as one of the most famous artists. Her income per performance is at least $50,000.

Anna Netrebko's husband and children

But great fame did not bring the singer personal happiness. Completely dedicating herself to music, she did not have the time or energy to build serious relationship. Therefore, for a long time, her personal life, which she tried not to expose to the public, was limited to rapid and short-term novels.

Only her relationship with Nikolai Zubkovsky became the property of the paparazzi, since loud scandal, with which they ended could not be hidden. Anna herself preferred not to talk about the details, but they still leaked to the media.

After some time, Anna meets the Uruguayan singer Schrott Erwin, with whom she develops those tender romantic relationship that she had always dreamed of.

Netrebko Anna Yuryevna is the most famous and most popular opera singer, whose velvety voice can be heard on stages opera houses all over the world. Anna's soprano still amazes and delights millions of her fans, who are increasingly purchasing discs with Netrebko's opera roles in order to listen to them as often as possible.

Among the devoted admirers of Anna's talent there may be ordinary people, and famous football players, and businessmen, and the mighty of the world this. She is an incredibly public person, not by her own free will, but the opera diva’s life is full of blank spots.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anna Netrebko

Fans of Anna Netrebko's talent constantly want to receive reliable information about the opera diva, including her height, weight, age. You can calculate how old Anna Netrebko is by yourself, if you wish, by finding information about your date of birth on the Internet.

Anna Netrebko was born in 1971, so she was forty-five full years. According to her zodiac sign, Anna is a shy, creative, homely, creative, indecisive, friendly Virgo.

According to Eastern horoscope Netrebko received all the character traits that are inherent in the Pig, including good nature, sociability, curiosity, love, and simplicity.

Anna Netrebko's height is one meter and seventy-three centimeters, and her weight reaches no more than sixty-eight kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Anna Netrebko

The biography and personal life of Anna Netrebko have always been filled with creativity, love and understanding. Little Anyutka not only studied well at school, she sang and played music superbly.

For a long time Anna performed as part of the Kuban Cossack choir "Kuban Pioneer", which was located in the local House of Culture. The talented girl appeared in the Miss Kuban - 88 competition, in which she took second place, receiving a brand new TV for this. The beauty contest was hosted by the brilliant Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov.

After receiving secondary education, Anna entered the famous Leningrad Conservatory. To ensure herself a more or less decent living, the girl got a job as a cleaner at the Mariinsky Theater.

Already in 1993, a talented girl won a prestigious competition and was invited to several games at the same Mariinsky Theater, where foreign guests heard her. Since 1994, tours across Europe and America began; Netrebko was invited to perform opera roles in Riga, San Francisco, Salzburg, a number of Italian cities, Munich, and Vienna.

Netrebko periodically appears at the center of scandalous stories, for example, when she donated money for restoration famous theater"Donbass Opera" and took a photo against the background of the flag of Novorossiya. In 2012, Anna became a confidant of the candidate for the post of President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

Anna Netrebko's personal life has always been very stormy, since the beauty was adored since kindergarten and schools. However, she never talked about her novels and never specified the reasons for the separation. Anna didn’t like to appear on scandalous talk shows, and even if she did come, for example, to the show “ Evening Urgant”, then she talked exclusively about her family and raising her son.

The exception to the rule was the affair and scandalous breakup with the talented dancer Nikolai Zubkovsky.

Family and children of Anna Netrebko

Anna Netrebko's family and children are her joy and reliable protection. Anna's family was very friendly; its members came from a Kuban Cossack family, so traditions were strong in it.

Father - Yuri Netrebko - was a Kuban Cossack, he worked as a geological engineer.

Mother - Larisa Netrebko - worked in the communications industry, where she held the position of engineer. At the same time, she managed to raise little Annushka and her older sister Natasha.

Natalya Netrebko lives in Denmark, she is very attached to her sister, so she often supports her and attends almost all concerts. The girl is married, but does not have children of her own, so she enjoys communicating with her beloved successor.

Anna Netrebko had a strange attitude towards children, because she did not want to have them due to career growth. She believed that children would need to be surrounded with care and love, and also ensure their proper upbringing and creative development. Anna was not ready to leave her career, but after she found out about her pregnancy from her loved one, she was in seventh place with happiness.

It was because of her great love for the baby that Netrebko, left without a loved one, was able to put her child on his feet, literally healing him with love.

