ICT in the musical education of preschool children. "The use of ICT in the work of the music director of a kindergarten

Municipal budget children's educational institution
Kindergarten No. 67 “UMKA”


On the topic: Use of computer technology
at work music director preschool educational institution

Completed by: Sleeveless V.V.
Musical director

Nizhnevartovsk - 2015

Today it is no longer possible to imagine learning, work and modern life in general without information technologies. Today, institutes, universities, gymnasiums, schools, colleges, technical schools and even kindergartens are equipped with the latest computer technology.
The use of computer technology is not the influence of fashion, but a necessity dictated by modern education.
A modern kindergarten should not lag behind the demands of the time, which means that a modern music director should use a computer in his activities.
The work of a music director in a preschool educational institution is built in accordance with the responsibilities and rights that define the framework professional activity. In the updated job description music director at a preschool educational institution in 2009, it was specified that the teacher must be proficient in information and communication technologies. In this regard, I consider it advisable to use information technology (IT) in my professional activities. since bringing all forms of documentation into electronic view allows you to quickly work with information, save work time Consequently, the quality and efficiency of activities increases.
Initially, you need to master a computer at the level of a PC operator, so that you are fluent in Microsoft Office programs: Word, Excel, Power Point, educational programs.
Familiarize yourself with the glossary, since knowledge of terms speeds up the process of mastering information. Then determine the topic, goals and objectives of the work, select convenient computer programs and their applications.
Study the discs from the educational collection, be sure to work through everything teaching materials programs.
Choose a topic, select material that corresponds to the program, compare it with your capabilities and the vision of colleagues studying this topic in other preschool educational institutions, plan a topic, block or section.
Get acquainted with Internet resources, create a personal website for sharing experiences with colleagues, communicating with parents of students.
I have the opportunity to introduce computer technologies into my work musical programms, which not only allow you to listen to music in high-quality recordings, view fragments of video recordings, but also give access to various information related to the world of art: painting, literature, music, folk crafts. Thus, using a computer is very convenient not only for learning musical material, but also to activate cognitive activity, implementation creative potential child, nurturing interest in musical culture, formation spiritual world.
Internet search engines provide teachers with the opportunity to find almost any material on development and learning, any photographs and illustrations for classes.
The functions of demonstration material at children's matinees, leisure activities, as well as during everyday music classes, are performed by presentations created in Microsoft Office Power Point. They replace many pictures, posters and audio recordings. In my work I use presentations based on fragments of plays by C. Saint-Saens. For example: “Aquarium”, “Swan”, “Elephant” and others. Presentations on the study of classical composers (Bach, Vivaldi, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven), as well as composers of the Romantic era (Schubert, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Liszt, Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Rossini) are indispensable in the work. Presentations make getting to know great musicians more fun and interesting. These presentations are suitable for many age groups of children.
Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid supporting images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic order. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to embed information not only in factual, but also in associative form in the memory of children.
The purpose of this presentation of developmental and educational information is to form a system of mental images in children. Presenting material in the form of a multimedia presentation reduces learning time and frees up children's health resources.
The use of multimedia presentations in music classes makes it possible to build the educational process on the basis of psychologically correct modes of functioning of attention, memory, mental activity, humanization of the content of learning and pedagogical interactions, reconstruction of the learning and development process from the standpoint of integrity.
The use of computer technology makes it possible to make music lessons attractive and truly modern, to individualize learning, to carry out objective and timely monitoring and summing up. In my work, I have the opportunity to use computer music programs that not only allow me to listen to music in high-quality recordings, view fragments of video recordings, but also give access to big block information related to the world of art: painting, music, literature, folk crafts. The use of ICT is very important not only for mastering musical material, but also for enhancing cognitive activity, realizing the child’s creative potential, cultivating interest in musical culture, and forming the spiritual world. I consider one of the most important directions in my pedagogical work vocal work. I begin all my musical lessons with vocal greetings. Thanks to this, children smoothly transition and tune in to music lessons. I think it is necessary to develop in children the ability to listen to others and own performance. To do this, I often use a microphone and backing tracks of various children's songs.
Traditionally, I begin a musical lesson with musical-rhythmic movements. I increasingly use audio recordings or video recordings (DVD), this makes my work easier, since at the time of learning I am not sitting at the piano, but can show musical movement or correct someone. I can record new movements on video where children watch a beautiful show. And in class the children watch and try to do the same. This is how I achieve expressive, high-quality execution of movements, and make sure that children accurately convey the features of a particular work. This technique develops memory and attention in students, because information is transmitted in an attractive form, which not only speeds up memorization, but also makes it meaningful and long-lasting.
Perception of music is the most common type of musical activity available to everyone. Thanks to new information technologies, pop music is heard everywhere: on television, radio, computers, tape recorders, players, and mobile phones. But there is very little classical music. I'm trying to make up for it.
In our music library there are many discs, audio cassettes, video cassettes: “The Nutcracker”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Top-clap, kids”, songs of the Zheleznovs, etc. I give these recordings to parents so that they can listen and watch them at home with their children.
Singing is the most popular and accessible view performance. To learn a song, we first listen to it, and after learning it, we listen to whether it is sung expressively and how it sounds. A video camera or audio recording helps us with this.
I prepare very seriously for holidays and entertainment, for the anniversaries of employees and preschool educational institutions - I look for songs, music, and poems on the Internet.
On the computer, in the “My Documents” section, I created a folder called “Kindergarten”, which contains all the plans, scripts, music, songs, photos from holidays and competitions, and much more.
Based on the above, we can conclude that new information and communication technologies give impetus to the development of new forms and content of traditional types of children's musical activities. The use of information technologies in the music education of children makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency.

