Singer Zemfira: biography, personal life, photo. Singer Zemfira: biography of a unique artist How old is singer Zemfira

Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova (Tat. Zemfira Talgat kyzy Ramazanova, Bashk. Zemfira Talgat kyzy Ramazanova). Born on August 26, 1976 in Ufa (Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). Russian singer, musician, composer, songwriter. Stage name - Zemfira.

One of the most commercial successful performers in history Russian music. Zemfira became the personification of a new movement in Russian rock, which journalists dubbed “ female rock».

Father - Talgat Talkhoevich Ramazanov (1943-2009), history teacher.

Mother - Florida Khakievna Ramazanova (born 1947), medical specialist physical therapy.

The elder brother, Ramil Ramazanov, died in 2010 as a result of an accident during spearfishing.

At the beginning of 1998, Zemfira moved from her native Ufa to Moscow, where she began working with her group “Zemfira” on her first studio album, released a year later. Since 1999, Zemfira has released six studio albums, which received significant attention from the press and public. Her discography also includes a collection of B-sides and two live albums.

In her lyrical quests, mental suffering and searches were embodied modern youth. In 1999, Ogonyok magazine called Zemfira “the breakthrough voice of the generation.” Throughout the singer’s career, many of her songs hit the top lines of the Russian music charts, including “Arivederchi”, “Iskala”, “Traffic”, “Walk”, “We are breaking” and “Without a chance”.

Zemfira also became a producer musical film Green Theater in Zemfira (2008), which received many positive feedback from critics. Together with director Renata Litvinova, Zemfira became a co-producer of the film Rita's Last Fairy Tale (2012), for which she wrote the music. The film took part in competitive program 3rd Odessa International Film Festival and 34th Moscow International Film Festival. She also wrote music for Renata Litvinova’s films “Goddess: How I Loved” and others. Several of Zemfira’s songs from the album “Thank You” are heard in Kira Muratova’s film “Melody for a Barrel Organ,” and in the film “ Eternal Return“A concert recording of “The Duke’s Songs” from the opera “Rigoletto” performed by the singer appears repeatedly in the frame.

Since her appearance in show business in 1999, Zemfira has undergone numerous changes in her appearance, demeanor on stage and communication with journalists. Her behavior in public was often shocking and caused rejection by the press.

Zemfira is also distinguished by perfectionism in her work, severe disagreements with music producers. Therefore, she often produces her albums herself. Musical style Zemfira belongs to the rock and pop-rock genres. Her music is influenced by both guitar pop and the harmonies of jazz and bossa nova.

In 2004, in the Russian history textbook for grade 9, the section “Spiritual Life” included a mention of Zemfira as the founder of a “completely different” musical youth culture(the author of the manual is a professor at the Moscow Pedagogical University state university Alexander Danilov). Zemfira had a great influence on the work of young groups of the 2000s and on the younger generation in general.

In November 2010, her debut album was included by Afisha magazine in the list of “50 best Russian albums of all time.” Choice of young musicians”, where he took fifth place. The rating was compiled based on a survey among representatives of several dozen young musical groups in Russia. The list also included the album “Forgive Me, My Love” (43rd place).

In 2012, 2013 and 2014, the singer was included in the rating of “One Hundred Most influential women Russia", compiled by the radio station "Echo of Moscow", news agencies RIA Novosti, Interfax and Ogonyok magazine.

Zemfira went to Ufa kindergarten No. 267. From the age of five she studied at a music school, taking a piano class, where she was accepted into the choir as a soloist. At the same time, the singer made her television debut: she sang a song about a worm solo on local television: “Once upon a time there lived a worm, a lazy worm. I went to sleep on my side...” At the age of seven I wrote my first song, which I performed at my mother’s work.

Already in preschool age Zemfira became interested in music. At school, Zemfira managed to study in 7 clubs at the same time, but placed the main emphasis on music and basketball; she finished music school with honors, and at the beginning of 1990 she became the captain of the Russian women's junior basketball team, despite the fact that tall did not differ (Zemfira’s height is 172 cm). “I was the point guard. I was the smallest, but the most important,” said the singer, adding that she had been involved in this sport since the third grade. National team coach Yuri Maksimov recalled: “Zemfira was very passionate about basketball, she was the best player and captain of the team. In 1990-1991 we won the Russian youth championship, and, of course, I was a little upset when she decided to quit the sport.”

At the same time, Zemfira learned to play the guitar and, according to one version, performed songs from “Kino,” “Aquarium,” and “Nautilus Pompilius” right on the street. According to another version, she performed hits foreign performers in the original language, in particular, George Michael and Freddie Mercury. After graduating from school, Zemfira faced a very difficult choice for herself: music or basketball. The girl chose music and immediately entered the second year at the Ufa College of Arts, which she graduated in 1997 (class of A.K. Masalimova) with honors in the specialty " pop vocals" After college, she worked part-time in Ufa restaurants, performing songs to the accompaniment of her classmate, saxophonist Vlad Kolchin. A year later, Zemfira got tired of this activity, and she stopped performing.