Anna Netrebko's son - Thiago Arua Schrott

Anna Netrebko's son - Thiago Arua Schrott was born in 2008, and his father was the common-law husband of the opera diva Erwin Schrott.

The boy developed in accordance with his age, however, his parents soon noticed some problematic aspects in his behavior. After all the tests were carried out, it turned out that three-year-old Thiago exhibited autistic behavior.

It was because of her beloved Tisha, as she calls her son, that Anna Netrebko went to the USA. She did everything to ensure that her son developed correctly. He went to a specialized integration school and practically overcame his autism, which pleased his mother and new father.

Thiago speaks English language, but at home he communicates perfectly with his mother in Russian. He did not know how to speak until he was four years old, but ABA classes helped him develop this skill. The boy really likes to play quiet games and do things alone with himself.

At the same time, Thiago is a very self-sufficient boy and very neat, because in his entire life he has not scattered or broken toys. He is a very talented guy because he plays the guitar, sings, draws, makes magnificent flowers from ribbons and paper, and loves going to the opera.

Anna Netrebko's common-law husband - Erwin Schrott

Common-law husband Anna Netrebko - Erwin Schrott - originated from life path women in 2007. At the same time, Anna immediately said that she was not ready for a serious relationship and to have children.

The guys were not ready to cement their relationship, but lived in the same apartment, and soon the fruit of their love was born. After the birth of the child, fans again started talking about a possible marriage, and an engagement was announced.

Then the unexpected happened, because in 2013 Anna Netrebko and the Uruguayan tenor started talking about the fact that their relationship was over. The reason for the break in relations may be problems with the development of their common son.

Anna Netrebko's husband - Yusif Eyvazov

Anna Netrebko's husband, Yusif Eyvazov, met back in 2014 in one of the Italian cities, they began an affair, but the opera singer was not ready to start a serious relationship. She was busy with her career and worries about the development of her little son.

The Azerbaijani opera tenor was incredibly persistent, so Anna gave in, and in 2015 the couple entered into a legal marriage. When Eyvazov proposed, he clarified that he wanted to live with Netrebko all his life, making her incredibly happy.

The wedding was incredibly luxurious and took place in the famous Vienna City Hall.

Olga Shablinskaya, AiF: Anna, the world’s tabloids enjoyed the details of your wedding. But today in the West “free families”, “husbands on weekends”, etc. are very common. Was the official registration of marriage important for you?

Anna Netrebko: Certainly! I really like being a wife, my status and the fact that I have a husband. Moreover, Azerbaijani husbands are some of the best in the world. For an Azerbaijani man, family is always the most important thing in life. I am confident in Yusif - he is very reliable. Therefore, I say: it is better to be married than not! (Laughs.) Although the wedding itself was a complete nightmare for me.

Wedding of Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov. Photo:

- Wow, what a statement... A wedding in a palace is a nightmare?!

Yes Yes! We seemed to have foreseen everything... and forgot about the hairdresser. Literally an hour before the ceremony, I was hysterical, in my head there was an explosion at a pasta factory. I’m standing in the middle of the room and yelling: “Who will make the bride?” As a result, she somehow gagged something on her head. The unfortunate $2 million tiara was somehow attached to me, but it still slipped to one side. In general, this is how it really was.

And the wedding itself flew by in an instant. I remember we were riding in a carriage. Friends said it was beautiful. Also, as soon as we sat down at the table, Philip said: “So, I went to sing!” Gratitude Kirkorov huge! Everyone danced. And with my crown falling off, I had no time for photographs or anything at all. I just crawled to the table, without eating or drinking, and said: “Can I go home?” And we left, the bride and groom. They simply crawled on all fours onto the bed - there was no longer any talk of a wedding night - and went to bed. And in the morning we woke up - and well, we were surprised: “Where are all the photographs with guests, with relatives?” (Laughs.)

Anna Netrebko, Yusif Eyvazov and Thiago in the carriage. Photo:

Elena Obraztsova told AiF: when her husband Algis Zhuraitis conducted the opera, the whole audience was charged with their love. How do you feel when you are on stage with Yusif?

Yusif is a great singer. His energy is amazing too. But on stage we are, first and foremost, creative partners.

“There are no millions!”

Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov - world opera stars. I wonder how money issues are resolved in such a family?