Berger N. Modern concept and methods of teaching music. Series
"Modernization general education" - St. Petersburg. 2004. - P.129.

2. Bershadsky M.E. Possible directions integration of educational and information-communication technologies // Educational technologies. - M. 2006. No. 1.- P. 29-50

3. Branovsky Yu.S. Molchanov A.S. Pedagogical information innovations (Introduction to pedagogical informatics): Textbook. - Stavropol: SGPU, 1996.- P.221.

4. Gulak I.V. Using a computer//Management of preschool educational institutions. - 2006. No. 8. - P.36.

5. Zhivaikin P. Musical programs // Home Computer - M. 1999. No. 7,8.-P.30-31.

6. Zaitseva L.A. The use of information computer technologies in the educational process and its problems methodological support. // Internet magazine "Eidos". - 2006. - September 1. http://www.eidos.ru/journal/2006/0901-5.htm.

7. Kalinina T.V. New information technologies in preschool childhood //Preschool educational institution management. - 2008. No. 6 - P.32

8. Krasnova G.A. New information technologies in education // Problems of theory and teaching methods. - 2001. - No. 5. - P. 39-42

9. Lorenz A. Development and distribution of Internet education around the world // Higher education today.- M., 2002.- No. 7/8.- P.42-45

10. Selevko G.K. Pedagogical technologies based on information and communication tools. - M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005. - 208 p. (Encyclopedia of Educational Technologies Series).

11. Semenov, A.L. The role of information technologies in general secondary education [Text] / A.L. Semenov. - M.: Publishing house MIPKRO, 2000. - P.12

Information and communication technologies

V musical education children up to school age


The Federal State Educational Standard and the strategy for building an information society in Russia form a request not only for updating the requirements for preschool education, but also updating information educational environment educational organizations, as well as efficient use information and communication technologies (ICT).

Their implementation makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational process and increase its efficiency. ICT tools allow children to visualize the objects, phenomena being studied, simulate processes and situations that cannot be seen in Everyday life, use means through which learning is carried out in a playful way.


ICT tools used in practice kindergarten:

A personal computer (or laptop) is the main ICT tool for the information environment of any level of education, the capabilities of which are determined by the programs installed on it: presentation preparation, organizers, graphic, text or music editor, etc.;

Multimedia projector - a device capable of reproducing sound and projecting images onto the screen from a computer, VCR, TV, DVD player;

Video recorder, DVD - record player, TV;

- multifunctional device (MFP) - a device that combines a copier, printer and scanner;

Tape recorder, music center;

Microphone, digital camera, camcorder.