Since 1996, Zemfira worked as a sound engineer at the Ufa radio station "Europe Plus" - recording commercials(jingles). At the same time, she is trying to write songs in the Cakewalk program that will later be included in her first album (“Snow”, “Why”, “Forecaster”, “Rockets”). Participates as the second vocalist in the then popular band Spectrum Ace. Zemfira's backing vocals can be heard in the song “What a pity that he is not a black man.”

Sound engineer Arkady Mukhtarov worked on his material at the radio station's studio. Together with him, Zemfira records her first demo disc. Arkady was determined to record his own songs, but the performer convinced him to record her material: “I, of course, was sure that mine own creativity much more important... but her rock-solid character... did its job. And with a lot of hassle, we still recorded the first demo disc,” the musician later said.

At the same time, Zemfira is forming her own group. The first musician with whom she began to work was bass guitarist Rinat Akhmadiev. Together they decide to record a program minimum of songs. Rinat brings drummer Sergei Sozinov, and they begin joint rehearsals, at which Zemfira alternates playing guitar and keyboards. Zemfira persuades the director of the Orange teenage club, Liliya Khrabrina, to provide the group with space for rehearsals.

In 1997, the press wrote about the group for the first time. Journalist Svetlana Rutskaya wrote an article about the group for a regional newspaper and later recalled: “It was 1997, two years remained before the release of her first album, and the future celebrity was then just a talented Ufa girl, unknown to anyone even in her hometown. But you can’t hide charisma, and the songs that the heroine of the material gave me to listen to were attractive. That’s when we decided to tell the whole republic about it. I remember that even then Zemfira made a policy statement: “I have so much music in my head that there’s nowhere to go.”

Zemfira continues to recruit musicians for the team. With the arrival of keyboard player Sergei Mirolyubov, the group is almost completely assembled, only missing a lead guitarist. They become Vadim Solovyov, who joins the group after one of the concerts. Zemfira borrows money for a trip to Moscow and begins to “promote” the team. At the annual Maxidrom festival, the cassette on which three songs were recorded (“Snow”, “-140” and “Scandal”), through the journalists whom Zemfira gave to listen to the demo recordings, falls into the hands of the producer of the Mumiy Troll group, Leonid Burlakov. He decides to take a risk and record an album.

From October 19 to November 7, 1998, the first album was written in the Mosfilm tone studio. The sound engineer is Vladimir Ovchinnikov, the sound producer is the vocalist of the Mumiy Troll group. In addition to the band members, guitarist Yuri Tsaler and drummer Oleg Pungin from Mumiy Troll take part in the recording.

In mid-January 1999, Zemfira and Ilya Lagutenko mixed the album in London at the “home” studio of the Mumiy Troll group, Beethoven street studio, with sound engineer Chris Bandy, who worked on all of their previous albums. Of the 15 recorded songs, the composition “Don’t Let Go” was discarded, which would later be included in Zemfira’s second album.

The debut album is called “Zemfira” (the final song bears it).

On April 8, 2000, the Zemfira group was awarded the Fuzz magazine award for 1999 in two categories: “Best Group” and “ Best Album"(for debut work).

On August 26, the performer was awarded the State Youth Prize of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the field of culture named after Shaikhzada Babich for 1999. The singer's second album became the best-selling disc in Russia in 2000. Zemfira received awards from the 2001 Record Prize in the categories “Performer of the Year” and “Album of the Year”. Having sold more than one and a half million copies, the album became the most commercially successful in the singer’s career.

In April 2003, the artist performed at the award ceremony music awards Fuzz magazine, where it received two awards - in the categories “Best Live Band” and “ Best video"(for the video clip for the song "Infinity", directed by Victor Vilks). At the ceremony, Zemfira performed three songs, including “London” and the previously unpublished “You’re Selling My Love.” “Fourteen Weeks of Silence” won the “Album of the Year” nomination at the Muz-TV Prize 2003. In the same year, Zemfira became a laureate of the Russian independent “Triumph” award for 2003 (youth award) for achievements in the field of literature and art.

In 2004, Zemfira entered the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University. During the first winter session, she took academic leave in connection with the recording of a new album, but did not regain her position at the faculty, and was expelled in August 2006.

On October 16, 2004, at the 2004 MTV Russia Music Awards, Zemfira performed a duet with by Queen famous composition"We Are The Champions"

On March 1, 2005, the release of the fourth studio work, “Vendetta,” took place. The album was enthusiastically received music critics, who called it Zemfira’s second “rise” after her debut album. The album became the best-selling release in Russia in 2005 and won the “Domestic Album of the Year” nomination at the 2006 Record Award.

On October 1, 2007, Zemfira’s new album, “Thank You,” was released, which included twelve songs written, according to the singer, based on the same inspiration, over the course of a year (from the fall of 2006 to the fall of 2007). The album was recorded in London and mixed in Moscow at Mosfilm.

On February 15, 2013, the official release of the sixth studio album"Live in your head."

Zemfira - Do you want it?

In February 2016, Zemfira gave concert tour entitled " Small man" During the tour, the performer visited 20 cities in Russia, and also gave concerts in Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. The first part of the tour began in February 2016 from Omsk and ended in April in Moscow. During this tour, the singer announced the end of her touring activities.