Since I had a husband, things have improved. Naturally, I have a banker and special people who take care of my finances, but still they sometimes tell me: “Anya, you spent so much!” Sometimes even more than I earned. Therefore, we need to somehow regulate this issue. Well, now Yusif is in charge of financial affairs - he is great in this regard. Because, of course, my head is completely unstructured to solve financial issues.

And since you asked about money... I don’t know where the rumors about our crazy fees at the opera come from. Someone wrote that I have millions. Maybe they took the number of CDs sold? Indeed, about 4 million of them were sold, but this does not mean that my annual or monthly earnings are that high. In fact, with such a profession, we earn decently. But I pay a huge amount of taxes - almost 50%. Plus, I have to pay for the apartments and support the people who work for me. By the way, both of my apartments - both in New York and in Vienna - were purchased with a mortgage. I will have to repay the bank loan for another 20 years. Here you go, the real situation!

- Is there something for which you never feel sorry for money? Diamonds, outfits?

Jewelry is irrelevant - I have a contract with one world-famous jewelry company, they rent me jewelry. Thanks to them for this. Some designers also give me gifts and sew dresses, but this does not always happen. Naturally, I have to pay for the wardrobe myself. I wore the dress once, it was shown to the whole world, and I can’t wear it again. It has to hang around for a couple of years to be forgotten. And since there are so many concerts, I have to buy new clothes for myself every time.

“I have a contract with a world-famous jewelry company, they rent me jewelry” Photo: RIA Novosti / Maxim Bogodvid

“I keep asking: why?”

Anna, you must agree: when a woman with a child gets married, this is not an entirely simple situation. How can mothers behave correctly?

The only thing I absolutely know is that a child should never say anything bad about his real father, no matter what the relationship between the parents is. (Netrebko was engaged to a baritone from Uruguay Erwin Schrott, from whom she gave birth to a son in 2008 Thiago Arua. In November 2013, after 6 years of relationship, they broke up. - Ed.) Otherwise it will be a big trauma for him.

- I understand that Yusif immediately found mutual language with Thiago?

Of course, they get along well, he and Tisha have a great relationship. Yusif is raising him with me, there are such moments - of course, there is a man in the house!

- In our last interview, you said: “On the day of the performance, it’s good to save up your emotions and talk less.” But you can’t explain to a child: “Son, I have no time for you, in the evening I have to shine on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera.”

Here you are either a mother or a singer - no matter how offensive it may be, you must be able to separate these hypostases. Otherwise nothing will work. I have a whole army of people - friends, a nanny - who take care of the child when I need to concentrate. And when I don’t have to think about work, I spend time with my son. So we have a balance.

Thiago is autistic and studies in a special school, but he also has teachers besides this. I see very great progress in its development. He's a smart boy. Tisha has a serious course of study, a very diverse program. Although his schedule is broken because of my work: he either studies at school or comes to us. You can’t just study all the time and not see your mother. On the other hand, you cannot be at home all the time and not have school friends. That's why I create the right balance. We travel a lot. But I also constantly take my son somewhere - to museums, to walks in parks. While he is only 7 years old, he is interested in a lot of things - cars, steam locomotives. Everything a boy should be interested in. Well, he also likes music and conducting.

Anna Netrebko, Yusif Eyvazov and Thiago. Photo:

- When they found out that Thiago had autism, did you have any thoughts: why?

No, the question “why?” did not have. I still have another question: why? I tried to go through everything possible in my head why this could happen. Nothing came to mind. Everyone in my family is healthy.

I didn’t take any medications, I didn’t fly on an airplane during pregnancy, I didn’t take antibiotics, I always eat good food. What else could it be? Autism is some kind of genetic change. No one knows why they happen. Why there are so many autistic people in the world remains a mystery even to doctors. But this is a fact: there used to be one in 3,000 such children, now there is one in 150.

- When and how did you realize that Tisha was autistic?

Too late. I realized when he was already 3 years old. But I just couldn’t accept it - like other mothers who found themselves in a similar situation. How come? Naturally, there was a shock, and in general a nightmare, and all the things... He did not speak - he was silent. Or rather, he uttered some individual words. They say that autistic people don't look people in the eye. It's not true, he looked into the eyes. And he smiled, he was absolutely normal. But it happens that you turn to him, but it’s as if you don’t exist for him, he’s in some kind of his own world. He can't tell you how things are at school...