Forms of ICT use in the activities of a music director

1. Use of ready-made electronic products. Using network resources Internet , you can significantly replenish the music director’s media library: fund of books, educational and methodological manuals, videos, sound recordings, computer presentations, mu lingual-developmental computer games and programs.


For example, interactive music game"The Nutcracker" belongs to the series of children's programs "Playing with Music". This children's educational program successfully combines an exciting game, music encyclopedia And fairytale adventure in the world of music. “The Nutcracker” will help a child develop his hearing and teach him to distinguish musical instruments. The program includes masterpieces of classical music performed by symphony orchestra, as well as nine games for development musical abilities; interactive game"Alice and the Seasons" (MediaHouse), educational game "The Magic Flute". A series of these games are intended for children of preschool and primary school age; they are educational projects that allow children to be introduced to the masterpieces of world classics.


2. Use of multimedia presentations

Multimedia presentations – a form of presenting material in the form of slides, on which drawings, illustrations, audio and video materials can be presented. It is advisable to use multimedia presentations both using a computer and a projector. A multimedia presentation serves not only to enrich children’s knowledge, but also to consolidate it, practice skills, systematize and generalize the material, and therefore successfully perform all the main didactic functions. The presentation allows the teacher to present the content material as a system of vivid images, relying on various channels of perception (visual, auditory, emotional-sensory) in an associative form to store information in the long-term memory of children.

To date, I have developed a number of presentations on all types of musical activities:


1. perception (listening to music) carried out with the help of ICT at a qualitatively new level when viewing video illustrations for musical works; getting to know the nature of musical works; getting to know genres of music; development of pitch hearing; getting to know musical instruments; getting to know the works of composers;

2. performance:

-singing occupies a leading place in the system of musical education of children preschool age. Thus, the condition for good diction and expressive singing is to understand the meaning of the words and the musical image of the song, so I have created a card index of electronic illustrations and presentations for various songs that require explanation of the text.


A favorable psychological mood in preschoolers is created by combining the expressive performance of a song and an animated background on the screen.

When working on the quality of song performance and sound production, videos with children’s participation are used: the children’s performance of the song is recorded on a video camera, then viewed together with the children on a large screen through a projector and discussed.


-musical-rhythmic movements - p When learning musical and rhythmic movements, I use mnemonic tables, with the help of which children can perform various formations or learn dance elements.

The use of ICT in performing musical and rhythmic exercises, various dances helps children accurately follow the teacher’s instructions and perform movements expressively. High-quality execution dance compositions encourages viewing of specially created videos.


-playing children's musical instruments - I widely use video scores, clips (“Village Spoons”), imitative fairy tales, etc.


ICT also has a place in organizing creative tasks(“Musical cards”, etc.).


Musical and didactic games can also be organized using ICT. A set of musical didactic games new manuals with audio applications: “Song, dance, march”, “Hares in the clearing”, “Who did the bun meet?”, “Musical chicks”, “Three flowers”, etc. (SLIDE). Musical and didactic game aids with audio applications are intended for organizing independent and joint activities children 5–7 years old, aimed at accumulating experience in the perception of music, forming ideas about musical sounds and their properties, development musical ear in children, are aimed at stimulating independent cognition, the creative process, initiative, freedom of choice, and the development of communicative qualities. Used in individual and group work to consolidate acquired knowledge on educational field


SLIDE 12 Using a computer, children can virtually wander through the halls of museums (for example, the musical instruments ), get acquainted with the work of composers and even study musical notation . In my opinion, a modern musical lesson is an activity that is full of new teaching techniques at all its stages. Children are actively developing audiovisual perception. In this case, musical and artistic images are perceived deeper, more fully, brighter, because the sound of music is complemented by pictures, movements, development, and the image of pictures and images is complemented by sounds. In my work with children of senior preschool age (complying with the requirements of SanPiN), I use presentations as a means of clarity in the classroom when learning new material, to consolidate what has been learned, to control and test knowledge (quizzes), and to monitor (tests). world of symphony orchestra. Using the capabilities of PowerPoint, I developed presentations dedicated to introducing the work of composers. Children really like presentations - fairy tales that introduce them to the world musical literacy(“Major and Minor”, ​​“Kingdom of the Treble Clef”, etc.).