Zemfira's height: 172 centimeters

Personal life of Zemfira:

Single. The media often hints at the singer’s unconventional orientation. She was credited with a connection with. However, they themselves did not confirm this, pointing to the friendly nature of their relationship.

Zemfira discography:

1999 - Zemfira
2000 - Forgive me my love
2002 - Fourteen weeks of silence
2005 - Vendetta
2007 - Thank you
2013 - Live in your head

Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova is a singer who opened a new direction in music, called “female rock”. The girl leads a secluded life and flatly refuses to communicate with journalists. There are incredible rumors about her life, which she neither confirms nor denies.

She is known among producers for her strict demands, so she often plays this role herself. With her creativity, she set the musical tone for beginners music groups in the early 2000s.

Despite her, sometimes shocking appearance, Zemfira was included in the magazine’s lists in the category “One Hundred Most Influential Women of Russia.”

Height, weight, age. How old is Zemfira

Since Zemfira is for her musical activity has changed her images many times, fans are rushing to find out not only her biography, but also her parameters: height, weight, age. How old Zemfira is also remains a pressing question, because due to the fact that she weighs only fifty-seven kilograms, with a height of one hundred and seventy-three centimeters, it is difficult to correctly name her age.

Here, fans of Russian rock performed by Zemfira are in luck - the singer does not try to hide these data from the public. This year, in August, the singer will turn forty-two years old. She does not (like most singers) go on strict diets and does not like to visit sports clubs. It’s just that Zemfira is constantly on the move and that’s enough for her to be in excellent physical shape.

Biography of Zemfira

Zemfira's biography began in the city of Ufa. While still a child, she began to develop a passion for music. At the age of five she is sent to a music school. There the girl studied piano, then sang in the choir and was a vocalist. Two years later, little Zemfira wrote her first song. The choice of musical genre was influenced by his older brother Ramil.

Music was not the child's only hobby. Despite his average height, she was the captain of the women's basketball team.

In addition to school, she graduated in her hometown School of Music, vocal department. She managed to work as a radio presenter.

In parallel with work, the girl creates her own group, called “Zemfira”. In 1998, she decided to move to the capital in order to be able to further develop her musical career.

The producer of the already well-known group “Mumiy-Troll” at that time, after listening, invited her to record an album. From this moment the ascent begins nova in the world of show business.

The singer's debut album was released literally on next year. Many songs from the album began to be played on popular radio stations. Zemfira shot a video for one of her songs in Prague.

The girl instantly became popular. Her songs “Speed”, “London Sky” and “Snow” won the love of millions of listeners in a short period of time. At the end of the same year, the singer went with concerts to tour, which ended only in January next.

Zemfira presented her second album in the spring of 2000. It was called “Forgive me my love.” This album became the most successful in the singer’s career and the best-selling. Thanks to the songs included in the album, the girl and her group were awarded several awards. She planned another tour. However, such popularity also brought negative fruits. At her concert, which took place in the city of Yakutsk, more than ten people were injured due to a large crowd of people. The authorities blamed the performer for this, but she was not to blame for what happened. It wasn’t her who sold the tickets and it wasn’t the singer who filled the stadium to capacity. This incident unsettled the artist a little; she apologized to the fans and did not appear on stage for almost a year.

The singer’s next album took first place in the “Album of the Year” category, organized by Muz-TV in 2003.

In 2005, the fourth album “Vendetta” was released, which was highly praised by critics and fans.

Zemfira released live album, which included about ten hits from previous albums.

Several more albums were released in subsequent years. They included new songs and already beloved hits, but in a new arrangement.

As mentioned earlier, the performer does not like to give interviews and rarely appears in her videos. In 2012, Zemfira closed her official website due to dirt and gossip that was addressed to the singer. Many criticize her lifestyle, image and behavior. However, millions of fans of creativity extraordinary artist they sincerely wrote to her not to pay attention to the opinions of others and wished her creative success.

In 2016, her album “Little Man” was released. During the tour in support of her album, Zemfira announced her intention to complete touring activities. Nevertheless, she continues to delight fans with new songs. Last year, directors began negotiating with her about having the singer record and perform the soundtrack to the film “Sevastopol 1952.” Whether Zemfira agrees to this proposal - time will tell.

Singer Zemfira and Renata Litvinova got married photo 2015

Information about gay singers. People, when the behind-the-scenes life is carefully hidden from them, begin to fantasize in order to somehow satisfy their curiosity.

In 2007, the girl began to communicate closely with Russian actress Renata Litvinova. They gave an interview together for a fashionable glossy magazine, Renata acted as the singer’s producer, and she, in turn, recorded soundtracks for her films. After this they were often seen together.

It even got to the point that a few years later they started talking about the singer Zemfira and Renata Litvinova getting married - a photo from 2015 was supposedly attached and it all happened secretly in Stockholm. Ramazanova and Litvinova did not react to this statement. Listeners can only guess: is this true, or just another “duck” of unscrupulous “scribblers”.