At first it was the end of the world for me. But then I pulled myself together very quickly and said: “Okay, there’s no time to wait, we need to act quickly.” The sooner you act, the better result- that's all.

The only thing I can tell the mother of an autistic child: you need to find a professional who will work with him, and what more hours per week, the better. They have their own system, toys, they force children to play some special educational games. Mom won't be able to do this, that's for sure.

Thiago, son of Anna Netrebko. Photo:

Herring and dolma

I remember that you really love herring and black bread and every time in Moscow you gain 3 kg. When you come to Azerbaijan to visit your husband’s relatives, how do you cope with culinary temptation?

I love not only herring - I love everything, all kinds of food. Azerbaijani cuisine is very tasty, and Azerbaijani dolma is the most delicious of all Caucasian ones: it is made only from meat, there is no rice. And if you take it out of the refrigerator in the morning, the dolma will be even tastier. Yes, of course, after you have eaten Azerbaijani food two or three times, you need to stop a little. She's so vigorous. (Laughs.)

Food is also a reason to socialize. We always have a lot of people visiting us. That's why the kitchens are large in both of my foreign apartments. And the St. Petersburg one has a large kitchen. Everyone gathers there, spends time, cooks, eats.

As for whether you are gaining weight or not... I am very happy with the way I look at 45 years old. Naturally, you cannot be the same as you were at 25. But for my age I look great. I'm not going to lose weight, I'm not going to get fat either. We monitor our diet, but we don’t follow diets. A person must eat everything, just in certain quantities. Eating only salads is stupid, giving up meat is nonsense, not eating sweets is also stupid. The body needs sugar for brains and kindness. Do you want to eat cake? Do it at 3-4 pm - the best time.

Naturally, Yusif and I love to eat delicious food - that’s normal. We healthy people, and in healthy body- healthy mind. And then, with our profession, with our catastrophic loads and the repertoire that we sing, we need physical strength. We're like heavyweight wrestlers. Need energy.

“Yusif and I love to eat delicious food.” Photo:

- Which composer requires the most food?

Wagner. He has always been one of my favorite composers, but I never thought I could perform him. However, a couple of years ago, ambitions took over. I wanted to sing the opera Lohengrin. In May there was a premiere at the Dresden State Opera, I performed main party Elsa of Brabant. In Germany - the holy of holies for Wagner! The growing complexity of political relations in the world did not in any way affect the reaction of the public - the audience accepted it so well!.. It was an amazing musical attack. Therefore, at the Stars of the White Nights festival in St. Petersburg, I decided to perform this wonderful production at the Mariinsky Theater. And maestro Gergiev knows the opera “Lohengrin” very well.

Anna, are there any justifications for the myths about preserving the voice in opera? Dmitry Hvorostovsky told an anecdote in an interview with AiF. To an opera singer they inform you by phone about the future performance. He throws things to his naked lover: “Darling, I’m sorry, I have La Traviata in a month.”

It depends on who has what kind of head. The singers are all crazy. (Laughs.) Everyone has their own cockroaches, some have more, some have less. Opera singers have terrible complexes. -Some people are constantly sick before the premiere. Some people drink eggs, some don’t have sex, some don’t wash their hair for a week... I know a tenor who gets hysterical: he has a whole pharmacy in his dressing room, a million of some bubbles, he swallows something, sips it, sniffs it. It seems to him that if this is not done, his voice will immediately disappear.

The fewer cockroaches, the freer your head. Caring for your ligaments must not turn into paranoia. There is a voice - good. I'm wheezing somewhere - so what, I cleared my throat and went on singing. The main thing is to have willpower and cope with the anxiety before the performance. We do it all over again every time. If you sang well yesterday, this does not mean that you will sing well tomorrow.

Today we want to tell you about the life and work of the talented opera singer Anna Netrebko. She has excellent vocal abilities, which have made her famous far beyond Russia.

The actress has excellent external characteristics. She is beautiful and attractive. Anna has incredible charisma and natural charm. And I want to listen to her voice and listen to it.