The system of musical education in kindergarten assumes not only a variety of types of musical education, but also variability in the forms of musical activity of children. This is a joint musical and educational activity , holidays, entertainment, theme evenings, concerts, performances, leisure evenings and more. For any form of musical activity, there are also presentations, videos, videos, slide shows, recordings of children's performances at matinees, educational educational films, and children's cartoons. So, for example, in original form One of the main children's holidays in the kindergarten is taking place, because the “New Year's Journey” is carried out using an interactive map, and the “Holiday of the North” ends with the appearance of an animated sun on the screen - it welcomes the children and promises to warm them up. All this allows you to diversify leisure activities, attract the attention of children, cause an emotional upsurge, create a joyful mood.


A modern computer allows you to create arrangements for children's songs, record “minus” and “plus” phonograms, which can be used not only at holidays, entertainment, leisure, but also V independent musical activities for children. Practice has shown the possibilities of successful use of music and computer technologies in all forms of work with children. And in connection with the holding of numerous competitions and festivals children's creativity, it becomes necessary to create and use a phonogram for performance on stage.


3.I use the computer for:

Selection of musical accompaniment for holidays, entertainment, musical activities;

Writing scripts, musical scores;

Design of didactic games and other teaching materials;

Generalizations of experience;

Preparation of questionnaires and other diagnostic forms for parents;

Posting information on a personal website and a kindergarten website;

Interaction with parents via email;

Design of “parent corners” and information stands;

Acquisition and use of books, teaching aids, and magazines in electronic versions in professional activities;

Exchange of experience with colleagues from other regions of Russia at professional forums;

Advanced training remotely;

Participation in professional correspondence competitions.


4. I use a camera and video camera to create a digital fund (archive) for the kindergarten.



The use of computer technology allows the music director to keep up with the times and often contributes to solving those pedagogical problems that are often difficult and sometimes impossible to solve traditional ways. Therefore, the creation of a unified modern educational environment in the field of music preschool education requires the harmonious penetration of modern information and computer technologies into the traditional pedagogical system.


07 May 2015

State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 27 of a combined type, Pushkinsky district, St. Petersburg



Fateeva O.I.,

music director of GBDOU No. 27

"Every participant educational process

decides to keep up with the future

or walk your heels backwards"

Anatoly Gin.

Head of international

laboratories Educational Technologies

"Education for a New Era"

Modern ICTs and their role in the education system.

Informatization today is considered as one of the main ways to modernize the education system. This is due not only to the development of technology and technology, but also, first of all, to the changes caused by the development of the information society, in which the main value is information and the ability to work with it, the development of projects and programs that contribute to the formation of a person modern society. The main goal of teaching teams is to create conditions for identifying and developing the abilities of each child, forming an individual who has solid basic knowledge and is able to adapt to conditions modern life. Informatization of education should be considered as one of the important means of achieving this goal. This means solving a number of sequential problems: technical equipment, creation of didactic tools, development of new teaching technologies, etc., defining the stages of the process of modernization of the education system.

The informatization of society has significantly changed the practice of everyday life. And we, music teachers, must keep up with the times and become a guide to the world of new technologies for the child. music education.

What is ICT?

In practice, educational information technologies refer to all technologies that use special technical information tools (computers, audio, video, cinema). When computers became widely used in education, the term "new information technology" . Generally speaking, any pedagogical technology is information technology, since the basis of the technological learning process is information and its transformation. A better term for educational technologies that use a computer is computer technology.

Computer (new information) teaching technologies are the process of preparing and transmitting information to the learner, the means of which is the computer.

A kindergarten is part of society, and it, like a drop of water, reflects the same problems as throughout the country. Therefore, it is very important to organize the learning process so that the child actively engages in music lessons with enthusiasm and interest. A combination of traditional teaching methods and modern information technologies, including computers, can help the music director in solving this difficult task.

What are the functions of a computer in teaching activities?

music director?