Personal life of Zemfira

The singer herself is a secretive person. She is categorically against any interviews. Journalists have long come to the conclusion that Zemfira’s personal life is generally a closed topic. Nevertheless, this part of the biography worries not only the press, but also her fans. About what happens to a musician on love front There are a lot of rumors, gossip and speculation. This is partly the case increased attention On the part of the fans, Zemfira provoked it herself when she announced her supposedly upcoming engagement. The matter did not go further than talk and it became clear to everyone that this was just a PR move to attract people’s attention to his person.

The public was quite surprised when they learned about the acquaintance of Zemfira and Roman Abramovich. If you believe the information that circulated on the Internet, it turns out that they were connected not just by friendship, but by something more.

The private side of the singer’s life raises many questions, both from representatives of the press and from ordinary people. However, people are not one hundred percent sure that they will ever hear true information concerning Zemfira’s personal life.

Husband of singer Zemfira

Singer Zemfira's husband - does he really exist? Knowing the secretive nature of the producer, fans of her work write that they would not be surprised if it suddenly turns out that the girl has been married a long time ago. Be that as it may, Zemfira is now alone and has not yet found a life partner.

Zemfira interesting person both as a singer and as a person. Her musical works are often subject to negative criticism. However, she does not pay attention to comments from the outside and continues to sing as she likes. Fans hope that the singer will find her soulmate, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman, the main thing is that their idol is truly happy.

Zemfira's family

Zemfira's family consists of numerous relatives. She is a Tatar, and the people of this nation are known to be very friendly. Zemfira’s father, Talgat Talkhoevich Ramazanov, worked at school all his life. Mother - Florida Khakievna Ramazanova is a doctor by training.

The singer has an older brother and two stepbrothers by father. The fact is that for Talgat Talkhoevich this was the third marriage. Being young, he was the first handsome man and enjoyed success with women. In his first two marriages he had a son, but he became happy only with his third family.

Zemfira is kind to her loved ones. When she came to her hometown for concerts, she always left seats in the front row for her family. In one of her father’s interviews, he said that his daughter achieved everything in life on her own; they could not help her financially. Ramazanov boasted that Zemfira, having received one of her first fees, did not buy housing for herself in the capital. The daughter bought her parents an apartment in one of central regions city ​​of Ufa, made repairs there and furnished it with furniture. He also proudly recalled when, at the beginning of 2000, his daughter was awarded the youth award named after Sh. Babich. Then he first came to the Bashkir The White house, where the Prime Minister handed over the award to him.

The spring of 2009 can be called tragic for Zemfira. Her beloved father died of a massive heart attack. Ramil Talgatovich's health has deteriorated greatly over the past four years. The fact is that his two sons from previous marriages died suddenly. On top of that, while working at the dacha, he tripped and fell, resulting in a concussion. The body could not stand it and on May 10, Zemfira’s father passed away.

Unfortunately, as it turned out, the series of losses in the singer’s family was only gaining momentum. A year later he dies brother Zemfira Ramil. He was an entrepreneur, worked as a director of a famous trading network. My brother was fond of spearfishing. During one of these “forays” something went wrong and Ramil tragically dies. For the singer, this was a real blow, because she and her brother were very close, they trusted each other with all the secrets.

Zemfira began to worry about her mother, about her health after the loss of her husband and son. She was going to transport Florida Khakievna to her place in Moscow, but did not have time. The woman could not bear the pain of loss and died in 2015. The parents were buried together, according to all Islamic laws.

Zemfira had a hard time with the death of loved ones and refused concerts and tours, no matter how tempting they were. But still, she found the strength to move on.

Children of Zemfira

Zemfira's children are her nephews Arthur and Artem. Probably only thanks to them, the girl did not withdraw into herself, continues to perform on stage and delight the audience. After tragic death father of twins, Zemfira considers it her duty to take care of the children of her brother.

Although the two brothers are similar, their characters are radically different: one was an aloof, well-educated child at school, and the other was the life of the party, who was not at all interested in knowledge or grades. They graduated from a prestigious gymnasium; their father wanted to send them to London, but did not have time. Zemfira fulfilled her brother's wish. The nephews went to study directing abroad. In 2013, my aunt performed with her nephews at a concert in Luzhniki. This was the only performance of the Ramazanov brothers. They returned to Ufa, are recording songs in the studio, but are not yet trying to advertise their activities. They plan to go to England again, this time to gain knowledge in the field of pop vocals.

The singer loves her nephews and tries to take an active part in their lives. They, in turn, wish their aunt to become a mother and please them with brothers or sisters.

Photo of Zemfira before and after plastic surgery

Very often the singer changes her appearance and clothing style. Since she herself is a reserved person and does not like to talk with journalists, often the latter, together with fans, begin to think up or invent something that does not actually exist. When the girl began to lose weight sharply, someone posted two pictures online different periods her life and signed “photos of Zemfira before and after plastic surgery.” In fact, the singer believes that she plastic surgery to nothing. She is of the opinion that if someone is not satisfied with her appearance, then don’t look at her, it is impossible to please everyone.

Zemfira only once starred in a photo shoot. She agreed to this only to promote her new album. She was not comfortable in long dresses, high platform shoes and a ton of makeup on her face. Be that as it may, for her it became a kind of test, which she passed with honor. The artist herself does not favor printed publications, believing that it is a waste of time.