Anna Netrebko has a huge army of fans who not only enjoy her musical compositions, and also follow the events in her life. Such people rejoice at her successes and always expect new products from her.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anna Netrebko

The singer has a huge number of fans. They all want to know as much information as possible about their idol. Also, many are interested in what her physical parameters are, namely height, weight, age. How old is Anna Netrebko is not a difficult question. It is enough to know her date of birth. Through easy calculations, we find out that Anna turned 47 years old in September of this year.

At her age, the opera singer looks simply gorgeous. She is beautiful, always positive and has a simple and friendly character. Her height is 171 centimeters and her weight is about 68 kilograms.

According to the zodiac sign, the heroine of this article belongs to the creative, slightly shy and indecisive, romantic Virgo. And the year of the Pig, in which Anna was born, endowed her character with generosity, sociability, hard work, confidence in own strength and simplicity.

Biography and personal life of Anna Netrebko

Krasnodar – hometown the heroines of today's article. Here she was born and raised. On September 18, 2018, the artist turned 47 years old.

If we talk about the opera singer’s parents, it is known that they were not professionally connected with art. They were engineers by education. His father worked in the field of geology (studying the bowels of the earth), and his mother worked as a signalman. There was also one daughter growing up in their family, Natalya. The girls were very friendly since childhood. And now, even though they live in different countries, often call each other and, if possible, visit each other.

Anna's singing abilities were evident from early childhood. At first, the girl organized home concerts, and later performed in school amateur performances. Even later she became a soloist of the Kuban Pioneer. But at that time Anya did not even dream of a professional career as a singer. It should be noted that she grew a versatile person. She went in for sports and was a beauty. Thus, it is known that in the late eighties she took second place in the Miss Kuban beauty contest.

After training, she entered the music school in Leningrad. Later she continued her studies at the Conservatory. Rimsky-Korsakov. She became a laureate of the award. Glinka, after which her life changed dramatically. She was invited to perform at the Mariinsky Theater. The debut took place in “The Marriage of Figaro”

For many fans of the heroine, the topic of the singer’s personal life is quite interesting. Thanks to her excellent appearance, Anna was never deprived of male attention.

However, in young years Netrebko did not pay any attention to the boys. Her first serious love, as the singer herself states, came at the age of twenty-two. Then she fell unconsciously in love with a young man with whom she studied at the conservatory. She still hides his name. But it is known that the guy was married, which is why Anya decided to devote herself completely to work in order to get distracted and forget him.

While on an internship in San Francisco, Anna Netrebko began a romantic relationship with a certain baritone named Ted. Their romance did not last long, as Anya was more successful in creatively, and the young man could not put up with it.

Upon arriving home, Netrebko began a relationship with his grandson famous ballerina I. Zubkovskaya, Nikolai. The young man was four years younger than her. Their romance lasted only a couple of years and later they decided to break up. The main reason is that they didn’t get along in character. But, as it later became known, Nikolai Zubkovsky often raised his hand against the opera singer.

Anna's next choice was the bass from Italy Simone Alberghini. It is worth noting that the young man had quite serious intentions about the opera diva. But Anna herself decided not to rush things, and their meetings were very rare.

She later met the father of her unborn child, Erivne Schrott. But the present woman's happiness she found it later when she became the wife of Yusif Eyvazov.

Thus, the biography and personal life of Anna Netrebko is full of bright events. The opera diva is not just talented. Thanks to her determination and hard work, she was able to achieve success in her professional activities. Her fans are looking forward to new works.

Family and children of Anna Netrebko

The heroine of our article was born in ordinary family. Her parents weren't creative professions. However, since childhood, Anna amazed everyone with her vocal abilities.

The singer's father devoted his entire life to geological exploration of the earth. And the mother, in addition to working as a signalman, was also involved in raising her two daughters - Anna and Natalya. Now the parents of the opera diva are no longer alive. When Netrebko visits her homeland, she always visits their graves.

The artist’s sister, Natalya, lives in Copenhagen. The girls have been very friendly since childhood and now remain not only relatives, but also best friends. The sisters often call each other. It became known that Natalya recently got married. She doesn’t have any children of her own yet, but she loves her own nephew very much and often brings him good and expensive gifts.

Despite their workload and rather tight schedule, Anna Netrebko’s family and children do not complain about the lack of attention on her part. The opera singer tries to keep up everywhere.