  1. Source of (educational, musical) information
  2. Visual material
  3. A tool for preparing texts, musical material, and storing them
  4. Speech preparation tool.

If we talk about the use of information technologies in music classes, here they help solve a number of problems:

  • They make musical material accessible to perception not only through auditory analyzers, but also through visual and kinesthetic ones. Thus, the music director can put into practice the idea of ​​​​individualizing children's education.
  • Using a computer significantly expands the conceptual range musical themes, makes the specific sound of musical instruments accessible and understandable to children, etc.
  • They become the basis for the formation of musical taste, the development of the child’s creative potential and harmonious development personality in general.

To form and develop a stable cognitive interest in musical lessons in children, the music director faces the task of making the lesson interesting, rich and entertaining, i.e. the material should contain elements of the extraordinary, surprising, unexpected, arousing interest in preschoolers in the educational process and contributing to the creation of a positive emotional learning environment, as well as the development of musical and creative abilities. After all, it is the process of surprise that leads to the process of understanding.

Possibilities of using ICT in music education of preschool children.

A music director can use various educational ICT tools, both in preparation for a music lesson, in class (when explaining new material, learning songs, dances, repetition, to consolidate acquired knowledge), and during entertainment and celebrations. The Microsoft package provides teachers with great assistance in preparing and conducting music classes, which includes, in addition to the well-known Word text editor, also PowerPoint electronic presentations.

Using the power of PowerPoint, you can create multimedia presentations.

Multimedia presentations - electronic filmstrips, including animation, audio and video fragments, elements of interactivity (reaction to user actions) - the most common type of presentation of demonstration materials. It is advisable to use multimedia presentations both using a computer and a multimedia projection screen .

The use of such information technology makes it possible to more effectively develop all types of perception in children: visual, auditory, sensory. Use all types of memory in class: visual, auditory, figurative, associative, etc.

Presentation preparation - serious creative process, each element of which must be thought out and meaningful from the point of view of children’s perception.

Using the program's capabilitiesPowerPointYou can develop and use presentations on all types of musical activities:

Perception of music: When getting acquainted with the work of a particular composer, use portraits, video illustrations for musical works, familiarity with genres of music, etc.

Musical and rhythmic movements and dances: Using mnemonic tables with which children can perform various formations or learn dance elements.

Singing: By graphic image learn various songs, exercises for the development of the vocal apparatus, recognize and learn songs using picture prompts.

Musical and didactic games: Develop musical and auditory understanding, modal sense and sense of rhythm, using the presentations “Fun - Sad”, “Three Genres of Music”, “Determine the Rhythm”, etc.

Game at DMI: Acquaintance with musical instruments and their sound production. Learn parts in the orchestra according to the diagrams.

At entertainment and celebrations, you can also use slides as an illustrative, animated background for events. With the help of multimedia, such entertainment with children and parents as “Guess the melody” and “2 pianos” looks spectacular.

Creating multimedia presentations requires the music director to be able to use computer technology and large quantity time, which is ultimately justified by an increase in children’s cognitive interest in musical activities.

But, along with the advantages, various problems arise in the use of ICT in the work of a music director:

  • The teacher does not know how to use a computer
  • There is no computer for the teacher's home use
  • There is no computer in the music room of the preschool educational institution
  • Insufficient computer literacy of the teacher
  • Insufficient software

So, the use of information technology tools will make the process of learning and development of a child quite effective and will open up new opportunities for music education not only for the child himself, but also for the music director.

Much needs to be rethought and done so that the use of ICT in music education takes its rightful place. At the same time, of course, we should not forget: in the matter of musical education, the most important role remains the role of the music director, who cannot be replaced by any computer!


Internet resources:

  1. Petelina N.V. “The use of information and communication technologies in music lessons in primary school.
  2. Afanasyeva O.V. “Use of ICT in the educational process”
  3. Belyakov E.V. “The concept of ICT and their role in the educational process”
  4. Kruglova L. “Information technologies as part of the cultural and information environment of preschool children.”

The use of ICT in the work of a music director

Proshkina Olga Viktorovna

The article discusses questions about the need to use new information technologies in music classes in a preschool institution. A modern kindergarten should not lag behind the demands of the time, which means that a modern music director should use a computer in his activities, since our main task is the formation artistic taste, development of the child’s creative potential and harmonious development of the personality as a whole.