Instagram and Wikipedia Zemfira

Knowing the musician’s pathological dislike for her person, it would be ridiculous to think that she has a page on Instagram and Zemfira’s Wikipedia is, in fact, the only official page on the Internet, where you can find reliable information about the singer.

Still, Zemfira has an Instagram page: it was created by the singer’s fans. They mainly post photos from concerts and parties in which the singer takes part.

The official website is more like a “business card reminder”. Here you can find all Zemfira's songs and albums.

Details Created: 11/10/2017 18:57 Updated: 11/16/2017 14:36

Zemfira Ramazanova is a shocking, extraordinary and very mysterious woman, as well as a strong and talented person. Her songs inspire, charge with positivity, and every year her work gathers more and more fans. What was her star journey like? Let's find out below.


According to sources, a talented girl was born August 26, 1976 in the city of Ufa (considered one of the great economic, cultural and scientific centers Russian Federation). Nationality - Tatar. According to the horoscope, Virgo is a strict, intellectual, romantic, gentle and devoted woman.

Photos from childhood

The girl’s family was small and consisted of four people: Zemfira, mother Florida, father Talgat and older brother Ramil. The baby's parents were intellectuals: her father taught history at school, and her mother was a doctor (she practiced therapeutic gymnastics).

The girl adored her older brother, because it was thanks to him that she fell in love with rock and achieved success in her career. Unfortunately, in 2010, Ramil died tragically (according to sources, he drowned while spearfishing), which was a big blow for his family and friends, and especially for Zemfira.

The girl also has two nephews - Arthur and Artem. They are twins and are currently studying abroad (in London). The guys also love to sing and play music. Zemfira even managed to perform several famous singles with them.


WITH early childhood the baby began to show interest in music. Therefore, her parents sent her to a music school at the age of five, where she learned to play the piano and sang in the local choir. At the age of seven, she even wrote her first song.

At school I was a very active child, because I attended many clubs. Most of all, she liked to practice vocals and basketball (for some time she was even the captain of the women's team).

After graduating from high school, she had to make a difficult choice: continue playing sports and make a career as a basketball player, or choose music in order to later attract stadiums of fans. She settled on the latter and submitted documents to Ufa School of Arts, which she graduated with honors.

Music career

According to sources, after graduating from university, the girl took on various jobs (sang songs in restaurants hometown, for some time she worked as a sound engineer at the radio station “Europe Plus”, worked as a backing vocalist in the group “Spectrum Ace”, etc.), but already at that time her main dream was to create her own musical group.

Gathering the guys, recording songs and singing them at several concerts was not easy, but possible. But promoting the group and making it known throughout the country has become very problematic.

Therefore, in the late 90s, Zemfira decided to go to Moscow and look for all the ways to promote her established group. Thanks to a lucky chance, her cassette falls into the hands of producer of the Mumiy Troll group Leonid Burlakov and he takes a risk and records an album with her.

From now on it began stellar career singer: she releases albums one after another, her songs are liked by millions of listeners, she gathers crowds of fans at her concerts and becomes a worldwide favorite of the public.

The themes of her songs are very accessible and understandable to the people. There is no hidden subtext in them and they all relate to the problems of the 21st century (money, incurable diseases, unrequited love And so on).


- Album - “Zemfira” (1998-1999).
The radio station launches the songs “AIDS”, “Rockets” and “Arivederchi” and simultaneously shoots video clips for them. Soon the first song among them becomes a real hit.


- “Forgive me my love” (2000-2001).
Zemfira begins to receive her first awards in various categories. Her song "Iskala" appears in the movie "Brother 2". The most famous songs from this album - “Ripe”, “Do you want”, “City”, “Proven”, “Dawns”.


- “Fourteen weeks of silence” (2002-2003).
At this time, the composition of her group was changing, she toured a lot and received the prestigious Triumph Award.

"I was looking for"

- “Vendetta” (2004-2006).
This album became the best-selling album in Russia. This included such famous singles as “Sky Sea Clouds”, “Walk”, “Blues” and others.


- “Thank you” (2007-2008).
The recording of the album took place in London and all the songs were recorded very quickly within a year. And all because at this time the singer turned 30 years old. She rethought a lot and with this album a new page in her life began.

"We're Crashing"

Collection of b-sides “Z-Sides” (2009-2010).


- “Live in your head” (2011-2014).

"Do not let go"

- “Little Man” (2015-2016).
During this period, Zemfira organizes a large-scale tour to support the new album. The girl tours not only in Russian cities, but also performs in concerts abroad (she has visited Israel, Germany, Great Britain, the UAE, the USA, Canada and other countries). Rumor has it that during the second tour, Ramazanova announced that she was stopping touring.

"Live in your head"

Interesting Facts

Zemfira has an open page on Instagram, where she shares videos from closed rehearsals and her own selfies with fans.Her height is approximately 172 centimeters, and her weight is about 53-55 kilograms.

Zemfira performs her songs in the style of rock and pop-rock, although some musicians claim that her songs also contain other genres.

Zemfira sang with the twins V THE group UCHPOCHMACK, but after recording only one album, the band broke up.