Now the artist’s family is in her first place. But before the birth of her son, Anna had a rather strange feeling towards children. The singer did not want to have children, as she wanted career growth. Netrebko believed that children require a lot of attention, because in addition to love and care, they also need mental and creative development. Then Anna was not ready to give up her career for the sake of the baby. But as soon as she found out about her pregnancy, fears of responsibility disappeared, and the girl was incredibly happy.

Relatives and friends are proud of Anna Netrebko’s successes, always rejoice at her new achievements and support her in difficult moments.

Anna Netrebko's son - Thiago Arua Schrott

Our heroine has one child. He was born at the very beginning of autumn 2008. Then Anna Netrebko was a member of civil relations with Erwin Schrott.

Anna Netrebko's son, Thiago Arua Schrott, is not quite ordinary. From birth, nothing bothered him - the boy developed correctly and according to his age. But when Thiago was three years old, his parents noticed some peculiarities in his behavior. After a series of tests, it was determined that the baby had autism.

Anna went with her son to the USA and there she tried to fulfill all the doctors’ orders so that her child would develop according to age characteristics. So, he started going to a specialized school. Now Tisha (as the artist affectionately calls her son) has practically no autism, which makes her loved ones very happy. It’s safe to say that the opera diva literally healed the boy with her love. Until he was almost four years old, the boy did not speak at all, but by practicing using a special ABA technique, he managed to correct this problem.

On this moment Thiago continues to attend a special school. Now he knows and speaks two languages ​​– Russian and English. The boy mostly plays quieter games. He is very talented and creatively developed - he makes various crafts from ribbons and paper, sings, draws well, and also already knows how to play the guitar. Thiago is a smart kid. His favorite thing to do is attend his mother's opera performances.

Anna Netrebko's common-law husband - Erwin Schrott

Our heroine met Erwin Schrott back in the early 2000s. Then Anna had an affair with the Italian Alberghini. But after a few years, the opera singer began living with Erwin Schrott. Moreover, it is known that Netrebko literally at the very beginning of their relationship said young man that she is not yet ready to take more serious steps, including having children, she does not yet plan. That is why the couple officially registered their marriage this way.

Anna Netrebko's common-law husband, Erwin Schrott, is a famous baritone, originally from Uruguay. Literally in a few months life together, the artist found out that she was pregnant from her loved one. The opera singer was very happy about this event.

Soon a baby was born, who was named Thiago. Everything was fine up to a certain point. After the birth of their son, an engagement took place between Anna and Erwin. An upcoming gala event was also announced. But the wedding never took place. The relationship between the lovers began to fade and soon faded away. Erwin and Anna broke up. The main reason is still not known, but many believe that, most likely, this was due to the peculiarity of the son. Thiago was diagnosed with autism.

At the moment, it is known that Anna Netrebko does not prohibit Erwin from seeing his son. The latter sometimes visits him, and also pays quite good alimony for his maintenance.

Anna Netrebko's husband - Yusif Eyvazov

After the heroine of this article broke up with Erwin Schrott, another man appeared in her life. It was tenor from Azerbaijan Yusif Eyvazov. It is known that the new chosen one is six years younger than his beloved. But such an age difference does not bother anyone. Yusif fell in love very much opera diva, and also accepted her son with special needs as his own child.

Anna and Yusif met in 2014 in Italy. From the very beginning of the relationship, the artist announced frivolous intentions towards the man. However, Anna Netrebko’s husband, Yusif Eyvazov, turned out to be not the timid one. He continued to persistently court Netrebko and a year later received consent to the wedding. Yusif promised to live with her all his life and make her happy. The wedding ceremony took place in the Vienna City Hall.

For now married couple lives happily in two countries - Austria and the USA.

Anna Netrebko was born in Krasnodar on September 18, 1971 in a family where there were Don Cossacks in the family.

Her parents were not professionally involved with the stage, but they always loved music and sang from the heart. Anna's father worked as a geologist, and her mother held the position of a communications engineer.

During her childhood, Anna began to become interested in vocals. Her parents enrolled her in an ensemble called “Kuban Pioneer”. A little later the schoolgirl took the place of the soloist. The choir gave concerts throughout the country.

While in high school, Anna realized that she wanted to devote her whole life to music and perform on stage.


Having finished high school, Anna entered the music school on the T.B. course. Swan. For the sake of her dream, she left Krasnodar and went to St. Petersburg.