Computer programs teach children to be independent and develop self-control skills. Little children demand more help when completing tasks and step-by-step confirmation of their actions, and automated control of correctness frees up the teacher’s time for parallel work with other children. The use of computer learning tools also helps to develop composure, concentration, perseverance in preschoolers, and introduces empathy.

And in my work, I have the opportunity to introduce computer music programs into my work, which not only allow you to listen to music in high-quality recordings, view fragments of video recordings, but also give access to a large block of information related to the world of art: painting, music, literature, folk crafts. Thus, the use of a VCR and computer is very convenient not only for mastering musical material, but also for activating cognitive activity, realizing the child’s creative potential, cultivating interest in musical culture, and forming the spiritual world.

Internet search engines provide teachers with the opportunity to find almost any material on development and learning issues and any photographs and illustrations for classes.

The functions of demonstration material at children's matinees, leisure activities, as well as during everyday music classes, are performed by presentations created in the Microsoft Office PowerPoint application. They replace many pictures, posters and audio recordings. In my work I use presentations based on plays by P.I. Tchaikovsky, for example, “April”, “October”. Presentations on the study of classical composers (Handel, Bach, Vivaldi, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven), as well as composers of the Romantic era (Schubert, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Schumann, Liszt, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Rossini) are indispensable in the work. They make getting to know great musicians more fun and interesting. These presentations are suitable for many age groups of children.

Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid supporting images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic order. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to embed information not only in factual, but also in associative form in the memory of children.

The purpose of this presentation of developmental and educational information is to form a system of mental images in children. Presenting material in the form of a multimedia presentation reduces learning time and frees up children's health resources.

The use of multimedia presentations in the classroom makes it possible to build the educational process on the basis of psychologically correct modes of functioning of attention, memory, mental activity, humanization of the content of learning and pedagogical interactions, reconstruction of the learning and development process from the standpoint of integrity.


Traditionally, I begin a musical lesson with musical-rhythmic movements. The idea of ​​using movement as a means of developing children's musicality was put forward by the Swiss scientist and composer E.Zh. Dalcroze. In his opinion, the rhythm of music and plasticity are combined into movement.

I increasingly use audio recordings or video recordings (DVD), this makes my work easier, since I am not sitting at the piano, but can show dance movement or correct someone. I can record new movements on video where children watch a beautiful show. And in class the children watch and try to do the same. This is how I achieve expressive, high-quality execution of movements, and make sure that children accurately convey the features of a particular work. This technique develops memory and attention in students, because information is transmitted in an attractive form, which not only speeds up memorization, but also makes it meaningful and long-lasting. Round dances most often take place accompanied by folk songs; in our kindergarten, we have a lot of audio tapes that are selected according to theme; by type of musical activity. Although the lyrics of the songs suggest the content and sequence of movements, children independently stage it in accordance with the development of the plot, performing individual roles. Dances are usually based on fixed movements in a certain sequence and formation - pairs, circles, checkerboard patterns, and so on. Children really enjoy dancing to modern pop music. For example: “Fly away the cloud” by F. Kirkorov; “Sailor” by O. Gazmanov; “Old Grandmothers” by A. Buynov; “Winter” Alsou; ...

Perception of music is the most common type of musical activity available to everyone. Thanks to new information technologies, pop music is heard everywhere on television, radio, computers, tape recorders, players, and mobile phones; but very little classical music. I'm trying to make up for it.

In our music library there are many discs, audio cassettes, video cassettes: “The Nutcracker”, “Sleeping Beauty” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, “Top-clap, kids” by T. Sauko, A. Burenina... I give these recordings to parents on the weekend so that They watched it at home in a calm atmosphere with their children. If a child grows up in a family where not only entertaining music is heard, but also classics and folk music, he naturally gets used to its sound, accumulates auditory experience in various forms

musical activity.