According to the media, the girl has an old disease - chronic otitis media, which often reminds of itself and pesters her.

Ramazanova is also involved in charity work, but really does not like to advertise it. For some time she took custody of one of the orphanages in Ufa and took part in raising the children.

Personal life

If a girl’s biography is an open book, then her personal life is hidden behind seven seals. In her interviews, the singer rarely touches on this topic, and if a journalist still manages to hook her, she cleverly avoids questions. Therefore everything romantic relationship which the media talk about are mainly based only on guesswork and not always on confirmed facts. One thing is certain: Zemfira is not officially married and has no children.

But let's take a closer look at some relationships, rumors about which either the singer herself spread for PR, or others talked about.

1. Vladislav Kolchin. Many people talked about this man and it was even believed that Vladislav was the star’s first love. He is also from Ufi and he and Ramazanova once sang in restaurants. But the truth about this relationship was revealed when Kolchin’s autobiographical book was published. In it, he described in detail the fight against terrible disease(multiple sclerosis) and confirmed that Zemfira played the role of his girlfriend in order to protect the vulnerable guy at that time.

Vladislav Kolchin

2. Sergey Anatsky. The press believes that they had an affair while she was working at the Europe Plus radio station in Ufa. But this relationship quickly exhausted itself and ended just as quickly.

Sergey Anatsky

3. Vyacheslav Petkun(leader of the group "Dancing Minus"). The girl invented this novel herself. In the late 90s, a guy and a girl allegedly announced their engagement. Everything was very believable, because the young people even had a photo shoot in wedding dresses. The press rejoiced, all fans closely followed the information and waited for the upcoming wedding.

What a disappointment it was when the guys announced to the whole country that the ceremony was being postponed indefinitely. And then it turned out that it was all just another joke.

Vyacheslav Petkun

4. Roman Abramovich. Rumor has it that she met him when she moved to Moscow and was looking for a producer. For some time, he even became a shadow sponsor for her, helping her record albums and providing a carefree life. Their romance lasted for several years, and then quickly ended when Roman met another girl (a certain Dasha Zhukova). Then the press reported that because of this breakup, the singer lost weight sharply and suffered from anorexia. And in order to somehow brighten up her loneliness, she changed her orientation and started dating Renata Litvinova.

With Roman Abramovich

5. Renata Litvinova. The fact that the girls have friendly relations is no longer a secret to anyone. Renata actively participates in the singer’s life, supports her morally and looks after her style.

The fact that these relationships have developed into non-traditional ones is doubtful, because journalists always love to raise this kind of topic that is of acute concern to society.

With Renata Litvinova

But Renata is not the first woman with whom Ramazanova was accused of having an affair. For some time there were also rumors about the singer's relationship with her director Anastasia Kalmanovich. It’s as if Nastya left her husband for Zemfira and the girls were in a relationship for two years and then broke up.

Anastasia Kalmanovich

Zemfira Ramazanova (Zemfira) is a domestic author and performer of songs in the rock genre, at the same time she is a musician and composer for arrangements for her songs. Very talented and extraordinary personality, which flashed brightly on big stage in the late 90s, early 2000s.

Active life position and the subtle lyrics of the songs appealed to many fans of the woman, especially female audience, but all this was achieved thanks to the girl’s work, talent, as well as the girl’s constant tours and travels.

Creative people tend to tour and move a lot during their lives. It is very difficult to gain popularity, and that is why you have to move from place to place.

Work, studio, music, trips to a large number of cities where fans are waiting determine the choice of habitat, where the performer wants to live, and also so that his personal life remains inaccessible to journalists.

Zemfira moved very often. The future singer spent her childhood and youth in Ufa, the central territorial unit of Bashkortostan. Here she lived with her parents on the street. Ushakova, 64.

The family of the future artist huddles in a small, old panel house on the edge of the city. The musician’s youth and youth passed here, the first songs were recorded and sketches for the first album were drawn. Here she lived with her parents and brother until her departure to Moscow in 1998.

Zemfira lived in the house on the left on the 3rd floor

The habitat itself was not considered particularly favorable, because the standard of living and conditions were very poor.

Moving to Moscow in 1998

With the move to Moscow, new horizons opened up for her in creatively. Here the girl created and strengthened her team, which eventually began to be called “Zemfira”, met and became friends with Ilya Lagutenko, leader and frontman of the group “Mumiy Troll”.

It was thanks to Ilya, as well as the group’s producer at that time, Leonid Burlakov, that the singer was able to record her first album and break into the radio airwaves, as well as onto the creative stage of the city.