After studying for 2 years at music school, Anya decided to enter the St. Petersburg State Conservatory. ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov, leaving school forever.

The competition was great, but Anna successfully passed the entrance exams. Then the teachers realized that a future opera star had come to study with them.

In 1900, Anna entered the T.D. course. Novichenko. A little later, victory awaited her All-Russian competition vocalists named after Glinka in Smolensk. Anna charmed everyone with her vocals and received first prize. This victory became fatal in Netrebko’s life.

The student was invited by V.A. himself. Gergiev, who at that time occupied the seat artistic director Mariinsky Theater, come to the audition. And then Anna was able to prove that she is very talented. The girl passed the selection and began performing at the Mariinsky Theater.

Professional life

For the first time, Netrebko received the first part from Gergiev, who was amazed by the young girl’s strong vocals. So she got the main one female role in the play "The Marriage of Figaro".

In 1994, Anna began to constantly perform on stage with key roles. Soon she became the leading soloist of the Mariinsky Theater. She has roles in productions of “Boris Godunov”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “ Barber of Seville", "Don Juan", "La Boheme" and "The Tsar's Bride", "Rigoletto" and others.

Anna often went on tour abroad: in Israel, America, Germany, Finland, etc. All concerts with her participation were completely sold out. So I came to her international success and glory.

In 2002, Anna became the prima of the world opera. She created a real sensation during the Mariinsky Theater's performance on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera with the production of "War and Peace". At the same time, she performed Mozart’s opera “Don Giovanni” at the ongoing Salzburg Festival. After 2 years, she managed to play herself in a film produced in the USA called “The Princess Diaries 2”.

Interesting notes:

In the same years, Netrebko released her first albums. In 2003, “Opera Arias” was released, which became the best-selling. In 2004, the second disc “Sempre Libera” was released, which quickly became a top seller.

This was followed by a triumph in the play Romeo and Juliet, where Anna played the main role in a duet with Rolando Villazon. After this, the stars had the opportunity to work together again on stage in Gaetano Donizetti’s opera “Elisir of Love”.

In 2006, Anna moved to live in Austria. She received a second citizenship. Netrebko gave concerts all over the world, and they accompanied her the best musicians and orchestras.

In 2008, a concert took place between Netrebko and the legendary conductors of the planet. She played the main role in the film by R. Dornholm called “La Bohème.”

In 2010, Anna performed a duet with F. Kirkorov on stage “ New wave"with the song "Voice". In 2012, she was registered as a proxy of Russian presidential candidate V. Putin, opened the Olympics in Sochi, because it was she who was entrusted with singing the Russian anthem.

In 2011, Netrebko was recognized by Forbes magazine as one of the TOP 10 world-famous artists of the Russian Federation.. Her income at that time was 3.75 million US dollars. For her “golden soprano” alone, Anna received at least 50,000 American dollars!

In 2015, Anna toured Europe with other stage colleagues. The tour was dedicated to the memory of E. Obraztsova.

Personal life

In 2007, Anna was the bride of Erwin Schrott, a famous singer in Uruguay. The couple became the parents of a boy, Thiago Arua, in 2008. The young parents wanted to enter into an official marriage, but they all could not find the time for this. In 2013, the couple separated.

In 2015, Anna married tenor from Azerbaijan Yusif Eyvazov. wedding ceremony was luxurious, everything was like in a beautiful opera production.

A little later it became known that her son Thiago, from a Uruguayan singer, was prone to autism. Anna quickly pulled herself together and began treating her son. Things got very bad between his stepfather and Thiago. a good relationship. Together they took part in the show “Evening Urgant” in 2016.

Thiago, like his famous mother, sings well and already plays the guitar.

Interests and hobbies

Anna active participant charitable events and programs, it helps not only in Russia but also abroad, cooperates with international fund"Roerich's legacy". Anna helps children who have become patients at the Orthopedic Institute. Turner in Pushkino. Develops social project"Anna", which specializes in providing assistance to orphanages in Kaliningrad and the region.

Anna has become unique opera singer. Her soprano is admired by the whole world. It is simply impossible to list all her achievements in one article. And among Anna Netrebko’s fans there are respectable politicians, famous figures cultures, famous businessmen, as well as simple people, both different interests and generations. Hearing her singing, even those who previously did not like opera change their opinion to the opposite.