In my collection there are audio cassettes that are united by one theme: the Great Patriotic War - (songs of the Second World War), “Relaxation with musical accompaniment", "Introduction to the theatre", "Staging songs for the development of speech and vocal skills" by E. Zheleznova., and also a lot musical fairy tales and songs from cartoons.

Developing listening skills in students, I introduce children to musical works of various genres and vivid means of expression. The children learned to express their empathy and reflect on what they saw - therefore, their speech, thinking, and artistic taste develop. Musical directors of preschool educational institutions must have a certain level of sound and performing culture, on which the effect of educational influence on the child largely depends, and be well trained in the field of musicology.

Singing is the most widespread and accessible form of performance.

Song is a valuable tool morally - aesthetic education, thanks to the unity of musical and literary text. To learn a song, we first listen, and after learning it, we listen to see if it is sung expressively and how it sounds. A video camera or audio recording helps us with this.

I am preparing very seriously for holidays and entertainment - I am looking for

poems, songs, dance music on the Internet, because they represent

the most striking events in the daily lives of children that bring joy

and aesthetic experiences.

On the computer, in my folder, I write plans, scenarios, diagnostics,

lyrics, poems, music, photographs and so on.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the new

information and communication technologies give impetus to development

new forms and content of traditional types of children's activities: this

the thesis is confirmed by the entire course of work united by the concept

“information for preschool education.” Helped us achieve a stable, positive change in the level of development of various aspects of the personality of a preschooler.

The use of information technology helps teachers increase children's learning motivation and leads to a number of positive consequences:

· psychologically facilitates the process of assimilation of material by children;

· arouses keen interest in the subject of knowledge;

· broadens the general horizons of children;

· the level of use of visual aids in the classroom increases;


The use of information technologies in education makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency.


1. Gulak, I.V. Using a computer //Management of preschool educational institutions. - 2006. No. 8

P. 36.

2. Novoselova, S.L. Computer World preschooler // New school. -

1997. - No. 3. - P. 23.

3. Horwitz, Yu., Pozdnyak, L. Who should work with a computer in children's

kindergarten//Preschool education. - 1991. - No. 5. - P. 12.

4. Kalinina, T.V. New information technologies in preschool

childhood // Preschool educational institution management. - 2008. No. 6 - P. 32

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The use of information and communication technologies in the work of the music director of a preschool educational institution


Information and communication technologies necessary to enhance the cognitive activity of children, to assimilate musical material, realization of creative potential, nurturing their interest in musical culture

Music, definition music, positive impact on the child, necessity use of classical music for child education, relevance use ICT in the educational process.

Music is art, the means of embodying artistic images for which are sound and silence, arranged in a special way in time. A means of conveying mood and feeling in music specially organized sounds serve. The main elements and expressive means music are melody, rhythm, meter, tempo, dynamics, timbre, harmony, instrumentation and others.

Music- this is a special spontaneous phenomenon that reflects the state of mind and soul of the composer, the manifestation of his psyche, mood, emotions, love and passion, fantasies and impressions. This art is perhaps the greatest and most beautiful in the history of mankind! Nothing can express the EGO and essence of a person more clearly than music! Perhaps this is because music, this is, first of all, the harmony of a person with himself and with nature, the balance of a person with other people around him. The harmony of notes makes up a melody, words are invented for the melody, a special arrangement is developed that matches the color of the melody, and the result is a song.

Music It is customary to divide them into genres and types. Musical works of each genre and type are usually easy to distinguish from each other due to specific musical properties everyone. We all love different music: one likes rock, another likes pop music, the third prefers the classics. ABOUT musical You can talk and argue about styles for a long time, but every person has at least one melody that he likes. Have we ever thought about what it is? music, what is it like, and why do people like it?

Music affects our mood, but not only, with its help you can cope with ailments. By using music can affect health person: when a person hears a fast music, his pulse quickens, his blood pressure rises, he begins to move and think faster, there is even a special direction in psychiatry - music therapy.

About the strongest impact music knew in ancient times and used it for various purposes. In Antiquity, there were 3 directions of influence music per person: on the spiritual essence of a person, on the intellect, on the physical body. Our distant ancestors, on some inspiration, created musical instruments and with their help they found such combinations of sounds and rhythms that fascinated people. Plato believed music the main means of educating a harmonious personality. Aristotle argued that music capable of influencing the ethical side of the soul. The ancient healer Avicenna healed with smells and laughter.