The singer is active creative activity, enters the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, where she studied only two courses. But it’s worth noting in order all the places where the artist stayed at the initial stage:

  • In the first two weeks after her arrival, Ramazanova lives in friends’ apartments, constantly moving from place to place;
  • After meeting Lagutenko, he moves to Vacation home, where the entire Mumiy Troll musical team lives and rehearses, and where Ilya and his family live;
  • Next were rented apartments in the Solntsevo district, where Ramazanova lived with her old friend from her youth, Arkady Mukhtarov;
  • Six months later, the aspiring star rented an apartment on Berezhkovskaya Embankment. At this place, the living conditions were more comfortable, because the presence of a housekeeper and European-quality repairs could allow the girl to relax and immerse herself closely in the creative process;
  • Next, the artist moved to the apartment of her producer Anastasia Kalmanovich, where they lived on Smolenskaya Street;
  • They were followed by addresses on Mira Ave., and after a while - on Makeev Street;
  • The final point in the musician’s wanderings was a 2-room dwelling on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, because afterwards she lived outside the city while hers was being built on Frunzenskaya new flat. Outside the city, she took a break from intrusive interviews with correspondents and journalists.

New life in a new apartment

Zemfira's new property is located on Frunzenskaya Embankment. The artist eventually received this housing after 4 years of wandering around rented apartments in Moscow.

Our article today will be of interest to everyone who is a fan of the domestic rock scene. You can get acquainted with the life and creative milestones of the popular Russian rock singer, who writes her own lyrics - Zemfira.

Some journalistic publications note that it gave birth to a new direction in music called female rock. Not surprising, because she really brought many new features to the domestic scene that influenced a large number of musical groups. In other words, she turned the page and opened up new trends for Russian rock music. Needless to say about the popularity she has gained in the CIS countries over her twenty-year musical career.

Very often, fans are interested in various data regarding a particular person. This could be your zodiac sign, hometown, etc. We should not forget about external data, which for one reason or another attracts the attention of the public. Of course, our singer today is no exception, and fans are interested in her height, weight, and age. How old is Zemfira - young people and older people ask. Not surprising, since several generations have already passed since she began her musical career.

There is nothing special to hide here, and the information is available to any user - Zemfira’s height is just over 172 centimeters, and her weight is 58 kilograms. Last summer, Zemfira celebrated her 41st birthday. Photos in her youth and now will confirm that for so many years she has hardly changed in appearance.

Biography 👉 Zemfira

Zemfira's biography begins in the city of Ufa, in 1976. The family had Tatar-Bashkir roots, which, one way or another, was reflected in the singer’s appearance. Father Talgat Talkhovich worked at a school, and mother Florida Khakievna was engaged in physical therapy. Also, her older brother, Ramil, was raised in the family. By the way, the real name of the future performer is Zemfira Ramazanova.

She began to show her desire for music in early age. As a five-year-old girl, Zemfira is sent to a music school, where she learns to play the piano and sings in the choir along the way. Even then, she appeared on local television channels, where she performed children's songs.

At the age of seven, Zemfira composed her own musical composition, where she was first introduced to the public at her mother’s work. While at school, she became interested in the work of the Kino group, and later she will tell you that this significantly influenced her musical views.

Despite her relatively small stature, Zemfira played basketball and was the captain of the Russian youth team. Because of this, before graduating from school, I had a choice - to take up sports or music. After thinking a little, she decides to give preference to the second and enters the school in the city of Ufa, where she studies pop-jazz vocals. While in her second year, Zemfira begins to earn extra money by performing famous songs in restaurants in her hometown. And already in 1996, she got a job at a radio station. Around the same time, the first recordings of their own songs were released.

Radical changes took place in the singer’s life a year later, when one of her recordings ended up with the producer of Mumiy Troll. He invites Zemfira to record a full-length album, and already in 1998 a full-length album is released. Some songs from there appeared on the radio even before the official release, and the first crowds of fans began to appear.

Undoubtedly, resounding success the young singer was well off. In just six months, the album sold more than 700,000 copies. A little later, video clips were released, which were often broadcast on television. In 1998, the first tour of Russia starts. As expected, the concert venues were packed to capacity. And in last days tour, Zemfira performed as the headliner of “Invasion” - a popular rock music festival.

After finishing the tour, the singer begins her second album, which is no less popular with fans. The name was not chosen right away - “Forgive me, my love.” Some songs from this album became soundtracks for Russian films of those years. After the commercial success of this work, Zemfira takes a short sabbatical for two years.

In 2002, a new album appeared before listeners. It is noteworthy that its novelty is associated not only with the compositions, but also with the stylistic framework. Now it's exclusive independent work, without the influence of Mumiy Troll. New album sold out in huge quantities and received no less than various awards. Zemfira herself received the title “Performer of the Year”, thanks to several music magazines.

In 2004, several significant events happened for the performer’s career. More precisely, two performances on the same stage with Ilya Lagutenko and Queen. The second couple is interesting because one of the most famous songs team - “We are the Champions.”

2005 also brings useful results. First of all, Renata Litvinova, whom they met while writing music for the film. Later, thanks to their partnership, several of Zemfira’s videos were financed.

In the fall of 2007, another album appeared, which brought some changes in creativity. The singer announced the termination of her activities as part of the group, and now her work will be exclusively solo. At the same time, a competition was announced - ordinary listeners were invited to make a remix of the song “Boy”, and the top ten would be released as a single.

Subsequently, creativity came out without any changes. Several times, Zemfira's albums received various well-deserved awards. Many critics note that the singer chose the right vector of development, and to some extent filled an empty niche on the domestic rock scene in time. MTV awarded the prestigious award to Zemfira several times - she was awarded “ Best performer From Russia".