“If we teach today as we taught yesterday,

we will steal from our children tomorrow.”

John Dewey

These words make any teacher who loves his students think. Global informatization society occupies one of the dominant positions of civilization of the 21st century. Thanks to how quickly they are developing information and communication technologies, a new habitat and life activity of modern man is emerging. Computer technologiesmodern direction V working with children which can help their development.

Computer programs teach children to be independent and develop self-control skills. Usage Computer learning tools help preschoolers develop perseverance, composure, and introduce empathy.

A modern kindergarten should not lag behind the requirements of the time, and therefore a modern the music director must use a computer in his work, since the main priority is the formation of artistic taste, the development of the child’s creative potential and the harmonious development of the personality as a whole.

The Internet provides teachers with the opportunity to find almost any material on development and learning, any photographs, illustrations for classes. Multimedia presentations allow you to present educational and developmental material. The main goal of such a presentation is to form a system of mental images in children. Presentation material reduces learning time.

In his at work I use presentations, created in the Microsoft Office Power Point application. They replace pictures, posters, audio recordings, and are suitable for all age categories of children. Usage multimedia presentations allow you to structure the process of learning and education in such a way that it is interesting for children, so that they can learn and learn something new. I start every multimedia presentation with a preliminary a short story, I explain to the children what topic it is devoted to, often I use audio or video recordings.

Perception music- the most common type musical activity, which is accessible to everyone. Thanks to the rapid development information technologies popular music sounds everywhere: on television, on the radio, on the computer, in mobile phone. But good, classic very, very little music. I am trying to fill this gap - big musical classical collection music in my arsenal allows me to fill the listening gap music, children are listening music in class, at matinees, during leisure time, festive events, such they really like the music. While meeting with music different genres, children develop listening skills, children learn to express their emotions, experiences, and reflect on what they heard.

On recommendation, parents continue to listen to classical music at home. music with children. How bigger baby will listen to classical music, the faster he gets used to its sound, his artistic and aesthetic taste will gradually develop.

Many events preschool were built entirely on using classical music. In the preparatory group it sounded music P. And Tchaikovsky on « Autumn ball» . During New Year's party children junior group danced to the magnificent music B. A. Mozart.

Today there is an opportunity to apply in your work computer music programs, which allow you not only to listen good recording music, view fragments of works of art, but also give access to a large block information connected with the world art: music, painting, literature, folk crafts. Power Point allows you to use diagrams in class, portraits of composers, drawings, video clips. Using a computer, children can visit a museum in a virtual space (for example, a museum musical instruments, get acquainted with the work of composers, study musical notation, their audiovisual perception develops well. In this case musical and artistic images are perceived deeper, brighter, since musical sound is complemented by pictures, development, movement, and the image of images and pictures is complemented by sounds. Thus, usage computers are very convenient for children to learn musical material, to enhance cognitive activity, realize creative potential, and cultivate their interest in musical culture, formation of the spiritual world.

IN work I use presentations with children as a means of clarity when learning new material and to consolidate what has been learned. For example, when introducing children to classical music are used thematic presentations, such as "Corners of Moscow", "My Moscow", "Red Square". Children really like such presentations; they become interested in the pictures. In the preparatory group of 25 children, 21 showed interest in this topic. Thus, a whole series of presentations appeared "Virtual trip around Moscow". These presentations contain slides, videos, clips, and clips. Together with the teachers and parents of the children, a virtual travel program for the year was drawn up. We invited parents to become co-authors, to become work with parents remotely using webinars. After such virtual trips, parents conduct excursions for children on their own.

Use of information technology helps teachers increase children's learning motivation and leads to a number of positive changes in children:

A keen interest in the subject of knowledge appears;

The horizons expand;

The effectiveness of using visual aids in the classroom increases;

Facilitates the process of learning the material.

Using information and communication technologies at work with preschoolers allows you to expand the creative abilities of the teacher and increase the efficiency of the educational process in preschool educational institutions.


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