To date, Zemfira has released several new albums, each of which opens new page domestic rock. By the way, in 2016 she announced that she was stopping touring. But despite this, new compositions still continue to be released.

Personal life of 👉 Zemfira

Zemfira’s personal life is interesting to both fans and journalists. Therefore, various rumors and speculations often appear, which rarely have any basis. Some of them, of course, are related to the actions of the singer herself. For example, she announced a wedding with Vyacheslav Petkun, which never took place. After a while, the rock singer admitted that it was an ordinary PR company.

After a while, new rumors. Now, the press is connecting Zemfira and Renata Litvinova, and, ambiguously hinting, there is something big in their friendship. Journalists did not miss the moment and began talking about a wedding in Sweden. The celebrities themselves do not undertake to comment on such gossip. This does not stop the press, and they are increasingly interested in spreading false information about the wedding. The thing is that Swedish legislation has allowed same-sex marriage since 2009. Around this period, Zemfira was on vacation with Renata in this country. Great matches for the tabloids.

It is known that any Serious relationships and Zemfira never got married. Or, she hides them very well from the general public. Now, according to her, she is in love with a young man, but other details are still impossible to obtain.

Family 👉 Zemfira

As we mentioned a little earlier, Zemfira’s family had Tatar and Bashkir roots. The singer herself received Tatar nationality. Zemfira's father, Talgat, worked as a teacher historical sciences. Mom Florida was a doctor by training and gave classes in physical therapy. By the way, it was at her mother’s work that Zemfira sang her first song.

Not all fans know that in the early 2010s, the singer suffered several misfortunes at once. In 2009, Zemfira’s father died, for a long time suffered from illness. A year later, my brother died while underwater fishing - an accident happened and he simply drowned. In 2015, the performer’s mother died. At that time, she was 69 years old. Zemfira herself, at that time, commented on everything at a minimum, citing a series of irreparable losses and a reluctance to communicate with the press.

Children 👉 Zemfira

To the best of our knowledge this moment, the singer was not yet married. However, fans never tire of waiting and hoping that the topic “Zemfira’s Children” will be filled with information. The singer herself notes that there is nowhere to rush, because creativity, for her, comes first.

After a series of losses in the family, Zemfira began to devote more and more time to her nephews - Arthur and Artem. In 2013, a side project was even created, where the singer participates in recordings with them. The group has only one album to its credit so far. It is known that for some time the nephews studied directing, and in Lately moved to London, where he received his education in pop vocals.

Husband 👉 Zemfira

On account of the popular Russian singer several novels, which, however, did not develop into official relationships. It’s impossible to say for sure whether Zemfira hides her chosen ones well, or whether she really is not in a relationship with anyone.

Throughout her career, journalists and media try to attribute various marriages to her. In particular, some time ago, the headlines stated that Zemfira’s husband is Slava Petkun, as the singer herself said. But later she admitted that it was just a publicity stunt to increase popularity.

Photo of Zemfira 👉 before and after plastic surgery

Fans often point out in social networks that the rock singer does not change externally throughout her career. That is why some fans are wondering if she used the services plastic surgeons. Of course, people never tire of looking for photos of Zemfira before and after plastic surgery.

It’s worth saying right away that all this is in vain - there are no before or after photographs. Zemfira claims that she adheres to the natural canons of beauty and believes that only those who have nothing to surprise their fans resort to such radical methods.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Zemfira

The popular Russian performer tries to stay fairly active. social life to always be “on the same wavelength” with the fans. Therefore, I started several pages on social networks - it is very convenient and practical. In addition, anyone can see photographs from last performance or a concert.

Zemfira's Instagram and Wikipedia are still very popular, despite the long creative path. Yes, it is worth noting that she did not become a “one hit star” and to this day works are being released that attract new fans and warm up the interest of old ones.

By the way, the performer continues her creative activity, releasing new songs and performing at concerts. In the last round, Zemfira performed in twenty cities of the Russian Federation. It is noteworthy that the singer is also loved and known abroad - Germany, Israel, England and America. In these countries, concert venues are often completely filled.

A couple of times, Zemfira was caught on camera at inopportune moments, which later resulted in scandals. The first happened in 2008 - then the singer started a fight because the cashier was slow in queuing. As you know, a year later, the store owner apologized, and everything was resolved peacefully.

A few years later, there was another scandal - at a closed party, the star was “caught” drinking white powder. As a result, she had to sue. She won the case, thereby proving that there were no drugs.

In 2013, Zemfira quarreled with fans from Rostov. The thing is that due to problems with the director of the local cultural center, the concert was in jeopardy, which she immediately announced to her fans. However, everything happened, but the mood was ruined. Due to the “dry” reception from the public, the performer announced her reluctance to return to Rostov-on-Don. Later, a public apology was given, where Zemfira noted that she got excited and regretted what happened.

In the summer of 2016 there was another scandal, this time in Latvia. The squabble with journalists “spread” to ordinary fans. As usual, normative language prevailed in these disputes. As she herself stated, she was dissatisfied with the constant attention from the press. It was not possible to calm down even after some time, so after leaving the Theater, the skirmish repeated again.